Powers and duties

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ID Label P/D Status
13 Education and training - sharing of information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
14 Education and children's social work - expenditure D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
15 Education and training - co-operation with another local authority in delivering section 68 duty P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
16 Education and training - young people and young adults D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
17 Young person - learning and support agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
18 Education - pupil or student information D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
19 Young person or young adult - information provision P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
20 Education and training - provision for 14 - 19 year olds D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
21 Schools - financial or other assistance to academy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
22 Schools - ceasing maintenance on conversion to academy status D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
23 Schools - academy property transfer scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
24 Schools - academy board and lodging D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
25 Schools - transfer of land to academy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
26 Schools - consent of Secretary of State to transfer D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
27 Schools - transfer of former academy land D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
28 Schools - change of land use D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
29 Schools - transfer of land to be legally effective D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
30 Schools - formation of company for academy P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
31 Policy - pay policy statement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
32 Policy - Chief Officer remuneration D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
33 Land of community value - maintenance of list D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
34 Land of community value - unsuccessful nominations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
35 Land of community value - publication of lists D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
36 Land of community value - publication of intended sale D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
37 Land of community value - disposal moratorium P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
38 Land of community value - co-operation between authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
39 Services - expressions of interest in providing D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
40 Business rates - supplement (BRS) P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
41 Business rates - procedures for imposing a BRS D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
42 Business rates - BRS relief P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
43 Business rates - interaction with BID levy where BRS imposed D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
44 Business rates - notice of BRS to billing authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
45 Business rates - calculation of chargeable amount where BRS imposed D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
46 Business rates - BRS collection and enforcement and administrative expenses D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
47 Business rates - accounting provisions for BRS D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
48 Business rates - directions on cancellation of BRS D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
49 Business rates - request for information in respect of BRS P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
50 Business rates - compliance with guidance for BRS D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
51 Services - charging for provision P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
52 Child poverty - co-operation to reduce child poverty D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
53 Child poverty - resources and pooled fund P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
54 Child poverty - local needs assessment D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
55 Children's social care - arrangements for discharge of care functions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
56 Children's social care - designated school staff member for looked after children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
57 Climate change report in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
58 Climate change report in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
59 Climate change - single use carrier bags D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
61 Services - timimg for submission of expressions of interest P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
62 Services - consideration of wellbeing of area during service procurement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
63 Local economy - assessment of economic conditions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
64 Local economy - funding for Economic Prosperity Board D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
65 Local economy - review of arrangements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
66 Local economy - new Economic Prosperity Board P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
67 Local economy - review of Economic Prosperity Board matters P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
68 Local economy - preparation and publication of scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
69 Policy - joint review of transport or economic development P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
70 Policy - creation of combined authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
71 Policy - combined authority review P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
72 Policy - preparation and publication of scheme for a combined authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
73 Policy - regard to guidance by Secretary of State for combined authority D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
74 Policy - proposal for multi-area agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
75 Policy - direction to prepare and submit draft multi-area agreement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
76 Policy - submission of existing multi-area agreement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
77 Policy - multi-area agreement improvement targets D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
78 Policy - transfer of responsibility in multi-area agreement P Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
79 Policy - revision proposals for multi-area agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
80 Policy - publication of information about multi-area agreement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
81 Electoral areas - provision of information to Boundary Commission D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
83 Electoral areas - request for Boundary Commission review. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
84 Equality - public sector duty regarding socio-economic inequalities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
85 Equality - duty to eliminate discrimination, enhance equality and foster good relations D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
86 Equality - publication of information to demonstrate compliance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
87 Equality - prepare and publish an equality objective D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
88 Flooding - flood risk management strategy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
89 Flooding - guidance on flood risk management strategy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
90 Flooding and coastal erosion - co-operation and arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
91 Flooding and coastal erosion - sharing of information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
92 Flooding - delegation of flood risk management function P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
93 Coastal defence - delegation of coastal erosion risk management function P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
94 Coastal erosion - risk management function exercised on behalf of Environment Agency P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
95 Flooding and coastal erosion - request for information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
96 Flooding and coastal erosion - enforcement notice for failure to provide information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
97 Flooding - investigation of flooding incident D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
98 Flooding - register of structures or features with significant effect on flood risk D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
99 Flooding and coastal erosion - sustainable development D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
100 Flooding and coastal erosion - designation of features which may affect the flood or coastal erosion risk P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
101 Child protection - duty of care D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
102 Policy - power of general competence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
103 Disability - National Autism Strategy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
104 Housing - settlement payments D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
105 Housing - limits on indebtedness D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
106 Housing - provision of housing finance information D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
107 Housing - tenancy strategy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
108 Marine planning - delegation of functions relating to marine plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
109 Marine policy - decisions in accordance with marine policy documents D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
110 Marine licensing - delegation of functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
111 Marine Conservation Zones - furthering conservation objectives D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
112 Marine Conservation Zones - applications which may hinder MCZ objectives D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
113 Marine Conservation Zones - failure to comply D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
114 Members - promote and maintain high standards of conduct D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
115 Members - register of interests D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
116 Members - dispensation where pecuniary interest P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
117 Regulatory enforcement - responsibility of primary authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
118 Regulatory enforcement - notification to primary authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
119 Regulatory enforcement - inspection plan P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
120 Regulatory enforcement - compliance with inspection plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
121 Regulatory enforcement - charging of fees and costs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
122 Regulatory enforcement - LBRO guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
123 Regulatory enforcement - fixed monetary penalty P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
124 Regulatory enforcement - discretionary requirements in relation to an offence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
125 Regulatory enforcement - stop notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
126 Regulatory enforcement - enforcement undertaking P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
127 Regulatory enforcement - guidance as to use of civil sanctions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
128 Regulatory enforcement - publication of enforcement action D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
129 Regulatory enforcement - payment of penalties into consolidated fund D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
130 Regulatory enforcement - disclosure of information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
131 Regulatory enforcement - duty not to impose or maintain unnecessary burdens D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
132 Transport - new integrated transport authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
133 Transport - review of the effectiveness and efficiency of transport D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
134 Transport - authorities review of arrangements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
135 Transport - review directed by Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
136 Transport - delegation of functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
137 Transport - regard to guidance issued by Secretary of State D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
138 Animal welfare - prosecutions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
139 Animal welfare - appointment of inspectors P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
140 Policy - proposals for single tier of local government P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
141 Policy - provision of information to Boundary Committee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
142 Staff - establishment of staff commission D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
143 Elections - resolution for whole-council elections P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
144 Elections - publicity of explanatory document for whole council elections D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
145 Elections - notice to Electoral Commission on passing resolution for whole council elections D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
146 Elections - resolution for elections by halves P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
147 Elections - resolution for elections by thirds P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
148 Elections - publicity of explanatory document for elections by halves or thirds D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
149 Elections - notice to Electoral Commission on passing resolution for election by halves or thirds D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
150 Elections - order by Electoral Commission for election by halves or thirds D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
151 Elections - alteration to years of ordinary elections of parish councillors P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
152 Elections - change of name of electoral area P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
153 Elections - notification of change of name of electoral area D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
154 Policy - structural and boundary changes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
155 Policy - review by Boundary Committee of local government areas P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
156 Carers - co-operation between authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
157 Child welfare - safeguarding targets D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
158 Child welfare - co-operation to improve well-being D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
159 Child welfare - arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
160 Child welfare - information database D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
161 Child welfare - establishment of Children's Trust Board D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
162 Child welfare - funding of Children's Trust Board P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
163 Child welfare - establishment of Local Safeguarding Children Board D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
164 Child welfare - funding of Local Safeguarding Children Board P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
165 Child welfare - guidance with regard to Local Safeguarding Children Board D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
166 Child welfare - appointment of Director of Children's Services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
167 Child welfare - designation of lead member for children's services in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
168 Child welfare - co-operation in assessments of children's services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
169 Child welfare - delegation in assessments of children's services P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
170 Child welfare - co-operation for wellbeing D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
171 Child welfare - children and young people's plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
172 Child welfare - designation of lead member for children's services in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
173 Child welfare - lead director for children and young people's services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
174 Child welfare - arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
175 Child welfare - Local Safeguarding Children Board establishment D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
176 Child welfare - Local Safeguarding Children Board funding P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
177 Child welfare - Local Safeguarding Children Board functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
178 Fostering - registration of private fosterers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
179 Fostering - private fosterers registration D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
180 Christmas Day trading - enforcement of prohibition D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
181 Child welfare - general duties in relation to well-being of young children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
182 Childcare - early childcare services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
183 Childcare - local authority and relevant partners working together D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
184 Childcare - provision of children's centres D N/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
185 Childcare - ensure children's centres are within the remit of advisory boards D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
186 Children's centres - consultation on provision, changes or closure D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
187 Children's centres - provision of services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
188 Childcare - sufficient childcare for working parents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
189 Childcare - free of charge early years provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
190 Childcare provision in England P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
191 Childcare - arrangements between local authority and childcare providers in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
192 Childcare - charges where local authority provide childcare P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
193 Childcare - assessment of childcare provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
194 Childcare - information, advice and assistance to parents in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
195 Childcare - information, advice and training to childcare providers in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
196 Childcare for working parents in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
197 Childcare provision in Wales P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
198 Childcare - arrangements between local authority and childcare providers in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
199 Childcare - charges where local authority provide childcare in Wales P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
200 Childcare - information, advice and assistance to parents in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
201 Children's centres - publication of Chief Inspector's report P N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
202 Children's centres - written statement on Chief Inspector's report D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
203 Emergencies - assess, plan and advise D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
204 Emergencies - advice and assistance to the public D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
205 Emergencies - charging for advice and assistance P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
206 Emergencies - consultation, co-operation and delegation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
207 Emergencies - disclosure of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
208 Emergencies - provision of information to Government P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
209 Emergencies - enforcement action P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
210 Civil partnership - publication of notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
211 Civil partnership - requirement for specified evidence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
212 Civil partnership - public display of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
213 Civil partnership - power to shorten waiting period D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
214 Civil partnership - issue of schedule D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
215 Civil partnership - civil partnership registrars D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
216 Vehicles for repair or sale on road - fixed penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
217 Vehicles for repair or sale on road - request for personal details P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
218 Vehicles for repair or sale on road - use of receipts P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
219 Vehicles for repair or sale on road - information about receipts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
220 Dog control orders - designation P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
221 Dog control orders - fixed penalty notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
222 Dog control orders - request for personal details P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
223 Alarm notification areas - designation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
224 Alarm notification areas - withdrawal of designation P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
225 Alarm notification areas- fixed penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
226 Alarm notification areas- use of receipts P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
227 Alarm notification areas - information about receipts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
228 Alarm notification areas- request for personal details P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
229 Alarm notification areas - power of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
230 Alarm notification areas - warrant of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
231 Alarm notification areas- powers on entry to premises P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
232 Litter, graffiti and fly-posting - use of receipts P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
233 Litter, graffiti and fly-posting - providing information about receipts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
234 Energy measures report - regard when exercising functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
235 Common land - register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
236 Common land - amendments to register P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
237 Common land - deregistration and exchange D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
238 Common land - charge for inspection of register P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
239 Common land - inspection and copies of register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
240 Common land - unclaimed land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
241 Crime and disorder - committee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
242 Schools - establishment of an academy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
243 Schools - invitation for proposal for establishment of new school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
244 Schools - withdrawal of notice for establishment of new school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
245 Schools - withdrawal of notice on direction of Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
246 Schools - publication of proposals for new school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
247 Schools - Publication of proposals where new school other than to replace existing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
248 Schools - closure of a maintained school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
249 Schools - closure of a community or a foundation special school D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
250 Schools - publication of proposals for alteration of school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
251 Schools - proposals for foundation status P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
252 Schools - removal of foundation or reduction in foundation governors P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
253 Schools - teachers pay and conditions warning notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
254 Schools - performance standards or safety warning notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
256 Schools - require governing body to enter into arrangements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
257 Schools - appointment of additional governors P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
258 Schools - interim executive members on governing body P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
259 Schools - suspension of right to delegated budget P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
260 Schools - closure on direction of Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
261 Schools - issue of standards warning notice on direction of Secretary of State D N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
262 Schools - issue of teachers pay and consitions warning notice on direction of Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
263 Schools - piloting of school travel schemes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
264 Schools - guidance of the Secretary of State regarding schools causing concern D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
265 Schools - responsibility of governing body for discipline D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
266 Schools - education for excluded pupil D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
267 Schools - reports of inspections D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
268 Schools - payment of annual fee to Chief Inspector D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
269 Schools - co-operation with Chief Inspector for investigation of a complaint D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
270 Schools - reports of investigations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
271 Schools - distribution and charges for maintained school inspection reports in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
272 Schools - special measures/requiring significant improvement in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
273 Schools - inspections in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
274 Schools - distribution and charges for maintained school inspection reports in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
275 Schools - special measures/requiring significant improvement in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
276 Schools - inspection of religious education in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
277 Schools - inspection of religious education in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
278 Schools - LEA inspection of maintained schools in England P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
279 Schools - LEA inspection of schools in Wales P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
280 Schools - training for the school workforce P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
281 Schools - educational performance targets D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
282 Schools - supply of information about school workforce D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
283 Fire and rescue - general powers of authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
284 Fire and rescue - fire safety D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
285 Fire and rescue - fire fighting D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
286 Fire and rescue - road traffic accidents D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
287 Fire and rescue - emergencies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
288 Fire and rescue - directions relating to particular fires and emergencies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
289 Fire and rescue - response to other eventualities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
290 Fire and rescue - other services P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
291 Fire and rescue - reinforcement schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
292 Fire and rescue - arrangements with other employers of fire-fighters P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
293 Fire and rescue - arrangements for discharge of functions by others P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
294 Fire and rescue - directions to make arrangements with another fire authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
295 Fire and rescue - training centres P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
296 Fire and rescue - charging by authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
297 Fire and rescue - exercise of powers at or under sea P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
298 Fire and rescue - National Framework D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
299 Fire and rescue - intervention by Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
300 Fire and rescue - best value D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
301 Fire and rescue - reports, returns and information to Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
302 Fire and rescue - equipment, facilities, services and organisations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
303 Fire and rescue - directions for public safety purposes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
304 Fire and rescue - securing adequate water supply D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
305 Fire and rescue - use of and payment for water supply P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
306 Fire and rescue - supply of water by water undertakers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
307 Fire and rescue - supply of water by other persons P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
308 Fire and rescue - fire hydrants D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
309 Fire and rescue - powers of fire-fighters etc in an emergency P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
310 Fire and rescue - obtaining information and investigating fires P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
312 Gambling - guidance from Gambling Commission D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
313 Gambling - licensing authority information D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
314 Gambling - premises licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
315 Gambling - delegation of licensing authority functions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
316 Gambling - register of premises licences D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
317 Gambling - charge for register entry copy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
318 Gambling - representations in relation to licence application P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
319 Gambling - determination of application D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
320 Gambling - notice of grant or rejection of gambling premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
321 Gambling - resolution not to issue casino licences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
322 Gambling - premises licence conditions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
323 Gambling - exclusion of licence conditions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
324 Gambling - gaming machines D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
325 Gambling - credit on licensed premises D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
326 Gambling - access by children to casino premises D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
327 Gambling - betting machines P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
328 Gambling - exclusion of children from track areas P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
329 Gambling - Christmas Day closure D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
330 Gambling - premises licence annual fee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
331 Gambling - variation to licence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
332 Gambling - transfer of premises licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
333 Gambling - copy of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
334 Gambling - surrender of premises licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
335 Gambling - revocation of premises licence for failure to pay fee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
336 Gambling - lapse of premises licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
337 Gambling - re-instatement of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
338 Gambling - review of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
339 Gambling - provisional statement for premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
340 Gambling - stay pending appeal for premises licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
341 Gambling - planning permission and premises licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
343 Gambling - premises licence fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
344 Gambling - temporary use notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
345 Gambling - delegation of temporary use of premises functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
346 Gambling - temporary use register D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
347 Gambling - charge for temporary use register copy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
348 Gambling - family entertainment centre gaming machine permit D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
349 Gambling - club gaming and club machine permits D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
350 Gambling - removal of exemption P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
351 Gambling - prize gaming permit D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
352 Gambling - inspection of family entertainment centre P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
353 Gambling - inspection of premises licensed for alcohol P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
354 Gambling - licensed premises gaming machine permits D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
355 Gambling - inspection of premises for prize gaming permit P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
356 Gambling - inspection of premises of society registered for lotteries P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
357 Gambling - prosecution by licensing authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
358 Gambling - three year licensing policy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
359 Gambling - exchange of information with regard to licensing functions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
360 Policy - local area agreement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
361 Policy - regard to local improvement targets in local area agreement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
362 Policy - revision and amendment of targets in local area agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
363 Publication of information - local area agreement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
364 Health and social care - joint strategic needs assessments D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
365 Members - exercise of any function of a local authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
366 Health and social care - local involvement networks D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
367 Health and social care - independent advocacy services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
368 Health and social care - appointment of mental capacity advocate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
369 Public health - improving health of people in local area D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
370 Public health - appointment of directors D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
371 Public health - guidance from Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
372 Public health - complaints about exercise of public health functions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
373 Public health - arrangements between NHS bodies and local authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
374 Public health - payments to boards and commissioning groups in England P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
375 Public health - establishment of a care trust D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
376 Public health - directed partnership arrangements in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
377 Public health - co-operation between NHS bodies and local authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
378 Public health - dental public health D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
379 Public health - exercise by local authorities of certain public health functions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
380 Public health - joint working with prison service D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
381 Public health - overview and scrutiny committees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
382 Public health - joint overview and scrutiny committee P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
383 Public health - equipment and facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
385 Public health - provision for the care of mothers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
386 Social care - home help facilities D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
387 Social care - laundry facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
388 Social services - research P Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
389 Schools - medical inspection of pupils at maintained schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
390 Schools - medical inspection of pupils at other schools P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
392 Schools - weighing and measuring of children P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
394 Public health - arrangements between local authorities and NHS bodies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
395 Public health - payments to board or commissioning group in Wales P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
397 Public health - directed partnership arrangements in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
398 Public health - health and wellbeing strategies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
399 Public health - provision of premises, equipment or accommodation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
400 Schools - medical inspection of children in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
401 Natural environment - agreement to carry out a DEFRA function P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
402 Natural environment - agreement with another body to carry out designated DEFRA function P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
403 Safeguarding vulnerable people - referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
404 Safeguarding vulnerable people - provide information to the Disclosure and Barring Service D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
405 Local community - proposals for sustainability P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
406 Crime reduction - drinking banning order in magistrates court P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
407 Crime reduction - drinking banning order in county court P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
408 Crime reduction - breach of drinking banning order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
409 Adoption - general considerations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
410 Adoption - maintenance of adoption service D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
411 Adoption - assessments for adoption support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
412 Adoption - inactive or defunct adoption societies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
413 Adoption - fees P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
414 Adoption - information concerning adoption D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
415 Adoption - default order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
416 Adoption - inspection of premises P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
418 Adoption - placement for adoption by agencies P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
419 Adoption - applications for placement order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
420 Adoption - varying placement orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
421 Adoption - revoking placement orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
422 Adoption - restriction of parental responsibility P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
423 Adoption - contact order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
424 Adoption - refusal of contact P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
426 Adoption - recovery of child by parent or guardian D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
427 Adoption - return of child in other cases D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
428 Adoption - court reports for proposed adoption D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
429 Adoption - disclosing information during adoption process D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
430 Adoption - keeping of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
431 Adoption - restrictions on disclosure of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
432 Adoption - disclosure of information to an adopted adult D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
433 Adoption - counselling services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
434 Adoption - information for pre-commencement adoptions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
435 Unlawful use of drugs on premises - discharge of closure order P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
436 Unlawful use of drugs on premises - reimbursement of costs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
437 Premises associated with persistent disorder or nuisance - closure notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
438 Premises associated with persistent disorder or nuisance - reimbursement of costs P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
439 Schools - parenting contracts P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
440 Schools - parenting orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
441 Anti-social behaviour - parenting contracts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
442 Anti-social behaviour - parenting orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
443 Anti-social behaviour - contracting out P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
444 Anti-social behaviour - closure of noisy premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
445 Anti-social behaviour - penalty notices for graffiti and fly posting P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
447 Anti-social behaviour - notice to remove graffiti and fly posting P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
448 Anti-social behaviour - sale of aerosol paints to children enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
449 Anti-social behaviour - high hedge complaints D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
450 Anti-social behaviour - remedial notices for high hedges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
451 Anti-social behaviour - high hedges power of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
452 Anti-social behaviour - charging for work on high hedges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
453 Fostering - regulation of the exercise of relevant fostering functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
454 Care standards - national minimum standards D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
455 Care standards - annual returns D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
456 Care assessments - right of carers to assessment D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
457 Care - vouchers for temporary care D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
458 Care assessments - persons with parental responsibility for disabled children D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
459 Care - informing carers of disabled children of right to assessment D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
460 Community care - needs assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
461 Community care - liability to make delayed discharge payments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
462 Access land - byelaws P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
463 Access land - wardens P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
464 Access land - notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
465 Rights of way - improvement plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
466 Areas of outstanding natural beauty - general duties D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
467 Areas of outstanding natural beauty - management plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
468 Countryside - local access forums D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
469 Alcohol - designated public place P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
470 Alcohol - effect of designated public place on byelaws D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
471 Alcohol - unlicensed premises closure notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
472 Alcohol - unlicensed premises closure order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
473 Alcohol - termination of unlicensed premises closure orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
474 Alcohol - enforcement of unlicensed premises closure orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
475 Education - suspension of statutory requirements P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
476 Education - formation of or investment in companies to provide services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
477 Education - incorporation of governing body D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
478 Education - instruments of government D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
479 Education - general responsibility for conduct of schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
480 Education - training and support of governors D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
481 Education - clerk to the governing body D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
482 Education - parent council for foundation school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
483 Education - federations of schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
484 Education - collaboration between schools P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
485 Education - provision of community facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
486 Education - provision and funding of higher education in maintained schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
487 Education - complaints procedure in maintained schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
488 Education - attendance outside school premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
489 Education - health and safety on school premises or for activities elsewhere D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
490 Education - provision for improving behaviour P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
491 Education - governers' report in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
492 Education - governing body reports P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
493 Education - term and holiday dates D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
494 Education - arrangements for government of new schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
495 Education - staffing of community, voluntary controlled, community special, maintained nursery schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
496 Education - staffing of foundation, voluntary aided and foundation special schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
497 Education - payments in respect of dismissal D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
498 Education - accounts of maintained schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
499 Education - exclusion of pupils from school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
500 Education - advisory services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
501 Education - National Curriculum minimum requirements in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
502 Education - implementation of National Curriculum in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
503 Education - National Curriculum exceptions by direction and regulations in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
504 Education - pupils with EHC plan in England P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
505 Education - temporary exceptions to National Curriculum for individual pupils in England P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
506 Education - National Curriculum minimum requirements in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
507 Education - implementation of National Curriculum in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
508 Education - National Curriculum exceptions by direction and regulations in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
509 Education - pupils with statements of special educational needs in Wales P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
510 Education - temporary exceptions to National Curriculum for individual pupils in Wales P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
512 Education - local curriculum key stage 4 in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
513 Education - teachers pay and conditions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
514 Education - teachers pay and conditions in education action zones P Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
516 Education - teacher appraisal D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
517 Education - teacher health and fitness D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
518 Education - supply of information following teacher dismissal D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
519 Education - funded nursery education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
520 Education - duties in relation to welfare of children D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
521 Education - consultation with pupils D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
522 Education - academic and vocational qualifications P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
523 Education - consideration of regional SEN provision D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
524 Education - directed regional SEN provision D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
525 Education - publication and provision of materials D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
526 Education - partnership agreements and statements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
527 Education - transition plans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
528 Fire and rescue - conditions of service of fire brigade members D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
529 Licensing - fireworks suppliers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
530 Social services - review and inspections by Assembly D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
532 Social services - investigation of complaints D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
533 Homelessness strategy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
534 Homelessness strategy - co-operation with housing authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
535 Housing - review of housing conditions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
536 Housing - inspection of residential premises for category 1 or 2 hazard D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
537 Housing - enforcement action category 1 hazard D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
538 Housing - enforcement action category 2 hazard P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
539 Housing - reasons for decision to take enforcement action on category 1 or 2 hazard D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
540 Housing - guidance about inspection and enforcement action D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
541 Housing consultation with fire and rescue authority on enforcement action D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
542 Housing - improvement notice where category 1 hazard D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
543 Housing - improvement notice where category 2 hazard P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
544 Housing - suspension of improvement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
545 Housing - mandatory revocation of improvement notice D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
546 Housing - discretionary revocation of an improvement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
547 Housing - discretionary review of suspended improvement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
548 Housing - mandatory review of suspended improvement notice D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
549 Housing - improvement notices appeals procedure D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
550 Housing - prohibition order where category 1 hazard D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
551 Housing - prohibition order where category 2 hazard P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
552 Housing - suspension of prohibition order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
553 Housing - mandatory revocation of prohibition order D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
554 Housing - discretionary revocation of prohibition order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
555 Housing - discretionary review of suspended prohibition order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
556 Housing - mandatory review of suspended prohibition order D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
557 Housing - prohibition order appeals procedure D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
558 Housing - hazard awareness notice where category 1 hazard D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
559 Housing - hazard awareness notice where category 2 hazard P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
560 Housing - improvement notices enforcement action D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
561 Housing - emergency remedial action where category 1 hazard D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
562 Housing - emergency prohibition order where category 1 hazard D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
563 Housing - charging for certain enforcement action P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
564 Houses in multiple occupation - general duties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
565 Houses in multiple occupation - additional licensing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
566 Houses in multiple occupation - publication of additional licensing designation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
567 Houses in multiple occupation - review of additional licensing designation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
568 Houses in multiple occupation - licensing applications D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
569 Houses in multiple occupation - temporary exemption from licensing requirements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
570 Houses in multiple occupation - licence fees P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
571 Houses in multiple occupation - grant or refusal of licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
572 Houses in multiple occupation - variation of licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
573 Houses in multiple occupation - revocation of licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
574 Houses in multiple occupation - rent repayment order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
575 Housing - selective licensing of other residential accommodation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
576 Housing - designation of selective licensing areas P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
577 Housing - publication of notice of selective licensing area D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
578 Housing - review and revocation of selective licensing areas D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
579 Housing - requirement for Part 3 houses to be licensed D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
580 Housing - temporary exemption from selective licensing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
582 Housing - application and fee for selective licence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
583 Housing - grant or refusal of licence in selective licensing area D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
584 Housing - variation of licence in selective licensing area P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
585 Housing - revocation of licence in selective licensing area P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
586 Housing - rent repayment orders for unlicensed houses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
587 Housing - mandatory interim management orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
588 Housing - discretionary interim management orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
589 Housing - mandatory final management orders D N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
590 Housing - discretionary final management orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
591 Housing - management scheme for final management orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
592 Housing - variation to final management orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
593 Housing - revocation of final management orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
594 Housing - furniture in housing subject to a management order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
595 Housing - compensation where housing subject to management orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
596 Housing - financial arrangements on termination of management order D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
597 Housing - right of entry to carry out work where management order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
598 Housing - interim empty dwelling management order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
599 Housing - management where interim EDMO in force D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
600 Housing - final empty dwelling management order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
601 Housing - management where final EDMO in force D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
602 Housing - compensation for interim EDMO D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
603 Housing - compensation for final EDMO P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
604 Housing - overcrowding notice for HMO P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
606 Housing - variation or revocation of overcrowding notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
607 Gypsies and travellers - review of accommodation needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
608 Gypsies and travellers - preparation of strategy for accommodation needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
609 Housing - register of licences and management orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
610 Housing - acquisition and use of information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
611 Housing - power of entry to premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
612 Housing - additional notice requirements for protection of owners D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
613 Housing - service of documents D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
614 Housing - licences and other documents in electronic form P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
615 Housing - house in multiple occupation declaration P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
616 Housing - revocation of HMO declaration P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
617 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - general duties of licensing authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
618 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - policy statement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
619 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - licensing committee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
620 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - exercise and delegation of functions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
621 Alcohol and entertainment licencing - register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
622 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - sub-committees P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
623 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - premises licence determination D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
624 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - premises licence provisional statement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
625 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - variation to premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
626 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - minor variation to premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
627 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - transfer of premises licence interim effect D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
628 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - transfer of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
629 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - premises licence interim authority notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
630 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - re-instatement of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
631 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - review of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
632 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - suspension of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
633 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - update of premises licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
634 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - inspection of premises for grant of premises licence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
635 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - club premises certificate applications D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
636 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - name or rule change for club premises certificate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
637 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - change of registered address for club premises certificate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
638 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - variation to club premises certificate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
639 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - club premises certificate review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
640 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - withdrawal of club premises certificate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
641 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - suspension of club premises certificate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
642 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - club premises certificate update D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
643 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - request to produce club premises certificate P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
644 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - inspection prior to grant of club premises certificate P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
645 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - acknowledgement of temporary event notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
646 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - counter notice to temporary event notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
647 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - modification of temporary event notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
648 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - conditions on temporary event notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
649 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - counter notice where temporary event notice limit exceeded D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
650 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - right of entry where temporary event notice given P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
651 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - request for production of temporary event notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
652 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - issue of copy temporary event notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
653 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - personal licence applications and renewals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
654 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - convictions after grant or renewal of personal licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
655 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - form of personal licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
656 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - copy personal licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
657 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - update of personal licence document D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
658 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - request to inspect personal licence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
659 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - enforcement of prohibition on sale of alcohol to children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
660 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - review of premises licence following closure order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
661 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - closure notice for persistently selling alcohol to children P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
662 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - early morning alcohol restriction order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
663 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - rights of entry to investigate licensable activities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
664 Alcohol and entertainment licensing - proceedings for offences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
665 Finance - borrowing money P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
666 Finance - affordable borrowing limit D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
667 Finance - transfer of headroom P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
668 Finance - control of credit arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
669 Finance - use of capital receipts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
670 Finance - power to invest P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
671 Finance - providing information to the Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
672 Finance - regard to guidance from Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
673 Finance - accounting practices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
674 Finance - budget calculations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
675 Finance - report on inadequacy of controlled reserve D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
676 Finance - budget monitoring D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
677 Finance - compliance with terms of grants D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
678 Finance - compliance with terms of grant for service excellence/best value D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
679 Finance - payments towards local authority indebtedness D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
680 Business improvement district - arrangements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
681 Business improvement district - additional contributions and action P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
682 Business improvement district - compliance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
683 Business improvement district - BID levy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
684 Business improvement district - BID revenue account D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
685 Business improvement district - administration of BID levy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
686 Business improvement district - BID proposals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
687 Business improvement district - approval in ballot D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
688 Business improvement district - veto P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
689 Business improvement district - appeal against veto D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
690 Business improvement district - commencement and duration of BID arrangements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
691 Policy - housing finance strategies and statements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
692 Policy - charging for discretionary services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
693 Policy - trading in function-related activities through a company P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
694 Consultation - local polls P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
695 Licensing/registration - register of motor salvage operators D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
696 Licensing/registration - cancellation of motor salvage operator registration P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
697 Licensing/registration - proceedings for offences related to motor salvage operators P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
698 Licensing/registration - entry to property of registration plate supplier P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
699 Licensing/registration - proceedings for offences related to registration plate suppliers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
700 Immigration and asylum - accommodation centres P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
701 Immigration and asylum - disclosure of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
702 Planning and development - survey of area in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
703 Planning and development - survey of area related to county matters D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
704 Planning and development - local development schemes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
705 Planning and development - minerals and waste development scheme D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
706 Planning and development - statement of community involvement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
707 Planning and development - preparation of local development documents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
708 Planning and development - withdrawal of local development documents P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
709 Planning and development - adoption of local development documents P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
710 Planning and development - discretionary revision of local development documents P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
711 Planning and development - mandatory revision of local development documents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
712 Planning and development - reimbursement of costs to Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
713 Planning and development - joint local development documents P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
714 Planning and development - discretionary joint committees P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
715 Planning and development - mandatory joint committees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
716 Planning and development - co-operation in relation to sustainable development D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
717 Planning and development - regard to Secretary of State's guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
718 Planning and development - local development monitoring reports D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
719 Planning and development - neighbourhood development plans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
720 Planning and development - sustainable development D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
721 Development control - response to consultation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
722 Planning and development Wales - survey of area in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
723 Planning and development Wales - local development plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
725 Planning and development Wales - intervention by Assembly D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
726 Planning and development Wales - withdrawal of local development plan P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
727 Planning and development Wales - adoption of local development plan P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
728 Planning and development Wales - revocation of local development plan P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
729 Planning and development Wales - review of local development plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
730 Planning and development Wales - revision of local development plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
732 Planning and development - expenditure of Assembly D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
733 Planning and development Wales - regard to guidance from Assembly D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
734 Planning and development Wales - annual monitoring report D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
735 Licensing and registration - private security industry licence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
736 Social care - charge on land for part 3 accommodation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
737 Social care - deferred payments for part 3 accommodation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
738 Social care - direct payments regulations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
739 Trading standards - tobacco advertising and promotion enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
740 Trading standards - entry to premises for tobacco advertising and promotion enforcement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
741 Waste disposal - landfills D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
742 Waste disposal - municipal waste management strategy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
743 Waste disposal - provision of information about waste D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
744 Waste disposal - joint municipal waste management strategies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
745 Water conservation by public authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
746 Carers - assessment of ability of carers to provide care D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
747 Clean air - exemption from requirements regarding grit and dust emissions from a furnace P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
748 Clean air - requirement to fit arrestment plant for burning solid fuel D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
749 Clean air - notification of decision on application for arrestment plant D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
750 Clean air - measurement of grit, dust and fumes by local authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
751 Clean air - information about furnaces and fuel consumed P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
752 Clean air - height of chimneys D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
753 Clean air - discretionary smoke control areas P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
754 Clean air - smoke control orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
755 Clean air - directed smoke control areas D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
756 Clean air - exemptions relating to prohibition of smoke emission in particular areas D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
757 Clean air - adaptation of fireplaces in private dwellings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
758 Clean air - grants for adaptation of fireplaces P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
759 Air pollution - research and publicity P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
760 Air pollution - obtaining information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
761 Air pollution - notices requiring information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
762 Air pollution - information for the Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
763 Air pollution - exemption for purposes of investigations and research P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
764 Air pollution - Crown premises D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
765 Clean air - notification of offences D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
766 Clean air - general provisions as to enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
767 Clean air - institution of proceedings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
768 Clean air - rights of entry and inspection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
769 Clean air - notice to require information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
770 Clean air - authority defaulting on functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
771 Clean air - joint exercise of local authority functions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
772 Anti-social behaviour - child safety orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
773 Anti-social behaviour - parental compensation order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
774 Crime and disorder - consideration of crime and disorder implications D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
775 Crime and disorder - sharing of information D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
776 Youth justice - local provision of services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
777 Youth justice - youth offending teams D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
778 Youth justice - notification of detention of child or young person D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
779 Youth justice - youth justice plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
780 Crime and disorder - anti-social behaviour orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
781 Crime and disorder - review of anti-social behaviour orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
782 Crime and disorder - combination agreements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
783 Crime and disorder - formulation and implementation of strategies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
784 Anti-social behaviour - co-operation when making parenting orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
785 Data protection - compliance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
786 Education - promotion of high standards in primary and secondary education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
787 Education - pupils to be educated in accordance with their parents' wishes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
788 Education - general responsibility for education D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
789 Education - primary and secondary schooling D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
790 Education - consideration of parental representations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
791 Education - education provision for persons above compulsory school age D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
792 Education - encouragement of education and training for persons over compulsory school age D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
793 Education - full-time education for 16 to 18 year olds P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
794 Education - education for persons aged 19 and over P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
795 Education - establishment, maintenance and assistance of primary and secondary schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
796 Education - establishment, maintenance and assistance of nursery schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
797 Education - provision of education at non-maintained schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
798 Education - children in youth detention D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
799 Education - children not receiving education at a school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
800 Special educational needs - code of practice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
801 Special educational needs - review of arrangements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
802 Special educational needs - education in mainstream school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
803 Special educational needs - education in non-mainstream school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
804 Special educational needs - duties of governing body or local education authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
805 Special educational needs - informing parent of SEN provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
806 Special educational needs - provision of goods and services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
807 Special educational needs - provision otherwise than in schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
808 Special educational needs - provision outside England and Wales P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
809 Special educational needs - identification and assessment of needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
810 Special educational needs - parental notification of assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
811 Special educational needs - statement D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
812 Special educational needs - notice of no statement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
813 Special educational needs - appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
814 Special educational needs - access to schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
815 Special educational needs - reviews of educational needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
816 Special educational needs - parental request for assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
817 Special educational needs - review and assessment on request of responsible body D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
818 Special educational needs - assessment of children under two P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
819 Special educational needs - giving notice to or serving documents upon child D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
820 Special educational needs - case friends D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
821 Special educational needs - advice and information for parents in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
822 Special educational needs - advice and information for parents in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
823 Special educational needs - dispute resolution procedure in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
824 Special educational needs - dispute resolution procedure in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
825 Special educational needs - independent advocacy services D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
826 Special educational needs - compliance with tribunal order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
827 Religious education - advisory councils D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
828 Religious education - Sunday schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
829 Education - entering pupils for public examinations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
830 Education - manner of provision of sex education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
831 Education - sex education statements of policy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
832 Education - exemption from sex education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
833 Education - political indoctrination D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
834 Education - provision of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
835 Education - complaints management D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
836 Education - late school admissions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
837 Education - registration of pupils D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
838 Education - early transfer to secondary education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
839 Education - identifying children not receiving education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
840 Education - school attendance orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
841 Education - revocation of school attendance orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
842 Education - failure to comply with school attendance order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
843 Education - failure to secure regular attendance at school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
844 Education - penalty notice for failure to secure regular attendance at school P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
845 Education - education supervision orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
846 Education - prohibition of charges for admission to a maintained school D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
847 Education - prohibition of charges for provision of education at a maintained school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
848 Education - recovery of wasted examination fees P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
849 Education - prohibition on charging for examination fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
850 Education - prohibition of incidental charges D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
851 Education - permitted charges for pupils at maintained schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
853 Education - charges and remissions policy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
854 Education - board and lodging at boarding schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
855 Education - information on school hours D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
856 Education - voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
857 Special educational needs - academies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
858 Education - education standards grants D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
859 Education - recoupment for cross border provision D N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
860 Education - recoupment for excluded pupils D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
861 Education - determination of disputes P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
862 Education - unreasonable exercise of functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
863 Education - general default powers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
864 Schools - improperly constituted governing body D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
865 Education - direction of appointment of members of education committees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
866 Education - facilities for recreation and training for children under 13 D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
867 Education - leisure time activities for certain under 25's D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
868 Education - facilities for recreation and social and physical training for school age children D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
869 Education - facilities for recreation and social and physical training in further education P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
870 School transport - sustainable modes of travel strategy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
872 School transport - home to school travel arrangements for eligible children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
873 School transport - home to school travel arrangements for non-eligible children P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
874 School transport - guidance on home to school travel arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
875 School transport- school travel schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
876 School transport - transport for adult learners D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
877 School transport - policy statements for young adults subject to learning difficulty assessment D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
878 School transport - guidance on policy statements for adults and young adults D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
879 School transport - direction on complaints about young adult transport D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
880 School transport - discretionary changes resulting from a complaint on young adult transport P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
881 School transport - early years transport P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
882 School transport - policy on arrangements for persons of sixth form age D N/Y/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
884 School transport - regard to religion or belief in exercise of travel functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
885 School transport - direction on complaint regarding sixth form transport D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
886 School transport - discretionary changes resulting from a complaint about sixth form transport P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
888 Schools - provision of clothing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
889 Schools - provision of meals, milk and refreshments P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
890 Schools - charging for provision of meals P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
891 Schools - free school meals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
893 Schools - transfer of provision of meals to governing body D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
894 Schools - provision of meals in non-maintained schools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
895 Education - provision of board and lodging P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
896 Education - teaching services for day nurseries P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
897 Education - payment of fees for SEN pupils at non-maintained schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
898 Education - payment of school expenses and grants P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
899 Schools - governors travel and subsistence allowances P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
900 Schools - medical and dental inspections D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
901 Schools - examination of pupils for cleanliness P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
902 Schools - compulsory cleansing of pupil P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
903 Schools - arrangements for cleansing of pupils D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
904 Schools - suspension of pupil pending examination or cleansing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
905 Education - educational research P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
906 Education - educational conferences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
907 Education - property on trust P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
908 Education - compulsory purchase of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
909 Education - Chief Education Officer D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
910 Education - direct payments for person with SEN or learning disability assessment P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
911 Education - pilot schemes for direct payments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
912 Schools - co-operation of governing body for provision of school meals D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
913 Education - provision of teaching services for day nurseries P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
914 Education - provision of information to the Secretary of State by governing body D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
915 Education - participation in international surveys D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
916 Education - distribution of information about schools providing secondary education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
917 Education - distribution of information about further education institutions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
918 Schools - prescribed standards for school premises D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
919 Schools - approval etc. of school premises and boarding hostels D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
920 Schools - control of potentially harmful materials or apparatus D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
921 Schools - nuisance or disturbance on school premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
922 Schools - no right to give corporal punishment D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
923 Schools - search of pupils for prohibited items P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
924 Schools - seizure of prohibited items P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
925 Schools - search of pupils for weapons P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
926 Schools - duration of school day and school year D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
927 Education - employment of children P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
928 Education - provision of work experience for people over compulsory school age P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
929 Education - encouragement of employers and pupils to participate in work experience D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
930 Education - persons detained in youth accommodation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
931 Education - educational records D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
932 Education - school performance targets D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
933 Education - inspections of local education authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
934 Education - provision of careers guidance in schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
936 Education - co-operation with careers advisors D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
937 Education - provision of careers information at schools and other institutions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
938 Education - provision of curriculum information D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
939 Education - continuous service for employment on change of employer D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
940 Housing - energy conservation reports D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
941 Housing - assistance for social landlords P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
942 Housing - introductory tenancies P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
943 Housing - publicity of introductory tenancies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
944 Housing - consultation on matters of housing management for introductory tenancies D Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
945 Housing - demoted tenancies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
946 Housing - anti-social behaviour injunction P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
947 Housing - unlawful use of premises injunction P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
948 Housing - breach of tenancy agreement injunction P Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
949 Housing - allocation of housing D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
950 Housing allocation - only to eligible and qualifying persons D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
951 Housing allocation - information, advice and assistance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
952 Housing allocation - allocation scheme D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
953 Housing allocation - publication of allocation scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
954 Housing allocation - regard to guidance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
955 Housing allocation - co-operation from registered social landlords D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
956 Homelessness advisory service D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
957 Homelessness - assistance for voluntary organisations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
958 Homelessness - regards to guidance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
959 Homelessness - inquiry into homelessness or threatened homelessness D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
960 Housing - eligibility of migrants P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
961 Homelessness - interim duty to accommodate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
962 Homelessness - intentional homelessness D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
963 Homelessness - persons not in priority need who are not homeless intentionally D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
965 Homelessness - threatened homelessness D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
966 Homelessness - referral to another housing authority P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
967 Homelessness - applicant whose case is considered for referral or referred D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
968 Homelessness - review of decisions on request D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
969 Homelessness - discharge of functions by local housing authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
970 Homelessness - out of area placement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
971 Homelessness - interim arrangements made with private landlord P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
972 Homelessness - suitability of accommodation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
973 Homelessness - protection of personal property D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
974 Homelessness - co-operation between relevant housing authorities and bodies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
975 Housing - anti-social behaviour policy D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
976 Housing - directions as to certain charges by social landlords D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
977 Disabled facilities grant - tenant's certificate D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
978 Disabled facilities grant - occupier's certificate D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
979 Disabled facilities grant - approved purposes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
980 Housing grants - restrictions where work already begun P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
981 Housing grants - application in prescribed form D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
982 Disabled facilities grant - owner's and tenant's applications D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
983 Disabled facilities grant - owner's certificate D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
984 Housing grants - means testing in case of application by owner-occupier or tenant D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
985 Housing grants - determination of amount of grant D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
986 Housing grants - maximum amount of grants D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
987 Housing grants - decision and notification D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
988 Housing grants - payment of grant D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
989 Housing grants - repayment of grant P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
990 Housing grant - change of circumstances of disabled occupant D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
991 Housing grants - recalculation, withholding or repayment D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
992 Housing - carrying out works which would attract grant P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
993 Housing grants - contributions by the Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
994 Housing grants - recovery of Secretary of State's contributions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
995 Housing - financial assistance for regeneration or development D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
996 Human rights - acts of public authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
997 Immigration and asylum - support P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
998 Immigration and asylum - accommodation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
999 Immigration and asylum - reception zones D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1000 Immigration and asylum - housing D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1001 Immigration and asylum - child welfare D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1002 Education - action plans in response to inspection D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1003 Education - approved qualifications for persons under 19 D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1004 Youth support - directed services for 11 to 25 year olds D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1005 Youth support - discretionary services for 11 to 25 year olds P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1006 Youth support - conduct and effect of inspections D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1007 Youth support - provision of information by public bodies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1008 Education - assessments relating to learning difficulties D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1009 Education - local curricula for students age 16 to 18 D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1010 Education - financial resources for school sixth forms D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1011 Best value authorities - general duties D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1012 Best value authorities - inspections D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1013 Best value authorities - fees for inspections D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1014 Best value authorities - failure to comply with best value duty D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1015 Best value authorities - conditions for new powers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1016 Best value authorities - non-commercial considerations in contracts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1017 Best value authorities - accounts D N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1018 Best value authorities - regard to guidance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1019 Procurement - implied power to enter into contracts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1020 Contracts - certified contracts requirements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1021 Overseas assistance - advice and assistance P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1022 Councils in Wales - service agency agreements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1023 Councils in Wales - council funds D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1024 Local government - area committees D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1025 Democracy - elections of councillors D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1026 Democracy - schemes and orders for elections D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1027 Members - provision about allowances D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1028 Local government - indemnification of members and officers of relevant authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1029 Wellbeing strategy in Wales P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1030 Wellbeing strategy in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1031 Local government England - permitted forms of government D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1032 Local government in England - executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1033 Local government - discharge of functions by others P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1034 Local government - joint discharge of functions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1035 Local government - overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1036 Local government - overview and scrutiny sub-committees P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1037 Local government - scrutiny officers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1038 Local government - referral arrangements for overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1039 Local government - responding to overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1040 Local government - response by partner authority to overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1041 Local government - exclusion of exempt and confidential information from published reports D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1042 Local government - flood risk management by overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1043 Local government - provision of information to another authority with executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1044 Local government in England - access to information and record keeping D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1045 Local government in England - elected mayors D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1046 Local government in England - leader and cabinet executive D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1047 Local government - committee system D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1048 Local government - review of flood risk function in committee system D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1049 Local government - change of governance arrangements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1050 Local government - resolution for change of governance arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1051 Local government - implementation of change of governance arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1052 Local government - referendum regarding change of governance arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1053 Local government - general provisions for change of governance arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1054 Local government in England - preparation and maintenance of constitution D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1055 Local government - guidance for change of governance arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1056 Local government - local authority executives D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1057 Local government in Wales - executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1059 Local government - mayor and cabinet executive D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1060 Local government in Wales - leader and cabinet executive D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1061 Local government - mayor and council manager executive D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1062 Local government - area committees. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1063 Local government - discharge of function of and by another local authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1064 Local government - joint exercise of functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1065 Local government - overview and scrutiny committees D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1066 Local government reference of matter to overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1067 Local government - response to overview and scrutiny committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1068 Local government - exclusion of confidential and exempt information from reports D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1069 Local government in Wales - access to information and record keeping D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1070 Local government - proposals for executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1071 Local government - implementation of proposals for executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1072 Local government - referendum on proposals for executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1073 Local government - outline fall back proposals for executive arrangements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1074 Local government - resolution and publicity for executive arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1075 Local government - referendum following petition, direction or order D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1076 Local government in Wales - preparation and maintenance of constitution D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1077 Local government - regard to guidance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1078 Local government in Wales - elected mayors D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1079 Local government - timing of elections D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1080 Local government - principles governing conduct of members D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1081 Local government - code of conduct for members D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1082 Local government - standards committee D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1083 Local government - monitoring officer D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1084 Local government - case tribunals D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1085 Local government - register of members interests D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1086 Local government - employee code of conduct D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1087 Local government - delegation of monitoring officer functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1089 Noise - investigation of complaints P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1090 Noise - warning notices D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1091 Noise - evidence used in proceedings D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1092 Noise - fixed penalty notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1093 Noise - entry and seizure P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1094 Noise - loudspeakers in streets or roads P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1095 Road traffic - reports on levels of road traffic D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1096 Education - infant class size D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1097 Education - education action zones or forums. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1098 Education - intervention in schools causing concern P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1099 Education - additional governors in schools causing concern P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1100 Education - interim executive members for schools causing concern P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1101 Education - suspension of right to a delegated budget for schools causing concern P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1102 Education - closure of schools causing concern D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1103 Education - warning notice for schools causing concern D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1104 Education - categories of maintained school D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1105 Education - maintenance and other funding of schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1106 Education - information requested by school adjudicator D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1107 Education - proposals for establishment or alteration of a maintained school D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1108 Education - proposals for discontinuance of a maintained school D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1109 Education - notice by governing body to discontinue foundation or voluntary school. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1110 Education - proposals regarding community or foundation special schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1111 Education - direction requiring discontinuance of community or foundation special schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1112 Education - rationalisation of school places D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1113 Education - change of school category P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1114 Education - control and use of school premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1115 Education - determination of school budget share in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1116 Education - determination of school budget share in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1117 Education - financial scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1118 Education - delegated budget for maintained schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1119 Education - suspension of delegated budget for financial mismanagement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1120 Education - financial statements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1121 Education - certification of statements by the Auditor General for Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1122 Education - staff in schools with or without religious character D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1123 Education - reserve power to prevent a breakdown of discipline P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1124 Education - school attendance targets. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1125 Education - religious education and worship D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1126 Education - new schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1127 Education - transfer of staff and land D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1128 Education - disposal of land on discontinuance of a school D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1129 Education - disposal or change of use of school playing fields D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1130 Education - provision of education for those aged over sixteen D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1131 Education - modifications to employment legislation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1132 Education - modifications to trust deeds D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1133 Education - code for school admissions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1134 Education - admissions forums D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1135 Education - parental preferences D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1136 Education - admissions arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1137 Education - information regarding admissions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1138 Education - admissions appeal arrangements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1139 Education - direction to admit a child to a specified school P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1140 Education - school admissions for looked after children D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1141 Education - restriction on selection by ability or aptitude D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1143 Education - designation of grammar schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1144 Education - home school agreements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1145 Education - requirements for food and drink on school premises D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1146 Education - nursery education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1147 Education - early years development partnership D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1148 Education - children with special educational needs in nursery education D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1149 Education - code of practice for local authorities and maintained schools D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1150 Education - deduction of General Teaching Council fees from salaries D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1151 Education - supply of information to General Teaching Council D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1152 Trading standards - trade marks D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1153 Bus services quality partnership scheme - provision of facilities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1154 Bus services quality partnership scheme - regulations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1155 Bus services quality partnership scheme - variation or revocation of scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1156 Bus services quality partnership scheme - guidance about schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1157 Bus services quality contract schemes - tendering for contracts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1158 Bus services quality contract schemes - continuance of schemes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1160 Bus services quality contract schemes - variation or revocation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1161 Bus services quality contract schemes - regulations about schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1162 Bus services quality contract schemes - guidance about schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1163 Local transport plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1164 Local transport plans - review and alteration in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1165 Local transport plans - approval of plans D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1166 Local transport plans - review and alteration in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1167 Local transport plans - modification order and directions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1168 Bus services quality partnership scheme - new scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1169 Bus services quality partnership scheme - notice and consultation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1170 Bus services quality partnership scheme - making of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1171 Bus services quality partnership scheme - postponement of scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1172 Bus services quality contract scheme - new scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1173 Bus services quality contract scheme - notice and consultation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1174 Bus services quality contract scheme - approval of proposed scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1175 Bus services quality contract scheme - making of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1176 Bus services quality contract scheme - postponement of scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1177 Bus services - joint and through ticketing schemes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1180 Bus services joint and through ticketing schemes - notice and consultation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1181 Bus services joint and through ticketing schemes - making of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1182 Bus services - making information available D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1183 Bus services - information from service operator P N/N/N/N=>N Edit Delete
1184 Bus services - civil penalties for bus lane contraventions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1185 Bus services - mandatory travel concessions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1186 Bus services - enforcement of mandatory travel concessions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1187 Bus services - reimbursement of operator for mandatory travel concessions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1188 Transport - grants to transport authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1189 Roads - local charging schemes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1190 Roads - workplace parking levy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1191 Roads - quiet lane or home zone P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1192 Breeding of dogs - inspection of premises not covered by licence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1193 Trading standards - sales of tobacco to children D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1195 Dangerous dogs - seizure, entry of premises and inspection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1196 Integrated pollution control and air pollution - discharge of functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1197 Environmental protection - authorisation for prescribed process D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1198 Environmental protection - conditions of authorisations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1199 Environmental protection - fees and charges for authorisations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1200 Environmental protection - variation of authorisations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1201 Environmental protection - revocation of authorisation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1202 Environmental protection - enforcement notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1203 Environmental protection - prohibition notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1204 Environmental protection - appeals as respect authorisations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1205 Environmental protection - obtaining of information from persons and authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1206 Environmental protection - public register of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1207 Environmental protection - enforcement action in the High Court P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1208 Waste disposal - fixed penalty notices for offences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1209 Waste disposal - search and seizure of vehicles P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1210 Controlled waste - household waste collection D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1211 Controlled waste - industrial waste collection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1212 Controlled waste - mandatory emptying of privies and cesspools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1213 Controlled waste - discretionary emptying of privies and cesspools P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1214 Controlled waste - household recycling collection D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1215 Household waste - receptacles for collection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1216 Commercial waste - receptacles for collection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1217 Waste collection - fixed penalty notices for offences related to receptacles P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1218 Controlled waste - disposal of non-recyclable waste D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1219 Controlled waste - disposal of recyclable waste D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1220 Controlled waste - disposal D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1221 Household waste - sites for deposit by residents D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1222 Controlled waste - directions to waste collection authorities regarding disposal D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1223 Controlled waste - financial assistance for disposal of commercial waste P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1224 Controlled waste - disposal of non-household waste P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1225 Controlled waste - payments for retained recyclable and pre-separated waste D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1226 Controlled waste - recycling of waste D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1227 Controlled waste - compliance with directions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1228 Unlawfully deposited waste - removal P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1229 Unlawfully deposited waste - compliance with directions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1230 Controlled waste - minimising generation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1231 Controlled waste - information from waste authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1232 Controlled waste - requesting of information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1233 Controlled waste - use of fixed penalty receipts P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1234 Contaminated land - inspection and notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1235 Contaminated land - remediation notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1236 Contaminated land - remediation works P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1237 Contaminated land - register of notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1238 Contaminated land - provision of information D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1239 Contaminated land - compliance with guidance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1240 Statutory nuisances - inspection and investigation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1241 Statutory nuisances - criminal and civil proceedings for breach of abatement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1242 Statutory nuisances - notice to recover expenses P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1243 Litter - publicity of offence of leaving litter P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1244 Litter - fixed penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1245 Litter - keeping land and highway litter free D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1246 Litter - land of the Crown, educational establishments and statutory undertakers D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1247 Litter - litter clearing notices P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1248 Litter - street litter control notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1249 Litter - fixed penalty notices for street litter P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1250 Litter - free distribution of printed matter P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1251 Litter - public register D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1252 Litter - direction regarding collected litter D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1253 Abandoned shopping and luggage trolleys P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1254 Stray dogs - appointment and actions by officer D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1255 Food safety - enforcement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1256 Food safety - inspection and seizure of suspected food P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1257 Food safety - improvement notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1258 Food safety - prohibitions orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1259 Food safety - emergency prohibition notices P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1260 Food safety - registration and licensing of food premises D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1261 Food safety - food hygiene training P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1262 Food safety - shellfish cleansing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1263 Food safety - public analyst D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1264 Food safety - facilities for examination P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1265 Food safety - test purchases and the taking of samples P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1266 Food safety - analysis of samples D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1267 Food safety - powers of entry, inspection and seizure P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1268 Food safety - code of practice and directions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1269 Food safety - provision of returns D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1270 Food safety - default powers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1271 Food safety - charging and expenses D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1272 Council tax - levying and collection D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1273 Council tax - regulations on discounts in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1274 Council tax - discretionary discounts in England P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1275 Council tax - regulations on empty dwellings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1276 Council tax - discretionary charges for empty dwellings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1277 Council tax - regulations on discounts in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1278 Council tax - discretionary discounts in Wales P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1279 Council tax - reduced amounts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1280 Council tax - reduction schemes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1281 Council tax - regulations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1282 Council tax - administration, penalties and enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1283 Council tax - setting of council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1284 Council tax - information for purposes of setting council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1285 Council tax - issue of precepts by major precepting authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1286 Council tax - issue of precepts by local precepting authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1287 Council tax - provision of information to any precepting authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1288 Council tax - excessive council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1289 Council tax - referendum on excessive council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1290 Council tax - substitute calculations by major precepting authority where excessive council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1291 Council tax - substitute calculations by local precepting authority where excessive council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1292 Council tax - regulations and directions on excessive council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1293 Council tax - designation and nomination in relation to excessive council tax D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1294 Council tax - consultation with ratepayers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1295 Council tax - functions to be discharged only by authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1296 Council tax - provision of information to Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1297 Council tax - restrictions on voting by members D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1298 Community care - plans for community care services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1299 Community care - assessment and provision D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1300 Community care - transfer of staff from health services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1301 Street works - directions as to timing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1302 Street works - directions as to placing of apparatus P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1303 Roads - concession agreements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1304 Roads - toll orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1305 Street works licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1306 Street works register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1307 Street works - advance notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1308 Street works - notice restricting works following substantial road works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1309 Street works - co-ordination of street works D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1310 Street works - protected streets P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1311 Street works - streets with special engineering difficulties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1312 Street works - traffic sensitive streets P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1313 Street works - safety measures P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1314 Street works - unreasonable delay or obstruction P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1315 Street works - reinstatement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1316 Street works - unreasonably prolonged works D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1317 Street works - temporary traffic regulation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1318 Street works - maintenance of apparatus D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1319 Street works - road works and apparatus. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1320 Street works - major road works and apparatus D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1321 Street works - cost sharing for major road works and apparatus D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1322 Roads - prospectively maintainable highway D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1323 Roads - bridge works D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1324 Street works - undertaken by street authority or district council P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1325 Planning - hazardous substances consents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1326 Planning - conditions for hazardous substances consents P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1327 Planning - hazardous substances established presence D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1328 Planning - hazardous substances new consent D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1329 Planning - revocation or modification of hazardous substances consents P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1330 Planning - compensation for revocation or modification of hazardous substances consent D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1331 Planning - continuation of hazardous substances consents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1332 Planning - referral of applications for hazardous substances consents D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1333 Planning - appeals and hearings regarding hazardous substances consents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1334 Planning - hazardous substances contravention notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1335 Planning - hazardous substances consent application fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1336 Planning - hazardous substances injunctions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1337 Planning - hazardous substances temporary exemptions directions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1338 Planning - register of hazardous substances applications and consents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1339 Planning - hazardous substances on Crown land D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1340 Planning - right of entry on land with hazardous substances P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1341 Planning - right of entry to Crown land for hazardous substances surveying P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1342 Planning - list of buildings of special architectural or historical interest D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1343 Planning - buildings preservation notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1344 Planning - issue of certificate that building not intended to be listed D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1345 Planning - listed buildings consent P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1346 Planning - variation or discharge of conditions attached to listed buildings consent P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1347 Planning - appeals against listed buildings consent decision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1348 Planning - revocation and modification of listed buildings consent P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1349 Planning - heritage partnership agreements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1350 Planning - local listed building consent orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1351 Planning - direction on local listed building consent orders D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
1352 Planning - variation or revocation of local listed building consent orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1353 Planning - certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to listed building D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1354 Planning - appeals regarding certificate of lawfulness for listed building D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1355 Planning - compensation for decisions on listed buildings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1356 Planning - listed buildings purchase notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1357 Planning - listed buildings enforcement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1358 Planning - appeals against listed buildings enforcement notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1359 Planning - execution of works required by listed building enforcement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1360 Planning - injunctions for enforcement of listed buildings consent P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1361 Planning - compulsory acquisition of listed buildings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1362 Planning - acquisition of buildings of special interest by agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1363 Planning - management and disposal of acquired listed buildings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1364 Planning - emergency works to preserve listed buildings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1365 Planning - contribution to preservation of listed buildings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1366 Planning - planning permission for listed buildings D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1367 Planning - publicity for applications affecting listed buildings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1368 Planning - listed buildings in Greater London D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1369 Planning - designation of conservation areas D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1370 Planning - proposals for preservation and enhancement of conservation areas D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1371 Planning - exercise of planning functions in conservation areas D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1372 Planning - publicity for applications affecting conservation areas D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1373 Planning - control of demolition in conservation areas P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1374 Planning - town scheme agreements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1375 Planning - determination of relevant application P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1376 Planning - Crown land D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1377 Planning - powers of entry for listed buildings and conservation areas P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1378 Planning - determination of procedure for listed buildings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1379 Housing or council tax benefit - sharing of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1380 Social security information - use for a relevant purpose P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1381 Housing and council tax benefits - collecting information and power of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1382 Housing and council tax benefits - electronic access to information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1383 Housing or council tax benefits - legal proceedings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1384 Housing and council tax benefits - supply of information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1385 Housing benefits - funding and administration D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1386 Housing and council tax benefits - nature of benefits D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1387 Council tax benefit - funding and administration D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1388 Planning - development orders for granting of planning permission P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1390 Planning - neighbourhood development orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1391 Planning - form of applications for planning permission P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1392 Planning - applications to Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1393 Planning - notice of applications for planning permission D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1394 Planning - register of applications etc. D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1395 Planning - general conditions for determination of applications D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1396 Planning - power to decline to determine applications P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1397 Planning - assessment of environmental effects in determination of applications D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1398 Planning - conditional grant of planning permission P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1399 Planning - determination without compliance with attached conditions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1400 Planning - permission for development already carried out P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1401 Planning - directions.etc. as to method of dealing with applications D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1402 Planning - major infrastructure projects D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1403 Planning - referral of applications to the Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1404 Planning - appeals against planning decisions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1405 Planning - simplified planning zones P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1406 Planning - review of simplified planning zone schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1407 Planning - development in enterprise zones D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1408 Planning - duration of planning permission D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1409 Planning - completion notices for development P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1410 Planning - non-material changes to planning permission P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1411 Planning - revocation or modification of planning permission P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1412 Planning - orders for discontinuance, alterations or removals etc. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1413 Planning - planning obligations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1414 Planning - compensation for revocation or modification of planning permission D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1415 Planning - compensation for refusal or conditional grant of planning permission D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1416 Planning - purchase notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1417 Planning - purchase of blighted land notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1418 Planning - planning enforcement order P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1419 Planning - planning contravention notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1420 Planning - temporary stop notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1421 Planning - issue of enforcement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1422 Planning - assurance regarding prosecution where enforcement notice served P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1423 Planning - variation or withdrawal of enforcement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1424 Planning - appeal against enforcement notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1425 Planning - execution and cost of works required by enforcement notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1426 Planning - stop notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1427 Planning - compensation for loss due to stop notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1428 Planning - breach of conditions notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1429 Planning - injunctions restraining breaches of planning control P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1430 Planning - register of enforcement and stop notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1431 Planning - certificate of lawful use or development D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1432 Planning - established use certificates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1433 Planning - appeals to the Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1434 Planning - entry without warrant P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1435 Planning - entry under warrant P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1436 Planning - provision for preservation and planting of trees D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1437 Planning - tree preservation orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1438 Planning - compensation for tree preservation orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1439 Planning - enforcement of replacement of trees P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1440 Planning - register of notices of contraventions of tree preservation orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1441 Planning - injunctions for breach of tree preservation orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1442 Planning - entry to land without warrant in relation to tree preservation orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1443 Planning - entry to land under warrant in relation to tree preservation orders P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1444 Planning - notice requiring proper maintenance of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1445 Planning - execution and cost of works for proper maintenance of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1446 Planning - control of advertisements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1447 Planning - removal of placards and posters P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1448 Planning - action notice for control of advertisements P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1449 Planning - defacement of premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1450 Planning - compulsory acquisition of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1452 Planning - appropriation of common land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1453 Planning - acquisition of land for exchange P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1454 Planning - determination by the Secretary of State to acquire land D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1455 Planning - use of appropriated or acquired land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1456 Planning - disposal of appropriated or acquired land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1457 Planning - development of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1458 Planning - discretionary stopping up or diversion of highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1459 Planning - directed stopping up or diversion of highway D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1460 Planning - extinguishment of rights of way over highway P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1461 Planning - compulsory acquisition in connection with highways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1462 Planning - temporary stopping up of highway for mineral workings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1463 Planning - fees for planning applications etc. D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
1464 Planning - advance of money in relation to blight notices P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
1465 Planning - recovery of compensation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1466 Planning - expenses of county councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1467 Planning - procedure for certain proceedings and local inquiries D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1469 Planning - rights of entry to land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1470 Planning - information regarding interests in land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1471 Planning - information as to interests in Crown land D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1472 Welsh language - preparation of scheme D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1473 Welsh language - submission of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1474 Welsh language - consultation on preparation of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1475 Welsh language - intervention in schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1476 Welsh language - periodic revision of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1477 Welsh language - amendment of scheme P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1478 Welsh Language - directed amendment of scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1479 Welsh language - directions on scheme from Secretary of State D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1480 Dangerous wild animals - licensing D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1481 Dangerous wild animals - inspection of premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1482 Dangerous wild animals - seizure and disposal of animals without compensation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1483 Highways - control of road-side sales P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1484 Heat and electricity production and supply P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1485 Compulsory acquisition of rights over land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1486 Compulsory purchase - injurious affection D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1487 Compulsory purchase - survey of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1488 Compulsory purchase - particulars of person with an interest in land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1489 Bathing and boating - byelaws P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1490 Provision of recreational facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1491 Provision of sanitary appliances at places of entertainment P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1492 Dangerous trees P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1493 Dangerous excavations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1494 Compulsory purchase - repayment of unclaimed compensation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1495 Advances of remuneration to deceased employees P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1496 Officers appointed as receivers or administrators - indemnities P N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1497 Execution of works outside of area P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1498 Payments for restoration or continuation of supply of water, gas or electricity P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1499 Removal of obstructions from private sewers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1500 Markets - appointment of times and charges P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1501 Use of spare capacity of computers of local authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1502 Hackney carriages - application of Part II P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1503 Hackney carriages - licensing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1504 Private hire vehicles - licensing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1505 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - information, inspections and testing P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
1506 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - licensing of drivers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1507 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - register of drivers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1508 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - licensing of operators D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1509 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - information from licence applicants P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1510 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - return of plate or disc P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1511 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - suspension or revocation of vehicle licences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1512 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - suspension or revocation of driver's licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1513 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - suspension or revocation of operator's licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1514 Hackney carriages - stands upon the highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1515 Hackney carriages - fixing of fares P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1516 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - inspection and testing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1517 Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - fees for vehicle or operator's licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1518 Local land charges - register and index D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1519 Local land charges - registration D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1520 Local land charges - general charge P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1521 Local land charges - personal search of register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1522 Local land charges - official search of register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1523 Local land charges - compensation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1524 Local land charges - specification of fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1525 Local land charges - rules D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1526 Abandoned vehicles - fixed penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1527 Abandoned vehicles - use of receipts from fixed penalty notices P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1528 Abandoned vehicles - removal D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1529 Abandoned vehicles - disposal P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1530 Abandoned vehicles - recovery of expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1531 Abandoned waste - removal P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1532 Refuse disposal - acquisition of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1533 Refuse disposal - powers of entry P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1534 Sports grounds - safety certificates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1535 Sports grounds - amendment or replacement of safety certificates P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1536 Sports grounds - appeals against determinations on safety certificates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1537 Sports grounds - issue, amendment, transfer and cancellation of safety certificates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1538 Sports grounds - prohibition notices P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1539 Sports grounds - inspection and enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1540 Sports grounds - entry and inspection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1541 Animal boarding establishments - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1542 Animal boarding establishments - inspections P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1543 Animal boarding establishments - prosecutions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1544 Caravan sites - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1545 Caravan sites - annual fee for licences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1546 Caravan sites - alteration of conditions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1547 Caravan sites - revocation of licence for breach of conditions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1548 Caravan sites - compliance notice for breach of licence conditions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1549 Caravan sites - recovery of expenses for compliance notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1550 Caravan sites - carrying out of works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1551 Caravan sites - emergency action P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1552 Caravan sites - expenses for works or emergency action P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1553 Caravan sites - transfer of licences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1554 Caravan sites - fee policy for licences D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1555 Caravans - prohibition on rural common land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1556 Caravan sites - provision P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1557 Caravan sites - register of site licences D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1558 Caravan sites - powers of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1559 Public performance licence - person under 16 P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1560 Public performance licence person under 14 P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1561 Public performance licence - variation or revocation for person under 16 P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1562 Public performance training licence for person 12 to 16 - issue, variation or revocation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1563 Children and young persons performing abroad - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1564 Children and young people - investigate and report of criminal proceedings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1565 Children and young people - bail report D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1566 Children and young people - transfer of care under youth rehabilitation order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1567 Children and young people - community homes for young offenders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1568 Commons registration - town and village greens D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1569 Country parks - provision P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1570 Common land - public access P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1571 Countryside - camping and picnic sites P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1572 Countryside -natural beauty and amenity D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1573 Countryside - national parks facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1574 Countryside - control of boats in national parks P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1575 Countryside - access to open country, rivers, canals and woodlands P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1576 Countryside - access agreement terms P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1577 Countryside - display of maps and notices P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1578 Rights of way - signposting of footpaths and bridleways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1579 Countryside - economic and social interests D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1580 Countryside and country parks - byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1581 Countryside - national park wardens P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1582 Countryside - provision of and charging for facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1583 Countryside - non-discrimination for use of facilities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1584 Welfare of old people - promotion P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1585 Health and care workers - training D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1586 Health and care - financial assistance to voluntary organisations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1587 Development of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1588 Advances for development of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1589 Advances for building agreements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1590 Provision of garage accommodation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1591 Local government - payment of officer expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1592 Local government - promotion of adequate use of records P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1593 Local government - acquisition and deposit of records P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1594 Disused tips - information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1595 Disused tips - right to enter land etc. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1596 Disused tips - direction for remedial operations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1597 Disused tips - remedial operations and works of reinstatement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1598 Disused tips - right of entry for remedial operations and reinstatement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1599 Disused tips - contribution notice for remedial operations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1600 Disused tips - compensation for damage and disturbance during remedial operations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1601 Disused tips - recovery of expenses for remedial works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1602 Disused tips - grants towards expenditure for remedial works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1603 Disused tips - criminal proceedings in relation to remedial works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1604 Plant health - removal or destruction of crop, seed or plant D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1605 Plant health - publication of orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1606 Public health - repair of drains, private sewers and waste pipes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1607 Public health - removal of accumulations of rubbish P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1608 Public health - vacation of building for fumigation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1609 Public health - prohibition of sale of verminous articles P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1610 Street lighting - affixing to buildings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1611 Parks and pleasure grounds - management P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1612 Parks and pleasure grounds - closing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1613 Parks and pleasure grounds - boating pools and lakes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1614 Public health - inspection of derelict petrol tanks P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1615 Public health - reduction of pigeons and other birds P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1616 Public health - byelaws concerning pleasure fairs and roller skating P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1617 Public health - regulation of seaside pleasure boats P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1618 Public health - regulation of hairdressers and barbers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1619 Public health - enforcement of byelaws for hairdressers and barbers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1620 Street furniture - civil debt for recovery of damage P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1621 Public lavatories - abolition of turnstiles D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1622 Libraries - co-operation with the Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1623 Libraries - formation of joint boards P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1625 Libraries - library service D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1626 Libraries - restriction on charges for library facilities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1627 Libraries - contributions towards expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1628 Libraries - default powers of Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1629 Libraries - transfer of staff, assets and liabilities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1630 Museums and galleries - provision and maintenance P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1631 Museums and galleries - admission charges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1632 Museums and galleries - contribution towards expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1633 Museums and galleries - fund for purchase of exhibits P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1634 Riding establishments - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1635 Riding establishments - inspections P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1636 Riding establishments - prosecutions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1637 Slaughter of poultry - licensing D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1638 Slaughter of poultry - power of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1639 Slaughter of poultry - execution and enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1640 Trading standards - enforcing authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1641 Trading standards - test purchases P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1642 Trading standards - entry to premises and seizure of goods and documents P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1643 Trading standards - notification of test results D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1644 Trading standards - compensation for goods seized D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1645 Public transport facilities - capital expenditure P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1646 Waterways - assistance for maintenance for amenity purposes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1647 Bridges over railways and inland waterways D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1648 Barriers at level crossings - financial contributions P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1649 Travel concessions - financial contributions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1650 Animal feed - collection of kitchen waste P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1651 Allotments - rent P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1652 Restaurants - establishment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1653 Coastal protection - erosion work P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1654 Coastal protection - preparation of schemes of works D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1655 Coastal protection - implementation of schemes of works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1656 Coastal protection - charges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1657 Coastal protection - compulsory acquisition of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1658 Coastal protection - unauthorised works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1659 Coastal protection - prohibition of excavation on or under the seashore P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1660 Coastal protection - compensation for depreciation in value of land D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1661 Coastal protection - incidental purposes land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1662 Coastal protection - sale of severed materials P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1663 Coastal protection - powers of entry and inspection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1664 Coastal protection - information on ownership of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1665 Coastal protection - right of passage P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1666 Coastal protection - application to Minister for authority to do work P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1667 Coastal protection - default powers of Minister D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1668 Disabled persons - sheltered employment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1669 Allotments - lettings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1670 Hypnotism - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1671 Hypnotism - licence fee P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1672 Transport - provision and maintenance of bus shelters P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1673 Transport - compensation for temporary removal of bus shelter D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1674 Transport - maintenance of existing bus shelters and queue barriers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1675 Waste collection - charges for provision of dustbins P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1676 Local government - financial assistance to district and parish councils P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1677 Welfare - provision of accommodation D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1678 Welfare - charges for provision of accommodation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1679 Welfare - management of premises in which accommodation provided P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1680 Welfare - provision of accommodation for person with no settled residence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1681 Welfare - arrangements for persons with a disability P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1682 Welfare - research P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1683 Welfare - recovery of expenditure from another authority P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1684 Welfare - recovery in cases of misrepresentation or non-disclosure P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1685 Welfare - removal of persons needing care and attention P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1686 Persons in hospital - temporary protection of property D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1687 Welfare - expenses of officer applying to Court of Protection as a deputy P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1688 Welfare - recovery of money through criminal proceedings or civil debt actions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1689 National Parks - regard to purposes when exercising functions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1690 National Parks - provision of facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1691 National Parks - improvements to waterways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1692 Nature reserves - establishment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1693 Long-distance routes - ferry services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1694 Long distance routes - provision of facilities P N/Y/N/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1695 Countryside - access agreements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1696 Countryside - access orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1697 Countryside - enforcement of access P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1698 Countryside - suspension of access due to fire risk P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1699 Countryside - compensation for access orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1700 Countryside - acquisition of land for public access P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1701 Countryside - maps of land subject to public access D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1702 Derelict land - Planting of trees and treatment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1703 Countryside - byelaws for National Parks, AONB or access land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1704 Countryside - wardens in National Parks, AONB or access land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1705 Countryside - contribution to towards expenses of other local authorities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1706 Pet shops - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1707 Pet shops - inspection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1708 Pet shops - prosecutions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1709 Pest control - rats and mice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1710 Pest control - notice requiring destruction of rats and mice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1711 Pest control - power to carry out works to remove rats and mice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1712 Pest control - works on multiple premises to control rats and mice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1713 Pest control - compliance with Ministerial order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1714 Pest control - powers of entry for inspection related to functions dealing with rats and mice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1715 Pest control - legal proceedings for offences regarding rats and mice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1716 Registrars - appointment of officers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1717 Registrars - appointment of deputy P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1718 Registration service - district register offices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1719 Registration service - local schemes of organisation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1720 Planning - acquisition of land by agreement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1721 Planning - appropriation of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1722 Planning - disposal of land D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1723 Town development - conditions of payment of Exchequer contributions D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1724 Town development - contributions to receiving district P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1725 Town development - extension of powers of receiving district P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1726 Town development - Ministerial approval for acquisition of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1727 Town development - participation by agreement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1728 Town development - re-transfers of land D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1729 Town development - contributions to expenses of land drainage works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1730 Town development - appropriation of land for planning purposes P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1731 Injurious weeds - exercise of Minister's powers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1732 Agricultural products - enforcement of grading and marketing regulations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1733 Allotments - determination of tenancy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1734 Allotments - compensation for termination of tenancy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1735 Allotments - entry on to unoccupied land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1736 Allotments - letting of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1737 Allotments - purchase of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1738 Allotments - consent for sale of land D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1739 Employment of children - byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1740 Employment of children in sreet trading - byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1741 Child performances of a dangerous nature - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1742 Child employment - Secretary of State's expenses for enquiries D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1743 Child employment - powers of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1744 Burial and cremation - provision of crematoria P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1745 Burial and cremation - donations of land, money or property for crematoria P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1746 Burial and cremation - crematoria regulations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1747 Burial and cremation - crematoria fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1748 Local government - payments to dependants under superannuation schemes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1749 Open spaces - transfer to local authority P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1750 Disused burial grounds - transfer to local authority P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1751 Open spaces - appropriation for enjoyment of the public P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1752 Open spaces and burial grounds - acquisition of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1753 Open spaces and burial grounds - compensation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1754 Open spaces - public walks and pleasure grounds P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1755 Open spaces and burial grounds - byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1756 Open spaces and burial grounds - authorities acting jointly P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1757 Open spaces and burial grounds - borrowing. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1758 Performing animals - register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1759 Performing animals - powers of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1760 Performing animals - enforcement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1761 Street collections - regulations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1762 Public health - byelaws P N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1763 Street names - alteration P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1764 Public health - fencing of land adjoining streets P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1765 Parks and gardens - additional facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1766 Parks and gardens - wardens P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1767 Leading and driving of animals - streets and routes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1768 Seashore and promenades - byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1769 Pleasure boats - licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1770 Public health - seats, drinking fountains and cattle troughs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1771 Street names - objection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1772 Street names - naming or alteration P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1773 Street names - placement of street nameplates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1774 Communications/TV equipment - byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1775 Parks and recreation grounds - charges for sports P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1776 Public transport - byelaws and street furniture for waiting P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1777 Public health - joint boards P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1778 Public health - defective lavatories in buildings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1779 Public health - examination and testing of drains P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1780 Public health - overflowing and leaking cesspools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1781 Public health - cleaning of common courts and passages P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1782 Public health - removal of noxious matter P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1783 Public health - removal of manure from a stables or mews P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1784 Public health - cleansing of premises P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1785 Public health - byelaws for the prevention of nuisances P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1786 Public health - filthy or verminous articles P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1787 Public health - verminous persons P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1788 Public health - cleansing stations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1789 Public health - public conveniences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1790 Public health - nuisances P N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1791 Public health - public pumps, wells, cisterns, reservoirs, conduits P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1792 Public health - polluted water supplies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1793 Public health - discretionary mortuaries and post-mortem rooms. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1794 Public health - directed mortuaries and post-mortem rooms D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1795 Public health - public baths and wash-houses P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1796 Public health - temporary closure of public baths P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1797 Public health - closure of public baths during winter months P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1798 Public health - conducting water to baths and wash-houses P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1799 Public health - byelaws to regulate public bathing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1800 Public health - bathing huts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1801 Public health - byelaws for privately run swimming baths and pools P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1802 Public health - life saving appliances. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1803 Public health - ponds, pools, ditches and gutters P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1804 Public health - court order for cleansing ponds, pools, ditches and gutters P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1805 Public health - culverting for building works P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1806 Public health - repair and cleansing of culverts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1807 Public health - contribution of expenses for works on watercourses P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1808 Public health - byelaws for tents, vans and sheds used for human habitation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1809 Public health - moveable dwellings licensing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1810 Public health - byelaws regulating hop and fruit pickers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1811 Public health - execution of works on sewers and drains P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1812 Public health - sale of waste materials from street works P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1813 Public health - payment of compensation for damages D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1814 Public health - entry of premises in connection with Public Health Act P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1815 Public health - expenses payable by instalments P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1816 Public health - prosecution of offences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1817 Public health - indemnity of members and officers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1818 Public health - expenses of joint boards D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1819 Public health - cost of Ministerial orders D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1820 Public health - Ministerial default powers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1821 Public health - compensation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1822 Public health - arbitration of water rights P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1823 Public health - application of legislation to Crown property P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1824 Public transport - outside of area P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1825 Public transport - purchase and maintenance of vehicles P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1826 Public transport - charging for passengers and parcels P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1827 Public transport - agreements for management of services P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1828 Public transport - accounts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1829 Public transport - borrowing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1830 Allotments - provision D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1831 Allotments - acquisition of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1832 Allotments - improvement or adaptation of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1833 Allotments - provision for letting P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1834 Allotments - rules for letting P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1835 Allotments - management P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1836 Allotments - recovery of rent and repossession P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1837 Allotments - sale of land P N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1838 Allotments - transfer of allotments P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1839 Allotments - scheme of common pasture P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1840 Allotments - use of schoolroom free of charge. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1841 Smallholdings - compensation for loss of employment D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1842 Allotments and smallholdings - renewal of tenancy P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1843 Allotments and smallholdings - interchange of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1844 Allotments and smallholdings - compensation for improvements D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1845 Allotments and smallholdings - co-operative societies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1846 Smallholdings - borrowing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1847 Smallholdings - sale and repossession D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1848 Smallholdings - delegation to districts of sale or repossession P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1849 Smallholdings - list and map D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1850 Smallholdings - advance of money and equipment P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1851 War memorials - maintenance and repair P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1852 Canals - safety works on dangerous canals P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1853 Commons - scheme of regulation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1854 Commons - provision for compensation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1855 Commons - acquisition of property P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1856 Commons - amendment or revocation of scheme P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1857 Commons - byelaws relating to management scheme P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1858 Commons - contributions to expense of management scheme P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1859 Commons - rights of common and rights of way P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1860 Fairs - setting dates and abolition P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1861 Commons - general powers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1862 Platforms - safety for use on public occasions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1863 Transport - cab drivers' shelters P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1864 Statues and monuments - erection, maintenance and removal P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1865 Parks and pleasure grounds - temporary closure for shows P Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
1866 Parks and pleasure grounds - hire of boats P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1867 Parks and pleasure grounds - improvement of lands P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1868 Public clocks - repairing, maintaining, winding up, and lighting P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1869 Water supply - corruption by gas washings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1870 Gas and water pipes - requirement to move P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1871 Streets - naming streets and house numbering D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1872 Parks and pleasure gardens - provision and byelaws P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1873 Public clocks - provision P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1874 Officers and members - indemnity from liability D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1875 Works - Joint working D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1876 Powers of entry for surveying, measuring etc. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1877 Damage - compensation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1878 Smallholdings - purchase or lease of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1879 Smallholdings - adaptation of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1880 Smallholdings - sale or letting P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1881 Smallholdings - committee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1882 Smallholdings - list of owners and map D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1883 Smallholdings - unsuitable or superfluous land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1884 Smallholdings - advances of money P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1885 Smallholdings - borrowing money P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1886 Environmental protection - control of pesticides P Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
1887 Environmental protection - enforcement powers (for control of pesticides) P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1888 Further education - powers to supply goods and services through further education establishments P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1889 Housing - periodical review of housing needs D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1890 Housing - provision of housing accommodation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1891 Housing - provision of furnishings and fittings P Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
1892 Housing - provision of board and laundry facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1893 Housing - provision of welfare services P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1894 Housing - provision of shops, recreation grounds, etc P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1895 Housing - provision of streets, roads and open spaces and development generally P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1896 Housing - exercise of housing powers by the authority outside their district P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1897 Housing - additional powers of authorities in London P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1898 Housing - acquisition of land for housing purposes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1899 Housing - duties with respect to buildings acquired for housing purposes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1900 Housing - appropriation of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1901 Housing - reserve powers to provide housing accommodation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1902 Housing - provision of accommodation for employees of county councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1903 Housing - power to dispose of land held for housing purposes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1904 Housing - supplementary powers for entry for survey and examination P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1905 Housing - general powers to compulsorily acquire land and provide housing accommodation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1906 Housing - publication of information regarding a housing action area D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1907 Housing - general improvement areas P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1908 Housing - power to apply for orders extinguishing right to use vehicles on highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1909 Housing - publication of information regarding a general improvement area D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1910 Housing - powers of entry for survey or valuation where premises compulsorily purchased P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1911 Housing - dealing with land acquired for clearance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1912 Housing - slum clearance, powers of entry D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1913 Housing - duty to inspect, report and prepare proposals regarding overcrowding D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1914 Housing - power to require information about persons sleeping in dwelling P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1915 Housing - power to require production of rent book P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1916 Housing - power of entry to determine permitted number of persons P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1917 Housing - overcrowding power of entry or abatement notice P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1918 Housing - continuance of certain powers to borrow for housing purposes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1919 Housing - power of local authorities to advance money P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1920 Housing - power of local authority on disposal to leave amount outstanding on mortgage. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1921 Housing - agreement by local authority to indemnify mortgagee P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1922 Housing - advances regarding disposal on shared ownership lease P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1923 Housing - assistance for provision of separate service pipe for water supply P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1924 Housing - duty of local housing authority to publicise availability of assistance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1925 Housing - power to enter and determine short tenancies of land acquired or appropriated P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1926 Housing - power to compensate shop-keepers in areas affected by clearance P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1927 Housing - entry for survey or examination to determine whether housing powers should be exercised P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1928 Housing associations - provision of land by county councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1929 Housing associations - powers of local authorities to promote and assist housing associations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1930 Housing associations - power to supply furniture to housing association tenants P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1931 Landlord and tenant - power of local housing authority to prosecute P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1932 Mineral workings - power to enter former mining land etc P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1933 Transport - passenger transport in areas other than integrated or passenger transport areas P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1934 Transport - co-operation between certain councils and London Regional Transport P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1935 Transport - powers of investment and disposal in relation to public transport companies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1936 Transport - provision of services for public transport companies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1937 Transport - financial backing for establishment and operations of public transport companies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1938 Transport - provision, maintenance and operation of bus stations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1939 Transport - expenditure on public passenger transport services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1940 Transport - travel concessions on services provided by local authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1941 Transport - grants for transport facilities and services P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1942 Transport - grants for bus services P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
1943 Weights and measures - special powers of inspectors with respect to certain goods P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1944 Airports - transfer of airport undertakings of local authorities D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1945 Airports - control over constitution and activities of public airport companies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1946 Airports - powers of investment and disposal in relation to public airport companies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1947 Airports - other local authority capital controls and Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1948 Airports - provision of services for public airport companies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1949 Airports - financial backing for establishment and operations of public airport companies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1950 Disabled persons - rights of authorised representatives of disabled persons D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1951 Disabled persons - assessment by local authorities of needs of disabled persons D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1952 Disabled persons - duty to consider needs of disabled persons D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1953 Disabled persons - disabled persons leaving special education D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1954 Disabled persons - review of expected leaving dates from full - time education of disabled persons D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1955 Disabled persons - persons discharged from hospital D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1956 Disabled persons - duty of local authority to take into account abilities of carer D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1957 Local authority publicity - separate account of expenditure on publicity D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1958 Public order - prohibiting trespassory assemblies P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1959 Consumer protection - enforcement of safety provisions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1960 Safety of stands at sports grounds - issue of certificates D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1961 Safety of stands at sports grounds - amendment, cancellation etc. of certificates P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1962 Safety of stands at sports grounds - enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1963 Safety of stands at sports grounds - powers of entry and inspection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1964 Housing - offences related to tenants' first right of refusal P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1965 Trading standards - enforcement of remedies for copyright enfringement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1966 Education - provision of higher and further education P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1967 Health and safety - maintaining of and access to registers of notices D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1968 Procurement - exclusion of non-commercial considerations from contracts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1969 Procurement - explanation of procurement decisions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1970 Procurement - review of approved supplier list D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1971 Housing - financial assistance for privately let housing accommodation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1972 Non-domestic rating - local rating lists D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1973 Non-domestic rating Wales - local non-domestic rating lists for amalgamated authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1974 Non-domestic rating - rural settlement lists D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1975 Non-domestic rating - preparation and maintenance of lists D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1976 Non-domestic rating - partly occupied hereditaments P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1977 Non-domestic rating - reduction or remission of liability P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1978 Local government finance - revenue support grant England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1979 Local government finance - revenue support grant Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1980 Norfolk and Suffolk Broads - general duty of public bodies D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
1981 Roads - offences for which local authorities may institute proceedings P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
1982 Children and families - special guardianship orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1983 Children and families - special guardianship support services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1984 Children and families - provision of services for children in need and their families D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1985 Children and families - day care for pre-school and other children P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1986 Children and families - provision of accommodation for children D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1987 Children and families - accommodation for children in police protection or detention or on remand, etc D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1988 looked after children - general duty of local authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1989 Looked after children - provision of accommodation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1990 Looked after children - maintenance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1991 Looked after children - ways to be accommodated and maintained D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1992 Looked after children - children's homes provided by appropriate national authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1993 Looked after children - regulations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1994 Looked after children - general duty of local authority to secure sufficient accommodation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1995 Looked after children - provision of accommodation and maintenance by local authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1996 Looked after children - additional functions of the responsible authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1997 Looked after children - functions in respect of former relevant children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
1998 Looked after children - assistance to pursue education or training D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
1999 Looked after children - visits to, and contact with, looked after children and others D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2000 Looked after children - independent visitors D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2001 Children and young people - advice and assistance for certain children and young persons D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2002 Children and young people - assistance with employment, education and training P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2003 Children and young people - information to another authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2004 Children and young people - representations regarding discharge of duties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2005 Looked after children - appointment of independent reviewing officer D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2006 Children and young people - Review of cases and inquiries into representations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2007 Children and families - advocacy services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2008 Children and young people - co-operation between authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2009 Children and families - recoupment of cost of providing services etc. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2010 Children in care - care orders and care plans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2011 Children in care - effect of care order D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2012 Children in care - parental contact etc. with children in care D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2013 Child protection - local authority's duty to investigate D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2014 Looked after children and child welfare - provision of community homes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2015 Children in care - accommodation provided by voluntary organisation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2016 Fostering - welfare of privately fostered children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2017 Fostering - power to prohibit private fostering P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2018 Child welfare - children accommodated by health authorities and local education authorities D N/Y/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2019 Child welfare - visitors for children notified to local authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2020 Local government - political restriction of officers and staff D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2021 Local government - grant and supervision of exemptions from political restriction in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2022 Local government - grant and supervision of exemptions from political restriction in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2023 Local government - designation and reports of head of paid service D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2024 Local government - designation and reports of monitoring officer D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2025 Local government - officer responsible for financial administration of certain authorities D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2026 Local government - appointment and management etc. of staff D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2027 Local government - conflict of interest in staff negotiations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2028 Local government - political balance on committees, duty to allocate seats to political groups D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2029 Local government - requirements for companies/Trusts under control or subject to influence of local authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2030 Housing finance - duty to keep housing revenue account D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2031 Housing finance - housing accounts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2032 Housing finance - housing repairs account D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2033 Housing finance - information to Welsh ministers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2034 Housing renewal areas - declaration of renewal area P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2035 Housing renewal areas - steps to be taken after declaration or extension D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2036 Housing renewal areas - duty to publish information D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2037 Housing renewal areas - general powers of local housing authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2038 Housing renewal areas - orders extinguishing right to use vehicles on highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2039 Housing renewal areas - exclusion of land from, or termination of, renewal area P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2040 Housing renewal areas - powers of entry and penalty for obstruction P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2041 Housing - services for owners and occupiers of houses for work on them P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2042 Roads - installation of apparatus etc. for driver information systems P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2043 Smallholdings - general aim of statutory smallholdings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2044 Smallholdings - review of estate D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2045 Smallholdings - letting P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2046 Smallholdings - rent D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2047 Smallholdings - equipment P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2048 Smallholdings - management P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2049 Smallholdings - acquisition of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2050 Smallholdings - letting of surplus land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2051 Smallholdings - financial particulars D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2052 Smallholdings - loans and guarantees P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2053 Smallholdings - default powers where functions not satisfactorily performed D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2054 Smallholdings - accounts and records D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2055 Smallholdings - annual reports D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2056 Cottage holdings - prohibition D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2057 Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2059 Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - analysis of feeding stuff sample D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2060 Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - power of entry and to take samples P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2061 Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - division and analysis of samples D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2062 Licensing of breeding establishments for dogs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2063 Inspection of breeding establishments for dogs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2064 Fees for licensing and inspection of dog breeding premises P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2065 Disabled persons - information as to need for and existence of welfare services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2066 Disabled persons - provision of welfare services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2067 Disabled persons - provision of housing services D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2068 Disabled persons - access to and facilities at public buildings D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2069 Disabled persons - public conveniences D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2070 Disabled persons - co-option to local authority committees D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2071 Disabled persons - badges for display on motor vehicles D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2072 Compulsory purchase - acquisition by agreement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2073 Compulsory purchase - time limit D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2074 Compulsory purchase - notice to treat D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2075 Compulsory purchase - divided land D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2076 Compulsory purchase - deposit of compensation and deed poll on refusal to convey P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
2077 Compulsory purchase - compensation for injurious affection D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2078 Compulsory purchase - entry of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2079 Compulsory purchase - mortgages P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2080 Compulsory purchase - interests omitted from purchase D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2081 Compulsory purchase - cost of conveyances D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2082 Compulsory purchase - deed poll D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2083 Compulsory purchase - refusal to agree rent charge compensation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2084 Consumer credit - enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2085 Consumer credit - entry and inspection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2086 Consumer credit - compensation for loss D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2087 Consumer credit - test purchases P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2088 Controlled waste - reclamation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2089 Controlled waste - production of heat and electricity P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2090 Street cleaning - prohibition of parking P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2091 Litter - litter statement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2092 Noise pollution - inspection for noise abatement areas D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2093 Noise pollution - construction sites P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
2094 Noise pollution - noise abatement zones P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2095 Noise pollution - measurement of noise levels D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2096 Noise pollution - consent to excessive noise P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2097 Noise pollution - reductions in noise level P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2098 Noise pollution - acceptable noise level in new buildings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2099 Noise pollution - execution and costs of works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2100 Disposal of waste - use and charging for facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2101 Controlled waste - notice to remove waste P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2102 Controlled waste - directions regarding special waste D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2103 Waste disposal - collection of information and disposal of other waste P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2104 Street cleaning - non-highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2105 Pollution control - powers of entry P Y/N/Y/N=>N Edit Delete
2106 Pollution control - power to obtain information P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2107 Pollution control - default powers where authority failed to perform functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2108 Coroners - appointment of senior, area and assistant coroners D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2109 Coroners - provision of staff and accommodation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2110 Hallmarking - enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2111 Social services - appointment of director. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2112 Social services - exercise of functions under guidance D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2113 Social services - compliance with directions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2114 Social services - default powers where authority failed to perform functions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2115 Local government - supply of and use of goods and services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2116 Local government - constitution of councils in England D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
2117 Local government - election of chairman in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2118 Local government - appointment of vice-chairman in England P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2120 Local government - terms of office and retirement of councillors in England D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2121 Local government - constitution and membership of London borough councils D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2122 Local government - grouping or dissolving of parish councils P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2123 Local government - constitution of councils in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2124 Local government - election of chairman in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2125 Local government - appointment of vice-chairman in Wales P N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2126 Local government - appointment of presiding member P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2127 Local government - appointment of deputy presiding member D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2128 Local government - terms of office and retirement of councillors in Wales D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2129 Local government - grouping or dissolution of community councils P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2130 Local government - consideration of result of community poll D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2131 Local government - change of name by resolution P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2132 Local government - declaration of vacancy in office D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2133 Local government - casual vacancies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2134 Local government - meetings and proceedings D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2135 Local government - admission to meetings and access to associated documents D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2136 Local government - availability of documents to members D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2137 Local government - arrangements for discharge of functions by committees or by another local authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2138 Local authorities - incidental powers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2139 Local authorities - appointment of staff D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2140 Local authorities - placing staff at the disposal of other authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2141 Local authorities - security to be taken in relation to officers D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2142 Local authorities - payments due to deceased officers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2143 Local authorities - acquisition of land by agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2144 Local authorities - acquisition of land by compulsory purchase P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2145 Local authorities - appropriation of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2146 Local authorities - disposal of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2147 Land acquisition - payment of purchase or compensation money to another authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2148 Public meetings and assemblies - provision of room P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2149 Parish or community council - use of schoolroom etc. D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2150 Contracts - standing orders for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2151 Contracts - standing orders with respect to the making of contracts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2152 Expenditure - concurrent functions of two or more authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2153 Expenditure - not otherwise authorised P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2154 Voluntary organisations - provision of information regarding financial assistance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2155 Emergencies or disasters - expenditure P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2156 Gifts of property - acceptance and improvement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2157 Insurance - members/voluntary assistants P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2158 Local information - research and collection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2159 Local information - submission to Minister on request D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2160 Services - information and publicity P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2161 Local Government associations - subscriptions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2162 Tourism - visitor and conference facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2163 Entertainment - provision of facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2164 Finance - council funds and accounts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2165 Members - allowances and expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2166 Disabled people - consultation on accommodation for infirm or disabled people D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2167 Cemeteries and crematoria - provision and maintenance P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2168 Legal proceedings - prosecution or defence and representations at inquiries P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2169 Legal proceedings - appearance of local authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2170 Local government - custody of documents D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2171 Local government - reports and returns D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
2172 Local government - service of public notices D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2173 Local government - byelaws P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2174 Democracy - promotion or opposition of local or personal Bills P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2175 Honorary titles - alderman/woman and freeman/woman P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2176 Riding establishments - provisional licence P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2177 Scrap metal dealers - licensing P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2178 Scrap metal dealers - revocation of licence and imposition of conditions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2179 Scrap metal dealers - provision of information relating to licence D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2180 Scrap metal dealers - notification and variation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2181 Scrap metal dealers - entry and inspection P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2182 Slaughterhouses - restriction of slaughterhouses by agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2183 Slaughterhouses - provision, management and charging P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2184 Slaughterhouses - provision of cold stores and refrigerators P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2185 Slaughterhouses - compulsory purchase of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2186 Slaughterhouses - execution and enforcement D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2187 Slaughterhouses - power of entry P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2188 Staff - superannuation of persons employed in local government service D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2189 Hackney carriage - licences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2190 Hackney carriage - register of licences D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2191 Hackney carriage - suspension or revocation of licences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2192 Hackney carriage - driver's licences P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2193 Hackney carriage - bye laws for regulating hackney carriages P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2194 Housing - house numbering and street naming D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2195 Housing - renewal of house numbering P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2196 Dangerous buildings - demolition and recovery of expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2197 Highways - agreement for exercise by Minister of certain functions where impacted by trunk road P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2198 Highways - agreement for local highway authority to maintain certain highways constructed by Minister P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2199 Highways - agreements between local highway authorities for doing of certain works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2200 Highways - seconding of staff etc. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2201 Highways - compensation for works carried out P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2202 Rights of way - creation of footpath or bridleway by agreement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2203 Rights of way - compulsory powers for creation of footpaths and bridleways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2204 Rights of way - making up of new footpaths and bridleways D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2205 Rights of way - regard to agriculture, forestry and nature conservation D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2206 Highways - dedication of highway by agreement with parish or community council P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2207 Highways - register of maps, statements and declarations. D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2208 Highways- provision whereby highway created by dedication may become maintainable at public expense P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2209 Highways - maintenance of highways by highway authority D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2210 Highways - maintenance by district councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2211 Rights of way - maintenance by parish and community councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2212 Highways - materials for repair of publicly maintainable highways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2213 Highways - declaration of unnecessary highway to be not maintainable at public expense P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2214 Rights of way - maintenance of privately maintainable footpaths and bridleways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2215 Rights of way - non-repair of privately maintainable highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2216 Highways - recovery of expenses due to extraordinary traffic P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2217 Highways - general power of improvement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2218 Highways - construction and maintenance of dual carriageways and roundabouts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2219 Highways - construction and maintenance of cycle tracks P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2220 Highways - footways and guard-rails etc. for publicly maintainable highways D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2221 Highways - guard-rails etc. in private streets P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2222 Highways - pedestrian refuges P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2223 Highways - construction, lighting and maintenance of subways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2224 Highways - construction, lighting and maintenance of bridges P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2225 Highways - margins for horses and livestock D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2226 Highways - widening of carriageway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2227 Highways - improvement line for widening street P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2228 Highways - building line P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2229 Highways - variation of widths of carriageways and footways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2230 Highways -levelling of highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2231 Highways - alteration of levels P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2232 Highways - cutting off of corners P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2233 Highways - prevention of obstruction to view at corners P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2234 Highways - fencing of highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2235 Highways - provision of highway boundary posts P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2236 Highways - provision of cattle-grids and by-passes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2237 Highways - construction of road humps P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2238 Highways - traffic calming works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2239 Highways - construction of bridge to carry existing highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2240 Highways - reconstruction of a bridge P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2241 Highways - agreement with bridge owner P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2242 Highways - installation of equipment for detection of traffic offences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2243 Highways - tree planting and laying of grass verges P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2244 Highways - lighting of highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2245 Highways - delegation of lighting functions of highway authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2246 Highways - metalling of highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2247 Highways - drainage of highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2248 Highways - filling in roadside ditches etc. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2249 Highways - protection against hazards of nature P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2250 Highways - posts to indicate depth of flood water D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2251 Highways - mitigating nuisance of dust P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2252 Highways - improvements to road-ferries P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2253 Highways - diversion of non-navigable watercourses and works on any watercourse P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2254 Highways - provision of public conveniences P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2255 Highways - provision of areas for parking heavy goods vehicles, etc. P N/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2256 Highways - provision of services and amenities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2257 Highways - provision of recreation and refreshment facilities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2258 Highways - notice for services, amenties, refreshments or recreation facilities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2259 Rights of way - stopping up of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2260 Rights of way - stopping up of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways crossing railways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2261 Rights of way - stopping up of certain highways for purposes of crime prevention, etc. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2262 Rights of way - diversion of footpaths and bridleways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2263 Rights of way - diversion of footpaths and bridleways crossing railways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2264 Rights of way - diversion of certain highways for purposes of crime prevention, etc P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2265 Rights of way - register of applications for stopping up or diversion D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2266 Rights of way - temporary diversion where highway about to be repaired or widened P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2267 Highways - stopping up private access to premises by agreement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2268 Highways - further provisions with respect to new means of access P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2269 Highways - gating orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2270 Highways - protection of public rights. D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2271 Highways - unauthorised marks on highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2272 Highways - damage to footways of streets by excavations P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2273 Highways - licence to plant trees, shrubs, etc., in a highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2274 Highways - removal of structures from highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2275 Highways - erection of flagpoles etc. on highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2276 Highways - gates across highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2277 Rights of way - maintenance of stiles P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2278 Rights of way - agreements relating to improvements for benefit of persons with mobility problems P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2279 Highways - removal of things so deposited on highways as to be a nuisance etc P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2280 Highways - removal of snow, soil etc. from highway D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2281 Highways - prevention of soil etc. being washed on to street P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2282 Highways - removal of projections from buildings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2283 Highways - doors etc. in streets not to open outwards P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2284 Highways - cutting or felling trees that overhang or are a danger to roads or footpaths P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2285 Rights of way - surface repairs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2286 Highways - prevention of water falling on or flowing on to highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2287 Highways - removal of barbed wire P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2288 Highways - dangerous land adjoining street P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2289 Highways - forecourt abutting on streets P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2290 Highways - regard to needs of disabled and blind in executing works D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2291 Highways - licence for bridge construction P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2292 Highways - vehicle crossings over footways and verges P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2293 Highways - installation of refuse or storage bins in streets P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2294 Highways - street works in private streets P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2295 Highways - recovery of expenses and charges for street works P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2296 Highways - financial provisions for private street works D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2297 Highways - urgent repairs to private streets P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2298 Highways - compensation for damage caused by execution of private street works D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2299 Highways - contribution by street works authority to expenses of private street works P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2300 Highways - acquisition of land for construction or improvement of highway : general powers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2301 Highways - acquisition of land for construction or improvement of highway: further general powers P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2302 Highways - acquisition of land between improvement line and boundary of street P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2303 Highways - acquisition of land for execution of works in connection with certain bridges P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2304 Highways - acquisition of land for cattle-grids etc. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2305 Highways - acquisition of land for road-ferries P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2306 Highways - acquisition of land for buildings etc. needed for discharge of functions of highway authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2307 Highways - acquisition of land for mitigating adverse effects of constructing or improving highway P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2308 Highways - agreements as to use of land near highways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2309 Highway finance - contributions by county councils to expenses of district councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2310 Highway finance - contributions by councils towards expenses of highway authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2311 Highway finance - contributions by parish or community councils for traffic calming P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2312 Rights of way - expenses incurred in connection with footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2313 Highways - agreements as to execution of works P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2314 Highways - borrowing power of councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2315 Highways - works for mitigating adverse effect of constructing or improving highway P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2316 Highways - requiring angles of new buildings at corners of streets to be rounded off P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2317 Highways - erection of barriers in streets in cases of emergency etc. P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2318 Highways - entry of highway authority for the purpose of surveying P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2319 Highways - entry of highway authority for purpose of maintaining, etc. certain structures and works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2320 Highways - disposal of certain materials P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2321 Highways - execution of certain works on behalf of other person P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2322 Highways - request for information as to ownership of land P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2323 Highways - provision of information by non-metropolitan district councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2324 Highways - right to discharge water D Y/N/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
2325 Highways - recovery of expenses by councils and highway authorities P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2326 Planning and land - public access to register of land held by public bodies D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2327 Planning and land - assessment of development land D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2328 Land acquisition - compulsory purchase for road improvement P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2329 Land acquisition - request for inofrmation P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2330 Land acquisition - compulsory purchase notices in newspapers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2331 Land acquisition - compulsory purchase notices to owners, lessees and occupiers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2332 Animal health - general duties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2333 Land and property - compulsory purchase - preliminary notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2334 Land and property - compulsory purchase - recovery of overpaid compensation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2335 Licensing/registration - objections to application for PSV operator's licence P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2336 School buses - fare-paying passengers on school buses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2337 Licensing/registration - zoos D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2338 Civil aviation - provision of aerodromes and facilities at aerodromes P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2339 Licensing/registration - sex establishments P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2340 Licensing/registration - acupuncture, tattooing, ear-piercing and electrolysis P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2341 Public health - protection of buildings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2342 Mental health - approved social workers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2343 Health and social services - charges for local authority services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2344 Litter - consultations and proposals for abatement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2345 Litter bins - provision and maintenance P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2346 Litter bins - contribution to expenditure P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2347 Mental health - application for guardianship P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2348 Mental health - apllications for admission or guardianship by approved mental health professionals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2349 Mental health - approval by local social services authority P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2350 Mental health - after-care services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2351 Mental health - prosecution by local authorities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2352 Mental health - availibility of independent mental health advocates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2353 Mental health - information about independent mental health advocates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2354 Elections - appointment of registration officer D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2355 Elections - discharge of registration duties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2356 Buildings and building regulations - execution of Act D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2357 Markets - establishment or acquisition P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2358 Markets - market byelaws P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2359 Public health - authorities administering act D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2360 Roads - pedestrian crossings P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2361 Roads - prohibition of traffic on roads to be used as playgrounds P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2362 Roads - provision of parking places by local authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2363 Roads - provision of parking places by parish or community councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2364 Roads - placing of traffic signs P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2365 Roads - entering land in connection with traffic signs P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2366 Roads - signs erected by parish or community councils P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2367 Roads - traffic signs for indicating speed restrictions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2368 Video recordings - enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2369 Schools - pupil records (England) D Y/Y/N/Y=>N Edit Delete
2370 Special educational needs or disability - co-operation with governing bodies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2371 Special educational needs or disability - publication of local information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2372 Special educational needs or disability - advice and information for families D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2373 Special educational needs or disability - request for co-operation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2374 Special educational needs or disability - advice and information for others P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2375 Special educational needs or disability - mainstream schooling with EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2376 Special educational needs or disability - mainstream schooling without EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2377 Special educational needs or disability - nursery and mainstream schooling D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2378 Special educational needs or disability - EHC assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2379 Special educational needs or disability - EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2380 Special educational needs or disability - draft EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2381 Special educational needs or disability - requested institution D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2382 Special educational needs or disability - no institution requested D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2383 Special educational needs and disability - compliance with SEN provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2384 Special educational needs or disability - admittance to school D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2385 Special educational needs or disability - review of EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2386 Special educational needs or disability - requested re-assessment of EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2387 Special educational needs or disability - discretionary re-assessment of EHC plan P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2388 Special educational needs or disability - cessation of EHC plan P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2389 Special educational needs or disability - EHC plan after 25th birthday P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2390 Special educational needs or disability - transfer of EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2391 Special educational needs or disability - maintenance of EHC plan on release from detention D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2392 Special educational needs or disability - personal budgets D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2393 Special educational needs or disability - EHC plan appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2394 Special educational needs or disability - appeal mediation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2395 Special educational needs or disability - arrangements for resolving disagreements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2396 Special educational needs or disability - appeals pilot scheme D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2397 Special educational needs or disability - provision at other institution P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2398 Special educational needs or disability - arrangements outside England and Wales P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2399 Special educational needs or disability - payment of fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2400 Special educational needs or disability - supply of goods or services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2401 Special educational needs or disability - inspection of institution P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2402 Special educational needs or disability - meeting special educational needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2403 Special educational needs or disability - appointment of SEN co-ordinator D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2404 Special educational needs or disability - information regarding provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2405 Special educational needs or disability - report containing SEN information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2406 Special educational needs or disability - Code of Practice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2407 Tobacco purchasing - prohibition of purchase by adult for consumption by child D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2408 Children with medical conditions - support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2409 Special educational needs or disability - general duties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2410 Special educational needs or disability - identification of children and young people with needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2411 Special educational needs or disability - integration of services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2412 Special educational needs or disability - joint commissioning arrangements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2413 Special educational needs or disability - review of educational, training and social care provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2414 Special educational needs or disability - co-operation with partners D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2415 Animal health - appointment of inspectors D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2416 Access land - improvement or repair to means of access P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2417 Criminal Behaviour Order - review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2418 Community protection notices - issuing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2419 Community protection notices - powers of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2420 Community protection notices - powers on default P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2421 Community protection notices - powers of seizure P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2422 Community protection notices - fixed penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2423 Community protection notices - guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2424 Public Spaces Protection Order - making and duration P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2425 Public Spaces Protection Order - varying and discharge P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2426 Public Spaces Protection Order - breach of prohibition on consuming alcohol P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2427 Public Spaces Protection Order - restriction of right of way over highway D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2428 Public Spaces Protection Order - fixed penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2429 Public Spaces Protection Order - guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2430 Premises closure notice - issue and duration P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2431 Premises closure notice - variation and discharge P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2432 Premises closure notice - closure order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2433 Premises closure notice - discharge of closure order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2434 Premises closure notice - closure order appeal P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2435 Premises closure notice - closure order enforcement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2436 Premises closure notice - closure order reimbursement of costs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2437 Premises closure notice - closure order guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2438 Anti-social behaviour - case reviews P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2439 Social care - assistance to carers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2440 Social care - promoting individual wellbeing D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2441 Social care - integration of care and health services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2442 Social care - provision of advice and information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2443 Social care - promoting diversity and quality D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2444 Social care - co-operating generally D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2445 Social care - co-operating in specific cases D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2446 Social care - deferred payments and loans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2447 Social care - needs assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2448 Social care - carer's assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2449 Social care - compulsory needs assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2450 Social care - eligibility criteria D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2451 Social care - assessment of financial resources D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2452 Social care - meeting needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2453 Social care - required carer support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2454 Social care - provision of carer support P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2455 Social care - care support plan required review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2456 Social care - care support plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2457 Social care - meeting assessed needs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2458 Social care - care support plan discretionary review P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2459 Social care - direct payments for adults with capacity D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2460 Social care - direct payments for adult without capacity D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2461 Social care - adults moving between authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2462 social care - ordinary residence of adult P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2463 Social care - Safeguarding Adults Board D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2464 Social care - safeguarding adults review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2465 Social care - protection of property D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2466 Social care - meetings needs following provider failure in England D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2467 Social care - meetings needs following provider failure in Wales D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2468 Social care - needs assessment on reaching 18 D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2469 Social care - carer support assessment when child becomes 18 D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2470 Social care - providing child's carer and young carer support P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2471 Social care - independent advocacy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2472 Social care - support on discharge from hospital D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2473 Social care - persons in prison D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2474 Social care - required register of sight impaired and disabled adults D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2475 Social care - optional registers of sight impaired and disabled adults P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2476 Social care - complying with guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2477 Social care - delegation of functions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2478 Social care - conditions where charging for provision of care P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2479 Social care - joint working with other authorities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2480 Social care - charging for provision of care P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2481 Social care - transition from child to adult support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2482 Social care - transition to adult support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2483 Meetings - providing live or later access to meetings P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2484 Social care - provision of services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2485 Street trading - regulation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2486 Local authority - publicity D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2487 Detained young persons – post detention education, health and care needs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2488 Detained young persons – securing EHC Plan P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2489 Detained young persons – Keeping an EHC plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2490 Detained young persons – supply and charge for goods and services P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2491 Air quality - review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2492 Air quality - management areas D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2493 Air quality - County Council recommendations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2494 Finance - Public service pension scheme D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2495 Highways - road safety and accident assessment D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2496 Transport – Management of transport network P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2497 Transport - compliance in respect of transport management D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2498 Regulated activities - advice and guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2499 Regulated activities - notification to primary authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2500 Regulated activities - inspection plans P Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2501 Communities - proposal for sustainable communities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2502 Transport - Review of transport effectiveness in area with no ITA P Y/Y/N/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2503 Transport - Directed review of transport effectiveness in area with no ITA D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2504 Transport - Review of transport effectiveness in area with ITA P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2505 Transport - directed review of transport effectiveness in area with an ITA D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2506 Transport - delegation of functions by Secretary of State D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2507 Transport - regard to the Secretary of State’s guidance in respect of Integrated Transport Area. D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2508 Child welfare - safeguarding and promotion D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2509 Ward councillor - exercise of any function of a local authority P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2510 Health and social care - joint strategic needs assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2511 Planning and development Wales - direction from Assembly P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2512 Adoption - Information regarding premises inspection D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2513 Adoption - compliance with regulations regarding refusal of contact D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2514 Highways - creation of roads P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2515 Highways - conversion of private street P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2516 Highways - creation of walkway P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2517 Highways - list of maintainable highways D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2518 Highways - adoption by agreement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2519 Highways - entering premises P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2520 Highways - right to use vehicles on footways and bridleways P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2521 Planning and land - publication of information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2522 Childcare - provision of information about young children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2523 Council tax - listing of valuation bands D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2524 Council tax - rating appeals D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2525 Direct payments - determination of eligibility D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2526 Direct payments - review, repayment and termination D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2527 Schools - changing of session times P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2528 Looked after children - designated teacher P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2529 Looked after children - admission to school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2530 Education - information about child in alternative provision P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2531 Education - local curriculum for key stage 4 D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2532 Education - notification of pupil not entitled to course of study P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2533 Building control - charges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2534 Building control - general powers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2535 Business rate supplement - expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2536 Business rate supplement - accounting D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2537 Children and young people - care leavers (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2538 Children and young people - care planning D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2539 Conservation - habitats and species D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2540 Council tax - demand notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2541 Pollution control - detergents in water D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2542 Food safety - milk D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2543 Schools - off-site provision for behaviour improvement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2544 Schools - Pupil Referral Unit closure D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2545 Schools - maintaining a register D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2546 Schools - reintegration interview D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2547 Food safety - eggs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2548 Pollution control - environment permits P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2549 Food safety - gluten intolerance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2550 Public health - infection and contamination control P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2551 Public health - Part 2a orders P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2552 Marine strategy D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2553 Child protection - international obligations D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2554 Renewable energy - sale of electricity P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2555 Education - schools budget P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2556 Schools - shadow governors D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2557 Schools - teacher's pensions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2558 Education - parenting contracts D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2559 Consumer protection - timeshare regulations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2560 Public health - animals P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2561 Looked after children - visits in detention D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2562 Pollution control - water quality D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2563 Animal welfare - racing greyhounds D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2564 Staff pensions - discretionary payments P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2565 Local government - referendum on governance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2566 Mental health - care co-ordination D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2567 Mental health - assessment of residency D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2568 Animal welfare - non-commercial movement of birds P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2569 Food safety - plastic kitchenware importation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2570 Food safety - poultrymeat storage (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2571 Looked after children - visits in detention (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2572 Planning - environmental impact assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2573 Consumer protection - toy safety D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2574 Children - fostering service D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2575 Schools - performance targets P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2576 Animal trade - enforcement (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2577 Animal trade - enforcement (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2578 Animal health - tuberculosis enforcement (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2579 Looked after children - visits D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2580 Schools - pupil reports D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2581 Housing - purchase of equitable interest (Wales) P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2582 Food safety - labelling of beef and veal P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2583 Carers - breaks for carers of disabled children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2584 Carers - publication of strategies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2585 Higher education - bursary payment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2586 Community care - direct payments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2587 Council tax - precepting authorities information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2588 Education - students age 16 to 18 D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2589 Schools - performance information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2590 Schools - teacher appraisal (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2591 Social care - charges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2592 Children - emergency accommodation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2593 Food safety - poultrymeat storage (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2594 Schools - pupil records (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2595 Recycling - records and information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2596 Schools - governors reports D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2597 Schools - prospectus on local schools D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2598 Education - collaboration between education bodies P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2599 Local government - procurement P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2600 Education - financial reporting D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2601 Consumer rights - surcharges P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2602 Council tax - default reduction schemes P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2603 Education - charges for early years provision P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2604 Schools - teacher induction (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2605 Schools - teacher appraisal (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2606 Fire and rescue - improvement plans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2607 Homelessness - suitability of accommodation (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2608 Housing - management agreements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2609 Children - integrated family support team structure D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2610 Children - integrated family support functions P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2611 Children - integrated family support case review D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2612 Planning - land compensation (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2613 Planning - land compensation (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2614 local authority - discharge of functions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2615 Council tax - calculation of base D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2616 Local government - committee system rules D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2617 local government - council tax increase referendum D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2618 Local government - elected mayor D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2619 Highways - charging for street works P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2620 Planning - conservation areas and listed buildings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2621 Food safety - articles in contact with food (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2622 Trading standards - textile labelling D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2623 Schools - admissions D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2624 Schools - admissions appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2625 Planning - tree preservation order confirmation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2626 Council tax - increases by precepting authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2627 Planning - neighbourhood area designation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2628 Planning - neighbourhood area referendums D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2629 Local Government - overview and scrutiny D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2630 Children - playground provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2631 Members - declaration of office D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2632 Local government - information for overview and scrutiny P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2633 Local government - executive arrangements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2634 Local government - post election surveys D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2635 Food safety - articles in contact with food (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2636 Public health - general functions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2637 Schools - infant class sizes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2638 Planning - development procedure D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2639 Planning - fees D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2640 Planning - local plans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2641 Pollution control - volatile organic compounds P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2642 School - premises D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2643 Schools - exclusion from school D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2644 Schools - governing bodies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2645 Schools - federations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2646 Schools - transition of governance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2647 Schools - prohibited items P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2648 Schools - school forums D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2649 Schools - academy conversion surplus D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2650 Animal welfare - African horse sickness D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2651 Livestock - animal by-products (England) D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2652 Bathing waters - notification P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2653 Health and safety - labelling of biocidal products D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2654 Schools - careers guidance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2655 Childcare - sufficiency assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2656 Construction products - enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2657 Food safety - contaminants (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2658 Food safety - contaminants (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2659 Coroners - allowances, fees and expenses D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2660 Council tax reduction - fraud (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2661 Council tax reduction - fraud (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2662 Council tax - reduction schemes (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2663 Schools - pupil information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2664 Schools - assessments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2665 Schools - national curriculum attainment targets D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2666 Staff - family absence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2667 Food safety - fish labelling (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2668 Food safety - fish labelling (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2669 Schools - healthy school meals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2670 Local government - joint overview and scrutiny P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2671 Food safety and hygiene - enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2672 Non-domestic rating - rates retention P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2673 Non-domestic rating - levy and safety net payments P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2674 Food safety - food additives (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2675 Food safety - food additives (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2676 Food safety - hygiene rating D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2677 Schools - clerk to governing body D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2678 Schools - governor training D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2679 Public health - water fluoridation schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2680 Schools - procedures for governors D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2681 Local government - public health functions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2682 Food safety - fruit juices and fruit nectars (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2683 Food safety - fruit juices and fruit nectars (Wales) D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2684 Housing - transfer to private registered provider D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2685 Local government - recoupment of education costs D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2686 Finance - budgets and council tax D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2687 Public health - weighing and measuring of children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2688 Non-domestic rating - disregarded income 2013 D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2689 Non-domestic rating - renewable energy projects P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2690 Non-domestic rating - transitional protection payments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2691 Protection of freedom - surveillance cameras D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2692 Elections - register of proxies D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2693 School admissions - common offer date D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2694 School admissions - infant class sizes D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2695 School admissions - variation of arrangements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2696 Schools - establishment and discontinuance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2697 Schools - alterations and changes of category P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2698 Schools - penalty notices for non-attendance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2699 Finance - Audit and inspection D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2700 Livestock - animal by-products (Wales) P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2701 Animal welfare - dog breeding licensing D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2702 Anti-social behaviour - public spaces protection order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2703 Business improvement districts - ballot regulations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2704 Social care - needs assessments P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2705 Social care - charging for assessed needs P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2706 Social care - continuity of care when moving authority D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2707 Social care - deferred payment (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2708 Social care - direct payments regulation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2709 Social care - discharge from hospital D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2710 Social care - cross border placements and temporary care D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2711 Social care - disputes between local authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2712 Social care - independent advocacy support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2713 Social care - provision of health services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2714 Social care - choice of accommodation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2715 Social care - personal budget D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2716 Childcare - information, advice and training D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2717 Children - performances and activities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2718 Pollution control - emissions register D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2719 Social services - contracting out P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2720 Animal health - swine diseases D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2721 Schools - notification of term dates D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2722 Education - pupil referral units (PRU) D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2723 Education - school development plans D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2724 Schools - federation of maintained schools P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2725 Fire and rescue - firefighters pension schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2726 Food safety - information for customers D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2727 Food safety - food information regulations D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2728 Local audit - auditor resignation and removal D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2729 Local audit - auditor panel D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2730 Education - early years provision D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2731 Marriage - conversion of civil partnership P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2732 Marriage - registration and appointment for same sex marriage D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2733 Marriage - cancellation of registration of shared buildings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2734 Licensing - mobile home sites P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2735 Licensing - mobile home site rules (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2736 Licensing - mobile home site rules (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2737 Schools - National Curriculum assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2738 Non-domestic rating - disregarded income 2014 D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2739 Local government - records D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2740 Planning - heritage partnership agreements procedures D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2741 Planning - certificates of lawfulness procedures D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2742 Planning - listed building consent orders D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2743 Housing - fraud investigation (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2744 Housing - fraud investigation (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2745 Food safety - meat products (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2746 Food safety - meat products (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2747 Electoral register - supply of information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2748 Children - representations procedure D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2749 Schools - nutritional requirements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2750 Schools - early years funding D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2751 Social care - complaints procedure (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2752 Education - SEN regulations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2753 Education - SEN personal budgets D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2754 Animal health - tuberculosis in deer D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2755 Animal health - tuberculosis enforcement (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2756 Animal welfare - welfare at time of killing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2757 Local government finance - accounts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2758 Social care - protection of adults D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2759 Housing -use of local connection D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2760 Animal feeds - enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2761 Animal feed - hygiene, sampling and enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2762 Food safety - animal products D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2763 Housing - community protection and fixed penalty notices P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2764 Food safety - brucellosis testing D Y/Y/N/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2765 Schools - formation of company for governing body P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2766 Schools - control and use of premises D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2767 Local government - credit arrangements and capital receipts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2768 Social care - individual responsible for assessments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2769 Social care - individual responsible for care plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2770 Social care - care and support charges D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2771 Social care - needs assessment for carers of children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2772 Social care - choice of care accommodation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2773 Social care - deferred payment (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2774 Social care - direct payments (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2775 Social care - disputes about ordinary residence D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2776 Social care - eligibility criteria (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2777 Social care - eligibility criteria (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2778 Social care - financial assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2779 Social care - partnership arrangements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2780 Social care - population assessments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2781 Social care - provision of health care D Y/Y/N/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2782 Social care - review of charging decisions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2783 Children and young people - care leavers (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2784 Children and young people - care plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2785 Licences - child performances D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2786 Food safety - condensed and dried milk D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2787 Food safety - origin of meat products (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2788 Food safety - origin of meat products (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2789 Schools - teacher induction (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2790 Environment - damage under environmental permitting D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2791 Public health -FGM protection order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2792 Registration - marriage/civil partnership gender recognition register P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2793 Schools - change of category D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2794 Housing - homelessness (intentionality) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2795 Housing - homelessness review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2796 Housing - accommodation suitability for homeless D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2797 Food safety - labelling of honey (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2798 Food safety - labelling of honey (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2799 Household waste - penalty charge P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2800 Licensing - late night refreshment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2801 Local government - audit of smaller authorities P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2802 Recycling - charging for use of recycling sites D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2803 Local government - transparency D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2804 Animal welfare - microchipping of dogs (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2805 Animal welfare - microchipping of dogs (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2806 Food safety - bottled drinking water D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2807 Non-domestic rating - small business relief D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2808 Trading standards - packaging of goods D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2809 Local government - public contracts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2810 Registration - marriage and civil partnership referrals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2811 Registration -marriages D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2812 Open data - re-use of public sector information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2813 Schools - teachers pay and conditions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2814 Schools - schools and early years finance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2815 Housing - selective licensing P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2816 Transparency - smaller authorities D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2817 Housing - carbon monoxide and smoke alarms D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2818 Youth justice - EHC plan for detained persons D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2819 Schools - redundancy or premature retirement of teachers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2820 Planning - compensation on withdrawal of planning permission P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2821 Planning - development management procedures D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2822 Planning - general permitted development P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2823 Planning - override of easements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2824 Social care - visiting detained children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2825 Social care - young carers needs assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2826 Early years provision - information about young children D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2827 Council tax - listing and appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2828 Council tax - valuation tribunal D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2829 Social care - direct payment eligibility D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2830 Social care - review and termination of direct payments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2831 Environment - flood risk assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2832 Environment - significant flood risk D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2833 Environment - flood risk assessment review D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2834 Environment - flood risk and flood hazard maps D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2835 Environment - review of flood hazard and flood risk maps D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2836 Environment - flood risk management plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2837 Environment - review of flood risk management plan D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2838 Environment - co-operation regarding flood risk D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2839 Environment - information requests regarding flood risk P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2840 Environment - provision of information regarding flood risk P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2841 Social care - complaints procedure (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2842 Planning - Environmental Impact Assessment consideration D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2843 Roadworks - charges for prolonged occupation (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2844 Food safety - eggs and chicks D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2845 Food safety - eggs and chicks enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2846 Food safety - eggs and chicks entry to premises P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2847 Food safety - eggs and chicks compliance notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2848 Food safety - eggs and chicks publishing information D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2849 Food safety - eggs and chicks prosecution P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2850 Food safety - eggs and chicks penalty notice P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2851 Food safety - food for particular nutritional purposes (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2852 Food safety - food for particular nutritional purposes (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2853 Food safety - food irradiation (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2854 Food safety - food irradiation (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2855 Food safety - information regarding feed and food controls P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2856 Food safety official feed and food controls enforcement (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2857 Food safety - official feed and food controls execution (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2858 Food safety - imported animal feed enforcement (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2859 Food safety - imformation regarding imported animal feed (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2860 Food safety - imported animal feed samples (England) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2861 Food safety - animal feed - recovery of expenses P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2862 Food safety - feed and food controls information exchange (Wales) P N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2863 Food safety - feed and food controls regard to guidance (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2864 Food safety - feed and food controls enforcement (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2865 Food safety - imported animal feed enforcement (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2866 Food safety - imported animal feed analysis (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2867 Food safety - animal feed recovery of expenses (Wales) P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2868 Food safety - organic products D N/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2869 Food safety - scotch whisky regulations D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2870 Roadworks - use of fees (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2871 Roadworks - collection of charges for prolonged works (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2872 Roadworks - use of fees (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2873 Animal welfare - horse passports enforcement D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2874 Animal welfare - horse passport inspection P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2875 Planning - appeals in Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSIs) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2876 Planning - written representations for appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2877 Planning - time period for appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2878 Planning - reviews of old minerals permissions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2879 Local authority - commercial trading P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2880 Public transport - quality contract schemes D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2881 Schools - school staffing D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2882 Housing - purchase of equitable interest (England) P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2883 Members - written record of decisions and actions D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2884 Environment - damage prevention and remediation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2885 Environment - damage enforcement notice D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2886 Environment - compensation for damage under instruction P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2887 Environment - assessment of damage and remediation D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2888 Environmental damage - carrying out remedial work P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2889 Environmental damage - recovery of costs for remedial work P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2890 Environmental damage - requests from interested parties D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2891 Environmental damage - appointment of authorised persons P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2892 Environmental damage - provision of information by operator P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2893 Council tax - alteration of requisite calculations (England) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2894 Council tax - alteration of requisite calculations (Wales) D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2895 Non-domestic rates - chargeable amounts D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2896 Non-domestic rates - lists and appeals D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2897 Recycling - register of battery producers P Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2898 Recycling - monitoring of compliance with battery recycling scheme D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2899 Recycling - waste batteries and accumulators D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2900 Recycling - publishing of information regarding waste batteries D Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2901 Recycling - sharing of information regarding battery recycling schemes P Y/N/Y/Y=>N Edit Delete
2902 Families - forced marriage protection order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2903 Fire compliance - sub-surface railway stations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2904 Emergency plan - extraction sites D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2905 Education - publication of learner travel information P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2906 Education - provision of information on learner travel D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2907 Housing - slum clearance areas P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2908 Transport - competitive tender for services D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2909 Weights and measures - local standards P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2910 Weights and measures – Working standards testing and stamping equipment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2911 Weights and measures - exchange of standards or equipment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2912 Weights and measures - hiring of equipment P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2913 Weights and measures - employment of officers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2914 Weights and measures - weighing by inspectors P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2915 Weights and measures - annual report D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2916 Weights and measures - appointment of chief inspectors and inspectors D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2917 Weights and measures - fees for work resulting from EU obligation P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2918 Weights and measures - investigatory powers P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2919 Weights and measures - prosecutions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2920 Airports - direction to form a company D Y/N/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2921 Disabled persons - taking into account ability of carer D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2922 Disabled persons - consultation before co-opting representative to committee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2923 Local authority - prohibition of political publicity D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2924 Local authority - code of practice for publicity D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2925 Local authority - mortgagors consent to dispose of interest as mortgagee D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2926 Consumer protection - search, seizure and detention P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2927 Consumer protection - compensation for seizure and detention D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2928 Disabled persons - transition for children to adult care and support D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2929 Children and families - direct payments D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2930 Social care - parent carers assessment D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2931 Special educational needs - continued provision where EHC plan maintained P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2932 Fostering - staying put arrangements D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2933 Child protection - child assessment order P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2934 Local authority meetings - religious/belief observance P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2935 Statutory nuisances - proceedings D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2936 Planning - decision notices D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2937 Planning - consultation on development order D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2938 Public health - prevention, care and aftercare P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2939 Animal health - borrowing by Local Authority P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2940 Animal health - provision of wharves etc. P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2941 Animal health - acquisition of land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2942 Animal health - public facilities for sheep dipping P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2943 Animal health - burial of carcasses washed ashore D Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2944 Animal health - payment of Secretary of State's expenses D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2945 Licences - granting of zoo licence P Y/Y/Y/N=>Y Edit Delete
2946 Licensing - inspection of zoos D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2947 Lcensing - zoo licence - local authority zoos D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2948 Licensing - zoo licence - exemptions P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2949 Licensing - zoo licencing - fees P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2950 Licensing - zoo licensing - enforcement and closure P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2951 Licensing - zoo licensing - welfare of animals P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2952 licensing - zoo licensing - powers of entry P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2953 Local Government - Enforcement of covenant relating to land P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2954 Regulation - temporary markets P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2955 Personal property - Lost and uncollected property P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2956 Employment and training - arrangements P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2957 Mental health - arrangement of interview D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2958 Elections - register of electors - compilation and maintenance D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2959 Elections - register of electors - publication D Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2960 Elections - assistance to returning officer P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2961 Elections - polling districts and stations P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2962 Elections - appointment of returning officer P Y/Y/Y/Y=>Y Edit Delete
2963 Test P N/N/N/N=>Y Edit Delete