Identifier,Label,AlternativeLabels,Type,Description,LegislationLabel,LegislationUrl,LegislationNotes,LegislationIsCorrect,ServicesIdentifiers,ServicesNotes,ServicesIsComplete,RiskCategoryLabel,RiskCategoryNotes,RiskCategoryIsComplete,ApplicableOrganisationsNotes,ApplicableOrganisationsIsComplete,ApplicableFrom,ApplicableTo,FileName,GeneralNotes,IsDraft,IsComplete 13,Education and training - sharing of information,,P,Any person authorised by the relevant legislation may provide information to a person or organisation identified in the legislation for the purpose of enabling or facilitating any relevant function related to education and training.,"Section 122 of the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009",,,True,1|2,,True,Secondary power of lower importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Education - Apprenticeship - EAp1.doc,,False,True 14,Education and children's social work - expenditure,Duty to comply with a request of Secretary of State for information about its education or Children?s Social Work functions.,D,A local authority must comply with a request of Secretary of State for information about planned and actual expenditure on education or children's social services functions,"Section 251 of the Apprenticeship, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009",,See also section 252 of the same Act,True,1621,,True,Secondary duty of lower importance,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Education - Apprenticeship - EAp2.doc,,False,True 15,Education and training - co-operation with another local authority in delivering section 68 duty,,P,A local authority may co-operate with another local authority in delivering its section 68 duty under the same act.,"Section 70 of the Education, Learning and Skills Act 2008",,,True,918|1493,,False,Secondary power of lower importance,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Education - Support Services - ESS2.doc,,False,False 16,Education and training - young people and young adults,,D,"A local authority must make available to young persons and relevant young adults such services as it considers appropriate to encourage, enable or assist the effective participation of those persons in education or training.","Section 68 of the Education, Learning and Skills Act 2008",,,True,918|1493,,False,Secondary duty of higher importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Education - Support Services - ESS1.doc,,False,False 17,Young person - learning and support agreement,,P,A local authority may enter into a conditional learning and support agreement with a young person.,"Section 71 of the Education, Learning and Skills Act 2008",,,True,918|1493,,False,Secondary power of lower importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Education - Support Services - ESS3.doc,,False,False 18,Education - pupil or student information,,D,The responsible person must provide relevant information about a pupil or student who is attending an educational institution to an English local authority with an education function where that information is required for the provision of services under section 68 and 70 of the same act..,"Section 72 of the Education, Learning and Skills Act 2008",,,True,918|1493,,False,Secondary duty of lower importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Education - Support Services - ESS4.doc,,False,False 19,Young person or young adult - information provision,,P,A person or body as defined in the legislation may supply information about a young person or relevant young adult to an English local authority with an education function where that information is required for the provision of services under section 68 and 70 of the same act.,"Section 77 of the Education, Learning and Skills Act 2008",,,True,918|1493,,False,Secondary power of lower importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Education - Support Services - ESS5.doc,,False,False 20,Education and training - provision for 14 - 19 year olds,,D,A local authority must incorporate arrangements as to education and training suitable to the requirements of persons during the period beginning with the start of the academic year in which they attain the age of 15 and ending when they attain the age of 19 into co-operation arrangements under section 10 of the Children Act 2004.,"Section 85 of the Education, Learning and Skills Act 2008",,,True,918|1493,,True,Secondary duty of lower importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/05/2010,,Education - Support Services - ESS6.doc,,False,True 21,Schools - financial or other assistance to academy,,P,"A local authority may provide financial or other assistance in respect of the Academy, including by (a) making payments in respect of some (but not all) of the expenses of maintaining the Academy, (b) providing premises, goods or services for the Academy, or (c) by making premises, goods or services available to be used for the purposes of the Academy.",Section 6 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary power of lower importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 1.doc,NG - Can't see description above in quoted legislation,False,False 22,Schools - ceasing maintenance on conversion to academy status,,D,A local authority must cease to maintain a school on the date upon which it converts to Academy status.,Section 6 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 2.doc,,False,False 23,Schools - academy property transfer scheme,,D,"A local authority must comply with a transfer scheme made by the Secretary of State in respect of property, rights and liabilities of a former maintained school which is becoming an Academy.",Section 8 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 4.doc,,False,False 24,Schools - academy board and lodging,,D,A local authority must pay an Academy for the full cost of board and lodging at a child registered there if suitable education cannot be provided elsewhere and the whole or a suitable proportion of those charges where the payment of the charges would involve financial hardship to the child's parent.,Section 10 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 5.doc,,False,False 25,Schools - transfer of land to academy,,D,"A local authority must comply with a scheme made by the Secretary of State to transfer land from the local authority to an Academy. ",Schedule 1 paragraph 3 of the Academies Act 2010,,See also SI 2012/1829,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 6.doc,,False,False 26,Schools - consent of Secretary of State to transfer,,D,"A local authority must not dispose of land held for a school or Academy without the consent of the Secretary of State. ",Schedule 1 paragraph 4 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,False,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 7.doc,,False,False 27,Schools - transfer of former academy land,,D,A local authority must not make an appropriation in respect of land held for a school or Academy without the consent of the Secretary of State.,Schedule 1 paragraph 6 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,False,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 8.doc,,False,False 28,Schools - change of land use,,D,A local authority must inform the Secretary of State in respect of a proposed change of use with regard to land held for school or Academy purposes.,Schedule 1 paragraph 9 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 9.doc,,False,False 29,Schools - transfer of land to be legally effective,,D,"A local authority must to take steps required by property to law to make the transfer of land legally effective. ",Schedule 1 paragraph 18 of the Academies Act 2010,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 10.doc,,False,False 30,Schools - formation of company for academy,,P,The Governing Body of a maintained school may form a company to enter into Academy arrangements or do anything incidental.,"Section 5 of the Children, Schools and Families Act 2010",,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,False,29/07/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - Acadamies 11.doc,,False,False 31,Policy - pay policy statement,,D,"Local authority must prepare a pay policy statement, annually and have regard to Guidance when doing so.",Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011,,See also sections 39 and 40 of the same Act,True,979,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authority Accountability LAA1.doc,,False,False 32,Policy - Chief Officer remuneration,,D,The authority must comply with its pay policy statement for the financial year in making the determination of the remuneration of or other terms and conditions applying to a chief officer of the authority,Section 41 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,979,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authority Accountability LAA2.doc,,False,False 33,Land of community value - maintenance of list,,D,The local authority must maintain a list of land in its area which has community value.,Section 87 of the Localism Act 2011,,See also sections 88 to 89 of the Localism Act 2011 and statutory instrument 2012/2421,True,592,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACV1.doc,,False,False 34,Land of community value - unsuccessful nominations,,D,"The local authority must maintain a list of land that has been unsuccessfully nominated for inclusion in its list. ",Section 93 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,592,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACV3.doc,,False,False 35,Land of community value - publication of lists,,D,The local authority must maintain a list of land which is considered an asset of community value and a list of land in its area that has been nominated by an unsuccessful community nomination (as a community asset). Both lists must be published and made available for free inspection by any person. A free copy of either list must be provided to any person who asks for a copy.,Section 94 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,592,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACV4.doc,,False,False 36,Land of community value - publication of intended sale,,D,The local authority must edit list of assets of community value to show notification of intended sale and publicise that intended sale and to notify owner of community interest group bidder and to pay compensation in certain circumstances.,Section 97 of the Localism Act 2011,,See also sections 98 to 99 of the Localism Act 2011 and SI 2012/2421,True,592,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACV5.doc,,False,False 37,Land of community value - disposal moratorium,,P,The local authority has power to enforce the moratorium on the disposal by the owner of land included in a local authority's list of assets of community value.,"Section 101 of the Localism Act 2011 ",,See also SI 2012/2421,True,592,,False,Secondary power of medium importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACV6.doc,,False,False 38,Land of community value - co-operation between authorities,,D,Where land on the register of community assets spans local authority areas all of those local authorities must co-operate in ensuring compliance with the Act.,Section 102 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,592,,False,Secondary duty of medium importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACV7.doc,,False,False 39,Services - expressions of interest in providing,,D,The local authority must publish a list of its services and consider expressions of interest from a relevant body and accept or reject them. Where required by the statute it must also enter into a public tendering process for those services.,Section 81 of the Localism Act 2011,,See also sections 82 to 84 of the Localism Act 2011 and SIs 2012/1313 and 2012/1647,True,1632,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Assets of Community Value ACVCRC1.doc,,False,False 40,Business rates - supplement (BRS),,P,A local authority may impose a business supplemental rate non-domestic ratepayers to raise money for expenditure on a project that the authority is satisfied will promote economic development in its area.,Section 1 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates - supplement,False,Primary power of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR1.doc,,False,False 41,Business rates - procedures for imposing a BRS,,D,"A local authority must draw up and publish an initial prospectus, consult relevant persons, hold a ballot, where relevant, which approves the imposition and publish a final prospectus which sets out the arrangements for the imposition before imposing a business rate supplement.",Section 4 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates - supplement,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR2.doc,,False,False 42,Business rates - BRS relief,,P,A levying authority that imposes a BRS may apply such reliefs in relation to the BRS as it thinks appropriate,Section 15 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates - supplement,False,Secondary power of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR3.doc,,False,False 43,Business rates - interaction with BID levy where BRS imposed,,D,"A levying authority must set rules for the purposes of cases where a person is, by reference to a hereditament, liable for BID levy for the whole or part of a financial year in respect of which the person is, in relation to that hereditament, subject to a BRS imposed by the authority.",Section 16 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates - supplement,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR4.doc,,False,False 44,Business rates - notice of BRS to billing authority,,D,"A levying authority which is not a billing authority must, for each financial year for which it intends to impose a BRS, give a written notice relating to the BRS to each billing authority which is a lower-tier authority in relation to it.",Section 18 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,See also section 19 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates - supplement,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR5.doc,,False,False 45,Business rates - calculation of chargeable amount where BRS imposed,,D,The authority must calculate the chargeable amount which each person who is to be subject to a BRS imposed for a financial year is to be liable to pay in respect of that year.,Section 20 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates - supplement,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR6.doc,,False,False 46,Business rates - BRS collection and enforcement and administrative expenses,,D,A local authority must comply with Regulations regarding collection and enforcement and administrative expenses in connection with business rate supplements.,Section 21 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,""," See also section22 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009",True,1672,Add new service - business rates - supplements,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR7.doc,,False,False 47,Business rates - accounting provisions for BRS,,D,A local authority must comply with accounting provisions in connection with business rate supplement.,Section 23 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,See also schedule 1 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,True,1672,Add new service - Business rates supplement,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR8.doc,,False,False 48,Business rates - directions on cancellation of BRS,,D,"A levying authority, a billing authority or a functional body must comply with a direction given to it, or a requirement imposed on it by the Secretary of State in relation to the cancellation of a BRS.",Section 24 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service Business rates supplement,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR9.doc,,False,False 49,Business rates - request for information in respect of BRS,,P,Levying authority has power to request information from billing authority in respect of the business rate supplement and the billing authority has a duty to comply with that request.,Section 25 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,54|55|56,,False,Secondary duty/power of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR10.doc,Please check on Type - we have both power and duty,False,False 50,Business rates - compliance with guidance for BRS,,D,Local authority must comply with guidance issued by the Secretary of State when carrying out its functions under the Act.,Section 26 of the Business Rates Supplements Act 2009,,,True,1672,Add new service Business rates supplements,False,Secondary duty/power of high importance.,,True,,True,19/08/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Business Rates - BR11.doc,,False,False 51,Services - charging for provision,,P,A local authority may charge for services carried out pursuant to its power under section 1 of the Localism Act in certain circumstances.,Section 3 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,1632,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,False,18/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -General Powers - Charging GP1.doc,,False,False 52,Child poverty - co-operation to reduce child poverty,,D,"A local authority must make arrangements for promoting co-operation between various bodies for the purposes of reducing of mitigating child poverty in its area and to have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State in so doing. ",Section 21 of the Child Poverty Act 2010,,,True,1677,Add new service for child poverty,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,25/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Child Poverty - CP1.doc,,False,False 53,Child poverty - resources and pooled fund,,P,"A local authority may provide staff, goods, services, accommodation, other resources and to establish a pooled fund for the purposes of reducing of mitigating child poverty in its area.",Section 21 of the Child Poverty Act 2010,,,True,1677,Add new service for child poverty,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,25/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Child Poverty - CP2.doc,,False,False 54,Child poverty - local needs assessment,,D,"A local authority must produce and publish a local child poverty needs assessment including a joint child poverty strategy for its area and have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State in so doing. ",Section 22 of the Child Poverty Act 2010,,See also section 23 of the Child Poverty Act 2010,True,1676,Add new service for child poverty,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,False,25/05/2010,,Local Governemnt Powers - Template -Child Poverty - CP3.doc,,False,False 55,Children's social care - arrangements for discharge of care functions,,P,A local authority may enter into an agreement with a body corporate to enable that body to exercise some of the Authority's care functions.,Section 1 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008,,See also section 2 - 3 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008 and Children and Young Persons Act 2008 (Relevant Care Functions) (England) Regulations 2014/2407,True,263|840|918|1281|1282|1627|1722|1723,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons CYP1.doc,,False,True 56,Children's social care - designated school staff member for looked after children,,D,A Governing Body of a maintained school must designate a member of the staff at the school as having responsibility for promoting the educational achievement of registered pupils at the school who are being looked after by a local authority,Section 20 of the Children and Young Persons Act 2008,,see also Designated Teacher (Looked After Pupils etc)(England) Regulations 2009/1538,True,29|840|1282,,True,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,12/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons CYP2.doc,,False,True 57,Climate change report in England,,D,"An authority is required to prepare a report on the current and predicted impact of climate change in relation to the authority's functions when and how directed by the Secretary of State. The report may include proposals and policies for adapting to climate change, time-scales for introducing those proposals and policies and an assessment of the progress made by the authority towards implementing the policies and proposals set out in previous reports.",Section 62 of the Climate Change Act 2008,,See also section 63 of the Climate Change Act 2008,True,1131,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,26/01/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Climate Change - CC1.doc,,False,True 58,Climate change report in Wales,,D,A local authority must prepare report on climate change in relation to the delegated functions of Welsh ministers when and in the manner directed by the Welsh Ministers.,Section 67 of the Climate Change Act 2008,,See also section 68 of the Climate Change Act 2008,True,1131,,False,Secondary duty of secondary duty.,,True,,True,26/01/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Climate Change - CC2.doc,,False,True 59,Climate change - single use carrier bags,,D,A local authority must administer the Single Use of Carrier Bags Regulations.,Single Use Carrier Bags Charge (Wales) Regulations 2010,,"See also Single Use Carrier Bags Charges (England) Order 2015/776, Single Use Carrier Bags Charge (Wales) Regulations 2010/2880 and Single Use Carrier Bags Charge (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/2184",True,1131,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council for the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,28/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Climate Change - CC3.doc,Template file is CC2,False,True 61,Services - timimg for submission of expressions of interest,,P,"A relevant authority may specify periods during which expressions of interest, or expressions of interest in respect of a particular relevant service, may be submitted to the authority.",Section 82 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,1632,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Community Right to Challenge CRC2.doc,,False,False 62,Services - consideration of wellbeing of area during service procurement,,D,"The authority must take the economic, social and environmental well-being of area into account before entering into certain procurement exercises and entering into certain service provision contracts ",Section 1 of the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012,,,True,830,,False,Core duty of high importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,08/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Contracting C1.doc,,False,False 63,Local economy - assessment of economic conditions,,D,"A local authority must prepare an assessment of the economic conditions in its area, consult/co-operate with consultation as required by section 69 and have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State.","Section 69 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA1.doc,,False,False 64,Local economy - funding for Economic Prosperity Board,,D,A local authority must comply with secretary of state's funding order with regard to an Economic Prosperity Board operating within its area where the authority is a constituent council of the Board.,"Section 92 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA2.doc,,False,False 65,Local economy - review of arrangements,,P,Any two or more authorities may undertake a review of the effectiveness and efficiency of arrangements to promote economic development and regeneration in their area.,"Section 97 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA3.doc,Title and description are the same,False,False 66,Local economy - new Economic Prosperity Board,,P,"Any two or more authorities may prepare and publish a scheme for a new economic prosperity board for their area. ","Section 98 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA4.doc,Title and description same,False,False 67,Local economy - review of Economic Prosperity Board matters,,P,In accordance with the framework laid down by section 100 an authority may undertake a review of economic prosperity board matters for their area.,"Section 100 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA5.doc,,False,False 68,"Local economy - preparation and publication of scheme ",,P,An authority who has undertaken in review in accordance with section 100 may prepare and publish a scheme to exercise powers to improve economic prosperity for its area.,"Section 101 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA6.doc,,False,False 69,Policy - joint review of transport or economic development,,P,Any two or more authorities may undertake a review of the effectiveness and efficiency of transport or arrangements to promote economic development within their area.,"Section 108 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|493|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA7.doc,,False,False 70,Policy - creation of combined authority,,P,Any two or more authorities who have undertaken a review under section 108 may prepare and publish a scheme for the creation of a combined authority.,"Section 109 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA8.doc,,False,False 71,Policy - combined authority review,,P,Any one or more authorities may undertake a review of one or more combined matters in a combined authority's area.,"Section 111 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA9.doc,Title and description the same,False,False 72,Policy - preparation and publication of scheme for a combined authority,,P,"Any one or more authorities who have undertaken a review of one or more combined matters in a combined authority's area may prepare and publish a scheme to improve the functioning of a combined matter in a combined authority's area. ","Section 112 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA10.doc,,False,False 73,Policy - regard to guidance by Secretary of State for combined authority,,D,A local authority must have regard to guidance prepared by the Secretary of State with regard to anything done under Part VI of the Act.,"Section 118 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,False,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA11.doc,,False,False 74,Policy - proposal for multi-area agreement,,P,The local authorities for an area proposed to be covered by a multi-area agreement (the proposed area) may request the Secretary of State to give a direction under section 125 for the preparation and submission of a draft multi-area agreement for the proposed area.,"Section 124 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA12.doc,,False,False 75,Policy - direction to prepare and submit draft multi-area agreement,,D,Local Authorities must prepare a multi-area agreement when directed to do so by the Secretary of State and must consult before so doing.,"Section 125 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009","","See also section 126 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA13.doc,,False,False 76,Policy - submission of existing multi-area agreement,,D,Local Authorities must when preparing a multi-area agreement other than in accordance with section 125 comply with the requirements of section 128 and consult when so doing.,"Section 128 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA14.doc,Title and description the same,False,False 77,Policy - multi-area agreement improvement targets,,D,Local Authorities must have regard to every improvement target contained within a multi area agreement when carrying out its functions.,"Section 130 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA15.doc,Title and description the same,False,False 78,Policy - transfer of responsibility in multi-area agreement,,P,The local authorities to which the targets specified in a multi-area agreement relate may request the Secretary of State to agree to another one of those authorities becoming the responsible authority in relation to the agreement.,"Section 131 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,False,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA16.doc,,False,False 79,Policy - revision proposals for multi-area agreement,,P,A Local Authority may or must if directed to do so by the Secretary of State prepare a proposal for a revised multi-area agreement and consult as required.,"Section 132 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,"See also section 133 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary power/duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA17.doc,Title and description the same and has both Power and Duty for Type,False,False 80,Policy - publication of information about multi-area agreement,,D,A Local Authority must publish information about multi-area agreements or revised multi-area agreements.,"Section 135 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,347|599|747,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Economic assets EcA18.doc,,False,False 81,"Electoral areas - provision of information to Boundary Commission ",,D,A local authority must comply with a request for information from the Local Government Boundary Commission for England in connection with its functions under the Act.,"Section 56 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,1679,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Elecrtoral Change EC1.doc,,False,False 83,Electoral areas - request for Boundary Commission review.,,P,A local authority may request the Local Government Boundary Commission for England to conduct a review of the Council's area and make recommendations as to single member electoral areas.,"Section 57 of the Local Democracy, Economic Development and Construction Act 2009",,,True,1679,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -Electoral Change EC2.doc,,False,False 84,Equality - public sector duty regarding socio-economic inequalities,,D,"An authority to which this duty applies must, when making decisions of a strategic nature about how to exercise its functions, have due regard to the desirability of exercising them in a way that is designed to reduce the inequalities of outcome which result from socio-economic disadvantage.",Section 1 of the Equality Act 2010,,,True,861|1623,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Equalites EQ1.doc,,False,False 85,"Equality - duty to eliminate discrimination, enhance equality and foster good relations",,D,"A local authority must in the exercise of its functions have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, enhance equality of opportunity and to enhance good relations.",Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010,,,True,861|1623,,False,Core duty of high importance.,,False,,True,05/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template -Equalites EQ2.doc,,False,False 86,Equality - publication of information to demonstrate compliance,,D,A local authority must publish equality information as required by secondary legislation.,Section 153 of the Equality Act 2010,"","See also SIs 2011/2260 (Eng); 2011/1064 (Wales) ",True,861|1623,,False,Core duty of high importance.,,True,,True,10/09/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template -Equalites EQ3.doc,,False,False 87,Equality - prepare and publish an equality objective,,D,A local authority must prepare and publish equality information as required by secondary legislation,Section 153 of the Equality Act 2010,"","See also SIs 2011/2260 (Eng); 2011/1064 (Wales) ",True,861|1623,,False,Core duty of high importance.,,True,,False,10/09/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template -Equalites EQ4.doc,,False,False 88,Flooding - flood risk management strategy,,P,"A local authority must develop, consult upon, maintain, apply and monitor a strategy for local flood risk management in its area (a local flood risk management strategy) and have regard to Guidance from the Secretary of State in doing so.",Section 9 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,"",See also section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,True,793|1611|1612,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM1.doc,,False,False 89,Flooding - guidance on flood risk management strategy,,P,A local authority may issue guidance in respect of its local flood risk management strategy.,Section 9 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,See also section 10 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,True,793|1611|1612,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM2.doc,,False,False 90,Flooding and coastal erosion - co-operation and arrangements,,D,A local authority must cooperate with other relevant authorities in the exercise of their flood and coastal erosion risk management functions,Section 13 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|848|1611|1612,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM3.doc,,False,False 91,Flooding and coastal erosion - sharing of information,,P,A relevant authority may share information with another relevant authority for the purpose of discharging its duty in the exercise of their flood and coastal erosion risk management functions.,Section 13 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|848|1611|1612,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM4.doc,,False,False 92,Flooding - delegation of flood risk management function,,P,A risk management authority may delegate its flood risk management function to another relevant authority.,Section 13 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|1611|1612,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM5.doc,,False,False 93,Coastal defence - delegation of coastal erosion risk management function,,P,"A coast protection authority may, with the appropriate consent, arrange for a person to exercise a coastal erosion risk management function on its behalf.",Section 13 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,848,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM6.doc,,False,False 94,"Coastal erosion - risk management function exercised on behalf of Environment Agency ",,P,A local authority may undertake coastal erosion risk management function on behalf of the Environment Agency if delegation is agreed.,Section 13 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,848,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM7.doc,,False,False 95,Flooding and coastal erosion - request for information,,P,A local authority may request any person to provide information in respect of flood or coastal erosion risk management functions.,Section 14 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|848|1611|1612,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM8.doc,,False,False 96,Flooding and coastal erosion - enforcement notice for failure to provide information,,P,A local authority may issue enforcement notice in respect of failure to provide information requested under section 14.,Section 15 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|848|1611|1612,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM9.doc,,False,False 97,Flooding - investigation of flooding incident,,D,"A local authority must to the extent it considers necessary or appropriate in case of flooding in its area, carry out an investigation, publish its results and issue notifications.",Section 19 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|1611|1612,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2011,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM10.doc,,False,False 98,Flooding - register of structures or features with significant effect on flood risk,,D,"A lead local flood authority must establish and maintain (a)a register of structures or features which, in the opinion of the authority, are likely to have a significant effect on a flood risk in its area, and (b)a record of information about each of those structures or features, including information about ownership and state of repair. The authority must comply with guidance from the Secretary of State about the content of the register. The register must be available for inspection at all reasonable times.",Section 21 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|1611|1612,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2011,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM11.doc,,False,False 99,Flooding and coastal erosion - sustainable development,,D,A local authority must have regard to achieving sustainable development when having regard to flood risk or coastal erosion functions.. The local authority must also comply with any guidance from the Minister.,Section 27 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,,True,793|848|1611|1612,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM12.doc,,False,False 100,Flooding and coastal erosion - designation of features which may affect the flood or coastal erosion risk,,P,A local authority may designate a structure or a natural or man-made feature of the environment where the designating authority thinks the existence or location of the structure or feature affects a flood risk or a coastal erosion risk.,Section 30 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,,See also Schedule 1 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010,True,793|848|1611|1612,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2012,,Environmental - Flood and Water Management - Template -FWM13.doc,,False,False 101,Child protection - duty of care,,D,"A local authority must comply with the statutory duty of care in respect of relevant duty of in respect of the care, supervision or protection of children.",Section 7 of the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007,,,True,266,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template -General Duties GD1.doc,,False,True 102,Policy - power of general competence,,P,A local authority may do anything that an individual can do providing it is not otherwise prevented from doing so by statute.,Section 1 of the Localism Act 2011,,See also section 2 and 4 of the Localism Act 2011,True,,,False,Primary power of high importance.,,True,,True,18/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -General Powers GP1.doc,,False,False 103,Disability - National Autism Strategy,,D,"A local authority must comply with National Autism Strategy guidance issued by Secretary of State. ",Section 3 of the Autism Act 2009,,,True,1728,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health Services H1.doc,,False,False 104,"Housing - settlement payments ",,D,An authority which is a local housing authority that keeps a Housing Revenue Account must comply with provisions regarding settlement payments and further payments to be made to the Secretary of State.,Section 170 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,868,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing -Finance HF1.doc,,False,False 105,Housing - limits on indebtedness,,D,A local housing authority may not hold housing debt in contravention of any determination by the Secretary of State,Section 171 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,868,,False,,,False,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing -Finance HF2.doc,,False,False 106,Housing - provision of housing finance information,,D,A local housing authority must provide Secretary of State with information which is requested regarding housing finance,Section 172 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,868,,False,Secondary duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing -Finance HF3.doc,,False,False 107,Housing - tenancy strategy,,D,"A local housing authority must consult upon, prepare, publish, review and have regard to a tenancy strategy.",Section 150 of the Localism Act 2011,"",See also section 151 of the Localism Act 2011,True,92|711|868|1619,,False,Core duty of high importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing -Tenancy Stratgies TS1.doc,,False,False 108,Marine planning - delegation of functions relating to marine plans,,D,"A local authority must comply with directions from a Marine Planning Authority. ",Section 57 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,,,True,1230|1235,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,12/11/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Marine Planning MP1.doc,,False,False 109,Marine policy - decisions in accordance with marine policy documents,,D,"A public authority must take any authorisation or enforcement decision in accordance with the appropriate marine policy documents, unless relevant considerations indicate otherwise.",Section 58 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009," ",See also section 59 to 60 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,True,1230|1235,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,12/11/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Marine Planning MP2.doc,,False,False 110,Marine licensing - delegation of functions,,D,A local authority must comply with any delegation of functions order in respect of marine licensing.,Section 98 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,"",See also section 99 to 100 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,True,1230|1235,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,06/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Marine Planning MP3.doc,,False,False 111,Marine Conservation Zones - furthering conservation objectives,,D,"A local authority must exercise its functions in a way which the authority considers best furthers the conservation objectives stated for the Marine Conservation Zone or where it is not possible to exercise its functions in a manner which furthers those objectives, exercise them in the manner which the authority considers least hinders the achievement of those objectives. If an authority considers that any of its functions is such that the exercise of the function would or might significantly hinder the achievement of the conservation objectives for an MCZ, it must inform the appropriate statutory conservation body of that fact.",Section 125 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,,,True,1230|1235,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Marine Planning MP4.doc,,False,False 112,Marine Conservation Zones - applications which may hinder MCZ objectives,,D,"Where the authority receives an application for authorisation of the doing of an act where there is or may be a significant risk of the act hindering the achievement of the conservation objectives stated for the MCZ, the authority must notify the appropriate statutory conservation body of that fact.",Section 126 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,,,True,1230|1235,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Marine Planning MP5.doc,,False,False 113,Marine Conservation Zones - failure to comply,,D,A local authority must provide the appropriate statutory conservation body with an explanation for alleged failure to comply with duties.,Section 128 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009,,,True,1230|1235,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Marine Planning MP6.doc,,False,False 114,Members - promote and maintain high standards of conduct,,D,"A relevant authority must promote and maintain high standards of conduct by members and co-opted members of the authority. In discharging its duty as above a relevant authority must, in particular, adopt a code dealing with the conduct that is expected of members and co-opted members of the authority when they are acting in that capacity.",Section 27 of the Localism Act 2011,,See also section 28 of the Localism Act 2011,True,1028|1029,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,False,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,12/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -Member Standards MS1.doc,,False,False 115,Members - register of interests,,D,The monitoring officer of a relevant authority must establish and maintain a register of interests of members and co-opted members of the authority.,Section 29 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,1028|1029,,False,Primary duty of high importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,07/06/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -Member Standards MS2.doc,,False,False 116,Members - dispensation where pecuniary interest,,P,An authority may in certain circumstances issue a dispensation allowing a member to take part in a debate or to vote where he or she has a pecuniary interest as per section 31(4) of the Localism Act 2011.,Section 33 of the Localism Act 2011,,,True,1028|1029,,False,Secondary power of high importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,07/06/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -Member Standards MS3.doc,,False,False 117,Regulatory enforcement - responsibility of primary authority,,D,A local authority must if nominated as a Primary Authority by the Secretary of State give advice and guidance to regulated persons and to other local authorities regarding that function.,Section 27 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,403|1390,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP1.doc,,False,False 118,Regulatory enforcement - notification to primary authority,,D,A local authority must notify the Primary Authority as to its intention to take enforcement action against a regulated person and follow the Primary Authority's directions.,Section 28 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,"",See also section 29 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,True,403|1390,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP2.doc,,False,False 119,Regulatory enforcement - inspection plan,,P,A local authority which is a Primary Authority may draw up inspection plan in respect of a regulated activity.,Section 30 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,403|1390,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP3.doc,,False,False 120,Regulatory enforcement - compliance with inspection plan,,D,A local authority must comply with an inspection plan in respect of a regulated activity which is drawn up by a Primary Authority.,Section 30 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales",True,02/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP4.doc,,False,True 121,Regulatory enforcement - charging of fees and costs,,P,The primary authority may charge the regulated person such fees as it considers to represent the costs reasonably incurred by it in the exercise of its functions.,Section 31 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales",True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP5.doc,,False,True 122,Regulatory enforcement - LBRO guidance,,D,"A local authority must have regard to any guidance given to it by LBRO regarding regulatory enforcement, notification of inspection plans and charging of fees.",Section 33 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales",True,02/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP6.doc,,False,True 123,Regulatory enforcement - fixed monetary penalty,,P,"A local authority may, where deemed to be the Regulator and where authorised by an SI to do so issue a fixed monetary penalty in relation to an offence.",Section 39 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,"See also Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010/1157 and Environmental Civil Sanctions (Wales) Order 2010/1821 ",True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP7.doc,,False,True 124,Regulatory enforcement - discretionary requirements in relation to an offence,,P,"A local authority may, where deemed to be the Regulator and where authorised by an SI to do so impose discretionary requirements in relation to an offence. Discretionary requirements may be a monetary penalty, a requirement to take such steps as a regulator may specify, within such period as it may specify, to secure that the offence does not continue or recur or a requirement to take such steps as a regulator may specify, within such period as it may specify, to secure that the position is, so far as possible, restored to what it would have been if the offence had not been committed.",Section 42 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,See also Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010/1157 and Environmental Civil Sanctions (Wales) Order 2010/1821,True,402|403|404|406|407|408|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP8.doc,,False,True 125,Regulatory enforcement - stop notice,,P,"A local authority may, where deemed to be the Regulator and where authorised by an SI to do so issue a stop notice. A stop notice is a notice prohibiting a person from carrying on an activity specified in the notice until the person has taken the steps specified in the notice.",Section 46 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,See also Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010/1157 and Environmental Civil Sanctions (Wales) Order 2010/1821,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP9.doc,,False,True 126,Regulatory enforcement - enforcement undertaking,,P,"A local authority may, where deemed to be the Regulator and where authorised by an SI to do so may accept an enforcement undertaking from a person in a case where the regulator has reasonable grounds to suspect that the person has committed a relevant offence.",Section 50 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,See also Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010/1157 and Environmental Civil Sanctions (Wales) Order 2010/1821,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP10.doc,,False,True 127,Regulatory enforcement - guidance as to use of civil sanctions,,D,"A local authority must, where deemed to be the Regulator publish guidance in respect of its use of civil sanctions and enforcement as part of the regulatory regime.",Section 63 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,"See also section 64 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008, Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010/1157 and Environmental Civil Sanctions (Wales) Order 2010/1821",True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP11.doc,,False,True 128,Regulatory enforcement - publication of enforcement action,,D,"A local authority must, where deemed to be the Regulator publish reports in respect of its use of civil sanctions and enforcement as part of the regulatory regime.",Section 65 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,See also Environmental Civil Sanctions (England) Order 2010/1157 and Environmental Civil Sanctions (Wales) Order 2010/1821,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP12.doc,,False,True 129,Regulatory enforcement - payment of penalties into consolidated fund,,D,"A local authority must, where deemed to be the Regulator pay income from fines etc. into the relevant consolidation fund.",Section 69 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP13.doc,,False,True 130,Regulatory enforcement - disclosure of information,,P,"A local authority may, where deemed to be the Regulator share information relating to its function",Section 70 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,True,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP14.doc,,False,True 131,Regulatory enforcement - duty not to impose or maintain unnecessary burdens,,D,Any person exercising a regulatory function to which this section applies must keep that function under review and secure that in exercising the function the person does not,Section 72 of the Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008,,,False,402|403|404|406|407|788|791|1390,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and a port health authority in Wales;",True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Regulatory Powers - RP15.doc,,False,True 132,Transport - new integrated transport authority,,P,Any two or more local authorities for an area with no integrated transport authority may undertake review of transport effectiveness in area. With an incidental duty to prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 80 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,09/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Tp1.doc,,False,False 133,Transport - review of the effectiveness and efficiency of transport,,D,The Secretary of State may direct any two or more local authorities for an area with no integrated transport authority may undertake review of transport effectiveness in area and to prepare and publish a scheme for the establishment of an ITA for any area.,Section 81 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,09/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Tp2.doc,,False,False 134,Transport - authorities review of arrangements,,P,Any one or more local authorities for an area with an integrated transport authority may undertake review related to one or more integrated transport areas or proposed integrated transport areas. With an incidental duty to prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 82 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,09/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Tp3.doc,Duplicate Title of Tp1,False,False 135,Transport - review directed by Secretary of State,,D,The Secretary of State may direct any one or more local authorities for an area with an integrated transport authority may undertake review of transport effectiveness in area and to prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 83 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,09/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Tp4.doc,Duplicate Title of Tp2,False,False 136,"Transport - delegation of functions ",,D,"Duty to comply with the delegation of functions by the Secretary of State in respect of an Integrated Transport Area including the conferral of a power to direct. ",Section 86 of the Local Transport Act 2008,"",See also section 87 to 89 of the Local Transport Act 2008,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Tp5.doc,Title and description the same,False,False 137,Transport - regard to guidance issued by Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must have regard to the Secretary of State's guidance in respect of Integrated Transport Area.,Section 96 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493,"901, 904, 905 and 907",False,,,False,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Tp6.doc,,False,False 138,Animal welfare - prosecutions,,P,A local authority may prosecute proceedings for an offence under the Act or Regulations made under the Act.,Section 30 Animal Welfare Act 2006,,,True,375|434|788,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Animal Welfare - AW1.doc,,False,True 139,Animal welfare - appointment of inspectors,,P,A local authority may appoint animal welfare inspectors and shall have regard to the Secretary of State's guidance in so doing.,Section 51 Animal Welfare Act 2006,,,True,375|434|788,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Animal Welfare - AW2.doc,,False,True 140,Policy - proposals for single tier of local government,,P,A local authority may respond to an invitation from the Secretary of State to bring forward a proposal regarding the establishment of a single tier of local government for the area,Section 3 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1679,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC1.doc,,False,True 141,Policy - provision of information to Boundary Committee,,D,"A local authority must if requested by the Boundary Committee to do so provide the Boundary Committee, by such date as the Boundary Committee may specify, with any information that the Boundary Committee may reasonably require in connection with any of their functions.",Section 6 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1679,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC2.doc,,False,True 142,Staff - establishment of staff commission,,D,A local authority must comply with Secretary of State's directions regarding co-operation with and the payment of expenses to a staff commission.,Section 18 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1645,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC5.doc,,False,True 143,Elections - resolution for whole-council elections,,P,A district council that is subject to a scheme for elections by halves or by thirds may resolve that it is to be subject instead to the scheme for whole-council elections. A council must comply with requirements in passing a resolution for whole-council elections.,Section 32 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,See also section 33 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,True,1675,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC6.doc,,False,True 144,Elections - publicity of explanatory document for whole council elections,,D,"A district council adopting a scheme for whole council elections must, produce and publicise an explanatory document.",Section 35 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1675,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC7.doc,,False,True 145,Elections - notice to Electoral Commission on passing resolution for whole council elections,,D,A district council passing a resolution for whole council elections must give notice of that resolution to the Local Government Boundary Commission for England.,Section 36 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1675,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC8.doc,,False,True 146,Elections - resolution for elections by halves,,P,"A non-metropolitan district council that was formerly subject to a scheme for elections by halves, but is for the time being subject to a scheme for whole-council elections, may resolve that it is to revert to being subject to a scheme for elections by halves. The council must comply with requirements when passing a resolution for elections by halves.",Section 37 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,See also section 38 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,True,1675,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC9.doc,,False,True 147,Elections - resolution for elections by thirds,,P,"A district council that was formerly subject to a scheme for elections by thirds, but is for the time being subject to a scheme for whole-council elections,may resolve that it is to revert to being subject to a scheme for elections by thirds. A council must comply with requirements in passing a resolution for elections by thirds.",Section 39 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,See also section 40 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,True,1675,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC10.doc,,False,True 148,Elections - publicity of explanatory document for elections by halves or thirds,,D,"A district council adopting a scheme for elections by halves or by thirds must, produce make available and publicise an explanatory document.",Section 41 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1675,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC11.doc,,False,True 149,Elections - notice to Electoral Commission on passing resolution for election by halves or thirds,,D,A district council adopting a scheme for elections by halves or by thirds must inform the Local Government Boundary Commission for England that it has passed that resolution.,Section 42 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1675,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC12.doc,,False,True 150,Elections - order by Electoral Commission for election by halves or thirds,,D,A council must produce an explanatory document and make the document available for inspection as soon as practicable after the Electoral Commission have made an order for elections by halves or for elections by thirds in relation to it.,Section 52 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1675,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC13.doc,,False,True 151,Elections - alteration to years of ordinary elections of parish councillors,,P,A district council may pass a resolution to alter the years in which parish councillors are elected.,Section 53 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1675,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC14.doc,,False,True 152,Elections - change of name of electoral area,,P,A local authority may pass a resolution to change the name of an electoral area.,Section 59 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1679,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC15.doc,,False,True 153,Elections - notification of change of name of electoral area,,D,"A local authority must obtain the approval of the Electoral Commission before changing the names of certain electoral areas and must inform the Electoral Commision, the Boundary Commission for England, Office of National Statistics and the Director General of the Ordnance Survey once the resolution has been passed. In a two tier area a county must inform the district or a district inform the county within whose area the electoral area lies.",Section 59 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1679,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC16.doc,,False,True 154,Policy - structural and boundary changes,,P,A local authority may make agreements about incidental matters regarding the subject matter of orders issued under sections 7 and 10 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.,Section 16 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1679,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electoral Change BEC4.doc,,False,True 155,Policy - review by Boundary Committee of local government areas,,P,A local authority may request the Boundary Committee to conduct a review of local government areas.,Section 8 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1679,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Boundary and Electroral Change BEC3.doc,,False,True 156,Carers - co-operation between authorities,,D,Local authorities must co-operate in in planning service provision to carers.,Section 3 of the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004,,,True,162|225|227|229|261|298|300|313|1579,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Carers - Car1.doc,,False,True 157,Child welfare - safeguarding targets,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding targets for safeguarding and promoting child welfare.,Section 9A of the Children Act 2004,,,True,266,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel1.doc,,False,True 158,Child welfare - co-operation to improve well-being,,D,Local authorities must co-operate with each other and prescribed others to improve the wellbeing of children in their area and have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 10 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,266|700,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel2.doc,,False,False 159,Child welfare - arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare in England,,D,A local authority must when exercising its having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 11 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,266,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel3.doc,,False,False 160,Child welfare - information database,,D,"A local authority must comply with Regulations with regard to setting up and operating information databases containing required information about persons to whom arrangements under the Children Act 2004 relate. ",Section 12 of the Children Act 2004,,"See also SIs 2007/2182, 2010/121 and 2012/1278 and Children Act 2004 Information Database (England) (Revocation) Regulations 2012/1278",True,266,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel4.doc,,False,True 161,Child welfare - establishment of Children's Trust Board,,D,"A local authority must establish a Children's Trust Board for its area. ",Section 12A of the Children Act 2004,,See also Children's Trust Board (Relevant Partners) (Exceptions) (England) Regulations 2010/590,True,1678,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel5.doc,,False,True 162,Child welfare - funding of Children's Trust Board,,P,"The establishing authority and any of their relevant partners represented on a Children's Trust Board may make payments towards expenditure incurred by, or for purposes connected with, the Board and may provide staff, goods, services, accommodation or other resources for purposes connected with the functions of the Board.",Section 12C of the Children Act 2004,,,True,1678,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,26/02/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel6.doc,,False,True 163,Child welfare - establishment of Local Safeguarding Children Board,,D,"A local authority must establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board for its area in accordance with regulations. ",Section 13 of the Children Act 2004,,See also Local Safeguarding Children Boards Regulations 2006/90 and Local Safeguarding Children Boards (Amendment) Regulations 2010/622,True,266,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel7.doc,,False,True 164,Child welfare - funding of Local Safeguarding Children Board,,P,"A local authority may make payments towards expenditure incurred by, or for purposes connected with, a Local Safeguarding Children Board and may provide staff, goods, services, accommodation or other resources for purposes connected with a Local Safeguarding Children Board.",Section 15 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,266,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel8.doc,,False,False 165,Child welfare - guidance with regard to Local Safeguarding Children Board,,D,"A local authority must comply with regulations and have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when exercising its functions with regard to a Local Safeguarding Children Board. ",Section 16 of the Children Act 2004,,See also Local Safeguarding Children Boards Regulations 2006/90,True,266,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel9.doc,,False,True 166,Child welfare - appointment of Director of Children's Services,,D,"A local authority must appoint a Director of Children's Services and have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State. ",Section 18 of the Children Act 2004,,See also Children Act 2004 (Director of Children's Services) Appointed Day Order 2007/1792,True,1626,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel10.doc,,False,True 167,Child welfare - designation of lead member for children's services in England,,D,"A local authority must designate one of their Members as a Lead Member for Children's Services and have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State. ",Section 19 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,997,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel11.doc,,False,False 168,Child welfare - co-operation in assessments of children's services,,D,Each person or body with functions under any enactment of conducting assessments of children's services must for the purposes of those assessments co-operate with other persons or bodies with such functions.,Section 22 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,1621,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel12.doc,,False,False 169,Child welfare - delegation in assessments of children's services,,P,A person or body with functions under any enactment of conducting assessments of children's services may delegate any of those functions to any other person or body with such functions.,Section 22 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,1621,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel13.doc,,False,False 170,Child welfare - co-operation for wellbeing,,D,Local authorities must co-operate with each other and prescribed others to improve the wellbeing of children in their area and have regard to guidance issued by the Assembly when so doing.,Section 25 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,1688,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel14.doc,Title duplicate as file 12,False,False 171,Child welfare - children and young people's plans,,D,"A children's services authority in Wales must, in accordance with regulations made by the Welsh Ministers, prepare and publish a plan setting out the authority's strategy for discharging their functions in relation to children and relevant young persons.",Section 26 of the Children Act 2004,,See also Single Education Plan (Wales) Regulations 2006/877 and Children and Young People's Plan (Wales) Regulations 2007/2316,True,1678,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,08/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel15.doc,,False,False 172,Child welfare - designation of lead member for children's services in Wales,,D,"A local authority must designate one of their members as a lead member for children's services and have regard to the guidance of the Assembly. ",Section 27 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,997,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel16.doc,Title duplicate as file 11,False,False 173,Child welfare - lead director for children and young people's services,,D,"A local authority must appoint appoint an officer, to be known as the lead director for children and young people's services and have regard to the guidance of the Assembly. ",Section 27 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,1626,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel17.doc,,False,False 174,Child welfare - arrangements to safeguard and promote welfare in Wales,,D,A local authority must make arrangements for ensuring that their functions are discharged having regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and have regard to any guidance given to them for the purpose by the Assembly.,Section 28 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,266,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel18.doc,Title duplicate as file 13,False,False 175,Child welfare - Local Safeguarding Children Board establishment,,D,Each local authority in Wales must establish a Local Safeguarding Children Board for their area. The authority must take reasonable steps to ensure that the Local Safeguarding Children Board established by them includes representatives of relevant persons and bodies of such descriptions as may be prescribed by the Assembly in regulations.,Section 31 of the Children Act 2004,,"See also section 32 of the Children Act 2004, Local Safeguarding Children Boards (Wales) Regulations 2006/1705 and Local Safeguarding Children Boards (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1712",True,266,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,False,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel19.doc,Title duplicate as file 17,False,False 176,Child welfare - Local Safeguarding Children Board funding,,P,"An authority may make payments towards expenditure incurred by, or for purposes connected with, a Local Safeguarding Children Board and may provide staff, goods, services, accommodation or other resources for purposes connected with a Local Safeguarding Children Board",Section 33 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,266,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel20.doc,Title duplicate as file 8,False,False 177,Child welfare - Local Safeguarding Children Board functions,,D,"A local authority when exercising its functions with regard to a Local Safeguarding Children Board for its area must comply with Regulations and have regard to guidance from the Assembly. ",Section 34 of the Children Act 2004,,See also Local Safeguarding Children Boards (Wales) Regulations 2006/1705 and Local Safeguarding Children Boards (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1712,True,266,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel21.doc,,False,False 178,"Fostering - registration of private fosterers ",,D,Local authorities must comply with regulations regarding the registration and inspection of private fosterers.,Section 45 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,159,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel22.doc,,False,False 179,Fostering - private fosterers registration,,D,Local authorities must comply with Regulations regarding the registration and inspection of private fosterers.,Section 46 of the Children Act 2004,,,True,159,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,False,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Child Welfare - ChdWel23.doc,Title duplicate same as file 22,False,False 180,Christmas Day trading - enforcement of prohibition,,D,A local authority shall be under a duty to enforce the prohibition of opening by large stores on Christmas Day and to appoint inspectors for this purpose.,Section 3 of the Christmas Day Trading Act 2004,,,True,401|403|1110,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,09/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Christmas Day Trading - CDT1.doc,,False,True 181,Child welfare - general duties in relation to well-being of young children,,D,A local authority must improve the well-being of and reduce inequalities between children in its area. In doing it must take action to meet the Secretary of State's targets and follow the Secretary of State's guidance.,Section 1 of the Childcare Act 2006,,See also Local Authority Targets (Well-Being of Young Children) Regulations 2007/1415 and Local Authority Targets (Well-Being of Young Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/1437,True,159|160|246|260|261|263|449|737|837|840|892|896|926|1282|1565,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,20/12/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc1.doc,,False,True 182,Childcare - early childcare services,,D,"A local authority must facilitate early childcare services and maximise the benefits to parents, prospective parents and young children and should have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State in doing so.",Section 3 of the Childcare Act 2006,,See also Local Authority Targets (Well-Being of Young Children) Regulations 2007/1415 and Local Authority Targets (Well-Being of Young Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/1437,True,12|20|53|449|893,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc2.doc,,False,True 183,Childcare - local authority and relevant partners working together,,D,"An English local authority must make arrangements to work with each of the authority's relevant partners in the performance by the authority of their duties in relation to early childhood services. An English local authority and each of their relevant partners must, in exercising their functions under this section, have regard to any guidance given from time to time by the Secretary of State.",Section 4 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53|449|893,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,20/12/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc3.doc,,False,True 184,Childcare - provision of children's centres,,D,A local authority must provide sufficient children's centres to meet local need.,Section 5A of the Childcare Act 2006,,,False,53,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,False,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc4.doc,,False,True 185,Childcare - ensure children's centres are within the remit of advisory boards,,D,A local authority must ensure its children's centres are within the remit of an advisory board and must have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State.,Section 5C of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,53,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc5.doc,,False,True 186,"Children's centres - consultation on provision, changes or closure",,D,A local authority must consult as it thinks appropriate having regard to guidance from the Secretary of State before making arrangements for children's centres.,Section 5D of the Childcare Act 2006,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,53,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc6.doc,,False,True 187,Children's centres - provision of services,,D,A local authority must consider whether each of the early childhood services to be provided by them should be provided through children's centres.,Section 5E of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,53,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc7.doc,,False,True 188,Childcare - sufficient childcare for working parents,,D,"An English local authority must secure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the provision of childcare (whether or not by them) is sufficient to meet the requirements of parents in their area who require childcare in order to enable them to take up, or remain in, work, or to undertake education or training which could reasonably be expected to assist them to obtain work. In discharging this duty an authority must have regard to guidance given by the Secretary of State.",Section 6 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53|888,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,29/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc8.doc,,False,True 189,Childcare - free of charge early years provision,,D,A local authority must secure early year provision in its area free of charge and in accordance with the regulations and must have regard to the guidance from the Secretary of State in so doing.,"Section 7 of the Childcare Act 2006 ",,See also Sections 7A and 9A of the Childcare Act 2006 and Local Authority (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge) Regulations 2014/2147,True,12|20|53|888|1741,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc9.doc,,False,True 190,Childcare provision in England,,P,A local authority may make arrangements to secure or may provide childcare in its area and must have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 8 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53|888|1741,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc10.doc,,False,True 191,Childcare - arrangements between local authority and childcare providers in England,,D,A local authority must ensure that any child care provider with whom they make arrangements and who receives financial assistance from them complies with the terms upon which that assistance is given.,Section 9 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53|888|1741,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc11.doc,Title duplicate as file 10,False,True 192,Childcare - charges where local authority provide childcare,,P,An English local authority may enter into an agreement under which payments are made to the authority for the provision by the authority of childcare for a child.,Section 10 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc12.doc,,False,True 193,Childcare - assessment of childcare provision,,D,A local authority must prepare childcare assessments every three years and comply with the guidance of the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 11 of the Childcare Act 2006,,"See also Childcare Act 2006 (Provision of Information to Parents) (England) Regulations 2007/3490, Childcare (Childminder Agencies) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014/1921 and Childcare (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2015/1562 (to the extent in force)",True,1680,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,20/12/2006,13/05/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc13.doc,,False,True 194,"Childcare - information, advice and assistance to parents in England",,D,"A local authority must provide information, advice and assistance regarding childcare facilities and services and have regard to guidance of the Secretary of State when so doing.",Section 12 of the Childcare Act 2006,,"See also Childcare Providers (Information, Advice and Training) Regulations 2014/2319",True,12|20|53|888,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc14.doc,,False,True 195,"Childcare - information, advice and training to childcare providers in England",,D,"A local authority must provide information, advice and training to childcare providers and have regard to guidance of the Secretary of State when so doing",Section 13 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,21,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc15.doc,,False,False 196,Childcare for working parents in Wales,,D,"A Welsh local authority must secure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the provision of childcare (whether or not by them) is sufficient to meet the requirements of parents in their area who require childcare in order to enable them to take up, or remain in, work, or to undertake education or training which could reasonably be expected to assist them to obtain work. In discharging their duty a local authority must have regard to any guidance given from time to time by the Assembly.",Section 22 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,21|1680|1741,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc16.doc,Title duplicate as file 2,False,True 197,Childcare provision in Wales,,P,"A Welsh local authority may assist any person who provides or proposes to provide childcare, make arrangements with any other person for the provision of childcare or provide childcare. In exercising their functions a Welsh local authority must have regard to any guidance given from time to time by the Assembly.",Section 23 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|21|53|888|1741,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,31/01/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc17.doc,,False,True 198,Childcare - arrangements between local authority and childcare providers in Wales,,D,A local authority must ensure that any child care provider with whom they make arrangements and who receives financial assistance from them complies with the terms upon which that assistance is given.,Section 24 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53|888,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/01/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc18.doc,,False,True 199,"Childcare - charges where local authority provide childcare in Wales ",,P,A Welsh local authority may enter into an agreement under which payments are made to the authority for the provision by the authority of childcare for a child.,Section 25 of the Childcare Act 2006,,,True,12|20|53,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/01/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc19.doc,,False,True 200,"Childcare - information, advice and assistance to parents in Wales",,D,"A local authority must provide information, advice and assistance regarding childcare services in its area and have regard to guidance from the Welsh Assembly in so doing.",Section 26 of the Childcare Act 2006,,See also Section 27 of the Childcare Act 2006 and Childcare Act 2006 (Local Authority Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2274,True,12|20|53|888|1741,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc20.doc,Title duplicate as file 14,False,True 201,Children's centres - publication of Chief Inspector's report,,P,A local authority may distribute or publish a report which it receives from the Chief Inspector regarding children's centres.,Section 98C of the Childcare Act 2006,,,False,53,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc21.doc,,False,True 202,Children's centres - written statement on Chief Inspector's report,,D,A local authority may prepare and publish a written statement when a Chief Inspector's Report is received and have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 98C of the Childcare Act 2006,,,False,53,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Childcare - Cc22.doc,,False,True 203,"Emergencies - assess, plan and advise",,D,"A local authority must assess risk in respect of emergencies, prepare and maintain plans as prescribed and in so doing comply with Regulations and have regard to guidance.",Section 2 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004,,"See also section 3 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004, Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) Regulations 2005/2042, Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/615 and Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/624",True,703|729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,12/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC1.doc,,False,True 204,Emergencies - advice and assistance to the public,,D,"A local authority shall provide advice and assistance to the public in connection with the making of arrangements for the continuance of commercial activities by the public, or the continuance of the activities of bodies other than public or local authorities whose activities are not carried on for profit, in the event of an emergency. and must comply with regulations and have regard to guidance when so doing.","Section 4 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 ",,See also Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) Regulations 2005/2042,True,703|729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,22/07/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC2.doc,,False,True 205,Emergencies - charging for advice and assistance,,P,A local authority may charge for advice and assistance in relation to the giving of information to the public regarding the continuation of certain activities during an emergency as allowed for by regulations.,"Section 4 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 ",,See also Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) Regulations 2005/2042,True,729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,22/07/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC3.doc,,False,True 206,"Emergencies - consultation, co-operation and delegation",,D,"A Minister of the Crown may by order require an authority to perform a function in connection with an emergency. The order may require the authority to consult, collaborate, delegate, co-operate or provide information to another person or body.",Section 5 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004,,,True,703|729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,12/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC4.doc,,False,True 207,"Emergencies - disclosure of information ",,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding disclosure of information in connection with a function of the provider or of the recipient which relates to emergencies.,"Section 6 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004 ",,See also Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) Regulations 2005/2042 and Civil Contingencies Act 2004 (Contingency Planning) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/624,True,729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,12/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC5.doc,,False,True 208,Emergencies - provision of information to Government,,P,"A local authority must comply with a request from a Minister of the Crown for information about action taken in relation to any emergency. ",Section 9 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004,,,True,729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,12/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC6.doc,,False,True 209,"Emergencies - enforcement action ",,P,"A local authority may take enforcement action in respect of the failure by another responsible authority to comply with the Act. ",Section 10 of the Civil Contingencies Act 2004,,,True,729|792|793|794|1308,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Greater London Authority",True,12/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Contingencies - CC7.doc,,False,True 210,"Civil partnership - publication of notice ",,D,A local authority must record the prescribed information from the notice of partnership on to the register.,Section 8 of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004,,"See also Section 8A of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004, Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) Regulations 2005/3176, Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1171 and Marriage (Authorised Persons) and Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/177",True,876,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,05/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Partnerhsips - CPr1.doc,,False,True 211,Civil partnership - requirement for specified evidence,,P,A local authority may require specified evidence before issuing a civil partnership schedule.,Section 9 of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004,,"See also Sections 9A to 9F - Civil Partnerships Act 2004, Referral of Proposed Marriages and Civil Partnerships Regulations 2015/123 and Marriage (Authorised Persons) and Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/177",True,876,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Partnerhsips - CPr2.doc,,False,True 212,Civil partnership - public display of information,,D,A local authority must place the relevant information on public display for the prescribed period.,Section 10 of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004,,,True,876,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Partnerhsips - CPr3.doc,,False,True 213,Civil partnership - power to shorten waiting period,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to the Registrar General's power to shorten the waiting period.,"Section 12 of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004 ",,"See also Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) Regulations 2005/3176, Proposed Marriages and Civil Partnerships (Waiting Period) Regulations 2015/159 and Marriage (Authorised Persons) and Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/177",True,876,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Partnerhsips - CPr4.doc,,False,True 214,"Civil partnership - issue of schedule ",,D,"As soon as the waiting period in relation to each notice of proposed civil partnership has expired, the registration authority in whose area it is proposed that the registration take place is under a duty, at the request of one or both of the proposed civil partners, to issue a document to be known as a civil partnership schedule. The authority may refuse where it has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a relevant decision was made incorrectly because of the provision of false information or evidence.",Section 14 of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004,,See also Section 14A of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004 and Civil Partnership (Registration Provisions) Regulations 2005/3176,True,876,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,15/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Partnerhsips - CPr5.doc,,False,True 215,Civil partnership - civil partnership registrars,,D,A civil partnership registrar is an individual who is designated by a registration authority as a civil partnership registrar for its area. It is the duty of each registration authority to ensure that there is a sufficient number of civil partnership registrars for its area to carry out in that area the functions of civil partnership registrars.,Section 29 of the Civil Partnerships Act 2004,,,True,876,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civil Partnerhsips - CPr6.doc,,False,True 216,Vehicles for repair or sale on road - fixed penalty notice,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may give a fixed penalty notice for a suspected breach of sections 3 or 4 of the Act (repairing or exposing vehicles for sale on the road).,"Section 6 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 ",,"See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175, Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663",True,399,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN1.doc,,False,True 217,Vehicles for repair or sale on road - request for personal details,,P,An authorised officer may require the name and address of a person to whom he proposes to give a fixed penalty notice under section 6 of the Act.,Section 7 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,399,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN2.doc,Title duplicate as file 1,False,True 218,Vehicles for repair or sale on road - use of receipts,,P,"Power to use receipts from fixed penalty notices for various purposes. ",Section 8 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175,True,399,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN3.doc,Title duplicate as file 1 and 2,False,True 219,Vehicles for repair or sale on road - information about receipts,,D,A local authority must provide information about its use of receipts from fixed penalty notices to the appropriate person and comply with regulations..,"Section 8 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 ",,See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175,True,399,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN4.doc,"Title duplicate as file 1, 2 and 3",False,True 220,Dog control orders - designation,,P,A local authority may make an order providing for an offence or offences relating to the control of dogs in respect of any land in its area. an offence relates to the control of dogs if it relates to one of the following matters: (a)fouling of land by dogs and the removal of dog faeces; (b)the keeping of dogs on leads; (c)the exclusion of dogs from land; (d)the number of dogs which a person may take on to any land.,Section 55 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,See also SIs 2006/1059 and 2007/702,True,432|577|612|1094,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,14/03/2006,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN5.doc,,False,True 221,"Dog control orders - fixed penalty notice ",,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may issue a Fixed Penalty Notice in the prescribed form relating to the breach of a dog control order.,"Section 59 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 ","","See also section 60 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 and SIs 2006/783, 2007/175, 2007/739 and 2008/663",True,432|577|612|1094,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,14/03/2006,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN6.doc,,False,False 222,Dog control orders - request for personal details,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may require an individual to whom he wishes to issue a Fixed Penalty Notice to provide him with his name and address.,Section 61 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,432|577|1094,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,False,14/03/2006,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN7.doc,Title duplicate as file 6,False,False 223,"Alarm notification areas - designation ",,P,A local authority may designate the whole or any part of its area as an alarm notification area but must comply with the prescribed procedure when so doing.,Section 69 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,412|1600,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN8.doc,,False,False 224,Alarm notification areas - withdrawal of designation,,P,A local authority may withdraw the designation of the whole or any part of its area as an alarm notification area but must comply with the prescribed procedure when so doing.,Section 70 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,1600,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN9.doc,Title duplicate as file CN8,False,True 225,"Alarm notification areas- fixed penalty notice ",,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice in the prescribed form if it appears that an individual has committed an offence in connection with an alarm notification area.,Section 73 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,"See also section 74 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005, Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175 and Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663",True,412|1600,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN10.doc,,False,True 226,Alarm notification areas- use of receipts,,P,A local authority may use the receipts from fixed penalty notices issued under section 73 for certain purposes.,"Section 75 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 ",,See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175 and Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663,True,412|1600,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN11.doc,,False,True 227,Alarm notification areas - information about receipts,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations and must supply the appropriate person with information about its use of fixed penalty receipts.,Section 75 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175 and Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663,True,412|1600,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN12.doc,Title duplicate as file CN11,False,True 228,Alarm notification areas- request for personal details,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may require an individual who he suspects of an offence in connection with an alarm notification area may require that individual to give him his name and address.,Section 76 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,412|1600,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN13.doc,Title duplicate as file CN10,False,True 229,"Alarm notification areas - power of entry ",,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may enter premises to turn off an alarm subject to certain conditions.,Section 77 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,412|1600,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN14.doc,,False,True 230,"Alarm notification areas - warrant of entry ",,P,A local authority may having complied with the specified conditions make an application to a magistrate's court for a warrant to allow an authorised officer to enter premises by force to turn off an alarm.,Section 78 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,412|1600,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN15.doc,,False,True 231,Alarm notification areas- powers on entry to premises,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority has additional powers when entering premises.,Section 79 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005,,,True,412|1600,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN16.doc,,False,True 232,"Litter, graffiti and fly-posting - use of receipts",,P,A local authority may use specified fixed penalty receipts for certain purposes of qualifying functions of the authority.,"Section 96 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 ",,See also Environmental Offences (Use of Fixed Penalty Receipts) Regulations 2007/901,True,584|588|1138,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN17.doc,,False,True 233,"Litter, graffiti and fly-posting - providing information about receipts",,D,A local authority must provide information about their use of fixed penalty receipts to the appropriate person.,"Section 96 of the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 ",,See also Environmental Offences (Use of Fixed Penalty Receipts) Regulations 2007/901,True,584|588|1138,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Neighbourhoods - CN18.doc,Title duplicate as file CN17,False,True 234,Energy measures report - regard when exercising functions,,D,A local authority must have regard to energy measures reports published by the Secretary of State when exercising their functions.,Section 3 of the Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Act 2006,,,True,495|879|957|1460,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,22/08/2006,26/05/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Climate Change Sustainable Energy - CCSE1.doc,,False,False 235,Common land - register,,D,A commons registration authority must keep a register of common land and a register of town or village greens in accordance with the regulations.,Section 1 of the Commons Act 2006,,See also Section 1 of the Commons Act 2006 and Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014/3038,True,649,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons - Com1.doc,,False,True 236,Common land - amendments to register,,P,A commons registration authority may amend the register of common land in certain circumstances.,Section 19 of the Commons Act 2006,,,True,649,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons - Com2.doc,,False,False 237,Common land - deregistration and exchange,,D,A commons registration authority must amend the register of common land when ordered to do so by the national authority or by the High Court.,Section 17 of the Commons Act 2006,,"See also section 19 of the Commons Act 2006, Commons (Deregistration and Exchange Orders) (Interim Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2007/2585, Commons (Deregistration and Exchange Orders) (Interim Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2012/740 and Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014/3038",True,649,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons - Com3.doc,Title duplicate as file Com2,False,True 238,Common land - charge for inspection of register,,P,A commons registration authority may charge for supplying a copy of the document forming part of the commons register.,Section 20 of the Commons Act 2006,,See also Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014/3038,True,649,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons - Com4.doc,,False,True 239,Common land - inspection and copies of register,,D,"A Commons Registration Authority must make the commons register available for inspection and to allow copies of documents to be taken ",Section 20 of the Commons Act 2006,,See also Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014/3038,True,649,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons - Com5.doc,,False,True 240,Common land - unclaimed land,,P,A local authority may take any steps to protect the land against unlawful interference that could be taken by an owner in possession of the land; and institute proceedings against any person for any offence committed in respect of the land.,Section 45 of the Commons Act 2006,,,True,649,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons - Com6.doc,,False,False 241,Crime and disorder - committee,,D,"A local authority must have a crime and disorder committee with powers of scrutiny and to make reports and recommendations. ",Section 19 Police and Justice Act 2006," ",,True,997|1030|1031,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti Social Behaviour - ASB1.doc,,False,True 242,Schools - establishment of an academy,,D,"A local authority must, if they believe a new school is required for their area, seek proposals for the establishment of an Academy and notify the Secretary of State.",Section 6A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,17|1667,,False,Primary Duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI1.doc,,False,False 243,Schools - invitation for proposal for establishment of new school,,P,"A local authority may, with the consent of the Secretary of State, invite proposals for the establishment of a new foundation or voluntary school or an Academy having regard to guidance from the Secretary of State in the process.","Section 7 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 ",,See also Section 9 and Schedule 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,True,17|1667,,True,Primary Duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI2.doc,,False,True 244,Schools - withdrawal of notice for establishment of new school,,P,"A local authority may, with the consent of the Secretary of State, withdraw its notice for the establishment of a new foundation or voluntary school or an Academy.",Section 7A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,True,17|1667,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI3.doc,,False,True 245,Schools - withdrawal of notice on direction of Secretary of State,,D,"A local authority must, when directed to do so by the Secretary of State, withdraw its notice for the establishment of a new foundation or voluntary school or an Academy.",Section 7A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,True,17|1667,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI4.doc,,False,True 246,Schools - publication of proposals for new school,,P,"A local authority may publish proposals to establish a new community or foundation school to replace existing provision, having regard to guidance published by the Secretary of State in so doing. ",Section 10 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also Schedule 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,True,17|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI5.doc,,False,True 247,Schools - Publication of proposals where new school other than to replace existing,,P,"A local authority may publish proposals to establish a new community or foundation school other than to replace existing provision, in certain circumstances, having regard to guidance published by the Secretary of State in so doing. ",Section of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also Schedule 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,True,17|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI6.doc,,False,True 248,Schools - closure of a maintained school,,P,"A local authority may publish proposals to close a maintained school and must follow guidance published by the Secretary of State in so doing. ",Section 15 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also section 16 and Schedule 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,True,17|31|1667,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI7.doc,,False,True 249,Schools - closure of a community or a foundation special school,,D,"A local authority must close a community or a foundation special school when directed to do so by the Secretary of State on the grounds of health, safety or pupil welfare. ",Section 17 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,17|31|1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI8.doc,,False,False 250,Schools - publication of proposals for alteration of school,,P,A local authority may publish proposals to make certain alterations to maintained schools.,Section 18 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also section 19 to 21 and section 23 to 24 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013/3110,True,17|31|1667,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI9.doc,,False,True 251,"Schools - proposals for foundation status ",,P,A governing body of a non-foundation school may determine its own foundation proposals.,"Section 22 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 ",,See also School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013/3110,True,17|29|31,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Applies to the school governing body,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI10.doc,Can this be deleted? - it seems to be a power for the governing body of a school rather than the LA,False,True 252,Schools - removal of foundation or reduction in foundation governors,,P,A governing body of a foundation school or foundation special school may determine proposals to remove foundation status or to foundation governors at foundation schools.,Section 25 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,"See also section 26 to 27 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and School Organisation (Removal of Foundation, Reduction in Number of Foundation Governors and Ability of Foundation to Pay Debts) (England) Regulations 2007/3475",True,17|29|31,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Applies to school governors,True,01/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI11.doc,,False,True 253,Schools - teachers pay and conditions warning notice,,P,"An authority may issue a notice to the governing body of a maintained school where the authority are satisfied that the governing body has failed to comply, or failed to secure compliance by the head teacher, with the provisions of an order under section 122 of the 2002 Act relating to teachers' pay and conditions.",Section 60A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,29,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI12.doc,,False,False 254,Schools - performance standards or safety warning notice,,P,"A authority may give a warning notice to the governing body of a maintained school where the authority are satisfied that the standards of performance of pupils at the school are unacceptably low, and are likely to remain so unless the authority exercise their powers under this Part, or that there has been a serious breakdown in the way the school is managed or governed which is prejudicing, or likely to prejudice, such standards of performance, or that the safety of pupils or staff of the school is threatened (whether by a breakdown of discipline or otherwise).",Section 60 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,29|31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI13.doc,,False,False 256,Schools - require governing body to enter into arrangements,,P,A local authority may require the governing body of a maintained school eligible for intervention to enter into arrangements with others in certain circumstances.,Section 63 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,29|31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI15.doc,,False,False 257,Schools - appointment of additional governors,,P,A local authority may appoint additional governors to the governing body of a maintained school eligible for intervention.,Section 64 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,29|31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI16.doc,,False,False 258,Schools - interim executive members on governing body,,P,A local authority may provide for a governing body of a maintained school eligible for intervention to consist of interim executive members.,Section 65 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,29|31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI17.doc,,False,False 259,Schools - suspension of right to delegated budget,,P,A local authority may suspend the right of a governing body of a maintained school which is eligible for intervention to have a delegated budget.,Section 66 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,29|31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI18.doc,,False,False 260,Schools - closure on direction of Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with the direction of the Secretary of State under section 68 to close a maintained school.,Section 68 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.," ",True,,True,17/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI19.doc,,False,False 261,Schools - issue of standards warning notice on direction of Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with the direction of the Secretary of State to issue a performance standards and safety warning notice.,Section 69A of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,False,31,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI20.doc,,False,False 262,Schools - issue of teachers pay and consitions warning notice on direction of Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with the direction of the Secretary of State to issue a teachers' pay and conditions warning notice.,Section 69B of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI21.doc,,False,False 263,Schools - piloting of school travel schemes,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the piloting of school travel schemes.,Section 79 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also School Travel (Piloting of Schemes) (England) Regulations 2007/1366,True,3|40|891,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI23.doc,,False,True 264,Schools - guidance of the Secretary of State regarding schools causing concern,,D,A local authority must have regard to the guidance of the Secretary of State when exercising their functions in relation to schools causing concern.,Section 72 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,31,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI22.doc,,False,False 265,Schools - responsibility of governing body for discipline,,D,The governing body of a maintained school or pupil referral unit must ensure that policies designed to promote good behaviour and discipline are pursued at a school.,Section 88 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,,True,29|31|886,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,False,01/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI24.doc,Is this required - should things which are the responsibility of the governing body be included?,False,False 266,Schools - education for excluded pupil,,D,The governing body of a maintained school must make arrangements for the provision of education to pupils excluded on disciplinary grounds.,"Section 100 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 ",,"See also Education (Provision of Full-Time Education for Excluded Pupils) (England) Regulations 2007/1870, School Discipline (Pupil Exclusions and Reviews) (England) Regulations 2012/1033 and Education (Provision of Full-Time Education for Excluded Pupils) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/3216",True,34,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI25.doc,,False,True 267,Schools - reports of inspections,,D,"A local authority must publish the Chief Inspectors report within such period, and in such manner, as may be prescribed by regulations made by the Secretary of State. Such regulations may provide for the authority to charge a reasonable fee for providing a person with a copy of a document published.",Section 137 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Inspection of Local Authorities) Regulations 2007/462,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,08/11/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI26.doc,,False,True 268,Schools - payment of annual fee to Chief Inspector,,D,A local authority must pay an annual fee to the Chief Inspector as specified by regulations.,Section 155 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006,,See also Education and Inspections Act 2006 (Inspection of Local Authorities) Regulations 2007/462,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,08/11/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI27.doc,,False,True 269,Schools - co-operation with Chief Inspector for investigation of a complaint,,D,The governing body of a school and/or the local authority must provide the Chief Inspector with such information as he requires and co-operate as required where a qualifying complaint is made to the Chief Inspector by a person who is a registered parent of a registered pupil at the school to which the complaint relates.,Section 11B of the Education Act 2005,,,True,31|630,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI28.doc,,False,False 270,Schools - reports of investigations,,D,The governing body of a school and/or the local authority must distribute the Chief Inspector's report as required by the Chief Inspector.,Section 11C of the Education Act 2005,,,True,29|31|630,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI29.doc,,False,False 271,Schools - distribution and charges for maintained school inspection reports in England,,D,The governing body of a school and/or the local authority must make available and distribute the Chief Inspector's report in accordance with regulations. In prescribed cases a charge may be made which should not exceed the cost of supply.,Section 14 of the Education Act 2005,,"See also section 14A of the Education Act 2005, Education (School Inspection etc.) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/1723 and Education (School Inspection) (England) Regulations 2005/2038",True,29|31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI30.doc,,False,True 272,Schools - special measures/requiring significant improvement in England,,D,"Where a school for which it is responsible is in special measures/ requiring significant improvement, a local authority must prepare a written statement and comply with the directions and guidance of the Secretary of State.",Section 15 of the Education Act 2005,,See also Education (School Inspection) (England) Regulations 2005/2038,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.," ",True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI31.doc,,False,True 273,Schools - inspections in Wales,,D,The Governing Body of a maintained school in Wales and the authority responsible for maintaining that school must comply with the requirements laid down with regard to inspections in Wales.,Section 28 of the Education Act 2005,,"See also Schedule 4 of the Education Act 2005, Education (Amendments Relating to the Inspection of Education and Training) (Wales) Regulations 2014/1212, Education (Amendments Relating to the Intervals for the Inspection of Education and Training) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1436 and Education (School Inspection) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1714",True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI32.doc,,False,True 274,Schools - distribution and charges for maintained school inspection reports in Wales,,D,The governing body of a school in Wales and/or the local authority must make available and distribute the Chief Inspector's report with a supplementary power to charge in some cases.,"Section 38 of the Education Act 2005 ",,See also Education (School Inspection) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1714,True,29|31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI33.doc,,False,True 275,Schools - special measures/requiring significant improvement in Wales,,D,"Where a school for which it is responsible is in special measures/requiring significant improvement, a local authority must prepare a written statement and comply with the directions and guidance of the Assembly.",Section 39 f the Education Act 2005,,"See also section 40 of the Education Act 2005, Education (School Inspection) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1714 and Education (Amendments Relating to the Inspection of Education and Training) (Wales) Regulations 2014/1212 ",True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI34.doc,,False,True 276,Schools - inspection of religious education in England,,D,The governing body of schools with religious character to comply with prescribed procedure for denominational inspection. Inspection reports must be made available in accordance with regulations.,Section 49 of the Education Act 2005,,See also Education (School Inspection) (England) Regulations 2005/2038,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI35.doc,,False,True 277,Schools - inspection of religious education in Wales,,D,"The governing body of schools in Wales with religious character to comply with prescribed procedure for denominational inspection. ",Section 50 of the Education Act 2005,,"See also Education (School Inspection) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1714, Education (Amendments Relating to the Inspection of Education and Training) (Wales) Regulations 2014/1212 and Education (Amendments Relating to the Intervals for the Inspection of Education and Training) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1436",True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI36.doc,,False,True 278,Schools - LEA inspection of maintained schools in England,,P,"Where for the purpose of enabling them to exercise any function of theirs, a local education authority require information about any matter in connection with a school which is maintained by them, and it is not reasonably practicable for them to obtain the information in any other manner,they may cause an inspection of the school to be made by one or more of their officers for the purpose of obtaining the information. ",Section 51 of the Education Act 2005,,,True,31|1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI37.doc,,False,False 279,Schools - LEA inspection of schools in Wales,,P,"Any local education authority in Wales may provide a school inspection service for schools within their area. Any school inspection service provided by a local education authority in Wales may, in addition to providing for the inspection of schools which are maintained by them, provide for the inspection of schools which are not maintained by them. The authority must comply with the directions of the Assembly when so doing.",Section 52 of the Education Act 2005,,See also Education (School Inspection) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1714,True,31|1667,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI38.doc,,False,True 280,Schools - training for the school workforce,,P,The governing body of any maintained school and Wales may provide training to the school workforce.,Section 95 of the Education Act 2005,,,True,29|1650,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI39.doc,,False,False 281,Schools - educational performance targets,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations published by the Secretary of State relating to annual targets in schools.,Section 102 of the Education Act 2005,,See also SI 2005/2450 as amended,True,31,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI40.doc,,False,False 282,Schools - supply of information about school workforce,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations published by the Secretary of State or the Assembly relating to the supply of information relating to the school workforce to the relevant person.,Section 114 of the Education Act 2005,,See also SIs 2007/1264 and 2007/2260,True,31|1667,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,False,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education and Inspections - EI41.doc,,False,False 283,Fire and rescue - general powers of authorities,,D,"Subject to the boundaries defined in section 5B a fire and rescue authority may do: - anything it considers appropriate for the purposes of the carrying-out of any of its functions - anything it considers appropriate for purposes incidental to its functional purposes - anything it considers appropriate for purposes indirectly incidental to its functional purposes through any number of removes - anything it considers to be connected with any of its functions, or anything it may do under the above - for a commercial purpose anything which it may do under any of the above paragraphs otherwise than for a commercial purpose.",Section 5A and 5B of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,"See also section 5B of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004. not yet updated - URL is invalid",True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS1.doc,,False,False 284,Fire and rescue - fire safety,,D,A fire and rescue authority must make provision for the purpose of promoting fire safety in its area.,Section 6 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,792|795|801|802|803|804|805|806|807|808|809|811|812|813|814|815|817|818|819|1119|1364|1435|1474|1602|1603|1605|1606|1608|1609|1610,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS2.doc,,False,False 285,Fire and rescue - fire fighting,,D,"A fire and rescue authority must make provision for the purposes of extinguishing fires in its area, and protecting life and property in the event of fires in its area.",Section 7 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,801|815|819|1474,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS3.doc,,False,False 286,Fire and rescue - road traffic accidents,,D,"A fire and rescue authority must make provision for the purpose of rescuing people in the event of road traffic accidents in its area and protecting people from serious harm, to the extent that it considers it reasonable to do so, in the event of road traffic accidents in its area.",Section 8 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,817,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS4.doc,,False,False 287,Fire and rescue - emergencies,,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with regulations made by the Secretary of State relating to emergencies.,"Section 9 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 ",,See also Fire and Rescue Services (Emergencies) (England) Order 2007/735 and Fire and Rescue Services (Emergencies) (Wales) Order 2007/3193,True,792|798|815|817|819|940|941|944|1033|1474,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.," ",True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS5.doc,,False,True 288,Fire and rescue - directions relating to particular fires and emergencies,,D,"A fire and rescue authority must comply with direction from the Secretary of State to take, or not to take, action specified in the direction in relation to a fire specified in the direction, or an emergency of another kind specified in the direction.",Section 10 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,792|798|815|817|819|940|941|944|1033|1474,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS6.doc,,False,False 289,Fire and rescue - response to other eventualities,,P,"A fire and rescue authority may take any action in response to an event or situation that causes or is likely to cause one or more individuals to die, be injured or become ill or harm to the environment (including the life and health of plants and animals).",Section 11 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,792|798|815|817|819|940|941|944|1033|1474,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS7.doc,,False,False 290,Fire and rescue - other services,,P,A fire and rescue authority may provide the services of any persons employed by it or any equipment maintained by it to any person for any purpose that appears to the authority to be appropriate. A fire and rescue authority may provide services under this section outside as well as within the authority's area.,Section 12 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,792|795|801|802|803|804|805|806|807|808|809|811|812|813|814|815|817|818|819|940|941|944|1033|1119|1364|1435|1474|1602|1603|1605|1606|1608|1609|1610,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS8.doc,,False,False 291,Fire and rescue - reinforcement schemes,,D,A fire and rescue authority must enter into reinforcement schemes with other fire and rescue authorities and notify the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 13 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,"",See also section 14 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,True,1627,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS9.doc,,False,False 292,Fire and rescue - arrangements with other employers of fire-fighters,,P,A fire and rescue authority may enter into arrangements with other (non-fire and rescue service) employers of fire-fighters to enable it to carry out its duties.,Section 15 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1627,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS10.doc,,False,False 293,Fire and rescue - arrangements for discharge of functions by others,,P,A fire and rescue authority may enter into arrangements with another fire and rescue service or another person to enable it to carry out its duties.,Section 16 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1627,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS11.doc,,False,False 294,Fire and rescue - directions to make arrangements with another fire authority,,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with a direction of the Secretary of State to enter into arrangements under Section 16.,Section 17 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1627,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS12.doc,Title duplicate as file FRS11,False,False 295,Fire and rescue - training centres,,P,A fire and rescue authority may establish and maintain one or more training centres for providing education and training in matters in relation to which fire and rescue authorities have functions.,Section 18 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,802|809|811|812|813|1435,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS13.doc,,False,False 296,Fire and rescue - charging by authorities,,P,"A fire and rescue authority may charge a person for any action taken by the authority in the United Kingdom or at sea or under the sea, and otherwise than for a commercial purpose subject to provisions and limits defined in this section, sections 18B and 18C. ",Section 18A of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,"See also section 18B and C of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004. not yet updated - URL invalid",True,,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS14.doc,,False,False 297,Fire and rescue - exercise of powers at or under sea,,P,"If a fire and rescue authority has power to act, or is required to act, outside the authority's area, the authority may exercise the power, or perform the duty, at sea or under the sea.",Section 20 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS15.doc,,False,False 298,Fire and rescue - National Framework,,D,A fire and rescue authority must have regard to the National Framework when carrying out its functions.,Section 21 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,"See also Fire and Rescue Authorities (National Framework) (England) (Revision) Order 2014/3317, Fire and Rescue Authorities (National Framework) (England) Order 2012/1886, Fire and Rescue National Framework (Wales) 2005 (Revisions) Order 2007/1075, Fire and Rescue Services (England) Order 2004/2305, Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (England) Order 2004/3217, Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (England) Order 2006/1084, Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (England) Order 2008/1370, Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (Wales) Order 2005/760, Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (Wales) Order 2008/2298 and Fire and Rescue Services (National Framework) (Wales) Order 2012/934",True,1622,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,07/09/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS16.doc,,False,True 299,Fire and rescue - intervention by Secretary of State,,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with an order made by the Secretary of State under the intervention protocol.,Section 22 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS17.doc,,False,False 300,Fire and rescue - best value,,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with the best value/measures regime.,Section 24 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1288,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS18.doc,,False,False 301,"Fire and rescue - reports, returns and information to Secretary of State",,D,A fire and rescue authority must submit to the Secretary of State any reports and returns required by him give the Secretary of State any information with respect to its functions required by him.,Section 26 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1630,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS19.doc,,False,False 302,"Fire and rescue - equipment, facilities, services and organisations",,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with an order of the Secretary of State to utilise the Secretary of State's equipment or facilities etc.,Section 29 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1636,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS20.doc,,False,False 303,Fire and rescue - directions for public safety purposes,,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with a direction of the Secretary of State given for public safety purposes.,Section 30 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,1609,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS21.doc,,False,False 304,"Fire and rescue - securing adequate water supply ",,D,A fire and rescue authority must take all reasonable measures for securing that an adequate supply of water will be available for the authority's use in the event of fire. An authority may use any suitable supply of water for the purposes of extinguishing a fire or protecting life or property in the event of a fire (but must pay reasonable compensation for the water).,Section 38 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,818|1606|1607,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS22.doc,,False,False 305,Fire and rescue - use of and payment for water supply,,P,A fire and rescue authority may use any suitable supply of water for the purposes of extinguishing a fire or protecting life or property in the event of a fire (but must pay reasonable compensation for the water).,Section 38 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,815|818|1606|1607,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS23.doc,Title duplicate as file FRS22,False,False 306,Fire and rescue - supply of water by water undertakers,,P,A fire and rescue authority may enter into agreements with water undertakers for the purpose of securing a water supply.,Section 39 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,818|1606|1607,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS24.doc,,False,False 307,Fire and rescue - supply of water by other persons,,P," a fire and rescue authority may enter into an agreement to secure the use of water under the control of a person other than a water undertaker, to improve access to any such water or to lay and maintain pipes and to carry out other works in connection with the use of such water.",Section 41 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,818|1606|1607,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS25.doc,,False,False 308,Fire and rescue - fire hydrants,,D,The expenses incurred by a water authority in relation to a fire hydrant are to be borne by the fire and rescue authority in whose area the hydrant is located.,Section 42 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,818|1606,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS26.doc,,False,False 309,Fire and rescue - powers of fire-fighters etc in an emergency,,P,"A fire and rescue authority may authorise its fire fighters, in writing, to undertake certain actions in an emergency.",Section 44 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,,,True,792|793|794,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/02/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS27.doc,,False,False 310,Fire and rescue - obtaining information and investigating fires,,P,A fire and rescue authority may authorise officers to enter premises at a reasonable time for the purposes of obtaining information or investigating fires.,Section 45 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,"",See also section46 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004,True,819|1603|1605,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fire and Rescue Services - FRS28.doc,,False,False 312,Gambling - guidance from Gambling Commission,,D,A local authority must comply with guidance published from time to time by the Gambling Commission in relation to the exercise of its functions.,Section 25 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,397|844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam1.doc,,False,False 313,Gambling - licensing authority information,,D,A local authority must provide the Gambling Commission with information in relation to the exercise of its functions.,Section 29 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,397|844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam2.doc,,False,False 314,Gambling - premises licence,,D,"A local authority must aim to permit the use of premises for gambling in so far as the authority think in accordance with any relevant code of practice, any relevant guidance issued by the Commission and in a manner which is reasonably consistent with the licensing objectives and in accordance with the statement published by the authority under section 349.",Section 153 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,397|844|1134,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam3.doc,,False,False 315,Gambling - delegation of licensing authority functions,,D,A local authority must delegate certain functions to the licensing committee of the authority established under section 6 of the Licensing Act 2003.,Section 154 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Gambling Act 2005 (Proceedings of Licensing Committees and Sub-committees) (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/173,True,397|844|1134,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,13/11/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam4.doc,,False,True 316,Gambling - register of premises licences,,D,A local authority must maintain a register of premises licences in the manner prescribed and make information available to members of the public.,Section 156 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam5.doc,,False,False 317,Gambling - charge for register entry copy,,P,A local authority may charge a reasonable fee for providing a copy of entry or information from the register of gambling premises licences.,Section 156 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam6.doc,,False,False 318,Gambling - representations in relation to licence application,,P,"Where an application is made to a licensing authority for a premises licence, an interested party or responsible authority in relation to the premises may make representations in writing to the licensing authority.",Section 161 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1775 and Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) Regulations 2007/459,True,844|1134,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam7.doc,,False,True 319,Gambling - determination of application,,D,"On considering an application for a premises licence (whether at a hearing or not) a licensing authority shall grant it, or reject it.. A local authority must hold a hearing to determine a gambling premises licence application in certain circumstances.",Section 162 of the Gambling Act 2005,"",See also section 163 of the Gambling Act 2005,True,844|1134,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam8.doc,,False,False 320,Gambling - notice of grant or rejection of gambling premises licence,,D,"A local authority must give notice of the grant or rejection of a gambling premises licence in the prescribed form to the applicant, the Commission, any person who made representations about the application under section 161, the chief officer of police for any area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated and Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise.",Section 164 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 165 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) Regulations 2007/459 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,844|1134,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam9.doc,,False,True 321,Gambling - resolution not to issue casino licences,,P,A licensing authority may resolve not to issue casino premises licences.,Section 166 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1134,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam10.doc,,False,False 322,Gambling - premises licence conditions,,D,A local authority must attach mandatory conditions to a gambling premises licences and default conditions in certain circumstances as prescribed by regulations.,Section 167 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also section 168 to 169 of the Gambling Act 2005 and Gambling Act 2005 (Mandatory and Default Conditions) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1409,True,844|1134,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,31/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam11.doc,,False,True 323,Gambling - exclusion of licence conditions,,P,"A premises licence may not be subject to a condition (whether imposed by virtue of section 167, 168 or 169) requiring all or part of the premises, or any activity taking place on the premises, to be operated or carried on as a club or other body with membership, or restricting use of any part of the premises wholly or partly by reference to membership of a club or other body. A premises licence may not be subject to a condition (whether imposed by virtue of section 167, 168 or 169) imposing limits on stakes, fees, winnings, or prizes.",Section 170 of the Gambling Act 2005,"",See also section 171 of the Gambling Act 2005,True,844|1134,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam12.doc,Title duplicate in file Gam11,False,False 324,Gambling - gaming machines,,D,A local authority must incorporate certain conditions into certain premises licences regarding gaming machines.,Section 172 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also Gambling Act 2005 (Gaming Tables in Casinos) (Definitions) Regulations 2009/1970, Gambling Act 2005 (Gaming Machines in Adult Gaming Centres and Bingo Premises) Order 2011/1710 and Gambling Act 2005 (Gaming Machines in Bingo Premises) Order 2009/324",True,1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,31/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam13.doc,,False,True 325,Gambling - credit on licensed premises,,D,"A premises licence shall be subject to the condition that the licensee does not give credit in connection with gambling authorised by the licence, or participate in, arrange, permit or knowingly facilitate the giving of credit in connection with gambling authorised by the licence.",Section 177 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam14.doc,,False,False 326,Gambling - access by children to casino premises,,D,"A local authority must incorporate certain conditions, determined by the Commission, into certain premises licences regarding access by children.",Section 176 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam15.doc,,False,False 327,Gambling - betting machines,,P,A local authority may incorporate certain conditions into betting or casino premises licences regarding betting machines.,Section 181 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam16.doc,,False,False 328,Gambling - exclusion of children from track areas,,P,"A premises licence in respect of a track shall by virtue of this section be subject to the condition that the licensee shall ensure that children and young persons are excluded from any area where facilities for betting are provided, and any area where a gaming machine, other than a Category D machine, is situated.",Section 182 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Gambling Act 2005 (Exclusion of Children from Track Areas) Order 2007/1410,True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam17.doc,,False,True 329,Gambling - Christmas Day closure,,D,A local authority must ensure that certain premises licences exclude gambling premises from operating on Christmas Day.,Section 183 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam18.doc,,False,False 330,Gambling - premises licence annual fee,,D,"A local authority must charge a premises licence holder a first annual fee within such period after the issue of the licence as may be prescribed, and an annual fee before each anniversary of the issue of the licence. The amount of the fee should be as prescribed by regulations made by the Secretary of State.",Section 184 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479,True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam19.doc,,False,True 331,Gambling - variation to licence,,P,A local authority may vary a premises licence having been notified of a change of circumstances or a request for variation from the licence holder.,Section 186 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 187 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1775 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,844|1134,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam20.doc,,False,True 332,Gambling - transfer of premises licence,,D,A licensing authority shall grant an application for transfer unless they think it would be wrong to do so having regard to representations made.,Section 188 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 189 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1775 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam21.doc,,False,True 333,Gambling - copy of premises licence,,D,"A licensing authority shall consider an application under this section as soon as is reasonably practicable and shall grant, and issue a copy licence, it if satisfied that the licence or summary to which the application relates has been lost, stolen or damaged, and where the licence or summary has been lost or stolen, that the loss or theft has been reported to the police.",Section 190 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479,True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam22.doc,,False,True 334,Gambling - surrender of premises licence,,D,"As soon as is reasonably practicable after receipt of notification from the licensee that they wish to surrender a licence the licensing authority shall notify the Commission, the chief officer of police for any area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated and Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise.",Section 192 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam23.doc,,False,False 335,Gambling - revocation of premises licence for failure to pay fee,,D,"A local authority must, revoke a premises licence where the holder has failed to pay the prescribed fee, unless non-payment was as a result of administrative error.",Section 193 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam24.doc,,False,False 336,"Gambling - lapse of premises licence ",,D,"If a licensing authority become aware that a premises licence issued by them has lapsed, they shall as soon as is reasonably practicable notify the Commission, the chief officer of police for any area in which the premises are wholly or partly situated and Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise.",Section 194 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam25.doc,,False,False 337,Gambling - re-instatement of premises licence,,D,A licensing authority shall grant an application for reinstatement unless they think it would be wrong to do so having regard to representations made.,Section 195 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 196 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1775, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) Regulations 2007/459 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam26.doc,,False,True 338,Gambling - review of premises licence,,D,A local authority must carry out a review of a premises licence in certain circumstances and determine that review.,Section 197 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 198 to 203 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences) (Review) Regulations 2007/2258, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440 and Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences) (Review) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/3539 ",True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam27.doc,,False,True 339,Gambling - provisional statement for premises licence,,D,"A local authority must issue a provisional statement in respect of a premises licence where the applicant expects the premises to be constructed, expects the premises to be altered or expects to acquire a right to occupy the premises.",Section 204 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 205 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479, Gambling Act 2005 (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (Amendment) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1775 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam28.doc,,False,True 340,Gambling - stay pending appeal for premises licence,,P,A local authority may direct that the stay on a determination pending an appeal be lifted.,Section 208 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam29.doc,,False,False 341,Gambling - planning permission and premises licence,,P,In making a decision in respect of an application under this part a licensing authority shall not have regard to whether or not a proposal by the applicant is likely to be permitted in accordance with the law relating to planning or building. A decision by a licensing authority under this Part shall not constrain any later decision by the authority under the law relating to planning or building.,Section 210 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,844|1134,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam30.doc,,False,False 343,Gambling - premises licence fees,,D,A local authority has must comply with regulations regarding fees to be charged.,Section 212 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also Gambling Act 2005 (Temporary Use Notices) Regulations 2007/3157 and Gambling (Premises Licence Fees) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/479 ",True,844|1134,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam32.doc,,False,True 344,Gambling - temporary use notice,,D,A local authority must comply with the temporary use of premises notice procedure.,Section 220 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 221 to 228 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling Act 2005 (Temporary Use Notices) Regulations 2007/3157 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,1682,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam33.doc,,False,True 345,Gambling - delegation of temporary use of premises functions,,D,A local authority must delegate certain functions in respect of the temporary use of premises notice procedure to the licensing committee of the authority.,Section 232 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1682,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam33A.doc,Title duplicate as file Gam33,False,False 346,Gambling - temporary use register,,D,"A local authority must maintain, update and make available a register of temporary use notices and follow any regulations made by the Secretary of State. ",Section 234 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1682,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam33B.doc,,False,False 347,Gambling - charge for temporary use register copy,,P,"A local authority may make a reasonable charge for copies of information contained upon the register of temporary use notices. ",Section 234 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1682,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam33C.doc,,False,False 348,Gambling - family entertainment centre gaming machine permit,,D,"A local authority must comply with the regime for family entertainment gaming machine permits. ",Section 247 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Schedule 10 of the Gambling Act 2005 and Gambling Act 2005 (Family Entertainment Centre Gaming Machine) (Permits) Regulations 2007/454,True,1681,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,13/11/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam34.doc,,False,True 349,Gambling - club gaming and club machine permits,,D,"A local authority must comply with the regime for Club gaming permits and club machine permits. ",Section 271 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also section 273 and Schedule 12 of the Gambling Act 2005, Gambling Act 2005 (Club Gaming and Club Machine Permits) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/2689, Gambling Act 2005 (Club Gaming and Club Machine Permits) Regulations 2007/1834 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,1683|1684,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/11/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam35.doc,,False,True 350,Gambling - removal of exemption,,P,A local authority may remove certain statutory exemptions to the need to have certain gaming licences if certain conditions are met.,Section 284 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1134|1687,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam36.doc,,False,False 351,"Gambling - prize gaming permit ",,D,A local authority must comply with the regime for prize gaming permits.,Section 289 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Schedule 14 of the Gambling Act 2005 and Gambling Act 2005 (Prize Gaming) (Permits) Regulations 2007/455,True,1685,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,13/11/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam37.doc,,False,True 352,Gambling - inspection of family entertainment centre,,P,"A constable, enforcement officer or authorised local authority officer may enter premises in respect of which an application has been made for a family entertainment centre gaming machine permit for a purpose connected with the consideration of the application or in respect of which a family entertainment centre gaming machine permit has effect for the purpose of determining whether the gaming machines used on the premises, and the arrangements for their use, comply with the requirements of this Act and regulations under it.",Section 309 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1681,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam38.doc,,False,False 353,Gambling - inspection of premises licensed for alcohol,,P,A local authority may authorise an officer to enter a premises licensed for alcohol for certain purposes.,Section 310 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1687,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam39.doc,,False,False 354,Gambling - licensed premises gaming machine permits,,D,"A local authority must comply with the regime for gaming machine permits. ",Section 283 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Schedule 13 of the Gambling Act 2005 and Gambling Act 2005 (Licensed Premises Gaming Machine Permits) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/1833,True,1687,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/06/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam40.doc,,False,True 355,Gambling - inspection of premises for prize gaming permit,,P,"A constable, enforcement officer or authorised local authority officer may enter premises in respect of which an application has been made for a prize gaming permit for a purpose connected with the consideration of the application. A constable, enforcement officer or authorised local authority officer may enter premises in respect of which a prize gaming permit has effect for the purposes of determining whether prize gaming on the premises complies with the requirements of this Act and regulations under it.",Section 311 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,1685,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam41.doc,,False,False 356,Gambling - inspection of premises of society registered for lotteries,,P,A local authority may authorise an officer to enter premises of registered lottery societies in certain circumstances for certain purposes.,Section 314 of the Gambling Act 2005,,"See also Schedule 11 of the Gambling Act 2005, Small Society Lotteries (Registration of Non-Commercial Societies) Regulations 2007/2328 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,397,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam42.doc,,False,True 357,Gambling - prosecution by licensing authority,,P,A local authority may institute criminal proceedings in respect of an offence under stipulated provisions of the Gambling Act 2005.,Section 346 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,397|844|1134|1681|1682|1683|1684|1685|1686|1687,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam43.doc,,False,False 358,"Gambling - three year licensing policy ",,D,"A local authority must prepare and publish a three year licensing policy statement, review the same and comply with regulations published by the Secretary of State.",Section 349 of the Gambling Act 2005,,See also Gambling Act 2005 (Licensing Authority Policy Statement)(England and Wales) Regulations 2006/636 and Gambling Act 2005 (Licensing Authority Policy Statement) (First Appointed Day) Order 2006/637,True,397|844|1134|1681|1682|1683|1684|1685|1686|1687,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,21/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam44.doc,,False,True 359,Gambling - exchange of information with regard to licensing functions,,P,"A local authority may exchange information to another authorised body or person or to Her Majesty's Commissioners of Customs and Excise for use in the exercise of any function related to gambling licensing functions. ",Section 350 of the Gambling Act 2005,,,True,397|844|1134|1681|1682|1683|1684|1685|1686|1687,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Gambling - Gam45.doc,,False,False 360,Policy - local area agreement,,D,A local authority when directed to do so by the Secretary of State must prepare a draft local area agreement and should consult with partner authorities and such other persons as appear to it to be appropriate in so doing.,Section 106 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1627,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,26/05/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Area Agreements - LAA1.doc,,False,False 361,Policy - regard to local improvement targets in local area agreement,,D,A local authority must have regard to local improvement targets in its local area agreement when exercising its functions.,Section 108 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,725,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,26/05/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Area Agreements - LAA2.doc,,False,False 362,Policy - revision and amendment of targets in local area agreement,,P,"Any local improvement target other than a designated target for the time being specified in a local area agreement may be amended, or removed from the local area agreement,by the responsible local authority with the agreement of any partner authority to which the target relates and after consulting each other person to whom it relates. The responsible local authority may, with the consent of each person to whom the target in question is to relate, specify a new local improvement target in a local area agreement. Designated targets may only be amended following consultation with the Secretary of State.",Section 110 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,"",See also section 111 to 112 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,True,725,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,26/05/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Area Agreements - LAA3.doc,,False,False 363,Publication of information - local area agreement,,D,A local authority must publish information regarding its Local Area Agreement.,Section 113 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,1627,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority.,True,30/12/2007,26/05/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Area Agreements - LAA4.doc,,False,True 364,Health and social care - joint strategic needs assessments,,D,"A local authority must prepare a health and social care joint strategic needs assessment and well-being strategy, co-operate with its partners and publish the same when required to do so by the Secretary of State and must have regard to those strategies when exercising its functions. ",Section 116 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,See also section 116B of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,True,1688,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Area Agreements - LAA5.doc,,False,False 365,Members - exercise of any function of a local authority,,P,"A local authority may authorise a councillor for a ward or division to discharge its functions (to the extent allowed) in respect of that ward or division. ",Section 236 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance," ",True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Area Agreements - LAA6.doc,,False,False 366,Health and social care - local involvement networks,,D,"A local authority must make prescribed arrangements for its area relating to the commissioning, promoting, provision and scrutiny of local care services.",Section 221 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,"See also section 222 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,1150,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - Local Health Sevices - LHS1.doc,,False,True 367,Health and social care - independent advocacy services,,D,A local authority must make arrangements it considers appropriate for independent advocacy services in its area.,Section 223A of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,162|645|728,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - Local Health Sevices - LHS2.doc,,False,True 368,Health and social care - appointment of mental capacity advocate,,D,A local authority must in certain prescribed circumstances appoint an independent mental capacity advocate when dealing with certain issues relating to residential accommodation.,Section 39 of the Mental Capacity Act 2005,,See also sections to 39E of the Mental Capacity Act 2005,True,728|1284,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - Mental Capacity - MC1.doc,,False,True 369,Public health - improving health of people in local area,,D,A local authority must take steps it considers appropriate to improve the health of people living within its area.,Section 2B of the National Health Service Act 2006,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,199|209|312|661|1284|1451,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,False,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS1.doc,,False,False 370,Public health - appointment of directors,,D,"A local authority must, acting jointly with the Secretary of State, appoint a director of public health. A local authority must have regard to any guidance given by the Secretary of State in relation to its director of public health, including guidance as to appointment and termination of appointment, terms and conditions and management.","Section 73A of the National Health Service Act 2006 ",,"See also National Health Service and Public Health (Functions and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013/261 and NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,924|927|1688|1728|1745|1746|1747|1748|1749|1775|1776,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS2.doc,,False,True 371,Public health - guidance from Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must have regard to any document published by the Secretary of State when exercising health functions.,"Section 73B of the National Health Service Act 2006 ",,"See also National Health Service and Public Health (Functions and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013/261 and NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,1688|1745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS3.doc,,False,True 372,Public health - complaints about exercise of public health functions,,D,A local authority must have regard to regulations made in relation to complaints concerning exercise of its health functions.,"Section 73C of the National Health Service Act 2006 ",,"See also NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,1688|1745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS4.doc,,False,True 373,"Public health - arrangements between NHS bodies and local authorities ",,D,A local authority must have regard to regulations regarding joint arrangements between the NHS and the local authority for carrying out prescribed arrangements for the discharge of prescribed functions concerning exercise of its health function.,Section 75 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also Mental Health Act 1983 (Independent Mental Health Advocates) (England) Regulations 2008/3166, National Health Service (Direct Payments) Regulations 2013/1617, National Health Service and Public Health (Functions and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013/261, NHS Bodies and Local Authorities Partnership Arrangements (Amendment) Regulations 2009/278, NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094 NHS Bodies and Local Authorities Partnership Arrangements (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1940 (not in force at time of gong to press)",True,924|927|1627|1688|1745|1746|1747|1748|1749|1775|1776,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS5.doc,,False,True 374,Public health - payments to boards and commissioning groups in England,,P,A local authority may make payments to various boards and commissioning groups in connection with the exercise of its health function and must have regard to directions prescribed by the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 76 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,924|927|1627|1688|1745|1746|1747|1748|1749|1775|1776,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,17/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS6.doc,,False,True 375,Public health - establishment of a care trust,,D,"A local authority must publish proposals, inform and consult in the prescribed manner before establishing a care trust. ",Section 77 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,1627|1688|1745,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,17/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS7.doc,,False,True 376,Public health - directed partnership arrangements in England,,D,A local authority must comply with any directions made by the Secretary of State in respect of directed partnership arrangements for a failing body.,Section 78of the National Health Service Act 2006,"",See also section 79 of the National Health Service Act 2006,True,1627|1688,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS8.doc,,False,False 377,Public health - co-operation between NHS bodies and local authorities,,D,In exercising their respective functions NHS bodies (on the one hand) and local authorities (on the other) must co-operate with one another in order to secure and advance the health and welfare of the people of England and Wales.,Section 82 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,,True,1627|1688,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS9.doc,,False,False 378,Public health - dental public health,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding its dental public health function.,Section 111 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",True,1627|1688|1745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS10.doc,,False,True 379,"Public health - exercise by local authorities of certain public health functions ",,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding its public health function.,"Section 6C of the National Health Service Act 2006 ",,"See also Local Authorities (Public Health Functions and Entry to Premises by Local Healthwatch Representatives) Regulations 2013/351 and Local Authorities (Public Health Functions and Entry to Premises by Local Healthwatch Representatives) and Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/921",True,1627|1688|1745,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS11.doc,,False,True 380,Public health - joint working with prison service,,D,A local authority must in carrying out its public health function co-operate with the prison service in making arrangements to improve the health of prisoners.,Section 249 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,,True,1447|1627|1688,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS12.doc,,False,False 381,Public health - overview and scrutiny committees,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the review and scrutiny of health services within its area.,Section 244 of the National Health Service Act 2006,"","See also section 246 of the National Health Service Act 2006, Health Act 2009 (Powers in Relation to NHS Bodies-Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2010/720, Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013/218 and Local Involvement Networks Regulations 2008/528",True,1031|1688|1745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS13.doc,,False,True 382,Public health - joint overview and scrutiny committee,,P,A local authority may set up a joint overview and scrutiny committee with other local authorities in relation to health services in accordance with Regulations.,Section 245 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013/218",True,1031|1627|1688|1745,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS14.doc,,False,True 383,Public health - equipment and facilities,,P,A local authority may make equipment and facilities available to other authorities and accommodation available to certain local authority officers.,Section 254 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also Schedule 20 of the National Health Service Act 2006, Section 192 and Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006",True,53|199|312|661|831|889|890|926|1688|1745,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.," ",True,,True,01/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS15.doc,,False,True 385,Public health - provision for the care of mothers,,P,"A local authority may make provision for the care of mothers, prevention, care and after-care, home help and laundry facilities,",Section 192 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006.,,See also Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006.,True,927|1688|1745,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS17.doc,,False,True 386,Social care - home help facilities,,D,A local authority must make provision adequate for its area to provide home help facilities for households with certain characteristics.,Section 192 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,See also Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,True,209|242,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS18.doc,,False,True 387,Social care - laundry facilities,,P,A local authority may make provision adequate for its area to provide laundry facilities for households with certain characteristics.,Section 192 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,See also Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,True,271,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS19.doc,,False,True 388,"Social services - research ",,P,A local authority may carry out or may assist another to carry out a research in relation to the powers and duties under the Act.,Section 192 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,See also Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,True,1668|1745,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,False,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS20.doc,,False,True 389,"Schools - medical inspection of pupils at maintained schools ",,D,A local authority must carry out the medical inspection of pupils at maintained schools or receiving education otherwise than at school in its area.,Section 5 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,See also Schedule 1 of the National Health Service Act 2006,True,5|889|890,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS21.doc,,False,True 390,Schools - medical inspection of pupils at other schools,,P,A local authority may make arrangements to carry out the medical inspection of pupils at educational establishments not maintained by it in its area with a limited power to charge.,Section 5 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,See also Schedule 1 of the National Health Service Act 2006,True,5|889|890,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS22.doc,Title duplicate as file NHS21,False,True 392,Schools - weighing and measuring of children,,P,A local authority may make arrangements to weigh and measure children in its area. An authority may be required by the Secretary of State (Minister in Wales) to weigh and measure children and should comply with directions when doing so.,Section 5 of the National Health Service Act 2006,,"See also Schedule 1 of the National Health Service Act 2006 and Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013/218",True,1748,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly; the Common Council of the City of London",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS24.doc,,False,True 394,Public health - arrangements between local authorities and NHS bodies,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations made by the Welsh ministers regarding co-operation between them and NHS bodies in Wales.,Section 33 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,,True,1627|1688,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS26.doc,,False,False 395,Public health - payments to board or commissioning group in Wales,,P,"A local authority may make payments to a Strategic Health Authority, a Primary Care Trust or a Local Health Board towards expenditure incurred or to be incurred by the body in connection with the performance by it of prescribed functions. in accordance with directions made by the Welsh ministers.",Section 34 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,,True,1627|1688,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS27.doc,,False,False 397,Public health - directed partnership arrangements in Wales,,D,A local authority must enter into directed partnership arrangements when directed by the Welsh ministers.,Section 36 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,"",See also section 37 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,True,1627|1688,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS29.doc,,False,False 398,Public health - health and wellbeing strategies,,D,A local authority must formulate and implement a health and wellbeing strategy in accordance with regulations from the Welsh ministers.,Section 40 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,"See also Health, Social Care and Well-being Strategies (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/1042",True,1688|1745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS30.doc,,False,True 399,"Public health - provision of premises, equipment or accommodation",,P,"A local authority may provide premises, equipment or accommodation for certain purposes.",Section 192 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,See also Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,True,107|178|180|205|209|263|264|292|293|313|1441|1745,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS31.doc,,False,True 400,Schools - medical inspection of children in Wales,,D,A local authority must co-operate with Welsh ministers in carrying out the Welsh minister's functions of making arrangements for the medical inspection of children in Wales.,Section 5 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,,See also sSchedule 1 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006,True,5|889|890,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health - National Health Sevices - NHS32.doc,,False,False 401,Natural environment - agreement to carry out a DEFRA function,,P,A local authority may enter into an agreement with the Secretary of State to carry out a DEFRA function under the Act.,Section 78 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006,,"See also section 81, 82 and 84 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006",True,413|414|434|596|613|702|1118,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to a parish council in England or community council in Wales, the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,05/03/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Natural Environment - NE1.doc,,False,True 402,Natural environment - agreement with another body to carry out designated DEFRA function,,P,A local authority may enter into an agreement with another designated body to carry out a function under the Act.,Section 79 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006,,"See also section 81, 82 and 84 of the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act 2006",True,413|414|434|596|613|702|1118,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales, the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority, the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,05/03/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Natural Environment - NE2.doc,Title duplicate as file NE1,False,True 403,Safeguarding vulnerable people - referral to the Disclosure and Barring Service,,P,A local authority may refer information to the Disclosure and Barring Service if they have reason to think that the person has engaged in conduct which may result in the risk of harm or actual harm to a child or vulnerable adult.,Section 39 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006,,See also Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2012/2112 and Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Prescribed Information) Regulations 2008/3265,True,266|731,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Broads Authority, the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and any joint board, joint committee and combined authority ",True,01/12/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safeguarding - SVP1.doc,,False,True 404,Safeguarding vulnerable people - provide information to the Disclosure and Barring Service,,D,A local authority must provide information to the Disclosure and Barring Service if requested to do so.,Section 40 Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006,,See also Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (Prescribed Information) Regulations 2008/3265,True,266|731,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Broads Authority, the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and any joint board, joint committee and combined authority ",True,01/12/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safeguarding - SVP2.doc,,False,True 405,Local community - proposals for sustainability,,P,"A local authority may respond to an invitation from the Secretary of State to produce a proposal for sustainable local communities. ","Section 5A of the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 ",,"See also the Schedule to the Sustainable Communities Act 2007 and SI 2012/1523. not yet updated - URL is invalid",True,720,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,08/06/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Sustainable Communities - SC1.doc,,False,False 406,Crime reduction - drinking banning order in magistrates court,,P,A local authority may make an application in the magistrates' court for a drinking banning order or to vary or discharge that order if certain conditions are met.,Section 3 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006,,See also section 5 and 6 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006,True,497|870|947|1044|1156|1486,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/08/2009,23/03/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Violent Crime Reduction - VCR1.doc,,False,False 407,Crime reduction - drinking banning order in county court,,P,A local authority may make an application in the county court for a drinking banning order or to vary or discharge that order if certain conditions are met.,Section 4 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006,,See also section 5 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006,True,497|870|947|1044|1156|1486,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/08/2009,23/03/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Violent Crime Reduction - VCR2.doc,Title duplicate as file VCR1,False,False 408,Crime reduction - breach of drinking banning order,,P,A local authority may bring proceedings in respect of the breach of a drinking banning order.,Section 11 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006,,,True,497|870|947|1044|1156|1486,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/08/2009,23/03/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Violent Crime Reduction - VCR3.doc,Title duplicate as file VCR2 and 1,False,False 409,Adoption - general considerations,,D,A local authority must have regard to the general considerations when exercising its functions under the Act.,Section 1 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP1.doc,,False,True 410,Adoption - maintenance of adoption service,,D,"Each local authority must continue to maintain within their area a service designed to meet the needs, in relation to adoption, of children who may be adopted, their parents and guardians, persons wishing to adopt a child, and adopted persons, their parents, natural parents and former guardians and for that purpose must provide the requisite facilities. ",Section 3 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption Support Services (Local Authorities) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1512, Adoption Support Services Regulations 2005/691, Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482 and Adoption Support Agencies (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/465",True,160,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP2.doc,,False,True 411,"Adoption - assessments for adoption support ",,D,"A local authority must, in prescribed circumstances, carry out an assessment as to whether an individual requires adoption support services.",Section 4 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/985, Adoption Support Services Regulations 2005/691, Adoption Support Services (Local Authorities) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1512 and Adoption Support Services and Special Guardianship (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2091",True,160,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP3.doc,,False,True 412,Adoption - inactive or defunct adoption societies,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the appropriate Minister with regard to an inactive or defunct adoption societies.,Section 7 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP4.doc,,False,True 413,Adoption - fees,,P,"A local authority may charge fees, as prescribed, in connection with the provision of an overseas adoption service and for other facilities.",Section 11 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005/1313, Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005/389, Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/985, Local Authorities (Prescribed Fees) (Adoptions with a Foreign Element) (Wales) Regulations 2005/3114, Local Authority (Adoption) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2005/3390 and Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005/888",True,160,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP5.doc,,False,True 414,Adoption - information concerning adoption,,D,A local authority must provide the appropriate Minister with the information required regarding its performance of all or any of its functions relating to adoption and the children and other persons in relation to whom it has exercised those functions.,Section 13 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP6.doc,,False,True 415,Adoption - default order,,D,A local authority must comply with instructions contained in any default order issued by the Minister.,Section 14 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP7.doc,,False,True 416,Adoption - inspection of premises,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may inspect the premises where a child is or may be placed for adoption.,Section 15 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,"Applicable to ",True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP8.doc,,False,True 418,Adoption - placement for adoption by agencies,,P,A local authority may place a child for adoption in certain circumstances. The authority should comply with regulations for placing a child with prospective adopters when doing so.,Section 18 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002," ",See also section 19 to 21 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,True,160,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP10.doc,,False,True 419,Adoption - applications for placement order,,D,A local authority must apply for a placement order in respect of a child in certain circumstances as detailed in regulations.,Section 22 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP11.doc,,False,True 420,Adoption - varying placement orders,,D,A local authority may apply to vary a placement order in certain circumstances.,Section 23 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP12.doc,,False,True 421,Adoption - revoking placement orders,,P,A local authority may apply to revoke a placement order in certain circumstances.,Section 24 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP13.doc,,False,True 422,Adoption - restriction of parental responsibility,,P,"An authority may determine that the parental responsibility of any parent or guardian, or of prospective adopters, is to be restricted to the extent specified in the determination.",Section 25 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP14.doc,,False,True 423,Adoption - contact order,,P,A local authority may apply for a contact order in certain circumstances.,Section 26 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,08/12/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP15.doc,,False,True 424,Adoption - refusal of contact,,P,"A local authority may refuse to allow the contact that would otherwise be required by virtue of an order if it is satisfied that it is necessary to do so in order to safeguard or promote the child's welfare, and the refusal is decided upon as a matter of urgency and does not last for more than seven days. The authority must comply with regulations when refusing contact.",Section 27 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005/1313 and Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005/389 ",True,160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP16.doc,,False,True 426,Adoption - recovery of child by parent or guardian,,D,"A local authority must recover a child when requested to do so by the parent in certain circumstances. ",Section 31 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002," ",See also sections 32 and 33 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP18.doc,,False,True 427,Adoption - return of child in other cases,,D,"A local authority must recover a child when requested to do so by the prospective adopters or where they consider the placement to be unsuitable. ",Section 35 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP19.doc,Title duplicate as file AP18,False,True 428,Adoption - court reports for proposed adoption,,D,A local authority prepare a report for the court and assist the court in any other way regarding the suitability of the proposed adoption in certain circumstances.,Section 43 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP20.doc,,False,True 429,Adoption - disclosing information during adoption process,,D,A local authority must disclose information to prospective adopters in prescribed circumstances.,Section 54 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/985, Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005/1313, Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005/389 and Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP21.doc,,False,True 430,Adoption - keeping of information,,D,A local authority must keep prescribed information regarding an adoption in a form and manner which complies with regulations.,Section 56 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Access to Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2689, Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482 and Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005/888",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP22.doc,,False,True 431,Adoption - restrictions on disclosure of information,,D,A local authority may only disclose information regarding an adoption in prescribed circumstances.,"Section 57 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 ",,"See also section 58 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Access to Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2689, Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482 and Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005/888 ",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP23.doc,,False,True 432,Adoption - disclosure of information to an adopted adult,,D,A local authority must disclose certain information to an adult adopted person.,"Section 60 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 ",,"See also section 61 to 62 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Access to Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2689, Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482, Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005/888, Pt 1 c. 3 s. 60(4) Family Procedure (Adoption) Rules 2005/2795, Family Proceedings (Amendment) (No.2) Rules 2010/1064 and Family Proceedings Courts (Children Act 1989) (Amendment) (No.2) Rules 2010/1065",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP24.doc,Title duplicate as file AP21,False,True 433,Adoption - counselling services,,D,A local authority must offer counselling services as required by regulations.,"Section 63 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002 ",,"See also Access to Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2689, Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482 and Disclosure of Adoption Information (Post-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005/888",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP25.doc,,False,True 434,Adoption - information for pre-commencement adoptions,,D,A local authority comply with regulations concerning the provision of information to persons adopted before the appointed day who have attained the age of 18.,Section 98 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption and Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/3482, Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2005/3293, Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2701, Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) Regulations 2005/890, Adoption Support Agencies (England) and Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/2720, Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/2696, Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1685 and Adoption Information and Intermediary Services (Pre-Commencement Adoptions) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1802",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,03/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Adoption - AP26.doc,,False,True 435,Unlawful use of drugs on premises - discharge of closure order,,P,A local authority may make an application that a closure order is discharged in relation to premises where drugs are used unlawfully or may appeal against the refusal to make such an order.,Section 5 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,See also section 6 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,True,98|870|1156|1483|1484|1485,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2005,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB1.doc,,False,True 436,Unlawful use of drugs on premises - reimbursement of costs,,P,"A local authority may apply to have the cost of cleaning, securing or maintaining premises where drugs are used unlawfully reimbursed.",Section 8 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,,True,98|870|1156|1483|1484|1485,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/07/2012,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB2.doc,,False,True 437,Premises associated with persistent disorder or nuisance - closure notice,,P,A local authority may apply for a closure notice with regard to premises associated with persistent disorder or nuisance and enforce that notice or apply for its extension or discharge (with rights to appeal).,Section 11A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,"See also section 11B to 11C and 11E, 11F and 11I of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. not yet updated - URL is invalid",True,98|870|1156|1483|1484|1485|1486,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2008,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB3.doc,,False,True 438,Premises associated with persistent disorder or nuisance - reimbursement of costs,,P,"A local authority may apply to have the cost of cleaning, securing or maintaining premises associated with persistent disorder or nuisance.",Section 11G of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,98|870|1156|1483|1484|1485|1486,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/01/2012,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB4.doc,,False,False 439,Schools - parenting contracts,,P,A local authority or a school governing body may enter into parenting contract with the parent of a child who has misbehaved at school or is involved in truancy.,Section 19 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,"See also section 22A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, Education (Parenting Contracts and Parenting Orders) (England) Regulations 2007/1869 and Education (Parenting Contracts and Parenting Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2954",True,35,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB5.doc,,False,True 440,Schools - parenting orders,,P,"A local authority or a school governing body may apply for a parenting order in respect of the parents of a child who has been excluded from school. ",Section 20 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,"See also section 21 and 22A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, Education (Parenting Contracts and Parenting Orders) (England) Regulations 2007/1869 and Education (Parenting Contracts and Parenting Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2954",True,175,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB6.doc,,False,True 441,Anti-social behaviour - parenting contracts,,P,A local authority may enter into a parenting contract with parents of a child involved in anti-social behaviour and must have regard to guidance in so doing.,Section 25A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,"See also section 27 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003. ",True,,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB7.doc,,False,False 442,Anti-social behaviour - parenting orders,,P,"A local authority may enter into a parenting order with parents of a child involved in anti-social behaviour and must have regard to guidance in so doing. ",Section 26A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,,True,175,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB8.doc,,False,True 443,Anti-social behaviour - contracting out,,P,A local authority may contract out of some of its functions in certain circumstances.,Section 28A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,174|175,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB9.doc,,False,True 444,Anti-social behaviour - closure of noisy premises,,P,A chief executive officer of a local authority may in certain circumstances make a closure of noisy premises order or cancel the same.,Section 40 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,"",See also section 41 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,True,98|412|1484|1485,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,31/03/2004,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB10.doc,,False,False 445,Anti-social behaviour - penalty notices for graffiti and fly posting,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may issue a penalty notice for graffiti or fly posting. The amount of the penalty should be as determined by regulations.,Section 43 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,"See also Sections 43A and B of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003 , Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663 and Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175",True,584|588,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB11.doc,,False,True 447,Anti-social behaviour - notice to remove graffiti and fly posting,,P,A local authority may serve a notice requiring the removal of graffiti or fly posting and recover its expenditure in so doing and must have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State or National Assembly.,Section 48 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,"",See also section 49 to 52 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,True,584|588,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2008,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB13.doc,,False,False 448,Anti-social behaviour - sale of aerosol paints to children enforcement,,D,"It is the duty of every local weights and measures authority to consider, at least once in every period of twelve months, the extent to which it is appropriate for the authority to carry out in their area a programme of enforcement action in relation to section 54 and to the extent that they consider it appropriate to do so, carry out such a programme.",Section 54A of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,,True,1125,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/07/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB14.doc,,False,True 449,Anti-social behaviour - high hedge complaints,,D,A local authority must consider complaints regarding high hedges according to the procedures under these regulations.,Section 68 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,See also High Hedges (Fees) (Wales) Regulations 2004/3241,True,1122,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,31/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB15.doc,,False,True 450,Anti-social behaviour - remedial notices for high hedges,,P,"A local authority may issue, withdraw or relax a remedial notice in relation to a complaint regarding high hedges.",Section 69 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,"See also section 70 to 73 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003, High Hedges (Appeals) (England) Regulations 2005/711and High Hedges (Appeals) (Wales) Regulations 2004/3240",True,1122,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,31/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB16.doc,,False,True 451,Anti-social behaviour - high hedges power of entry,,P,A person authorised by a local authority may enter premises for the purposes of the exercise of the local authority's powers and duties relating to high hedges.,Section 74 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,,True,1122,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,31/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB17.doc,,False,True 452,Anti-social behaviour - charging for work on high hedges,,P,A person authorised by a local authority may enter premises to carry out works for which a charge may be made in certain circumstances relating to high hedges.,Section 77 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,,,True,1122,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,31/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Anti-Social Behaviour - ASB18.doc,,False,True 453,Fostering - regulation of the exercise of relevant fostering functions,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations in relation to its exercise of its fostering functions.,Section 48 of the Care Standards Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2003/237, 2003/896, 2009/1895, 2009/2541 and 2011/581",True,159,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Care Standards - CSt1.doc,,False,False 454,Care standards - national minimum standards,,D,A local authority must comply with national minimum standards for care agencies and establishments as set out in sub-section 23(1)-(3) of the Act.,Section 49 of the Care Standards Act 2000,,,True,107|263|292,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Care Standards - CSt2.doc,,False,False 455,Care standards - annual returns,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations requiring them to make an annual return to the regulator.,Section 50 of the Care Standards Act 2000,,See also SIs 2006/3251 and 2007/1357,True,1630,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/07/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Care Standards - CSt3.doc,,False,False 456,Care assessments - right of carers to assessment,,D,A local authority must carry out a care assessment if requested to do so by the carer of a disabled adult.,Section 1 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000,"",See also section 2 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 and SIs 2001/441 and 2001/2186,True,209,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Carers and Disabled Children- CDC1.doc,,False,False 457,Care - vouchers for temporary care,,D,A local authority must comply with any regulations concerning the provision of vouchers for temporary care whislt a carer has a break from caring.,"Section 3 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000 ",,See also SI 2003/1216,True,227|260,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Carers and Disabled Children- CDC2.doc,,False,False 458,Care assessments - persons with parental responsibility for disabled children,,D,A local authority must carry out a care assessment if requested to do so by a person with parental responsibility who is a carer of a disabled child.,Section 6 of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000,,,True,209,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Carers and Disabled Children- CDC3.doc,,False,False 459,Care - informing carers of disabled children of right to assessment,,D,A local authority must inform a person with parental responsibility who is a carer of a disabled child of their right to an assessment.,Section 6A of the Carers and Disabled Children Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,209,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,False,18/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Carers and Disabled Children- CDC4.doc,,False,False 460,Community care - needs assessment,,D,A local authority must carry out the determination of a patients need for community care services in certain circumstance.,Section 4 of the Community Care Services Delayed Discharges Act 2003,,,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Community Care - CCDD1.doc,,False,True 461,Community care - liability to make delayed discharge payments,,D,A local authority must make prescribed payments to the NHS for a delayed discharge because arrangements are not in place for agreed community care services.,"Section 6 of the Community Care Services Delayed Discharges Act 2003 ",,,True,209,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,04/09/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Community Care - CCDD2.doc,,False,True 462,Access land - byelaws,,P,A local authority may prepare byelaws for any land in relation to which it is the access authority.,Section 17 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,,,True,1118|1390,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,25/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW1.doc,,False,False 463,Access land - wardens,,P,"An access authority or a district council may appoint such number of persons as may appear to the authority making the appointment to be necessary or expedient, to act as wardens as respects access land in their area. As respects access land in an area for which there is a local access forum, an access authority shall, before they appoint wardens and thereafter from time to time, consult the local access forum about the exercise of that power.",Section 18 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,,,True,749|1118,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/06/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW2.doc,,False,False 464,Access land - notices,,P,A local authority may erect and maintain notices for specified purposes associated with access land.,Section 19 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,,,True,1118,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/11/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW3.doc,,False,False 465,Rights of way - improvement plans,,D,A local authority must prepare rights of way improvement plans in accordance with the requirements of the Act.,Section 60 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,"",See also section 61 to 62 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,True,1120,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW4.doc,,False,False 466,Areas of outstanding natural beauty - general duties,,D,A local authority must in carrying out its functions have regard to preserving and enhancing the beauty of areas of outstanding natural beauty.,Section 85 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,,,True,702|745,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW5.doc,,False,False 467,Areas of outstanding natural beauty - management plans,,D,A local authority must produce and publish management plans in relation to areas of outstanding natural beauty as required by the Act.,Section 89 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,"",See also section 90 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,True,702|745,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/04/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW6.doc,,False,False 468,Countryside - local access forums,,D,"The appointing authority for any area shall in accordance with regulations establish for that area, or for each part of it, an advisory body to be known as a local access forum.",Section 94 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,"","See also section 95 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 and SIs 2001/4002, 2003/2713, 2007/268 and 2011/2021",True,862,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.," ",True,,True,30/01/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside and Rights of Way - CRW7.doc,,False,False 469,Alcohol - designated public place,,P,A local authority may designate a place as a designated public place in certain circumstances associated with alcohol related disorder,Section 13 Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001,,See also SI 2007/806,True,1486|1689,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/11/2005,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - CrimJus - CJ1.doc,,False,False 470,Alcohol - effect of designated public place on byelaws,,D,A local authority must have regard to the effect of section 15 relating to byelaws.,Section 15 Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001,,,True,1390|1689,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/11/2005,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - CrimJus - CJ2.doc,,False,False 471,Alcohol - unlicensed premises closure notice,,P,"Where a local authority is satisfied that any premises in the area of the authority are being, or within the last 24 hours have been, used for the unauthorised sale of alcohol for consumption on, or in the vicinity of, the premises, the authority may serve a closure notice in respect of the premises.",Section 19 Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001,,,True,646|860|1071|1484,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - CrimJus - CJ3.doc,,False,True 472,Alcohol - unlicensed premises closure order,,P,"A local authority may, where a closure notice has been served, apply for a closure order in relation to unlicensed premises involved in the sale of alcohol.",Section 20 Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001,,,True,646|860|1071|1484,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - CrimJus - CJ4.doc,,False,True 473,Alcohol - termination of unlicensed premises closure orders,,D,A local authority must terminate a closure order when they are satisfied that the need for it has ceased.,Section 22 Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001,,,True,646|860|1071|1484,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - CrimJus - CJ5.doc,,False,True 474,Alcohol - enforcement of unlicensed premises closure orders,,P,An officer authorised by the local authority may enter a premises and take reasonable steps to enforce a closure order.,Section 25 Police and Criminal Justice Act 2001,,,True,646|860|1071|1484,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/12/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - CrimJus - CJ6.doc,,False,True 475,Education - suspension of statutory requirements,,P,A local authority may apply to the Secretary of State or National Assembly to have certain statutory requirements suspended or altered. The application must be in the prescribed form and the application process is subject to prescribed steps.,Section 4 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 1.doc,,False,True 476,Education - formation of or investment in companies to provide services,,P,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may form a governing body company to deliver certain prescribed functions and services.,Section of the Education Act 2002,"","See also section 12 of the Education Act 2002, Education (Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986: Amendments to Disqualification Provisions) (England) Regulations 2004/3264, Education (Disqualification Provisions: Bankruptcy and Mental Health) (England) Regulations 2006/2198, School Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2003/2049, School Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2014/2923, School Companies (Private Finance Initiative Companies) Regulations 2002/3177, School Companies Regulations 2002/2978 and Education (Miscellaneous Amendments relating to Safeguarding Children) (England) Regulations 2009/1924",True,1667,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 2.doc,,False,True 477,Education - incorporation of governing body,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must be corporate and must be incorporated in accordance with regulations and having regard to guidance.,Section 19 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Government of Maintained Schools (Training Requirements for Governors) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/2225, Government of Maintained Schools (Training Requirements for Governors) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2124, School Governance (Constitution and Procedures) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003/1916, School Organisation and Governance (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2007/3464 (part), School Organisation and Governance (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2009/1556 (part), Education (Disqualification Provisions: Bankruptcy and Mental Health) (England) Regulations 2006/2198, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/1959, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1257, Education (Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986: Amendments to Disqualification Provisions) (England) Regulations 2004/3264, Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014/1132, Government of Maintained Schools (Clerk to a Governing Body) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2127, Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005/2914, School Councils (Wales) Regulations 2005/3200, School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012/1034, School Governance (Constitution, Procedures and New Schools) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/450, School Governance (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/421, School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009/2680, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2007/944, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2708, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1609, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006/873 and School Governance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/883",True,29|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 3.doc,,False,True 478,Education - instruments of government,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must have an instrument of government which determines the constitution of the governing body and other matters relating to the school and which must accord with regulations.,"Section 20 of the Education Act 2002 ",,"See also Education (Review of Staffing Structure) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1910, Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, Education (School Government) (Terms of Reference) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1845, Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005/2914, School Councils (Wales) Regulations 2005/3200, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/1959, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1257, School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013/1624, School Teacher Appraisal (Wales) Regulations 2011/2940, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2708 and Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1609",True,29|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 4.doc,,False,True 479,Education - general responsibility for conduct of schools,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must conduct its school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement and in accordance with regulations.,Section 21 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Education (Review of Staffing Structure) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1910, Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, Education (School Government) (Terms of Reference) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1845, Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005/2914, School Councils (Wales) Regulations 2005/3200, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/1959, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1257, School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013/1624, School Teacher Appraisal (Wales) Regulations 2011/2940, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2708, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1609",True,29|31|33|886,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 5.doc,,False,True 480,Education - training and support of governors,,D,"The local education authority shall (to the extent that they are not otherwise required to secure the provision of such information) secure that every governor is provided, free of charge, with such information as they consider appropriate in connection with the discharge of his functions as governor, and secure that there is made available to every governor, free of charge, such training as they consider necessary for the effective discharge of those functions.",Section 22 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,29,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,22/08/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 6.doc,,False,True 481,Education - clerk to the governing body,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must appoint a clerk in accordance with the regulations.,Section 23 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Government of Maintained Schools (Clerk to a Governing Body) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2127, Government of Maintained Schools (Training Requirements for Governors) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2124, Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005/2914, School Governance (Collaboration) (England) Regulations 2003/1962, School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013/1624 and School Governance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/883",True,29,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/03/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 7.doc,,False,True 482,Education - parent council for foundation school,,D,A governing body of certain foundation schools maintained by a local authority must establish a parent council in accordance with regulations.,Section 23A of the Education Act 2002,,See also School Governance (Parent Council) (England) Regulations 2007/1330,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,25/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 8.doc,,False,True 483,Education - federations of schools,,P,Where prescribed by regulations the governing bodies of two or more schools maintained by a local authority may establish a federation.,"Section 24 of the Education Act 2002 ","",See also section 25 of the Education Act 2002 and numerous SIs,True,29|1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 9.doc,,False,False 484,Education - collaboration between schools,,P,Where prescribed by regulations the governing bodies of two or more schools maintained by a local authority may collaborate.,Section 26 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also School Governance (Collaboration) (England) Regulations 2003/1962, School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009/2680 and School Governance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/883",True,29|1667,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 10.doc,,False,True 485,Education - provision of community facilities,,P,"The governing body of a maintained school shall have power to provide any facilities or services whose provision furthers any charitable purpose for the benefit of pupils at the school or their families, or people who live or work in the locality in which the school is situated.",Section 27 of the Education Act 2002,"",See also section 28 of the Education Act 2002,True,1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,02/09/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 11.doc,,False,False 486,Education - provision and funding of higher education in maintained schools,,P,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may arrange the provision to pupils at the school courses in preparation for professional examinations at a higher level or providing education at a higher level. A governing body may exercise the power in relation to a particular pupil only if they are satisfied that the provision to that pupil of the course in question will not to any significant extent interfere with the other education with which he is being provided at the school.,Section 28A of the Education Act 2002,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 12.doc,,False,False 487,Education - complaints procedure in maintained schools,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must establish and publicise a complaints procedure.,Section 29 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,630,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 13.doc,,False,False 488,Education - attendance outside school premises,,P,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may require pupils to attend anywhere outside of the school premises for the purposes of education or training.,Section 29 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,29|735,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 14.doc,,False,False 489,"Education - health and safety on school premises or for activities elsewhere ",,D,A governing body of certain maintained schools must comply with a direction given by the local authority concerning the health and safety of persons on the school's premises or taking part in any school activities elsewhere.,Section 29 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,1459,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 15.doc,,False,False 490,Education - provision for improving behaviour,,P,The governing body of a maintained school may require any registered pupil to attend at any place outside the school premises for the purpose of receiving educational provision which is intended to improve the behaviour of the pupil. Any such provision must comply with regulations.,Section 29A of the Education Act 2002,,See also Education (Educational Provision for Improving Behaviour) Regulations 2010/1156 and Education (Educational Provision for Improving Behaviour) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2532,True,29|1667,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/03/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 16.doc,,False,True 491,"Education - governers' report in Wales ",,D,"A governing body of a school maintained by the local authority in Wales shall, once in every school year, prepare a governing body report as required by regulations.",Section 30 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2431, Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, National Curriculum (Amendments relating to Educational Programmes for the Foundation Phase and Programmes of Study for the Second and Third Key Stages) (Wales) Regulations 2013/437, School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1561, School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2011/1939, Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, National Curriculum (Amendments relating to Educational Programmes for the Foundation Phase and Programmes of Study for the Second and Third Key Stages) (Wales) Regulations 2013/437, School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1561 and School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2011/1939",True,29|1667,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,30/03/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 17.doc,,False,True 492,Education - governing body reports,,P,A local authority may require any school maintained by it to provide such reports as it requires relating to the discharge of the governing body's functions.,Section 30 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2431, Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, National Curriculum (Amendments relating to Educational Programmes for the Foundation Phase and Programmes of Study for the Second and Third Key Stages) (Wales) Regulations 2013/437, School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1561, School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2011/1939, Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, National Curriculum (Amendments relating to Educational Programmes for the Foundation Phase and Programmes of Study for the Second and Third Key Stages) (Wales) Regulations 2013/437, School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1561 and School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2011/1939",True,29|1667,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/03/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 18.doc,,False,True 493,Education - term and holiday dates,,D,"A local authority or the governing body, depending on the type of maintained school, must set the start and end dates of school terms and comply with regulations when so doing.",Section 32 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,36,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,14/07/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 19.doc,,False,True 494,Education - arrangements for government of new schools,,D,A local authority must make arrangements for the constitution of a temporary governing body for a new maintained school.,Section 34 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Government of Maintained Schools (Training Requirements for Governors) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/2225, Government of Maintained Schools (Training Requirements for Governors) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2124, School Governance (Constitution and Procedures) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003/1916, School Organisation and Governance (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2007/3464 (part), School Organisation and Governance (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2009/1556 (part), Education (Disqualification Provisions: Bankruptcy and Mental Health) (England) Regulations 2006/2198, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/1959, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1257, Education (Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986: Amendments to Disqualification Provisions) (England) Regulations 2004/3264, Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014/1132, Government of Maintained Schools (Clerk to a Governing Body) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2127, Government of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2005/2914, School Councils (Wales) Regulations 2005/3200, School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012/1034, School Governance (Constitution, Procedures and New Schools) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/450, School Governance (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/421, School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009/2680, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2007/944, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2708, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1609, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006/873 and School Governance (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/883",True,29|1667,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 20.doc,,False,True 495,"Education - staffing of community, voluntary controlled, community special, maintained nursery schools",,D,"A local authority must be the employer in community, voluntary controlled, community special and maintained nursery schools and has certain powers and duties accordingly.","Section 35 of the Education Act 2002 ",,"See also Education (Miscellaneous Amendments relating to Safeguarding Children) (England) Regulations 2009/1924, Education (Miscellaneous Amendments relating to Safeguarding Children) (Wales) Regulations 2009/2544, Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014/1132, Federation of Maintained Schools and Miscellaneous Amendments (Wales) Regulations 2010/638, Federation of Schools (Community Schools, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/1959, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1257, School Governance (Federations) (England) Regulations 2012/1035, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006/3197, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1740, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1940, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/798, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/887, School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009/2680, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2007/944, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2009/3161, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2708, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1609 and Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006/873",True,975,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 21.doc,,False,True 496,"Education - staffing of foundation, voluntary aided and foundation special schools",,D,A governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must be the employer in voluntary aided and foundation and foundation special schools and has certain powers and duties accordingly.,Section 36 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Education (Miscellaneous Amendments relating to Safeguarding Children) (England) Regulations 2009/1924, Education (Miscellaneous Amendments relating to Safeguarding Children) (Wales) Regulations 2009/2544, Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014/1132, Federation of Maintained Schools and Miscellaneous Amendments (Wales) Regulations 2010/638, Federation of Schools (Community Schools, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/1959, School Governance (Constitution and Federations) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1257, School Governance (Federations) (England) Regulations 2012/1035, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006/3197, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1740, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1940, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/798, School Staffing (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/887, School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009/2680, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2007/944, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2009/3161, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2708, Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1609 and Staffing of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2006/873",True,29,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 22.doc,,False,True 497,Education - payments in respect of dismissal,,D,"A local authority must meet the cost of the dismissal, resignation or retirement of staff employed by the governing body in schools maintained by the same in certain circumstances.",Section 37 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 23.doc,,False,False 498,Education - accounts of maintained schools,,D,"A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must prepare, keep and distribute accounts as required by regulations.",Section 44 of the Education Act 2002,,See also Consistent Financial Reporting (England) Regulations 2012/674,True,29|1667,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 24.doc,,False,True 499,Education - exclusion of pupils from school,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with prescribed requirements when excluding a pupil.,"Section 51A of the Education Act 2002 ",,"See also section 52 of the Education Act 2002 and School Discipline (Pupil Exclusions and Reviews) (England) Regulations 2012/1033, Education (Provision of Full-Time Education for Excluded Pupils) (England) Regulations 2007/1870 and Education (Pupil Exclusions and Appeals) (Maintained Schools) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3227",True,34,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 25.doc,,False,True 500,Education - advisory services,,D,A local authority must comply with a direction to obtain advisory services.,Section 62A of the Education Act 2002,,"See also section 64 of the Education Act 2002. ",True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 26.doc,,False,True 501,Education - National Curriculum minimum requirements in England,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must ensure that school meets the minimum requirements on the National Curriculum as set out in section 78 of the Act.,Section 79 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Education (National Curriculum) (Exceptions at Key Stage 4) (Revocation and Savings) (England) Regulations 2006/2495, National Curriculum (Exceptions for First, Second, Third and Fourth Key Stages) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/3286, National Curriculum (Exceptions for First, Second, Third and Fourth Key Stages) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1866 and National Curriculum (Exceptions for First, Second, Third and Fourth Key Stages) (England) Regulations 2013/1487",True,31|32,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.," ",True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 27.doc,,False,True 502,Education - implementation of National Curriculum in England,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must ensure that school implements the National Curriculum.,Section 88 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,32,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.," ",True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 28.doc,,False,False 503,Education - National Curriculum exceptions by direction and regulations in England,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must modify or not apply the National Curriculum where directed to do so by the Secretary of State,"Section 90 of the Education Act 2002 ","","See also section 91 of the Education Act 2002 and SIs 2006/2495, 2012/1926 and 2013/1487",True,32,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 29.doc,,False,False 504,Education - pupils with EHC plan in England,,P,"The special educational provision for any pupil specified in an EHC plan maintained for the pupil may include provision? excluding the application of the National Curriculum for England, or applying the National Curriculum for England with such modifications as may be specified in the plan.",Section 92 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,8|9|10|32,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 30.doc,,False,True 505,Education - temporary exceptions to National Curriculum for individual pupils in England,,P,"A head teacher of a school maintained by a local authority may, where prescribed, not apply or may modify the national curriculum in relation to an individual pupil.",Section 93 of the Education Act 2002,"",See also section 94 to 95 of the Education Act 2002,True,8|9|10|32|1461,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 31.doc,,False,False 506,Education - National Curriculum minimum requirements in Wales,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must ensure that school meets the minimum requirements on the national curriculum as set out in section 99 of the Act.,Section 100 of the Education Act 2002,,See also section 101 of the Education Act 2002 and SIs 2003/932 and 2008/1899,True,31|32,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 32.doc,,False,False 507,Education - implementation of National Curriculum in Wales,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must ensure that school implement the national curriculum.,Section 109 of the Education Act 2002,"",See also section 110 of the Education Act 2002,True,32,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 33.doc,,False,False 508,Education - National Curriculum exceptions by direction and regulations in Wales,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must modify or not apply the national curriculum where directed to do so by the Assembly.,Section 111 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also section 112 of the Education Act 2002, Education (Disapplication of the National Curriculum at Key Stage 1) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1511 and Education (Disapplication of the National Curriculum for Wales at Key Stage 1) (Wales) Regulations 2008/1736",True,32,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 34.doc,,False,True 509,Education - pupils with statements of special educational needs in Wales,,P,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may not apply or may modify the national curriculum in statements of special educational need.,Section 113 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,8|9|10|32,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/12/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 35.doc,,False,False 510,Education - temporary exceptions to National Curriculum for individual pupils in Wales,,P,"A head teacher of a school maintained by a local authority may, where prescribed, not apply or may modify the National Curriculum in statements of special educational need in relation to an individual pupil.",Section 114 of the Education Act 2002,"",See also section 115 to 116 of the Education Act 2002,True,8|9|10|32,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 36.doc,,False,False 512,Education - local curriculum key stage 4 in Wales,,D,"A local authority must form, plan and deliver one or more local curricula for key stage 4 pupils in the prescribed manner.",Section 116A of the Education Act 2002,,"See also sections to 116O of the Education Act 2002, Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2431, Education (Local Curriculum for Pupils in Key Stage 4) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/42 and Education (Local Curriculum for Pupils in Key Stage 4) (Wales) Regulations 2009/3256",True,32,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 38.doc,,False,True 513,Education - teachers pay and conditions,,D,"A local authority and governing body of a maintained school must ensure that maintained schools comply with an Order and any guidance made regarding teachers pay and conditions. ",Section 122 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also section 123 to 124 and 127 of the Education Act 2002, School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Order 2015/1582, Education (School Teachers' Prescribed Qualifications, etc) (Amendment) Order 2012/694, Education (School Teachers' Prescribed Qualifications, etc) (Amendment) Order 2014/1063 and Education (School Teachers' Prescribed Qualifications, etc) Order 2003/1709",True,979,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 39.doc,,False,True 514,Education - teachers pay and conditions in education action zones,,P,A governing body of a maintained school may where there is an education action zone in force apply to the Secretary of State for an order giving it control over teachers pay and conditions. The local education authority shall do anything necessary to give effect to the governing body's determination.,Section 128 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,979,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,False,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 40.doc,,False,False 516,Education - teacher appraisal,,D,The local authority of a maintained school and its governing body must comply with regulations regarding teacher appraisals.,Section 131 of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677, School Teacher Appraisal (Wales) Regulations 2011/2940, Education (School Teachers' Appraisal) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2055, Education (School Teachers' Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012/115 and Education (School Teachers) (Qualifications and Appraisal) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2012/431",True,973|974|1667,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 42.doc,,False,True 517,Education - teacher health and fitness,,D,The local authority of a maintained school and its governing body must comply with regulations regarding teacher health and fitness for certain activities.,Section 141 of the Education Act 2002,,See also Education (Health Standards) (England) Regulations 2003/3139 and Education (Health Standards) (Wales) Regulations 2004/2733,True,419|718|977|1459|1624|1642,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 43.doc,,False,True 518,Education - supply of information following teacher dismissal,,D,The local authority of a maintained school must where appropriate supply the Secretary State with prescribed information in a situation where a teacher's employment terminates in circumstances where there is (alleged) gross misconduct.,Section 141D of the Education Act 2002,,"See also Teachers' Disciplinary (England) Regulations 2012/560 Education (Induction Arrangements for School Teachers) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/513 and Education (Induction Arrangements for School Teachers) (England) Regulations 2012/1115",True,974,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 44.doc,,False,True 519,"Education - funded nursery education ",,D,The local authority in Wales must have regard to guidance from the Assembly when making arrangements under section 118 of the School Standards and Frameworks Act 1998.,Section 153 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,12,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 45.doc,,False,False 520,Education - duties in relation to welfare of children,,D,"The local authority of a maintained school and its governing body must exercise its education function with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, having regard to guidance when so doing.",Section 175 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,34|189|1459,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 46.doc,,False,False 521,Education - consultation with pupils,,D,The local authority of a maintained school and its governing body in relation to the exercise of their school related functions must have regard to guidance about consultation with pupils.,Section 176 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,33|49,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 47.doc,,False,False 522,Education - academic and vocational qualifications,,P,A local authority may award or authenticate academic or vocational qualifications.,Section 190 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 48.doc,,False,False 523,Education - consideration of regional SEN provision,,D,"A local authority in Wales, must when directed to do so by the National Assembly, consider whether their SEN duties could be carried out more efficiently or effectively if regional provision was made.",Section 191 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,8|9|10|32,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,01/10/2013,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 49.doc,,False,False 524,Education - directed regional SEN provision,,D,"A local authority in Wales, must comply with directions from the National Assembly regarding regional provision for SEN.",Section 192 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,8|9|10|32,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,01/10/2013,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 50.doc,,False,False 525,Education - publication and provision of materials,,D,"A local authority or governing body of a maintained school in Wales, must publish and provide certain materials when directed to do so by the National Assembly. ",Section 196 of the Education Act 2002,,,True,12|13|14|17,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 51.doc,,False,False 526,Education - partnership agreements and statements,,D,"A local authority must enter into a partnership agreement with the governing body of each school maintained by that authority, or each such school of a prescribed class when required to do so by Regulations.",Section 197 of the Education Act 2002,,See also Maintained Schools (Partnership Agreements) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3066,True,1667,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 52.doc,,False,True 527,Education - transition plans,,D,A governing body of a maintained school must co-operate with other governing bodies to draw up transition plans from primary to secondary school and comply with guidance.,Section 198 of the Education Act 2002,,See also Transition from Primary to Secondary School (Wales) Regulations 2006/520,True,894,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 02 - ED02 - 53.doc,,False,True 528,Fire and rescue - conditions of service of fire brigade members,,D,A fire and rescue authority must comply with a Direction made by the Secretary of State regarding the conditions of service of fire brigade members.,Section 1 of the Fire Services Act 2003,,,True,1609,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/11/2004,,Fire and Rescue 2003 - 1.doc,,False,True 529,Licensing - fireworks suppliers,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the licensing of fireworks.,Section 7 of the Fireworks Act 2003,,See also Fireworks (Amendment) Regulations 2004/3262 and Fireworks Regulations 2004/1836,True,384|799|1068,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council for the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly; ",True,15/07/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Fireworks - licensing - FWL1.doc,,False,True 530,Social services - review and inspections by Assembly,,D,A local authority must comply with an investigation and make prescribed payments to the Assembly in relation to an investigation into its social services function.,Section 94 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003,,"See also section 95 to 101 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003, Care Standards Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989 (Abolition of Fees) (Wales) Regulations 2006/878 and National Assembly for Wales (Social Services Explanations) Regulations 2005/1510",True,1621|1632,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health Care Wales - HCW1.doc,,False,True 532,"Social services - investigation of complaints ",,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the investigation of complaints relating to its social services function.,Section 114 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003,,"See also section 115 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003, Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/1768, Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009/309 and Social Services Complaints Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014/1794",True,353,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London; or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Social Services Care - SSC2.doc,,False,True 533,Homelessness strategy,,D,A local authority must exercise its power to review provision for homelessness in its district and must formulate and publish a strategy for dealing with the same.,Section 1 of the Homelessness Act 2003,,See also section 2 to 3 of the Homelessness Act 2003,True,112,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Homelessness - Hm1.doc,,False,True 534,Homelessness strategy - co-operation with housing authority,,D,A local authority with a social services function must co-operate with any separate housing authority for its area in assisting it to draw up a homelessness strategy and must take that strategy into account when exercising its functions.,Section 1 of the Homelessness Act 2003,,See also section 2 to 3 of the Homelessness Act 2003,True,112,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Homelessness - Hm2.doc,Legislation changed so no longer applies to Wales,False,True 535,Housing - review of housing conditions,,D,A local authority must keep the housing conditions in their area under review with a view to identifying any action that may need to be taken by them under various enactments/provisions.,Section 3 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,132|139|140|141|142|868,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority), the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority) and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs1.doc,,False,True 536,Housing - inspection of residential premises for category 1 or 2 hazard,,D,"A local authority must, if they think it appropriate to do so or if an official complaint is made, inspect any residential premises in their district with a view to determining whether any category 1 or 2 hazard exists on those premises.","Section 4 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,"See also SIs 2005/3208 and 2006/1702 and Housing Health and Safety Rating System (England) Regulations 2005/3208 Housing Health and Safety Rating System (Wales) Regulations 2006/1702",True,99|150|661|912,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority), the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs2.doc,,False,True 537,Housing - enforcement action category 1 hazard,,D,"A local authority must take the appropriate enforcement action, as definedin legislation, where a Category 1 hazard is identified.",Section 5 of the Housing Act 2004,,"See also section 6 of the Housing Act 2004, Housing Health and Safety Rating System (England) Regulations 2005/3208 and Housing Health and Safety Rating System (Wales) Regulations 2006/1702",True,99|150|661|912,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs3.doc,,False,True 538,Housing - enforcement action category 2 hazard,,P,"A local authority may take enforcement action, as specified in the legislation,where a category 2 hazard is identified on residential premises.",Section 7 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Housing Health and Safety Rating System (England) Regulations 2005/3208 and Housing Health and Safety Rating System (Wales) Regulations 2006/1702,True,99|150|661|912,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs4.doc,,False,True 539,Housing - reasons for decision to take enforcement action on category 1 or 2 hazard,,D,A local authority must prepare and serve a statement of reasons when taking enforcement action on residential premises with category 1 or 2 hazards pursuant to section 5 or section 7.,Section 8 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Housing Health and Safety Rating System (England) Regulations 2005/3208 and Housing Health and Safety Rating System (Wales) Regulations 2006/1702,True,99|150|661|912,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs5.doc,,False,True 540,Housing - guidance about inspection and enforcement action,,D,"A local authority must have regard to guidance given by the appropriate national authority regarding in relation to the inspection of premises and the assessment of hazards, improvement notices, prohibition orders or hazard awareness notices, emergency remedial action and emergency prohibition orders or demolition orders and slum clearance.",Section 9 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs6.doc,,False,False 541,Housing consultation with fire and rescue authority on enforcement action,,D,A local authority must consult with the fire and rescue authority before taking enforcement action where certain risks are identified.,Section 10 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs7.doc,,False,False 542,Housing - improvement notice where category 1 hazard,,D,A local authority must in certain circumstances serve an improvement notice where a category 1 hazard is identified.,Section 11 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 13 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs8.doc,,False,False 543,Housing - improvement notice where category 2 hazard,,P,A local authority may serve an improvement notice where a category 2 hazard is identified on any residential premises.,Section 12 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 13 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs9.doc,,False,False 544,Housing - suspension of improvement notice,,P,A local authority may incorporate provisions for suspension into an improvement notice served under sections 11 or 12.,Section 14 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs10.doc,,False,False 545,Housing - mandatory revocation of improvement notice,,D,A local authority must revoke an improvement notice if they are satisfied it been complied with.,Section 16 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs11.doc,,False,False 546,Housing - discretionary revocation of an improvement notice,,P,"A local authority may revoke an improvement notice if, in the case of a notice served under section 11, they consider that there are any special circumstances making it appropriate to revoke the notice or in the case of a notice served under section 12, they consider that it is appropriate to revoke the notice.",Section 16 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs12.doc,Title duplicate file as Hs11,False,False 547,Housing - discretionary review of suspended improvement notice,,P,"A local authority may at any time review an improvement notice whose operation is suspended. Copies of the authority's decision on a review under this section must be served on the person on whom the improvement notice was served, and on every other person on whom a copy of the notice was required to be served.",Section 17 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs13.doc,,False,False 548,Housing - mandatory review of suspended improvement notice,,D,"The local housing authority must review an improvement notice whose operation is suspended not later than one year after the date of service of the notice and at subsequent intervals of not more than one year. Copies of the authority's decision on a review under this section must be served on the person on whom the improvement notice was served, and on every other person on whom a copy of the notice was required to be served.",Section 17 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs14.doc,Title duplicate as file Hs13,False,False 549,"Housing - improvement notices appeals procedure ",,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure and appeals procedure relating to improvement notices.,Section 18 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 1 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs15.doc,,False,False 550,Housing - prohibition order where category 1 hazard,,D,A local authority must in certain circumstances serve a prohibition order where a Category 1 hazard is identified.,Section 20 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 22 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs16.doc,,False,False 551,Housing - prohibition order where category 2 hazard,,P,A local authority may serve a prohibition order where a Category 2 hazard is identified.,Section 21 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 22 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,False,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs17.doc,,False,False 552,Housing - suspension of prohibition order,,P,A local authority may incorporate provisions for suspension into a prohibition order served under sections 20 or 21.,Section 23 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs18.doc,,False,False 553,Housing - mandatory revocation of prohibition order,,D,A local authority must revoke a prohibition order notices once the hazard to which it relates no longer exists.,Section 25 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs19.doc,,False,False 554,Housing - discretionary revocation of prohibition order,,P,A local authority may revoke a prohibition in certain circumstances.,Section 25 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs20.doc,,False,False 555,Housing - discretionary review of suspended prohibition order,,P,A local authority may review a prohibition order in certain circumstances.,Section 26 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs21.doc,,False,False 556,Housing - mandatory review of suspended prohibition order,,D,A local authority must review a prohibition order in certain circumstances.,Section 26 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs22.doc,,False,False 557,Housing - prohibition order appeals procedure,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure and appeals procedure relating to prohibition orders.,Section 27 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section Schedule 2 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs23.doc,,False,False 558,Housing - hazard awareness notice where category 1 hazard,,D,A local authority must in certain circumstances serve a hazard awareness notice where a category 1 hazard is identified.,Section 28 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs24.doc,,False,False 559,Housing - hazard awareness notice where category 2 hazard,,P,A local authority may serve a hazard awareness notice where a category 2 hazard is identified.,Section 29 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs25.doc,,False,False 560,Housing - improvement notices enforcement action,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure and appeals procedure relating to enforcement action for improvement notices if the same is used.,Section 31 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 3 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs26.doc,,False,False 561,Housing - emergency remedial action where category 1 hazard,,D,A local authority must in certain circumstances take emergency remedial action where a Category 1 hazard is identified.,Section 40 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 41 to 42 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs27.doc,,False,False 562,Housing - emergency prohibition order where category 1 hazard,,D,A local authority must in certain circumstances issue an emergency prohibition order where a category 1 hazard is identified.,Section 43 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 44 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs28.doc,,False,False 563,Housing - charging for certain enforcement action,,P,"A local housing authority may make such reasonable charge as they consider appropriate as a means of recovering certain administrative and other expenses incurred by them in serving an improvement notice under section 11 or 12, making a prohibition order under section 20 or 21, serving a hazard awareness notice under section 28 or 29, taking emergency remedial action under section 40, making an emergency prohibition order under section 43 or making a demolition order under section 265 of the Housing Act 1985 (c. 68).",Section 49 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 50 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|150|661|912,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs29.doc,,False,False 564,Houses in multiple occupation - general duties,,D,"A local authority must - (i) make such arrangements as are necessary to secure the effective implementation in their district of the licensing regime; (ii) ensure that all applications for licences and other issues falling to be determined by them are determined within a reasonable time; and (iii) satisfy itself, as soon as is reasonably practicable, that there are no Part 1 functions that ought to be exercised by them in relation to the premises.",Section 55 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (England) Order 2006/371 and Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (Wales) Order 2006/1712,True,150|898,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs30.doc,,False,True 565,Houses in multiple occupation - additional licensing,,P,A local authority may in certain circumstances designate their area or part of their area as subject to additional licensing in relation to HMOs.,Section 56 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 57 to 58 of the Housing Act 2004,True,150|898,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/06/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs31.doc,,False,False 566,Houses in multiple occupation - publication of additional licensing designation,,D,A local authority must publish a notice regarding the designation of an area as a special licensing area for HMOs in the manner prescribed.,"Section 59 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,See also Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (England) Order 2006/371 and Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Prescribed Descriptions) (Wales) Order 2006/1712,True,150|898,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs32.doc,,False,True 567,Houses in multiple occupation - review of additional licensing designation,,D,A local authority must review the designation of an area as a special licensing area for HMOs and if a decision to revoke is made they must publish a notice in the manner prescribed.,Section 60 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715,True,150|898,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs33.doc,,False,True 568,Houses in multiple occupation - licensing applications,,D,A local authority must take reasonable steps to ensure licensing applications are received from all HMOs.,"Section 61 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,See also Houses in Multiple Occupation (Certain Blocks of Flats) (Modifications to the Housing Act 2004 and Transitional Provisions for section 257 HMOs) (England) Regulations 2007/1904 and Houses in Multiple Occupation (Certain Blocks of Flats) (Modifications to the Housing Act 2004 and Transitional Provisions for section 257 HMOs) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3231,True,150|898,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs34.doc,,False,True 569,Houses in multiple occupation - temporary exemption from licensing requirements,,P,A local authority may issue a temporary exemption notice from licensing requirements in respect of HMOs.,Section 62 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,150|898,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs35.doc,,False,False 570,Houses in multiple occupation - licence fees,,P,A local authority may set requirements for and charge a fee in respect of applications for HMO licences.,Section 63 of the Housing Act 2004,,"See also Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007/1903, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3229, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions)(Amendment)(England) Regulations 2012/2111",True,150|898,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs36.doc,,False,True 571,Houses in multiple occupation - grant or refusal of licence,,D,A local authority must grant or refuse an application for a HMO licence subject to such conditions as may be prescribed or determined by the authority.,Section 64 of the Housing Act 2004,,"See also section 65 to 68 and Schedules 4 and 5 of the Housing Act 2004, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007/1903, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3229, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715",True,150|898,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs37.doc,,False,True 572,Houses in multiple occupation - variation of licence,,D,"The local housing authority may vary a licence if they do so with the agreement of the licence holder, or if they consider that there has been a change of circumstances since the time when the licence was granted.",Section 69 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 5 of the Housing Act 2004,True,150|898,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs38.doc,,False,False 573,Houses in multiple occupation - revocation of licence,,P,A local authority may revoke a licence relating to a HMO.,Section 70 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section Schedule 5 of the Housing Act 2004,True,150|898,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs39.doc,,False,False 574,Houses in multiple occupation - rent repayment order,,P,A local authority may apply for a rent repayment order where an HMO is being operated without the appropriate licence in the prescribed manner.,"Section 73 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,"See also section 74 of the Housing Act 2004, Rent Repayment Orders (Supplementary Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007/572 and Rent Repayment Orders (Supplementary Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/254",True,149|150|898,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,29/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs40.doc,,False,True 575,"Housing - selective licensing of other residential accommodation ",,D,A local authority mustof the (i) make such arrangements as are necessary to secure the effective implementation in their district of the licensing regime; and (ii) ensure that all applications for licences and other issues falling to be determined by them are determined within a reasonable time.,Section 79 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Selective Licensing of Houses (Specified Exemptions) (England) Order 2006/370 and Selective Licensing of Houses (Specified Exemptions) (Wales) Order 2006/2824,True,70|1690,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs41.doc,,False,True 576,Housing - designation of selective licensing areas,,P,A local authority may subject to certain conditions being met designate the whole or part of their area as a selective licensing area.,"Section 80 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,"See also section 81 to 82 of the Housing Act 2004, Selective Licensing of Houses (Additional Conditions) (England) Order 2015/977 and Selective Licensing of Houses (Additional Conditions) (Wales) Order 2006/2825 ",True,1690,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs42.doc,,False,True 577,Housing - publication of notice of selective licensing area,,D,A local authority must publish a notice in the prescribed form relating to selective licensing areas.,Section 83 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715,True,1690,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs43.doc,,False,True 578,Housing - review and revocation of selective licensing areas,,D,"A local authority must review and in certain circumstances revoke a designation relating to selective licensing areas. ",Section 84 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715,True,1690,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs44.doc,,False,True 579,Housing - requirement for Part 3 houses to be licensed,,D,"A local authority must take all reasonable steps to secure that applications for licences are made to them in respect of houses in their area which are required to be licensed. ",Section 85 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,1691,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs45.doc,,False,False 580,Housing - temporary exemption from selective licensing,,P,"A local authority in certain circumstances may issue a notice allowing for a temporary exemption from licensing. ",Section 85 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs46.doc,,False,False 582,Housing - application and fee for selective licence,,P,"A local authority may set requirements for and charge a fee in respect of applications for selective licensing areas. ","Section 87 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,"See also Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007/1903, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3229, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions)(Amendment)(England) Regulations 2012/2111",True,1691,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs47.doc,,False,True 583,Housing - grant or refusal of licence in selective licensing area,,D,"A local authority must grant or refuse an application for a residential accommodation licence subject to such conditions as may be prescribed or determined by the authority ",Section 88 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 89 to 91 and Schedule 4 of the Housing Act 2004,True,1691,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs48.doc,,False,False 584,Housing - variation of licence in selective licensing area,,P,"The local housing authority may vary a licence if they do so with the agreement of the licence holder, or if they consider that there has been a change of circumstances since the time when the licence was granted. For this purpose change of circumstances includes any discovery of new information. ",Section 92 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 5 of the Housing Act 2004,True,1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs49.doc,,False,False 585,Housing - revocation of licence in selective licensing area,,P,A local authority may revoke a residential accommodation licence where conditions specified in the regulations apply.,Section 93 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 5 of the Housing Act 2004,True,1691,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs50.doc,,False,False 586,Housing - rent repayment orders for unlicensed houses,,P,A local authority may apply for a rent repayment order in the prescribed manner where a house which requires a licence is unlicensed.,Section 96 of the Housing Act 2004,"","See also section 97 of the Housing Act 2004, Rent Repayment Orders (Supplementary Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007/572 and Rent Repayment Orders (Supplementary Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/254",True,149|1691,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,29/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs51.doc,,False,True 587,Housing - mandatory interim management orders,,D,"A local authority must make an interim management order in certain circumstances as detailed in regulations. ",Section 102 of the Housing Act 2004,,"See also Sections 103 to 110 of the Housing Act 2004, Housing (Interim Management Orders) (Prescribed Circumstances) (England) Order 2006/369 and Housing (Interim Management Orders) (Prescribed Circumstances) (Wales) Order 2006/1706",True,898|1691,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs52.doc,,False,True 588,Housing - discretionary interim management orders,,P,"A local authority may make an interim management order in certain circumstances and must take certain steps once it is in force. ","Section 102 of the Housing Act 2004 ",,"See also section 103 to 110 of the Housing Act 2004, Housing (Interim Management Orders) (Prescribed Circumstances) (England) Order 2006/369 and Housing (Interim Management Orders) (Prescribed Circumstances) (Wales) Order 2006/1706",True,898|1691,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs53.doc,Title duplicate as file Hs52,False,True 589,Housing - mandatory final management orders,,D,"A local authority must make a final management order in certain circumstances and must take certain steps once it is in force. ",Section 113 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 114 to 117 of the Housing Act 2004,False,898|1691,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs54.doc,,False,False 590,Housing - discretionary final management orders,,P,"A local authority may make a final management order in certain circumstances and must take certain steps once it is in force. ",Section 113 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 114 to 117 and Schedule 6 of the Housing Act 2004,True,898|1691,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs55.doc,Title duplicate as file Hs54,False,False 591,Housing - management scheme for final management orders,,D,A local authority must prepare a management scheme when a final management order is in force.,Section 119 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 120 of the Housing Act 2004,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs56.doc,,False,False 592,Housing - variation to final management orders,,P,A local authority may may vary a final management order if they consider it appropriate to do so.,Section 121 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 6 of the Housing Act 2004,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs57.doc,,False,False 593,Housing - revocation of final management orders,,P,"A local authority may revoke a final management order where conditions for revocation, as defined in the legislation, are met.",Section 122 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 6 of the Housing Act 2004,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs58.doc,,False,False 594,Housing - furniture in housing subject to a management order,,P,A local authority may renounce its ownership of or supply furniture for a house to which an interim or final management order relates in certain circumstances as defined in the legislation.,Section 126 of the Housing Act 2004,"",See also section 127 of the Housing Act 2004,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs59.doc,,False,False 595,Housing - compensation where housing subject to management orders,,P,A local authority may pay compensation in respect of any interference with the rights of a third party in consequence of an interim or final management order.,Section 128 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs60.doc,,False,False 596,Housing - financial arrangements on termination of management order,,D,A local authority must pay the financial balance in certain circumstances on the termination of a final management order.,Section 129 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs61.doc,,False,False 597,Housing - right of entry to carry out work where management order,,P,A local authority may enter a house and carry out work in certain circumstances whilst a management order is in place.,Section 131 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,898|1691,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs62.doc,,False,False 598,Housing - interim empty dwelling management order,,P,A local authority may make an interim empty dwelling management order in certain circumstances.,Section 133 of the Housing Act 2004,,"See also section 134 and Schedule 7 of the Housing Act 2004, Housing (Empty Dwelling Management Orders) (Prescribed Exceptions and Requirements) (England) Order 2006/367 Housing (Empty Dwelling Management Orders) (Prescribed Exceptions and Requirements) (Wales) Order 2006/2823 and Housing (Empty Dwelling Management Orders) (Prescribed Period of Time and Additional Prescribed Requirements) (England) (Amendment) Order 2012/2625",True,684|913,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs63.doc,,False,True 599,Housing - management where interim EDMO in force,,D,A local authority must take certain steps when an interim empty dwelling management order is in place or revoke the order.,Section 135 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 7 of the Housing Act 2004,True,684|913,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs64.doc,Title duplicate as file Hs63,False,False 600,Housing - final empty dwelling management order,,P,A local authority may make a final empty dwelling management order in certain circumstances.,Section 136 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 7 of the Housing Act 2004,True,684|913,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs65.doc,,False,False 601,Housing - management where final EDMO in force,,D,A local authority must take certain steps when a final empty dwelling management order is in place and must from time to time review the operation of the order.,Section 137 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 7 of the Housing Act 2004,True,684|913,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs66.doc,Title duplicate as file Hs65,False,False 602,Housing - compensation for interim EDMO,,D,A local authority must pay compensation to third parties while an interim EDMO is in force in respect of a dwelling in certain circumstances.,Section 138 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 7 of the Housing Act 2004,True,684|913,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs67.doc,,False,False 603,Housing - compensation for final EDMO,,P,A local authority may pay compensation to a third party in respect of any interference in consequence of a final EDMO with his rights.,Section 138 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also Schedule 7 of the Housing Act 2004,True,684|913,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs68.doc,,False,False 604,Housing - overcrowding notice for HMO,,P,"The local housing authority may serve an overcrowding notice on one or more relevant persons if, having regard to the rooms available, it considers that an excessive number of persons is being, or is likely to be, accommodated in the HMO concerned. When serving the notice the authority must comply with relevant regulations.",Section 139 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,150|898,,False," Primary power of primary importance.",,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs69.doc,,False,False 606,Housing - variation or revocation of overcrowding notices,,P,A local authority may vary or revoke an overcrowding notice.,Section 144 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,150|898,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs71.doc,,False,False 607,Gypsies and travellers - review of accommodation needs,,D,A local authority must incorporate a review of the housing needs of gypsies and travellers into their review carried out under section 8 of the Housing Act 1985.,Section 225 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 226 of the Housing Act 2004 andHousing (Assessment of Accommodation Needs) (Meaning of Gypsies and Travellers) (England) Regulations 2006/3190,True,655,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/02/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs72.doc,Applied to Wales from 18/11/2006 to 25/02/2105,False,True 608,Gypsies and travellers - preparation of strategy for accommodation needs,,D,"A local authority must where it is required under section 87 of the Local Government Act 2003 to prepare a strategy in respect of the meeting of such accommodation needs, take that strategy into account when exercising its functions.",Section 225 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 226 of the Housing Act 2004 and Housing (Assessment of Accommodation Needs) (Meaning of Gypsies and Travellers) (England) Regulations 2006/3190,True,655,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/02/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs73.doc,Applied to both England and Wales from 18/11/2006 to 25/02/2015,False,True 609,Housing - register of licences and management orders,,D,"A local authority must establish, maintain and allow inspection of a register of licences and management orders and must provide copies of documents for which they may charge a fee.",Section 232 of the Housing Act 2004,,"See also Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2007/1903, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation (Additional Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3229, Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/373 and Licensing and Management of Houses in Multiple Occupation and Other Houses (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1715",True,716,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority); -the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple (in his capacity as a local authority); and -the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs74.doc,,False,True 610,Housing - acquisition and use of information,,P,A local authority may obtain and utilise information in certain circumstances as defined in regulations.,Section 235 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 236 to 237 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|128|150|661|684|912|913,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs75.doc,,False,False 611,Housing - power of entry to premises,,P,A local authority may enter premises in certain circumstances.,Section 239 of the Housing Act 2004,,See also section 240 of the Housing Act 2004,True,99|128|150|661|684|912|913,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs76.doc,,False,False 612,Housing - additional notice requirements for protection of owners,,D,A local authority must provide the owner of premises with notice of any action taken by them in relation to the premises in certain circumstances.,Section 242 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|128|150|661|684|912|913,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs77.doc,,False,False 613,Housing - service of documents,,D,A local authority must take all actions specified in regulations before serving certain notices under the Act.,Section 246 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|128|150|661|684|912|913,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs78.doc,,False,False 614,Housing - licences and other documents in electronic form,,P,A local authority may serve certain licences and notices in electronic form.,Section 247 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,99|128|150|661|684|898|912|913|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs79.doc,,False,False 615,Housing - house in multiple occupation declaration,,P,A local authority may serve a notice in the prescribed form declaring a building to be a house in multiple occupation.,Section 255 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,150|716|898,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs80.doc,,False,False 616,Housing - revocation of HMO declaration,,P,A local authority may revoke a declaration that a building is a house in multiple occupation.,Section 256 of the Housing Act 2004,,,True,150|716|898,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing - Hs81.doc,Title duplicate as file Hs80,False,False 617,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - general duties of licensing authorities,,D,A local authority must in carrying out its functions have regard to the licensing objectives the licensing statement and the Guidance of the Secretary of State.,Section 4 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also section 5 and 182 of the Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Licensing statement period) Order 2004/2362.,True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,16/12/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic1.doc,,False,True 618,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - policy statement,,D,"A local authority must for each 5 year period consult upon, formulate and publish a licensing policy statement.",Section 5 of the Licensing Act 2003,,Licensing Act 2003 (Licensing statement period) Order 2004/2362,True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic2.doc,,False,True 619,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - licensing committee,,D,A local authority must establish a licensing committee.,Section 6 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,10/09/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic3.doc,,False,True 620,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - exercise and delegation of functions,,D,A local authority must delegate certain licensing functions to its licensing committee and the committee must discharge those functions on behalf of the authority.,Section 7 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic4.doc,,False,True 621,Alcohol and entertainment licencing - register,,D,"A local authority must prepare, maintain, make available for inspection a register of licensed premises and other licences and provide copies of documents for which a fee may be charged.",Section 8 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also Schedule 3 of the Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Licensing authority's register) (other information) regulations 2005/43 and Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009/1809,True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,16/12/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic5.doc,,False,True 622,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - sub-committees,,P,A local authority may create licensing sub-committees to discharge certain licensing functions.,Section 9 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 10 of the Licensing Act 2003 and Gambling Act 2005 (Proceedings of Licensing Committees and Sub-committees) (Premises Licences and Provisional Statements) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007/173, Licensing Act 2003 (Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Orders) Regulations 2012/2551, Licensing Act 2003 (Hearings) Regulations 2005/44 and Licensing Act 2003 (Summary Review of Premises Licences) Regulations 2007/2502",True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly. ",True,16/12/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic6.doc,,False,True 623,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - premises licence determination,,D,A local authority must grant a premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not.,Section 18 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 19 to 27 of the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Conditions) Order 2014/1252, Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) (Amendment) Order 2014/2440, Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010/860, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,860,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic7.doc,,False,True 624,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - premises licence provisional statement,,D,A local authority must issue a provisional statement for a premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not and take such other steps as are required.,Section 31 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 32 of the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic8.doc,,False,True 625,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - variation to premises licence,,D,A local authority must vary a premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not and take such other steps as are required.,Section 35 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 36 to 39 of the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Forms and Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2290, Licensing Act 2003 (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/432, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) (Electronic Applications etc) Regulations 2009/3159, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009/1809, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,860,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic9.doc,,False,True 626,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - minor variation to premises licence,,D,A local authority must consider applications for minor variations to a premises licence and grant or reject the variations as relevant according to conditions specified in the regulations.,Section 41B of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 41(D) of the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Forms and Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2290, Licensing Act 2003 (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/432, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, Pt 3 s. 41A(4) Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) (Electronic Applications etc) Regulations 2009/3159, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955 and Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009/1809",True,860,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic10.doc,,False,True 627,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - transfer of premises licence interim effect,,D,A local authority must give an application for transfer of a premises licence interim effect if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not and take such other steps as are required.,Section 43 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440,True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic11.doc,,False,True 628,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - transfer of premises licence,,D,A local authority must grant an application for transfer of a premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not and take such other steps as are required.,Section 44 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also section 45 to 46 of the Licensing Act 2003,True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic12.doc,,False,True 629,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - premises licence interim authority notice,,D,"Where a premises licence lapses as a result of death, incapacity or insolvency of the holder but no application for the transfer of the licence has been made the local authority must grant an application for an interim authority notice if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not and take such other steps as are required.",Section 47 Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 48 to 49 Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and permitted temporary activities) (Forms and notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/2851, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, SIs 2005/42 and 2007/805",True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic13.doc,,False,True 630,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - re-instatement of premises licence,,D,A local authority must re-instate a premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met and take such other steps as are required.,Section 50 Licensing Act 2003,,,True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic14.doc,,False,True 631,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - review of premises licence,,D,A local authority must review a premises licence subject to certain conditions and prescribed requirements and take such other steps as are required.,Section 51 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also sections to 53C Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955 and Licensing Act 2003 (Summary Review of Premises Licences) Regulations 2007/2502",True,860,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,22/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic15.doc,,False,True 632,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - suspension of premises licence,,D,A local authority must suspend a premises licence where the annual pay has not been paid subject to certain conditions and prescribed requirements and take such other steps as are required.,Section 55A Licensing Act 2003,,"See also Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) (Amendment) Regulations 2005/357, Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005/79 and Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009/1809",True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic16.doc,,False,True 633,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - update of premises licence,,D,"Where the relevant licensing authority, in relation to a premises licence, makes a determination or receives a notice under this Part, a premises licence lapses under this Part, or an appeal against a decision under this Part is disposed of,the relevant licensing authority must make the appropriate amendments (if any) to the licence and, if necessary, issue a new summary of the licence.",Section 56 Licensing Act 2003,,,True,860,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"See also the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic17.doc,,False,True 634,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - inspection of premises for grant of premises licence,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may inspect a premises before the grant of a licence and take such other steps as are required.,Section 59 Licensing Act 2003,,,True,860,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic18.doc,,False,True 635,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - club premises certificate applications,,D,A local authority must grant a club premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not.,Section 71 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 72 to 80 of the Licensing Act 2003 Licensing Act 2003 (Forms and Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2290, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) (Electronic Applications etc) Regulations 2009/3159, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955, Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Conditions) Order 2014/1252, Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) (Amendment) Order 2014/2440 and Licensing Act 2003 (Mandatory Licensing Conditions) Order 2010/860",True,646,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,22/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic19.doc,,False,True 636,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - name or rule change for club premises certificate,,D,A local authority must amend a club premises certificate when notified in the proper form of a change of name or a change of club rules.,Section 82 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440,True,646,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic20.doc,,False,True 637,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - change of registered address for club premises certificate,,D,A local authority must amend a club premises certificate when notified in the proper form of a change of address.,Section 83 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic21.doc,Title duplicate as file Lic20,False,True 638,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - variation to club premises certificate,,D,A local authority must vary a club premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or reject if they are not.,"Section 84 of the Licensing Act 2003 ",,"See also sections to 86C of the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Forms and Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2290, Licensing Act 2003 (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/432, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) (Electronic Applications etc) Regulations 2009/3159, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955 and Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42",True,646,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,28/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic22.doc,,False,True 639,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - club premises certificate review,,D,A local authority must review a club premises licence if certain conditions and prescribed requirements are met or may reject the application if they are not.,Section 87 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 88 to 89 of the Licensing Act 2003, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955 and Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42",True,646,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic23.doc,,False,True 640,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - withdrawal of club premises certificate,,D,"Where a club holds a club premises certificate, and it appears to the relevant licensing authority that the club does not satisfy the conditions for being a qualifying club in relation to a qualifying club activity to which the certificate relates, the authority must give a notice to the club withdrawing the certificate, so far as relating to that activity.",Section 90 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic24.doc,,False,True 641,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - suspension of club premises certificate,,D,A local authority must suspend a club premises certificate if the annual fee is not pad.,Section 92A of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005/79 and Licensing Act 2003 (Premises Licences and Club Premises Certificates) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2009/1809,True,646,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic25.doc,,False,True 642,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - club premises certificate update,,D,"Where the relevant licensing authority, in relation to a club premises certificate, makes a determination or receives a notice under this Part, or an appeal against a decision under this Part is disposed of,the relevant licensing authority must make the appropriate amendments (if any) to the certificate and, if necessary, issue a new summary of the certificate.",Section 93 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic26.doc,,False,True 643,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - request to produce club premises certificate,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may require production of the club premises certificate in certain circumstances.,Section 94 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also section 95 of the Licensing Act 2003,True,646,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,29/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic27.doc,,False,True 644,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - inspection prior to grant of club premises certificate,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may inspect premises before the grant of a certificate.,Section 96 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic28.doc,,False,True 645,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - acknowledgement of temporary event notice,,D,A local authority must acknowledge a properly formulated temporary event notice in the required timescale.,Section 102 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) Regulations 2005/2918, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and permitted temporary activities) (Forms and notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/2851 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Templeand the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic29.doc,,False,True 646,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - counter notice to temporary event notice,,D,A local authority must serve a counter notice to a temporary event notice in certain circumstances.,Section 104A of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also section 105 of the Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/960,True,1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,22/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic30.doc,,False,True 647,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - modification of temporary event notice,,P,A local authority may modify a temporary event notice in certain circumstances.,Section 106 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,1071,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic31.doc,,False,True 648,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - conditions on temporary event notice,,P,A local authority may impose conditions upon a temporary event notice in certain circumstances.,Section 106A of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/960,True,1071,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,22/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic32.doc,,False,True 649,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - counter notice where temporary event notice limit exceeded,,D,A local authority must issue a counter notice to a temporary events notice in certain circumstances where permitted limits on the number of temporary event notices have been exceeded.,Section 107 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/960, Licensing Act 2003 (Permitted Temporary Activities) (Notices) Regulations 2005/2918 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,1071,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and",True,22/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic33.doc,Title duplicate as file Lic30,False,True 650,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - right of entry where temporary event notice given,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may enter a premises which is subject to a temporary events notice in certain circumstances.,Section 108 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,1071,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,10/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic34.doc,,False,True 651,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - request for production of temporary event notice,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may request the production of the temporary events notice in certain circumstances.,Section 109 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,1071,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic35.doc,,False,True 652,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - issue of copy temporary event notice,,D,"A local authority must issue a replacement temporary event notice in certain circumstances where an acknowledged temporary event notice is lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed and that the premises user has reported that loss or theft to the police.",Section 110 of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005/79,True,1071,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic36.doc,,False,True 653,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - personal licence applications and renewals,,D,A local authority must grant or renew a personal licence or reject the application in certain circumstances and take certain prescribed steps,Section 117 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 118 to 123 Licensing Act 2003, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440 and Licensing Act 2003 (Personal licences) Regulations 2005/41",True,910,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic37.doc,,False,True 654,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - convictions after grant or renewal of personal licence,,D,A local authority must notify the Chief officer of police and consider revocation of licence in relation to certain convictions.,Section 124 Licensing Act 2003,,,True,910,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic38.doc,,False,True 655,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - form of personal licence,,D,A local authority must issue a personal licence in the prescribed form.,Section 125 Licensing Act 2003,,See also Licensing Act 2003 (Personal licences) Regulations 2005/41 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440,True,910,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,16/12/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic39.doc,,False,True 656,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - copy personal licence,,D,"Where the relevant licensing authority receives an application for a copy personal licence it must issue the licence holder with a copy of the licence (certified by the authority to be a true copy) if it is satisfied that the licence has been lost, stolen, damaged or destroyed, and where it has been lost or stolen, the holder of the licence has reported the loss or theft to the police.",Section 126 Licensing Act 2003,,See also Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005/79,True,910,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic40.doc,,False,True 657,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - update of personal licence document,,D,A local authority must update a personal licence in certain circumstances.,Section 134 Licensing Act 2003,,"See also Licensing Act 2003 (Personal licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/946, Licensing Act 2003 (Personal licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/3284, Licensing Act 2003 (Personal licences) Regulations 2005/41, Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440, Licensing Act 2003 (Fees) Regulations 2005/79 and Licensing Act 2003 (Personal licences) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/3284",True,910,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic41.doc,,False,True 658,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - request to inspect personal licence,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may inspect a personal licence in certain circumstances.,Section 135 Licensing Act 2003,,,True,910,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,07/02/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic42.doc,,False,True 659,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - enforcement of prohibition on sale of alcohol to children,,D,A local authority must enforce sections 146 and 147 of the Act prohibiting sales of alcohol to children.,Section 154 Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646|860|910|1071|1125,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the common council of the City of London, the council of Inner and Middle Temples and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic43.doc,,False,True 660,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - review of premises licence following closure order,,D,A local authority must review a premises licence when a closure order has been made and take certain prescribed steps when so doing.,Section 167 of the Licensing Act 2003,,"See also section 168 of the Licensing Act 2003, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/955, Licensing Act 2003 (Premises licences and club premises certificates) Regulations 2005/42 and Welsh Language (Gambling and Licensing Forms) Regulations 2010/2440",True,860,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic44.doc,,False,True 661,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - closure notice for persistently selling alcohol to children,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may issue a closure notice in the prescribed form in certain circumstances in respect of a premises that persistently sells alcohol to children.,"Section 169A of the Licensing Act 2003 ",,See also section 169B of the Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Persistent Selling of Alcohol to Children) (Prescribed Form of Closure Notice) Regulations 2012/963,True,646|860|1125,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,22/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic45.doc,,False,True 662,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - early morning alcohol restriction order,,P,"A local authority may make, vary or revoke an early morning alcohol restriction order in certain circumstances.",Section 172A of the Licensing Act 2003,,See also section 172B to 172E of the Licensing Act 2003 and Licensing Act 2003 (Early Morning Alcohol Restriction Orders) Regulations 2012/2551,True,1692,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic46.doc,,False,True 663,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - rights of entry to investigate licensable activities,,P,"An officer authorised by a local authority may enter premises, subject to certain circumstances, to investigate licensable activities.",Section 179 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646|860|1071,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic47.doc,,False,True 664,Alcohol and entertainment licensing - proceedings for offences,,P,A local authority may bring proceedings for certain offences under the Act.,Section 186 of the Licensing Act 2003,,,True,646|860|910|1071,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,,True,06/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Licensing - Lic48.doc,,False,True 665,Finance - borrowing money,,P,"A local authority may borrow money for any purpose relevant to its functions under any enactment, or for the purposes of the prudent management of its financial affairs. Any borrowing is subject to conditions as specified in regulations.",Section 1 of the Local Government Act 2003,,See also section 2 of the Local Government Act 2003,True,971,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Greater London Authority, a functional body, within the meaning of the Greater London Authority Act 1999; the Common Council of the City of London, in its capacity as a local authority, port health authority, the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,27/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 1.doc,,False,True 666,Finance - affordable borrowing limit,,D,A local authority must determine its affordable borrowing limit.,Section 3 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also section 4 to 5 of the Local Government Act 2003, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) Regulations 2003/3146, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/1010 and Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3239",True,971,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 2.doc,,False,True 667,Finance - transfer of headroom,,P,A local authority may transfer any headroom that it has in relation to a borrowing limit to another local authority in certain circumstances.,Section 4 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,971,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 3.doc,,False,False 668,Finance - control of credit arrangements,,D,A local authority must comply with restrictions imposed in relation to it entering into credit arrangements.,Section 8 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also SIs 2003/3146, 2003/3239, 2004/1010 and 2013/265",True,969|971,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government04 - LG03 - 4.doc,,False,False 669,Finance - use of capital receipts,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding capital receipts,Section 11 of the Local Government Act 2003,,See also multiple SIs,True,969|971,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government04 - LG03 - 5.doc,,False,False 670,Finance - power to invest,,P,"A local authority may invest for any purpose relevant to its functions under any enactment, or for the purposes of the prudent management of its financial affairs.",Section 12 of the Local Government Act 2003,,See also section 13 of the Local Government Act 2003,True,971,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 6.doc,,False,False 671,Finance - providing information to the Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must provide the Secretary of State with such information relating to borrowing and investment as he shall request.,Section 14 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,971,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 7.doc,,False,False 672,Finance - regard to guidance from Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with guidance and statutory instruments issued by the Secretary of State with regard to its borrowing and investment powers and duties.,Section 15 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) Regulations 2003/3146, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/1010 and Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3239",True,971,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 8.doc,,False,True 673,Finance - accounting practices,,D,A local authority must comply with statutory instruments regarding the accounting practices that it should follow.,Section 21 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2004/3055 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/341 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) Regulations 2003/3146 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/944 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/1051 Pt 1 c. 2 s. 21(1) Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014/3362 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/521 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2007/573 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010/454 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/414 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/321 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/476 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1375 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/1010 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/588 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/560 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/685 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/481 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3239 Pt 1 c. 2 s. 21(2) Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010/454 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/1010 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/685 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3239 Pt 1 c. 2 s. 21(2)(b) Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014/3362 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/265",True,967,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 9.doc,,False,True 674,Finance - budget calculations,,D,A chief finance officer of a local authority must report on the robustness of estimates and the adequacy of financial reserves.,Section 25 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,969|971,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 10.doc,,False,False 675,Finance - report on inadequacy of controlled reserve,,D,A chief finance officer of a local authority must report upon any inadequacy of any controlled reserve.,Section 27 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,969|971,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 11.doc,,False,False 676,Finance - budget monitoring,,D,A local authority must review its budget calculations during the year from time to time.,Section 28 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,969|971,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 12.doc,,False,False 677,Finance - compliance with terms of grants,,D,A local authority must comply with the terms of any grant made by the Secretary of State.,Section 31 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,968|969,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 13.doc,,False,False 678,Finance - compliance with terms of grant for service excellence/best value,,D,A local authority must comply with the terms of any grant made for service excellence/best value.,Section 36 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also sections 36A and B of the Local Government Act 2003. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,968|969,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 14.doc,,False,False 679,Finance - payments towards local authority indebtedness,,D,A local authority must comply with the terms of any payment made to deal with its indebtedness.,Section 39 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,968|969,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 15.doc,,False,False 680,Business improvement district - arrangements,,P,A local authority may make business improvement district arrangements for all or part of its area.,Section 41 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also Section 42 of the Local Government Act 2003, Business Improvement Districts (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2265 and Business Improvement Districts (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/3199",True,1693,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly;,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 16.doc,,False,True 681,Business improvement district - additional contributions and action,,P,A local authority may make contributions or take action towards BID arrangements for its area.,Section 43 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,1693,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 17.doc,,False,False 682,Business improvement district - compliance,,D,A local authority must comply with any BID arrangements in force for its area.,Section 44 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,1693,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 18.doc,,False,False 683,Business improvement district - BID levy,,D,A local authority must calculate the BID Levy in accordance with any BID arrangements in force for its area.,Section 45 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,1693,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 19.doc,,False,False 684,Business improvement district - BID revenue account,,D,A local authority must when BID arrangements are in force for its area keep and maintain a BID revenue account.,Section 47 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also Business Improvement Districts (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2265, Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443 and Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312",True,1693,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 20.doc,,False,True 685,Business improvement district - administration of BID levy,,D,A local authority comply with statutory instruments regarding administration of the BID Levy.,"Section 48 of the Local Government Act 2003 ",,"See also Business Improvement Districts (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2265, Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443, Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312, Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443 and Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312",True,1693,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 21.doc,,False,True 686,Business improvement district - BID proposals,,D,"A local authority comply with statutory instruments regarding the drawing up, content and approval of BID proposals.",Section 49 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also Business Improvement Districts (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2265, Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443 and Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312",True,1693,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 22.doc,,False,True 687,Business improvement district - approval in ballot,,D,A local authority must carry out a ballot regarding BID proposals in the required manner.,Section 50 of the Local Government Act 2003,,See also SIs 2004/2443 and 2005/1312,True,1693,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 23.doc,,False,False 688,Business improvement district - veto,,P,A local authority may veto BID proposals in certain prescribed circumstances taking certain prescribed steps.,"Section 51 of the Local Government Act 2003 ",,See also Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443 and Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312,True,1693,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 24.doc,,False,True 689,Business improvement district - appeal against veto,,D,A local authority must comply with the outcome of any appeal against its veto of BID proposals.,"Section 52 of the Local Government Act 2003 ",,See also Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443 and Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312,True,1693,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 25.doc,,False,True 690,Business improvement district - commencement and duration of BID arrangements,,D,The billing authority concerned must ensure that BID arrangements which give effect to the proposals are made by the time the arrangements are to come into force and are to have effect for such period as may be specified in the arrangements in accordance with regulations.,Section 53 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also section 54 of the Local Government Act 2003, Business Improvement Districts (England) Regulations 2004/2443 and Business Improvement Districts (Wales) Regulations 2005/1312",True,1693,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 26.doc,,False,True 691,Policy - housing finance strategies and statements,,D,A local authority must prepare such housing strategies and statements as may be required.,Section 87 of the Local Government Act 2003,,See also section 88 of the Local Government Act 2003,True,868|969,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,26/05/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 27.doc,Applied to England from 13/07/2007 until 26/05/2015,False,True 692,Policy - charging for discretionary services,,P,A local authority may charge the service recipient for certain discretionary services.,"Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003 ",,"See also section 94 of the Local Government Act 2003, Local Authorities (Charges for Property Searches) (Disapplication) Wales) Order 2009/55, Local Authorities (England) (Charges for Property Searches) (Disapplication) Order 2008/2909 and Local Government (Prohibition of Charges at Household Waste Recycling Centres) (England) Order 2015/619",True,1632,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,18/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 28.doc,,False,True 693,Policy - trading in function-related activities through a company,,P,A local authority may as authorised by regulations trade in function related activities through a company.,Section 95 of the Local Government Act 2003,,"See also section 96 of the Local Government Act 2003, Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to Trade) (England) Order 2009/2393 and Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to Trade) (Wales) Order 2006/979",True,1632,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 29.doc,,False,True 694,Consultation - local polls,,P,A local authority may conduct a local poll in relation to its functions or services.,Section 116 of the Local Government Act 2003,,,True,49|658|855|867,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government03 - LG03 - 30.doc,,False,False 695,Licensing/registration - register of motor salvage operators,,D,A local authority must establish and maintain a register of motor salvage operators.,Section 2 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001,,See also section 3 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001 and SI 2002/1916,True,866,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/10/2002,01/10/2013,Local Government Powers - Template - Motor Salvage Operators - MSO1.doc,,False,False 696,Licensing/registration - cancellation of motor salvage operator registration,,P,A local authority may cancel a person's registration in the register for their area if they are satisfied that he is not a fit and proper person to carry on business as a motor salvage operator.,Section 4 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001,,See also section 5 to 6 and 13 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001,True,866,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/10/2002,01/10/2013,Local Government Powers - Template - Motor Salvage Operators - MSO2.doc,,False,False 697,Licensing/registration - proceedings for offences related to motor salvage operators,,P,A local authority may institute proceedings for an offence under Part I of the Act.,Section 14 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001,,,True,866,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/10/2002,01/10/2013,Local Government Powers - Template - Motor Salvage Operators - MSO3.doc,,False,False 698,Licensing/registration - entry to property of registration plate supplier,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may enter a and inspect the premises of a registered registration plate supplier for the purposes of enforcing the Act.,Section 26 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001,,,True,1241,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,31/07/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Motor Salvage Operators - MSO4.doc,,False,True 699,Licensing/registration - proceedings for offences related to registration plate suppliers,,P,A local authority may institute proceedings under Part II of the Act.,Section 30 of the Vehicles (Crime) Act 2001,,,True,1241,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,31/07/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Motor Salvage Operators - MSO5.doc,,False,True 700,Immigration and asylum - accommodation centres,,P,A local authority may assist in the provision of an accommodation centre including the provision of services and reasonable expenditure.,"Section 38 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002",,,True,77,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London or the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,07/11/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nationality etc - NIA1.doc,,False,True 701,Immigration and asylum - disclosure of information,,D,A local authority must supply the Secretary of State with information for the purpose of establishing where a person is when requested to do so.,"Section 129 of the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002",,,True,77,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London or the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,30/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nationality etc - NIA2.doc,,False,True 702,Planning and development - survey of area in England,,D,A local authority must keep under review the matters which may be expected to affect the development of their area or the planning of its development.,Section 13 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,See also Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058,True,493|494|495|515|594|599|674|675|856,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP1.doc,,False,True 703,Planning and development - survey of area related to county matters,,D,A county council in respect of so much of their area for which there is a district council must keep under review the matters which may be expected to affect development of that area or the planning of its development in so far as the development relates to a county matter.,Section 14 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,See also Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058.,True,493|494|495|515|594|599|674|675|856,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP2.doc,,False,True 704,Planning and development - local development schemes,,D,"A local authority must prepare, maintain and revise a scheme to be known as their local development scheme as directed.","Section 15 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ",,"See also section 17 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767",True,856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP3.doc,,False,True 705,Planning and development - minerals and waste development scheme,,D,A county council in respect of so much of their area for which there is a district council must prepare and maintain a scheme to be known as their minerals and waste development scheme,Section 16 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,"See also section 17 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767",True,674,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP4.doc,,False,True 706,Planning and development - statement of community involvement,,D,A local authority must prepare a statement of community involvement.,Section 18 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,485|487|494|855,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP5.doc,,False,True 707,Planning and development - preparation of local development documents,,D,A local authority must prepare and submit development plan documents as directed.,Section 19 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,"See also section 20 to 21 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767.",True,494|856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP6.doc,,False,True 708,Planning and development - withdrawal of local development documents,,P,A local authority may withdraw local development documents at any time before adoption.,Section 22 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,494|856,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP7.doc,,False,True 709,Planning and development - adoption of local development documents,,P,The local planning authority may adopt a local development document (other than a development plan document) either as originally prepared or as modified to take account of any representations made in relation to the document or any other matter they think is relevant.,Section 23 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,See also section 24 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058,True,494|856,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP8.doc,,False,True 710,Planning and development - discretionary revision of local development documents,,P,The local planning authority may at any time prepare a revision of a local development document.,Section 26 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,494|856,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP9.doc,,False,True 711,Planning and development - mandatory revision of local development documents,,D,"The authority must prepare a revision of a local development document if the Secretary of State directs them to do so, and in accordance with such timetable as he directs.",Section 26 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,494|856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP10.doc,Title duplicate as file PCP9,False,True 712,Planning and development - reimbursement of costs to Secretary of State,,D,"A local authority must pay the costs of the Secretary of State where he utilises his default power if he thinks that a local planning authority are failing or omitting to do anything it is necessary for them to do in connection with the preparation, revision or adoption of a development plan document.",Section 27 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,494|856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,28/09/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP11.doc,,False,True 713,Planning and development - joint local development documents,,P,Two or more local authority may prepare local development documents and may request the Secretary of State's involvement in the dissolution of the arrangement.,Section 28 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,See also Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767.,True,494|856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP12.doc,,False,True 714,Planning and development - discretionary joint committees,,P,One or more local authorities may agree with one or more county councils in relation to any area of such a council for which there is also a district council to establish a joint committee to be the local planning authority,Section 29 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,"See also section 30 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Cambridge City Fringes Joint Committee Order 2009/1254, Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee Order 2009/2467, Luton and South Bedfordshire Joint Committee Order 2007/1412, North Northamptonshire Joint Committee Order 2005/1552, South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee Order 2011/1455 and West Northamptonshire Joint Committee Order 2008/1572.",True,494|856|1627,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP13.doc,,False,True 715,Planning and development - mandatory joint committees,,D,Local authorities must comply with the Secretary of State's direction to establish or to revoke a joint committee.,Section 29 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,"See also section 31 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Cambridge City Fringes Joint Committee Order 2009/1254, Central Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee Order 2009/2467, Luton and South Bedfordshire Joint Committee Order 2007/1412, North Northamptonshire Joint Committee Order 2005/1552, South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee Order 2011/1455, West Northamptonshire Joint Committee Order 2008/1572, Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767",True,494|856,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP14.doc,,False,True 716,Planning and development - co-operation in relation to sustainable development,,D,Local authorities must co-operate in relation to the planning of sustainable development.,Section 33A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,See also Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2613.,True,494|720|856|1131,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP15.doc,,False,True 717,Planning and development - regard to Secretary of State's guidance,,D,Local authorities must have regard to the Secretary of State's guidance when exercising their functions with relation to local development.,Section 34 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,494|720|856|1131,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,28/09/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP16.doc,,False,True 718,Planning and development - local development monitoring reports,,D,Local authorities must prepare and make available monitoring reports on local development as directed.,"Section 35 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ",,See also Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 and Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767,True,599|1630,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP17.doc,,False,True 719,Planning and development - neighbourhood development plans,,D,Local authorities must prepare a neighbourhood development plan in certain circumstances,Section 38A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,"See also section 38B to 38C of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/20, Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012/637, Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/798, Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/333 and Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) Regulations 2012/2031",True,494,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP18.doc,,False,True 720,Planning and development - sustainable development,,D,A local authority must exercise various functions under the Act with a view to achieving sustainable development.,Section 39 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,1131,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP19.doc,,False,True 721,Development control - response to consultation,,D,A local authority must respond to consultation in accordance with regulations.,Section 54 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 and Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330,True,485|487|608|855,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP20.doc,,False,True 722,Planning and development Wales - survey of area in Wales,,D,A local authority must keep under review the matters which may be expected to affect the development of their area or the planning of its development.,Section 61 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,493|494|495|515|594|599|674|675|856,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP21.doc,,False,True 723,Planning and development Wales - local development plan,,D,A local authority must prepare and appraise a local development plan as directed.,"Section 62 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ",,"See also Section 63 and 64 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1598 and Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2839 ",True,856,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP22.doc,,False,True 725,Planning and development Wales - intervention by Assembly,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the Assembly.,Section 65 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP24.doc,,False,True 726,Planning and development Wales - withdrawal of local development plan,,P,A local authority may withdraw a local development plan at any time before it is adopted.,Section 66A of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,856,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/09/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP25.doc,,False,True 727,Planning and development Wales - adoption of local development plan,,P,"A local authority may adopt a local development plan in certain circumstances. ",Section 67 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,856,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP26.doc,,False,True 728,Planning and development Wales - revocation of local development plan,,P,"A local authority may request the Assembly to revoke a local development plan. ",Section 68 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,856,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP27.doc,,False,True 729,Planning and development Wales - review of local development plan,,D,"A local authority must review a local development plan as directed. ","Section 69 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ",,See also Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1598 and Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2839,True,856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,05/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP28.doc,,False,True 730,Planning and development Wales - revision of local development plan,,D,"A local authority must revise a local development plan in certain circumstances. ",Section 70 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP29.doc,,False,True 732,Planning and development - expenditure of Assembly,,D,"A local authority must pay the expenditure of the Assembly in relation to the exercise of their default power in connection with the preparation, revision or adoption of a local development plan. ","Section 71 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ",,"See also SI 2005/2839 ",True,856,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP31.doc,,False,False 733,Planning and development Wales - regard to guidance from Assembly,,D,A local authority must in exercising any function under Part 6 of the Act have regard to Guidance from the Assembly.,Section 75 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,,,True,494|720|856|1131,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP32.doc,,False,True 734,Planning and development Wales - annual monitoring report,,D,A local authority must prepare an annual monitoring report to the Assembly in the manner directed.,"Section 76 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 ",,See also Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2839,True,856,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning and Compulsory Purchase - PCP33.doc,,False,True 735,Licensing and registration - private security industry licence,,D,A local authority must comply with any Regulations issued regarding private security industry licensing.,Section 13 of the Private Security Industry Act 2001,," ",True,646|860,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,08/03/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Private Security Industry Licensing - PSIL1.doc,,False,True 736,Social care - charge on land for part 3 accommodation,,P,A local authority may take a charge on land in relation to the provision of Part 3 accommodation.,Section 55 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001,,"See also National Assistance (Residential Accommodation) (Relevant Contributions) (England) Regulations 2001/3069 and National Assistance (Residential Accommodation)(Additional Payments, Relevant Contributions and Assessment of Resources)(Wales) Regulations 2003/931",True,292,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Social Care - SC01 -1.doc,,False,True 737,Social care - deferred payments for part 3 accommodation,,D,A local authority must comply with any directions issued with regard to deferred payment agreements relating to the provision of Part 3 accommodation.,Section 55 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001,,"See also National Assistance (Residential Accommodation) (Relevant Contributions) (England) Regulations 2001/3069 and National Assistance (Residential Accommodation)(Additional Payments, Relevant Contributions and Assessment of Resources)(Wales) Regulations 2003/931",True,292,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Social Care - SC01 -2.doc,,False,True 738,Social care - direct payments regulations,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to the making of direct payments.,"Section 57 of the Health and Social Care Act 2001 ",,"See also Community Care, Services for Carers and Children' Services (Direct Payments) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2270, Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/2246, Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009/1887, Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1667, Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (Wales) Amendment Regulations 2006/2840 and Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (Wales) Regulations 2011/831 ",True,287,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Social Care - SC01 -3.doc,,False,True 739,Trading standards - tobacco advertising and promotion enforcement,,D,A local authority must enforce the Act and the provisions made therein.,Section 13 of the Tobacco Advertising and Promotions Act 2002,,,True,1125,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Tobacco Advertising etc.-TbA1.doc,,False,True 740,Trading standards - entry to premises for tobacco advertising and promotion enforcement,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may enter premises and make purchases (subject to certain conditions and obligations) in order to enforce the Act.,Section 14 of the Tobacco Advertising and Promotions Act 2002,,,True,1125,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Tobacco Advertising etc.-TbA2.doc,Title duplicate as file TbA1,False,True 741,Waste disposal - landfills,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding performance of their functions with regard to disposal of waste in landfills.,Section 12 of the Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003,,"See also Hazardous Waste (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1417, Landfill Allowances and Trading Scheme (England) Regulations 2004/3212, Landfill Allowances Scheme (Wales) Regulations 2004/1490 and Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003 (Amendment) Regulations 2011/2499.",True,675|1144,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,21/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Waste Disposal - WD1.doc,,False,True 742,Waste disposal - municipal waste management strategy,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations regarding its municipal waste management strategy.,Section 29 of the Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003,,,True,675|1144,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,13/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Waste Disposal - WD2.doc,,False,True 743,Waste disposal - provision of information about waste,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations requiring it to provide information about waste.,Section 30 of the Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003,,,True,675|1144,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,13/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Waste Disposal - WD3.doc,,False,True 744,Waste disposal - joint municipal waste management strategies,,D,Local authorities in a two tier area must produce and publish a joint municipal waste management strategy and make the same available.,Section 32 of the Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003,,,True,675|1144,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple and the Under Treasurer of the Middle Temple",True,13/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Waste Disposal - WD4.doc,,False,True 745,Water conservation by public authorities,,D,Local authorities must take water conservation into account when exercising their functions.,Section 83 of the Water Act 2003,,,True,495|1611,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Water - WT1.doc,,False,True 746,Carers - assessment of ability of carers to provide care,,D,A local authority must carry out an assessment of a carer's ability to provide care in certain circumstances when requested to do so by the carer and must inform the carer of his right to make this request.,Section 1 of the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995,,,True,162|225|1755,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Carers 95 - CRSA - 1.doc,,False,True 747,Clean air - exemption from requirements regarding grit and dust emissions from a furnace,,P,A local authority may relax the application of section 6(1) relating to the emission of grit and dust from furnaces in certain circumstances.,Section 7 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,See also Clean Air (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2014/3318,True,691,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 1.doc,,False,True 748,Clean air - requirement to fit arrestment plant for burning solid fuel,,D,"A local authority must consider requests for approval of an arrestment plant where a domestic furnace is used in a building to burn pulverised fuel or to burn, at a rate of 1.02 tonnes an hour or more, solid fuel in any other form or solid waste,",Section 8 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 2.doc,,False,False 749,"Clean air - notification of decision on application for arrestment plant ",,D,"A local authority must, when determining an application under sections 6 or 8 of the Act, give a reasoned, written decision.",Section 9 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 3.doc,,False,False 750,"Clean air - measurement of grit, dust and fumes by local authorities",,D,"A local authority must, in certain circumstances, take measurements of grit, dust and fumes emanating from a furnace.",Section 11 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 4.doc,,False,False 751,Clean air - information about furnaces and fuel consumed,,P,A local authority may request information about the furnace and the type of fuel burned for certain purposes.,Section 12 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 5.doc,,False,False 752,"Clean air - height of chimneys ",,D,A local authority must consider granting approval to the height of chimneys in certain circumstances and must give written reasons where that approval is denied.,Section 14 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,See also section 15 to 16 of the Clean Air Act 1993,True,691,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 6.doc,,False,False 753,"Clean air - discretionary smoke control areas ",,P,A local authority may by order declare the whole or part of its area to be a smoke control area.,Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,1575,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 7.doc,,False,False 754,Clean air - smoke control orders,,P,A local authority may issue smoke control orders in a smoke control area.,Section 18 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,See also Schedule 1 of the Clean Air Act 1993,True,1575,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 8.doc,,False,False 755,"Clean air - directed smoke control areas ",,D,A local authority must comply with any direction from the secretary of state to make an area a smoke control area.,Section 19 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,1575,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 9.doc,,False,False 756,Clean air - exemptions relating to prohibition of smoke emission in particular areas,,D,A local authority must comply with any direction from the secretary of state that the prohibition under section 20 with regard to smoke control areas should be suspended or relaxed.,Section 22 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,"See also Smoke Control Areas (Authorised Fuels) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/2366, Smoke Control Areas (Exempted Fireplaces) (Wales) Order 2015/15132 and Smoke Control Areas (Exempted Fireplaces) (England) Order 2015/307",True,1575,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 10.doc,,False,True 757,Clean air - adaptation of fireplaces in private dwellings,,P,"A local authority may, in relation to a smoke control area, serve a notice requiring the adaption of a fireplace in a private dwelling and may give grants in certain circumstances.",Section 24 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,See also section 25 and Schedule 2 of the Clean Air Act 1993,True,1575,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 11.doc,,False,False 758,Clean air - grants for adaptation of fireplaces,,P,"A local authority may, give a grant towards adaptations to fireplaces in churches, chapels and buildings used by charities.",Section 26 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,1575,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,27/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 12.doc,,False,False 759,"Air pollution - research and publicity ",,P,A local authority may incur expenditure for the purposes of research of or publicity into air pollution.,Section 34 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,413,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 13.doc,,False,False 760,Air pollution - obtaining information,,P,A local authority may take various steps to obtain information about the emission of pollutants.,Section 35 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,413,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/03/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 14.doc,,False,False 761,Air pollution - notices requiring information,,P,A local authority may serve a notice requiring an occupier of certain premises to give them certain information regarding the emission of pollutants or other substances into the air from the premises.,Section 36 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,See also section 37 to 38 of the Clean Air Act 1993 and Clean Air (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2014/3318,True,413,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 15.doc,,False,True 762,Air pollution - information for the Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with directions regarding the provision of air pollution information for use by the Secretary of State.,Section 39 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,413,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 16.doc,,False,False 763,Air pollution - exemption for purposes of investigations and research,,P,A local authority may issue a notice in writing exempting or limiting the extent of certain sections of the Act for the purposes of investigations or research,Section 45 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,413,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 17.doc,,False,False 764,Air pollution - Crown premises,,D,A local authority must report certain emissions from Crown premises or vessels to the appropriate Minister,Section 46 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,413,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 18.doc,,False,False 765,Clean air - notification of offences,,D,A local authority must notify occupiers of certain premises of offences relating to emissions of smoke in certain circumstances.,Section 51 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691|1575,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 19.doc,,False,False 766,Clean air - general provisions as to enforcement,,D,A local authority must enforce certain provisions of the Act.,Section 55 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691|1575,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 20.doc,,False,False 767,Clean air - institution of proceedings,,P,A local authority may bring proceedings under certain provisions of the Act.,Section 55 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691|1575,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 21.doc,,False,False 768,"Clean air - rights of entry and inspection ",,P,An officer authorised by a local authority has the powers of entry and inspection for certain purposes under the Act.,Section 56 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,See also section 57 of the Clean Air Act 1993,True,1575,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 22.doc,,False,False 769,Clean air - notice to require information,,P,A local authority may serve a notice to require information in relation to certain of its functions under the Act.,Section 58 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691|1575,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 23.doc,,False,False 770,Clean air - authority defaulting on functions,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the Secretary of State when exercising his default powers under the Act.,Section 60 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691|1575,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 24.doc,,False,False 771,Clean air - joint exercise of local authority functions,,P,Two or more local authorities may act jointly for certain purposes under the Act.,Section 61 of the Clean Air Act 1993,,,True,691|1575,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Clean Air93 - CA93 - 25.doc,,False,False 772,"Anti-social behaviour - child safety orders ",,D,A local authority must co-operate with a court in the court's dealings with a child safety order.,Section 11 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,See also section 12 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,True,1694,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs -6.doc,,False,False 773,"Anti-social behaviour - parental compensation order ",,P,A local authority may apply for a parental compensation order or a review of the order in certain circumstances.,Section 13A of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,"See also section 13B to C of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,176,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,20/07/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs -7.doc,,False,False 774,Crime and disorder - consideration of crime and disorder implications,,D,"Without prejudice to any other obligation imposed on it, it shall be the duty of each authority to which this section applies to exercise its various functions with due regard to the likely effect of the exercise of those functions on, and the need to do all that it reasonably can to prevent, crime and disorder in its area.",Section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,,True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 8.doc,,False,False 775,Crime and disorder - sharing of information,,D,A local authority must share prescribed information with other local authorities.,Section 17A of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,"See also SI 2007/1831 (as amended). not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,870,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 9.doc,,False,False 776,"Youth justice - local provision of services ",,D,"A local authority must, acting in co-operation with certain other bodies secure that, to such extent as is appropriate for their area, all youth justice services are available there.",Section 38 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,,True,173|174|175|176|177|836|1694,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,08/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs -8.doc,,False,False 777,Youth justice - youth offending teams,,D,"A local authority must, acting in co-operation with certain other bodies establish one or more youth offending teams for their area.",Section 39 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,,True,173|174|175|176|177|836|1694,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,08/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs -9.doc,,False,False 778,Youth justice - notification of detention of child or young person,,D,A youth offending team of a local authority must notify certain bodies when a young person is convicted of an offence.,Section 39A of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,173|174|175|176|177|836|1694,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs -10.doc,,False,False 779,Youth justice - youth justice plans,,D,"A local authority must, after consultation with the relevant persons and bodies, formulate and implement for each year a youth justice plan.",Section 40 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,,True,1695,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs -11.doc,,False,False 780,Crime and disorder - anti-social behaviour orders,,P,A local authority may apply for an anti-social behaviour order if certain conditions are met.,Section 1 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,See also section 1I of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,True,1696,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 1.doc,,False,False 781,Crime and disorder - review of anti-social behaviour orders,,D,A local authority must take part in a review of an anti-social behaviour order in certain circumstances.,Section 1J of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,"See also section 1K of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1696,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 2.doc,,False,False 782,Crime and disorder - combination agreements,,P,Two or more local authorities may enter into a combination agreement for their area with regard to reducing crime and disorder and must comply with prescribed requirements in so doing.,Section 5A of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,870,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 3.doc,,False,False 783,Crime and disorder - formulation and implementation of strategies,,D,The local authorities for an area are responsible for formulating and implementing crime and disorder strategies for that area.,Section 6 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,"See also section 7 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and SIs 2007/1830 (as amended) and 2007/3076 (as amended) ",True,870,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 4.doc,,False,False 784,"Anti-social behaviour - co-operation when making parenting orders ",,D,A local authority must co-operate with a court when the court wishes to make a parenting order.,Section 9 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998,,,True,175,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Crime and Disorder98 - CDs - 5.doc,,False,False 785,Data protection - compliance,,D,A local authority must comply with the Data Protection Act 1998.,Section 1 of the Data Protection Act 1998,,,True,826,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/07/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Data Protection - DP98- 1.doc,,False,False 786,Education - promotion of high standards in primary and secondary education,,D,"A local authority must exercise its functions so as to promote high standards, ensure fair access to opportunity for education and training and fulfilment of potential.",Section 13A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,31|33,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 -3.doc,,False,False 787,Education - pupils to be educated in accordance with their parents' wishes,,D,A local authority must in performing its powers and duties must have regard to the general principle that children should be educated in accordance with their parents' wishes in so far as that is compatible with the provision of efficient instruction and training and the avoidance of unreasonable public expenditure.,Section 9 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,31,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 1.doc,,False,False 788,Education - general responsibility for education,,D,"A local authority must in so far as their powers enable them to do so contribute towards the spiritual, moral, mental and physical development of the community by securing that efficient primary education and secondary education and, in the case of a local authority in England, further education and to achieve high standards and fulfil potential.",Section 13 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Section 13A of the Education Act 1996,True,31|33,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 2.doc,,False,True 789,Education - primary and secondary schooling,,D,A local authority must secure sufficient primary and secondary schooling in their area for the needs of all children of compulsory school age.,Section 14 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,13|14|17|33,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 4.doc,,False,False 790,Education - consideration of parental representations,,D,A local authority must consider and respond to parental representations.,Section 14A of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,17|31|1454,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 5.doc,,False,False 791,Education - education provision for persons above compulsory school age,,D,A local authority must secure that sufficient education and training provision is provided for young people of 6th form age and for young people aged between 19 and 24 who are subject to a learning difficulty assessment and must co-operate with each other and have regard to guidance when doing so.,Section 15ZA of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 15ZB and D of the Education Act 1996. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,10|17|239|1394,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 6.doc,,False,False 792,Education - encouragement of education and training for persons over compulsory school age,,D,A local authority must encourage participation in education by young people of 6th form age and for young people aged between 19 and 24 who are subject to a learning difficulty assessment and by employers and have regard to guidance when so doing..,Section 15ZC of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 15ZD of the Education Act 1996. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,10|239|1394,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 7.doc,,False,False 793,Education - full-time education for 16 to 18 year olds,,P,A local authority may secure education and training provision for young people aged 16 to 18.,Section 15A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,14|1614,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 8.doc,,False,False 794,Education - education for persons aged 19 and over,,P,A local authority may secure education and training provision for persons aged 19 or over.,Section 15B of the Education Act 1996,,,True,27,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 9.doc,,False,False 795,"Education - establishment, maintenance and assistance of primary and secondary schools",,P,"A local authority may establish, maintain and assist primary and secondary schools for children of compulsory school age.",Section 16 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,13|14|17,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 10.doc,,False,False 796,"Education - establishment, maintenance and assistance of nursery schools",,P,"A local authority may establish, maintain and assist nursery schools.",Section 17 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,12|17,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 11.doc,,False,False 797,Education - provision of education at non-maintained schools,,P,A local authority may arrange for primary or secondary educational provision at schools not maintained by a local authority.,Section 18 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,13|14|1262,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 12.doc,,False,False 798,Education - children in youth detention,,D,A local authority must arrange education for children (aged under 19) in youth detention.,Section 18A of the Education Act 1996,,"See also SI 2010/303 . not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1282,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 13.doc,,False,False 799,Education - children not receiving education at a school,,D,"A local authority must make arrangements for the provision of suitable education at school or otherwise than at school for those children of compulsory school age who, by reason of illness, exclusion from school or otherwise, may not for any period receive suitable education.",Section 19 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Academy Conversions (Transfer of School Surpluses) Regulations 2013/3037, Education (Provision of Full-Time Education for Excluded Pupils) (England) Regulations 2007/1870, Education (Provision of Full-Time Education for Excluded Pupils) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/3216, Education (Provision of Full-Time Education for Excluded Pupils) (England) Regulations 2007/1870, School Discipline (Pupil Exclusions and Reviews) (England) Regulations 2012/1033 and Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Closure) (England) Regulations 2010/1071.",True,1|1454|1765|1766,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 14.doc,,False,True 800,Special educational needs - code of practice,,D,A local authority and the governing bodies of schools maintained by it must have regard to special educational needs code of practice when dealing with SEN issues.,Section 313 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1090,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 15.doc,,False,True 801,Special educational needs - review of arrangements,,D,A local authority must keep under review its SEN provision and consult with others as it thinks necessary or desirable.,Section 315 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 16.doc,,False,True 802,Special educational needs - education in mainstream school,,D,"A local authority must educate a child with SEN in a mainstream school unless it is incompatible with the wishes of his parent, or the provision of efficient education for other children.",Section 316 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,10|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/07/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 17.doc,,False,True 803,Special educational needs - education in non-mainstream school,,P,A local authority may educate a child with SEN in a non-mainstream school in certain circumstances.,Section 316A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|1257,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 18.doc,,False,True 804,Special educational needs - duties of governing body or local education authority,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with certain general duties regarding SEN provision,Section 317 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Education (Special Educational Needs) (Information) (Wales) Regulations 1999/1442 ",True,8|9|10|40|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 19.doc,,False,True 805,Special educational needs - informing parent of SEN provision,,D,A local authority in the case of a pupil referral unit or the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must inform a parent when SEN provision is made.,Section 317A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 20.doc,,False,True 806,Special educational needs - provision of goods and services,,P,A local authority may provide goods and services to the governing body of a maintained school in connection with SEN provision.,Section 318 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Payment for Special Educational Needs Supplies) Regulations 1999/710,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 21.doc,,False,True 807,Special educational needs - provision otherwise than in schools,,D,A local authority must consult the parent where it proposes to make SEN provision otherwise than at school.,Section 319 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|40|1090|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 22.doc,,False,True 808,Special educational needs - provision outside England and Wales,,P,A local authority may make SEN provision outside England and Wales in certain circumstances.,Section 320 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 23.doc,,False,True 809,Special educational needs - identification and assessment of needs,,D,A local authority has a general duty to identify and assess SEN provision for the children for whom they are responsible.,Section 321 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 24.doc,,False,True 810,Special educational needs - parental notification of assessment,,D,Where an authority believes a child for whom they are responsible may have special educational needs they must notify the parents that they are considering an assessment and of the procedure for doing so.,Section 323 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Schedule 26 of the Education Act 1996,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 25.doc,,False,True 811,Special educational needs - statement,,D,"If in the light of an assessment of any child's educational needs and of any representations made by the child's parent it is necessary for the local education authority to, determine the special educational provision which any learning difficulty he may have calls for, the authority shall make and maintain a statement of his special educational needs.",Section 324 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Schedule 27 of the Education Act 1996 and Education (Special Education Needs) (Wales) Regulations 2002/152,True,8|9,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 26.doc,,False,True 812,Special educational needs - notice of no statement,,D,A local authority must where it decides not to make a statement of SEN give the parent a notice in writing explaining the right to appeal.,Section 325 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Special Education Needs) (Wales) Regulations 2002/152,True,8|9,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 27.doc,,False,True 813,Special educational needs - appeals,,D,A local authority must comply with the SEN appeals procedure and its outcome.,Section 326 of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 326A of the Education Act 1996 and Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales Regulations 2012/322,True,8|9|10,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 28.doc,,False,True 814,Special educational needs - access to schools,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may access certain schools in connection with their SEN provision.,Section 327 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|1257,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 29.doc,,False,True 815,Special educational needs - reviews of educational needs,,D,A local authority must comply with the prescribed process for reviewing SEN provision and the appeals procedure.,Section 328 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Special Education Needs) (Wales) Regulations 2002/152,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 30.doc,,False,True 816,Special educational needs - parental request for assessment,,D,A local authority must assess a child's SEN at its parent's request in certain circumstances and comply with the appeals procedure and the outcome of any appeal.,Section 329 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Special Education Needs) (Wales) Regulations 2002/152,True,8|9,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 31.doc,,False,True 817,Special educational needs - review and assessment on request of responsible body,,D,A local authority must review or assess a child's SEN at the request of the responsible body in certain circumstances and comply with the appeals procedure and the outcome of any appeal.,Section 329 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Special Education Needs) (Wales) Regulations 2002/152,True,8|9,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 32.doc,,False,True 818,Special educational needs - assessment of children under two,,P,A local authority may assess a child under two for SEN provision in certain circumstances.,Section 331 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 33.doc,,False,True 819,Special educational needs - giving notice to or serving documents upon child,,D,A local authority must give notice to or serve documents relating to a SEN appeal upon the child in certain circumstances.,Section 332ZB of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 34.doc,,False,True 820,Special educational needs - case friends,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding case friends. A case friend is the name given to a person who may make representations on behalf of a child with a view to avoiding or resolving disagreements about the exercise by local education authorities in Wales of SEN functions and may exercise the rights of a child on the child's behalf.,Section 332ZC of the Education Act 1996,,See also Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales Regulations 2012/322,True,8|9|10,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,10/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 35.doc,,False,True 821,Special educational needs - advice and information for parents in England,,D,A local authority must provide advice and information for parents with regard to SEN and must have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 332A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/06/2012,01/09/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 36.doc,,False,True 822,Special educational needs - advice and information for parents in Wales,,D,A local authority must provide advice and information for parents with regard to SEN and must have regard to guidance from the Welsh Minister when so doing.,Section 332AA of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 37.doc,,False,True 823,Special educational needs - dispute resolution procedure in England,,D,A local authority must prepare and publish a dispute resolution procedure relating to SEN matters and must have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when so doing.,Section 332B of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/01/2012,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 38.doc,,False,True 824,Special educational needs - dispute resolution procedure in Wales,,D,A local authority must prepare and publish a dispute resolution procedure relating to SEN matters and must have regard to guidance from Welsh ministers when so doing.,Section 332BA of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 39.doc,,False,True 825,Special educational needs - independent advocacy services,,D,"A local authority must make arrangements for the provision of independent advocacy services (relating to SEN) in their area, publicise the same and must have regard to guidance from Welsh Ministers when so doing.",Section 332BB of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|10|40|1257,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 40.doc,,False,True 826,Special educational needs - compliance with tribunal order,,D,A local authority must comply with an order of the tribunal within the prescribed timescale.,"Section 336A of the Education Act 1996 ",,See also Special Educational Needs Tribunal for Wales Regulations 2012/322,True,8|9|10|40|840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 41.doc,,False,True 827,Religious education - advisory councils,,D,A local authority must establish a standing advisory council to advise on religious education.,"Section 390 of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also section 391 to 392 and 394 to 397 of the Education Act 1996 and SIs 2006/3346 and 2012/322 ",True,1697,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 42.doc,,False,False 828,Religious education - Sunday schools,,D,"A local authority or a school maintained by it may not make access to education, further education or training conditional upon a child attending or not attending Sunday School.",Section 398 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1697,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 43.doc,,False,False 829,Education - entering pupils for public examinations,,D,"A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must, in certain circumstances, enter pupils for public examinations.",Section 402 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Prescribed Public Examinations) (England) Regulations 2010/2327,True,29,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 44.doc,,False,True 830,Education - manner of provision of sex education,,D,"The governing body and head teacher shall take such steps as are reasonably practicable to secure that where sex education is given to any registered pupils at a maintained school, it is given in such a manner as to encourage those pupils to have due regard to moral considerations and the value of family life. and must have due regard to guidance when so doing.",Section 403 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,736|889,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 45.doc,,False,False 831,Education - sex education statements of policy,,D,"A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must make, keep up to date and provide free of charge a statement of policy on sex education.",Section 404 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,889,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 46.doc,,False,False 832,Education - exemption from sex education,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with a parental request that his or her child be excused from sex education.,Section 405 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,889,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 47.doc,,False,False 833,Education - political indoctrination,,D,A local education authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must forbid political indoctrination and adopt a balanced approach to political issues.,Section 406 and 407 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,29,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 48.doc,,False,False 834,Education - provision of information,,D,A local education authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulations regarding the provision of information.,Section 408 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2431, Education (Amendments to Regulations Requiring the Publication of Pupil Performance Information) (England) Regulations 2005/845, Education (Individual Pupils' Achievements) (Information) (Amendment) Regulations 1998/877, Education (Information) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/902, Education (Pupil Information and School Performance Information) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2013/3212, Education (Pupil Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/1747, Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005/1437, Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/646, Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1566, Education (School Performance Information) (England) Regulations 2007/2324, Head Teacher's Report to Parents and Adult Pupils (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1998 Head Teacher's Report to Parents and Adult Pupils (Wales) Regulations 2011/1943 National Curriculum (Amendments relating to Educational Programmes for the Foundation Phase and Programmes of Study for the Second and Third Key Stages) (Wales) Regulations 2013/437 Pupil Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1942 School Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1944 and School Performance Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1963",True,29,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 49.doc,,False,True 835,Education - complaints management,,D,A local education authority must consult governing bodies and make arrangements for the consideration and disposal of complaints. and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with Regulations regarding the provision of information.,Section 409 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,630,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 50.doc,,False,False 836,Education - late school admissions,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must not refuse to admit a child to a school where the late application was due to circumstances beyond the child's control.,Section 433 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Schedule 14 of the Education Act 1996,True,13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 51.doc,,False,False 837,Education - registration of pupils,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must keep a school register in accordance with regulations.,Section 434 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Schedule 14 of the Education Act 1996, Education (Pupil Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 1997/2624, Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/1725, Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006/1751, Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1954, Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1625 and Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/756 ",True,1767,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 52.doc,,False,True 838,Education - early transfer to secondary education,,D,A local authority must make arrangements to enable children to be withdrawn from primary education for the purpose of receiving secondary education in certain circumstances.,Section 435 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,894,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 53.doc,,False,False 839,Education - identifying children not receiving education,,D,A local authority must make arrangements to identify children of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and who are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at school and have regard to guidance when so doing.,Section 436A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 54.doc,,False,False 840,Education - school attendance orders,,D,A local authority must issue and serve a school attendance order in certain circumstances in accordance with the prescribed procedure including amendments to SEN statements where necessary.,Section 437 of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 438 to 441 of the Education Act 1996,True,1|8|9|10|1090,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 55.doc,,False,False 841,Education - revocation of school attendance orders,,D,A local authority must revoke a school attendance order at the request of the parent in certain circumstances.,Section 442 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,35,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 56.doc,,False,False 842,Education - failure to comply with school attendance order,,P,A local authority may issue proceedings for breach of a school attendance order.,Section 443 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 446 of the Education Act 1996, Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007/1867 and Education (Penalty Notices) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1983",True,35,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 57.doc,,False,True 843,Education - failure to secure regular attendance at school,,P,A local authority may issue proceedings for failing to secure regular attendance at school.,Section 444 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 444ZA and 446 of the Education Act 1996, Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007/1867 and Education (Penalty Notices) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1983",True,35,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 58.doc,,False,True 844,Education - penalty notice for failure to secure regular attendance at school,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may issue a penalty notice where it appears that a parent has committed an offence under section 444.,Section 444A of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 444B of the Education Act 1996, Education (Penalty Notices) (England) Regulations 2007/1867 and Education (Penalty Notices) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1983 ",True,35,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 59.doc,,False,True 845,Education - education supervision orders,,D,"Before instituting proceedings under sections 443 or 444 of the Act, a local authority must consider whether to apply to the court for an education supervision order.",Section 447 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,35,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 60.doc,,False,False 846,Education - prohibition of charges for admission to a maintained school,,D,"A local authority or governing body of a maintained school must not charge for admission to the school in relation to the provision of education to pupils of compulsory school age or for full time education for those aged over 16, but under 19.",Section 450 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,13|14|29,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 61.doc,,False,False 847,Education - prohibition of charges for provision of education at a maintained school,,D,A local authority or governing body of a maintained school must not charge for education for registered pupils unless it is allowed for by the sections 451 or 452 or by Regulations.,Section 451 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 452 of the Education Act 1996, Education (Charges for Early Years Provision) Regulations 2012/962, Charges for Music Tuition (England) Regulations 2007/2239 and Education (Prescribed Public Examinations) (England) Regulations 2010/2327",True,51|735,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 62.doc,,False,True 848,Education - recovery of wasted examination fees,,P,A local authority or governing body of a maintained school may only recover wasted examination fees in certain circumstances.,Section 453 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Prescribed Public Examinations) (England) Regulations 2010/2327,True,1667,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 63.doc,,False,True 849,Education - prohibition on charging for examination fees,,D,A local authority or governing body of a maintained school may not charge for entering registered pupil into a prescribed public examination.,Section 453 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Prescribed Public Examinations) (England) Regulations 2010/2327,True,1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 64.doc,,False,True 850,Education - prohibition of incidental charges,,D,A local authority or governing body of a maintained school may not charge for incidental charges save where allowed for by section 454 or by regulations.,Section 454 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Prescribed Public Examinations) (England) Regulations 2010/2327,True,51|704|1050|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 65.doc,,False,True 851,Education - permitted charges for pupils at maintained schools,,P,A local authority or governing body of a maintained school may charge for matters allowed for by section 455.,Section 455 of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 456 of the Education Act 1996,True,29,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 66.doc,,False,False 853,Education - charges and remissions policy,,D,"A local authority or governing body of a maintained school must prepare, keep under review and publish a charges and remissions policy and may only charge in accordance with that policy, section 457 and regulations.",Section 457 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Education (Remission of Charges Relating to Residential Trips) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2731, Education (Remission of Charges Relating to Residential Trips) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/706, Education (Remission of Charges Relating to Residential Trips) (Wales) Regulations 2003/860, Education (Residential Trips) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2005/1014, Education (Residential Trips) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/730 and Education (Residential Trips)(Prescribed Tax Credits) (England) Regulations 2003/381",True,735,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,29/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 68.doc,,False,True 854,Education - board and lodging at boarding schools,,P,A local authority of a maintained school may charge for board and lodging provided at a boarding school in accordance with regulations.,Section 458 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 69.doc,,False,False 855,Education - information on school hours,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a maintained school must comply with regulations regarding the making of information regarding school hours and other prescribed information available.,Section 459 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (School Sessions and Charges and Remissions Policies) (Information) (England) Regulations 1999/2255,True,1764,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 70.doc,,False,True 856,Education - voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school,,P,A local authority or the governing body of a maintained school may request or receive voluntary contributions for the benefit of the school or any school activities that accord with section 460.,Section 460 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,29,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 71.doc,,False,False 857,Special educational needs - academies,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations requiring or authorising the local authority to make payments to an academy in respect of children with special educational needs.,"Section 483A of the Education Act 1996 ",,See also Education (Special Educational Needs) (City Colleges) (England) Regulations 2002/2071,True,8|9|10|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 72.doc,,False,True 858,Education - education standards grants,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations governing education standards grants.,Section 484 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 489 of the Education Act 1996, Education (Assembly Learning Grant Scheme) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2002/2814 Education (Assembly Learning Grant Scheme) (Wales) Regulations 2002/1857 Education (Capital Grants) (Wales) Regulations 2002/679 Education (Partnership Grant) Regulations 1998/1222 Education (Post 16 Partnership Grant) (England) Regulations 1999/605 Education Standards Grants (Wales) Regulations 2002/438 Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2005/761 Education (Assembly Learning Grant Scheme) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2002/2814 Education (Assembly Learning Grant Scheme) (Wales) Regulations 2002/1857 Education (Capital Grants) (Wales) Regulations 2002/679 Education (Grant) (Financial Support for Students) Regulations 2001/2894 Education (Grants for Early Excellence Centres) (England) Regulations 1998/1877 Education Standards Grants (Wales) Regulations 2002/438 Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2005/761 Education (Grants) (Music, Ballet and Choir Schools) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2000/2113 Education (Grants) (Music, Ballet and Choir Schools) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2002/2004 Education (Grants) (Music, Ballet and Choir Schools) (England) Regulations 2001/2743 Education (Grants) (Purcell School) Regulations 2000/3160 Education (Grants) (Royal Ballet School) Regulations 2000/443 Education (Grants) (Royal Ballet School) Regulations 2001/2859 Education (Grants) (Wells Cathedral School) Regulations 2000/2115 and Education (Grants) (Yehudi Menuhin School) Regulations 2001/2861",True,1667,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 73.doc,,False,True 859,Education - recoupment for cross border provision,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations governing payments for cross border provision of education.,Section 493 of the Education Act 1996,,,False,1667,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 74.doc,,False,False 860,Education - recoupment for excluded pupils,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations governing recoupment for excluded pupils.,Section 494 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Education (Amount to Follow Permanently Excluded Pupil) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2001/870, Education (Amount to Follow Permanently Excluded Pupil) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002/408, Education (Amount to Follow Permanently Excluded Pupil) Regulations 1999/495, Education (Pupil Exclusions) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2004/402 and School Discipline (Pupil Exclusions and Reviews) (England) Regulations 2012/1033",False,34|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 75.doc,,False,True 861,Education - determination of disputes,,P,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by them may refer a dispute with the other party to the Secretary of State.,Section 495 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1667,,False,Primary power of primary secondary.,,True,,False,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 76.doc,,False,False 862,Education - unreasonable exercise of functions,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by them must comply with directions from the Secretary of State in relation to an unreasonable exercise of their functions.,Section 496 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority). Applicable to England and Wales from 01/08/2012 to 19/02/2014",True,20/02/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 77.doc,,False,True 863,Education - general default powers,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by them must comply with directions from the Secretary of State in relation to a declaration that they are in default of their duties.,Section 497 of the Education Act 1996,,See also sections to 497B of the Education Act 1996,True,1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority). Applied in England and Wales from 01/08/2012 until 19/02/2014",True,20/02/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 78.doc,,False,True 864,Schools - improperly constituted governing body,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by them must comply with directions from the Secretary of State in relation to a situation where a governing body is improperly constituted.,Section 498 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,29|1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 79.doc,,False,False 865,Education - direction of appointment of members of education committees,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the Secretary of State in relation to the constitution of education committees.,"Section 499 of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also Parent Governor Representatives and Church Representatives (Wales) Regulations 2001/3711, Education Act 2002 (Modification and Transitional Provisions) (England) Regulations 2003/2045 and Parent Governor Representatives (England) Regulations 2001/478",True,29|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 80.doc,,False,True 866,Education - facilities for recreation and training for children under 13,,D,A local authority must secure that the facilities for primary and secondary education provided for their area include adequate facilities for recreation and social and physical training for children who have not attained the age of thirteen.,Section 507A of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,17,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 81.doc,,False,False 867,Education - leisure time activities for certain under 25's,,D,"A local authority must, so far as reasonably practicable, secure for qualifying young persons in the authority's area access to sufficient educational leisure-time activities which are for the improvement of their well-being, and sufficient facilities for such activities; and sufficient recreation and leisure-time activities for the same purpose. ",Section 507B of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,47,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 82.doc,,False,False 868,Education - facilities for recreation and social and physical training for school age children,,D,"A local authority must secure that the facilities for primary and secondary education provided for their area include adequate facilities for recreation and social and physical training. ",Section 508 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,47,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 83.doc,,False,False 869,Education - facilities for recreation and social and physical training in further education,,P,A local authority may provide facilities for recreation and social and physical training as part of the facilities for further education provided (whether or not by them) for their area.,Section 508 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 84.doc,Title duplicate as file Ed96-83,False,False 870,School transport - sustainable modes of travel strategy,,D,"A local authority must prepare for each academic year a document containing their strategy to promote the use of sustainable modes of travel to meet the school travel needs of their area (a sustainable modes of travel strategy), publish the strategy in such manner and by such time as may be prescribed, and promote the use of sustainable modes of travel to meet the school travel needs of their area.",Section 508A of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,3|40|891|1135,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 85.doc,,False,False 872,School transport - home to school travel arrangements for eligible children,,D,"A local authority must in the case of an eligible child in the authority's area make such travel arrangements as they consider necessary in order to secure that suitable home to school travel arrangements, for the purpose of facilitating the child's attendance at the relevant educational establishment in relation to him, are made and provided free of charge in relation to the child.",Section 508B of the Education Act 1996,,See also School Travel (Pupils with Dual Registration) (England) Regulations 2007/1367.,True,3|40|891|1135,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 87.doc,,False,True 873,School transport - home to school travel arrangements for non-eligible children,,P,"A local authority may make such school travel arrangements as they consider necessary, in relation to any child in the authority's area to whom this section applies, for the purpose of facilitating the child's attendance at any relevant educational establishment in relation to the child.",Section 508C of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,3|40|891|1135,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 88.doc,,False,False 874,School transport - guidance on home to school travel arrangements,,D,A local authority must consider any guidance issued by the Secretary of State when exercising their duty/power under sections 508B and 508C.,Section 508D of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,3|40|891|1135,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 89.doc,,False,False 875,School transport- school travel schemes,,D,A local authority must give effect to a school travel scheme when one is in force.,Section 508E of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Schedule 35C of the Education Act 1996. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,3|40|891|1135,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 90.doc,,False,False 876,School transport - transport for adult learners,,D,"A local authority must make such arrangements for the provision of transport and otherwise as they consider necessary, or as the Secretary of State may direct to facilitate the attendance of adults receiving education at institutions maintained or assisted by the authority and providing further or higher education (or both), or within the further education sector and to facilitate the attendance of relevant young adults receiving education or training at institutions outside both the further and higher education sectors, but only in cases where the have secured for the adults in question the provision of education or training at the institution in question, and the provision of boarding accommodation under section514A. Any transport provided must be provided free of charge.",Section 508F of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,493|891,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 91.doc,,False,False 877,School transport - policy statements for young adults subject to learning difficulty assessment,,D,"A local authority must when making arrangements, or proposing to pay travelling expenses, under section 508F in relation to relevant young adults, consult various parties and prepare a transport policy statement for young adults subject to learning difficulty assessment which must comply with various requirements.",Section 508G of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,40,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 92.doc,,False,False 878,School transport - guidance on policy statements for adults and young adults,,D,A local authority must when exercising its duties/powers under sections 508F and G have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State.,Section 508H of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,40,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 93.doc,,False,False 879,School transport - direction on complaints about young adult transport,,D,A local authority must change its statement prepared under 508G in certain circumstances when directed to do so by the Secretary of State as result of a young adult complaint.,Section 508I of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,40,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 94.doc,,False,False 880,School transport - discretionary changes resulting from a complaint on young adult transport,,P,A local authority may change its statement prepared under 508G in certain circumstances as result of a young adult complaint.,Section 508I of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,40,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 95.doc,Title duplicate as file Ed96-94,False,False 881,School transport - early years transport,,P,"A local authority may provide a child with assistance if they are satisfied that, without such assistance, the child would be prevented from attending at any premises, which are not a school or part of a school, but at which relevant early years education is provided. ",Section 509A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,3|891|908,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 96.doc,,False,False 882,School transport - policy on arrangements for persons of sixth form age,,D,A local authority must prepare (and publish) for each academic year a transport policy statement specifying the arrangements for the provision of transport or otherwise that the authority consider it necessary to make for facilitating the attendance of persons of sixth form age receiving education or training at various institutions. The statement must meet various requirements.,Section 509AA of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 509AB to 509AC of the Education Act 1996,False,1135,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 97.doc,,False,False 884,School transport - regard to religion or belief in exercise of travel functions,,D,A local authority must have regard to a parent's or a pupil's (where aged 16 or over) religion or belief when exercising its travel functions.,Section 509AD of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,3|40|891|1135,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 99.doc,,False,False 885,School transport - direction on complaint regarding sixth form transport,,D,"A local authority must revise a statement prepared under section 509AA to change certain arrangements if, as a result of a sixth form transport complaint, the Secretary of State has directed them to do so.",Section 509AE of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1135,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 100.doc,,False,False 886,School transport - discretionary changes resulting from a complaint about sixth form transport,,P,A local authority may revise a statement prepared under section 509AA to change certain arrangements as a result of a sixth form transport complaint.,Section 509AE of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1135,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 101.doc,,False,False 888,Schools - provision of clothing,,P,A local authority may provide clothing to any pupil in prescribed circumstances.,Section 510 of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 511 of the Education Act 1996,True,2,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 103.doc,,False,False 889,"Schools - provision of meals, milk and refreshments",,P,"A local authority may provide meals, milk and refreshment to any pupil attending a maintained school in accordance with prescribed conditions.",Section 512 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (School Lunches) (Prescribed Requirements) (England) Order 2003/382 and School Lunches (Prescribed Requirement) (Wales) Order 2005/1208,True,4|37,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 104.doc,,False,True 890,Schools - charging for provision of meals,,P,A local authority may charge for school meals provided.,Section 512ZA of the Education Act 1996,,,True,37,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 105.doc,,False,False 891,Schools - free school meals,,D,Where a local authority provides school lunches or milk they must be provided free of charge to those entitled to free school meals.,Section 512ZB of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Free School Lunches and Milk (Universal Credit) (England) Order 2013/650, Free School Lunches and Milk (Universal Credit) (Wales) Order 2013/2021, Education (Free School Lunches) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (England) Order 2003/383, Education (Free School Lunches) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (Wales) Order 2003/879, Education (Free School Lunches) (State Pension Credit) (Wales) Order 2005/3110, Education (Free School Lunches) (State Pension Credit) Order 2005/885, Education (Free School Lunches) (Working Tax Credit) (England) Order 2009/830, Education (Free School Lunches) (Working Tax Credit) (Wales) Order 2009/1673, Education (Free School Lunches) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (England) (Amendment) Order 2011/728 and Education (Free School Lunches) (Prescribed Tax Credits) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2011/710",True,4,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,29/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 106.doc,,False,True 893,Schools - transfer of provision of meals to governing body,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with an order transferring the functions of providing school meals from the local authority to the governing body,"Section 512A of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also Education (Transfer of Functions Concerning School Lunches etc.) (England) (No. 2) Order 1999/2164, Education (Transfer of Functions Concerning School Lunches) (Wales) (No. 2) Order 1999/1779, Education (Transfer of Functions Concerning School Lunches) (Wales) Order 1999/610 and Transfer of Functions Concerning School Lunches etc. (England) (Amendment) Order 2013/3111",True,29|37,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,04/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 108.doc,,False,True 894,Schools - provision of meals in non-maintained schools,,P,"A local authority may provide meals at a school which it does not maintain, subject to certain conditions.",Section 513 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,37,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 109.doc,,False,False 895,"Education - provision of board and lodging ",,P,A local authority may provide board and lodging for certain children and young people subject to certain conditions.,Section 514 of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 514A of the Education Act 1996,True,37|263,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 110.doc,,False,False 896,Education - teaching services for day nurseries,,P,"Subject to the concurrence of the governing body of the school, a local education authority may, in accordance with arrangements made by them for that purpose, make available to a day nursery the services of any teacher who is employed by them in a nursery school or in a primary school having one or more nursery classes, and has agreed to provide his services for the purposes of the arrangements.",Section 515 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,12,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 111.doc,,False,False 897,Education - payment of fees for SEN pupils at non-maintained schools,,D,A local authority must pay fees for SEN pupils attending institutions not maintained by a local authority in certain circumstances.,Section 517 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,8|9|40|1257,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 112.doc,,False,False 898,Education - payment of school expenses and grants,,P,"A local education authority, for the purpose of enabling persons to take advantage of any educational facilities available to them, may in such circumstances as may be specified in or determined in accordance with regulations pay such expenses of children attending community, foundation, voluntary or special schools as may be necessary to enable them to take part in any school activities and grant scholarships, exhibitions, bursaries and other allowances in respect of persons over compulsory school age.",Section 518 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Local Authority (Post-Compulsory Education Awards) Regulations 1999/229, Local Education Authority (Post-Compulsory Education Awards)(Wales) Regulations 2002/1856, Local Authority (Post-Compulsory Education Awards) Regulations 1999/229 and Local Education Authority (Post-Compulsory Education Awards) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2000/2057",True,2|3|4,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 113.doc,,False,True 899,Schools - governors travel and subsistence allowances,,P,A local authority may pay in accordance with a scheme travelling and subsistence allowance to governors in certain circumstances.,"Section 519 of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also Governor Allowances (Wales) Regulations 2005/2915 and School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013/1624",True,29|1667,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 114.doc,,False,True 900,Schools - medical and dental inspections,,D,"A local authority must make arrangements for encouraging and assisting pupils to take advantage of the provision for medical and dental inspection and treatment, unless a parent directs otherwise.",Section 520 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,5|736|889,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 115.doc,,False,False 901,Schools - examination of pupils for cleanliness,,P,A local authority may direct a medical officer that a pupil or his/her clothing must be examined for cleanliness.,Section 521 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,889,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 116.doc,,False,False 902,Schools - compulsory cleansing of pupil,,P,A local authority may issue a notice requiring a parent to cleanse a pupil and carry out that task itself if the parent is in default.,Section 522 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,889,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 117.doc,,False,False 903,Schools - arrangements for cleansing of pupils,,D,A local authority must make arrangements for any cleansing of a pupil or his or her clothing that may be required.,Section 523 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,889,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 118.doc,,False,False 904,Schools - suspension of pupil pending examination or cleansing,,P,A medical officer appointed by a local authority may direct that a pupil should be suspended from school until cleansing is carried out.,Section 524 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,889,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 119.doc,,False,False 905,Education - educational research,,P,"A local education authority may make such provision for conducting, or assisting the conduct of, research as appears to them to be desirable for the purpose of improving the educational facilities provided for their area.",Section 526 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1667|1668,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 120.doc,,False,False 906,Education - educational conferences,,P,"A local education authority may organise, or participate in the organisation of, conferences for the discussion of questions relating to education, and expend such sums as may be reasonable in paying, or contributing towards, any expenditure incurred in connection with conferences for the discussion of such questions, including the expenses of any person authorised by them to attend such a conference.",Section 527 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 121.doc,,False,False 907,Education - property on trust,,P,A local authority may hold and administer property upon trust for educational purposes.,Section 529 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 122.doc,,False,False 908,Education - compulsory purchase of land,,P,A local authority may compulsorily purchase land for educational purposes where authorised to do so by the Secretary of State.,Section 530 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 123.doc,,False,False 909,Education - Chief Education Officer,,D,A local authority must appoint a chief education officer.,Section 532 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1626|1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 124.doc,,False,False 910,Education - direct payments for person with SEN or learning disability assessment,,P,A local authority may make direct payments in prescribed circumstances to assist persons with SEN or a learning disability assessment.,Section 532A of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,287,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,15/11/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 125.doc,,False,False 911,Education - pilot schemes for direct payments,,D,A local authority must comply with an order from the Secretary of State regarding pilot schemes for assisting persons with SEN or a learning disability assessment with direct payments.,Section 532B of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 532C of the Education Act 1996, Special Educational Needs (Direct Payments) (Pilot Scheme) (Extension and Amendment) Order 2014/166 and Special Educational Needs (Direct Payments) (Pilot Scheme) Order 2012/206. ",True,8|9|287,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 126.doc,,False,True 912,Schools - co-operation of governing body for provision of school meals,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by local authority must co-operate with a local authority in relation to the local authority's duty to provide school meals.,Section 533 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,37,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 127.doc,,False,False 913,Education - provision of teaching services for day nurseries,,P,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may provide teaching services to day nurseries in certain circumstances with the approval of the local authority.,Section 535 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,12,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 128.doc,,False,False 914,Education - provision of information to the Secretary of State by governing body,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with a request from the Secretary of State for certain information.,"Section 537 of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also section 537A and 538 of the Education Act 1996, Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2431 Education (Amendment of School and Pupil Information Regulations) (England) Regulations 1999/2937 Education (Information) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/902 Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677 Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2008/1727 Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/364 Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/646 Education (School Performance Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1566 Education (School Performance Information) (England) Regulations 2007/2324 School Information (England) (Amendment) (Revocation) Regulations 2010/1874 School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1124 School Information (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/758 School Information (England) Regulations 2008/3093 School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013/3110 School Performance Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1963 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2013/2094 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2005/35 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/30 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/2325 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/3137 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3237 Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (Wales) Regulations 2007/3562 and Education (Information About Post-16 Individual Pupils) (Wales) Regulations 2003/2453",True,1667,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 129.doc,,False,True 915,Education - participation in international surveys,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with a request from the Secretary of State that it participates in a survey.,Section 538A of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 130.doc,,False,False 916,Education - distribution of information about schools providing secondary education,,D,"A governing body of a primary school maintained by a local authority must treat all requests from secondary schools regarding the distribution of information, equally.",Section 540 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,14|17,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 131.doc,,False,False 917,Education - distribution of information about further education institutions,,D,A governing body of a secondary school maintained by a local authority must comply with directions from the Secretary of State requiring the distribution of information regarding further education.,Section 541 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,26/07/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 132.doc,,False,False 918,Schools - prescribed standards for school premises,,D,A local authority must comply with prescribed standards for school premises.,Section 542 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 543 of the Education Act 1996, Education (School Premises) Regulations 1999/2 and School Premises (England) Regulations 2012/1943",True,17|1459|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 133.doc,,False,True 919,Schools - approval etc. of school premises and boarding hostels,,D,A local authority must obtain the Secretary of State's approval for certain new or altered schools or boarding hostels.,Section 544 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Schools and Further and Higher Education) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2001/692 and Education (Schools and Further and Higher Education) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2001/3708,True,17|1459|1667,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 134.doc,,False,True 920,Schools - control of potentially harmful materials or apparatus,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to the use of potentially harmful materials or apparatus on school premises.,Section 546 of the Education Act 1996,,See also Education (Hazardous Equipment and Materials in Schools) (Removal of Restrictions on Use) (England) Regulations 2008/1701,True,1459,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 135.doc,,False,True 921,Schools - nuisance or disturbance on school premises,,P,"An officer authorised by a local authority may, in certain circumstances, remove someone causing a nuisance or annoyance from a school premise and may in certain circumstances bring proceedings against such a person.",Section 547 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,886|1454,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 136.doc,,False,False 922,Schools - no right to give corporal punishment,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may not administer corporal punishment.,Section 548 of the Education Act 1996,,,True,1454,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 137.doc,,False,False 923,Schools - search of pupils for prohibited items,,P,An authorised member of staff of a maintained school may search a pupil where he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that pupil to have a prohibited item.,"Section 550ZA of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also section 550ZB of the Education Act 1996, Schools (Specification and Disposal of Articles) Regulations 2012/951 and School Behaviour (Determination and Publicising of Measures in Academies) Regulations 2012/619",True,1454|1459,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 138.doc,,False,True 924,Schools - seizure of prohibited items,,P,An authorised member of staff may seize a prohibited item following an authorised search.,Section 550ZC of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 550ZD of the Education Act 1996 and Schools (Specification and Disposal of Articles) Regulations 2012/951,True,1454|1459,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 139.doc,,False,True 925,Schools - search of pupils for weapons,,P,An authorised member of staff of a maintained school may search a pupil where he has reasonable grounds for suspecting that pupil to have a weapon.,Section 550AA of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1454,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/10/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 140.doc,,False,False 926,Schools - duration of school day and school year,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulations regarding the duration of the school day and school year.,"Section 551 of the Education Act 1996 ",,"See also Education (Pupil Registration) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2001/1109 Education (Pupil Registration) (Amendment) Regulations 1997/2624 Education (School Day and School Year) (Amendment) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2002/1556 Education (School Day and School Year) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2001/2499 Education (School Day and School Year) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002/107 Education (School Day and School Year) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001/1429 Education (School Day and School Year) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/3071 Education (School Day and School Year) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/604 Education (School Day and School Year) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/154 Education (School Day and School Year) (England) Regulations 1999/3181 Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/1262 Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/1739 Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/149 Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/248 Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) Regulations 2000/1323 Education (School Day and School Year) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3231 Education (Schools and Further Education) (Amendment) Regulations 1998/2792 Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/756 Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006/1751 and Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1954",True,36|1764,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 141.doc,,False,True 927,Education - employment of children,,P,"A local authority may serve notice upon an employer requiring an employer to provide it with certain information and may serve a notice prohibiting or restricting the employer from employing children. A local authority may commence proceedings against a person who contravenes or fails to comply with such notices. ",Section 559 of the Education Act 1996,,See also section 560 of the Education Act 1996,True,1726,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 142.doc,,False,False 928,Education - provision of work experience for people over compulsory school age,,P,A local authority may secure the provision of work experience for people aged between 16 and 18. It may also secure work experience for people aged between 19 and 24 who are subject to a learning disability assessment.,Section 560A of the Education Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,52,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 143.doc,,False,False 929,Education - encouragement of employers and pupils to participate in work experience,,D,A local authority must encourage participation in work experience by employers and by those eligible under section 560A.,Section 560A of the Education Act 1996,,,True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 144.doc,,False,False 930,Education - persons detained in youth accommodation,,D,A local authority has certain duties arising from and restricted to the purpose of regulations in respect of persons detained in youth accommodation.,Section 562A of the Education Act 1996,,"See also section 562B to 562J of the Education Act 1996 and SIs 2010/303 and 2011/809. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1282,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 145.doc,,False,False 931,Education - educational records,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulations regarding educational records.,Section 563 of the Education Act 1996,,"See also Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Act 2009 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2431, Education (Hazardous Equipment and Materials in Schools) (Removal of Restrictions on Use) (England) Regulations 2008/1701, Education (Information) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/902, Education (Pupil Information and School Performance Information) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2013/3212, Education (Pupil Information) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/1747, Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005/1437, National Curriculum Assessment Arrangements (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1396 and Pupil Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1942",True,15,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 96 - Ed96 - 146.doc,,False,True 932,Education - school performance targets,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulations regarding performance targets.,Section 19 of the Education Act 1997,,See also Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677 and School Performance and Absence Targets (Wales) Regulations 2011/1945,True,2|31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applied in England from 01/09/1999 until 01/10/2015,True,01/09/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 97 - Ed97 - 1.doc,,False,True 933,Education - inspections of local education authorities,,D,A local authority must provide the Chief Inspector with such information and such rights of entry as he requires in connection with an inspection.,Section 38 of the Education Act 1997,,"See also section 40 of the Education Act 1997, Education (Publication of Local Authority Inspection Reports) Regulations 1998/880, Learning and Skills Act 2000 (Consequential Amendments) (Schools) (England) Regulations 2001/783, Learning and Skills Act 2000 (Consequential Amendments) (Schools) (Wales) Regulations 2001/3710 and Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2005/761",True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 97 - Ed97 - 2.doc,,False,True 934,Education - provision of careers guidance in schools,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must ensure that pupils are provided with independent career guidance.,Section 42A of the Education Act 1997,,"See also section 43 and 45A of the Education Act 1997. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,887,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 97 - Ed97 - 3.doc,,False,False 936,Education - co-operation with careers advisors,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must co-operate with providers of independent career guidance.,Section 44 of the Education Act 1997,,,True,887,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 97 - Ed97 - 5.doc,,False,False 937,Education - provision of careers information at schools and other institutions,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must provide pupils with careers information.,Section 45 of the Education Act 1997,,,True,887,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 97 - Ed97 - 6.doc,,False,False 938,Education - provision of curriculum information,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must provide a careers information provider with such curriculum information as it requests.,Section 45B of the Education Act 1997,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,887,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,False,,True,01/09/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 97 - Ed97 - 7.doc,,False,False 939,Education - continuous service for employment on change of employer,,D,"There is a duty to recognise continuity of service for employment purposes as follows. If an employee of the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority is taken into the employment of the authority or an employee of a local authority is taken into the employment of the governing body of a school maintained by the authority his period of employment at the time of the change of employer counts as a period of employment with the second employer, and the change does not break the continuity of the period of employment.",Section 218 of the Employment Rights Act 1996,,,True,981,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education - ERA96 - 1.doc,,False,False 940,Housing - energy conservation reports,,D,"A local authority must produce, copy, distribute and modify a home energy conservation report or reports and comply with guidance and directions of the secretary of state in so doing.",Section 2 of the Home Energy Conservation Act 1995,,See also section 3 to 5 of the Home Energy Conservation Act 1995,True,880,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Home Energy Conservation95 - HEC95 - 1.doc,,False,False 941,Housing - assistance for social landlords,,P,The local authority may promote the formation of bodies to act as social landlords or the extension of the objects or activities of registered social landlords.,Section 22 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,87|857|868,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 1.doc,,False,False 942,Housing - introductory tenancies,,P,The local authority may elect to operate the introductory tenancy regime.,Section 124 of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also section 125 to 135 of the Housing Act 1996, Introductory Tenancies (Review of Decisions to Extend a Trial Period) (England) Regulations 2006/1077, Introductory Tenancies (Review of Decisions to Extend a Trial Period) (Wales) Regulations 2006/2983, Introductory Tenants (Review) Regulations 1997/72 and Secure Tenants of Local Housing Authorities (Right to Repair) (Amendment) Regulations 1997/73",True,713,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 2.doc,,False,True 943,Housing - publicity of introductory tenancies,,D,The local authority must from time to time publish information about introductory tenancies.,Section 136 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also Secure Tenants of Local Housing Authorities (Right to Repair) (Amendment) Regulations 1997/73,True,713,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,12/02/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 3.doc,,False,True 944,Housing - consultation on matters of housing management for introductory tenancies,,D,The local authority must comply with its duties to inform and consult with regard to introductory tenancies.,Section 137 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,713,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,False,12/02/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 4.doc,,False,False 945,Housing - demoted tenancies,,D,The local authority must comply with statutory requirements in relation to demoted tenancies.,Section 143A of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also section 143B to 143P of the Housing Act 1996, Demoted Tenancies (Review of Decisions) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1228 and Demoted Tenancies (Review of Decisions)(England) Regulations 2004/1679",True,1698,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,30/09/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 5.doc,,False,True 946,Housing - anti-social behaviour injunction,,P,The local authority may apply for a housing related anti-social behaviour injunction in certain circumstances.,Section 153A of the Housing Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,98,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2007,23/03/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 6.doc,,False,False 947,Housing - unlawful use of premises injunction,,P,The local authority may apply for an unlawful use of premises injunction in certain circumstances.,Section 153B of the Housing Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,98,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2004,23/03/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 7.doc,,False,False 948,Housing - breach of tenancy agreement injunction,,P,The local authority may apply for a breach of tenancy agreement injunction in certain circumstances.,Section 153D of the Housing Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,98,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,False,,True,30/09/2004,23/03/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 8.doc,,False,False 949,Housing - allocation of housing,,D,A local authority must comply with certain provisions when allocating housing.,Section 159 of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also section 160 of the Housing Act 1996, Allocation of Housing (England) Regulations 2002/3264, Allocation of Housing (England)(Amendment)(Family Intervention Tenancies) Regulations 2008/3015 and Allocation of Housing (Wales) Regulations 2003/239",True,86|88|89|92,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 9.doc,,False,True 950,"Housing allocation - only to eligible and qualifying persons ",,D,A local authority must only allocate housing to eligible and qualifying persons.,Section 160ZA of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also section 160A of the Housing Act 1996, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/435, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2588, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1467, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/435, Allocation of Housing (Qualification Criteria for Armed Forces) (England) Regulations 2012/1869, Allocation of Housing (Qualification Criteria for Right to Move) (England) Regulations 2015/967, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2603 and Allocation of Housing (Wales) Regulations 2003/239",True,86|88|89|92,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,29/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 10.doc,,False,True 951,"Housing allocation - information, advice and assistance",,D,"A local authority must provide information, advice and assistance as prescribed in relation to the allocation of housing and to applications for housing.",Section 166 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,86|88|89|92,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 11.doc,,False,False 952,"Housing allocation - allocation scheme ",,D,"Every local housing authority must have a scheme (their allocation scheme) for determining priorities, and as to the procedure to be followed, in allocating housing accommodation.",Section 166A of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also section 167 of the Housing Act 1996, Housing Act 1996 (Additional Preference for Armed Forces) (England) Regulations 2012/2989, Allocation of Housing (Reasonable and Additional Preference) Regulations 1997/1902, Allocation of Housing (Procedure) Regulations 1997/483 and Local Housing Authorities (Prescribed Principles for Allocation Schemes) (Wales) Regulations 1997/45",True,88|89|92,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,30/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 12.doc,,False,True 953,Housing allocation - publication of allocation scheme,,D,"A local authority must publicise its allocation scheme, make it available for inspection and publicise alterations.",Section 168 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,89,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/01/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 13.doc,,False,False 954,"Housing allocation - regard to guidance ",,D,A local authority must have regard to guidance when exercising its functions.,Section 169 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,86|89,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 14.doc,,False,False 955,Housing allocation - co-operation from registered social landlords,,D,A local authority may request a registered social landlord to co-operate with them in relation to the allocation of housing.,Section 170 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,86|87|911,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 15.doc,,False,False 956,"Homelessness advisory service ",,D,A local authority must provide an advisory service in relation to homelessness.,Section 179 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,112,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/01/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 16.doc,,False,False 957,Homelessness - assistance for voluntary organisations,,P,"A local housing authority may give assistance by way of grant or loan to voluntary organisations concerned with homelessness or matters relating to homelessness. A local housing authority may also assist any such organisation by permitting them to use premises belonging to the authority, by making available furniture or other goods, whether by way of gift, loan or otherwise, and by making available the services of staff employed by the authority.",Section 180 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 181 of the Housing Act 1996,True,112|615,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/01/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 17.doc,,False,False 958,"Homelessness - regards to guidance ",,D,A local authority must have regard to guidance when considering their functions in relation to homelessness.,Section 182 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,112,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 18.doc,,False,False 959,"Homelessness - inquiry into homelessness or threatened homelessness ",,D,A local authority must carry out an inquiry into homelessness or threatened homelessness in certain circumstances.,Section 184 of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2006/3340, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/2007, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/358, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2588, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/1467, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/435, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (England) Regulations 2006/1294 and Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Eligibility) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2603",True,112,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,02/03/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 19.doc,,False,True 960,"Housing - eligibility of migrants ",,P,A local authority may request the Secretary of State for information regarding the eligibility of migrants for housing.,Section 187 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,77,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,02/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 20.doc,,False,False 961,Homelessness - interim duty to accommodate,,D,"If the local housing authority have reason to believe that an applicant may be homeless, eligible for assistance and have a priority need, they shall secure that accommodation is available for his occupation pending a decision as to the duty (if any) owed to him under regulations.",Section 188 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,107|112|1714,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 21.doc,,False,True 962,Homelessness - intentional homelessness,,D,"A local authority has certain duties, as defined in this legislation, towards someone intentionally homeless.",Section 190 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 191 of the Housing Act 1996,True,112,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 22.doc,,False,False 963,Homelessness - persons not in priority need who are not homeless intentionally,,D,"A local authority has certain duties, as detailed in legislation, towards someone who is not in priority need but who is not intentionally homeless.",Section 192 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 193 of the Housing Act 1996,True,112,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 23.doc,,False,False 965,Homelessness - threatened homelessness,,D,"A local authority has certain duties, as detailed in legislation, towards someone who is in a position of threatened homelessness.",Section 195 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 195A of the Housing Act 1996,True,112,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,09/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 25.doc,,False,False 966,Homelessness - referral to another housing authority,,P,A local authority may refer the case of someone who is homeless to another housing authority under conditions detailed in the legislation.,Section 198 of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also section 199 of the Housing Act 1996, Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2006/2527 and Homelessness (Decisions on Referrals) Order 1998/1578",True,112|911,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,09/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 26.doc,,False,True 967,Homelessness - applicant whose case is considered for referral or referred,,D,A local authority has certain duties to the applicant where it exercises it power to refer the case of someone who is homeless to another housing authority.,Section 200 of the Housing Act 1996,,"See also Section 201A of the Housing Act 1996. Section 200 applied from 30/09/2002.",True,112|911,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,27/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 27.doc,,False,True 968,Homelessness - review of decisions on request,,D,A local authority must review certain decisions under the Act when requested to do so by the applicant and must comply with procedure when carrying out the review.,Section 202 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 203 of the Housing Act 1996 and Allocation of Housing and Homelessness (Review Procedures) Regulations 1999/71,True,112,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,09/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 28.doc,,False,True 969,Homelessness - discharge of functions by local housing authorities,,D,"A local housing authority may discharge their housing functions in relation to a homeless person only by securing that suitable accommodation provided by them is available, by securing that he obtains suitable accommodation from some other person, or by giving him such advice and assistance as will secure that suitable accommodation is available from some other person.",Section 206 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,112,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/11/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 29.doc,,False,False 970,Homelessness - out of area placement,,D,"A local authority must where proposing to house a person in another housing authority's district, give that authority written notice containing prescribed information.",Section 208 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,112|911,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/11/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 30.doc,,False,False 971,Homelessness - interim arrangements made with private landlord,,P,A local authority may discharge its duties regarding certain interim arrangements with a private landlord.,Section 209 of the Housing Act 1996,,,True,112|911|1714,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 31.doc,,False,True 972,Homelessness - suitability of accommodation,,D,A local authority must have regard to certain legislative provisions and regulations in determining the question of whether accommodation is suitable.,Section 210 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2003/3326 and Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2012/2601,True,112|1714,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,16/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 32.doc,,False,True 973,Homelessness - protection of personal property,,D,A local authority must in certain circumstances take steps to prevent loss or damage to the personal property of a homeless person or someone threatened with homelessness.,Section 211 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 212 of the Housing Act 1996,True,112,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,20/01/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 33.doc,,False,False 974,Homelessness - co-operation between relevant housing authorities and bodies,,D,A local authority must co-operate with other housing authorities and other bodies in circumstances detailed in the legislation.,Section 213 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 213A of the Housing Act 1996,True,911,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 34.doc,,False,False 975,Housing - anti-social behaviour policy,,D,"A local authority must produce, publish and review anti-social behaviour policies and procedures.",Section 218A of the Housing Act 1996,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,98|99,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 35.doc,,False,False 976,Housing - directions as to certain charges by social landlords,,D,A local authority must comply with directions with regard to the making of certain charges.,Section 219 of the Housing Act 1996,,See also section 220 of the Housing Act 1996,True,87|89|857|911,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Housing96 - Hs96 - 36.doc,,False,False 977,Disabled facilities grant - tenant's certificate,,D,A local authority must only consider an application for a disabled facilities grant if by a tenant applicant if it is accompanied by a tenant's certificate.,"Section 22 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,137,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 -4.doc,,False,False 978,Disabled facilities grant - occupier's certificate,,D,A local authority must only consider an application for a disabled facilities grant if by an occupier applicant if it is accompanied by an occupier's certificate.,"Section 22A of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,137,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/07/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 -5.doc,,False,False 979,Disabled facilities grant - approved purposes,,D,A local authority must only consider an application for a disabled facilities grant for approved purposes.,"Section 23 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,"See also section 24 of the Housing Grants, Construction, Disabled Facilities Grants (Maximum Amounts and Additional Purposes) (England) Order 2008/1189 and Disabled Facilities Grants (Maximum Amounts and Additional Purposes) (Wales) Order 2008/2370",True,137,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,18/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 -6.doc,,False,True 980,Housing grants - restrictions where work already begun,,P,A local authority may approve a grant where work has already begun in certain circumstances.,"Section 29 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 -7.doc,,False,False 981,Housing grants - application in prescribed form,,D,A local authority must only consider an application for grant if it is in the prescribed form and is otherwise eligible.,"Section 2 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,"See also section 3 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996, Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2000/531 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2014/1829 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2000/973 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) Regulations 1997/977 Housing Renewal Grants and Home Repair Assistance (Amendment) Regulations 1996/3119 and Housing Renewal Grants Regulations 1996/2890",True,136|137|433,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,11/09/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 1.doc,,False,True 982,Disabled facilities grant - owner's and tenant's applications,,D,"A local authority must only consider an application for a disabled facilities grant if certain conditions, as detailed in the legislation, are met.","Section 19 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,137,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,11/09/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 2.doc,,False,False 983,Disabled facilities grant - owner's certificate,,D,A local authority must only consider an application for a disabled facilities grant if by an owner applicant if it is accompanied by an owner's certificate.,"Section 21 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,137,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 3.doc,,False,False 984,Housing grants - means testing in case of application by owner-occupier or tenant,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the means testing of grants.,"Section 30 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996 ",,"See also Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2000/531, Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2014/1829, Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2000/973, Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) Regulations 1997/977, Housing Renewal Grants and Home Repair Assistance (Amendment) Regulations 1996/3119 and Housing Renewal Grants Regulations 1996/2890",True,136|137|433|858,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,05/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 8.doc,,False,True 985,Housing grants - determination of amount of grant,,D,A local authority must determine a grant in the prescribed manner.,"Section 31 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,"See also Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2000/531 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2014/1829 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2000/973 Housing Renewal Grants (Amendment) Regulations 1997/977 Housing Renewal Grants and Home Repair Assistance (Amendment) Regulations 1996/3119 and Housing Renewal Grants Regulations 1996/2890",True,136|137|433,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly. ",True,18/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 9.doc,,False,True 986,"Housing grants - maximum amount of grants ",,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the maximum amount of grant.,"Section 33 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,"See also Disabled Facilities Grants (Maximum Amounts and Additional Purposes) (England) Order 2008/1189 Disabled Facilities Grants (Maximum Amounts and Additional Purposes) (Wales) Order 2008/2370 Disabled Facilities Grants and Home Repair Assistance (Maximum Amounts) (Amendment No. 2) (England) Order 2001/4036 and Disabled Facilities Grants and Home Repair Assistance (Maximum Amounts) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2002/837",True,136|137|178|433,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,18/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 10.doc,,False,True 987,Housing grants - decision and notification,,D,"A local housing authority shall by notice in writing notify an applicant for a grant as soon as reasonably practicable, and, in any event, not later than six months after the date of the application concerned, whether the application is approved or refused. The procedures for determination and notification should be as prescribed.","Section 34 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 11.doc,,False,False 988,"Housing grants - payment of grant ",,D,A local authority must pay an approved grant in accordance with sections 35 to 39 of the Act.,"Section 35 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,"See also section 36 to 39 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",True,136|137|433,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 12.doc,,False,False 989,"Housing grants - repayment of grant ",,P,A local authority may demand that an applicant must repay a grant or part of a grant plus interest in certain circumstances.,"Section 40 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 13.doc,,False,False 990,Housing grant - change of circumstances of disabled occupant,,D,A local authority must determine what do with regard to a grant where there is a change of circumstances of the disabled occupant as prescribed by section 41.,"Section 41 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,137,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 14.doc,,False,False 991,"Housing grants - recalculation, withholding or repayment",,D,"A local authority must recalculate, withhold or demand repayment of the grant in certain circumstances as detailed in the legislation.","Section 42 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,"See also section 43 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",True,136|137|433,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 15.doc,,False,False 992,Housing - carrying out works which would attract grant,,P,A local authority may carry out works that attract a grant in certain circumstances,"Section 57 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 16.doc,,False,False 993,Housing grants - contributions by the Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must apply to the Secretary of State for more funds if it believes the Secretary of State's determination to be inadequate.,"Section 92 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/09/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 17.doc,,False,False 994,Housing grants - recovery of Secretary of State's contributions,,D,A local authority must repay funds to the Secretary of State in certain circumstances.,"Section 93 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 18.doc,,False,False 995,Housing - financial assistance for regeneration or development,,D,A local authority must comply with any terms imposed on any financial assistance received from the Secretary of State for regeneration or development under section 127 of the Act.,"Section 128 of the Housing Grants, Construction and Regeneration Act 1996",,,True,136|137|433,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/09/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - HousingGrants96 - HGCR96 - 19.doc,,False,False 996,Human rights - acts of public authorities,,D,A local authority must comply with the Human Rights Act 1998.,Section 6 of the Human Rights Act 1998,,See also the full Human Rights Act 1998,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/10/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Data Protection - HR98- 1.doc,,False,False 997,Immigration and asylum - support,,P,A local authority may provide support to asylum seekers in prescribed circumstances.,Section 99 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,,,True,77|915,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Immigration and Asylum - IA99- 1.doc,,False,False 998,Immigration and asylum - accommodation,,D,A local authority must assist the Secretary of State with regard to the provision of accommodation for asylum seekers.,Section 100 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,,,True,77,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Immigration and Asylum - IA99- 2.doc,,False,False 999,Immigration and asylum - reception zones,,D,"A local authority must comply with the Secretary of State's directions regarding accommodation for asylum seekers, if its area is designated as a reception zone.",Section 101 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,,,True,77,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Immigration and Asylum - IA99- 3.doc,,False,False 1000,Immigration and asylum - housing,,D,A local authority must not supply housing to anyone subject to immigration control other than in accordance with the Act.,Section 118 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,,"See also SIs 2000/706, 2000/1036, 2006/2521 and 2008/1768 ",True,77,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Immigration and Asylum - IA99- 4.doc,,False,False 1001,Immigration and asylum - child welfare,,D,A local authority must not provide child welfare services to anyone to whom the Secretary of State is providing support pursuant to section 122.,Section 122 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999,,,True,77,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Immigration and Asylum - IA99- 5.doc,,False,False 1002,Education - action plans in response to inspection,,D,"A local authority and the governing bodies of the schools which it maintains must complete, publish and distribute an action plan in certain circumstances.",Section 80 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,"See also section 84 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000 and SIs 2001/2501 and 2004/783 ",True,31,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -3.doc,,False,False 1003,Education - approved qualifications for persons under 19,,D,A local authority and the governing bodies of the schools which it maintains must ensure only approved qualifications are utilised in schools.,Section 96 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,See also section 97 to 102 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,True,32,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -4.doc,,False,False 1004,Youth support - directed services for 11 to 25 year olds,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the National Assembly and take other steps with regard to the provision of certain services to 11 to 25 year olds in Wales.,Section 123 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,See also section 124 to 126 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,True,642|643|897|1116|1145,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -5.doc,,False,False 1005,Youth support - discretionary services for 11 to 25 year olds,,P,A local authority may exercise certain powers in connection with its duty to comply with Directions from the National Assembly and take other steps with regard to the provision of certain services to 11 to 25 year olds in Wales.,Section 123 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,See also section 124 to 126 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,True,642|643|897|1116|1145,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -6.doc,Title duplicate as file LSk -5,False,False 1006,Youth support - conduct and effect of inspections,,D,A local authority must take certain steps with regard to inspections relating to the provision of certain services to 11 to 25 year olds in Wales.,Section 128 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,"See also SI 2004/679 ",True,31|642|643|897|1116|1145,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -7.doc,,False,False 1007,Youth support - provision of information by public bodies,,P,A local authority may supply information about a young person to certain other bodies in connection with the provision of certain services to young people.,Section 138 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,,True,642|643|897|1116|1145,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -8.doc,,False,False 1008,Education - assessments relating to learning difficulties,,D,"A local authority must carry out assessments for persons aged over 16, but under 25, who have learning difficulties and comply with guidance when so doing.",Section 139A of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,"See also section 139B to 139C (England) and section 140 (Wales) of the Learning and Skills Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,9,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk -9.doc,,False,False 1009,Education - local curricula for students age 16 to 18,,D,A local authority and the governing bodies of the schools which it maintains must ensure delivery of local curricula entitlements.,Section 33A of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,"See also section 33B to 33Q of the Learning and Skills Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1699,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk - 1.doc,,False,False 1010,Education - financial resources for school sixth forms,,D,A local authority and the governing bodies of the schools which it maintains must comply with any conditions laid down by Welsh Ministers relating to the allocation of financial resources.,Section 35 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,,See also section 36 of the Learning and Skills Act 2000,True,14|17|31,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/01/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LSk - 2.doc,,False,False 1011,Best value authorities - general duties,,D,"A local authority must make arrangements to secure continuous improvement in the way in which its functions are exercised, having regard to a combination of economy, efficiency and effectiveness and must take prescribed steps when doing so.",Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1999,,See also section 3A of the Local Government Act 1999,True,725|1288,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 1.doc,,False,False 1012,Best value authorities - inspections,,D,A local authority must comply with the requirements of a best value inspection.,Section 11 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,True,725|1288,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 2.doc,,False,False 1013,Best value authorities - fees for inspections,,D,A local authority must pay the appropriate best value inspection fee.,Section 12 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,True,725|1288,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 3.doc,,False,False 1014,Best value authorities - failure to comply with best value duty,,D,"A local authority must comply with any review, inquiry or directions required by or coming from the Secretary of State in circumstances where the Secretary of State believes that the authority is not complying with its best value duties.",Section 15 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,True,725|1288,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 4.doc,,False,False 1015,Best value authorities - conditions for new powers,,D,A local authority must comply with any conditions prescribed by the Secretary of State relating to any new best value authority powers arising from section 6.,Section 16 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,True,1288,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 5.doc,,False,False 1016,Best value authorities - non-commercial considerations in contracts,,D,A local authority must comply with any order relating to the exclusion of non-commercial considerations in contracts.,Section 19 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,True,1288,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 6.doc,,False,False 1017,Best value authorities - accounts,,D,A best value authority must comply with any regulations regarding the keeping of accounts.,Section 23 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,False,1288|1584,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 7.doc,,False,False 1018,Best value authorities - regard to guidance,,D,A local authority must have regard to any guidance to or in respect of best value authorities issued by the Secretary of State.,Section 26 of the Local Government Act 1999,,,True,1288|1584,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government99 - LG99- 8.doc,,False,False 1019,Procurement - implied power to enter into contracts,,P,Any statutory provision imposing a function upon a local authority confers a power for that authority to enter into a contract for the purpose of carrying out that function.,Section 1 of the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997,,,True,829|830,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Contracts 97 - LGCA97 - 1.doc,,False,False 1020,Contracts - certified contracts requirements,,D,A local authority must meet certain requirements for a contract to be a certified contract.,Section 2 of the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997,,"See also section 3 to 9 of the Local Government (Contracts) Act 1997, Local Authorities (Capital Finance, Approved Investments and Contracts) (Amendment) Regulations 2000/1033 Local Authorities (Capital Finance, Approved Investments and Contracts-Amendment) (England) Regulations 2001/723 Local Authorities (Contracts) (Scotland) Regulations 1997/2879 Local Authorities (Contracts) Regulations 1997/2862 and Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2005/761",True,829|830,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Contracts 97 - LGCA97 - 2.doc,,False,True 1021,Overseas assistance - advice and assistance,,P,A local authority may provide non- financial advice and assistance as respects any matter in which they have skill and experience to a body engaged outside the United Kingdom in the carrying on of any of the activities of local government and must comply with any relevant Regulations and have regard to guidance when so doing.,Section 1 of the Local Government (Overseas Assistance) Act 1993,,See also Local Government Overseas Assistance (London Pensions Fund Authority) Order 2001/3618,True,,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); the Council of the Isles of Scilly; an economic prosperity board or a combined board; the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority; a joint structural or boundary change authority; the London Pensions Fund Authority; and a joint planning board constituted for an area in Wales outside a National Park.",True,31/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government (Overseas Assistance) 93 - LGOA93 - 1.doc,,False,True 1022,Councils in Wales - service agency agreements,,P,A local authority in Wales may enter into a service agency agreement with another.,Section 25 of the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994,,See also Local Government (Wales) (Service Agency Agreements) Regulations 1995/1040,True,1632,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/04/1995,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government (Wales) Act 94 - LGWA94 - 1.doc,,False,True 1023,Councils in Wales - council funds,,D,A local authority in Wales must establish and maintain a council fund.,"Section 38 of the Local Government (Wales) Act 1994 ",,See also Local Authorities (Precepts) (Wales) Regulations 1995/2562,True,968,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government (Wales) Act 94 - LGWA94 - 2.doc,,False,True 1024,Local government - area committees,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations relating to the discharge of their functions by area committees.,Section 18 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2002/802 and 2003/147 ",True,354|719|997|998|1030|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Learning and Skills - LS00 - 1.doc,,False,False 1025,Democracy - elections of councillors,,D,A local authority must select one of the three statutory options for council elections.,Section 85 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,1675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,28/09/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00- 60.doc,,False,False 1026,Democracy - schemes and orders for elections,,D,A local authority must comply with any prescribed scheme for elections or other order.,Section 86 of the Local Government Act 2000,,See also section 87 to 88 of the Local Government Act 2000,True,1675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00- 61.doc,,False,False 1027,Members - provision about allowances,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding member's allowances.,Section 100 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also various SIs ",True,1028|1574,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00- 62.doc,,False,False 1028,Local government - indemnification of members and officers of relevant authorities,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding member and officer indemnities.,Section 101 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SI 2006/249 ",True,1700,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00- 63.doc,,False,False 1029,Wellbeing strategy in Wales,,P,"A Welsh authority may do anything (subject to limits) to promote or improve the economic, social or environmental well being of their area.",Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000,,See also section 3 of the Local Government Act 2000,True,495|720|823|1131,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,04/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 1.doc,,False,False 1030,Wellbeing strategy in England,720|823|829,D,"A local authority must prepare and may modify a strategy for promoting economic, social and environmental well being in its area, in accordance with the prescribed procedure.",Section 4 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,1688,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 2.doc,,False,False 1031,Local government England - permitted forms of government,,D,A local authority must adopt one of the permitted forms of government.,Section 9B of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 3.doc,,False,False 1032,Local government in England - executive arrangements,,D,A local authority when adopting executive arrangements must ensure that they are as prescribed.,"Section 9C of the Local Government Act 2000 ",,"See also sections to 9DA of the Local Government Act 2000 and SI 2013/218. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 4.doc,,False,False 1033,Local government - discharge of functions by others,,P,A local authority when adopting executive arrangements may allow others to discharge its functions in accordance with regulations.,Section 9EA of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SI 2012/1019. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 5.doc,,False,False 1034,Local government - joint discharge of functions,,P,A local authority when adopting executive arrangements may jointly discharge its functions in accordance with regulations.,"Section 9EB of the Local Government Act 2000 ",,"See also SI 2012/1019. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 6.doc,,False,False 1035,Local government - overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority when adopting executive arrangements must include provision for an overview and scrutiny committee.,Section 9F of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 7.doc,,False,False 1036,Local government - overview and scrutiny sub-committees,,P,The overview and scrutiny committee of a local authority may appoint sub-committees.,Section 9FA of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 8.doc,,False,False 1037,Local government - scrutiny officers,,D,"A local authority when adopting executive arrangements must designate an officer to promote, support and guide the overview and scrutiny committee and other members of the authority.",Section 9FB of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 9.doc,,False,False 1038,Local government - referral arrangements for overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority when adopting executive arrangements must adopt certain referral arrangements regarding its overview and scrutiny committee.,Section 9FC the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 9FD of the Local Government Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 10.doc,,False,False 1039,Local government - responding to overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority or its executive must respond to its overview and scrutiny committee in certain circumstances.,Section 9FE of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 11.doc,,False,False 1040,Local government - response by partner authority to overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority must respond to the overview and scrutiny committee of a partner authority in certain circumstances.,Section 9FF of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 12.doc,,False,False 1041,Local government - exclusion of exempt and confidential information from published reports,,D,"A local authority must, when its overview and scrutiny committee publish certain reports, exclude confidential information and may exclude exempt information.",Section 9FG of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,354|719|997|998|1030|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 13.doc,,False,False 1042,Local government - flood risk management by overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority which is a lead flood authority must refer such matters to its overview and scrutiny committee in certain circumstances.,Section 9FH of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031|1611|1612,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 14.doc,,False,False 1043,Local government - provision of information to another authority with executive arrangements,,D,A local authority must provide certain information to another authority with executive arrangements in certain circumstances.,Section 9FI of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SI 2012/1021. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,354|719|997|998|1030|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 15.doc,,False,False 1044,Local government in England - access to information and record keeping,,D,A local authority must comply with certain steps regarding access to information and record keeping.,Section 9G of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also to section 9GB of the Local Government Act 2000 and SIs 2012/1021 and 2012/2089. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1305,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 16.doc,,False,False 1045,Local government in England - elected mayors,,D,A local authority wishing to have an elected mayor must comply with regulations regarding elected mayors.,Section 9HB of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 9HC to 9HE of the Local Government Act 2000 and SI 2012/336. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1701,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 17.doc,,False,False 1046,Local government in England - leader and cabinet executive,,D,A local authority operating executive arrangements that provide for a leader and cabinet executive must include certain provisions regarding the executive leader and may include other provisions.,Section 9I of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 9IA to 9ID of the Local Government Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 18.doc,,False,False 1047,Local government - committee system,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the operation of the committee system.,Section 9J of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 9JA of the Local Government Act 2000 and SIs 2012/1020 and 2013/218. not yet updated -URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1030|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 19.doc,,False,False 1048,Local government - review of flood risk function in committee system,,D,A local authority with a committee system which is a lead local flood authority must review and scrutinise flood risk functions and may take certain steps.,Section 9JB of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2012/1020 and 2013/218. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|1611|1612,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 20.doc,,False,False 1049,Local government - change of governance arrangements,,P,A local authority may change from one form of governance to another or make other variations.,Section 9K of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 9KA to 9KB of the Local Government Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 21.doc,,False,False 1050,Local government - resolution for change of governance arrangements,,D,A local authority wishing to change its governance arrangements must comply with the prescribed procedure for passing resolution.,Section 9KC of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 22.doc,,False,False 1051,Local government - implementation of change of governance arrangements,,D,A local authority wishing to change its governance arrangements must implement the same in the prescribed manner.,Section 9L of the Local Government Act 2000," ", not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 23.doc,,False,False 1052,Local government - referendum regarding change of governance arrangements,,D,A local authority wishing to change its governance arrangements must in certain circumstances hold a referendum.,"Section 9M of the Local Government Act 2000 ",,"See also to section 9NB of the Local Government Act 2000 and SI 2012/323. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,724|997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 24.doc,,False,False 1053,Local government - general provisions for change of governance arrangements,,D,A local authority wishing to change its governance arrangements must comply with certain general provisions.,Section 9O of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 9OA of the Local Government Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 25.doc,,False,False 1054,Local government in England - preparation and maintenance of constitution,,D,A local authority must prepare and keep up to date a constitution.,Section 9P of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1291,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 26.doc,,False,False 1055,Local government - guidance for change of governance arrangements,,D,A local authority must in formulating or changing its governance arrangements comply with guidance from the Secretary of State.,Section 9Q of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 27.doc,,False,False 1056,Local government - local authority executives,,D,A local authority in Wales must adopt one of the permitted forms of government.,Section 11 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 28.doc,,False,False 1057,Local government in Wales - executive arrangements,,D,A local authority in Wales adopting executive arrangements must ensure that they are as prescribed.,Section 12 of the Local Government Act 2000,,See also sections 13 and 17 of the Local Government Act 2000,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 29.doc,,False,False 1059,Local government - mayor and cabinet executive,,D,A local authority in Wales adopting executive arrangements consisting of a mayor and cabinet executive must accord with section 14.,Section 14 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 31.doc,,False,False 1060,Local government in Wales - leader and cabinet executive,,D,A local authority in Wales adopting executive arrangements consisting of a leader and cabinet executive must accord with section 15.,Section 15 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 32.doc,,False,False 1061,Local government - mayor and council manager executive,,D,A local authority in Wales adopting executive arrangements consisting of a mayor and council manager must accord with section 16.,Section 16 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 33.doc,,False,False 1062,Local government - area committees.,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations relating to the discharge of their functions by area committees.,Section 18 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2002/802 and 2003/147 ",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 34.doc,,False,False 1063,Local government - discharge of function of and by another local authority,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations relating to the discharge of their functions by another local authority.,Section 19 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2002/802 and 2003/147 ",True,997|998|1031|1627,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 35.doc,,False,False 1064,Local government - joint exercise of functions,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with Regulations relating to the joint exercise of their functions.,Section 20 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2002/802 and 2003/147 ",True,997|998|1031|1627,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 36.doc,,False,False 1065,Local government - overview and scrutiny committees,,D,A local authority in Wales must ensure that executive arrangements provide for one or more overview and scrutiny committees.,Section 21 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 37.doc,,False,False 1066,Local government reference of matter to overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority in Wales must refer certain matters to its overview and scrutiny committees.,Section 21A of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 38.doc,Title duplicate as file LG00-37,False,False 1067,Local government - response to overview and scrutiny committee,,D,A local authority in Wales or its executive must respond to certain matters reviewed by its overview and scrutiny committees.,Section 21B of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 39.doc,,False,False 1068,Local government - exclusion of confidential and exempt information from reports,,D,"A local authority in Wales must, when its overview and scrutiny committee publish certain reports, exclude confidential information and may exclude exempt information.",Section 21D of the Local Government Act 2000,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1030|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 40.doc,,False,False 1069,Local government in Wales - access to information and record keeping,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with certain steps regarding access to information and record keeping.,Section 22 of the Local Government Act 2000,,See also SIs 2001/2290 2002/1385 and 2007/951,True,1305,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 41.doc,,False,False 1070,Local government - proposals for executive arrangements,,D,A local authority in Wales must draw up and publicise its proposals for executive arrangements in the prescribed manner.,"Section 23 of the Local Government Act 2000 ",,"See also section 25 and Schedule 1 of the Local Government Act 2000 and SI 2001/2277 ",True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 42.doc,,False,False 1071,Local government - implementation of proposals for executive arrangements,,D,A local authority in Wales must implement proposals where no referendum is required in accordance with the published timetable.,Section 26 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 43.doc,,False,False 1072,Local government - referendum on proposals for executive arrangements,,D,A local authority in Wales whose proposals include an elected mayor must hold a referendum and take other steps in accordance with section 27.,Section 27 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,724|997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 44.doc,,False,False 1073,Local government - outline fall back proposals for executive arrangements,,P,A local authority in Wales may apply to Welsh ministers for the approval of outline fall back proposals.,Section 28 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 45.doc,,False,False 1074,Local government - resolution and publicity for executive arrangements,,D,A local authority in Wales must pass an appropriate resolution and comply with publicity requirements before executive arrangements can operate.,Section 29 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 46.doc,,False,False 1075,"Local government - referendum following petition, direction or order",,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations requiring a referendum.,"Section 34 f the Local Government Act 2000 ",,See also section 35 to 36 of the Local Government Act 2000 and SIs 2001/2292 and 2003/398,True,724,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 47.doc,,False,False 1076,"Local government in Wales - preparation and maintenance of constitution ",,D,"A local authority in Wales must prepare, keep up to date and make available a document regarding their constitution.",Section 37 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,1291,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 48.doc,,False,False 1077,"Local government - regard to guidance ",,D,A local authority in Wales must have regard to guidance issued by the Welsh Ministers.,Section 38 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031|1291,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 49.doc,,False,False 1078,"Local government in Wales - elected mayors ",,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with certain prescribed steps with regard to elected mayors and comply with regulations if made.,Section 39 of the Local Government Act 2000,,See also section 40 of the Local Government Act 2000,True,1701,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 50.doc,,False,False 1079,"Local government - timing of elections ",,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with regulations regarding the timing of elections.,Section 41 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 44 of the Local Government Act 2000 and SIs 2007/1024, 2011/926 and 2012/2059 ",True,1675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 51.doc,,False,False 1080,Local government - principles governing conduct of members,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with principals governing the conduct of members.,"Section 49 of the Local Government Act 2000 ",,"See also SI 2001/2276 ",True,997|998|1029|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 52.doc,,False,False 1081,Local government - code of conduct for members,,D,A local authority must adopt a code of conduct for members and comply with the same.,Section 51 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 52 of the Local Government Act 2000 and SI 2008/788 ",True,1702,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 53.doc,,False,False 1082,Local government - standards committee,,D,A local authority must establish a standards committee.,"Section 53 of the Local Government Act 2000 ",,"See also sections to 54A and 56 of the Local Government Act 2000 and SIs 2001/2283, 2006/1849 and 2007/951 ",True,997|998,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 54.doc,,False,False 1083,Local government - monitoring officer,,D,A local authority must refer certain matters to its monitoring officer for investigation.,Section 70 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also section 71 to73 of the Local Government Act 2000 and SI 2005/761, 2006/949 and 2009/2578 ",True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 55.doc,,False,False 1084,Local government - case tribunals,,D,A local authority must consider recommendations made by case tribunals and take other steps.,Section 80 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,997|998|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 56.doc,,False,False 1085,Local government - register of members interests,,D,A local authority must maintain and disclose a register of members' interests.,Section 81 of the Local Government Act 2000,,,True,355|1703,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 57.doc,,False,False 1086,Local government - employee code of conduct,,D,A local authority must comply with prescribed requirements for a code of conduct for employees.,Section 82 of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2001/2278 and 2001/2280 ",True,1702,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 58.doc,,False,False 1087,Local government - delegation of monitoring officer functions,,D,A monitoring officer of a local authority must delegate certain functions in certain circumstances.,Section 82A of the Local Government Act 2000,,"See also SIs 2001/2278 and 2001/2280. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,997|998|1031,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government00 - LG00 - 59.doc,,False,False 1089,Noise - investigation of complaints,,P,An officer of a local authority may investigate certain complaints relating to noise at night emanating from private dwellings and certain other premises and may issue a warning notice.,Section 2 of the Noise Act 1996,,,True,98|412|417|601|1600,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Noise 96 - Ns96 - 1.doc,,False,False 1090,Noise - warning notices,,D,Any warning notice issued must comply with regulations.,Section 3 of the Noise Act 1996,,,True,98|412|417|601|1600,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Noise 96 - Ns96 - 2.doc,,False,False 1091,Noise - evidence used in proceedings,,D,Any evidence used in proceedings brought for an offence must comply with the requirements of section 7 of the Act.,Section 7 of the Noise Act 1996,,,True,98|412|417|601|1600,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Noise 96 - Ns96 - 3.doc,,False,False 1092,Noise - fixed penalty notice,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice in the prescribed form if he believes that an offence has been committed.,Section 8 of the Noise Act 1996,,See also section 9 of the Noise Act 1996,True,98|412|417|601,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Noise 96 - Ns96 - 4.doc,,False,False 1093,Noise - entry and seizure,,P,"Where a warning notice has been served and at any time in the period specified in the notice, noise emitted from the dwelling has exceeded the permitted level an officer of the local authority, or a person authorised by the authority for the purpose, may enter the dwelling from which the noise in question is being or has been emitted and may seize and remove any equipment which it appears to him is being or has been used in the emission of the noise.",Section 10 of the Noise Act 1996,,See also the Schedule to the Noise Act 1996,True,98|412|417|601|1600,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Noise 96 - Ns96 - 5.doc,,False,False 1094,Noise - loudspeakers in streets or roads,,P,"A local authority may resolve (which resolution must be published) that Schedule 2 (regulation the authorisation process for the operation of loud speakers in streets and roads) is to apply to its area and if it does so resolve, Schedule 2 shall come into force in its area on such date as may be specified for that purpose in the resolution.",Section 8 of the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993,,See also schedule 2 of the Noise and Statutory Nuisance Act 1993,True,412|601,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Noise and Stutory Nuisance 93 - Ns93 - 1.doc,,False,False 1095,Road traffic - reports on levels of road traffic,,D,"It shall be the duty of every principal council to prepare, at such time or times as the Secretary of State may direct, a report containing an assessment of the levels of local road traffic in their area, and a forecast of the growth in those levels. Additional requirements for the report are as detailed in regulations.",Section 2 of the Road Traffic Reduction Act 1997,,,True,548|549,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Reduction - RTR97 - 1.doc,,False,False 1096,Education - infant class size,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must comply with regulations regarding infant class sizes.,Section 1 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also SIs 2012/10 and 2013/1141,True,12|13,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 1.doc,,False,False 1097,Education - education action zones or forums.,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must comply with regulations regarding education action zones or forums.,Section 10 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 11 and 12 and Schedule 1 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,31,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 2.doc,,False,False 1098,Education - intervention in schools causing concern,,P,"A local authority may intervene in a school causing concern in certain circumstances and must take certain prescribed steps before so doing. ",Section 14 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 15 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 3.doc,,False,False 1099,Education - additional governors in schools causing concern,,P,"A local authority may appoint additional governors in a school causing concern in certain circumstances. ",Section 16 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,29|31,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 4.doc,,False,False 1100,Education - interim executive members for schools causing concern,,P,"A local authority may order, having taken prescribed steps that the governing body of a maintained school will consist of interim executive members. ",Section 16A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also Schedule 1A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,29|31,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 5.doc,,False,False 1101,Education - suspension of right to a delegated budget for schools causing concern,,P,"A local authority may, having taken prescribed steps, suspend the right of the governing body of a maintained school to a delegated budget. ",Section 17 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,29|31,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 6.doc,,False,False 1102,Education - closure of schools causing concern,,D,A local authority must comply with a direction from the National Assembly that a school should close.,Section 19 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,31|1140,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 7.doc,,False,False 1103,Education - warning notice for schools causing concern,,D,A local authority must comply with a direction from the Welsh Ministers to issue a Teachers' pay and conditions warning notice.,Section 19ZA of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,31,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 8.doc,,False,False 1104,Education - categories of maintained school,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by the local authority must ensure that a maintained school belongs to one of prescribed categories.,"Section 20 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,See also section 21 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and SI 1998/2083,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 9.doc,,False,False 1105,Education - maintenance and other funding of schools,,D,A local authority must maintain a maintained school and defray its expenditure.,Section 22 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also Schedule 3 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 10.doc,,False,False 1106,Education - information requested by school adjudicator,,D,A local authority or a governing body of a maintained school must comply with a request by the school adjudicator for certain information.,Section 25 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,29|31,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 11.doc,,False,False 1107,Education - proposals for establishment or alteration of a maintained school,,D,"A local authority must publish its proposals for the establishment or alteration of a community, voluntary or foundation school in accordance with this section.",Section 28 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also SIs 1999/1671 and 2004/908,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,10/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 12.doc,,False,False 1108,Education - proposals for discontinuance of a maintained school,,D,"A local authority must publish its proposals for the discontinuance of a community, voluntary, foundation or maintained nursery school in accordance with this section.",Section 29 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also SIs 1999/1671 and 2011/190 ",True,31|1140,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 13.doc,,False,False 1109,Education - notice by governing body to discontinue foundation or voluntary school.,,D,A governing body of a foundation or voluntary school wishing to discontinue the same must give notice as required by this section.,Section 30 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,29|31|1140,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 14.doc,,False,False 1110,Education - proposals regarding community or foundation special schools,,D,"A local authority must publish its proposals for the establishment, alteration or discontinuance of community or foundation special schools in accordance with this section.",Section 31 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 33 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and SIs 1999/1780 and 2011/190,True,31|1262,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 15.doc,,False,False 1111,Education - direction requiring discontinuance of community or foundation special schools,,D,A local authority must comply with a direction from the National Assembly regarding the discontinuance of community or foundation special schools.,Section 32 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 33 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,31|1140|1262,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 16.doc,,False,False 1112,Education - rationalisation of school places,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by it must comply with a direction from the National Assembly to bring forward proposals for the rationalisation of school places.,Section 34 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also Schedule 7 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and SI 2011/190,True,12|13|14,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 17.doc,,False,False 1113,Education - change of school category,,P,A local authority or a governing body of a maintained school may change school categories.,"Section 35 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,See also Schedule 8 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and SIs 2001/2678 and 2011/190,True,29|31,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 18.doc,,False,False 1114,Education - control and use of school premises,,P,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may control and use the school premises.,Section 40 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also Schedule 13 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,29,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/03/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 19.doc,,False,False 1115,Education - determination of school budget share in England,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the determination of a school's budget share.,Section 45AA of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also section 47, and 47ZA of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and annual SIs. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 20.doc,,False,False 1116,Education - determination of school budget share in Wales,,D,A local authority must comply with Regulations regarding the determination of a school's budget share or with a direct or order from the National Assembly.,Section 45AC of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also section 45B, 45C and 47 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 21.doc,,False,False 1117,Education - financial scheme,,D,A local authority must prepare and maintain a financial scheme relating to the financing of schools.,Section 48 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also annual SIs,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 22.doc,,False,False 1118,Education - delegated budget for maintained schools,,D,A local authority must provide the schools which it maintains with a delegated budget.,Section 49 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also section 50 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998, annual SIs and SIs 2002/378, 2004/444, 2008/1866 and 2010/190 ",True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 23.doc,,False,False 1119,Education - suspension of delegated budget for financial mismanagement,,P,A local authority may suspend a delegated budget of a maintained school for financial mismanagement.,Section 51 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also Schedule 15 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,31|1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 24.doc,,False,False 1120,Education - financial statements,,D,A local authority must prepare financial statements as required by regulations. in respect of its educational expenditure.,"Section 52 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,See also SIs 2002/122 and 2003/873,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 25.doc,,False,False 1121,Education - certification of statements by the Auditor General for Wales,,D,A local authority must comply with directions for certifying financial statements by the Auditor General for Wales.,Section 53A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 26.doc,,False,False 1122,Education - staff in schools with or without religious character,,D,"A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by it, must comply with regulations with regard to the appointment and dismissal of teachers at schools with or without a religious character.",Section 58 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 59 to 60 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,974|978|1645,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 27.doc,,False,False 1123,Education - reserve power to prevent a breakdown of discipline,,P,A local authority may exercise its reserve power to prevent a breakdown of discipline in certain circumstances.,Section 62 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,886|1454,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 28.doc,,False,False 1124,Education - school attendance targets.,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulations regarding school attendance targets.,Section 63 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also SIs 2007/2261, 2010/2838 and 2011/1945 ",True,35,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 29.doc,,False,False 1125,Education - religious education and worship,,D,A local authority and governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must secure due provision of religious education and collective worship.,Section 69 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 70 to 71 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,1697,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 30.doc,,False,False 1126,Education - new schools,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to new schools.,Section 72 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also various regulations,True,17|1667,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 31.doc,,False,False 1127,Education - transfer of staff and land,,D,"A local authority must comply with staff and land transfer provision in respect of schools which become community, foundation, voluntary or community special schools.",Section 73 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 74 to 75 and Schedule 21 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,981|1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 32.doc,,False,False 1128,Education - disposal of land on discontinuance of a school,,D,A local authority must comply with provisions relating to the disposal on land on discontinuance of a school.,Section 76 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also Schedule 22 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,1140|1662,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 33.doc,,False,False 1129,Education - disposal or change of use of school playing fields,,D,A local authority must obtain the appropriate consent before disposing of or changing the use of a school playing field.,Section 77 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,1662|1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 34.doc,,False,False 1130,Education - provision of education for those aged over sixteen,,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must decide whether or not to provide education to those aged 16+ but must only cease provision with the consent of the local authority.,Section 80 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also SI 1999/1867,True,14|17|29|31|1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 35.doc,,False,False 1131,Education - modifications to employment legislation,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with modifications made to employment legislation applying during financial delegation.,"Section 81 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,"See also SIs 2003/1964, 2004/2325 and 2006/1073 ",True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 36.doc,,False,False 1132,Education - modifications to trust deeds,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with modifications made by order to trust deeds.,Section 82 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 83 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,29/07/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 37.doc,,False,False 1133,Education - code for school admissions,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with the code for school admissions.,Section 84 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 85 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 38.doc,,False,False 1134,Education - admissions forums,,D,"A local education authority shall in accordance with regulations establish for their area a body, to be known as an admission forum, for the purpose of advising the authority on such matters connected with the exercise of the authority's functions under this Chapter as may be prescribed, and advising the admission authorities for maintained schools in the area for which the forum is established onsuch matters connected with the determination of admission arrangements, and such other matters connected with the admission of pupils,as may be prescribed.","Section 85A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,"See also SI 2003/2962 ",True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 39.doc,,False,False 1135,Education - parental preferences,,D,A local authority must make arrangements for enabling parents to express a parental preference and to provide advice or assistance in respect of the same.,Section 86 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 87 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 40.doc,,False,False 1136,Education - admissions arrangements,,D,A local authority must comply with the statutory scheme for admissions arrangements.,Section 88A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 for England.,,"See also section 88B to 88Q of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 for England and section 88R to 90ZA of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 for Wales various SIs. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 41.doc,,False,False 1137,Education - information regarding admissions,,D,A local authority and a governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must publicise information about school admissions.,"Section 92 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,"See also SIs 2011/1944, 2012/8 and 2012/1124 ",True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 42.doc,,False,False 1138,Education - admissions appeal arrangements,,D,A local authority shall make arrangements for admissions appeals.,Section 94 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also sections to 95A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and SIs 2005/1398 (as amended), 2007/105 and 2012/9 ",True,705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 43.doc,,False,False 1139,Education - direction to admit a child to a specified school,,P,A local authority may direct the admission of a child to a school in certain circumstances.,Section 96 of the C of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 97 and 97A to C of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (97A to C England only),True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 44.doc,,False,False 1140,Education - school admissions for looked after children,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the admission of looked after children to schools.,"Section 97D of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 ",,"See also SI 2009/821. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,840|1282,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,08/01/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 45.doc,,False,False 1141,Education - restriction on selection by ability or aptitude,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may not make arrangements for admission based upon ability and aptitude other than those prescribed by legislation.,Section 99 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also sections 100 to 103 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,12|13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,08/06/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 46.doc,,False,False 1143,Education - designation of grammar schools,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with the legislative framework relating to the continuance and cessation of grammar schools.,Section 104 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also section 105 to 109 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 and SIs 1998/2219, 1998/2876, 1999/2102, 1999/2103 and 1999/2456",True,1667,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,08/06/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 48.doc,,False,False 1144,"Education - home school agreements ",,D,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must adopt a home school agreement accompanied by a parental declaration.,Section 110 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also section 111 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,2|1704,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 49.doc,,False,False 1145,Education - requirements for food and drink on school premises,,D,A local authority or the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulations relating to food and drink provided on school premises.,Section 114A of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,"See also SI 2007/2359 as amended. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,4|37,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 50.doc,,False,False 1146,Education - nursery education,,D,A local authority must secure provision for nursery education in accordance with regulations and guidance.,Section 118 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,See also SI 2003/893 as amended.,True,12,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 51.doc,,False,False 1147,Education - early years development partnership,,D,A local authority must develop an early years development and childcare partnership.,Section 119 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,12|20|50|888|920,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 52.doc,,False,False 1148,Education - children with special educational needs in nursery education,,D,A local authority and any education provider must have regard to the code of practice on special educational needs when discharging its duties with regard to early years/nursery education.,Section 123 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,8|9|10|12|40,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 53.doc,,False,False 1149,Education - code of practice for local authorities and maintained schools,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must have regard to the code practice for local authorities and maintained schools when discharging its duties.,Section 127 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,,,True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - SSFA - 54.doc,,False,False 1150,Education - deduction of General Teaching Council fees from salaries,,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulation regarding the deduction of General Teaching Council fees from teacher's salaries.,Section 12 of the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998,,"See also SI 2002/236 ",True,974,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - THEA - 1.doc,,False,False 1151,"Education - supply of information to General Teaching Council ",,D,A local authority and the governing body of a school maintained by a local authority must comply with regulation requiring them to supply information to the GTC for Wales in circumstances relating to dismissals or resignations relating to misconduct or incompetence.,Section 15 of the Teaching and Higher Education Act 1998,,"See also SI 2009/1350 ",True,1667,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Education 98 - THEA - 2.doc,,False,False 1152,Trading standards - trade marks,,D,A local authority must enforce the prohibition on unauthorised use of trade marks in section 92 of the Act.,Section 93 Trade Marks Act 1994,,,True,401|403,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/10/1994,,Local Government Powers - Template - Trade Marks Act 94 - TMA94 - 1.doc,,False,False 1153,Bus services quality partnership scheme - provision of facilities,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly must provide specified facilities for the duration of the scheme.,Section 118 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|1599,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-10.doc,,False,False 1154,Bus services quality partnership scheme - regulations,,D,"A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly, providing a bus partnership scheme must comply with regulations.",Section 119 of the Transport Act 2000,,See also SIs 2001/3317 and 2009/3293,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-11.doc,,False,False 1155,Bus services quality partnership scheme - variation or revocation of scheme,,P,"A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly, providing a bus partnership scheme may vary or revoke the scheme.",Section 120 of the Transport Act 2000,,See also section 121 of the Transport Act 2000,True,493,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-12.doc,,False,False 1156,Bus services quality partnership scheme - guidance about schemes,,D,"A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly, providing a bus partnership scheme must have regard to guidance.",Section 123 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-13.doc,,False,False 1157,Bus services quality contract schemes - tendering for contracts,,D,"The authority, or the authorities acting jointly, must invite tenders for the provision of services to which the scheme relates for such period and on such basis as may be specified in the invitation to tender.",Section 130 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 131 of the Transport Act 2000 and SI 2009/3244 ",True,493|829|830,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-19.doc,,False,False 1158,Bus services quality contract schemes - continuance of schemes,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may continue a quality contract scheme for further periods in certain circumstances.,Section 131A of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 131B to C and 131E to 131F of the Transport Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,493|829,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-20.doc,,False,False 1160,Bus services quality contract schemes - variation or revocation,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may vary or revoke a quality contract scheme for further periods in certain circumstances.,Section 132 of the Transport Act 2000,,See also sections to 132D of the Transport Act 2000,True,493|829,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-22.doc,,False,False 1161,Bus services quality contract schemes - regulations about schemes,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly must comply with regulations relating to quality contract schemes.,Section 133 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See SI 2009/3243 ",True,493|829,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-23.doc,,False,False 1162,Bus services quality contract schemes - guidance about schemes,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly must comply with guidance relating to quality contract schemes.,Section 134A of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also SI of the 2009/3243. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,493|829,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,11/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00-24.doc,,False,False 1163,Local transport plans,,D,"A local authority must develop and carry out policies for the promotion and encouragement of safe, integrated, efficient and economic transport to, from and within their area.",Section 108 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See SI 2006/2993 ",True,493,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 1.doc,,False,False 1164,Local transport plans - review and alteration in England,,D,A local authority must keep their transport plan under review and alter the same where required and consult where required.,Section 109 of the Transport Act 2000,,See also section 112 of the Transport Act 2000,True,493,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 2.doc,,False,False 1165,Local transport plans - approval of plans,,D,A local authority in Wales must submit their transport plan to the National Assembly for approval and amend the same if required.,Section 109A of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 112 of the Transport Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,493,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/05/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 3.doc,,False,False 1166,Local transport plans - review and alteration in Wales,,D,A local authority in Wales must keep its transport plan under review and alter the same as required. It must also take such other steps as are required.,Section 109B of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 112 of the Transport Act 2000. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,493,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/05/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 4.doc,,False,False 1167,Local transport plans - modification order and directions,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with a modification order or Directions made by the National assembly with regard to its transport plans.,Section 113A of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 113B of the Transport Act 2000 and SI 2006/2993. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,493,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 5.doc,,False,False 1168,Bus services quality partnership scheme - new scheme,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may make a quality partnership scheme as part of their local transport policy.,Section 114 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 6.doc,,False,False 1169,Bus services quality partnership scheme - notice and consultation,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly proposing to make a quality partnership scheme as part of their local transport policy must observe certain notice and consultation requirements.,Section 115 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 7.doc,,False,False 1170,Bus services quality partnership scheme - making of scheme,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly proposing to make a quality partnership scheme as part of their local transport policy must comply with certain requirements when making the scheme.,Section 116 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 8.doc,,False,False 1171,Bus services quality partnership scheme - postponement of scheme,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may postpone a quality partnership scheme in certain circumstances.,Section 117 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 9.doc,,False,False 1172,Bus services quality contract scheme - new scheme,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may make a quality contract scheme as part of their local transport policy.,Section 124 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|829|830,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,11/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 14.doc,,False,False 1173,Bus services quality contract scheme - notice and consultation,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly proposing to make a quality contract scheme as part of their local transport policy must observe certain notice and consultation requirements.,Section 125 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|829,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 15.doc,,False,False 1174,Bus services quality contract scheme - approval of proposed scheme,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly proposing to make a quality contract scheme must apply to the appropriate national body for approval.,Section 126 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|829,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 16.doc,,False,False 1175,Bus services quality contract scheme - making of scheme,,D,"A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly, when making a quality contract scheme must comply with certain requirements including the appeals procedure.",Section 127 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 127B of the Transport Act 2000 and SIs 2009/3245 and 2009/3246 ",True,493|829,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 17.doc,,False,False 1176,Bus services quality contract scheme - postponement of scheme,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may postpone a quality contract scheme in certain circumstances.,Section 128 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|829,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 18.doc,,False,False 1177,Bus services - joint and through ticketing schemes,,P,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly may make a joint and through ticketing scheme as part of their local transport policy.,Section 135 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|907,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 25.doc,,False,False 1180,Bus services joint and through ticketing schemes - notice and consultation,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly proposing to make a joint and through ticketing scheme must comply with certain notice and consultation requirements.,Section 136 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|907,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 27.doc,,False,False 1181,Bus services joint and through ticketing schemes - making of scheme,,D,A local authority or two or more authorities acting jointly when making a joint and through ticketing scheme must comply with certain conditions.,Section 137 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493|907,,False," Applicable to a county council, Secondary duty of primary importance.",,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 28.doc,,False,False 1182,Bus services - making information available,,D,A local authority must having considered certain matters make information about bus services available.,Section 139 of the Transport Act 2000,,See also section 140 to 141 of the Transport Act 2000,True,908,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 29.doc,,False,False 1183,Bus services - information from service operator,,P,A local authority may obtain information from service providers regarding local bus services.,Section 143 of the Transport Act 2000,,,False,902|903|904|905|908,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,False,,False,01/02/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 30.doc,"Title duplicate as file Trn00-29 ",False,False 1184,Bus services - civil penalties for bus lane contraventions,,P,A local authority may levy charges for bus lane contravention in certain circumstances.,"Section 144 of the Transport Act 2000 And various SIs including 2005/2757 ",,,True,1599,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,31/03/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 31.doc,,False,False 1185,Bus services - mandatory travel concessions,,D,A local authority must issue a permit for free travel to elderly and disabled persons in certain circumstances.,Section 145A of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 145B of the Transport Act 2000 and SIs 2008/417 and 2008/2091. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,273|280,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 32.doc,,False,False 1186,Bus services - enforcement of mandatory travel concessions,,P,A local authority may take proceedings to enforce mandatory travel concessions for free travel for elderly and disabled persons.,Section 148 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,273|280,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 33.doc,,False,False 1187,Bus services - reimbursement of operator for mandatory travel concessions,,D,A local authority must reimburse the transport operator in respect of mandatory travel concessions for free travel for elderly and disabled persons.,Section 149 of the Transport Act 2000,,See also section 150 of the Transport Act 2000 and SIs 2001/3764 and 2011/1121,True,273|280,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 34.doc,,False,False 1188,Transport - grants to transport authorities,,D,A local authority must comply with the conditions of any transport grant.,Section 157 of the Transport Act 2000,,,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 35.doc,,False,False 1189,Roads - local charging schemes,,P,A local charging scheme or a joint local charging scheme may be put into operation by certain local authorities in certain circumstances.,Section 164 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 166A, 168 to 173, 176 to 177, 192 to 193 and Schedule 12 of the Transport Act 2000",True,493|548,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 36.doc,,False,False 1190,Roads - workplace parking levy,,P,A local work place levy licencing scheme or joint scheme may be put into operation by certain local authorities in certain circumstances.,Section 179 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also section 180 to 190, 192 to 193 and Schedule 12 of the Transport Act 2000 and SI of the 2009/285 ",True,1705,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 37.doc,,False,False 1191,Roads - quiet lane or home zone,,P,A local authority may designate any road a quiet lane of home zone by order and must comply with regulations,Section 268 of the Transport Act 2000,,"See also SI of the 2006/2082 ",True,548|551,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport00 - Trn00- 38.doc,,False,False 1192,Breeding of dogs - inspection of premises not covered by licence,,P,A local authority may in certain circumstances inspect premises not covered by licence under the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973.,Section 1 of the Breeding of Dogs Act 1991,,"See also Dangerous Dogs (Designated Types) Order 1991/1743 Dangerous Dogs Exemption Schemes (England and Wales) Order 2015/138.",True,377|612,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Breeding Dogs 91 - BDgs91 - 1.doc,,False,True 1193,Trading standards - sales of tobacco to children,,D,"A local authority must consider, at least once in every period of twelve months, the extent to which it is appropriate for them to carry out in their area a programme of enforcement action and carry out that enforcement action.",Section 5 of the Children and Young Persons (Protection from Tobacco) Act 1991,,,True,403|1125,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - CYP Prot from Tobacco Act 91 - CYPPTA - 1.doc,,False,False 1195,"Dangerous dogs - seizure, entry of premises and inspection",,P,"An authorised officer of a local authority may, with a warrant, enter premises, inspect and seize a dangerous dog and other evidence.",Section 5 of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991,,,True,377|432|612|1471,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,26/02/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Dangerous Dogs 91 - DDgs91 - 1.doc,,False,False 1196,"Integrated pollution control and air pollution - discharge of functions ",,D,A local authority must have regard to directions from the Secretary of State and to the Act when exercising its functions.,Section 4 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,23/12/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 1.doc,,False,False 1197,Environmental protection - authorisation for prescribed process,,D,A local authority must consider applications to carry out prescribed processes.,Section 6 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Schedule 1 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,708,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/01/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 2.doc,,False,False 1198,Environmental protection - conditions of authorisations,,D,A local authority must place certain conditions in any authorisations.,Section 7 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 3.doc,,False,False 1199,Environmental protection - fees and charges for authorisations,,D,A local authority must charge fees for authorisations in accordance with the Secretary of State's scheme.,Section 8 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/03/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 4.doc,,False,False 1200,Environmental protection - variation of authorisations,,P,A local authority may vary an authorisation in certain circumstances.,Sections 10 and 11 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) (Amendment) Regulations 1996/667 Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) Regulations 1991/507",True,708,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 5.doc,,False,True 1201,Environmental protection - revocation of authorisation,,P,A local authority may revoke an authorisation in certain circumstances.,Section 12 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 6.doc,,False,False 1202,Environmental protection - enforcement notices,,P,"If the enforcing authority is of the opinion that the person carrying on a prescribed process under an authorisation is contravening any condition of the authorisation, or is likely to contravene any such condition, the authority may serve on him a notice (an enforcement notice).",Section 13 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,12/10/1995,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 7.doc,,False,False 1203,Environmental protection - prohibition notices,,P,"If the enforcing authority is of the opinion, as respects the carrying on of a prescribed process under an authorisation, that the continuing to carry it on, or the continuing to carry it on in a particular manner, involves an imminent risk of serious pollution of the environment the authority shall serve a notice (a prohibition notice) on the person carrying on the process.",Section 14 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 8.doc,,False,False 1204,Environmental protection - appeals as respect authorisations,,D,A local authority must comply with the outcome of any appeal.,Section 15 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) (Amendment) Regulations 1996/667 Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) Regulations 1991/507",True,708,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 9.doc,,False,True 1205,Environmental protection - obtaining of information from persons and authorities,,D,A local authority must provide with a Notice from the Secretary of State requesting the provision of information.,Section 19 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also SIs 1991/507 and 1996/667 ",True,708,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 10.doc,,False,False 1206,Environmental protection - public register of information,,D,A local authority must maintain a public register of prescribed information.,Sections 20 to 22 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 1996/979 Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) (Amendment) Regulations 1996/667 Environmental Protection (Applications, Appeals and Registers) Regulations 1991/507",True,708,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 11.doc,,False,True 1207,Environmental protection - enforcement action in the High Court,,P,A local authority may take enforcement action in the High Court in circumstances where criminal proceedings would provide insufficient sanction.,Section 24 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,708,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 12.doc,,False,False 1208,Waste disposal - fixed penalty notices for offences,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may issue fixed penalty notices for certain waste disposal offences.,Sections 33 and 34A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,517|520|523|524|531|675|859|877,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/06/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 13.doc,,False,True 1209,Waste disposal - search and seizure of vehicles,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may in certain circumstances search and seize vehicles where it is believed a vehicle was used in the commission of an offence.,Sections 34B and 34C of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Control of Waste (Dealing with Seized Property) (England and Wales) Regulations 2015/426.,True,517|520|523|524|531|587|675|859|877,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/03/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 14.doc,,False,True 1210,Controlled waste - household waste collection,,D,A local authority must collect domestic waste (subject to limited exceptions).,"Section 45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,"See also Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012/811 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992/588.",True,524|854,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 15.doc,,False,True 1211,Controlled waste - industrial waste collection,,P,A local authority may collect industrial waste in certain circumstances.,"Section 45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,"See also Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012/811 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992/588.",True,517|518|522,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 16.doc,Title duplicate as file EPA90 - 15,False,True 1212,Controlled waste - mandatory emptying of privies and cesspools,,D,"A local authority must make such arrangements for the emptying, without charge, of privies serving one or more private dwellings in its area as the authority considers appropriate and if requested by the person who controls a cesspool serving only one or more private dwellings in its area to empty the cesspool, to remove such of the contents of the cesspool as the authority considers appropriate on payment, if the authority so requires, of a reasonable charge.","Section 45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,"See also Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012/811 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992/588",True,909,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 17.doc,,False,True 1213,Controlled waste - discretionary emptying of privies and cesspools,,P,"An authority may, if requested by the person who controls any other privy or cesspool in its area to empty the privy or cesspool, empty the privy or, as the case may be, remove from the cesspool such of its contents as the authority consider appropriate on payment, if the authority so requires, of a reasonable charge.","Section 45 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,"See also Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012/811 Controlled Waste Regulations 1992/588",True,909,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,17/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 18.doc,,False,True 1214,Controlled waste - household recycling collection,,D,A local authority must (save in exceptional circumstances) collect at least two types of recyclable waste together or individually separated from the rest of the household waste unless they have applied for and been granted a dispensation not to do so.,Section 45A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,530|533|1130,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 19.doc,,False,False 1215,Household waste - receptacles for collection,,P,A local authority may make provision by notice as to the type of receptacles to be used for the collection of household waste and how they are to be provided and funded. The local authority may issue a penalty notice for failure to comply.,Section 46 to 46D of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Household Waste (Fixed Penalty and Penalty Charge) Regulations 2015/969,True,526|535,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/03/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 20.doc,,False,True 1216,Commercial waste - receptacles for collection,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, provide and charge for the provision of receptacles for commercial or industrial waste make provision by notice as to the type of receptacles to be used for the collection of that waste.",Section 47 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,519,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 21.doc,,False,False 1217,"Waste collection - fixed penalty notices for offences related to receptacles ",,P,"An officer duly authorised by a local authority may, in certain circumstances, issue a fixed penalty notice, in the manner prescribed, for offences under sections 46 and 47 of the Act.",Sections 47ZA and 47ZB of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/1151 Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663 Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175 Environmental Protection Act 1990 (Amendment of Fixed Penalty Amount) (England) Order 2012/1150",True,519|526,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 22.doc,,False,True 1218,"Controlled waste - disposal of non-recyclable waste ",,D,A local authority must deliver (non-recyclable) collected waste to a waste disposal authority for disposal.,Section 48 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 23.doc,,False,False 1219,"Controlled waste - disposal of recyclable waste ",,D,A local authority must inform a waste disposal authority of its plans to dispose of recyclable waste and may only do so to the extent agreed by the waste disposal authority.,Section 48 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 24.doc,,False,False 1220,Controlled waste - disposal,,D,A local authority must arrange for the disposal of the controlled waste collected in its area by the waste collection authorities.,"Section 51 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,,True,675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 25.doc,,False,False 1221,Household waste - sites for deposit by residents,,D,A local authority must arrange for places to be provided at which persons resident in its area may deposit their household waste free of charge and for the disposal of waste so deposited.,Section 51 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,531|534,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 26.doc,,False,False 1222,"Controlled waste - directions to waste collection authorities regarding disposal ",,D,A local authority must give directions to waste collection authorities in relation to the disposal of the controlled waste collected in its area.,Section 51 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 27.doc,,False,False 1223,Controlled waste - financial assistance for disposal of commercial waste,,P,A local authority may give prescribed financial assistance directions to assist in the disposal of commercial of industrial waste,Section 51 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 28.doc,,False,False 1224,Controlled waste - disposal of non-household waste,,P,A local authority may provide facilities for the disposal of non-household waste and may charge for the same.,Section 51 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,520,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 29.doc,,False,False 1225,Controlled waste - payments for retained recyclable and pre-separated waste,,D,A local authority must make certain payments to waste collection authorities in respect of retained recyclable and pre-separated waste.,"Sections 52 and 52A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,"See also Environmental Protection (Waste Recycling Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/522 Environmental Protection (Waste Recycling Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 1995/476 Environmental Protection (Waste Recycling Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 1998/607 Environmental Protection (Waste Recycling Payments) (Amendment) Regulations 1999/546 Environmental Protection (Waste Recycling Payments) Regulations 1992/462 Waste Management (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1997/351 Waste Management Regulations 1996/634",True,675,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 30.doc,,False,True 1226,Controlled waste - recycling of waste,,D,"A local authority has powers to purchase, sell and utilise recycled waste.",Section 55 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 31.doc,,False,False 1227,Controlled waste - compliance with directions,,D,A local authority must comply with direction from the Secretary of State regarding controlled waste.,Section 57 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Waste (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2001/3189 Waste (Foot-and-Mouth Disease) (England) Regulations 2001/1478.",True,675,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,29/03/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 32.doc,,False,True 1228,Unlawfully deposited waste - removal,,P,A local authority may give directions regarding waste unlawfully deposited upon land and in certain circumstances may remove the waste itself and recover costs.,Section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 59ZA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,587,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 33.doc,,False,False 1229,Unlawfully deposited waste - compliance with directions,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the Secretary of State with regard to waste unlawfully deposited upon land and must in certain circumstances publicise those directions.,Section 59 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 59ZA of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,587,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 34.doc,,False,False 1230,"Controlled waste - minimising generation ",,P,A local authority may take steps to minimise the generation of controlled waste.,Section 63A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675|877,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/11/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 35.doc,,False,False 1231,Controlled waste - information from waste authority,,D,A local authority must comply with a request from the Secretary of State for information.,Section 71 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675|877,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 36.doc,,False,False 1232,Controlled waste - requesting of information,,P,A local authority may request information regarding controlled waste.,Section 71 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,675|877,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 37.doc,,False,False 1233,Controlled waste - use of fixed penalty receipts,,P,A local authority may use certain fixed penalty notice receipts for certain purposes.,"Section 73A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175,True,675|877,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 38.doc,,False,True 1234,"Contaminated land - inspection and notice ",,D,"A local authority must inspect its area to identify contaminated land, to designate special sites and give notice of the same.","Sections 78B to 78D of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,"See also Contaminated Land (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/263 Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2006/1380 Contaminated Land (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/283 Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations 2001/2197",True,418,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/09/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 39.doc,,False,True 1235,Contaminated land - remediation notice,,D,"A local authority must serve a remediation notice, in the prescribed manner, in respect of contaminated land (non-special sites) in its area.",Sections 78E to 78M of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Contaminated Land (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/263 Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2006/1380 Contaminated Land (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/283 Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations 2001/2197",True,418,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 40.doc,,False,True 1236,Contaminated land - remediation works,,P,A local authority may carry out remediation works on contaminated land in certain circumstances and to recover its costs.,Section 78N of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 78O to 78Q and 78YB to of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,418,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 41.doc,,False,False 1237,Contaminated land - register of notices,,D,A local authority must maintain a register of remediation and other notices in the manner prescribed.,Sections 78R to 78T of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Contaminated Land (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/263 Contaminated Land (England) Regulations 2006/1380 Contaminated Land (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/283 Contaminated Land (Wales) Regulations 2001/2197",True,418,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 42.doc,,False,True 1238,Contaminated land - provision of information,,D,"A local authority must supply the appropriate agency with information, or with a report on the state of contaminated land in their area, when requested.",Section 78U of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,418,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 43.doc,,False,False 1239,Contaminated land - compliance with guidance,,D,A local authority must comply with site specific guidance with regard to contaminated land.,Section 78V of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,418,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/09/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 44.doc,,False,False 1240,Statutory nuisances - inspection and investigation,,D,A local authority must inspect its area from time to time to identify statutory nuisances and must investigate the same.,"Section 79 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 ",,See also Statutory Nuisances (Insects) Regulations 2006/770,True,412|416|899,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 45.doc,,False,True 1241,"Statutory nuisances - criminal and civil proceedings for breach of abatement notice ",,P,"A local authority may bring criminal and criminal proceedings in the case of a breach of an abatement notice. ",Section 81 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,412|416|899,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/01/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 46.doc,,False,False 1242,Statutory nuisances - notice to recover expenses,,P,"A local authority may serve a notice to recover expenses in certain circumstances which will become a charge on premises. ",Section 81A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 81B of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,412|416|899,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 47.doc,,False,False 1243,Litter - publicity of offence of leaving litter,,P,"A local authority may publicise the fact that leaving litter is an offence and the consequences of committing that offence. ",Section 87 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,1138,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 48.doc,,False,False 1244,Litter - fixed penalty notice,,P,"A person authorised by a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice for the offence of littering. ",Sections 88 and 97A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663 Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175 Environmental Offences (Use of Fixed Penalty Receipts) (Wales) Regulations 2007/739",True,1138,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,10/03/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 49.doc,,False,True 1245,Litter - keeping land and highway litter free,,D,"A local authority must ensure that the land in their area is, so far as is practicable, kept clear of litter and refuse.",Section 89 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,576|580|581|1138,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,10/03/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 50.doc,,False,False 1246,"Litter - land of the Crown, educational establishments and statutory undertakers",,D,"A local authority must where land of the Crown, educational establishments or statutory undertakers is defaced by litter or refuse or that defacement of it by litter or refuse is likely to recur, serve a litter abatement notice imposing either a prescribed requirement or prohibition.",Section 92 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,1138,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2008,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 51.doc,,False,True 1247,Litter - litter clearing notices,,P,A local authority may serve a litter clearing notice in respect of any land in the open air.,Section 92A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 92B to C of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,1138,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/03/2007,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 52.doc,,False,True 1248,Litter - street litter control notices,,P,A local authority may issue a street litter clearing notice in certain circumstances.,Section 93 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 94 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,1138,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/03/2007,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 53.doc,,False,True 1249,Litter - fixed penalty notices for street litter,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice in the prescribed manner in relation to certain street litter offences.,Section 94A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also section 97A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,1138,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/03/2007,20/10/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 54.doc,,False,True 1250,Litter - free distribution of printed matter,,P,A local authority may make certain orders about the distribution of printed matter and may designate land in their area for this purpose.,Section 94B of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Schedule 3A of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,1138,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 55.doc,,False,False 1251,Litter - public register,,D,A local authority must maintain a public register of litter control notices and orders and make the same a available for inspection and supply copy documents for a fee.,Section 95 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,,True,1138,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 56.doc,,False,False 1252,Litter - direction regarding collected litter,,D,A local authority must comply with directions in respect of certain collected litter.,Section 96 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Controlled Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2012/811,True,580|581|582|583|1138,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,18/01/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 57.doc,,False,True 1253,Abandoned shopping and luggage trolleys,,P,A local authority may adopt powers in relation to abandoned shopping and luggage trolleys in accordance with the required procedure.,Section 99 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Schedule 4 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,1152,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 58.doc,,False,False 1254,Stray dogs - appointment and actions by officer,,D,"A local authority must appoint an officer to discharge the functions of seizing, serving notices regarding, disposing of or returning stray dogs and may charge for certain expenses for so doing.",Sections 149 and 150 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Environmental Protection (Stray Dogs) Regulations 1992/288,True,432|575|612,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Environmental Protection Act 90 - EPA90 - 59.doc,,False,True 1255,"Food safety - enforcement ",,P,Where a local authority is the enforcement authority as defined by the Act or by regulations it may enforce the provisions of the Act or regulations.,Section 6 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,"See also Bread and Flour Regulations 1998/141 Charges for Residues Surveillance (Amendment) Regulations 2007/2439 Charges for Residues Surveillance (Amendment) Regulations 2008/2999 Charges for Residues Surveillance (Amendment) Regulations 2009/2779 Charges for Residues Surveillance Regulations 2006/2285 Colours in Food (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2000/481 Colours in Food (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2000/1799 Colours in Food (Amendment)(Wales) Regulations 2001/3909 Colours in Food Regulations 1995/3124 Condensed Milk and Dried Milk (England) Regulations 2015/675 Country of Origin of Certain Meats (England) Regulations 2015/518 Country of Origin of Certain Meats (Wales) Regulations 2015/1519 Dairy Products (Hygiene) (Amendment) Regulations 1996/1699 Dairy Products (Hygiene) (Charges) Regulations 1995/1122 Dairy Products (Hygiene) Regulations 1995/1086 Drinking Milk (England) Regulations 2008/1317 Drinking Milk (Wales) Regulations 2010/1492 Drinking Water in Containers Regulations 1994/743 Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009/2163 Eggs and Chicks (Wales) Regulations 2010/1671 Fish Labelling (Amendment) Regulations 2014/3104 Fish Labelling (Wales) Regulations 2013/2139 Fish Labelling Regulations 2013/1768 Food (Lot Marking) Regulations 1996/1502 Food Information (Wales) Regulations 2014/2303 Food Information Regulations 2014/1855 Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars (England) Regulations 2013/2775 Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars (Wales) Regulations 2013/2750 Genetically Modified and Novel Foods (Labelling) (England) Regulations 2000/768 Genetically Modified and Novel Foods (Labelling) (Wales) Regulations 2000/1925 Honey (England) Regulations 2015/1348 Honey (Wales) Regulations 2015/1507 Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2001/1690 Infant Formula and Follow-on Formula (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2004/313 Medical Food (England) Regulations 2000/845 Medical Food (Wales) Regulations 2000/1866 Milk and Dairies (Standardisation and Importation) Regulations 1992/3143 Milk and Dairies and Milk (Special Designation) (Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 1992/2763 Milk and Dairies and Milk (Special Designation) (Charges) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/1446 Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Wales) Regulations 2015/1867 Novel Foods and Novel Food Ingredients (Amendment) (England) Regulations 1999/3182 Novel Foods and Novel Food Ingredients Regulations 1997/1335 Poultrymeat (England) Regulations 2011/452 Poultrymeat (Wales) Regulations 2011/1719 Processed Cereal-based Foods and Baby Foods for Infants and Young Children (Wales) Regulations 2004/314 Products Containing Meat etc. (England) Regulations 2014/3001 Products Containing Meat etc. (Wales) Regulations 2014/3087 Quick-frozen Foodstuffs (Amendment) Regulations 1994/298 Quick-frozen Foodstuffs Regulations 1990/2615 Single Common Market Organisation (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2013/3235 Transfer of Functions (Food) (Wales) Regulations 2014/1102 Transfer of Functions (Food) Regulations 2011/3012",True,406|407|435,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/05/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 1.doc,,False,True 1256,Food safety - inspection and seizure of suspected food,,P,"An officer authorised by a local authority may inspect, prevent the use of or seize suspected food intended, commercially, for human consumption.",Section 9 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|407|408|435,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 2.doc,,False,False 1257,"Food safety - improvement notices ",,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may issue an improvement notice in certain circumstances.,Section 10 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,407,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 3.doc,,False,False 1258,"Food safety - prohibitions orders ",,D,An officer authorised by a local authority must take certain steps with regard to prohibition orders in certain circumstances. Steps for an order issued by a court include serving a copy of the order on the proprietor of the business and affixing a copy of the order in a conspicuous place in the business premises.,Section 11 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,407,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 4.doc,,False,False 1259,"Food safety - emergency prohibition notices ",,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may in certain circumstances issue an emergency prohibition notice and must take certain steps regarding the notice and any order made by a court.,Section 12 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,407|408,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 5.doc,,False,False 1260,Food safety - registration and licensing of food premises,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to the registration and licensing of food premises.,Section 19 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,See also various SIs,True,390|391|400|406,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 6.doc,,False,False 1261,Food safety - food hygiene training,,P,"A local authority may provide food hygiene training for persons who are or intend to become involved in food businesses, whether as proprietors or employees or otherwise or may contribute towards the expenses of another authority which provides such training.",Section 23 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,422,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 7.doc,,False,False 1262,"Food safety - shellfish cleansing ",,P,A local authority may provide facilities for cleansing shellfish or contribute towards the expenses of another authority which provides such facilities.,Section 24 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,408,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 8.doc,,False,False 1263,Food safety - public analyst,,D,A local authority must appoint a one or more persons to act as a public analyst with the authority's area in the manner prescribed.,Section 27 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,"See alsoFood (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2013/3049 Food Safety (Sampling and Qualifications) (England) Regulations 2013/264 Food Safety (Sampling and Qualifications) (Wales) Regulations 2013/479",True,406|408|410|435|1011,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 9.doc,,False,True 1264,Food safety - facilities for examination,,P,A local authority may provide facilities for microbiological examination of food.,Section 28 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|408|1011,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 10.doc,,False,False 1265,Food safety - test purchases and the taking of samples,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may make test purchases and take samples of food and other substances.,Section 29 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|410|710|1011,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 11.doc,,False,False 1266,Food safety - analysis of samples,,D,A local authority must take prescribed steps regarding the analysis of samples.,Sections 30 and 31 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,"See also Food (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2013/3049 Food Safety (Sampling and Qualifications) (England) Regulations 2013/264 Food Safety (Sampling and Qualifications) (Wales) Regulations 2013/479 and SIs under section 5 of Act.",True,435|1011,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 12.doc,,False,True 1267,"Food safety - powers of entry, inspection and seizure",,P,"An authorised officer of a local authority may in accordance with the Act enter premises and apply for a warrant if entry is refused and may carry out certain inspections and seize records. ",Section 32 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|407|408|410|435,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 13.doc,,False,False 1268,Food safety - code of practice and directions,,D,"A local authority must have regard to any code of practice issued and must comply with directions made pursuant to the code. ",Section 40 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|407|408|410|1011,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/12/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 14.doc,,False,False 1269,Food safety - provision of returns,,D,"A local authority must provide reports or returns to the Secretary of state or to the Food Standards Agency as required. ",Section 41 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|407|408|410|1011,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 15.doc,,False,False 1270,"Food safety - default powers ",,D,"A local authority where deemed to be in default by the Secretary of State must comply with the Secretary of State when exercising default powers and must pay various expenses. ",Section 42 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,,True,406|407|408|410|1011,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 16.doc,,False,False 1271,Food safety - charging and expenses,,D,"A local authority must comply with regulations as to charges which it may make in relation to it's food safety functions. Expenses of authorised officers and county councils should be defrayed in accordance with regulations. ",Section 45 of the Food Safety Act 1990,,See also section 46 of the Food Safety Act 1990 and various SIs,True,406|407|408|410|1011,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Food Safety Act 90 - FSA90 - 17.doc,,False,False 1272,Council tax - levying and collection,,D,"Each local authority must levy and collect a tax, to be called council tax, which is payable in respect of dwellings situated in its area.","Section 1 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,See also Council Tax (Situation and Valuation of Dwellings) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/1747 and Council Tax (Situation and Valuation of Dwellings) Regulations 1992/550.,True,57|58|59|60|61,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,,True,03/04/1995,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 1.doc,,False,True 1273,Council tax - regulations on discounts in England,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to discounts.,"Section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,"See also Council Tax (Civil Partners) (England) Regulations 2005/2866, Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004/926, Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2005/416, Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003/3011 and Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2964",True,59|60|61,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 2.doc,,False,True 1274,Council tax - discretionary discounts in England,,P,A local authority may exercise its powers arising from regulations relating to discounts.,Section 11A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also Council Tax (Civil Partners) (England) Regulations 2005/2866, Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004/926, Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2005/416, Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) Regulations 2003/3011 and Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2964",True,59|60|61,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 3.doc,,False,True 1275,Council tax - regulations on empty dwellings,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to empty dwellings.,Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,See also Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2964.,True,57|58|60|61,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 4.doc,,False,True 1276,"Council tax - discretionary charges for empty dwellings ",,P,A local authority may exercise powers under regulations relating to empty dwellings.,"Section 11B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,See also Council Tax (Prescribed Classes of Dwellings) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2964.,True,57|58|59|60|61,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 5.doc,,False,True 1277,Council tax - regulations on discounts in Wales,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to discounts.,"Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,"See also SIs 1992/3023, 1998/105, 2004/452, 2004/3094 and 2010/612 ",True,59|60|61,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 6.doc,,False,False 1278,Council tax - discretionary discounts in Wales,,P,A local authority may exercise powers relating to discounts contained in regulations.,Section 12 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also SIs 1992/3023, 1998/105, 2004/452, 2004/3094 and 2010/612 ",True,59|60|61,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/11/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 7.doc,Title duplicate as file LGFA - 6,False,False 1279,Council tax - reduced amounts,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to reduced amounts.,"Section 13 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,"See also various SIs ",True,57|58|59|60|61,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,08/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 8.doc,,False,False 1280,Council tax - reduction schemes,,D,A local authority must make a council tax reduction scheme.,Section 13A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also section13B of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SIs 2012/2144, 2012/3145, 2013/111 and 2013/112 ",True,57|58|59|60|61,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 9.doc,,False,True 1281,Council tax - regulations,,D,"A local authority must comply with certain regulations made under the Act regarding powers to require information, offences and penalties.","Section14A of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,"See also section 14C of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SIs 2013/501 and 2013/588. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,57|58|59|60|61,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 10.doc,,False,False 1282,"Council tax - administration, penalties and enforcement",,D,"A local authority must comply with provisions regarding administration, penalties and enforcement.",Section 14 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also Schedules 2, 3 and 4 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and various SIs",True,57|58|59|60|61,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/03/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 11.doc,,False,False 1283,Council tax - setting of council tax,,D,"For each financial year and each category of dwellings in its area, a billing authority shall, in accordance with regulations, set an amount of council tax.",Section 30 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,See also section 31 to 37 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and various SIs,True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 12.doc,,False,False 1284,"Council tax - information for purposes of setting council tax ",,D,A local authority must provide certain information to a billing authority in the manner prescribed by regulations.,Section 38 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,See also SI 1992/2904,True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,06/03/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 13.doc,,False,False 1285,Council tax - issue of precepts by major precepting authorities,,D,For each financial year a major precepting authority shall issue a precept or precepts in accordance with section 40.,Section 40 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also section 42, 42A, 42B, and See also section 43 to 49 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and various SIs",True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 14.doc,,False,False 1286,Council tax - issue of precepts by local precepting authorities,,D,A local authority must issue a precept in accordance with section 41.,Section 41 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also section 42, 49A, 49B, 50 and 51 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SIs 1992/3239, 1995/235 and 2003/3395",True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or a community council in Wales,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 15.doc,Title file duplicate as file LGFA92 - 14,False,False 1287,Council tax - provision of information to any precepting authority,,D,A billing authority must supply prescribed information within a prescribed period to any precepting authority which has power to issue a precept to the billing authority.,"Section 52 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,See also SI 1992/2904,True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/03/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 16.doc,,False,False 1288,Council tax - excessive council tax,,D,A local authority must determine whether its relevant basic amount of council tax for a financial year is excessive.,Section 52ZB of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also section 52ZC to 52ZF of the Local Government Finance Act 1992. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 17.doc,,False,False 1289,Council tax - referendum on excessive council tax,,D,A local authority must hold a referendum regarding its council tax in certain circumstances and take such other steps as are required.,Section 52ZG of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also section 52ZH, 52ZN and 52ZO of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SI 2012/460. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,57|724,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 18.doc,,False,False 1290,Council tax - substitute calculations by major precepting authority where excessive council tax,,D,A local authority must make substitute calculations in certain circumstances and take other prescribed steps.,"Section 52ZJ of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,"See also section 52ZK and 52ZP of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SI 2012/460. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 19.doc,,False,False 1291,Council tax - substitute calculations by local precepting authority where excessive council tax,,D,A local authority must make substitute calculations in certain circumstances and to take other prescribed steps.,"Section 52ZL of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,"See also section 52ZM and 52ZPof the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SI 2012/460. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or a community council in Wales,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 20.doc,Title duplicate as file LGFA92 - 19,False,False 1292,Council tax - regulations and directions on excessive council tax,,D,A local authority must comply with various regulations and directions.,Section 52ZQ of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,"See also section 52ZR to 52ZW and 52ZY of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 and SIs 2012/444 and 2013/409. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 21.doc,,False,False 1293,Council tax - designation and nomination in relation to excessive council tax,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure relating to designation and nomination.,Section 52E of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,See also section 52F to 52Y of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 22.doc,,False,False 1294,Council tax - consultation with ratepayers,,D,A local authority must consult ratepayers in certain circumstances.,"Section 65 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992 ",,See also SI 1992/3171,True,57|658,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 23.doc,,False,False 1295,Council tax - functions to be discharged only by authority,,D,A local authority may not delegate certain matters.,Section 67 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,,True,57|58|59|60|61,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,31/10/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 24.doc,,False,False 1296,Council tax - provision of information to Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with a request for information from the Secretary of State.,Section 68 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,,True,57|58|59|60|61,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,03/07/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 25.doc,,False,False 1297,"Council tax - restrictions on voting by members ",,D,A local authority must ensure that members do not vote in certain circumstances.,Section 106 of the Local Government Finance Act 1992,,,True,57,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,03/12/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Finance Act 92 - LGFA92 - 26.doc,,False,False 1298,Community care - plans for community care services,,D,"A local authority must prepare, publish and keep under review plans for community care services.",Section 46 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990,,,True,204|242,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 - NHSCC90 - 1.doc,,False,False 1299,Community care - assessment and provision,,D,"A local authority must, in the manner prescribed, carry out an assessment of needs, provide information and where necessary make provision for community care services.",Section 47 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990,,,True,209,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 - NHSCC90 - 2.doc,,False,False 1300,Community care - transfer of staff from health services,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the transfer of staff from NHS employment to employment by the local authority.,Section 49 of the National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990,,,True,981,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 - NHSCC90 - 3.doc,,False,False 1301,Street works - directions as to timing,,P,"If it appears to the authority that proposed street works are likely to cause serious disruption to traffic, and that the disruption would be avoided or reduced if the works were carried out only at certain times, the authority may give the undertaker such directions as may be appropriate as to the times when the works may or may not be carried out.",Section 56 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 -6.doc,,False,True 1302,Street works - directions as to placing of apparatus,,P,A local authority may give directions as to the placing of apparatus in connection with street works.,"Section 56A of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ",,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540.",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 -7.doc,,False,True 1303,Roads - concession agreements,,D,A local authority must comply with provisions relating to concession agreements.,Section 1 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,See also section 2 to 5 and See also section 18 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,True,548|701|1443,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 1.doc,,False,False 1304,Roads - toll orders,,P,A local authority may issue toll orders in certain circumstances.,Sections 6 to 18 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,See also M6 Toll (Collection of Tolls) Regulations 2003/2186,True,1443,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 2.doc,,False,True 1305,Street works licence,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, grant a street works licence permitting a person to place, or to retain, apparatus in the street and thereafter to inspect, maintain, adjust, repair, alter or renew the apparatus, change its position or remove it and to execute for those purposes any works required.",Section 50 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,1295,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/01/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 3.doc,,False,False 1306,Street works register,,D,A local authority must maintain and make available a street works register which must comply with prescribed conditions.,Section 53 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 4.doc,,False,True 1307,Street works - advance notice,,P,A local authority may prescribe requirements when given an advance notice by an undertaker proposing to execute street works.,Section 54 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,569,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 5.doc,,False,True 1308,Street works - notice restricting works following substantial road works,,P,A local authority may give notice restricting street works following substantial road works.,"Section 58, 58A and schedule 3A of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ",,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 8.doc,,False,True 1309,Street works - co-ordination of street works,,D,A local authority must use its best endeavours to coordinate the execution of works of all kinds.,Section 59 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,557|569|570|1295,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 9.doc,,False,False 1310,Street works - protected streets,,P,A local authority may give its consent for the placing of apparatus in protected streets and may charge fees for so doing.,Sections 61 and 62 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,1295,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 10.doc,,False,True 1311,Street works - streets with special engineering difficulties,,D,A local authority must consider designating street as a street with special engineering difficulties when requested to do so.,Section 63 and schedule 4 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 11.doc,,False,True 1312,Street works - traffic sensitive streets,,P,A local authority may make a limited designation order in relation to traffic sensitive streets in certain circumstances.,Section 64 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,"See also Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (England) Regulations 2007/1951 Street Works (Registers, Notices, Directions and Designations) (Wales) (No 2) Regulations 2008/540",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 12.doc,,False,True 1313,Street works - safety measures,,P,A local authority may give directions as to safety measures to an undertaker of street works in their area.,Section 65 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,1295,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 13.doc,,False,False 1314,Street works - unreasonable delay or obstruction,,P,A local authority may issue a notice to prevent unreasonable delay and obstruction and may recover certain costs.,Section 66 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,550|1295,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 14.doc,,False,False 1315,Street works - reinstatement,,P,"A local authority may investigate the reinstatement of a road, require the undertaker to repair and in certain circumstances carry out the repairs itself and charge the undertaker for so doing.",Section 72 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,See also section 73 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,True,557|1295,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 15.doc,,False,False 1316,Street works - unreasonably prolonged works,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to unreasonably prolonged works.,"Section 74 and 74B of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ",,"See also Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/1178 Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2272 Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2009/303 Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (Wales) Regulations 2009/1268.",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 16.doc,,False,True 1317,Street works - temporary traffic regulation,,P,"Where by reason of street works the traffic authority makes an order or issues a notice under section 14 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (temporary prohibition or restriction of traffic), the authority may recover from the undertaker the whole of the costs incurred by them in connection with or in consequence of the order or notice.",Section 76 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,557|569|570|1295,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 17.doc,,False,False 1318,Street works - maintenance of apparatus,,D,"A local authority must take certain steps relating to the maintenance of apparatus as regards the safety and convenience of persons using the street (having regard, in particular, to the needs of people with a disability), the structure of the street and the integrity of apparatus of the authority in the street.",Section 81 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,See also Street Works (Maintenance) Regulations 1992/1691,True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 18.doc,,False,True 1319,Street works - road works and apparatus.,,D,A local authority must provide the owners of apparatus with certain information regarding certain road works in certain circumstances. This section applies to works for road purposes other than major highway works.,Section 83 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,557|569|570|1295,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 19.doc,,False,False 1320,Street works - major road works and apparatus,,D,A local authority must co-operate with others and the owners of apparatus in certain information regarding certain major road works.,Section 84 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,557|569|570|1295,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 20.doc,,False,False 1321,Street works - cost sharing for major road works and apparatus,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding cost sharing in certain circumstances.,"Section 85 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ",,"See also Street Works (Sharing of Costs of Works) (England) Regulations 2000/3314 Street Works (Sharing of Costs of Works) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1721",True,557|569|570|1295,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 21.doc,,False,True 1322,Roads - prospectively maintainable highway,,D,A local authority must take certain steps with regard to a prospectively maintainable highway.,Section 87 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,701|1706,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 22.doc,,False,False 1323,Roads - bridge works,,D,A local authority must take certain steps with regard to bridge works.,Section 88 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,553,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 23.doc,,False,False 1324,Street works - undertaken by street authority or district council,,P,A street authority or district council may enter into an agreement with an undertaker for the execution by the authority or council on behalf of the undertaker of any street works.,Section 94 of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,,,True,557|569|570,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - New Roads and Street Works Act 91 - NRSWA 91 - 24.doc,,False,False 1325,Planning - hazardous substances consents,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding hazardous substance applications and consents and their determination.,Sections 7 to 9 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1597 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015/627",True,414,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,11/03/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 1.doc,,False,True 1326,Planning - conditions for hazardous substances consents,,P,A local authority may impose conditions when granting a hazardous substance consent.,Section 10 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 2.doc,,False,False 1327,Planning - hazardous substances established presence,,D,A local authority must take certain steps when established presence is claimed in relation to a hazardous substance consent.,Section 11 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/04/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 3.doc,,False,False 1328,Planning - hazardous substances new consent,,D,A local authority must take certain steps with regard to a new request for consent without the conditions attached to a previous consent.,Section 13 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 4.doc,,False,False 1329,Planning - revocation or modification of hazardous substances consents,,P,A local authority may by order (which must be confirmed) revoke or modify hazardous substance consents in certain circumstances.,Section 14 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,See also section 15 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,True,414,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/03/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 5.doc,,False,False 1330,Planning - compensation for revocation or modification of hazardous substances consent,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances where an Order is made under section 14.,Section 16 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 6.doc,,False,False 1331,Planning - continuation of hazardous substances consents,,D,A local authority must consider and determine application for the continuation of a hazardous substance consent and must pay compensation in certain circumstances..,"Sections 17 to 19 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990 ",,"See also Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1597 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015/627",True,414,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 7.doc,,False,True 1332,Planning - referral of applications for hazardous substances consents,,D,A local authority must comply with directions requiring the referral of certain applications to the Secretary of State.,Section 20 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 8.doc,,False,False 1333,Planning - appeals and hearings regarding hazardous substances consents,,D,A local authority must comply with the appeals procedure and the determination of the Secretary of State.,"Sections 21, 21A and 22 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990",,"See also Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1597 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015/627",True,414,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 9.doc,,False,True 1334,Planning - hazardous substances contravention notice,,P,"A local authority may issue, serve, vary or withdraw (in the prescribed manner) a hazardous substances contravention notice in certain circumstances.","Sections 24, 24A and 25 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990",,"See also Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1597 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015/627",True,414,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 10.doc,,False,True 1335,Planning - hazardous substances consent application fees,,D,A local authority must charge prescribed fees for certain applications.,Section 26A of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1597 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015/627",True,414,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 11.doc,,False,True 1336,Planning - hazardous substances injunctions,,P,A local authority may apply to the high court or the primary court for any actual or apprehended contravention of hazardous substances control to be restrained by injunction,Section 26AA of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 12.doc,,False,False 1337,"Planning - hazardous substances temporary exemptions directions ",,D,A local authority must comply with a temporary exemption direction.,Section 27 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,,True,414,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 13.doc,,False,False 1338,Planning - register of hazardous substances applications and consents,,D,"A local authority must compile, maintain and make available a register with the prescribed content relating to hazardous substances.",Section 28 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Hazardous Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1597 Planning (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2015/627",True,414,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 14.doc,,False,True 1339,"Planning - hazardous substances on Crown land ",,D,A local authority must comply with provisions relating to hazardous substances on Crown Land.,Sections 30A to 31A of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/1283 Planning (Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Hazardous Substances) (Amendments relating to Crown Land) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1388 Planning (Application to the Houses of Parliament) Order 2006/1469",True,414,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 15.doc,,False,True 1340,Planning - right of entry on land with hazardous substances,,P,A person authorised in writing by a local authority may with or without a warrant enter land in certain circumstances for the purpose of surveying in connection with any application for hazardous substances consent or any proposal to issue a hazardous substances contravention notice.,Section 36 of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,,See also sections to 36B of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,True,414,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 16.doc,,False,False 1341,Planning - right of entry to Crown land for hazardous substances surveying,,P,"A person authorised in writing by a local authority may enter Crown land in certain circumstances for the purpose of surveying the same, but only after having first obtained the appropriate authority.",Section 36C of the Planning (Hazardous Substances) Act 1990,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,414,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Hazardous Substances Act 1990 - PHS90 - 17.doc,,False,False 1342,Planning - list of buildings of special architectural or historical interest,,D,A local authority must have regard to the list of buildings of special architectural or historical interest approved by the Secretary of State when carrying out its functions and must where applicable make such lists available for inspection.,Sections 1 and 2 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment No.2) (England) Regulations 2009/2711.",True,514,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/06/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 1.doc,,False,True 1343,Planning - buildings preservation notice,,P,A local authority may serve in the prescribed form a building preservation notice in certain circumstances.,Section 3 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also section 4 to 5 and Schedule 2 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 2.doc,,False,False 1344,Planning - issue of certificate that building not intended to be listed,,D,A local authority may not serve a building preservation notice for the period during which a certificate from the Secretary of State that the building is not intended to be listed is in force.,Section 6 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,514,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/06/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 3.doc,,False,False 1345,Planning - listed buildings consent,,P,"A local authority may award listed buildings consent for the alteration, extension or demolition of a listed building in the manner prescribed and subject to conditions.",Sections 8 and 10 to 18 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004/2210 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2012/2275 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2013/1239 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003/2048 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519 Planning (Applications for Planning Permission, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/1063 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment No. 2) (England) Regulations 2010/2185 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2008/551 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2009/2262 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010/568",True,514,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/02/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 4.doc,,False,True 1346,Planning - variation or discharge of conditions attached to listed buildings consent,,P,A local authority may vary or discharge conditions attached to a listed Buildings Consent to the extent permitted.,Section 19 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519",True,514,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 5.doc,,False,True 1347,Planning - appeals against listed buildings consent decision,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure regarding appeals on listed building consent decisions and the decision of the appeal.,"Sections 20 to 22 and schedule 3 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ",,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/1332 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment No. 2) (England) Regulations 2013/2115 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (No. 2) (England) Regulations 2004/3341 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2003/2048",True,514,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 6.doc,,False,True 1348,Planning - revocation and modification of listed buildings consent,,P,A local authority may revoke or modify listed buildings consent.,Sections 23 to 25 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519",True,514,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/10/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 7.doc,,False,True 1349,Planning - heritage partnership agreements,,P,"A local authority may enter into a heritage partnership agreement with prescribed legal individuals, which may contain prescribed conditions and/or measures.",Sections 26A and 26B of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Heritage Partnership Agreements) Regulations 2014/550,True,511|514,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 8.doc,,False,True 1350,Planning - local listed building consent orders,,P,A local authority may grant listed building consent for works by means of a local listed building consent order.,Section 26D of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also 26D, 26F and Schedule 2A of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 9.doc,,False,False 1351,Planning - direction on local listed building consent orders,,D,A local authority must comply with directions of the Secretary of State in relation to local listed building consent orders.,Section 26E of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,514,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,False,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 10.doc,,False,False 1352,Planning - variation or revocation of local listed building consent orders,,P,A local authority may vary or revoke a local listed building consent order.,Section 26G of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 11.doc,,False,False 1353,Planning - certificate of lawfulness of proposed works to listed building,,D,A local authority must issue a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works in certain circumstances.,Sections 26H and 26I of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings) (Certificates of Lawfulness of Proposed Works) Regulations 2014/552 not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,514|1712|1732,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 12.doc,,False,True 1354,Planning - appeals regarding certificate of lawfulness for listed building,,D,A local authority must comply with the appeals procedure with regard to certificates of lawfulness.,Section 26K of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also Planning (Listed Buildings) (Certificates of Lawfulness of Proposed Works) Regulations 2014/552,False,514|1712|1732,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 13.doc,,False,True 1355,Planning - compensation for decisions on listed buildings,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances.,Section 28 to 31 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519 Planning (Local Listed Building Consent Orders) (Procedure) Regulations 2014/551",True,514,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 14.doc,,False,True 1356,Planning - listed buildings purchase notices,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure relating to listed building purchase notices.,Sections 32 to 37 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519",True,514,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 15.doc,,False,True 1357,Planning - listed buildings enforcement notice,,P,"A local authority may issue, serve, amend, vary or withdraw a listed building enforcement notice in the prescribed manner in certain circumstances.",Section 38 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 16.doc,,False,False 1358,Planning - appeals against listed buildings enforcement notice,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure regarding appeals relating to listed building enforcement notices and the outcome of that appeal.,Sections 39 to 41 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2002/2682 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Appeals) (Wales) Regulations 2003/394 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement) (Written Representations Procedure) (Wales) Regulations 2003/395",True,514,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 17.doc,,False,True 1359,Planning - execution of works required by listed building enforcement notice,,P,"A local authority may in certain circumstances where an enforcement notice has not been complied with, enter premises, carry out works and recover the expenses involved in doing so.",Section 42 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Regulations 1990/1519 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2002/2682 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Appeals) (Wales) Regulations 2003/394",True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 18.doc,,False,True 1360,"Planning - injunctions for enforcement of listed buildings consent ",,P,A local authority may apply to the high or county courts for injunctive relief in certain circumstances connected to enforcement.,Section 44A of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 19.doc,,False,False 1361,Planning - compulsory acquisition of listed buildings,,P,A local authority may acquire a listed building which is not being properly preserved where the Secretary of State authorises it do so.,Section 47 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also section 48 to 51 and 56 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 20.doc,,False,False 1362,Planning - acquisition of buildings of special interest by agreement,,P,"A local authority may acquire, by agreement, certain buildings and land to protect it from deterioration and damage.",Section 52 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,511|514|618,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 21.doc,,False,False 1363,"Planning - management and disposal of acquired listed buildings ",,P,A local authority may manage and disposal of any buildings acquired under sections 47 or 52 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990.,Section 53 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,514,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 22.doc,,False,False 1364,Planning - emergency works to preserve listed buildings,,P,A local authority may carry out emergency works necessary for the preservation of a listed building and may recover the expenses involved in so doing.,Section 54 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also section 55 to 56 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 23.doc,,False,False 1365,"Planning - contribution to preservation of listed buildings ",,P,"A local authority may by grant or loan and subject to conditions, contribute towards the preservation of a listed building.",Section 57 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also section 58 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,514,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 24.doc,,False,False 1366,"Planning - planning permission for listed buildings ",,D,"A local authority considering whether to grant planning permission for development which affects a listed building or its setting, shall have special regard to the desirability of preserving the building or its setting or any features of special architectural or historic interest which it possesses.",Section 66 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,485|487|514|516|608,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 25.doc,,False,False 1367,Planning - publicity for applications affecting listed buildings,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding publicity for applications for planning permissions which may affect listed buildings.,Section 67 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004/2210 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010/568 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2015/809",True,485|487|514|855,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 26.doc,,False,True 1368,Planning - listed buildings in Greater London,,D,"A local authority must comply with regulations regarding directions from the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for any application for planning permission for any development in Greater London which would, in the opinion of the local planning authority to which the application is made, involve the demolition, in whole or in part, or a material alteration, of a listed building.",Section 68 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,485|487|514|516|608|855,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 27.doc,,False,False 1369,Planning - designation of conservation areas,,D,"A local authority must determine which parts of their area are areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance, shall designate those areas as conservation areas, shall review that determination and shall comply with any directions from the Secretary of State.",Section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,See also section 70 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,511|512,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 28.doc,,False,False 1370,Planning - proposals for preservation and enhancement of conservation areas,,D,A local authority must formulate and publicise proposals for the preservation and enhancement of conservation areas.,Section 71 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,511|512,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 29.doc,,False,False 1371,Planning - exercise of planning functions in conservation areas,,D,"A local authority must In the exercise, with respect to any buildings or other land in a conservation area pay special attention to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of that area",Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,511|512,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 30.doc,,False,False 1372,Planning - publicity for applications affecting conservation areas,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the Secretary of State with regard to publicity to be given to planning applications affecting conservation areas.,Section 73 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004/2210 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010/568 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2015/809",True,485|487|511|512|855,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 31.doc,,False,True 1373,Planning - control of demolition in conservation areas,,P,A local authority may consent to certain demolitions in a conservation area.,"Sections 74 and 75 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 ",,See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793,True,511|602,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 32.doc,,False,True 1374,Planning - town scheme agreements,,P,A local authority may enter into a town scheme agreement in certain circumstances.,Section 79 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,511|514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 33.doc,,False,False 1375,Planning - determination of relevant application,,P,A local authority may decline to determine certain applications in certain circumstances.,Section 81A of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also section 81B of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,485|487|511|514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 34.doc,,False,False 1376,Planning - Crown land,,D,A local authority must comply with provisions relating to Crown land.,Sections 82A to 82F anda 88C of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,"See also Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793 Planning (Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/1283 Planning (Listed Buildings, Conservation Areas and Hazardous Substances) (Amendments relating to Crown Land) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1388",True,511|514,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 35.doc,,False,True 1377,Planning - powers of entry for listed buildings and conservation areas,,P,An authorised officer of a local authority may for certain purposes under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 enter land for those purposes.,Section 88 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,511|514,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning Liisted buildings etc. 1990 - LBCA90 - 36.doc,,False,False 1378,Planning - determination of procedure for listed buildings,,D,A local authority must comply with procedures determined by the Secretary of State.,Section 88D of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,,,True,514,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Mayor of London, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust, the homes and communities agency; and the Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission.",True,11/11/2014,,,,False,True 1379,Housing or council tax benefit - sharing of information,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations relating to the sharing of information relating to housing or council tax benefit.,Section 7A of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,"See also Council Tax Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006/216 Council Tax Benefit Regulations 2006/215 Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006/214 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2006/217 Housing Benefit Regulations 2006/213 Social Security (Claims and Information) Regulations 1999/3108 Social Security (Jobcentre Plus Interviews) Regulations 2002/1703 Social Security (Work-focused Interviews) Regulations 2000/897 Social Security Amendment (Carer's Allowance) Regulations 2002/2497 State Pension Credit (Consequential, Transitional and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2002/3019 Social Security (Claims and Information) Regulations 2007/2911 Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Regulations 2006/832 Social Security (Claims and Payments and Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2003/1632 Social Security, Child Support and Tax Credits (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2005/337 Social Security (Notification of Changes of Circumstances) Regulations 2010/444 Universal Credit, Personal Independence Payment, Jobseeker's Allowance and Employment and Support Allowance (Claims and Payments) Regulations 2013/380",True,62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|72|73,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,03/07/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 1.doc,,False,True 1380,Social security information - use for a relevant purpose,,P,A local authority may use social security information for any relevant purpose.,Section 7B of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,See also Social Security (Claims and Information) Regulations 2007/2911 and Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 3) Regulations 2010/840,True,62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|72|73,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 2.doc,,False,True 1381,"Housing and council tax benefits - collecting information and power of entry ",,P,A person authorised by a local authority in connection with housing related benefits may exercise certain powers in respect of requiring information and entry.,Section 110A of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,See also Social Security (Local Authority Investigations and Prosecutions) Regulations 2008/463,True,62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72|73,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 3.doc,,False,True 1382,Housing and council tax benefits - electronic access to information,,P,A person authorised by a local authority in connection with housing related benefits may require electronic access to information in certain circumstances.,Section 110AA of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72|73,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 4.doc,,False,False 1383,Housing or council tax benefits - legal proceedings,,P,A local authority may bring legal proceedings for housing related benefit fraud in certain circumstances.,Section 116 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,See also section 116A of the Social Security Administration Act 1992 and Social Security (Local Authority Investigations and Prosecutions) Regulations 2008/463,True,726,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 5.doc,,False,True 1384,Housing and council tax benefits - supply of information,,P,A local authority may supply or receive information in relation to housing benefit issues in certain circumstances.,Section 122C of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,"See also section 122 D to F and 128A of the Social Security Administration Act 1992, Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Amendment) Regulations 2008/2299 Council Tax Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006/216 Council Tax Benefit Regulations 2006/215 Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006/214 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Amendment) Regulations 2008/2299 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2006/217 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Extended Payments) Amendment Regulations 2008/959 and Housing Benefit Regulations 2006/213",True,62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72|73|190|726,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,10/06/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 6.doc,,False,True 1385,Housing benefits - funding and administration,,D,A local authority must fund and administer housing benefit.,Section 134 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,"See also Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No.2) Regulations 2008/1042 Housing Benefit (Amendment) Regulations 2006/644 Housing Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006/214 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2008/2824 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2006/217 Housing Benefit Regulations 2006/213 Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 7) Regulations 2008/3157 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) (Amendment) Order 1996/2326 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) (Amendment) Order 1998/566 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) (Amendment) Order 1999/642 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) (Amendment) Order 2000/533 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) (Amendment) Order 2001/1129 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) Amendment Order 1995/3151 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) Order 1995/1954 Housing Benefit (Permitted Totals) Order 1996/677 Income-related Benefits Schemes (Widows' etc. Pensions Disregards) Amendment Regulations 1995/3282 Income-related Benefits Schemes Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 1995/2792",True,68|69|70|71|72|73,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,03/07/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 7.doc,,False,True 1386,"Housing and council tax benefits - nature of benefits ",,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding housing related benefits.,Section 138 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,"See also Council Tax Benefit (Persons who have attained the qualifying age for state pension credit) Regulations 2006/216, Council Tax Benefit Regulations 2006/215 and Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2006/217",True,62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|72|73,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 8.doc,,False,True 1387,Council tax benefit - funding and administration,,D,A local authority must fund and administer council tax benefit.,Section 139 of the Social Security Administration Act 1992,,"See also Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2010/2449 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (War Pension Disregards) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/3389 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (War Pension Disregards) Regulations 2007/1619 Social Security (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 7) Regulations 2008/3157 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Amendment) Regulations 2006/2813 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (Consequential Provisions) Regulations 2006/217 Housing Benefit and Council Tax Benefit (War Pension Disregards) (Amendment) Regulations 2009/3389",True,57|62|63|64|65|66|67,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Soc Sec Admin02 - SSAd02 - 9.doc,,False,True 1388,Planning - development orders for granting of planning permission,,P,"A local authority may grant planning permission pursuant to a development order, which may be subject to conditions or limitations.","Sections 58, 59 to 61D and schedule 4A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015/596 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Order 2012/2318 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) (No. 2) Order 2014/2692 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2002/1878 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2006/124 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2007/952 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2008/502 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2009/2193 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2012/1346 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2013/1776 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (Amendment) (Wales) Order 2014/592 Town and Country Planning (Miscellaneous Amendments and Modifications relating to Crown Land) (Wales) Order 2006/1386 Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008/580 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 2014/1532 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2013/3194 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 2013/2932 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,1707,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 1.doc,,False,True 1390,Planning - neighbourhood development orders,,D,"A local authority must comply with provisions relating to neighbourhood development orders, business areas and community right to build orders.",Sections 61E to 61Z2 and Schedules 4B and 4C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012/637 Neighbourhood Planning (General) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/20 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 2013/2932",True,1709,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 2.doc,,False,True 1391,Planning - form of applications for planning permission,,P,"A local authority may require that a planning application should be made in a particular form and manner, must contains certain particulars and should be accompanied by specified documents or other materials.",Section 62 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 And various SIs,,"Planning (Applications for Planning Permission, Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/1063 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment) Order 2013/2932 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 3.doc,,False,True 1392,Planning - applications to Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with the decision of the Secretary of State in relation to planning applications made to him and with any directions given.,Sections 62A to 62C and sections 76C to E of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.,,See also Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Written Representations and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013/2142,True,485|487,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 4.doc,,False,True 1393,Planning - notice of applications for planning permission,,D,A local authority must not entertain an application for planning permission unless notice requirements have been complied with.,"Section 65 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure and Section 62A Applications) (England) (Amendment No. 2) Order 2013/3194 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 5.doc,,False,True 1394,Planning - register of applications etc.,,D,"A local authority must keep, maintain and make available a register of planning related matters.","Section 69 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2014/1772 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487|608,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 6.doc,,False,True 1395,Planning - general conditions for determination of applications,,D,A local authority must take into account general considerations and consult when determining planning matters.,Sections 70 and 71 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487|499|516|608|855,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 7.doc,,False,True 1396,Planning - power to decline to determine applications,,P,A local authority may decline to determine applications in certain circumstances.,Sections 70A to 70C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487|516|608|855,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 8.doc,,False,True 1397,Planning - assessment of environmental effects in determination of applications,,D,A local authority must have regard to prescribed environmental considerations when determining an application.,Section 71A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012/637 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2006/3099 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (England and Wales) Regulations 1999/293 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011/1824 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/660 Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/660",True,485|487|516|608|855,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/04/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 9.doc,,False,True 1398,Planning - conditional grant of planning permission,,P,A local authority may attach conditions to a grant of planning permission.,Section 72 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also SIs 1999/293; 2006/3099; 2011/1824 and 2012/637,True,485|487|499|516|608|855,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 10.doc,,False,False 1399,Planning - determination without compliance with attached conditions,,D,A local authority must determine an application for planning permission without conditions previously attached.,"Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,See also SIs 1999/293; 2006/3099; 2011/1824 and 2012/637,True,485|487|516|608|855,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 11.doc,Title duplicate as file TCPA90 - 10,False,False 1400,Planning - permission for development already carried out,,P,A local authority may grant planning permission for development already carried out.,Section 73A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,485|487|499|516|608|855|1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 12.doc,,False,False 1401,Planning - directions.etc. as to method of dealing with applications,,D,A local authority must comply with directions when dealing with planning applications.,"Sections 74 and 74A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801 Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015/596 Town and Country Planning (Mayor of London) Order 2008/580",True,485|487|516|608|855,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 13.doc,,False,True 1402,Planning - major infrastructure projects,,D,A local authority must comply with the decision of the Secretary of State with regard to certain major infrastructure projects.,Section 76A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 76B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 and SI 2010/2184,True,485|487|608|855,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 14.doc,,False,False 1403,Planning - referral of applications to the Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the referral of planning applications to the Secretary of State.,"Section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595",True,485|487,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 15.doc,,False,True 1404,Planning - appeals against planning decisions,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure for planning appeals.,"Sections 78 and 79 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487|516,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 16.doc,,False,True 1405,Planning - simplified planning zones,,P,A local authority may make or alter a simplified planning zone scheme.,Section 83 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 84 to 87 and Schedule 7 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,515,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 17.doc,,False,False 1406,Planning - review of simplified planning zone schemes,,D,A local authority must keep the question of simplified planning zone schemes for their area under review.,Section 83 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Schedule 7 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,515,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 18.doc,,False,False 1407,Planning - development in enterprise zones,,D,A local authority must comply with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 in so far as it relates to enterprise zone schemes.,Section 88 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 89 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|516|608|855,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 19.doc,,False,False 1408,Planning - duration of planning permission,,D,A local authority must incorporate time limits for the commencement of authorised works or for approval of reserved matters into planning permissions and outline planning permissions.,Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 92 to 93 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|516|608,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 20.doc,,False,False 1409,Planning - completion notices for development,,P,A local authority may serve a completion notice stating that the planning permission will cease to have effect at the expiration of a further period specified in the notice in certain circumstances.,Section 94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also sections 95 to 96 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|516|608,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 21.doc,,False,False 1410,Planning - non-material changes to planning permission,,P,A local authority may make non-material changes to planning permissions.,Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2014/1772,True,485|487|499|516|608|1157,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 22.doc,,False,True 1411,Planning - revocation or modification of planning permission,,P,A local authority may revoke or modify planning permissions.,Section 97 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 98 to 100 and Schedule 5 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|499|516|608|1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 23.doc,,False,False 1412,"Planning - orders for discontinuance, alterations or removals etc.",,P,"A local authority may (subject to confirmation by the Secretary of State) make orders, with regard to planning permissions, requiring continuance, discontinuance, alterations or removals etc. and recover expenses in certain circumstances.",Section 102 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also section 103 to 104,115 and 190 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990",True,485|487|499|516|608|1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 24.doc,,False,False 1413,"Planning - planning obligations ",,P,"A local authority may enter into, modify or discharge planning obligations in certain circumstances.",Sections 106 to 106C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Modification and Discharge of Planning Obligations) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2013/147 Town and Country Planning (Modification and Discharge of Planning Obligations) Regulations 1992/2832",True,1710,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 25.doc,,False,True 1414,Planning - compensation for revocation or modification of planning permission,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances relating to the modification or discharge of planning permission and in certain circumstances recover those payments.,"Sections 107, 109 to 112 and 116 -118 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.",,See also Town and Country Planning (Compensation for Restrictions on Mineral Working and Mineral Waste Depositing) Regulations 1997/1111,True,485|487|516|608|1158,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 26.doc,,False,True 1415,Planning - compensation for refusal or conditional grant of planning permission,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances relating to the refusal or conditional grant of planning permission and in certain circumstances recover those payments.,"Sections 108 to 112, 117 and 118 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Compensation) (Wales) (No.2) Regulations 2014/2693 Town and Country Planning (Compensation) (Wales) Regulations 2014/593 Town and Country Planning (Compensation) (England) Regulations 2015/598",True,485|487|516|608|1158,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 27.doc,,False,True 1416,"Planning - purchase notices ",,D,A local authority must comply with a purchase notice in certain circumstances.,Sections 137 ? 148 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492,True,714,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 28.doc,,False,True 1417,"Planning - purchase of blighted land notice ",,D,A local authority must comply with a purchase of blighted land notice in certain circumstances.,Sections 149 ? 171 and Schedule 13 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Blight Provisions) (England) Order 2010/498 Town and Country Planning (Blight Provisions) (Wales) Order 2011/435 Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492",True,714,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 29.doc,,False,True 1418,"Planning - planning enforcement order ",,P,A local authority may apply to the Magistrates' Court for a planning enforcement order in certain circumstances.,Section 171BA of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also to section 171BC of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 30.doc,,False,False 1419,"Planning - planning contravention notice ",,P,A local authority may issue a planning contravention notice in certain circumstances.,Section 171C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 171D of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 31.doc,,False,False 1420,"Planning - temporary stop notice ",,P,A local authority may issue a temporary stop notice in certain circumstances.,Section 171E of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 171H of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 32.doc,,False,False 1421,"Planning - issue of enforcement notice ",,P,A local authority may issue and serve an enforcement notice in certain circumstances.,Section 172 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 173 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 33.doc,,False,False 1422,Planning - assurance regarding prosecution where enforcement notice served,,P,A local authority may issue and serve an assurance regarding prosecution in circumstances where it has served an enforcement notice.,Section 172A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,1157|1158,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 34.doc,,False,False 1423,Planning - variation or withdrawal of enforcement notice,,P,A local authority may vary or withdraw an enforcement notice.,Section 173A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,1157|1158,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 35.doc,,False,False 1424,Planning - appeal against enforcement notice,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure for appeals with regard to enforcement notices.,Sections 174 to 177 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2002/2682 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement Notices and Appeals) (Wales) Regulations 2003/394 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement) (Written Representations Procedure) (England) Regulations 2002/2683 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement) (Written Representations Procedure) (Wales) Regulations 2003/395",True,1157|1158,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 36.doc,,False,True 1425,Planning - execution and cost of works required by enforcement notice,,P,A local authority may enter land and carry out works required by an enforcement notice in certain circumstances and recover reasonable expenses for doing so.,Section 178 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492,True,1157|1158,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 37.doc,,False,True 1426,"Planning - stop notice ",,P,"A local authority may issue and serve a stop notice prohibiting the carrying out a relevant activity on the land to which the enforcement notice relates, or any part of that land specified in the stop notice in certain circumstances.",Section 183 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 184 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,608|1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 38.doc,,False,False 1427,Planning - compensation for loss due to stop notice,,D,A local authority must pay compensation where a stop notice has been served in certain circumstances,Section 186 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492,True,1157|1158,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 39.doc,,False,True 1428,Planning - breach of conditions notice,,P,A local authority may issue and serve a breach of conditions notice in certain circumstances.,Section 187A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,1157|1158,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 40.doc,,False,False 1429,Planning - injunctions restraining breaches of planning control,,P,A local authority may seek an injunction in the county or high courts to enforce planning control.,Section 187B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 41.doc,,False,False 1430,Planning - register of enforcement and stop notices,,D,"A local authority shall, in the manner prescribed keep a register of enforcement and stop notices and other enforcement action.","Section 188 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 ",,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,1157|1158,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 42.doc,,False,True 1431,Planning - certificate of lawful use or development,,D,A local authority shall provide a certificate of lawful use or development in certain circumstances.,Sections 191 to 193 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,1712|1732,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 43.doc,,False,True 1432,Planning - established use certificates,,D,A local authority shall comply with procedures relating to established use certificates.,Sections 191 to 193 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,1712,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 44.doc,,False,True 1433,Planning - appeals to the Secretary of State,,D,A local authority shall comply with procedures relating to appeals to the Secretary of State against refusal or failure to give decision on a planning application.,Sections 195 and 196 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487|516|608,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/11/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 45.doc,,False,True 1434,Planning - entry without warrant,,P,"A person duly authorised by a local authority may, at any reasonable hour, enter land without a warrant for purposes connected to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.",Section 196A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 196C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 46.doc,,False,False 1435,Planning - entry under warrant,,P,"A person duly authorised by a local authority may, at any reasonable hour, enter land with a warrant issued by magistrates for purposes connected to the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.",Section 196B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 196C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1157|1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,02/01/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 47.doc,,False,False 1436,Planning - provision for preservation and planting of trees,,D,"A local authority shall ensure that in granting planning permission for any development, adequate provision is made, by the imposition of conditions, for the preservation or planting of trees",Section 197 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,505|508,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 48.doc,,False,False 1437,Planning - tree preservation orders,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, make tree preservation orders and provisional orders in the case of Welsh authorities.",Sections 198 ? 206 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Trees) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2012/792 Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999/1892 Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation)(England) Regulations 2012/605",True,508,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 49.doc,,False,True 1438,Planning - compensation for tree preservation orders,,D,"A local authority may, by regulations be placed under a duty to keep registers and pay compensation.",Sections 198 ? 205 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Trees) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2012/792 Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999/1892 Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation)(England) Regulations 2012/605",True,508,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 50.doc,Title duplicate as file TCPA90 - 49,False,True 1439,Planning - enforcement of replacement of trees,,P,"A local authority may take action to enforce the replacement of trees in certain circumstances, including entering land, carrying out works and recovering expenses.",Sections 206 to 209 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492 Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation)(England) Regulations 2012/605",True,508,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 51.doc,,False,True 1440,Planning - register of notices of contraventions of tree preservation orders,,D,It shall be the duty of a local planning authority to compile and keep available for public inspection free of charge at all reasonable hours and at a convenient place a register containing such particulars as the Secretary of State may determine of notices under section 211 affecting trees in their area.,Section 214 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,508,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 52.doc,,False,False 1441,Planning - injunctions for breach of tree preservation orders,,P,A local authority may apply for an injunction to prevent a breach of this part of the Act.,Section 214A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,508,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 53.doc,,False,False 1442,"Planning - entry to land without warrant in relation to tree preservation orders ",,P,A person authorised by a local authority may enter land without a warrant for certain purposes.,Section 214B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 214D of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,508,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 54.doc,,False,False 1443,"Planning - entry to land under warrant in relation to tree preservation orders ",,P,A person authorised by a local authority may enter land under a warrant issued by the magistrates' court for certain purposes.,Section 214C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 214D of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,508,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/11/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 55.doc,,False,False 1444,"Planning - notice requiring proper maintenance of land ",,P,A local authority may serve a notice requiring a person to properly maintain land and must comply with the appeals procedure.,Section 215 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 216 to 218 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1158,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 56.doc,,False,False 1445,Planning - execution and cost of works for proper maintenance of land,,P,"A local authority may enter land, carry out works and recover expenses in respect of a notice requiring proper maintenance of land in certain circumstances.",Section 219 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning General (Amendment) Regulations 1997/3006 Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492",True,1158,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 57.doc,,False,True 1446,Planning - control of advertisements,,D,A local authority must comply with and enforce regulations providing for the control of advertisements and pay compensation for their removal in certain circumstances.,Sections 220 to 224 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Local Policing Bodies (Consequential Amendments) Regulations 2011/3058 Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure and Advertisements) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2114 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/2351 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Amendment) Regulations 1999/1810 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/1739 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/2057 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/2372 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (England) Regulations 2007/783 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) Regulations 1992/666 Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2012/791",True,1082,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 58.doc,,False,True 1447,Planning - removal of placards and posters,,P,A local authority may remove or obliterate placards and posters and remove structures used for unauthorised display (England only) in certain circumstances.,Section 225 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 225B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,588|1082,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 59.doc,,False,False 1448,Planning - action notice for control of advertisements,,P,A local authority may serve an action notice in certain circumstances.,Section 225C of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also section 225D to 225E of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,1082,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 60.doc,,False,False 1449,Planning - defacement of premises,,P,A local authority may serve notice and remedy the defacement or premises bus shelters or street furniture in certain circumstances.,Section 225F of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also section 225G to 225K of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,588,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 61.doc,,False,False 1450,Planning - compulsory acquisition of land,,P,A local authority may acquire land for development and other planning purposes in certain circumstances.,Section 226 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 227 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 62.doc,,False,False 1452,Planning - appropriation of common land,,P,A local authority may with the consent of the Secretary of State appropriate part of the common land.,Section 229 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 64.doc,,False,False 1453,Planning - acquisition of land for exchange,,P,A local authority may acquire land for exchange purposes in certain circumstances.,Section 230 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714|715,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 65.doc,,False,False 1454,Planning - determination by the Secretary of State to acquire land,,D,A local authority must comply with a determination by the Secretary of State to require acquisition or development of land.,Section 231 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714|715,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 66.doc,,False,False 1455,Planning - use of appropriated or acquired land,,P,A local authority may use land appropriated or acquired for planning purposes for certain other purposes.,Section 232 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714|715,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 67.doc,,False,False 1456,Planning - disposal of appropriated or acquired land,,P,A local authority may dispose of land appropriated or acquired for planning purposes by following certain procedures.,Section 233 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714|715,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/06/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 68.doc,,False,False 1457,Planning - development of land,,P,"A local authority may develop land that has been acquired or appropriated by a local authority for planning purposes, and is for the time being held by the authority for the purposes for which it was so acquired or appropriated.",Section 235 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714|715,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 69.doc,,False,False 1458,Planning - discretionary stopping up or diversion of highway,,P,A local authority may authorise the stopping up or diversion of a highway for certain planning purposes.,Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 253 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1136,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 70.doc,,False,False 1459,Planning - directed stopping up or diversion of highway,,D,A local authority must comply with an order made by the Secretary of State re the stopping up or diversion of highways,Section 247 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,1136,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 71.doc,,False,False 1460,Planning - extinguishment of rights of way over highway,,P,A local authority may extinguish rights of way over a highway in certain circumstances having followed a particular procedure.,Sections 249 - 250 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492,True,1713,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 72.doc,,False,True 1461,Planning - compulsory acquisition in connection with highways,,P,A local authority may compulsory acquire land in connection with highway in certain circumstances and extinguish certain rights and rights of way.,"Sections 254, 255, 257 to 260 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990",,"See also Town and Country Planning General Regulations 1992/1492 Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders, the Public Path Orders and the Definitive Maps and Statements (Amendment) Regulations 1995/451 Town and Country Planning (Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993/10",True,714,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 73.doc,,False,True 1462,Planning - temporary stopping up of highway for mineral workings,,P,A local authority may temporarily stop up a highway for mineral working purposes.,Section 261 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,1136,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,11/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 74.doc,,False,False 1463,"Planning - fees for planning applications etc. ",,D,A local authority must comply with regulations made regarding the fees it should charge for exercising certain planning functions and other costs and contributions.,Sections 303 to 303A and 306 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications and Site Visits) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1522 Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2153 Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012/2920 Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/2026 Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2014/357 Local Inquiries, Qualifying Inquiries and Qualifying Procedures (Standard Daily Amount) (Wales) Regulations 2011/2415 Town and Country Planning (Costs of Independent Examinations) (Standard Daily Amount) (England) Regulations 2006/3227 Town and Country Planning (Costs of Inquiries etc.) (Standard Daily Amount) (England) Regulations 2004/421 Town and Country Planning (Revocations) Regulations 2014/692",True,485|487,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,False,09/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 75.doc,,False,True 1464,Planning - advance of money in relation to blight notices,,P,A local authority may advance money to any person in certain circumstances connected with blight notices.,Section 307 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,False,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 76.doc,,False,False 1465,Planning - recovery of compensation,,D,A local authority must pay amounts equivalent to compensation paid to the Secretary of State in certain circumstances.,Section 308 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 310 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,714,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 77.doc,,False,False 1466,Planning - expenses of county councils,,P,The council of a county may direct that any expenses incurred by them under the provisions specified in Parts I and II of Schedule 16 shall be treated as special expenses of a county council chargeable upon such part of the county as may be specified in the directions.,Section 314 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also Schedule 16 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/08/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 78.doc,,False,False 1467,Planning - procedure for certain proceedings and local inquiries,,D,"A local authority must comply with certain procedures and inquiries relating to the planning process. A determination must provide for the proceedings to be considered in whichever of the following ways appears to the Secretary of State to be most appropriate at a local inquiry, at a hearing or on the basis of representations in writing.",Sections 319A to 323A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Determination of Appeal Procedure) (Prescribed Period) (England) Regulations 2009/454 Town and Country Planning (Determination of Procedure) (Prescribed Period) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2775 Planning (National Security Directions and Appointed Representatives) (England) Rules 2006/1284 Planning (National Security Directions and Appointed Representatives) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1387 Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure and Advertisements) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2114 Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure) (England) Regulations 2009/452 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement) (Written Representations Procedure) (England) Regulations 2002/2683 Town and Country Planning (Enforcement) (Written Representations Procedure) (Wales) Regulations 2003/395 Town and Country Planning (Referrals and Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1331 Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation)(England) Regulations 2012/605 Town and Country Planning (Trees) Regulations 1999/1892 Town and Country Planning (Section 62A Applications) (Written Representations and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013/2142",True,485|487|516|855,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,09/05/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 79.doc,,False,True 1469,"Planning - rights of entry to land ",,P,A person authorised in writing by a local authority may enter land for certain purposes connected with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.,Section 324 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,See also section 325 to 325A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|494,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 80.doc,,False,False 1470,Planning - information regarding interests in land,,P,"A local authority may by notice in writing require the occupier of any premises and any person who, either directly or indirectly, receives rent in respect of any premises to give in writing such information as the authority requests.",Section 330 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,485|487|494|516|608,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 81.doc,,False,False 1471,Planning - information as to interests in Crown land,,D,A local authority must provide the Secretary of State with information regarding interests in Crown land for certain purposes connected with the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.,Section 330A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,,True,608|714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,07/06/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA90 - 82.doc,,False,False 1472,Welsh language - preparation of scheme,,D,A local authority in Wales must prepare a scheme regarding its usage of the Welsh language and comply with any direction or guidance from the Board.,Section 5 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,"See also section 6 to 9 of the Welsh Language Act 1993, Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 1999/1100, Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 2001/2550, Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 2002/1441, Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 2004/71, Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 2008/1890, Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 1996/1898 and Welsh Language Schemes (Public Bodies) Order 2012/3095",True,861,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 1.doc,,False,True 1473,Welsh language - submission of scheme,,D,A local authority in Wales must submit its scheme to the Board in the prescribed manner.,Section 12 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 2.doc,,False,False 1474,Welsh language - consultation on preparation of scheme,,D,A local authority in Wales must consult regarding its proposed Welsh language scheme and comply with any directions from the Board.,Section 13 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 3.doc,Title duplicate as file WLA93-2,False,False 1475,Welsh language - intervention in schemes,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with any intervention from the Secretary of State regarding Welsh language schemes.,Section 14 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 4.doc,,False,False 1476,Welsh language - periodic revision of scheme,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with a notice received from the Board requiring it to revise its Welsh language scheme.,Section 15 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 5.doc,,False,False 1477,Welsh language - amendment of scheme,,P,A local authority in Wales may amend its Welsh language scheme in certain circumstances.,Section 16 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 6.doc,,False,False 1478,Welsh Language - directed amendment of scheme,,D,A local authority in Wales must amend its Welsh language scheme in certain circumstances.,Section 16 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 7.doc,Title duplicate as file WLA93 - 6,False,False 1479,Welsh language - directions on scheme from Secretary of State,,D,A local authority in Wales must comply with any directions made by the Secretary of State with regard to its Welsh language scheme following an investigation.,Section 20 of the Welsh Language Act 1993,,,True,861,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/12/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Welsh Language Act 93 - WLA93 - 8.doc,,False,False 1480,Dangerous wild animals - licensing,,D,A local authority shall not grant a licence for the keeping of a dangerous wild animal unless certain conditions are met.,Section 1 of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976,,See also section 2 of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976,True,376,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,22/10/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Dangerous Wild Animals Act 76 - DWA76 - 1.doc,,False,False 1481,Dangerous wild animals - inspection of premises,,P,A competent person authorised by a local authority may inspect premises for the purposes of the Act and the local authority may recover certain costs connected with the inspection.,Section 3 of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976,,,True,376|788,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,22/10/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Dangerous Wild Animals Act 76 - DWA76 - 2.doc,,False,False 1482,Dangerous wild animals - seizure and disposal of animals without compensation,,P,A local authority may seize and dispose of dangerous wild animals without compensation and recover costs in certain circumstances.,Section 4 of the Dangerous Wild Animals Act 1976,,,True,376|788,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,22/10/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Dangerous Wild Animals Act 76 - DWA76 - 3.doc,,False,False 1483,"Highways - control of road-side sales ",,P,A local authority may issue or revoke a control order prohibiting road-side sales.,Section 7 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,399,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/07/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 1.doc,,False,False 1484,Heat and electricity production and supply,,P,"A local authority may generate, buy or sell heat, electricity or both and acquire and or invest in land and equipment to enable them to do so and pass byelaws in respect of the same.",Sections 11 and 12 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,See also Sale of Electricity by Local Authorities (England and Wales) Regulations 2010/1910,True,,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 2.doc,,False,True 1485,"Compulsory acquisition of rights over land ",,P,A local authority may be authorised by the Crown to compulsorily purchase rights over land by means of a compulsory purchase order.,Section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 3.doc,,False,False 1486,"Compulsory purchase - injurious affection ",,D,A local authority must take certain steps after passing a resolution relating to land to which this section applies.,Section 14 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,714,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,14/02/1977,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 4.doc,,False,False 1487,"Compulsory purchase - survey of land ",,P,"A person authorised in writing in that behalf by a local authority may at any reasonable time survey any land in connection with a proposal by the authority to acquire compulsorily an interest in the land or a right over the land which is not such an interest; and for the purpose of surveying any land in pursuance of the preceding paragraph, enter on the land and other land.",Section 15 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 5.doc,,False,False 1488,Compulsory purchase - particulars of person with an interest in land,,P,A local authority may obtain the particulars of a person with an interest in land in connection with compulsory purchase.,Section 16 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,3,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 6.doc,,False,False 1489,"Bathing and boating - byelaws ",,P,"Where any part of the area of a local authority having power to make byelaws about public bathing and pleasure boats is bounded by or is to seaward of the low water mark, the authority may exercise that power as respects any area of the sea which is outside the area of the authority and within 1,000 metres to seaward of any place where that mark is within or on the boundary of the area of the authority.",Section 17 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,1390,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 7.doc,,False,False 1490,"Provision of recreational facilities ",,P,"A local authority may provide, grant loans or charge for recreational facilities.",Section 19 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,336|451|453|465|881|1081,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 8.doc,,False,False 1491,Provision of sanitary appliances at places of entertainment,,P,A local authority may by notice require the owner or occupier of a place of entertainment to provide sanitary appliances.,Section 20 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,See also section 21 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,True,579,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 9.doc,,False,False 1492,"Dangerous trees ",,P,A local authority may deal with dangerous trees.,Section 23 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,See also section 24 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,True,505|508|748,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/09/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 10.doc,,False,False 1493,"Dangerous excavations ",,P,A local authority may deal with dangerous excavations.,Section 25 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,See also section 26 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,True,619,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,09/04/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 11.doc,,False,False 1494,Compulsory purchase - repayment of unclaimed compensation,,P,A local authority may recover unclaimed compensation paid into court in respect of land clauses and compulsory purchase in certain circumstances.,Section 29 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,07/01/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 12.doc,,False,False 1495,Advances of remuneration to deceased employees,,P,A local authority may forego the recovery of advances of remuneration paid to deceased employees in certain circumstances.,Section 30 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,979,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 13.doc,,False,False 1496,"Officers appointed as receivers or administrators - indemnities ",,P,A local authority may indemnify its officers in their role as receivers or administrators in certain circumstances.,Section 31 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,False,1700,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 14.doc,,False,False 1497,"Execution of works outside of area ",,P,A local authority may carry out works outside of its area unless the contrary intention appears in the authorising statute.,Section 32 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,14/02/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 15.doc,,False,False 1498,"Payments for restoration or continuation of supply of water, gas or electricity",,P,A local authority may come to arrangements to enable the continuity or restoration of utility supplies to any premises in its area.,Section 33 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,110|652|661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,07/01/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 16.doc,,False,False 1499,Removal of obstructions from private sewers,,P,A local authority may by notice require the removal of an obstruction from a private sewer and in certain circumstances may clear the obstruction itself and charge for the removal.,Section 35 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,664,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,07/01/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 17.doc,,False,False 1500,Markets - appointment of times and charges,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances appoint times and charges for markets.",Section 36 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,616|617|782,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,14/02/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 18.doc,,False,False 1501,Use of spare capacity of computers of local authorities,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, enter into an agreement to allow others to share computer facilities and charge for the same.",Section 38 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,990,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,14/02/1977,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 19.doc,,False,False 1502,Hackney carriages - application of Part II,,P,A local authority may resolve that Part II of the Act in relation to hackney carriages and private hire vehicles shall apply to its area.,Section 45 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|635,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 20.doc,,False,False 1503,Hackney carriages - licensing,,P,A local authority may attach conditions to the grant of a hackney carriage licence.,Section 47 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|635,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 21.doc,,False,False 1504,Private hire vehicles - licensing,,P,"Subject to the provisions of this legislation, a council may on the receipt of an application from the proprietor of any vehicle for the grant in respect of such vehicle of a licence to use the vehicle as a private hire vehicle, grant in respect thereof a vehicle licence and may attach conditions to the grant of any such licence.",Section 48 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,633|634|636,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 22.doc,,False,False 1505,"Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - information, inspections and testing",,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, require information regarding and the inspection and testing of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.",Section 50 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633|634|635|636,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,False,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 23.doc,,False,False 1506,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - licensing of drivers,,D,A local authority must only licence (subject to conditions or otherwise) the drivers of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles in certain circumstances.,Section 51 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,See also section 52 to 54 and 59 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,True,632|633|634|635,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/09/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 24.doc,,False,False 1507,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - register of drivers,,D,A local authority must maintain a register of drivers of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.,Section 51 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633|634|635,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/09/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 25.doc,,False,False 1508,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - licensing of operators,,D,A local authority must only licence (subject to conditions or otherwise) the operators of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles provided they are satisfied that the applicant is a fit and proper person to hold an operator's licence.,Section 55 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,See also section 56 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,True,636,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 26.doc,,False,False 1509,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - information from licence applicants,,P,A local authority may require information from applicants for licences.,Section 57 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633|634|635|636,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 27.doc,,False,False 1510,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - return of plate or disc,,P,"A local authority may require the return of an identification plate or disc upon expiry or revocation of a licence. ",Section 58 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633|634|635|636,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 28.doc,,False,False 1511,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - suspension or revocation of vehicle licences,,P,"A local authority may suspend or revoke a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle licence in certain circumstances. ",Section 60 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 29.doc,,False,False 1512,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - suspension or revocation of driver's licence,,P,"A local authority may suspend or revoke a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle driver's licence in certain circumstances. ",Section 61 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,634|635,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 30.doc,,False,False 1513,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - suspension or revocation of operator's licence,,P,"A local authority may suspend or revoke a hackney carriage or private hire vehicle operator's licence in certain circumstances. ",Section 62 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,636,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 31.doc,,False,False 1514,Hackney carriages - stands upon the highway,,P,"A local authority may place stands for hackney carriages upon the highway. ",Section 63 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,786,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 32.doc,,False,False 1515,Hackney carriages - fixing of fares,,P,"A local authority may fix the rates or fares of hackney carriages. ",Section 65 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,1126,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 33.doc,,False,False 1516,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - inspection and testing,,P,"An officer authorised by a local authority may inspect and test hackney carriage or private hire vehicles. ",Section 68 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 34.doc,,False,False 1517,Hackney carriages and private hire vehicles - fees for vehicle or operator's licence,,P,"A local authority may charge fees for the issue of a vehicle or operator's licence. ",Section 70 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,632|633|634|635|636,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/11/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 76 - LGMPA76 - 35.doc,,False,False 1518,Local land charges - register and index,,D,"A local authority must keep a local land charges register and a local land charges register, and an index whereby all entries made in that register can readily be traced,",Section 3 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,,,True,672|1057,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,12/04/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 1.doc,,False,True 1519,Local land charges - registration,,D,A local authority must as respects a local land charge apply to the Chief Land Registrar for its registration in the local land charges register.,Section 5 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,,,True,672,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 2.doc,,False,True 1520,Local land charges - general charge,,P,A local authority may register a general charge with the Chief Land Registrar against land in certain circumstances.,Section 6 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,,,True,672,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/08/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 3.doc,,False,True 1521,"Local land charges - personal search of register ",,D,A local authority must allow a personal search of the register following payment of the prescribed fee.,Section 8 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,,,True,672|1057,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1997,12/04/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 4.doc,,False,True 1522,"Local land charges - official search of register ",,D,A local authority must allow an official search of the register following payment of the prescribed fee.,Section 9 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,,,True,672|1057,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/04/2006,12/04/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 5.doc,,False,True 1523,"Local land charges - compensation ",,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain cases of non-registration or defective official search,Section 10 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,,See also section 11 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,True,672,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,13/10/2003,12/04/2013,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 6.doc,,False,True 1524,Local land charges - specification of fees,,D,A local authority must specify and publish its fees relating to land charges and have regard to guidance when so doing.,Section 13A of the Local Land Charges Act 1975,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,672,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/04/2006,12/04/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 7.doc,,False,True 1525,"Local land charges - rules ",,D,A local authority must comply with rules prescribed by the Lord Chancellor when carrying out its functions under the Act.,"Section 14 of the Local Land Charges Act 1975 ",,See also SI 1977/985 as amended.,True,672,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/04/2006,12/04/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Land Charges Act 75 - LLCA75 - 8.doc,,False,True 1526,"Abandoned vehicles - fixed penalty notice ",,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice to a person suspected of committing a vehicle abandonment offence.,Sections 2A and 2B of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978,,"See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Regulations 2008/663 Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175",True,372,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 1.doc,,False,True 1527,Abandoned vehicles - use of receipts from fixed penalty notices,,P,A local authority may utilise receipts from fixed penalty notices in accordance with regulations.,Section 2C of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,See also Environmental Offences (Fixed Penalties) (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2007/175,True,372,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 2.doc,,False,True 1528,Abandoned vehicles - removal,,D,"Where it appears to a local authority that a motor vehicle in their area is abandoned without lawful authority on any land in the open air or on any other land forming part of a highway road, it shall be the duty of the authority, subject to provisions of this legislation, to remove the vehicle.","Sections 3 and 4A of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 ",,"See also Removal and Disposal of Vehicles (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2005/3252 Removal and Disposal of Vehicles (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2002/746 Removal and Disposal of Vehicles Regulations 1986/183",True,372,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 3.doc,,False,True 1529,"Abandoned vehicles - disposal ",,P,A local authority may dispose of an abandoned vehicle in its custody in accordance with the required procedure.,Sections 4 and 4A of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978,,"See also Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles (Prescribed Sums and Charges) Regulations 2008/2095 Removal and Disposal of Vehicles (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2005/3252 Removal and Disposal of Vehicles (England)(Amendment) Regulations 2002/746 Removal and Disposal of Vehicles Regulations 1986/183",True,372,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 4.doc,,False,True 1530,Abandoned vehicles - recovery of expenses,,P,A local authority may recover certain expenses incurred in connection with the removal and disposal abandoned vehicles.,"Section 5 of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 ",,"See also Removal, Storage and Disposal of Vehicles (Prescribed Sums and Charges) Regulations 2008/2095",True,372,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 5.doc,,False,True 1531,"Abandoned waste - removal ",,P,A local authority may remove abandoned waste (other than a motor vehicle) in certain circumstances.,Section 6 of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978,,,True,587,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,06/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 6.doc,,False,False 1532,"Refuse disposal - acquisition of land ",,P,A local authority may acquire land for the purposes of refuse disposal in accordance with legislation.,Section 7 of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978,,,True,520|523|528|531,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/05/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 7.doc,,False,False 1533,"Refuse disposal - powers of entry ",,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may enter land for certain purposes under the Act.,Section 8 of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978,,,True,520|523|528|531,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,27/05/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 78 - RDA78 - 8.doc,,False,False 1534,Sports grounds - safety certificates,,D,A local authority must consider applications for safety certificates for qualifying sports grounds and comply with the prescribed procedure for so doing.,Section 1 of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,"See also section 2 to 3 of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975, Safety of Sports Grounds (Designation) (Amendment) (No.2) Order 2015/1807 Safety of Sports Grounds (Designation) (Amendment) Order 2015/1556",True,842|1256,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 1.doc,,False,True 1535,Sports grounds - amendment or replacement of safety certificates,,P,A local authority may amend or replace a safety certificate in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 4 of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,,True,842|1256,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 2.doc,,False,False 1536,Sports grounds - appeals against determinations on safety certificates,,D,A local authority must comply with the appeals procedure concerning safety certificates.,Section 5 and 7 of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,See also Safety of Sports Grounds Regulations 1987/1941,True,842|1256,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/11/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 3.doc,,False,True 1537,"Sports grounds - issue, amendment, transfer and cancellation of safety certificates",,D,"A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the issue, amendment, transfer and cancellation of safety certificates.",Section 6 of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,See also Safety of Sports Grounds Regulations 1987/1941,True,842|1256,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 4.doc,,False,True 1538,Sports grounds - prohibition notices,,P,A local authority may issue or withdraw a prohibition notice in certain circumstances.,Sections 10 and 10A of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,See also Safety of Sports Grounds Regulations 1987/1941,True,842|1256,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 5.doc,,False,True 1539,Sports grounds - inspection and enforcement,,D,A local authority must arrange for the periodical inspection of sports grounds.,Section 10B of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,,True,842|1256,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 6.doc,,False,False 1540,Sports grounds - entry and inspection,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may enter a sports ground for the purpose of inspection and take a copy of certain records.,Section 11 of the Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975,,,True,842|1256,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,10/11/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Safety of Sports Grounds Act 75 - SSGA 75 - 7.doc,,False,False 1541,Animal boarding establishments - licensing,,P,A local authority may on application being made to them for that purpose and for payment of a fee licence an animal boarding establishment where the applicant meets prescribed requirements. A licence may be issued with conditions.,Section 1 of the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963,,,True,374,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,06/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963-ABEA63 - 1.doc,,False,True 1542,Animal boarding establishments - inspections,,P,An officers of an authority or any veterinary surgeon or veterinary practitioner duly authorised by a local authority may inspect an animal boarding establishment.,Section 2 of the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963,,,True,374,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,,True,01/01/1964,,Local Government Powers - Template - Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963-ABEA63 - 2.doc,,False,True 1543,Animal boarding establishments - prosecutions,,P,A local authority may prosecute proceedings for any breach of the Act committed in the area of the authority.,Section 4 of the Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963,,,True,374,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/1964,,Local Government Powers - Template - Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963-ABEA63 - 3.doc,,False,True 1544,"Caravan sites - licensing ",,P,A local authority may issue a licence for a caravan site in certain circumstances and in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 3 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,See also section 4 to 5 and section 7 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and SI 1960/1474,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 1.doc,,False,True 1545,Caravan sites - annual fee for licences,,P,A local authority may charge an annual fee for certain caravan sites.,Section 5A of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 2.doc,,False,True 1546,"Caravan sites - alteration of conditions ",,P,A local authority may alter conditions attaching to caravan site licences in certain circumstances and in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 8 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 3.doc,,False,True 1547,"Caravan sites - revocation of licence for breach of conditions ",,P,A local authority may apply to the court for a caravan site licence to be revoked where the holder is convicted of breaching its conditions.,Section 9 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,31/03/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 4.doc,,False,True 1548,Caravan sites - compliance notice for breach of licence conditions,,P,"A local authority may issue, revoke or vary a compliance notice in relation to the breach of conditions of certain caravan site licences or apply to a court for revocation upon conviction for breach.",Section 9A of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,"See also section 9B of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 5.doc,,False,True 1549,Caravan sites - recovery of expenses for compliance notice,,P,"A local authority may recover certain expenses associated with the issue of a compliance notice in certain circumstances. ",Section 9C of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 6.doc,,False,True 1550,"Caravan sites - carrying out of works ",,P,"A local authority may take steps to carry out works required by a compliance notice in certain circumstances following conviction of the occupier. ",Section 9D of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 7.doc,,False,True 1551,"Caravan sites - emergency action ",,P,"A local authority may take emergency action in respect of a licenced caravan site in certain circumstances. ",Section 9E of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 8.doc,,False,True 1552,Caravan sites - expenses for works or emergency action,,P,"A local authority may demand expenses in respect of action taken under sections 9D and 9E in respect of a licenced caravan site in certain circumstances. ",Section 9F of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,See also Sections 9G to 9I of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 9.doc,,False,True 1553,"Caravan sites - transfer of licences ",,P,"A local authority may transfer a caravan site licence in certain circumstances. ",Section 10 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,29/08/1960,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 10.doc,,False,True 1554,"Caravan sites - fee policy for licences ",,D,"A local authority proposing to charge fees under the Act must prepare and publish a fee policy. ",Section 10A of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 11.doc,,False,True 1555,"Caravans - prohibition on rural common land ",,P,"The council of a district may make, with respect to any land in their area to which this section applies, an order prohibiting, either absolutely or except in such circumstances as may be specified in the order, the stationing of caravans on the land for the purposes of human habitation.",Section 23 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,649|743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 12.doc,,False,True 1556,"Caravan sites - provision ",,P,"A local authority may acquire land and provide sites for caravans together with facilities and arrange for the same to be managed. ",Section 24 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,1108,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,10/10/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 13.doc,,False,True 1557,"Caravan sites - register of site licences ",,D,"A local authority must compile, keep and make available a register of caravan site licences for their area. ",Section 25 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,29/08/1960,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 14.doc,,False,True 1558,"Caravan sites - powers of entry ",,P,"An officer authorised by a local authority may enter a caravan site for certain purposes in certain circumstances. ",Section 26 of the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960,,,True,743,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority and the Council of the isles of Scilly,True,29/08/1960,,Local Government Powers - Template - Caravan Sites Act 1960 - CVS 60 - 15.doc,,False,True 1559,Public performance licence - person under 16,,P,A local authority may issue a public performance licence to a person aged under 16 in certain circumstances.,Section 37 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963,,See also Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014/3309 and Children (Performances and Activities) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1757,True,48,,True,Primary power of primary importance.," ",True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1963 - CYPA63 - 1.doc,,False,True 1560,Public performance licence person under 14,,P,A local authority may issue a public performance licence to a person aged under 14 in certain circumstances.,Section 38 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963,,,True,48,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,04/08/1998,01/08/2014,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1963 - CYPA63 - 2.doc,,False,True 1561,Public performance licence - variation or revocation for person under 16,,P,A local authority may vary or revoke a performance licence issued to a person aged under 16 in certain circumstances.,"Section 39 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963 ",,See also Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014/3309 and Children (Performances and Activities) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1757,True,48,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/08/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1963 - CYPA63 - 3.doc,,False,True 1562,"Public performance training licence for person 12 to 16 - issue, variation or revocation",,P,"A local authority may issue, vary or revoke a performance training licence for performances of a dangerous nature for persons aged 12 to 16 in certain circumstances.",Section 41 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963,,,True,48,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/08/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1963 - CYPA63 - 4.doc,,False,True 1563,Children and young persons performing abroad - licensing,,P,A local authority may grant a licence to enable children to perform abroad in certain circumstances.,Section 42 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1963,,,True,48,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/08/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1963 - CYPA63 - 5.doc,,False,True 1564,Children and young people - investigate and report of criminal proceedings,,D,"A local authority must when bringing or notified of criminal proceedings brought against a young person, in certain circumstances, investigate and provide the court with certain information.",Section 9 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969,,,True,176,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1969 - CYPA69 - 1.doc,,False,True 1565,Children and young people - bail report,,D,A local authority must when ordered to do so by a court provide a report in relation to certain young persons remanded on bail.,Section 23B of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969,,,True,176,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/12/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1969 - CYPA69 - 2.doc,,False,True 1566,Children and young people - transfer of care under youth rehabilitation order,,D,A local authority must comply with an authorisation to receive transferred children into care.,Section 26 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969,,"See also Children and Young Persons (Designation of Guernsey Order) Order 1971/348, Children and Young Persons (Designation of Isle of Man Orders) Order 1991/2031 and Children and Young Persons (Designation of Jersey Order) Order 1972/1074",True,1598,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/11/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1969 - CYPA69 - 3.doc,,False,True 1567,Children and young people - community homes for young offenders,,D,A local authority must comply with a direction relating to the detention of a young offender in a community home or detain such young people in certain circumstances.,Section 30 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969,,See also section 32 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1969,True,1598,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,25/08/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template -Children and Young Person Act 1969 - CYPA69 - 4.doc,,False,True 1568,Commons registration - town and village greens,,D,A local authority shall maintain a register of town and village greens and the ownership of rights over them.,Section 1 of the Commons Registration Act 1965,,"See also section 2 and 3 of the Commons Registration Act 1965, Commons Registration (Time Limits) (Amendment) Order 1970/383, Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2008/1961, Commons Registration (England) Regulations 2014/3038, Commons Registration (Amendment and Miscellaneous Revocations) Regulations 2010/2357, Commons Registration (General) (Amendment) Regulations 1968/658, Commons Registration (General) Regulations 1966/1471, Commons Registration (Objections and Maps) Regulations 1968/989, Commons Registration (Disposal of Disputed Registrations) (Amendment) Regulations 1993/1771 and Commons Registration (Disposal of Disputed Registrations) Regulations 1972/437",True,649,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/10/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Registration Act 1965-CRA65 - 1.doc,,False,True 1569,Country parks - provision,,P,"A local authority may provide, maintain and manage a country park, acquire land to enable it to do so and issue byelaws regarding its use.",Section 7 of the Countryside Act 1968,,See also section 8 of the Countryside Act 1968,True,461|702,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 1.doc,,False,True 1570,Common land - public access,,P,A local authority may act in the interests of those wishing to access common land for open air recreation including the erection of buildings and the acquisition of land.,Section 9 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|466|469|702|746|1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,31/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 2.doc,,False,True 1571,Countryside - camping and picnic sites,,P,A local authority may provide camping and picnic sites and may acquire land in order to do so.,Section 10 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,466|1108,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/08/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 3.doc,,False,True 1572,Countryside -natural beauty and amenity,,D,A local authority must have regard to the desirability of conserving the natural beauty and amenity of the countryside when exercising its functions as to land.,Section 11 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|470|596|702|745|1540,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,03/08/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 4.doc,,False,False 1573,Countryside - national parks facilities,,P,A local authority may provide various facilities for national parks in its area.,Section 12 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,466|468|469|702,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 5.doc,,False,True 1574,Countryside - control of boats in national parks,,P,A local authority may make byelaws to control the use of boats on lakes in a national park in its area.,Section 13 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|1390,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 6.doc,,False,True 1575,"Countryside - access to open country, rivers, canals and woodlands",,P,"A local authority may exercise powers under Part V of the National Parks and Countryside Act 1949 in relation to certain strips of land bordering rivers, canals and woodlands.",Section 16 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|702|1118,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 7.doc,,False,True 1576,Countryside - access agreement terms,,P,A local authority may impose terms into access agreements to prevent land becoming excepted land.,Section 18 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|702|1118,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/08/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 8.doc,,False,True 1577,Countryside - display of maps and notices,,P,"A local planning authority shall have power, as respects any land in their area which is subject to an access agreement or order, to defray or contribute towards, or to undertake to defray or contribute towards, expenditure incurred or to be incurred in relation to the land by any person interested therein in displaying, at places where the public obtain access to any such land any reproduction of the relevant map prepared by the local planning authority under section 78 of the Act of 1949, or any notice specifying restrictions on access to the land or any part thereof.",Section 20 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|702|1118,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/08/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 9.doc,,False,True 1578,Rights of way - signposting of footpaths and bridleways,,P,"A local authority may erect a signpost on a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway in certain circumstances",Section 27 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,613|1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,11/07/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 10.doc,,False,True 1579,Countryside - economic and social interests,,D,"A local authority must have regard to agriculture, forestry and the economic and social interests of the countryside when exercising functions under various pieces of legislation.",Section 37 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,702,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 11.doc,,False,False 1580,Countryside and country parks - byelaws,,P,A local authority may make byelaws in relation to country parks and other land as specified in regulations.,Section 41 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|702|1390,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 12.doc,,False,True 1581,Countryside - national park wardens,,P,A local planning authority whose area consists of or includes the whole or any part of a National Park may appoint such number of persons as may appear to the authority to be necessary or expedient to act as wardens as respects any land within the National Park subject to certain conditions.,Section 42 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,749,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 13.doc,,False,True 1582,Countryside - provision of and charging for facilities,,P,A local authority may provide facilities in connection with the exercise of its powers under the Act and may charge for so doing.,Section 43 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,466|467|469|702,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/08/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 14.doc,,False,True 1583,Countryside - non-discrimination for use of facilities,,D,A local authority must not discriminate against people from outside its area in relation to the exercise of its powers under the Act.,Section 43 of the Countryside Act 1968,,,True,461|466|469|702,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/08/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Countryside Act 68 - Cty68 - 15.doc,,False,True 1584,Welfare of old people - promotion,,P,A local authority may to the extent approved by the Secretary of State and as directed make provision for the promotion of the welfare of old people.,Section 45 of the Health Service and Public Health Act 1968,,,True,209|242|269|271|292|313|315,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 - HSPA68 - 1.doc,,False,True 1585,Health and care workers - training,,D,A local authority must ensure that certain health and care workers comply with training prescribed by the Secretary of State.,Section 63 of the Health Service and Public Health Act 1968,,,True,343|1283,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 - HSPA68 - 2.doc,,False,True 1586,Health and care - financial assistance to voluntary organisations,,P,A local authority may give financial assistance to certain voluntary organisations in respect of certain health and care activities.,Section 65 of the Health Service and Public Health Act 1968,,,True,615|732,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/11/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Health Service and Public Health Act 1968 - HSPA68 - 3.doc,,False,True 1587,Development of land,,P,"A local authority may for the benefit of its area develop land including powers to construct, repair and maintain.",Section 2 of the Local Authorities (Land) Act 1963,,,True,594|754|1663,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authorities Land Act 1963-LALA63 - 1.doc,,False,True 1588,Advances for development of land,,P,"A local authority may for the benefit of its area advance money to any person for the acquisition of land or the erection of a building ",Section 3 of the Local Authorities (Land) Act 1963,,,True,350|639|857|900|1059,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authorities Land Act 1963-LALA63 - 2.doc,,False,True 1589,Advances for building agreements,,P,A local authority may for the benefit of its area advance money in pursuance of a building agreement.,Section 4 of the Local Authorities (Land) Act 1963,,,True,594|754,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,31/07/1963,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authorities Land Act 1963-LALA63 - 3.doc,,False,True 1590,Provision of garage accommodation,,P,"A local authority may provide, maintain and repair garage facilities.",Section 5 of the Local Authorities (Land) Act 1963,,,True,115,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,31/07/1963,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authorities Land Act 1963-LALA63 - 4.doc,,False,True 1591,"Local government - payment of officer expenses ",,P,A local authority may pay its officers' expenses.,Section 5 of the Local Government (Financial Provisions) Act 1976,,,True,1727,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Financial Prov Act 63 - LGMFA63 - 1.doc,,False,True 1592,"Local government - promotion of adequate use of records ",,P,A local authority may take steps to make adequate use of its records by promoting the same in various ways.,Section 1 of the Local Government (Records) Act 1962,,,True,990|1034|1305,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/1962,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Records Act 62 - LGRA62 - 1.doc,,False,True 1593,"Local government - acquisition and deposit of records ",,P,A local authority may acquire and deposit records.,Section 2 of the Local Government (Records) Act 1962,,,True,1034|1305,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Records Act 62 - LGRA62 - 2.doc,,False,True 1594,Disused tips - information,,P,A local authority may require information necessary to assess the stability of a disused tip and whether it presents a danger to public safety.,Section 12 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 1.doc,,False,True 1595,Disused tips - right to enter land etc.,,P,A person duly authorised by a local authority may enter land to perform inspections and investigations and to carry out exploratory tests.,Section 13 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 2.doc,,False,True 1596,Disused tips - direction for remedial operations,,P,A local authority may by notice in the prescribed form require the owner of a disused tip to carry out remedial operations or cancel such a notice.,Section 14 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,See also section 15 to 16 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969 and Disused Mine and Quarry Tips (Prescribed Forms) Regulations 1969/807,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 3.doc,,False,True 1597,Disused tips - remedial operations and works of reinstatement,,P,A local authority may carry out remedial operations and works of reinstatement in certain circumstances and may sell materials in certain circumstances.,Section 17 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,See also Disused Mine and Quarry Tips (Prescribed Forms) Regulations 1969/807,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 4.doc,,False,True 1598,Disused tips - right of entry for remedial operations and reinstatement,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, enter land to carry out remedial operations and works of reinstatement.",Section 18 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,See also SI 1969/807,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 5.doc,,False,True 1599,Disused tips - contribution notice for remedial operations,,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, apply to the court for a contribution order in respect of the expense involved in remedial operations and works of reinstatement.",Section 19 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 6.doc,,False,True 1600,Disused tips - compensation for damage and disturbance during remedial operations,,D,"A local authority must pay compensation for damage and disturbance arising from remedial operations and works of reinstatement in certain circumstances. ",Section 20 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,,True,1673,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 7.doc,,False,True 1601,Disused tips - recovery of expenses for remedial works,,P,A local authority may recover its expenses connected to remedial works in certain circumstances.,Section 23 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,See also section 24 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,True,1673,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 8.doc,,False,True 1602,Disused tips - grants towards expenditure for remedial works,,P,A local authority must comply with the conditions of any grants made by the Secretary of State,Section 25 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,,True,1673,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 9.doc,,False,True 1603,Disused tips - criminal proceedings in relation to remedial works,,P,A local authority may bring criminal proceedings for offences under Part II of the Act.,Section 27 of the Mines and Quarries (Tips) Act 1969,,,True,1673,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/06/1969,,Local Government Powers - Template -Mines and Quarries (Tips ) Act 1969 - MQTA69 - 10.doc,,False,True 1604,"Plant health - removal or destruction of crop, seed or plant",,D,"A local authority must comply with certain directions and pay compensation in certain circumstances in respect of any crop, or any seed, plant or part thereof, which is removed or destroyed in pursuance of any order.",Section 5 of the Plant Health Act 1967,,"See also Dutch Elm Disease (Local Authorities) (Amendment) Order 1988/604, Dutch Elm Disease (Local Authorities) Order 1984/687 Plant Health (Forestry) (Miscellaneous Revocations) (England) Order 2015/741, Watermark Disease (Local Authorities) (Amendment) Order 1992/44 and Watermark Disease (Local Authorities) Order 1974/768",True,1527,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Plant Health Act 1967-PHA67 - 1.doc,,False,True 1605,Plant health - publication of orders,,D,A local authority must publish certain orders when required to do so.,Section 6 of the Plant Health Act 1967,,,True,1527,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Plant Health Act 1967-PHA67 - 2.doc,,False,True 1606,"Public health - repair of drains, private sewers and waste pipes ",,P,"A local authority may repair or cleanse drains, private sewers and waste pipes in certain circumstances and may recover certain expenses.",Section 17 of the Public Health Act 1961,,See also section 22 of the Public Health Act 1961,True,555|664,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 1.doc,,False,True 1607,"Public health - removal of accumulations of rubbish ",,P,"A local authority may, in accordance with the prescribed procedure remove accumulations of rubbish.",Section 34 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,587,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,06/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 2.doc,,False,True 1608,Public health - vacation of building for fumigation,,P,"A local authority may, in accordance with the prescribed procedure, require the vacation of a building for the purposes of fumigation and may recover certain expenses.",Section 36 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,419,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 3.doc,,False,True 1609,"Public health - prohibition of sale of verminous articles ",,P,"A local authority may, in accordance with the prescribed procedure, require the removal of and destroy verminous household articles prepared or offered for sale and may recover certain expenses",Section 37 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,419,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 4.doc,,False,True 1610,"Street lighting - affixing to buildings ",,P,"A local authority may, with the agreement of a building's owner, affix street lighting to buildings.",Section 45 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,564,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 5.doc,,False,True 1611,Parks and pleasure grounds - management,,P,"A local authority may, exercise certain powers regarding the management of parks and pleasure grounds.",Section 52 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,461,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 6.doc,,False,True 1612,Parks and pleasure grounds - closing,,P,A local authority may close parks and pleasure grounds at certain times.,Section 53 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,461,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 7.doc,,False,True 1613,Parks and pleasure grounds - boating pools and lakes,,P,A local authority may exercise certain powers relating to the provision and management of boating pools and lakes.,Section 54 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,461|709,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 8.doc,,False,True 1614,Public health - inspection of derelict petrol tanks,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may inspect derelict petrol tanks to ensure their compliance with the Act.,Section 73 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,810,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 9.doc,,False,True 1615,Public health - reduction of pigeons and other birds,,P,"A local authority may take any steps for the purpose of abating or mitigating any nuisance, annoyance or damage caused by the congregation in any built-up area of house doves or pigeons or of starlings or sparrows.",Section 74 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,431,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 10.doc,,False,True 1616,Public health - byelaws concerning pleasure fairs and roller skating,,P,A local authority may pass bye laws to regulate pleasure fairs and roller skating to ensure public safety.,Section 75 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,870|1390,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,31/03/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 11.doc,,False,True 1617,Public health - regulation of seaside pleasure boats,,P,"For the prevention of danger, obstruction or annoyance to persons bathing in the sea or using the seashore, a local authority may make byelaws regulating the speed of pleasure boats, regulating the use of pleasure boats so as to prevent their navigation in a dangerous manner or without due care and attention or without reasonable consideration for other persons and requiring the use of effectual silencers on pleasure boats propelled by internal combustion engines.",Section 76 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,739|763|1390,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 12.doc,,False,True 1618,Public health - regulation of hairdressers and barbers,,P,"A local authority may make byelaws for the purpose of securing the cleanliness of premises on which a hairdresser's or barber's business is carried on and of the instruments, towels, materials and equipment used therein, and the cleanliness of the hairdressers or barbers working in such premises in regard to both themselves and their clothing.",Section 77 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,419,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 13.doc,,False,True 1619,Public health - enforcement of byelaws for hairdressers and barbers,,D,A local authority must enforce byelaws made under section 77 to regulate hairdressers and barbers.,Section 77 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,419,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 14.doc,,False,True 1620,Street furniture - civil debt for recovery of damage,,P,A local authority may recover damage caused by negligence to certain items of street furniture as a civil debt.,Section 81 of the Public Health Act 1961,,,True,559,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple or the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,03/10/1961,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 61 - PHA61 - 15.doc,,False,True 1621,Public lavatories - abolition of turnstiles,,D,A local authority must ensure that there are no turnstiles at public lavatories controlled or managed by a local authority.,Section 1 of the Public Lavatories (Turnstiles) Act 1963,,,True,579,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Lavatories (Turnstiles) Act 63 - PLTA63 - 1.doc,,False,True 1622,Libraries - co-operation with the Secretary of State,,D,"A local authority shall furnish such information, and provide such facilities for the inspection of library premises, stocks and records, as the Secretary of State may require for carrying out his duty.",Section 1 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,437|439|447|449|1062,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 1.doc,,False,True 1623,Libraries - formation of joint boards,,P,Two or more local authorities may form joint boards with the consent of the Secretary of State.,Section 5 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,437,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 2.doc,,False,True 1625,Libraries - library service,,D,A local authority must provide a comprehensive and efficient library service for all persons desiring to make use thereof.,Section 7 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,437|438|439|442|444|445|447|1141,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 4.doc,,False,True 1626,Libraries - restriction on charges for library facilities,,D,A local authority may not charge for library services save as allowed for by section 8 or by regulations.,"Section 8 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964 ",,See also Library Charges (England and Wales) Regulations 1991/2712,True,437|442|444|447|448|449|865|1062|1141,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 5.doc,,False,True 1627,Libraries - contributions towards expenses,,P,A local authority may make contributions towards the expenses of another library authority.,Section 9 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,437|438,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 6.doc,,False,True 1628,Libraries - default powers of Secretary of State,,D,A local authority must comply with the directions of the Secretary of State when he is exercising his default powers where a library authority has failed to carry out duties relating to the public library service.,Section 10 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,437,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 7.doc,,False,True 1629,"Libraries - transfer of staff, assets and liabilities",,D,"A local authority must take certain steps where staff, assets and liabilities transfer under the Act.",Section 11 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,437,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 8.doc,,False,True 1630,Museums and galleries - provision and maintenance,,P,A local authority may provide and maintain museums and galleries in its area.,Section 12 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,620|621|839|1018|1020,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 9.doc,,False,True 1631,Museums and galleries - admission charges,,P,A local authority may charge for entry to museums and galleries in certain circumstances.,Section 13 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,620|1018|1020,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 10.doc,,False,True 1632,Museums and galleries - contribution towards expenses,,P,A local authority may make contributions towards the expenses of running museums or galleries or provide advisory or other services there.,Section 14 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,,True,620,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 11.doc,,False,True 1633,Museums and galleries - fund for purchase of exhibits,,P,A local authority may establish a fund for the purchase of exhibits for its museums and galleries.,Section 15 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,,See also Schedule 2 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964,True,620|621|1018|1020,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964-PLMA64 - 12.doc,,False,True 1634,Riding establishments - licensing,,P,A local authority may in certain circumstances and for payment of a fee licence a riding establishment.,Section 1 of the Riding Establishments Act 1964,,,True,696,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,06/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Riding Establishments Act 1964-REA64 - 1.doc,,False,True 1635,Riding establishments - inspections,,P,"A local authority may, subject to the provisions of this section, authorise in writing any such person as the following, namely, an officer of theirs, an officer of any other local authority, a veterinary surgeon and a veterinary practitioner, to inspect a riding establishment.",Section 2 of the Riding Establishments Act 1964,,,True,696,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,06/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Riding Establishments Act 1964-REA64 - 2.doc,,False,True 1636,Riding establishments - prosecutions,,P,A local authority may prosecute proceedings for breach of the Riding Establishments Act 1964.,Section 5 of the Riding Establishments Act 1964,,,True,696,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/1965,,Local Government Powers - Template - Riding Establishments Act 1964-REA64 - 3.doc,,False,True 1637,Slaughter of poultry - licensing,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations regarding the licensing of poultry facilities.,Section 3 of the Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967,,,True,788,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967-SPA1.doc,,False,True 1638,Slaughter of poultry - power of entry,,P,An officer authorised by the local authority may enter premises to ensure compliance with the Act.,Section 4 of the Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967,,,True,788,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967-SPA2.doc,,False,True 1639,"Slaughter of poultry - execution and enforcement ",,D,A local authority shall enforce the Act and regulations made under the Act.,Section 6 of the Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967,,,True,788,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughter of Poultry Act 1967-SPA3.doc,,False,True 1640,Trading standards - enforcing authorities,,D,A local authority must enforce the Act and orders made thereunder utilising powers in Schedule 5 to the Consumer Rights Act 2015 and deliver reports to the Board of Trade.,Section 26 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968,,,True,399|402|403|404|789|791|1046,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,30/11/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Trade Descriptions Act 1968-TDA1.doc,,False,True 1641,Trading standards - test purchases,,P,A local authority may make test purchases for the purposes of the enforcement of the Act.,Section 27 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968,,,True,399|402|403|404|789|791|1046,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/11/1968,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Trade Descriptions Act 1968-TDA2.doc,,False,True 1642,Trading standards - entry to premises and seizure of goods and documents,,P,An officer authorised by a local authority may enter premises and seize goods and documents for certain purposes connected with the enforcement of the Act.,Section 28 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968,,,True,399|402|403|404|789|791|1046,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,20/06/2003,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Trade Descriptions Act 1968-TDA3.doc,,False,True 1643,Trading standards - notification of test results,,D,An officer authorised by a local authority must notify the owner of goods of the results of certain tests.,Section 30 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968,,,True,402|403|404|789|791|1046,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Trade Descriptions Act 1968-TDA4.doc,,False,True 1644,Trading standards - compensation for goods seized,,D,A local authority must pay compensation for certain goods seized in certain circumstances.,Section 33 of the Trade Descriptions Act 1968,,,True,399|402|403|404|789|791|1046,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/11/1968,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Trade Descriptions Act 1968-TDA5.doc,,False,True 1645,Public transport facilities - capital expenditure,,P,A local authority may make payments towards capital expenditure for public transport facilities in certain circumstances,Section 56 of the Transport Act 1968,,,True,493,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Act 1968-TrnA1.doc,,False,True 1646,Waterways - assistance for maintenance for amenity purposes,,P,"A local authority may assist any other person (whether financially, by the provision of services or facilities, or otherwise) in maintaining or improving waterways for amenity or recreational purposes, including fishing.",Section 114 of the Transport Act 1968,,,True,556,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,18/11/1968,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Act 1968-TrnA2.doc,,False,True 1647,"Bridges over railways and inland waterways ",,D,A local authority has responsibility for certain bridges over waterways and railways.,Section 118 of the Transport Act 1968,,,True,553|554|1354,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,02/07/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Act 1968-TrnA3.doc,,False,True 1648,Barriers at level crossings - financial contributions,,P,"A local authority may contribute to the expenses incurred for providing lifting or other barriers, lights, signs, or other devices or appliances for the protection or convenience of the public at or near any level crossing where a road is crossed by a railway.",Section 123 of the Transport Act 1968,,,True,545,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Act 1968-TrnA4.doc,,False,True 1649,"Travel concessions - financial contributions ",,P,A local authority may contribute to the cost of travel concessions incurred by a another authority.,Section 138 of the Transport Act 1968,,,True,272|273|280|907,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Transport Act 1968-TrnA5.doc,,False,True 1650,"Animal feed - collection of kitchen waste ",,P,A local authority may collect kitchen waste or similar waste for use as animal feed and may make byelaws in respect of the same.,Section 9 of the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954,,,True,1423,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture (Misc Prov) Act 54 - AMPA54 - 1.doc,Date on which this power came into force is unknown.,False,True 1651,"Allotments - rent ",,P,A local authority may charge rent for land let as allotments pursuant to the 1908 Allotments Act.,Section 10 of the Allotments Act 1950,,,True,510,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,26/10/1950,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 1950 - AllA50 -1.doc,,False,True 1652,Restaurants - establishment,,P,"A local authority may establish and carry on restaurants and otherwise provide for the supply to the public of meals and refreshments, and may carry on such activities as are reasonably incidental or ancillary to the activities aforesaid.",Section 1 of the Civic Restaurants Act 1947,,,True,1413,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Civic Restaurants Act 47 - CRA47 - 1.doc,,False,True 1653,"Coastal protection - erosion work ",,P,A local authority may carry out coastal protection erosion work in certain circumstances and having taken certain prescribed steps.,Section 4 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,"See also section 5 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949, Coast Protection (Notices) Regulations 1950/124, Coast Protection (Notices) (England) Regulations 2002/1278 and Coast Protection (Notices) (Wales) Regulations 2003/1847",True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -1.doc,,False,True 1654,"Coastal protection - preparation of schemes of works ",,D,A local authority must prepare schemes of work to carry out certain works providing for coast protection in certain circumstances which must be approved by the appropriate authority. The authority must take account of legislation when completing the scheme of works.,Section 6 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949," ",See also section 7 to 8 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949 and Coast Protection (Notices) Regulations 1950/124,True,848,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -2.doc,,False,True 1655,Coastal protection - implementation of schemes of works,,P,Where a works scheme prepared by an authority is confirmed by the Minister the authority shall have power to take all necessary steps for carrying out the work provided for by the scheme subject to any provisions in regulations.,Section 9 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -3.doc,,False,True 1656,"Coastal protection - charges ",,P,A local authority may levy and recover charges for coastal protection work in certain circumstances.,Section 7 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,See also section 12 and 13 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -4.doc,,False,True 1657,"Coastal protection - compulsory acquisition of land ",,P,A local authority may compulsorily acquire land if authorised by the appropriate national authority to do so.,Section 14 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -5.doc,,False,True 1658,"Coastal protection - unauthorised works ",,P,"A local authority may by notice demand the removal or re-instatement of unauthorised coast protectionworks, carry out that work themselves in certain circumstances and prosecute an offence.",Section 16 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,See also section 17 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -6.doc,,False,True 1659,Coastal protection - prohibition of excavation on or under the seashore,,P,A local authority may make an order (which they must enforce) prohibiting the excavation of materials on or under the seashore in certain areas and may issue licences allowing such works in such areas.,Section 18 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/07/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -7.doc,,False,True 1660,"Coastal protection - compensation for depreciation in value of land ",,D,"A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances where the value of a person's interest in land has depreciated or that any person has suffered damage by being disturbed in his enjoyment of land, in consequence of the carrying out of coast protection work by the authority.",Section 19 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 -8.doc,,False,True 1661,"Coastal protection - incidental purposes land ",,P,"A local authority may treat land acquired for the purposes of coastal incidental purposes land under the Local Government Act 1972 ",Section 22 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 9.doc,,False,True 1662,Coastal protection - sale of severed materials,,P,"A local authority may sell unclaimed materials which they have severed from the land as part of coastal protection work. ",Section 23 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 10.doc,,False,True 1663,"Coastal protection - powers of entry and inspection ",,P,"A person duly authorised by a local authority may enter land for certain purposes connected with coastal protection. ",Section 25 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 11.doc,,False,True 1664,Coastal protection - information on ownership of land,,P,"A local authority may require information regarding ownership of land for purposes connected with coastal protection. ",Section 26 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 12.doc,,False,True 1665,Coastal protection - right of passage,,P,"A local authority may require the right of passage over land by agreement or by compulsion for the purposes of coastal protection work. ",Section 27 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 13.doc,,False,True 1666,Coastal protection - application to Minister for authority to do work,,P,"A local authority may apply to the Minister to facilitate coastal protection work. ",Section 28 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 14.doc,,False,True 1667,Coastal protection - default powers of Minister,,D,"A local authority must comply with an order form the Minister utilising his default powers where they have failed to take sufficient measures for the protection of any land in their area. ",Section 29 of the Coastal Protection Act 1949,,,True,848,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/07/1990,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coastal Protetcion Act 49 - CPA49 - 15.doc,,False,True 1668,"Disabled persons - sheltered employment ",,P,A local authority may provide employment and training opportunities designed to meet the needs of registered disabled person.,Section 3 of the Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 1958,,,True,239|299,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority,True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Disabled Persons (Employment) Act 58 - DPEA - 1.doc,,False,True 1669,"Allotments - lettings ",,P,A local authority may continue to let certain land as allotments.,Section 5 of the Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953,,,True,510,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Emergency Laws (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 53 - ELMPA53 -1.doc,,False,True 1670,Hypnotism - licensing,,P,"A local authority may issue a licence, with conditions, for the exhibition, demonstration or performance of hypnotism.",Section 2 of the Hypnotism Act 1952,,,True,1160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple, the Under-Treasurer of the Middle Temple and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Hypnotism Act 52 - HypA52 - 1.doc,,False,True 1671,"Hypnotism - licence fee ",,P,A local authority may charge a fee for a licence for demonstrations of hypnotism.,Section 2A of the Hypnotism Act 1952,,,True,1160,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,21/09/1994,,Local Government Powers - Template - Hypnotism Act 52 - HypA52 - 2.doc,,False,True 1672,"Transport - provision and maintenance of bus shelters ",,P,A local authority may provide and maintain bus shelters in their area subject to them obtaining required consents.,Section 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953,,See also section 5 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953,True,637|906,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 53 - LGRA53 - 1.doc,Date from which this power applied is unknown,False,True 1673,Transport - compensation for temporary removal of bus shelter,,D,A local authority must when requested to do so by a street works undertaker temporarily remove a bus shelter maintained by them or pay compensation.,Section 6 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953,,,True,637|906,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,25/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 53 - LGRA53 - 2.doc,,False,True 1674,"Transport - maintenance of existing bus shelters and queue barriers ",,P,A local authority may maintain existing bus shelters or queue barriers.,Section 7 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953,,,True,637|906,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,14/08/1953,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 53 - LGRA53 - 3.doc,,False,True 1675,Waste collection - charges for provision of dustbins,,P,"A local authority may make an annual charge for the provision, maintenance, repair or renewal of dustbins in certain circumstances.","Section 8 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1953 ",,See also Local Authorities (Charges for Dustbins) Order 1976/984,True,526,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,14/08/1953,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Misc Prov Act 53 - LGRA53 - 4.doc,,False,True 1676,Local government - financial assistance to district and parish councils,,P,A county council may provide financial assistance towards expenditure to a district or parish council in its area.,Section 56 of the Local Government Act 1958,,,True,723,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Gov Act 58 - LGRA58 - 1.doc,Date from which this power applied is unknown,False,True 1677,Welfare - provision of accommodation,,D,A local authority must provide accommodation with the approval of the Secretary of State and to the extent directed by him and must take into account the welfare of persons for whom the accommodation is provided.,Section 21 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,"See also section 26 of the National Assistance Act 1948, National Assistance (Residential Accommodation) (Disregarding of Resources) (England) Regulations 2001/3067, National Assistance (Residential Accommodation) (Disregarding of Resources) (Wales) Regulations 2003/969, Residential Accommodation (Determination of District Health Authority) (Amendment) Regulations 1993/582 and Residential Accommodation (Determination of District Health Authority) Regulations 1992/3182",True,77|107|112|292|1714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/03/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 1.doc,,False,True 1678,Welfare - charges for provision of accommodation,,D,A local authority must recover charges for accommodation provided in certain circumstances,"Section 22 of the National Assistance Act 1948 ",,"See also National Assistance (Charges for Accommodation) Regulations 1976/1659, National Assistance (Charges for Accommodation) Regulations 1992/563, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources and Sums for Personal Requirements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2006/1051, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources and Sums for Personal Requirements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2008/743, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources and Sums for Personal Requirements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2009/632, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources and Sums for Personal Requirements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2010/799, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources and Sums for Personal Requirements) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2011/708, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources and Sums for Personal Requirements) (Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2007/1041, National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2013/634, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2005/708, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/674, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) Amendment (England) Regulations 2007/725, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) Amendment (England) Regulations 2008/593, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) Amendment (England) Regulations 2009/597, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) Amendment (England) Regulations 2010/211, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements and Assessment of Resources) Amendment (England) Regulations 2013/518, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (Assessment of Resources and Miscellaneous Amendments) (Wales) Regulations 2012/842, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (Assessment of Resources) and Social Care Charges (Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014/666, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) (England) Regulations 2003/628, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) Amendment (England) Regulations 2011/724, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) Amendment (England) Regulations 2012/663, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) Amendment (England) Regulations 2014/582, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) and National Assistance (Assessment of Resources) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2013/631, National Assistance (Sums for Personal Requirements) and Social Care Charges (Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2015/720 and National Assistance and Social Care Charges (Wales) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/633",True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,08/04/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 2.doc,,False,True 1679,Welfare - management of premises in which accommodation provided,,P,A local authority may make rules as to the conduct of premises under their management in which accommodation is provided and as to the preservation of order in the premises.,Section 23 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 3.doc,,False,True 1680,Welfare - provision of accommodation for person with no settled residence,,P,A local authority may provide accommodation to a person of no settled residence as if he were ordinarily resident in their area.,Section 24 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 4.doc,,False,True 1681,Welfare - arrangements for persons with a disability,,P,A local authority may with the approval of the Secretary of State and to the extent directed by him make welfare arrangements for persons with a disability.,Section 29 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,See also section 30 of the National Assistance Act 1948,True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 5.doc,,False,True 1682,Welfare - research,,P,A local authority may carry out or promote and assist research into local authority powers and duties related to welfare services under the Act.,Section 30A of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 6.doc,,False,True 1683,Welfare - recovery of expenditure from another authority,,P,A local authority may recover expenditure under the Act from another local authority in certain circumstances.,Section 32 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,19/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 7.doc,,False,True 1684,Welfare - recovery in cases of misrepresentation or non-disclosure,,P,A local authority may recover sums spent under the Act in cases of misrepresentation or non-disclosure.,Section 45 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,77|107|112|292|1714,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 8.doc,,False,True 1685,Welfare - removal of persons needing care and attention,,P,A local authority in Wales may remove persons in need of care and attention to certain premises in certain circumstances.,Section 47 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,209,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 9.doc,,False,True 1686,Persons in hospital - temporary protection of property,,D,A local authority must provide for the temporary protection of property of certain persons admitted to hospital in certain circumstances.,Section 48 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,107|292|1714,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 10.doc,,False,True 1687,Welfare - expenses of officer applying to Court of Protection as a deputy,,P,"A local authority may defray the expenses of any of its officer's applying to the Court of Protection as a Deputy, under the Act, that are not recoverable elsewhere.",Section 49 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,309,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 11.doc,,False,True 1688,Welfare - recovery of money through criminal proceedings or civil debt actions,,P,A local authority may institute certain criminal proceedings or civil debt actions to recover money.,Section 56 of the National Assistance Act 1948,,,True,292,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,06/04/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - National Assistance Act 48 - NAA - 12.doc,,False,True 1689,National Parks - regard to purposes when exercising functions,,D,"A local authority must In exercising or performing any functions in relation to land in a National Park, have regard to the purposes specified in subsection 5(1) the Act and, if it appears that there is a conflict between those purposes, shall attach greater weight to the purpose of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the area comprised in the National Park",Section 11A of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,596|702|745|862,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 1.doc,,False,True 1690,National Parks - provision of facilities,,P,"A local authority whose area consists of or includes the whole or any part of a National Park may make arrangements for securing the provision of accommodation, meals and refreshments, camping sites and of parking places.",Section 12 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,466|468|469,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council in England, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 2.doc,,False,True 1691,"National Parks - improvements to waterways ",,P,A local authority whose area consists of or includes the whole or any part of a National Park may make improvements to waterways for the purposes of recreation.,Section 13 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,556|862,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,01/04/1997,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 3.doc,,False,True 1692,"Nature reserves - establishment ",,P,A local authority may establish nature reserves and enter into certain agreements relating to the same.,Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,702|1540,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 4.doc,,False,True 1693,"Long-distance routes - ferry services ",,P,A local authority may establish a ferry service to connect a long distance route where it crosses water.,Section 53 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,1715,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and Transport for London,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 5.doc,,False,True 1694,"Long distance routes - provision of facilities ",,P,"A local authority whose area includes a long distance route may provide facilities for accommodation, meals and refreshments.",Section 54 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,False,,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,False,"Also applies to the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 6.doc,,False,True 1695,Countryside - access agreements,,P,A local authority may enter into an access agreement to allow public access to the open countryside.,Section 64 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949," ","See also section 66, 67 and 80 of the 82 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949",True,1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency.",True,01/10/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 7.doc,,False,True 1696,Countryside - access orders,,P,A local authority may make access orders in certain circumstances in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 65 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,"See also section 66 to 67, 80 of the 82 and Schedule 1 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949",True,702|1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 8.doc,,False,True 1697,Countryside - enforcement of access,,P,A local authority may enforce access to the countryside in certain circumstances.,Section 68 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,01/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 9.doc,,False,True 1698,Countryside - suspension of access due to fire risk,,P,"A local authority may suspend access to the countryside where they are satisfied that, by reason of any exceptional conditions of weather for the time being prevailing, access by the public to the land or any part of it is likely to result in fires occurring on it.",Section 69 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,16/10/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 10.doc,,False,True 1699,Countryside - compensation for access orders,,D,"A local authority must pay compensation where it makes an access order in certain circumstances. ",Section 70 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,See also section 71 to 73 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,True,1118,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,16/12/1949,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 11.doc,,False,True 1700,Countryside - acquisition of land for public access,,P,A local authority may acquire land for public access.,Section 76 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,16/12/1949,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 12.doc,,False,True 1701,Countryside - maps of land subject to public access,,D,A local authority must compile and maintain maps of land subject to public access.,Section 78 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,1118,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,16/12/1949,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 13.doc,,False,True 1702,Derelict land - Planting of trees and treatment,,P,A local authority may carry out works to improve land including derelict land including the planting of trees and may compulsorily acquire derelict land for that purpose.,Section 89 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,468|862|1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 14.doc,,False,True 1703,"Countryside - byelaws for National Parks, AONB or access land",,P,"A local authority may make byelaws in relation to national parks, areas of outstanding natural beauty or land or a waterway to which the public are given access by an agreement or order in their area.",Section 90 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,862|1118|1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 15.doc,,False,True 1704,"Countryside - wardens in National Parks, AONB or access land",,P,A local authority may appoint wardens in respect of any land for which byelaws have been made or could be made under section 90.,Section 92 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,749|862|1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 16.doc,,False,True 1705,Countryside - contribution to towards expenses of other local authorities,,P,A local authority may make contributions towards expenditure incurred by any other local authority under the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949.,Section 99 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949,,,True,862|1118,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a parish council, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Nat Parks Access to Countryside Act 49 - NPATCA49 - 17.doc,,False,True 1706,"Pet shops - licensing ",,P,"A local authority may licence a pet shop, subject to conditions on payment of a fee.",Section 1 of the Pet Animals Act 1951,,,True,375,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,03/11/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Pet Animals Act 51 - PAA51 - 1.doc,,False,True 1707,"Pet shops - inspection ",,P,An officer or any veterinary surgeon or veterinary practitioner duly authorised by a local authority may enter a pet shop for the purposes of inspection.,Section 4 of the Pet Animals Act 1951,,,True,375,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Pet Animals Act 51 - PAA51 - 2.doc,,False,True 1708,"Pet shops - prosecutions ",,P,A local authority may prosecute proceedings for any offence under the Act committed in the area of the authority.,Section 6 of the Pet Animals Act 1951,,,True,375,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Pet Animals Act 51 - PAA51 - 3.doc,,False,True 1709,Pest control - rats and mice,,D,A local authority must carry out inspections and take action to ensure that its area is kept free (as far as practicable) of rats and mice and to take action to ensure owners of other land comply with the Act.,Section 2 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,,True,431,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 1.doc,,False,True 1710,Pest control - notice requiring destruction of rats and mice,,P,A local authority may serve notice upon the occupier of land requiring the destruction of rats and mice on the land or otherwise for keeping the land free from rats and mice.,Section 4 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,,True,431,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 2.doc,,False,True 1711,Pest control - power to carry out works to remove rats and mice,,P,"A local authority where a notice has been served under section 4 and not complied with, may carry out those works itself and recover certain expenses.",Section 5 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,See also section 7 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,True,431,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 3.doc,,False,True 1712,Pest control - works on multiple premises to control rats and mice,,P,"A local authority may where there is an infestation of rats and mice in an area made up of several premises, enter land, carry out the work and recover certain expenses from the owners.",Section 6 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,See also section 7 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,True,431,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,31/03/1950,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 4.doc,,False,True 1713,Pest control - compliance with Ministerial order,,D,A local authority must comply with an order made by the appropriate Minister utilising his default powers where he is satisfied that functions are not being satisfactorily performed by the authority.,Section 12 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,,True,431,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 5.doc,,False,True 1714,Pest control - powers of entry for inspection related to functions dealing with rats and mice,,P,A person duly authorised by a local authority may enter land for the purpose of the authority's functions under the Act.,Section 22 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,,True,431,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 6.doc,,False,True 1715,Pest control - legal proceedings for offences regarding rats and mice,,P,A local authority may institute legal proceedings or give consent for them being instituted.,Section 26 of the Prevention of Damage by Pests Act 1949,,,True,431,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,31/03/1950,,Local Government Powers - Template - Prevention of Damage by Pets Act 49 - PDPA - 7.doc,,False,True 1716,Registrars - appointment of officers,,D,A local authority must employ (interim) superintendent registrars and registrars of births and deaths.,"Section 6 of the Registration Service Act 1953 ",,"See also section 9 of the Registration Service Act 1953, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) No.2 Regulations 2007/3391, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) Regulations 1974/571, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Regulations 1968/2049, Registration of Births and Deaths (Amendment) Regulations 1992/2753, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Amendment) Regulations 2007/1422, Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1995/744 and Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages (Accounting) Amendment Regulations 1996/2052",True,319|320|321|322|323|324|663|698|852|873|874|876|1716,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Registration Service Act 1953 - RSA53 - 1.doc,,False,True 1717,Registrars - appointment of deputy,,P,A local authority may employ a deputy superintendent registrars or deputy registrar of births and deaths.,Section 8 of the Registration Service Act 1953 And SI1968/2049,,"See also Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Regulations 1968/2049",True,319|320|321|322|323|324|663|698|852|873|874|876|1716,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Registration Service Act 1953 - RSA53 - 2.doc,,False,True 1718,"Registration service - district register offices ",,D,"A local authority shall provide and maintain for the superintendent registrar of each district a register office according to a plan approved by the Registrar General, and shall provide a suitable fireproof repository for the safe custody of the records.",Section 10 of the Registration Service Act 1953,,,True,319|320|321|322|323|324|663|698|852|873|874|876|1716,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Registration Service Act 1953 - RSA53 - 3.doc,,False,True 1719,"Registration service - local schemes of organisation ",,D,"A local authority shall prepare, submit and have approved a local scheme of organisation, complying with prescribed requirements, for the registration service.",Section 13 of the Registration Service Act 1953,,See also section 14 of the Registration Service Act 1953,True,319|320|321|322|323|324|663|698|852|873|874|876|1716,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Registration Service Act 1953 - RSA53 - 4.doc,,False,True 1720,Planning - acquisition of land by agreement,,P,A local authority may acquire land by agreement in certain circumstances.,Section 22 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1959,,,True,715,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA59 - 1.doc,,False,True 1721,Planning - appropriation of land,,P,A local authority may appropriate land in certain circumstances.,Section 23 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1959,,See also section 24 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1959,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,22/07/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA59 - 2.doc,,False,True 1722,Planning - disposal of land,,D,A local authority must take certain steps before disposing of land.,Section 26 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1959,,,True,592|593|677,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to (depending on circumstances) the Mayor of London, a joint planning board, a joint planning committee for Greater London, the Broads authority, an Enterprise Zone authority, an urban development corporation, a Mayoral development corporation, a housing action trust and the homes and communities agency",True,,,Local Government Powers - Template - Planning - TCPA59 - 3.doc,,False,True 1723,Town development - conditions of payment of Exchequer contributions,,D,A local authority must comply with conditions attached to any exchequer contributions towards the cost of town development.,Section 3 and 10 of the Town Development Act 1952,,,True,856,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 1.doc,,False,True 1724,Town development - contributions to receiving district,,P,A local authority which will benefit from town development in another district may make financial contributions to that district.,Section 4 of the Town Development Act 1952,,,True,856,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 2.doc,,False,True 1725,Town development - extension of powers of receiving district,,P,A local authority which will benefit from town development may take certain actions that relate to another district.,Section 5 of the Town Development Act 1952,,,True,856,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 3.doc,,False,True 1726,Town development - Ministerial approval for acquisition of land,,P,"A local authority may, with ministerial approval, acquire land compulsorily for the purposes of the Act.",Section 6 of the Town Development Act 1952,,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 4.doc,,False,True 1727,Town development - participation by agreement,,P,A local authority may enter into a participation agreement for the purposes of the Act.,Section 8 of the Town Development Act 1952,,See also section 9 of the Town Development Act 1952,True,856,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 5.doc,,False,True 1728,Town development - re-transfers of land,,D,A local authority must comply with any order made by the Minister regarding re-transfers of land or other adjustments.,Section 13 of the Town Development Act 1952,,See also section 14 of the Town Development Act 1952,True,,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 6.doc,,False,True 1729,Town development - contributions to expenses of land drainage works,,P,"The council of a receiving district or an authority eligible to participate may contribute towards expenses incurred by the National Rivers Authority or by an internal drainage board in the execution of works rendered necessary by the carrying out of development which, in the opinion of the authority making the contribution, is town development within the meaning of this Act.",Section 16 of the Town Development Act 1952,,,True,1613,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 7.doc,,False,True 1730,Town development - appropriation of land for planning purposes,,P,"A local authority may appropriate land, if authorised to do so by the Minister for the purposes of town development.",Section 17 of the Town Development Act 1952,,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1952,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Development Act 52 - TDA52 - 8.doc,,False,True 1731,Injurious weeds - exercise of Minister's powers,,D,A local authority must exercise the Minister's powers under the Act if authorised to do so.,Section 5 of the Weeds Act 1959,,,True,709,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Weeds Act 59 - WED59 - 1.doc,,False,True 1732,Agricultural products - enforcement of grading and marketing regulations,,D,A local authority must enforce the provisions of the Act.,Section 5 of the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) Act 1928,,Act is only available as a pdf on,True,617,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,26/05/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Agricultural Products (Grading and Marketing) Act 28 - APGMA28 - 1.doc,,False,True 1733,Allotments - determination of tenancy,,D,A local authority must follow a prescribed procedure in order to terminate an allotment tenancy,Section 1 of the Allotments Act 1922,,,True,510,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 22 - AllA22 - 1.doc,,False,True 1734,Allotments - compensation for termination of tenancy,,D,"A local authority must pay compensation, in certain circumstances, to the tenant when terminating an allotment tenancy.",Section 2 of the Allotments Act 1922,,See also section 3 to 6 of the Allotments Act 1922,True,510,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 22 - AllA22 - 2.doc,,False,True 1735,Allotments - entry on to unoccupied land,,P,A local authority may enter on to unoccupied land in certain circumstances to utilise the same for allotments.,Section 10 of the Allotments Act 1922,,See also section 11 of the Allotments Act 1922,True,510,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 22 - AllA22 - 3.doc,,False,True 1736,Allotments - letting of land,,P,"A county council may let land acquired or appropriated by the council for small holdings for cultivation as an allotment, or to a local authority or association",Section 15 of the Allotments Act 1922,,,True,510|1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,04/08/1922,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 22 - AllA22 - 4.doc,,False,True 1737,"Allotments - purchase of land ",,P,A local authority may purchase land for use in future allotments with the approval of the Minister of Health.,Section 5 of the Allotments Act 1925,,,True,510,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 25 - AllA25 - 1.doc,,False,True 1738,"Allotments - consent for sale of land ",,D,A local authority wishing to sell land bought or appropriated for use as allotments may not do so without obtaining the consent of the Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries to the sale.,Section 8 of the Allotments Act 1925,,,True,510,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Allotments Act 25 - AllA25 - 2.doc,,False,True 1739,Employment of children - byelaws,,P,A local authority may make byelaws to regulate the employment of children.,Section 18 of the Children and Yong Persons Act 1933,,,True,1390|1726,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,11/10/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons Act 33 - CYPA33 - 1.doc,,False,True 1740,Employment of children in sreet trading - byelaws,,P,A local authority may make byelaws to regulate the employment of children in street trading.,Section 18 of the Children and Yong Persons Act 1933,,,True,1390|1726,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,07/06/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons Act 33 - CYPA33 - 2.doc,,False,True 1741,Child performances of a dangerous nature - licensing,,P,A local authority may issue a licence to enable a child to take part in a performance of a dangerous nature.,Section 24 of the Children and Yong Persons Act 1933,,,True,48,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons Act 33 - CYPA33 - 3.doc,,False,True 1742,Child employment - Secretary of State's expenses for enquiries,,D,A local authority must pay the Secretary of State's expenses in relation to any enquiry held concerning byelaws.,Section 27 of the Children and Yong Persons Act 1933,,,True,1390|1726,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons Act 33 - CYPA33 - 4.doc,,False,True 1743,"Child employment - powers of entry ",,P,A duly authorised officer of a local authority may enter premises in relation to the involvement of children in certain employments or performances.,Section 28 of the Children and Yong Persons Act 1933,,,True,48|1726,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,04/08/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Children and Young Persons Act 33 - CYPA33 - 5.doc,,False,True 1744,Burial and cremation - provision of crematoria,,P,"A local authority may provide and maintain burial grounds or cemeteries, or anything essential, ancillary or incidental thereto and may provide and maintain crematoria.",Section 4 of the Cremation Act 1902,,See also section 5 of the Cremation Act 1902,True,1538,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority), a parish council in England or community council in Wales",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Cremation Act 02 - CremA02 - 1.doc,,False,True 1745,"Burial and cremation - donations of land, money or property for crematoria",,P,"A local authority may accept donations of land, money or property to enable them to provide and maintain crematoria.",Section 6 of the Cremation Act 1902,,,True,1538,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority), a parish council in England and a community council in Wales",True,01/04/1903,,Local Government Powers - Template - Cremation Act 02 - CremA02 - 2.doc,,False,True 1746,Burial and cremation - crematoria regulations,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations concerning crematoria and burning.,"Section 7 of the Cremation Act 1902 ",,See also Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008/2841,True,1538,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority), a parish council in England and a community council in Wales",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Cremation Act 02 - CremA02 - 3.doc,,False,True 1747,Burial and cremation - crematoria fees,,D,A local authority may charge fees for cremations.,Section 9 of the Cremation Act 1902,,See also Section 12 of the Cremation Act 1902,True,1538,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority), a parish council in England and a community council in Wales",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Cremation Act 02 - CremA02 - 4.doc,,False,True 1748,Local government - payments to dependants under superannuation schemes,,P,A local authority may make payments from its superannuation fund to the dependants of employees killed in or as a result of military service.,Section 2 of the Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act 1916,,,True,1661,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,17/05/1916,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government (Emergency Provisions) Act 1916 - LGEPA16 - 1.doc,,False,True 1749,Open spaces - transfer to local authority,,P,A local authority may accept that certain open spaces may be transferred into its possession.,Section 2 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,See also section 3 to 5 and 7 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,True,461|669|709,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,10/07/2003,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 1.doc,,False,True 1750,Disused burial grounds - transfer to local authority,,P,A local authority may accept that certain disused burial grounds be transferred into its possession.,Section 6 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,1538,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 2.doc,,False,True 1751,Open spaces - appropriation for enjoyment of the public,,P,A local authority may use its land for the purposes of open spaces.,Section 7 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,461,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 3.doc,,False,True 1752,Open spaces and burial grounds - acquisition of land,,P,"A local authority may acquire, manage and maintain land for the purposes of open spaces or burial grounds.",Section 9 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,See also section 10 to 12 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,True,461|669|709|1538,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 4.doc,,False,True 1753,Open spaces and burial grounds - compensation,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances in relation to open spaces and burial grounds,Section 13 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,461|669|709|1538,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 5.doc,,False,True 1754,Open spaces - public walks and pleasure grounds,,P,"A local authority may acquire, lay out and maintain land to be used as public walks and pleasure grounds.",Section 14 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,461|669|709,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 6.doc,,False,True 1755,Open spaces and burial grounds - byelaws,,P,A local authority may make byelaws to govern the use of the open spaces and burial grounds that it has acquired.,Section 15 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,461|669|709|1390|1538,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 7.doc,,False,True 1756,Open spaces and burial grounds - authorities acting jointly,,P,Two or more local authorities may act jointly in exercising their powers under the Act and may defray each other expenses.,Section 16 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,461|669|709|1538,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 8.doc,,False,True 1757,Open spaces and burial grounds - borrowing.,,P,A local authority may borrow for the purposes of the Act.,Section 18 of the Open Spaces Act 1906,,,True,461|669|709|1538,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to a parish council in England and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/01/1907,,Local Government Powers - Template -Open Spaces Act 06 - OSA06 - 9.doc,,False,True 1758,Performing animals - register,,D,A local authority must keep a register (which must be available for inspection) for the purpose of this Act containing the details of any person who exhibits or trains animals who applies for registration in the prescribed form and on payment of such fee as appears to the local authority to be appropriate and give to the applicant a certificate of registration.,Section 1 of the Performing Animal (Regulation) Act 1925,,See also section 2 of the Performing Animal (Regulation) Act 1925 and SI 1968/1464,True,1077,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 25 - PARA25 - 1.doc,,False,True 1759,Performing animals - powers of entry,,P,An officer duly authorised by a local authority may enter premises to inspect the animals kept there and to inspect the occupant's certificate,Section 3 of the Performing Animal (Regulation) Act 1925,,,True,1077,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/01/1926,,Local Government Powers - Template - Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 25 - PARA25 - 2.doc,,False,True 1760,Performing animals - enforcement,,P,A local authority may prosecute proceedings where any person commits an offence under the Act.,Section 4 of the Performing Animal (Regulation) Act 1925,,,True,1077,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,06/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 25 - PARA25 - 3.doc,,False,True 1761,Street collections - regulations,,P,"A local authority may make regulations, subject to the approval of the relevant Minister, governing street collections of money for charitable or other purposes.",Section 5 of the Police Factories and C (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1916,,,True,647,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Police Factories and C (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 16 - PFCMPA16 - 1.doc,,False,False 1762,Public health - byelaws,,P,A local authority may pass byelaws under the Act.,Section 9 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,False,1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/01/1908,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 1.doc,,False,True 1763,Street names - alteration,,P,A local authority may with the consent of two thirds of the relevant council tax payers change a street name and mark the same.,Section 21 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,True,513|541,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 2.doc,,False,True 1764,Public health - fencing of land adjoining streets,,P,"A local authority may in certain circumstances issue a notice requiring an owner of land adjoining streets to fence off that land and if that work is not done, carry it out itself and recover the cost as a civil debt.",Section 31 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,True,870,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 3.doc,,False,True 1765,Parks and gardens - additional facilities,,P,"A local authority may provide ice skating, infant play, sports, and recreational facilities and cafes in parks and gardens.",Section 76 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,True,461|669|670|709,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 4.doc,,False,True 1766,Parks and gardens - wardens,,P,A local authority may appoint officers to serve as wardens for parks and gardens.,Section 77 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,True,461|1044,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/01/1908,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 5.doc,,False,True 1767,Leading and driving of animals - streets and routes,,P,A local authority may prescribe routes over which the leading and driving of animals is permitted in certain circumstances.,Section 80 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,True,613,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/01/1908,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 6.doc,,False,True 1768,Seashore and promenades - byelaws,,P,"A local authority for the prevention of danger, obstruction, or annoyance to persons using the sea-shore may make byelaws covering various aspects of usage and recreation at the seashore and promenades.",Section 82 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,See also section 83 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,True,1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,27/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 7.doc,,False,True 1769,Pleasure boats - licensing,,P,"A local authority may grant, amend or revoke licences for pleasure boats.",Section 94 of the Public Health (Amendments) Act 1907,,,True,739,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,02/07/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 07 - PHA07 - 8.doc,,False,True 1770,"Public health - seats, drinking fountains and cattle troughs",,P,"A local authority may erect or allow others to erect, subject to conditions, seats, drinking fountains or cattle troughs",Section 14 of the Public Health Act 1925,,See also section 16 of the Public Health Act 1925,True,559,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also aplies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,07/09/1925,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 1.doc,,False,True 1771,Street names - objection,,P,A local authority may object to a proposed street name in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 17 of the Public Health Act 1925,,,True,513|541,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 2.doc,,False,True 1772,Street names - naming or alteration,,P,A local authority may name or alter the name of a street in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 18 of the Public Health Act 1925,,,True,513|541,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 3.doc,,False,True 1773,Street names - placement of street nameplates,,D,A local authority must mark or place the name of a street on the street.,Section 19 of the Public Health Act 1925,,,True,513|541,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 4.doc,,False,True 1774,Communications/TV equipment - byelaws,,P,A local authority may make byelaws about communications or TV equipment for the prevention of danger or obstruction to persons using any street or public place.,Section 26 of the Public Health Act 1925,,,True,1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,07/09/1925,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 5.doc,,False,True 1775,Parks and recreation grounds - charges for sports,,P,Where part of a park or recreation ground is set aside for sport a local authority may charge for use of the same.,Section 56 of the Public Health Act 1925,,,True,451|456,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 6.doc,,False,True 1776,Public transport - byelaws and street furniture for waiting,,P,A local authority may pass byelaws to regulate waiting for public vehicles and erect street furniture in support of those byelaws.,Section 75 of the Public Health Act 1925,,See also section 76 of the Public Health Act 1925,True,559|1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 25 - PHA25 - 7.doc,,False,True 1777,Public health - joint boards,,P,Certain local authorities may set up joint boards in certain circumstances.,Section 6 of the Public Health Act 1936,,See also section 7 of the Public Health Act 1936,True,1627,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 1.doc,,False,False 1778,Public health - defective lavatories in buildings,,P,A local authority may issue a notice requiring the repair of a defective closet (lavatory).,Section 45 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,419|661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 2.doc,,False,False 1779,Public health - examination and testing of drains,,P,"A local authority may examine and test any sanitary convenience, drain, private sewer or cesspool believed to be defective.",Section 48 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|909,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 3.doc,,False,False 1780,Public health - overflowing and leaking cesspools,,P,A local authority may by notice require the repair of or other works to an overflowing or leaking cesspool.,Section 50 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|909,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 4.doc,,False,False 1781,Public health - cleaning of common courts and passages,,P,"A local authority may sweep, clean and remove rubbish from common courts and passages and recover the expense of doing the same.",Section 78 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,419|661|1473,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 5.doc,,False,False 1782,Public health - removal of noxious matter,,P,"A local authority may serve a notice to require an occupier to remove certain noxious matter in certain circumstances, remove the noxious substance itself and recover expenses.",Section 79 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,419|517|661|1473,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 6.doc,,False,False 1783,Public health - removal of manure from a stables or mews,,P,A local authority may serve a notice to requiring the removal of manure from stables or mews in an urban district in certain circumstances.,Section 80 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,419,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 7.doc,,False,False 1784,Public health - cleansing of premises,,P,A local authority may issue a notice requiring the cleansing of filthy or verminous premises and if that notice is not complied with it may carry out the work itself and recover the expenses involved in doing so.,Section 83 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,419|661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 9.doc,,False,False 1785,Public health - byelaws for the prevention of nuisances,,P,"A local authority may make byelaws to prevent the occurrence of nuisances from snow, filth, dust, ashes and rubbish, the keeping of animals so as to be prejudicial to health and the movement through streets of offensive matter or liquids. ",Section 81 of the Public Health Act 1936,,See also section 82 of the Public Health Act 1936,True,419|661|1390,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 8.doc,,False,False 1786,Public health - filthy or verminous articles,,P,A local authority may remove filthy or verminous articles from premises and cleanse or destroy them in certain circumstances.,Section 84 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,419|661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 10.doc,,False,False 1787,Public health - verminous persons,,P,A local authority may on request or with consent cleanse a verminous individual or his or her clothing.,Section 85 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 11.doc,,False,False 1788,Public health - cleansing stations,,P,A local authority may provide cleansing stations to enable it to discharge its functions under the Act.,Section 86 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 12.doc,,False,False 1789,Public health - public conveniences,,P,"A local authority may provide public conveniences in certain circumstances, may make byelaws charges for the same or let them out for rent",Section 87 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,579|1390,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,06/04/2008,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 13.doc,,False,False 1790,Public health - nuisances,,P,A local authority may take action against certain nuisances arising outside its district.,Section 98 of the Public Health Act 1936,,URL not valid - check with Mark,False,416,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 14.doc,,False,False 1791,"Public health - public pumps, wells, cisterns, reservoirs, conduits",,P,"A local authority may utilise or close public pumps, wells, cisterns, reservoirs and conduits used for the free supply of water.",Section 124 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661|966,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 15.doc,,False,False 1792,Public health - polluted water supplies,,P,A local authority may close or restrict use from certain polluted water supplies.,Section 140 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,435|660|776|1051,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 16.doc,,False,False 1793,Public health - discretionary mortuaries and post-mortem rooms.,,P,"A local authority may provide mortuaries and post-mortem rooms, may make byelaws and charge for the use of the same",Section 198 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,325,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 17.doc,,False,False 1794,Public health - directed mortuaries and post-mortem rooms,,D,A local authority must provide mortuaries and post-mortem rooms if required to do so by the Minister and may make byelaws and charge for the use of the same.,Section 198 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,325,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/10/1937,,,,False,False 1795,Public health - public baths and wash-houses,,P,"A local authority may provide public baths and wash houses, may issue byelaws in respect of the same and make charges for use.",Section 221 of the Public Health Act 1936,,See also section 222 to 223 of the Public Health Act 1936,True,1390|1674,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 19.doc,,False,False 1796,Public health - temporary closure of public baths,,P,A local authority may temporarily close a public bath to allow its use for swimming competitions and may make charges for that use.,Section 225 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1674,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 20.doc,,False,True 1797,Public health - closure of public baths during winter months,,P,A local authority may temporarily close a public bath between 1 October and 31 March to allow its use for other purposes.,Section 226 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1674,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 21.doc,,False,False 1798,Public health - conducting water to baths and wash-houses,,P,A local authority may lay pipes and apparatus for the purpose of conducting water to baths and wash-houses.,Section 227 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1674,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 22.doc,,False,False 1799,Public health - byelaws to regulate public bathing,,P,A local authority may make byelaws to regulate public bathing including specifying the times and places where public bathing is permitted or prohibiting bathing where it may be dangerous.,Section 231 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1390,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/01/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 23.doc,,False,False 1800,Public health - bathing huts,,P,A local authority may provide bathing huts or conveniences and charge for the use of the same.,Section 232 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,579,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 24.doc,,False,False 1801,Public health - byelaws for privately run swimming baths and pools,,P,A local authority may make byelaws regulation the use of swimming baths and swimming pools whether open or covered not under local authority control.,Section 233 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1674,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 25.doc,,False,False 1802,Public health - life saving appliances.,,P,A local authority may provide life- saving appliances at any place.,Section 234 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,779,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also relevant to a parish council in England ",True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 26.doc,,False,False 1803,"Public health - ponds, pools, ditches and gutters",,P,"A local authority may carry out works in respect of ponds, pools, ditches and gutters or contribute towards the expenses of others doing the same.",Section 260 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|1611,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 27.doc,,False,False 1804,"Public health - court order for cleansing ponds, pools, ditches and gutters",,P,"A local authority may apply for a court order requiring a neighbouring local authority to carry out works in respect of ponds, pools, ditches and gutters lying near to, or forming, boundary of district.",Section 261 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|1611,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 28.doc,,False,False 1805,Public health - culverting for building works,,P,A local authority may by notice require or allow the owner of land to culvert certain water courses in connection with building works.,Section 262 of the Public Health Act 1936,,See also section 263 of the Public Health Act 1936,True,555|1611,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,14/07/2014,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 29.doc,,False,True 1806,Public health - repair and cleansing of culverts,,P,A local authority may by notice require the owner of land to repair or cleanse culverts.,Section 264 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|1611,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/07/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 30.doc,,False,False 1807,Public health - contribution of expenses for works on watercourses,,P,A local authority may defray the costs of works relating to certain watercourses.,Section 265 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|1611,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 31.doc,,False,False 1808,"Public health - byelaws for tents, vans and sheds used for human habitation",,P,"A local authority may make byelaws for promoting cleanliness in, and the habitable conditions of, tents, vans, sheds and similar structures used for human habitation and generally for the prevention of nuisances in connection therewith.",Section 268 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 32.doc,,False,False 1809,Public health - moveable dwellings licensing,,P,"A local authority may licence the use of land for moveable dwellings which includes any tent, any van or other conveyance whether on wheels or not, and, subject as hereinafter provided, any shed or similar structure, being a tent, conveyance or structure which is used either regularly, or at certain seasons only, or intermittently, for human habitation",Section 269 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1717,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 33.doc,,False,False 1810,Public health - byelaws regulating hop and fruit pickers,,P,"A local authority may make byelaws regulating the provision of accommodation for hop, fruit, vegetable, flower or bulb pickers.",Section 270 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1390,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 34.doc,,False,False 1811,Public health - execution of works on sewers and drains,,P,A local authority may with the agreement of a third party carry out certain works on sewers and drains on his behalf and at his expense.,Section 275 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,555|1376|1611,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 35.doc,,False,False 1812,Public health - sale of waste materials from street works,,P,A local authority may sell certain waste materials arising from certain street works and after deducting its proper expenses must pay the balance of the monies to the owner of the materials.,Section 276 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,549,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 36.doc,,False,False 1813,Public health - payment of compensation for damages,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in certain circumstances to people who have suffered loss as a result of the exercise of its powers under the Act.,Section 278 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 37.doc,,False,False 1814,Public health - entry of premises in connection with Public Health Act,,P,An officer duly authorised by a local authority may enter premises to ascertain compliance with byelaws and building regulations.,Section 287 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,499|1390,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 38.doc,,False,False 1815,Public health - expenses payable by instalments,,P,A local authority may determine that certain expenses will be payable by instalment,Section 291 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 39.doc,,False,False 1816,Public health - prosecution of offences,,P,A local authority may prosecute relevant offences under the Act.,Section 298 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 40.doc,,False,False 1817,Public health - indemnity of members and officers,,D,A local authority must indemnify members and officers in certain circumstances in relation to certain actions taken under the Act.,Section 305 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1700,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 41.doc,,False,False 1818,Public health - expenses of joint boards,,D,A local authority must pay towards the expenses of joint boards created under the Act.,Section 309 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,1627,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/07/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 42.doc,,False,False 1819,Public health - cost of Ministerial orders,,D,A local authority must pay the cost of Ministerial orders in certain circumstances.,Section 316 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 43.doc,,False,False 1820,Public health - Ministerial default powers,,D,A local authority which has failed to discharge their functions must comply with the Minister when exercising his default powers and pay any expenses incurred by the Minister in so doing.,Section 322 of the Public Health Act 1936,,See also section 323 to 325 of the Public Health Act 1936,True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 44.doc,,False,False 1821,Public health - compensation,,D,A local authority must pay compensation to a person or body who suffers any direct pecuniary loss in certain circumstances.,Section 327 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 45.doc,,False,False 1822,"Public health - arbitration of water rights ",,P,A local authority may refer certain disputes relating to water rights to arbitration.,Section 332 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1937,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 46.doc,,False,False 1823,Public health - application of legislation to Crown property,,P,A local authority may enter into an agreement regarding the application of the Act to Crown property.,Section 341 of the Public Health Act 1936,,,True,661,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 36 - PHA - 47.doc,,False,False 1824,Public transport - outside of area,,P,"A local authority who under any local Act or Order are operating a tramway, light railway, trolley vehicle, or omnibus undertaking, may as part of that undertaking run public service vehicles on any road inside or outside their district.",Section 101 of the Road Traffic Act 1930,,,True,493,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Act 1930 - RTA30 - 1.doc,,False,False 1825,Public transport - purchase and maintenance of vehicles,,P,"A local authority may purchase and maintain vehicles for use in its public transport service and may purchase by agreement, take on lease, and hold lands and may on any lands so purchased by or leased to them or any lands lawfully appropriated by them for the purpose erect such buildings, sheds, and conveniences and may provide such plant and appliances as may be requisite or expedient for the establishment, running, equipment, maintenance and repair of their public service vehicles.",Section 103 of the Road Traffic Act 1930,,,True,272,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1931,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Act 1930 - RTA30 - 2.doc,,False,False 1826,Public transport - charging for passengers and parcels,,P,A local authority authorised to run public service vehicles under the Act may demand and take for passengers and small parcels carried on such vehicles such fares and charges as they may think fit.,Section 104 of the Road Traffic Act 1930,,,True,272,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Act 1930 - RTA30 - 3.doc,,False,False 1827,Public transport - agreements for management of services,,P,A local authority authorised to run public service vehicles under the Act may enter into agreements for the management and maintenance of such services with others.,Section 105 of the Road Traffic Act 1930,,,True,272,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1931,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Act 1930 - RTA30 - 4.doc,,False,False 1828,Public transport - accounts,,D,"Where a local authority run public service vehicles under this Part of this Act they shall in the accounts relating to their transport undertakings distinguish, so far as may be practicable receipts and expenditure relating to their public service vehicles from receipts and expenditure relating to any other transport undertaking, and in the receipts and expenditure relating to their public service vehicles shall further distinguish receipts and expenditure on capital account from receipts and expenditure upon revenue account.",Section 106 of the Road Traffic Act 1930,,,True,272,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1931,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Act 1930 - RTA30 - 5.doc,,False,False 1829,Public transport - borrowing,,P,A local authority authorised to run public service may borrow money with the consent of the Minister.,Section 107 of the Road Traffic Act 1930,,,True,272,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Road Traffic Act 1930 - RTA30 - 6.doc,,False,False 1830,Allotments - provision,,D,A local authority must provide and let allotments in certain circumstances and consider certain representations made regarding the provision of allotments.,Section 23 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 1.doc,,False,False 1831,Allotments - acquisition of land,,P,"A local authority may purchase, let or compulsorily purchase land for the purpose of providing allotments.",Section 25 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,"See also section 38, 39, 41, 42 and Schedule 1 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908",True,510,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 2.doc,,False,True 1832,Allotments - improvement or adaptation of land,,P,"A local authority may improve or adapt land for use as allotments, including the adaptation or construction of certain buildings.",Section 26 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/01/1909,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 3.doc,,False,False 1833,Allotments - provision for letting,,P,A local authority may let allotments in the manner prescribed.,Section 27 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 4.doc,,False,False 1834,Allotments - rules for letting,,P,A local authority may make rules regarding its allotments and must publicise the same.,Section 28 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 5.doc,,False,False 1835,Allotments - management,,P,A local authority may appoint and remove allotment managers.,Section 29 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 6.doc,,False,False 1836,Allotments - recovery of rent and repossession,,P,A local authority may take action to recover rent or repossess the allotment in certain circumstances.,Section 30 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 7.doc,,False,False 1837,Allotments - sale of land,,P,A local authority may sell unsuitable or superfluous land.,Section 32 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,False,510,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 8.doc,,False,True 1838,Allotments - transfer of allotments,,P,A local authority may enter into agreements to obtain certain allotments by transfer.,Section 33 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 9.doc,,False,False 1839,Allotments - scheme of common pasture,,P,A local authority may enter into a scheme of common pasture in certain circumstances.,Section 34 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 10.doc,,False,False 1840,Allotments - use of schoolroom free of charge.,,P,"A local authority may, subject to giving notice, use a room in a maintained primary school free of charge for the purpose of meetings under the Act.",Section 35 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 11.doc,,False,False 1841,Smallholdings - compensation for loss of employment,,D,A local authority must pay compensation to person who looses his employment as a result of the authority acquiring land for use as a small holding.,Section 43 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,1724,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 12.doc,,False,False 1842,"Allotments and smallholdings - renewal of tenancy ",,P,A local authority may renew its tenancy of compulsory hired land.,Section 44 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510|1724,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/01/1909,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 13.doc,,False,False 1843,"Allotments and smallholdings - interchange of land ",,P,A local authority may swap land acquired for an allotment or small holding with another local authority.,Section 45 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510|1724,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/01/1909,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 14.doc,,False,False 1844,"Allotments and smallholdings - compensation for improvements ",,D,A local authority must pay a tenant compensation for improvements in certain circumstances.,Section 47 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510|1724,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/09/1995,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 15.doc,,False,False 1845,"Allotments and smallholdings - co-operative societies ",,P,"A local authority may promote the formation or extension of co-operative societies in relation to allotments or small holdings, including the giving of grants or making of loans in certain circumstances.",Section 49 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,,True,510|1724,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 16.doc,,False,False 1846,"Smallholdings - borrowing ",,P,A local authority may borrow money for the purposes of small holdings and allotments and to make grants and advances to co-operative societies.,Section 52 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,,See also section 53 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1908,True,510|1724,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.," ",True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 08 - SHAA08 - 17.doc,,False,False 1847,"Smallholdings - sale and repossession ",,D,A local authority must deal with the repossession or sale and with the proceeds of sale arising from the sale of a small holding in accordance with sections 5 to 8.,Section 5 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1926,,See also section 6 to 8 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1926,True,510|1724,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/12/1926,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 26 - SHAA26 - 1.doc,,False,False 1848,Smallholdings - delegation to districts of sale or repossession,,P,A local authority may by agreement delegate its powers and duties under sections 5 to 8 of the Act to district councils.,Section 9 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1926,,,True,510|1724,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 26 - SHAA26 - 2.doc,,False,False 1849,Smallholdings - list and map,,D,"A county council shall keep a list of the owners and occupiers of small holdings sold or let by them, and a map or plan showing the size, boundaries and situation of each small holding so sold or let.",Section 10 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1926,,,True,1724,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,15/12/1926,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 26 - SHAA26 - 3.doc,,False,False 1850,Smallholdings - advance of money and equipment,,P,A local authority may advance money or equipment to the purchaser of a small holding.,Section 13 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1926,,See also section 14 of the Small Holdings and Allotments Act 1926,True,1724,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/07/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small holdings and Allotments Act 26 - SHAA26 - 4.doc,,False,False 1851,War memorials - maintenance and repair,,P,A local authority may incur reasonable expenditure in the maintenance repair and protection of any war memorial within their district whether vested in them or not.,Section 1 of the War Memorials (Local Authorities' Powers) Act 1923,,,True,849,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - War Memorials (Loc Auth Powers) Act 23 - WMLPA23 - 1.doc,,False,True 1852,Canals - safety works on dangerous canals,,P,A local authority may require a canal company to carry out safety related work on dangerous places on a canal in its area and may carry out the work itself and recover costs in certain circumstances.,Section 1 of the Canals Protection (London) Act 1898,,See also section 2 to 5 of the Canals Protection (London) Act 1898,True,556,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority,True,01/01/1899,,Local Government Powers - Template - Canals Protection (London) Act 1898 - CPLA98 - 1.doc,,False,True 1853,Commons - scheme of regulation,,P,A local authority may make a scheme of regulation for the commons within their area in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 1 of the Commons Act 1899,,"See also section 2, 3 and 11 of the Commons Act 1899 and Commons (Schemes) Regulations 1982/209",True,649,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,12/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Act 1899 - CA99 - 1.doc,,False,True 1854,Commons - provision for compensation,,D,A local authority must pay compensation in connection with a scheme of regulation in certain circumstances.,Section 6 of the Commons Act 1899,,,True,649,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Act 1899 - CA99 - 2.doc,,False,True 1855,Commons - acquisition of property,,P,A local authority may acquire property in a regulated common.,Section 7 of the Commons Act 1899,,,True,649,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Act 1899 - CA99 - 3.doc,,False,True 1856,Commons - amendment or revocation of scheme,,P,A local authority may amend or revoke a scheme for the regulation and management of a common.,Section 9 of the Commons Act 1899,,,True,649,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,12/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Act 1899 - CA99 - 4.doc,,False,True 1857,Commons - byelaws relating to management scheme,,P,A local authority may make byelaws relating to a scheme for the regulation and management of a common.,Section 10 of the Commons Act 1899,,,True,649|1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Act 1899 - CA99 - 5.doc,,False,True 1858,Commons - contributions to expense of management scheme,,P,A local authority may contribute towards the expenses of another local authority in relation to the making of a scheme.,Section 12 of the Commons Act 1899,,,True,649,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Commons Act 1899 - CA99 - 6.doc,,False,True 1859,Commons - rights of common and rights of way,,P,"A local authority being a district council may with the consent of the county council for the county within which any common land is situate aid persons in maintaining rights of common where, in the opinion of the council, the extinction of such rights would be prejudicial to the inhabitants of the district and may, for the purpose of carrying into effect this section, institute or defend any legal proceedings, and generally take such steps as they deem expedient",Section 26 of the Local Government Act 1894,,,True,613|614|649,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,22/07/2004,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1894 - LGA94 - 1.doc,,False,True 1860,Fairs - setting dates and abolition,,P,A local authority shall be responsible for the abolition of fairs and moving the days upon which fairs are to be held.,Section 27 of the Local Government Act 1894,,,True,686,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1894 - LGA94 - 2.doc,,False,True 1861,Commons - general powers,,P,A local authority being a London Borough Council shall have the same powers with respect to commons as a district council under the Commons Act 1876.,Section 2 of the Metropolitan Commons Act 1878,,,True,649,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Metropolitan Commons Act 1878 - MCA1878 - 1.doc,,False,True 1862,Platforms - safety for use on public occasions,,D,"A local authority must check the safety of every roof of a building, and every platform, balcony, or other structure or part thereof let or used or intended to be let or used for the purpose of affording sitting or standing accommodation for a number of persons used on the occasion of any show, entertainment, public procession, open-air meeting, or other like occasion.",Section 37 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,1049|1256,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 1.doc,,False,True 1863,Transport - cab drivers' shelters,,P,"A local authority may provide, maintain, remove and charge for cab drivers' shelters and make byelaws in respect of the same.",Section 40 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,906|1362,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/08/1890,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 2.doc,,False,True 1864,"Statues and monuments - erection, maintenance and removal",,P,"A local authority may provide, maintain and, remove statues and monuments in their district.",Section 42 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,334|849,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/08/1890,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 3.doc,,False,True 1865,Parks and pleasure grounds - temporary closure for shows,,P,"A local authority may temporarily close a park or pleasure ground, for payment or otherwise to any public charity or institution, or for any agricultural, horticultural, or other show, or any other public purpose.",Section 44 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,461,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",False,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 4.doc,,False,True 1866,Parks and pleasure grounds - hire of boats,,P,"An urban authority may either themselves provide and let for hire, or may license any person to let for hire, any pleasure boats on any lake or piece of water in any such park or pleasure ground, and may make byelaws for regulating the numbering and naming of such boats, the number of persons to be carried therein, the boathouses and mooring places for the same, and for fixing rates of hire and the qualifications of boatmen, and for securing their good and orderly conduct while in charge of any boat.",Section 44 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,461,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 5.doc,,False,True 1867,Parks and pleasure grounds - improvement of lands,,P,A local authority may lay out plant and improve land forming part of a park or pleasure ground.,Section 45 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,461|669|670|709,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/08/1890,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 6.doc,,False,True 1868,"Public clocks - repairing, maintaining, winding up, and lighting",,P,"A local authority may repair, maintain, wind up and light up a public clock.",Section 46 of the Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890,,,True,849,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/08/1890,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890 - PHAA1890 - 7.doc,,False,True 1869,Water supply - corruption by gas washings,,P,A local authority may by notice prohibit the pollution of the water supply by gas washings.,Section 68 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,660,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/08/1875,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 1.doc,,False,True 1870,Gas and water pipes - requirement to move,,P,"A local authority may by notice, at its expense, require gas and water pipes to be moved.",Section 153 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,661,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,18/08/1875,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 2.doc,,False,True 1871,Streets - naming streets and house numbering,,D,A local authority must name streets and number houses.,Section 160 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,513|541,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 3.doc,,False,True 1872,Parks and pleasure gardens - provision and byelaws,,P,"A local authority may purchase or take on lease lay out plant improve and maintain lands for the purpose of being used as public walks or pleasure grounds, and may support or contribute to the support of public walks or pleasure grounds provided by any person and make byelaws in respect of the same.",Section 164 of the Public Health Act 1875,,See also section 183 and 184 of the Public Health Act 1875,True,461|669|709|1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively.",True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 4.doc,,False,True 1873,Public clocks - provision,,P,"Any urban authority may from time to time provide such clocks as they consider necessary, and cause them to be fixed on or against any public building, or, with the consent of the owner or occupier, on or against any private building the situation of which may be convenient for that purpose, and may cause the dials thereof to be lighted at night, and may from time to time alter and remove any such clocks to such other like situation as they may consider expedient.",Section 165 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,849,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,11/08/1875,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 5.doc,,False,True 1874,Officers and members - indemnity from liability,,D,A local authority must indemnify its officers and members from personal liability in certain circumstances.,Section 265 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,1700,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,11/09/1998,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 6.doc,,False,True 1875,Works - Joint working,,D,Two or more local authorities may jointly carry out works and defray each other's expenses.,Section 285 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,1627,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,11/08/1875,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 7.doc,,False,True 1876,"Powers of entry for surveying, measuring etc.",,P,A local authority may enter land for certain purposes connected with the Act.,Section 305 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,661,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,11/08/1875,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 8.doc,,False,True 1877,Damage - compensation,,D,A local authority must pay damages for compensation caused in certain circumstances.,Section 308 of the Public Health Act 1875,,,True,661|1137,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and in the Inner Temple and the Middle Temple, the Sub-Treasurer and the Under Treasurer thereof respectively",True,05/11/1993,,Local Government Powers - Template - Public Health Act 1875 - PHAA1875 - 9.doc,,False,True 1878,Smallholdings - purchase or lease of land,,P,"A local authority may acquire, by purchase or lease, land to use for the purposes of small holdings.",Section 1 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,See also section 2 and 18 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1892,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 1.doc,,False,True 1879,"Smallholdings - adaptation of land ",,P,A local authority may adapt land for use as a small holding prior to letting or sale.,Section 3 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,See also section 14 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 2.doc,,False,True 1880,"Smallholdings - sale or letting ",,P,A local authority may sell or let a small holding.,Section 4 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,"See also section 6, 7 and 9 of the Small Holdings Act 1892",True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1892,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 3.doc,,False,True 1881,"Smallholdings - committee ",,D,A local authority must establish a committee to deal with small holdings under the Act and that committee may delegate its powers.,Section 5 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,See also section 16 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,True,1724,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1892,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 4.doc,,False,True 1882,"Smallholdings - list of owners and map ",,D,"A local authority must keep a list of the owners and occupiers of small holdings sold or let by them, and a map or plan showing the size, boundaries, and situation of each small holding so sold or let.",Section 8 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,,True,1724,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1892,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 5.doc,,False,True 1883,"Smallholdings - unsuitable or superfluous land ",,P,A local authority may sell or let land acquired to be used as a small holding which is unsold or is superfluous.,Section 15 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,,True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1892,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 6.doc,,False,True 1884,"Smallholdings - advances of money ",,P,A local authority may advance money to tenants to enable them to purchase small holdings.,Section 17 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,,True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1892,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 7.doc,,False,True 1885,"Smallholdings - borrowing money ",,P,A local authority may borrow money for the purposes of the Act.,Section 19 of the Small Holdings Act 1892,,,True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Small Holdings Act 1892 - SHAA92 - 8.doc,,False,True 1886,Environmental protection - control of pesticides,,P,"If there has been a breach in relation to any pesticide the local authority shall have power to seize or dispose of it or to require that some other person shall dispose of it; to seize or dispose of anything treated with it or to require that some other person shall dispose of any such thing; or to direct some other person to take such remedial action ","Section 16 of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 ",,,True,798|850|1011,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,False,,True,01/04/2008,,16 Food and Environment Protection Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1887,Environmental protection - enforcement powers (for control of pesticides),,P,"An authorised person may enter any land/vehicle and/or obtain information if he has reasonable grounds to believe that any pesticide is being or has been used ",Section 19 of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985,,,True,798|1011,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,19 Food and Environment Protection Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1888,"Further education - powers to supply goods and services through further education establishments ",,P,Empowers local authorities to supply goods and services through further education establishments and to make loans to certain other persons to enable them to do so,Section 2 of the Further Education Act 1985 of the,,,True,23|33|49|1394,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,05/05/2010,,2 Further Education Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1889,Housing - periodical review of housing needs,,D,Every local housing authority shall consider housing conditions in their district and the needs of the district with respect to the provision of further housing accommodation.,"Section 8 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,868,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/06/2006,,8 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1890,Housing - provision of housing accommodation,,P,"A local housing authority may provide housing accommodation by erecting houses, or converting buildings into houses, on land acquired by them, or by acquiring houses.","Section 9 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,,,9 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1891,Housing - provision of furnishings and fittings,,P,"A local housing authority may fit out, furnish and supply a house provided by them and may sell, or supply under a hire-purchase agreement or a conditional sale agreement, furniture to the occupants of houses so provided, and may for that purpose buy furniture","Section 10 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,145|868,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,False,,True,01/04/1986,,10 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1892,Housing - provision of board and laundry facilities,,P,"A local housing authority may provide accommodation which has facilities for obtaining meals and refreshments, and facilities for doing laundry and laundry services","Section 11 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,107|292|293|661|868|1714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,24/11/2005,,11 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1893,Housing - provision of welfare services,,P,"A local housing authority may provide such services for promoting the welfare of the persons for whom accommodation is so provided, as accord with the needs of those persons.","Section 11A of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,661|868,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,09/04/2001,,11A Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1894,"Housing - provision of shops, recreation grounds, etc",,P,"A local housing authority may, with the consent of the Secretary of State, provide buildings adapted for use as shops, recreation grounds, and other buildings or land which, in the opinion of the Secretary of State, will serve a beneficial purpose in connection with the requirements of the persons for whom the housing accommodation is provided.","Section 12 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,599|661|868,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,12 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1895,"Housing - provision of streets, roads and open spaces and development generally",,P,"A local housing authority may lay out and construct public streets or roads and open spaces on land acquired by them ","Section 13 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,599|661|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,13 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1896,Housing - exercise of housing powers by the authority outside their district,,P,"A local housing authority may, for supplying the needs of their district, exercise their powers outside their district ","Section 14 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|661|868|911,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,14 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1897,Housing - additional powers of authorities in London,,P,"A London borough council may provide and maintain in connection with housing accommodation provided by them, buildings or parts of buildings adapted for use for any commercial purpose. The council of an inner London borough and the Common Council of the City of London may, for the purpose of facilitating the erection of houses in their district, suspend, alter or relax the provisions of any enactment or byelaw relating to the formation or laying out of new streets or the construction of sewers or of buildings intended for human habitation. ","Section 15 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|599|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,15 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1898,Housing - acquisition of land for housing purposes,,P,"Local housing authority may acquire land as a site for the erection of houses, acquire houses, or buildings which may be made suitable as houses, together with any land occupied with the houses or buildings and acquire land in order to alter, enlarge, repair or improve an adjoining house.","Section 17 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,714|715,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,24/09/1996,,17 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1899,Housing - duties with respect to buildings acquired for housing purposes,,D,"Where a local housing authority acquire a building which may be made suitable as a house, they shall forthwith proceed to secure that the building is so made suitable either by themselves executing any necessary works or by leasing it or selling it to some person subject to conditions for securing that he will so make it suitable and as soon as practicable after the acquisition ensure that the house or building is used as housing accommodation","Section 18 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,140|141|714|715,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,24/09/1996,,18 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1900,Housing - appropriation of land,,P,A local housing authority may appropriate any land for the time being vested in them or at their disposal for the purposes of housing,"Section 19 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,19 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1901,Housing - reserve powers to provide housing accommodation,,P,"County councils may undertake any activity for the purposes of, or incidental to, establishing the needs of the whole or a part of the county with respect to the provision of housing accommodation.","Section 28 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|868|911,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,28 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1902,Housing - provision of accommodation for employees of county councils,,P,"A county council may provide houses for persons employed or paid by, or by a statutory committee of, the council.","Section 29 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|661|868|911,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,29 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1903,Housing - power to dispose of land held for housing purposes,,P,Local authorities have power to dispose of land held by them for housing purposes,"Section 32 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|868,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,32 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1904,Housing - supplementary powers for entry for survey and examination,,P,"A person authorised by a local housing authority or the Secretary of State may, at any reasonable time, on giving 24 hours' notice of his intention to the occupier, and to the owner if the owner is known, enter premises for the purpose of survey and examination where it is necessary or for compulsory purchase","Section 54 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,714|715,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,54 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1905,Housing - general powers to compulsorily acquire land and provide housing accommodation,,P,"Where a local housing authority have declared an area to be a housing action area, they may, compulsorily acquire land and undertake the provision of housing accommodation by the construction, conversion or improvement of buildings; carrying out work for the improvement or repair of housing accommodation; management of housing accommodation; provision of furniture, fittings or services in or in relation to housing accommodation.","Section 243 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,714|856|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,243 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1906,Housing - publication of information regarding a housing action area,,D,"Where a local housing authority have declared an area to be a housing action area, they shall bring to the attention of persons residing or owning property in the area the action they propose to take in relation to the housing action area and the assistance available for the improvement of the housing accommodation in the area","Section 246 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,856|868,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,246 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1907,Housing - general improvement areas,,P,"Where a local housing authority have declared an area to be a general improvement area, they may, carry out works on land owned by them and assist in the carrying out of works on land not owned by them, acquire any land by agreement, and let or otherwise dispose of land for the time being owned by them;","Section 255 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,856|868,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,255 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1908,Housing - power to apply for orders extinguishing right to use vehicles on highway,,P,A local housing authority who have declared a general improvement area may exercise the powers of a local planning authority with respect to a highway in that area notwithstanding that they are not the local planning authority,"Section 256 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,1136,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,256 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1909,Housing - publication of information regarding a general improvement area,,D,"Where a local housing authority have passed a resolution declaring an area to be a general improvement area, they shall bring to the attention of persons residing in the area or owning property in it","Section 257 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,856|868,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,257 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1910,Housing - powers of entry for survey or valuation where premises compulsorily purchased,,P,"A person authorised by the local housing authority may at any reasonable time, on giving 24 hours' notice, enter premises to survey and examine where it appears to the authority that survey or examination is necessary or for the purpose of survey or valuation where the authority are authorised to purchase the premises compulsorily","Section 260 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,260 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1911,Housing - dealing with land acquired for clearance,,D,"A local housing authority who have purchased land shall, so soon as may be, cause every building on the land to be vacated and demolish every building on the land and thereafter appropriate or dispose of the land","Section 291 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,684|714|754,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,,,291 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1912,"Housing - slum clearance, powers of entry",,D,"A person authorised by the local housing authority may at any reasonable time, on giving seven days' notice of his intention to the occupier, and to the owner if the owner is known, enter premises for the purpose of survey and examination where a demolition order has been made in respect of the premises; or for the purpose of survey or valuation where the authority are authorised to purchase the premises compulsorily.","Section 319 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,128|684|714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,16/06/2006,,319 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1913,"Housing - duty to inspect, report and prepare proposals regarding overcrowding",,D,"If it appears to the local housing authority that occasion has arisen for a report on overcrowding, the authority shall cause an inspection to be made and prepare a report showing the result of the inspection and the number of new dwellings required in order to abate the overcrowding","Section 334 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|661|868|898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,334 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1914,Housing - power to require information about persons sleeping in dwelling,,P,"The local housing authority may, for the purpose of enabling them to discharge their duties serve notice on the occupier of a dwelling requiring him to give them within 14 days a written statement of the number, ages and sexes of the persons sleeping in the dwelling.","Section 335 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|661|868|898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,335 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1915,Housing - power to require production of rent book,,P,A duly authorised officer of the local housing authority may require an occupier of a dwelling to produce for inspection any rent book or similar document which is being used in relation to the dwelling and is in his custody or under his control,"Section 336 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|149|661|868|898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,336 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1916,Housing - power of entry to determine permitted number of persons,,P,"A person authorised by the local housing authority may at any reasonable time, on giving 24 hours' notice of his intention to the occupier, and to the owner if the owner is known, enter premises for the purpose of measuring the rooms of a dwelling in order to ascertain the number of persons permitted to use the dwelling for sleeping.","Section 337 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|661|868|898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,337 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1917,Housing - overcrowding power of entry or abatement notice,,P,"A person authorised by the local housing authority may at all reasonable times, on giving 24 hours' notice to the occupier, and to the owner if the owner is known, enter any premises for the purpose of survey and examination where it appears to the authority that survey or examination is necessary","Section 338 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,"See also sections 339 - 340 of the Housing Act 1985 ",True,89|661|868|898|1691,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,340 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,True 1918,Housing - continuance of certain powers to borrow for housing purposes,,P,"A local authority may borrow for housing purposes as authorised by: section 136(1) of the Housing Act 1957, section 54(1) of the Housing (Financial Provisions) Act 1958, or paragraph 19 of Schedule 8 to the Housing Act 1969. ","Section 428 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,89|145|661|868|911,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,428 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1919,Housing - power of local authorities to advance money,,P,"A local authority may advance money to a person for the purpose of acquiring a house, constructing a house, converting another building into a house or acquiring another building and converting it into a house, or for the purpose of facilitating the repayment of an amount outstanding on a previous loan made for any of those purposes.","Section 435 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,See also Section 436 of the Housing Act 1985,True,158|433|1056,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,435 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,True 1920,Housing - power of local authority on disposal to leave amount outstanding on mortgage.,,P,The local authority has power on disposal of a house/land by them for housing purposes to leave an amount outstanding on mortgage.,"Section 437 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,See also Sections 438 to 441 of the Housing Act 1985,True,89|868,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,437 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,True 1921,Housing - agreement by local authority to indemnify mortgagee,,P,"For housing purposes a local authority may enter into an agreement with a person or body making an advance on the security of a house (or a building to be converted into a house that, in the event of default by the mortgagor, the authority binds itself to indemnify the mortgagee","Section 442 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,1719,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,442 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1922,Housing - advances regarding disposal on shared ownership lease,,P,"Where a lease of a house relating to shared ownership contains a provision re the right of the tenant to acquire additional shares and a housing authority (other than the Homes and Communities Agency or the Greater London Authority) has, in the exercise of any of its powers, left outstanding or advanced any amount on the security of the house, that power includes power to advance further amounts for the purpose of assisting the tenant.","Section 453 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,1720,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,453 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1923,Housing - assistance for provision of separate service pipe for water supply,,P,The local housing authority may give assistance in respect of the provision of a separate service pipe for a house which has a piped supply of water from a water main but no separate service pipe.,"Section 523 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,136|661,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,523 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1924,Housing - duty of local housing authority to publicise availability of assistance,,D,"A local housing authority shall, within the period of three months beginning with the coming into operation of a designation of defective dwellings by Secretary of State or a designation of defective dwellings under local scheme publish in a newspaper circulating in their district notice suitable for the purpose of bringing the effect of the designation or variation to the attention of persons who may be eligible for assistance in respect of such of the dwellings concerned as are situated within their district.","Section 562 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,136|145|661,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,562 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1925,Housing - power to enter and determine short tenancies of land acquired or appropriated,,P,"Where a local housing authority have agreed to purchase or have determined to appropriate land for the purposes of housing/area improvement if a person's interest in possession of the land is not greater than that of a tenant for a year, or from year to year, the authority may, after giving him not less than 14 days' notice, enter on and take possession of the land, or such part of the land as is specified in the notice, without previous consent.","Section 584 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,714|715,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,584 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1926,Housing - power to compensate shop-keepers in areas affected by clearance,,P,"Where as a result of action taken by a local housing authority relating to clearance areas, the population of the locality is materially decreased, the authority may pay to any person carrying on a retail shop in the locality such reasonable allowance as they think fit towards any loss involving personal hardship ","Section 596 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,684|714|754|868,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,596 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1927,Housing - entry for survey or examination to determine whether housing powers should be exercised,,P,"A person authorised by the local housing authority may at any reasonable time, on giving seven days' notice of his intention to the occupier, and to the owner if the owner is known, enter premises for the purpose of survey and examination where it appears to the authority that survey or examination is necessary in order to determine whether any powers should be exercised.","Section 600 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,,True,684|714|754,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,600 Housing Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1928,Housing associations - provision of land by county councils,,P,"Where a housing association wishes to erect houses which in the opinion of the Secretary of State are required and the local housing authority in whose district the houses are proposed to be built are unwilling to acquire land with a view to selling or leasing it to the association, the county council, on the application of the association, may acquire land for that purpose.",Section 34 of the Housing Associations Act 1985,,,True,714|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,34 Housing Associations Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1929,Housing associations - powers of local authorities to promote and assist housing associations,,P,A local authority may promote the formation or extension of a housing association and may for the assistance of a housing association subscribe for share or loan capital of the association.,Section 58 of the Housing Associations Act 1985,,,True,857,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,58 Housing Associations Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1930,Housing associations - power to supply furniture to housing association tenants,,P,"A local housing authority may sell, or supply under a hire-purchase agreement, furniture to the occupants of houses provided by a housing association under arrangements made with the authority and may buy furniture for the purpose.",Section 61 of the Housing Associations Act 1985,,,True,87|857|911,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,61 Housing Associations Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1931,"Landlord and tenant - power of local housing authority to prosecute ",,P,Proceedings for an offence under any provision of the Landlord and Tenant Act may be brought by a local housing authority.,Section 34 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985,,,True,108|652,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,Landlord and Tenant Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1932,Mineral workings - power to enter former mining land etc,,P,"Where a local authority have carried out, are carrying out or are considering whether to carry out works on any land under section 89(2) of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 (treatment of derelict land etc.) for the purpose of reclaiming or improving land under which relevant operations have been, but are no longer being, carried out an authorised person may at any reasonable time enter the land to carry out works; to survey the land for the purpose of ascertaining the effect on it of works carried out; or to survey the land for the purpose of ascertaining the location, extent and state of mine working produced by relevant operations, the state of the land, the risk of collapse of its surface, the likely extent of collapse, and the nature and extent of any works which may be necessary to prevent collapse or to deal with a collapse which has occurred.",Section 7 of the Mineral Workings Act 1985,,,True,754,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1986,,Mineral Workings Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1933,Transport - passenger transport in areas other than integrated or passenger transport areas,,P,"In each non-metropolitan county of England and Wales it shall be the duty of the county council to secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as the council consider it appropriate to secure to meet requirements within the county that would not be provided by any other means A non-metropolitan district council shall have power to secure the provision of such public passenger transport services as they consider it appropriate to secure to meet any public transport requirements within their area which would not in their view be met apart from any action taken by them for that purpose A non-metropolitan county council and Wales shall have power to take any measures that appear to be appropriate for the purpose of or in connection with promoting the availability of public passenger transport services or the convenience of the public (including persons who are elderly or disabled) in using all available public passenger transport services ",Section 63 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,272|493,,False,"Primary duty of primary importance Secondary powers of primary importance",,True,,True,31/01/2010,,63 Transport Act 1985.doc,Has both Power and Duty for Type,False,False 1934,Transport - co-operation between certain councils and London Regional Transport,,P,Any non-metropolitan county or district council and Wales and Transport for London shall each have power to enter into any agreement or arrangements with the other under which they undertake to contribute towards any expenditure incurred by the other party to the agreement or arrangements in making payments to a person providing a public passenger transport service under any agreement entered into by that other party in exercise of any power that other party may have to secure the provision of that service.,Section 65 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,272|493,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/07/2003,,65 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1935,Transport - powers of investment and disposal in relation to public transport companies,,P,"A district council can subscribe for shares on formation of a company formed by them (whether alone or jointly with any other council) in pursuance of this Act; or acquire any shares in or other securities of a company. Any such council shall have power to provide for the disposal, in such manner as they think fit, of any such shares or other securities.",Section 75 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,493,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,75 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1936,Transport - provision of services for public transport companies,,P,"A district council shall have power to enter into an agreement with any associated company, or with any subsidiary of an associated company, for the provision of any administrative, professional or technical services.",Section 78 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,493,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,78 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1937,Transport - financial backing for establishment and operations of public transport companies,,P,"A district council shall have power to make loans to any associated company, or to guarantee loans made to any associated company by any other person, for the provision of working capital.",Section 79 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,493,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,79 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1938,"Transport - provision, maintenance and operation of bus stations",,P,"Where a council who, at the time when section 66 of the Act came into force (January 11, 2010), were providing a service for the carriage of passengers by road which required a PSV operator's licence, that council shall have power to maintain, repair and operate bus stations and associated facilities provided by them under their former powers.",Section 81 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,906,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,81 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1939,Transport - expenditure on public passenger transport services,,D,"It shall be the duty of any authority responsible for expenditure on public passenger transport services to enter into agreements providing for service subsidies (however framed, and whether arising under this Act or under any other enactment) to co-operate with one another so as to secure, in the interests of the ratepayers of their areas",Section 88 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,493,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,88 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1940,Transport - travel concessions on services provided by local authorities,,P,There is power to provide travel concessions for persons travelling on the service in accordance with a scheme established under section 93 of this Act or in accordance with section 145A(1) or 145B(1) of the Transport Act 2000,Section 105 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,272|273|280|493|907,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,17/10/2007,,105 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1941,Transport - grants for transport facilities and services,,P,"An authority to whom this applies may make grants to any other person towards expenditure incurred or to be incurred by that person in providing, maintaining or improving any vehicle, equipment or other facilities provided wholly or mainly for the purpose of facilitating travel by members of the public who are disabled; or any equipment or other facilities specially designed or adapted for that purpose which are incorporated in any vehicle, equipment or other facilities not provided wholly or mainly for that purpose.",Section 106 of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,272|493,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,106 Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1942,Transport - grants for bus services,,P,"A parish council or community council may make grants to any body towards expenditure incurred or to be incurred by that body in connection with the operation of a bus service appearing to the council to be wholly or mainly for the benefit of members of the public who are elderly or disabled; or a community bus service ",Section 106A of the Transport Act 1985,,,True,272|493,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or a community council in Wales,False,19/05/1997,,106A Transport Act 1985.doc,,False,False 1943,Weights and measures - special powers of inspectors with respect to certain goods,,P,"An inspector may, at all reasonable times, inspect and test any weighing or measuring equipment which is, or which he has reasonable cause to believe to be, used for trade or in the possession of any person or upon any premises for such use, inspect any goods regarding which a representation has been made as to the quantity of any goods offered or exposed for sale or sold, and enter any premises at which he has reasonable cause to believe there to be any such equipment or goods, not being premises used only as a private dwelling-house.","Section 79 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,,True,404|1046,,True,,,True,,True,06/04/2006,01/10/2015,79 Weights and Measures Act 1985.doc,,False,True 1944,Airports - transfer of airport undertakings of local authorities,,D,"Where a principal council have formed a company to transfer the airport undertakings to, the council shall, before such date as the Secretary of State may specify in a direction given to the council, submit to the Secretary of State a scheme providing for the transfer to the company of any property, rights or liabilities of the council, or of any subsidiary of theirs, which it appears to the council to be appropriate to transfer to that company.",Section 15 of the Airports Act 1986,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,08/09/1986,,15 Airports Act 1986.doc,,False,False 1945,Airports - control over constitution and activities of public airport companies,,D,"It shall be the duty of the controlling authority of a public airport company to exercise their control over the company so as to ensure that at least three of the directors of the company, or at least one-quarter of their number (whichever is less), are full-time employees of the company who are suitably qualified to act as directors of the company by virtue of their experience in airport management and ensure that the company does not engage in activities in which the controlling authority have no power to engage, or permit any subsidiary of the company to engage in any such activities.",Section 17 of the Airports Act 1986,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,17 Airports Act 1986.doc,,False,False 1946,Airports - powers of investment and disposal in relation to public airport companies,,P,"a principal council shall have power at any time to subscribe for, take up, acquire or dispose of any securities of any associated company and a local authority shall have power, with the consent of the Secretary of State, to acquire securities of any company which carries on the business of operating an airport as a commercial undertaking and is not an associated company",Section 20 of the Airports Act 1986,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/12/2005,,20 Airports Act 1986.doc,,False,False 1947,Airports - other local authority capital controls and Wales,,D,"It shall be the duty of the controlling authority of a public airport company to exercise their control over the company so as to ensure that the company appoints as auditors of the company only persons who are approved for appointment as such auditors ",Section 22 of the Airports Act 1986,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2008,,22 Airports Act 1986.doc,,False,False 1948,Airports - provision of services for public airport companies,,P,"A principal council shall have power to enter into an agreement with any associated company, or with any subsidiary of an associated company, for the provision by the council for professional or technical services",Section 24 of the Airports Act 1986,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2005,,24 Airports Act 1986.doc,,False,False 1949,Airports - financial backing for establishment and operations of public airport companies,,P,"A principal council shall have power to make loans to any associated company, or to guarantee loans made to any associated company by any other person, for the provision of working capital","Section 25 of the Airports Act 1986 ",,,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,08/09/1986,,25 Airports Act 1986.doc,Please note no Powers or Duty,False,False 1950,Disabled persons - rights of authorised representatives of disabled persons,,D,"A local authority shall permit the authorised representative of a disabled person, if so requested by the disabled person to act as their representative in connection with the provision by the authority of any services in the exercise of any of their functions under the welfare enactments, or to accompany the disabled person (otherwise than as his representative) to any meeting or interview held by or on behalf of the authority in connection with the provision by them of any such services.","Section 2 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,1427,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,"2 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",,False,False 1951,Disabled persons - assessment by local authorities of needs of disabled persons,,D,"If it falls to a local authority to decide whether the needs of a disabled person call for the provision by the authority of any statutory services for that person, the authority shall afford an opportunity to the disabled person or his authorised representative to make, within such reasonable period as the authority may allow for the purpose, representations ","Section 3 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,209|1427,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,,,"3 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",Not in force,False,True 1952,Disabled persons - duty to consider needs of disabled persons,,D,"When requested to do so by? (a) a disabled person, (b) his authorised representative, or (c) any person who provides care for him in the circumstances mentioned in section 8, a local authority shall decide whether the needs of the disabled person call for the provision by the authority of any services in accordance with section 2(1) or (4) of the 1970 Act (provision of welfare services). In the case of a local authority in England this section applies only if the disabled person is aged under 18.","Section 4 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,209|1427,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to and the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,"4 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",,False,True 1953,Disabled persons - disabled persons leaving special education,,D,Where a local authority have made a SEN statement in respect of a child and the statement is still maintained by the authority when they review the statement the authority shall at that time require the appropriate officer to give to the authority his opinion as to whether the child is or is not a disabled person.,"Section 5 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,9,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2014,,"5 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",Partially in force,False,True 1954,Disabled persons - review of expected leaving dates from full - time education of disabled persons,,D,"The authority shall keep under review the date when any disabled student is expected to cease to receive relevant full-time education. ","Section 6 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,9|1427,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/1993,,"6 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",Partially in force,False,True 1955,Disabled persons - persons discharged from hospital,,D,"Where a local authority receive a notification given with respect to a person that a person is to be discharged from a hospital after having received medical treatment for mental disorder as an in-patient for a continuous period of not less than 6 months, the authority shall make arrangements for an assessment of the needs of that person with respect to the provision of any services under any of the welfare enactments.","Section 7 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,209|833,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2013,,"7 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",,False,True 1956,Disabled persons - duty of local authority to take into account abilities of carer,,D,"Where a disabled person is living at home and receiving a substantial amount of care on a regular basis from another person (who is not a person employed to provide such care by any body in the exercise of its functions under any enactment), and it falls to a local authority to decide whether the disabled person's needs call for the provision by them of any services for him under any of the welfare enactments, the local authority shall, in deciding that question, have regard to the ability of that other person to continue to provide such care on a regular basis.","Section 8 of the Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,204|209|225|1427,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1987,,"8 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986.doc",,False,False 1957,Local authority publicity - separate account of expenditure on publicity,,D,"A local authority shall keep a separate account of their expenditure on publicity, which must be made available for inspections free of charge. Publicity refers to any communication, in whatever form, addressed to the public at large or to a section of the public",Section 5 of the Local Government Act 1986,,See also Local Authorities (Publicity Account) (Exemption) Order 1987/2004,True,359|659|822,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, a joint authority established by the Local Government Act 1985, the Council of the Isles of Scilly, or a parish or community council",True,01/04/2015,,5 Local Government Act 1986.doc,,False,True 1958,Public order - prohibiting trespassory assemblies,,P,"If the chief officer of police reasonably believes that an assembly is intended to be held in a place which the public has no right to access or and that the assembly is likely to be held without the permission of the occupier of the land, and may result in serious disruption to the life of the community, or where the land, or a building or monument on it, is of historical, architectural, archaeological or scientific importance, in significant damage to the land, building or monument, he may apply to the council of the district for an order prohibiting for a specified period the holding of all trespassory assemblies in the district or a part of it, as specified. On receiving such an application, a council may and Wales, with the consent of the Secretary of State make an order either in the terms of the application or with such modifications as may be approved by the Secretary of State",Section 14A of the Public Order Act 1986,,,True,607|719,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,09/02/2005,,14A Public Order Act 1986.doc,,False,False 1959,Consumer protection - enforcement of safety provisions,,D,It shall be the duty of every weights and measures authority in Great Britain to enforce within their area the safety provisions.,Section 27 of the Consumer Protection Act 1987,,"See also Fireworks (Amendment) Regulations 2004/3262, Fireworks Regulations 2004/1836, Medical Devices (Amendment) Regulations 2005/2909, Medical Devices Regulations 2002/618 and Unlicensed Medicinal Products for Human Use (Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies) (Safety) Regulations 2003/1680",True,402|403|407|1011|1046,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/05/2008,,27 Consumer Protection Act 1987.doc,,False,True 1960,Safety of stands at sports grounds - issue of certificates,,D,"The local authority shall in respect of any stand at a sports ground in their area make a preliminary determination whether or not that stand is a regulated stand and, if they determine that it is, they shall serve a notice on the person who appears to them to qualify for the issue of a general safety certificate stating their determination and the effects of it. It shall also be their duty to determine whether an applicant for a safety certificate qualifies for the issue of the certificate. The local authority shall notify the relevant bodies The local authority may, by notice, require an applicant for a safety certificate to furnish them within such reasonable time as they may specify in the notice with such information and such plans of the ground as they consider necessary for the purpose of discharging their functions in respect of the issue of safety certificates for the regulated stands at the ground.",Section 28 of the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987,,,True,1256,,False,"Primary duty of primary importance Primary power of primary importance",,True,,True,10/11/2004,,28 Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987.doc,"Please note that for Type, has both Power and Duty",False,False 1961,"Safety of stands at sports grounds - amendment, cancellation etc. of certificates",,P,"The local authority who have issued a safety certificate for a regulated stand at a sports ground can cancel, amend or replace the certificate",Section 29 of the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987,,,True,1256,,False,"Primary duty of primary importance Primary power of primary importance",,True,,True,01/10/2006,,29 Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987.doc,Please note that Type has both Power and Duty,False,False 1962,Safety of stands at sports grounds - enforcement,,D,It shall be the duty of every local authority to enforce within their area the safety provisions in respect of places of sport and to arrange for the periodical inspection of sports grounds at which there are regulated stands,Section 34 of the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987,,,True,1256,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1989,,34 Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987.doc,,False,False 1963,Safety of stands at sports grounds - powers of entry and inspection,,P,"A person authorised by the local authority may enter a sports ground at any reasonable time, and make such inspection of the stands and such inquiries relating to them as he considers necessary for the purposes of safety, and in particular may examine records of the number of spectators accommodated, and the maintenance of safety, in the regulated stands at the ground, and take copies of such records.",Section 35 of the Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987,,,True,1256,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,10/11/2004,,35 Fire Safety and Safety of Places of Sport Act 1987.doc,,False,False 1964,Housing - offences related to tenants' first right of refusal,,P,"A landlord commits an offence if, without reasonable excuse, he makes a relevant disposal affecting premises without having first complied with the requirements regards the service of notices on the qualifying tenants of flats contained in the premises, or in contravention of any prohibition or restriction imposed. Proceedings may be brought by a local housing authority.",Section 10A of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1987,,,True,108|652,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/1996,,10A Landlord and Tenant Act 1987.doc,,False,False 1965,Trading standards - enforcement of remedies for copyright enfringement,,D,"It is the duty of every local weights and measures authority to enforce within their area the copyright provisions. ","Section 107A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988",,,True,401|404|789,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2015,,"107A Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.doc",,False,True 1966,Education - provision of higher and further education,,P,A local authority shall have power to secure the provision for their area of such facilities for higher education as appear to them to be appropriate for meeting the needs of the population of their area; secure the provision of higher education for persons [from other areas] and do anything which appears to them to be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with such provision.,Section 120 of the Education Reform Act 1988,,,True,33,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,05/05/2010,,120 Education Reform Act 1988.doc,,False,True 1967,Health and safety - maintaining of and access to registers of notices,,D,"Duty of those with duties/powers under the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974, Safety of Sports Grounds Act 1975, Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 and The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 to maintain an indexed register of relevant notices open for inspection by the public free of charge at all reasonable hours ",Section 1 of the Environment and Safety Information Act 1988,,,True,421,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/04/1989,,1 Environment and Safety Information Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1968,Procurement - exclusion of non-commercial considerations from contracts,,D,"It is the duty of every public authority in relation to its public supply or works contracts, to exclude non-commercial considerations ",Section 17 of the Local Government Act 1988,,See also section 19 of the Local Government Act 1988,True,829|830,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,31/01/2013,,17 Local Government Act 1988.doc,,False,True 1969,Procurement - explanation of procurement decisions,,D,"Public authorities have a duty to give reasons for certain contract decisions to the person concerned. This includes decisions regarding approved suppliers, contract awards and existing contracts.",Section 20 of the Local Government Act 1988,,,True,369|828|829|830,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,07/04/1988,,20 Local Government Act 1988.doc,Title duplicate as file 17 Local Government Act1988,False,False 1970,Procurement - review of approved supplier list,,D,"It is the duty of a public authority which maintains an approved list to consider whether persons have been included in or excluded from the list by reference to non-commercial matters, and if it appears to the authority that that is the case to compile the list afresh.",Section 21 of the Local Government Act 1988,,,True,369,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,07/04/1988,,21 Local Government Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1971,Housing - financial assistance for privately let housing accommodation,,P,"A local housing authority shall have power to provide any person with financial assistance for the purposes of, or in connection with, the acquisition, construction, conversion, rehabilitation, improvement, maintenance or management (whether by that person or by another) of any property which is or is intended to be privately let as housing accommodation.",Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1988,,,True,433|1616,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,24 Local Government Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1972,Non-domestic rating - local rating lists,,D,"The valuation officer for a billing authority shall compile, and then maintain, lists for the authority (to be called its local non-domestic rating lists). As soon as is reasonably practicable after receiving the copy the authority shall deposit it at its principal office and take such steps as it thinks most suitable for giving notice of it.",Section 41 and 42 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,See also Non-Domestic Rating (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2009/2268 and Non-Domestic Rating (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1989/1060,True,54,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/06/2013,,41 Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,True 1973,Non-domestic rating Wales - local non-domestic rating lists for amalgamated authorities,,D,"A new billing authority receiving a copy of an amalgamated list (amalgamated list shall contain the information which was included in the local non-domestic rating lists complied on 1st April 1995 for the old billing authorities) shall, as soon as is reasonably practicable, deposit it at its principal office.",Section 41A and 42 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,See also Non-Domestic Rating (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (Wales) Regulations 2005/758 and Non-Domestic Rating (Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 1989/1060,True,54,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,03/04/1995,,41A Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,True 1974,Non-domestic rating - rural settlement lists,,D,"Each billing authority shall compile and maintain, a list (to be called its rural settlement list). It shall identify for each such year any settlements which are wholly or partly within the authority's area, appear to the authority to have had a population of not more than 3,000 on the last 31st December before the beginning of the chargeable financial year in question, and in that financial year are wholly or partly within an area designated by the Secretary of State by order as a rural area for the purposes of this section. ",Section 42A of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,"See also Non-Domestic Rating (Designation of Rural Areas) (England) Order 2001/3916, Non-Domestic Rating (Rural Settlements) (England) (No. 2) Order 1998/2836, Non-Domestic Rating (Rural Settlements) (England) Order 1997/2792, Non-Domestic Rating (Rural Settlements) (England) Order 1998/393 and Non-Domestic Rating (Rural Settlements) (England) Order 1999/3158",True,54|747,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2007,,42A Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,True 1975,Non-domestic rating - preparation and maintenance of lists,,D,"The billing authority shall, throughout the period of three months preceding the beginning of the first chargeable financial year for which a rural settlement list is to have effect, make available for inspection a draft of the list in the form in which the authority proposes that it should have effect for that year.",Section 42B of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,,True,54,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,19/11/1997,,42B Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,True 1976,Non-domestic rating - partly occupied hereditaments,,P,"Where a hereditament is shown in a billing authority's local non-domestic rating list and it appears to the authority that part of the hereditament is unoccupied but will remain so for a short time only the authority may require the valuation officer for the authority to apportion the rateable value of the hereditament between the occupied and unoccupied parts of the hereditament and to certify the apportionment to the authority. ",Section 44A of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,,True,54,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2008,,44A Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1977,Non-domestic rating - reduction or remission of liability,,P,"A billing authority may reduce any amount a person is liable to pay for hereditaments or remit payment of the whole of any amount a person would otherwise be liable to pay if the ratepayer would sustain and it is reasonable for the authority to do so, having regard to the interests of persons liable to pay council tax set by it.",Section 49 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,,True,54|55,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/11/2004,,49 Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1978,Local government finance - revenue support grant England,,D,"Where the sum shown by the relevant calculation (in an amending report) as falling to be paid to a receiving authority for the financial year concerned is less than that shown as falling to be paid to it by the relevant previous calculation, a sum equal to the difference shall be paid by the authority to the Secretary of State.",Section 84C of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,27/11/2003,,84C Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1979,Local government finance - revenue support grant Wales,,D,"The Welsh Ministers shall calculate what sum, if any, falls to be paid to each receiving authority by way of revenue support grant for the year in accordance with the basis of distribution agreed. Where the Welsh Ministers make a calculation that shows a decrease in the sum that falls to be paid to a receiving authority, the authority shall pay to the Welsh Ministers a sum equal to the difference. ",Section 84K of the Local Government Finance Act 1988,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/05/2007,,84K Local Government Finance Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1980,Norfolk and Suffolk Broads - general duty of public bodies,,D,"If undertaking work in the Broads, a relevant authority shall have regard to the purposes of conserving and enhancing the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Broads; promoting opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Broads by the public; and protecting the interests of navigation.",Section 17A of the Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988,,,True,596|702,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,False,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,01/10/2006,,17A Norfolk and Suffolk Broads Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1981,Roads - offences for which local authorities may institute proceedings,,P,"An authority institute proceedings for offences relating to safety equipment for children in motor vehicles, helmets and other head-worn appliances for motor cyclists, dogs on roads, parking places provided by the council, designated parking place controlled by the council or designated parking place in the council's area.",Section 4 of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988,,,True,471|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,False,01/04/1996,,4 Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988.doc,,False,False 1982,Children and families - special guardianship orders,,D,"On receipt of a special guardianship notice from an individual, the local authority must investigate the matter and prepare a report for the court dealing with the suitability of the applicant to be a special guardian; such matters (if any) as may be prescribed by the Secretary of State; and any other matter which the local authority consider to be relevant.",Section 14A to 14E of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Special Guardianship (Wales) Regulations 2005/1513 and Special Guardianship Regulations 2005/1109 ",True,1721,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2009,,14A Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1983,Children and families - special guardianship support services,,D,"Each local authority must make arrangements for the provision within their area of special guardianship support services, which means counselling, advice and information; and such other services as are prescribed in relation to special guardianship. There are various requirements for the local authority in respect of funding the service and assessment for eligibility of the service.",Section 14F of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Special Guardianship (Wales) Regulations 2005/1513, Special Guardianship Regulations 2005/1109 and Adoption Support Services and Special Guardianship (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2091",True,1721,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/12/2004,,14F Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1984,Children and families - provision of services for children in need and their families,,D,"It shall be the general duty of every local to safeguard and promote the welfare of children within their area who are in need; and so far as is consistent with that duty, to promote the upbringing of such children by their families, by providing a range and level of services appropriate to those children's needs. Every local authority shall have the specific duties and powers set out in Part 1 of Schedule 2: take reasonable steps to identify the extent to which there are children in need within their area publish information about services provided by them/others maintain a register of disabled children within their area assess the needs of children in need reasonable steps, to prevent children suffering ill-treatment or neglect. Where it appears to a local authority that a child who is living on particular premises is suffering, or is likely to suffer, ill treatment at the hands of another person who is living on those premises; and that other person proposes to move from the premises, the authority may assist that other person to obtain alternative accommodation, provide services designed to minimise the effect on disabled children within their area of their disabilities, take reasonable steps designed to reduce the need to bring legal proceedings with respect to children within their area, make provisions appropriate for children in need/accommodated children, provide such family centres as they consider appropriate in relation to children within their area, take steps as are reasonably practicable, where any child within their area who is in need and whom they are not looking after is living apart from his family to enable him to live with his family; or to promote contact between him and his family, if, in their opinion, it is necessary to do so in order to safeguard or promote his welfare. Every local authority shall, in making any arrangements for the provision of day care within their area; or designed to encourage persons to act as local authority foster parents, have regard to the different racial groups to which children within their area who are in need belong. Every local authority shall facilitate the provision by others (including in particular voluntary organisations) of services which it is a function of the authority to provide ",Section 17 of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Children Act 1989 (Amendment) (Children's Services Planning) Order 1996/785 and Children Act 1989, Section 17(12) Regulations 2003/2077",True,53|263|266|840|878|1676|1694,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,29/04/2013,,17 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1985,"Children and families - day care for pre-school and other children ",,P,"Every local authority shall provide such day care for children in need within their area who are aged five or under; and not yet attending school as is appropriate. A local authority in Wales may provide day care for children within their area who are aged five or under; and not yet attending school even though they are not in need. A local authority may provide facilities (including training, advice, guidance and counselling) for those caring for children in day care Every local authority shall provide for children in need within their area who are attending any school such care or supervised activities as is appropriate outside school hours; or during school holidays. A local authority in Wales may provide such care or supervised activities for children within their area who are attending any school even though those children are not in need. ",Section 18 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,12|53,,False,"Primary duty of primary importance Primary power of secondary importance",,True,,True,01/10/2007,,18 Children Act 1989.doc,Please note that for Type it has both Power and Duty,False,False 1986,Children and families - provision of accommodation for children,,D,"Every local authority shall provide accommodation for any child in need within their area. Where a local authority provide accommodation for a child who is ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority, that other local authority may take over the provision of accommodation for the child within three months of being notified in writing. A local authority may provide accommodation for any person who has reached the age of sixteen but is under twenty-one in any community home which takes children who have reached the age of sixteen if they consider that to do so would safeguard or promote his welfare.",Section 20 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,263,,False,"Primary duty of primary importance Primary power of primary importance",,True,,True,01/04/2006,,20 Children Act 1989.doc,Please note that Type has both Power and Duty,False,False 1987,"Children and families - accommodation for children in police protection or detention or on remand, etc ",,D,"Every local authority shall make provision for the reception and accommodation of children who are removed or kept away from home for their protection, for children in police protection or remanded to accommodation",Section 21 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,263,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,21 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1988,looked after children - general duty of local authority,,D,It shall be the duty of a local authority looking after any child to safeguard and promote his welfare; and to make such use of services available for children cared for by their own parents as appears to the authority reasonable in his case.,Section 22 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840|878,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,13/11/2008,,22 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1989,Looked after children - provision of accommodation,,D,"When a child is in the care of a local authority, it is their duty to provide the child with accommodation.",Section 22A of the Children Act 1989,,,True,263|840,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,22A Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1990,Looked after children - maintenance,,D,It is the duty of a local authority to maintain a child they are looking after in other respects apart from the provision of accommodation.,Section 22B of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,22B Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1991,Looked after children - ways to be accommodated and maintained,,D,"Where it is appropriate, the local authority must make arrangements for a looked after child to live with: a parent; a person with parental responsibility; or where a child is in the care of the local authority and there was a residence order in force immediately before the care order was made, a person in whose favour the residence order was made.",Section 22C of the Children Act 1989,,See also Children Act 1989 (Higher Education Bursary) (Wales) Regulations 2011/823 and Children Act 1989 (Higher Education Bursary)(England) Regulations 2009/2274,True,840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/04/2010,,22C Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1992,Looked after children - children's homes provided by appropriate national authority,,D,"Where a local authority place a child they are looking after in a children's home provided, equipped and maintained by an appropriate national authority, they must do so on such terms as that national authority may from time to time determine.",Section 22E of the Children Act 1989,,,True,263|840,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,22E Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1993,Looked after children - regulations,,P,"Where a child is being looked after by a local authority Part 2 of Schedule 2 states: the authority shall, where appropriate, endeavour to promote contact between the child and his parents; any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him; and any relative, friend or other person connected with him and keep them informed of where he is being accommodated. The authority may make payments to a parent of the child; any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him; or any relative, friend or other person connected with him, in respect of travelling, subsistence or other expenses incurred by that person in visiting the child. Wales - where it appears to a local authority in relation to any child that they are looking after that communication between the child and a parent of his, or any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him, has been infrequent; or he has not visited or been visited by (or lived with) any such person during the preceding twelve months,and that it would be in the child's best interests for an independent person to be appointed to be his visitor for the purposes of this paragraph, they shall appoint such a visitor. A local authority may, with the approval of every person who has parental responsibility for the child arrange for, or assist in arranging for, any other child looked after by them to live outside England and Wales. It is the duty of the local authority looking after a child to advise, assist and befriend him with a view to promoting his welfare when they have ceased to look after him. A local authority shall arrange for each child whom they are looking after who is a eligible to have a personal adviser. If a child who is being looked after by a local authority dies, the authority shall notify the appropriate national authority and shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, notify the child's parents and every person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him.",Section 22F of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840,,False,"Primary duty of primary importance Primary power of primary importance",,True,,True,26/04/2010,,22F Children Act 1989.doc,Please note that Type has both Power and Duty,False,False 1994,Looked after children - general duty of local authority to secure sufficient accommodation,,D,"It is the general duty of a local authority to take steps that secure, so far as reasonably practicable, to provide the children with accommodation that is within the authority's area; and meets the needs of those children",Section 22G of the Children Act 1989,,,True,263|840,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,22G Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1995,Looked after children - provision of accommodation and maintenance by local authority,,D,"It shall be the duty of any local authority looking after a child when he is in their care, to provide accommodation for him; and to maintain him in other respects apart from providing accommodation for him.",Section 23 of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Children (Protection from Offenders) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2001/3443, Fostering Services (Amendment) Regulations 2009/394, Independent Review of Determinations (Adoption and Fostering) (Wales) Regulations 2010/746, Independent Review of Determinations (Adoption and Fostering) Regulations 2009/395, Pt III s. 23(2)(a) Adoption Agencies and Children (Arrangements for Placement and Reviews) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997/649, Arrangements for Placement of Children (General) and the Review of Children's Cases (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002/3013, Care Standards Act 2000 (Establishments and Agencies) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002/865, Care Standards Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989 (Regulatory Reform and Complaints) (Wales) Regulations 2006/3251, Care Standards Act 2000 (Establishments and Agencies) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2002/865, Care Standards Act 2000 and the Children Act 1989 (Regulatory Reform and Complaints) (Wales) Regulations 2006/3251, Children (Protection from Offenders) (Amendment) Regulations 1999/2768, Children (Protection from Offenders) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997/2308, Children (Representations, Placements and Reviews) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1991/2033, Children (Short-term Placements) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1995/2015, Children Act 1989 and the Care Standards Act 2000 (Miscellaneous Regulations) (Amendment) (Wales) (No.2) Regulations 2002/2935, Children Act 2004 (Amendment of Miscellaneous Regulations) (Wales) Regulations 2005/774, Foster Placement (Children) Regulations 1991/910, Fostering Services (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2003/896, Fostering Services (Wales) Regulations 2003/237, Fostering Services Regulations 2002/57 and Placement of Children (Wales) Regulations 2007/310.",True,840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,23 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1996,Looked after children - additional functions of the responsible authority,,D,"It is the duty of each local authority to take reasonable steps to keep in touch with a relevant child for whom they are the responsible authority, whether he is within their area or not; to appoint a personal adviser for each relevant child; and to carry out an assessment of his needs (where there is not already a pathway plan) with a view to determining what advice, assistance and support it would be appropriate for them to provide ",Section 23B of the Children Act 1989,,See also Children (Leaving Care) (Wales) Regulations 2001/2189 and Care Leavers (England) Regulations 2010/2571,True,840|878,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,19/06/2012,,23B Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1997,Looked after children - functions in respect of former relevant children,,D,"Each local authority shall have the duties towards a person who has been a relevant child and a person who was being looked after by them when he attained the age of eighteen, and a former relevant child. ",Section 23C of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/985 Adoption Agencies and Independent Review of Determinations (Amendment) Regulations 2011/589 Adoption and Care Planning (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014/1556 Care Planning and Care Leavers (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1917 Care Planning and Fostering (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/495 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/706 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/984 Children's Homes and Looked after Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2013/3239 Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011/581",True,918,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,18/03/2011,,23C Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 1998,"Looked after children - assistance to pursue education or training ",,D,It is the duty of the responsible local authority to appoint a personal adviser for a former relevant child and to assess their needs and prepare a pathway plan.,Section 23CA of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840|918|1281|1282,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,19/06/2012,,23CA Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 1999,"Looked after children - visits to, and contact with, looked after children and others ",,D,"It is the duty of the local authority to ensure that a looked after child is visited by a representative of the authority; to arrange for appropriate advice, support and assistance to be available ",Section 23ZA of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Care Planning and Fostering (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/495 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/706 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959 Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (England) Regulations 2010/2797 Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (Wales) Regulations 2011/699",True,840|1722,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/04/2010,,23ZA Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2000,Looked after children - independent visitors,,D,A local authority looking after a child must appoint an independent person to be the child's visitor in prescribed circumstances,Section 23ZB of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Care Planning and Fostering (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/495 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/706 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959 Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (England) Regulations 2010/2797 Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (Wales) Regulations 2011/699",True,1722,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/04/2010,,23ZB Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2001,Children and young people - advice and assistance for certain children and young persons,,D,"If the conditions are satisfied the local authority shall advise and befriend him if he was being looked after by a local authority or was accommodated by or on behalf of a voluntary organisation. Where as a result of this section a local authority are under a duty, or are empowered, to advise and befriend a person, they may also give him assistance.",Section 24A of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840|878|1722,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,30/12/2005,,24A Children Act 1989.doc,"Please note that this version is partially in force from: December 30, 2005",False,False 2002,"Children and young people - assistance with employment, education and training",,P,"If the conditions are satisfied the relevant local authority may give assistance to any person by contributing to expenses incurred by him in living near the place where he is, or will be, employed or seeking employment.",Section 24B of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Care Planning and Fostering (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/495 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/706 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959 Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (England) Regulations 2010/2797 Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (Wales) Regulations 2011/699",True,918|1281|1282,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,19/06/2012,,24B Children Act 1989.doc,"Please not that this version is partially in force from: June 19, 2012",False,True 2003,Children and young people - information to another authority,,D,"Where it appears to a local authority that a person with whom they are under a duty to keep in touch; or whom they have been advising and befriending ; or to whom they have been giving assistance, proposes to live, or is living, in the area of another local authority, they must inform that other authority.",Section 24C of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840|918,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,24C Children Act 1989.doc,"Please note that this version partially in force from: April 1, 2013",False,False 2004,Children and young people - representations regarding discharge of duties,,D,Every local authority shall establish a procedure for considering representations (including complaints) made to them by a relevant child; a person qualifying for advice and assistance; or certain others about the discharge of their functions to them.,Section 24D of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Children Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006/1738 Representations Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014/1795 Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/719 Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Wales) Regulations 2004/1448 Children (Leaving Care) (Wales) Regulations 2001/2189 Children Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006/1738 Representations Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014/1795",True,353|840|918,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,13/11/2008,,24D Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2005,Looked after children - appointment of independent reviewing officer,,D,"If a local authority are looking after a child, they must appoint an individual as the independent reviewing officer for that child's case.",Section 25A of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959",True,840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/04/2010,,25A Children Act 1989.doc,"Please note that this version is partially in force from: April 26, 2010",False,True 2006,Children and young people - Review of cases and inquiries into representations,,D,"Every local authority shall establish a procedure for considering any representations (including any complaint) made to them by any child who is being looked after by them or who is not being looked after by them but is in need; a parent of his; any person who is not a parent of his but who has parental responsibility for him; any local authority foster parent; such other person as the authority consider has a sufficient interest in the child's welfare to warrant his representations being considered by them, about the discharge by the authority of any of their qualifying functions in relation to the child.",Section 26 of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005/1313 Adoption Agencies and Children (Arrangements for Placement and Reviews) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1997/649 Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005/389 Arrangements for Placement of Children (General) and the Review of Children's Cases (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2002/3013 Care Planning and Care Leavers (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1917 Care Planning and Fostering (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/495 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/706 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/984 Children (Homes, Arrangements for Placement, Reviews and Representations) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1993/3069 Children (Short-term Placements) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1995/2015 Children Act (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2002/546 Children Act 1989 and the Care Standards Act 2000 (Miscellaneous Regulations) (Amendment) (Wales) (No.2) Regulations 2002/2935 Children Act 2004 (Amendment of Miscellaneous Regulations) (Wales) Regulations 2005/774 Children's Homes and Looked after Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2013/3239 Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011/581 Integrated Family Support Teams (Review of Cases) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1700 Integrated Family Support Teams (Review of Cases) (Wales) Regulations 2012/205 Review of Children's Cases (Amendment No.2 and Transitional Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2004/2253 Review of Children's Cases (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2004/1419 Review of Children's Cases (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2004/1449 Review of Children's Cases (Wales) Regulations 2007/307",True,353|840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,26 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2007,Children and families - advocacy services,,D,Every local authority shall make arrangements for the provision of assistance to persons/children who make or intend to make representations.,Section 26A of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/719 Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Wales) Regulations 2004/1448 Representations Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014/1795 175 298 728 Children Act 1989 Representations Procedure (England) Regulations 2006/1738 Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/719 Advocacy Services and Representations Procedure (Children) (Wales) Regulations 2004/1448",True,728|840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,13/11/2008,,26A Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2008,Children and young people - co-operation between authorities,,P,"Where it appears to a local authority that any authority (local authority, local housing authority, health board etc) could, by taking any specified action, help in the exercise of any of their functions, they may request the help of that other authority. An authority whose help is so requested shall comply with the request if it is compatible with their own statutory or other duties and obligations and does not unduly prejudice the discharge of any of their functions.",Section 27 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,27 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2009,Children and families - recoupment of cost of providing services etc.,,P,"Where a local authority provide any service other than advice, guidance or counselling, in certain circumstances they may recover such charge for the service as they consider reasonable.",Section 29 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,29/04/2013,,29 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2010,"Children in care - care orders and care plans ",,D,"Where an application is made on which a care order might be made with respect to a child, the appropriate local authority must, within such time as the court may direct, prepare a plan (a care plan) for the future care of the child.",Section 31A of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Adoption and Care Planning (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014/1556 Care Planning and Care Leavers (Amendment) Regulations 2014/1917 Care Planning and Fostering (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2015/495 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/706 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959 Care Planning, Placement and Case Review and Fostering Services (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2013/984 Children's Homes and Looked after Children (Miscellaneous Amendments) (England) Regulations 2013/3239 Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011/581",True,266|840|1723,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,07/12/2004,,31A Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2011,Children in care - effect of care order,,D,Where a care order is made with respect to a child it shall be the duty of the local authority designated by the order to receive the child into their care and to keep him in their care while the order remains in force,Section 33 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,30/12/2005,,33 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2012,Children in care - parental contact etc. with children in care,,D,"Where a child is in the care of a local authority, the authority shall allow the child reasonable contact with his parents; any guardian; any person who has parental responsibility for him; where there was a residence order in force with respect to the child immediately before the care order was made, the person in whose favour the order was made; and where, immediately before the care order was made, a person had care of the child by virtue of an order made in the exercise of the High Court's inherent jurisdiction with respect to children, that person.",Section 34 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,840|1723,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,30/12/2005,,34 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2013,Child protection - local authority's duty to investigate,,D,"Where a local authority are informed that a child who lives, or is found, in their area is the subject of an emergency protection order; or is in police protection; or have reasonable cause to suspect that a child who lives, or is found, in their area is suffering, or is likely to suffer, significant harm, the authority shall make, or cause to be made, such enquiries as they consider necessary to enable them to decide whether they should take any action to safeguard or promote the child's welfare.",Section 47 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,266|310,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,47 Children Act 1989.doc,"Please note that this version is partially in force from: April 1, 2013",False,False 2014,Looked after children and child welfare - provision of community homes,,D,"Every local authority shall make such arrangements as they consider appropriate for securing that community homes are available for the care and accommodation of children looked after by them; and for purposes connected with the welfare of children (whether or not looked after by them), and may do so jointly with one or more other local authorities.",Section 53 to 58 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,263,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,08/03/1996,,53 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2015,Children in care - accommodation provided by voluntary organisation,,D,"Every local authority shall satisfy themselves that any voluntary organisation providing accommodation within the authority's area for any child; or outside that area for any child on behalf of the authority, are satisfactorily safeguarding and promoting the welfare of the children so provided with accommodation. Further, every local authority shall arrange for children who are accommodated within their area by or on behalf of voluntary organisations to be visited, from time to time, in the interests of their welfare.",Section 62 of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Arrangements for Placement of Children by Voluntary Organisations and Others (England) Regulations 2011/582 Children (Homes, Arrangements for Placement, Reviews and Representations) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1993/3069 Fostering Services (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2003/896 Fostering Services (Wales) Regulations 2003/237 Children (Short-term Placements) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 1995/2015",True,263|840,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2012,,62 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2016,Fostering - welfare of privately fostered children,,D,"It shall be the duty of every local authority to satisfy themselves that the welfare of children who are or are proposed to be privately fostered within their area is being or will be satisfactorily safeguarded and promoted and to secure that such advice is given to those as appears to the authority to be needed. ",Section 67 of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) (Wales) Regulations 2006/940 Children (Private Arrangements for Fostering) Regulations 2005/1533",True,159,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2006,,67 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2017,Fostering - power to prohibit private fostering,,P,"Where the local authority for the area within which the child is proposed to be, or is being, fostered are of the opinion that he is not a suitable person to foster a child; the premises in which the child will be, or is being, accommodated are not suitable; or it would be prejudicial to the welfare of the child for him to be, or continue to be, accommodated by that person in those premises, the authority may impose a prohibition on him",Section 69 of the Children Act 1989,,,True,159,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,14/10/1991,,69 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2018,Child welfare - children accommodated by health authorities and local education authorities,,D,"Where a child is provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of education functions for a consecutive period of at least three months; or with the intention, on the part of that authority, of accommodating him for such a period, the accommodating authority shall notify the responsible authority. ",Section 85 of the Children Act 1989,,,False,263|840,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,85 Children Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2019,Child welfare - visitors for children notified to local authority,,D,"If the appropriate officer of a local authority has been notified of children in certain establishments, the local authority must make arrangements for the child to be visited by a representative of the authority.",Section 86A of the Children Act 1989,,See also Visits to Children in Long-Term Residential Care Regulations 2011/1010,True,840|1722,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,86A Children Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2020,Local government - political restriction of officers and staff,,D,It shall be the duty of every local authority to prepare and maintain a list of politically restricted posts and deposit that list prepared with their proper officer and to revise that list as and when necessary,Section 2 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,998,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,2 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2021,Local government - grant and supervision of exemptions from political restriction in Wales,,D,Wales It shall be the duty of a local authority to give a person appointed to carry out the functions in relation to political restriction all such information as he reasonably requires for the purpose of carrying out his functions and to comply with any direction in respect of the maintained list of politically restricted posts.,Section 3 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,998,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,3 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,"Please note that this is partially in force from: January 12, 2010",False,False 2022,Local government - grant and supervision of exemptions from political restriction in England,,D,Every local authority must give the head of paid service all such information as he reasonably requires for the purpose of carrying out its functions in relation to political restriction and to comply with any direction in respect of the maintained list of politically restricted posts.,Section 3A of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,998,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/07/2012,,3A Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2023,Local government - designation and reports of head of paid service,,D,"It shall be the duty of every relevant authority to designate one of their officers as the head of their paid service and to provide that officer with such staff, accommodation and other resources as are, in his opinion, sufficient to allow his duties to be performed. It shall be the duty of a relevant authority to consider any report by the head of their paid service at a meeting held not more than three months after copies of the report are first sent to members of the authority.",Section 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,1626,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,4 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2024,"Local government - designation and reports of monitoring officer ",,D,"It shall be the duty of every relevant authority to designate one of their officers as the monitoring officer and provide that officer with such staff, accommodation and other resources as are, in his opinion, sufficient to allow those duties to be performed. It shall be the duty of a relevant authority to consider any report by a monitoring officer or his deputy at a meeting held not more than twenty-one days after copies of the report are first sent to members of the authority.",Sections 5 and 5A of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,1626,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,5 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,"Please note that this is partially in force from: November 22, 2012",False,True 2025,Local government - officer responsible for financial administration of certain authorities,,D,"On and after the commencement day the Common Council shall make arrangements for the proper administration of such of its financial affairs as relate to it in its capacity as a local authority, police authority or port health authority, and secure that one of its officers has responsibility for the administration of those affairs.",Section 6 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,See also Common Council and New Successor Bodies (Chief Finance Officer) Regulations 1991/445,True,1626,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,False,16/01/1990,,6 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2026,Local government - appointment and management etc. of staff,,D,Every appointment of a person to a paid office or employment under a local authority or parish or community council and Wales shall be made on merit.,Section 7 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,1646,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,7 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2027,Local government - conflict of interest in staff negotiations,,D,"It shall be the duty of a local authority to secure that, so far as practicable, the interests of that authority in any negotiations with respect to the terms and conditions on which persons in local authority employment hold office or are employed are never represented, whether directly or indirectly by, or by persons who include a person who is both a member of the authority and in such employment; or a person who is both a member of the authority and an official or employee of a trade union whose members include persons in local authority employment.",Section 12 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,1625,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/10/1992,,12 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2028,"Local government - political balance on committees, duty to allocate seats to political groups",,D,It shall be the duty of a relevant authority having power from time to time to make appointments to a body to which this section applies to review the representation of different political groups on that body,Sections 15 to 17 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,998|1626,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/01/1990,,15 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2029,Local government - requirements for companies/Trusts under control or subject to influence of local authorities,,D,"It shall be the duty of every local authority to ensure, so far as practicable, that any company/Trust under its control complies with any provisions made by the Secretary of State ",Sections 70 to 73 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,"See also Local Authorities (Companies) Order 1995/849 Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 (Consequential Amendments) (Wales) Order 2005/757",True,1422,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2008,,70 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2030,Housing finance - duty to keep housing revenue account,,D,"A local housing authority shall keep, in accordance with proper practices, an account, called the Housing Revenue Account, of sums falling to be credited or debited in respect of houses, land or any other property ","Sections 74, 75 and schedule 4 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989",,,True,967,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,24/09/1996,,74 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,True 2031,Housing finance - housing accounts,,D,"The local housing authority shall, during the months of January and February immediately preceding the relevant year, formulate proposals relating to the income of the authority for the year from rents and other charges, the expenditure of the authority for the year in respect of the repair, maintenance, supervision and management of such property; and such other matters connected with the exercise of the authority's housing function",Section 76 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,967,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/11/1989,,76 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2032,Housing finance - housing repairs account,,D,"A local housing authority who are required to keep a Housing Revenue Account may also keep, in accordance with proper practices, an account called the Housing Repairs Account. An authority who keep a Housing Repairs Account shall carry to the credit of the account for any year - sums transferred for the year from their Housing Revenue Account; and sums receivable by the authority for the year in connection with the repair or maintenance of houses or other property within their Housing Revenue Account (either from their tenants or from the sale of scrapped or salvaged materials). The authority shall carry to the debit of the account for any year of the all expenditure incurred by them for the year in connection with the repair or maintenance of houses or other property within their Housing Revenue Account; such expenditure incurred by them for the year in connection with the improvement or replacement of houses or other property within their Housing Revenue Account as may from time to time be determined by the Secretary of State; and sums transferred for the year to the Housing Revenue Account ",Section 77 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,967,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/11/1989,,77 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2033,Housing finance - information to Welsh ministers,,D,"A local housing authority in Wales, and any officer or employee of a local housing authority in Wales concerned with their housing functions, shall supply the Welsh Ministers with such information as the Welsh Ministers may specify, either generally or in any particular case, for the purpose of enabling the Welsh Ministers to exercise their functions",Section 85 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,967,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,85 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2034,"Housing renewal areas - declaration of renewal area ",,P,"Where a local housing authority are satisfied that the living conditions in an area within their district consisting primarily of housing accommodation are unsatisfactory, and that those conditions can most effectively be dealt with by declaring the area to be a renewal area, then, subject to provisions, they may cause the area to be defined on a map and by resolution declare it to be a renewal area ",Section 89 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,19/07/2002,,89 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2035,Housing renewal areas - steps to be taken after declaration or extension,,D,"As soon as may be after declaring an area to be a renewal area; or extending (or further extending) the period for which an area is to be a renewal area, a local housing authority shall take steps to bring the matter to the attention of persons residing or owning property in the area; and that those persons are informed of the name and address of the person to whom should be addressed inquiries and representations concerning action to be taken with respect to the renewal area.",Section 91 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,661|868,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,19/07/2002,,91 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2036,Housing renewal areas - duty to publish information,,D,"Where a local housing authority have declared an area to be a renewal area, they shall from time to time publish, in such manner as appears to them best designed to secure that the information is brought to the attention of persons residing or owning property in the area, information with respect to the action they propose to take in relation to the area, the action they have taken in relation to the area, and the assistance available for the carrying out of works in the area",Section 92 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|868,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,19/07/2002,,92 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2037,Housing renewal areas - general powers of local housing authority,,P,"Where a local housing authority have declared an area to be a renewal area, the authority may acquire by agreement, or be authorised by the Secretary of State to acquire compulsorily, any land in the area on which there are premises consisting of or including housing accommodation or which forms part of the curtilage of any such premises; and the authority may provide housing accommodation on land acquired under this provision.",Section 93 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|714|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,18/07/2003,,93 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2038,Housing renewal areas - orders extinguishing right to use vehicles on highway,,P,A local housing authority who have declared a renewal area may exercise the powers of a local planning authority (extinguishment of right to use vehicles on certain highways) with respect to a highway in that area notwithstanding that they are not the local planning authority subject to certain provisions.,Section 94 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|868|1136,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,,,94 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2039,"Housing renewal areas - exclusion of land from, or termination of, renewal area",,P,A local housing authority may by resolution exclude land from a renewal area; or declare that an area shall cease to be a renewal area,Section 95 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,19/07/2002,,95 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2040,"Housing renewal areas - powers of entry and penalty for obstruction ",,P,"A person authorised by the local housing authority may at any reasonable time, on giving not less than seven days' notice of his intention to the occupier, and to the owner if the owner is known, enter premises for the purposes of survey and examination/valuation ",Section 97 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1990,,97 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2041,Housing - services for owners and occupiers of houses for work on them,,P,"A relevant authority shall have power to provide professional, technical and administrative services for owners or occupiers of dwellings in connection with their arranging or carrying out relevant works or to encourage or facilitate the carrying out of such works, whether or not on payment of such charges as the authority may determine.",Section 169 of the Local Government and Housing Act 1989,,,True,145|661|868,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,14/03/2012,,169 Local Government and Housing Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2042,Roads - installation of apparatus etc. for driver information systems,,P,"The holder of an operator's licence shall have power to install system apparatus in, upon, under, over, along or across a public road and inspect, maintain, adjust, repair, alter, renew or remove any system apparatus so installed The powers conferred shall not be exercisable by fixing system apparatus to a structure or attachment to a structure belonging to another person or authority without the written consent of that other person or authority; and a local authority shall have power to give its consent upon such terms (including such terms as to payment) as it thinks appropriate",Section 12 of the Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Act 1989,,,True,540|569,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1993,,12 Road Traffic (Driver Licensing and Information Systems) Act 1989.doc,,False,False 2043,Smallholdings - general aim of statutory smallholdings,,P,"A local authority having regard to the general interests of agriculture and of good estate management, shall make it their general aim to provide opportunities for persons to be farmers on their own account by letting holdings to them.",Section 39 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,"See also Smallholdings (Full-Time Employment) (Amendment) Regulations 1992/2816 and Smallholdings (Full-Time Employment) Regulations 1970/1050. ",True,1724,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 1.doc,,False,True 2044,Smallholdings - review of estate,,D,A local authority must carry out a review of its small holding estate when requested to do so by the Minister.,Section 42 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,See also section 43 of the Agriculture Act 1970,True,1724,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 2.doc,,False,True 2045,Smallholdings - letting,,P,Any land held by a smallholdings authority for the purposes of smallholdings may be let by them as a smallholding in accordance with the provisions of regulations.,Section 44 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,See also Smallholdings (Selection of Tenants) (Amendment) Regulations 1976/2001 and Smallholdings (Selection of Tenants) Regulations 1970/1049,True,1724,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 3.doc,,False,True 2046,Smallholdings - rent,,D,A local authority must take into account various factors when determining the rent to charge for a smallholding.,Section 45 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 4.doc,,False,True 2047,Smallholdings - equipment,,P,"A local authority may provide, improve, maintain and repair fixed equipment on land held by the authority for the purposes of smallholdings, and to carry out any other improvements on or for the benefit of any such land.",Section 46 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 5.doc,,False,False 2048,Smallholdings - management,,P,A local authority may exercise powers of management in order to manage a smallholding.,Section 47 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 6.doc,,False,False 2049,Smallholdings - acquisition of land,,P,A local authority may acquire land for the purposes of use as a smallholding.,Section 48 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 7.doc,,False,False 2050,Smallholdings - letting of surplus land,,P,"A local authority may let land held for the purposes of use as a smallholding, which is surplus to that purpose.",Section 49 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 8.doc,,False,False 2051,Smallholdings - financial particulars,,D,A local authority must comply with requests to provide the Secretary of State with financial particulars regarding small holdings.,Section 52 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,See also Smallholdings (Contributions Towards Losses) Regulations 1970/1051,True,1724,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 9.doc,,False,True 2052,Smallholdings - loans and guarantees,,P,A local authority may make certain loans and give certain guarantees in respect of small holdings.,Section 53 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 10.doc,,False,False 2053,Smallholdings - default powers where functions not satisfactorily performed,,D,A local authority must comply with the Secretary of State in his exercise of his default powers.,Section 56 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 11.doc,,False,False 2054,Smallholdings - accounts and records,,D,A local authority must keep separate accounts and records in respect of smallholdings.,Section 58 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 12.doc,,False,False 2055,Smallholdings - annual reports,,D,A local authority must produce annual reports in respect of small holdings.,Section 59 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,,True,1724,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 13.doc,,False,False 2056,Cottage holdings - prohibition,,D,"A local authority must not sell, let or acquire land to be used as a cottage holding.",Section 60 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,See also Smallholdings (Contributions Towards Losses) Regulations 1970/1051,True,1724,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 14.doc,,False,True 2057,Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - enforcement,,D,A local authority must appoint an agricultural analyst and such inspectors and deputy agricultural analysts as they think necessary to enforce the legislation.,Section 67 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,"See also Fertilisers (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 1996/1342, Animal Feed (Hygiene, Sampling etc. and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2015/454, Feed (Sampling and Analysis and Specified Undesirable Substances) (England) Regulations 2010/2280 and Feed (Sampling and Analysis and Specified Undesirable Substances) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2287",True,1053,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 15.doc,,False,True 2059,Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - analysis of feeding stuff sample,,D,An inspector appointed by a local authority must collect and have analysed any fertiliser or feeding stuff sample when requested to do so by a purchaser.,Section 75 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,"See also Section 83 of the Agriculture Act 1970, Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis), the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) and the Feeding Stuffs (Establishments and Intermediaries) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003/1296, Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis), the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) and the Feeding Stuffs (Establishments and Intermediaries) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2003/1677 and Fertilisers (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 1996/1342",True,1053,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1974,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 17.doc,File is duplicate as file AgrA70 - 16,False,True 2060,Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - power of entry and to take samples,,P,An inspector appointed by a local authority may enter premises and take samples of fertiliser or feeding stuff.,Section 76 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,"See also section 83 of the Agriculture Act 1970, Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis), the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) and the Feeding Stuffs (Establishments and Intermediaries) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003/1296, Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis), the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) and the Feeding Stuffs (Establishments and Intermediaries) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2003/1677 and Fertilisers (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 1996/1342",True,1053,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 18.doc,,False,True 2061,Fertilisers and animal feeding stuff - division and analysis of samples,,D,An agricultural analyst appointed by a local authority must deal with samples taken by an inspector in the prescribed manner.,Section 77 of the Agriculture Act 1970,,"See also section 79 of the Agriculture Act 1970, Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis), the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) and the Feeding Stuffs (Establishments and Intermediaries) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2003/1296, Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis), the Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) and the Feeding Stuffs (Establishments and Intermediaries) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2003/1677 and Fertilisers (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 1996/1342",True,1053,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1974,,Local Government Powers - Template - Agriculture Act 1970 - AgrA70 - 19.doc,,False,True 2062,Licensing of breeding establishments for dogs,,P,A local authority may grant a licence for the breeding in dogs in certain circumstances.,Section 1 of the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973,,See also Breeding of Dogs (Licensing Records) Regulations 1999/3192,True,377,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,06/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Breeding of Dogs Act 73 - BDA73 - 1.doc,,False,True 2063,Inspection of breeding establishments for dogs,,P,"A local authority may authorise in writing any of its officers or any veterinary practitioner to inspect any premises in their area as respects which a licence granted is in force. Any person authorised under this section may, on producing his authority if so required, enter any such premises at all reasonable times and inspect them and any animals found, for the purpose of ascertaining whether an offence has been or is being committed against this Act.",Section 2 of the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973,,,True,377,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/1974,,Local Government Powers - Template - Breeding of Dogs Act 73 - BDA73 - 2.doc,,False,True 2064,Fees for licensing and inspection of dog breeding premises,,P,A local authority may charge fees for the granting of licences or for the inspection of premises under the Act.,Section 3A of the Breeding of Dogs Act 1973,,,True,377,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,30/12/1999,,Local Government Powers - Template - Breeding of Dogs Act 73 - BDA73 - 3.doc,,False,True 2065,Disabled persons - information as to need for and existence of welfare services,,D,"A local authority must appraise the need for certain welfare service, make sure that information regarding those services is generally available and is specifically provided to those in need where relevant.",Section 1 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,,True,209,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/1971,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 1.doc,,False,False 2066,Disabled persons - provision of welfare services,,D,A local authority must provide certain welfare services to certain individuals.,Section 2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,,True,61|107|147|178|204|205|239|274|275|276|279|280|296|299|315|456|1054|1427|1437|1615,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 2.doc,,False,False 2067,Disabled persons - provision of housing services,,D,A local authority must consider the needs of disabled persons when considering the housing need for their area.,Section 3 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,,True,868,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,19/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 3.doc,,False,False 2068,Disabled persons - access to and facilities at public buildings,,D,"A local authority must provide parking and sanitary facilities suitable for persons with a disability in buildings to which the public has access, including maintained schools and offices.",Section 4 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,"See also section 7, 8 and 8A of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970",True,952|1466,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,29/11/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 4.doc,,False,True 2069,Disabled persons - public conveniences,,D,"A local authority in the provision of a public sanitary convenience must ensure that it caters, in so far as it is in the circumstances both practicable and reasonable, for the needs of disabled persons.",Section 5 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,See also section 7 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,True,579|1615,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 5.doc,,False,False 2070,Disabled persons - co-option to local authority committees,,D,"A local authority when appointing a committee of the authority under any enactment, and the members of the committee include or may include persons who are not members of the authority, then in considering the appointment to the committee of such persons regard shall be had, if the committee is concerned with matters in which the chronically sick or disabled have special needs, to the desirability of appointing to the committee persons with experience of work among and of the needs of the chronically sick and disabled, and to the person or persons with that experience being or including a chronically sick or disabled person or persons.",Section 15 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,,True,997|1031,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,29/08/1970,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 6.doc,,False,False 2071,Disabled persons - badges for display on motor vehicles,,D,"A local authority must issue motor vehicle badges in the prescribed form for motor vehicles driven by, or used for the carriage of, disabled persons, maintain a register of such badges and withdraw them in certain circumstances.",Section 21 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,"See also Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations 1991/2708, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Amendment) Regulations 1992/200, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment No. 2) Regulations 2007/2600, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2011/2675, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2000/1507, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2007/2531, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/2203, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) Regulations 2000/682, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1588, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/309, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/438, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000/1786, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales)(Amendment) Regulations 2014/3082, Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 1991/2709, Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (England) Regulations 2000/683, Local Authorities' Traffic Orders (Exemptions for Disabled Persons) (Wales) Regulations 2000/1785, Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1307 and Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1307",True,279,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,19/08/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 - CSADPA70 - 7.doc,,False,True 2072,Compulsory purchase - acquisition by agreement,,P,A local authority may enter into an agreement for the compulsory purchase of land.,Section 3 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,See also Schedule 1 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,True,714,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 1.doc,,False,True 2073,Compulsory purchase - time limit,,D,A local authority may not compulsory purchase land after 3 years has expired form the date of the Order.,Section 4 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1966,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 2.doc,,False,False 2074,Compulsory purchase - notice to treat,,D,A local authority proposing to compulsorily acquire land must issue and serve a notice to treat.,Section 5 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 3.doc,,False,False 2075,Compulsory purchase - divided land,,D,A local authority may be required to purchase divided land in certain circumstances.,Section 8 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 4.doc,,False,False 2076,Compulsory purchase - deposit of compensation and deed poll on refusal to convey,,P,A local authority may in the case of a refusal to sell land pay a deposit of compensation into court and execute a deed poll.,Section 9 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,False,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 5.doc,,False,False 2077,Compulsory purchase - compensation for injurious affection,,D,A local authority must comply with an order to pay compensation for injurious affection in certain circumstances.,Section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 6.doc,,False,False 2078,Compulsory purchase - entry of land,,P,"A local authority may, having served notice, enter land for certain purposes connected with the Act.",Section 11 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 7.doc,,False,False 2079,Compulsory purchase - mortgages,,P,A local authority may purchase or redeem the interest of the mortgagee or acquire land subject to a mortgage or rent charges in certain circumstances.,Section 14 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,See also section 15 to 17 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 8.doc,,False,False 2080,Compulsory purchase - interests omitted from purchase,,D,A local authority must pay compensation for interests omitted from purchase in certain circumstances.,Section 22 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 9.doc,,False,False 2081,Compulsory purchase - cost of conveyances,,D,A local authority must pay for the cost of all conveyances of the land subject to compulsory purchase.,Section 23 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 10.doc,,False,False 2082,Compulsory purchase - deed poll,,D,Any deed poll made by a local authority under the Act must comply with the provisions of section 28.,Section 28 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1966,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 11.doc,,False,False 2083,Compulsory purchase - refusal to agree rent charge compensation,,P,A local authority may in the case of a refusal to agree rent charge compensation pay a deposit of compensation into court and execute a deed poll.,Section 18 of the Compulsory Purchase Act 1965,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Compulsory Purchase Act 1965 - CPA65 - 12.doc,,False,False 2084,"Consumer credit - enforcement ",,D,A local authority must enforce the Consumer Credit Act 1974.,Section 161 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974,,,True,403|789,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Consumer Credit Act 1974-ConCrA74 -1.doc,,False,False 2085,Consumer credit - entry and inspection,,P,A duly authorised officer of a local authority may enter and inspect premises and seize and detain goods for the purposes of enforcing the Act.,Section 162 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974,,"See also SIs 1977/331 and 1984/1046 ",True,403|789,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/07/2013,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Consumer Credit Act 1974-ConCrA74 -2.doc,,False,True 2086,Consumer credit - compensation for loss,,D,"Where, in exercising his powers an officer of an enforcement authority seizes and detains goods and their owner suffers loss by reason of that seizure, or the loss, damage or deterioration of the goods during detention,then, unless the owner is convicted of an offence under this Act committed in relation to the goods, the authority shall compensate him for the loss so suffered.",Section 163 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974,,,True,403|789,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/07/1974,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Consumer Credit Act 1974-ConCrA74 -3.doc,,False,True 2087,Consumer credit - test purchases,,P,A local authority may make test purchases for the purposes of enforcing the Act.,Section 164 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974,,,True,403|789,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/07/1974,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Consumer Credit Act 1974-ConCrA74 -4.doc,,False,True 2088,"Controlled waste - reclamation ",,P,A local authority may carry out reclamation operations in relation to waste including buying and selling.,Section 20 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,675|877,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -5.doc,,False,False 2089,"Controlled waste - production of heat and electricity ",,P,A local authority may produce heat and electricity from waste and may sell or dispose of the same.,Section 21 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,See also section 28 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -6.doc,,False,False 2090,"Street cleaning - prohibition of parking ",,P,A local authority may by notice prevent parking upon streets upon which street cleaning is to be carried out,Section 23 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,582,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -8.doc,,False,False 2091,"Litter - litter statement ",,D,A county council must consult with district councils in its area draw up (and from time to time revise) a litter statement and keep it available for inspection at its offices.,Section 24 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,580|581|1138,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -9.doc,,False,False 2092,Noise pollution - inspection for noise abatement areas,,D,A local authority must cause its area to be inspected from time to time so it can decide how to use its noise abatement powers.,Section 57 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,412,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -10.doc,,False,True 2093,"Noise pollution - construction sites ",,P,"A local authority may, by notice or a consent, impose conditions upon the emanation of noise from a construction site.",Section 60 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,See also section 61 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,True,412|417,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,False,01/04/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -11.doc,,False,False 2094,"Noise pollution - noise abatement zones ",,P,"A local authority may, by order, designate any part of its area a noise abatement zone.",Section 63 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,412,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/02/1991,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -12.doc,,False,True 2095,Noise pollution - measurement of noise levels,,D,"A local authority must in relation to an area which it has designated as a noise abatement zone, measure noise levels.","Section 64 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974 ",,See also SI 1976/37,True,412,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1976,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -13.doc,,False,True 2096,Noise pollution - consent to excessive noise,,P,A local authority may consent to noise being produced at a level above the permitted level in certain circumstances.,Section 65 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,98|412|417|601,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -14.doc,,False,True 2097,Noise pollution - reductions in noise level,,P,"A local authority may, by notice, require a reduction in the noise level emanating from premises.",Section 66 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,98|412|417|601|1600,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1976,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -15.doc,,False,True 2098,Noise pollution - acceptable noise level in new buildings,,P,"A local authority may, fix the acceptable level of noise permitted from a new building.",Section 67 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,98|412|417,,True,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1976,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -16.doc,,False,True 2099,Noise pollution - execution and costs of works,,P,A local authority may recover costs for carrying out works required by a noise abatement order in certain circumstances.,Section 69 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,412,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1976,01/10/2015,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 -17.doc,,False,True 2100,Disposal of waste - use and charging for facilities,,P,A local authority may permit another person to use facilities provided by the authority in pursuance of the preceding provisions of this section and may provide for the use of another person any such facilities as the authority has power to provide in pursuance of those provisions and may charge in certain circumstances.,Section 14 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,517|519|520|523,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 1.doc,,False,False 2101,"Controlled waste - notice to remove waste ",,P,A local authority may give notice for controlled waste deposited in breach of a licence to be removed and may remove the waste itself in certain circumstances and recover its expenses.,Section 16 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,587,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 2.doc,,False,False 2102,Controlled waste - directions regarding special waste,,D,A local authority must comply with directions from the Secretary of State regarding the disposal of special waste.,Section 17 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,"See also SIs 1996/972 and 1996/2019 ",True,523|850|859,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1992,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 3.doc,,False,False 2103,"Waste disposal - collection of information and disposal of other waste ",,P,"Each disposal authority shall have power to collect information about, and to make arrangements for the disposal of, waste which is situated or likely to be situated in its area and is not controlled waste.",Section 19 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,587,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 4.doc,,False,False 2104,"Street cleaning - non-highway ",,P,"A local authority may, with the agreement of the owner or occupier, carry out street cleaning on land which does not form part of the highway.",Section 22 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,580,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 7.doc,,False,False 2105,"Pollution control - powers of entry ",,P,"An officer duly authorised by a local authority may enter any land or vessel for the purposes of inspections, measurements or tests required by the Act.",Section 91 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,See also section 92 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,True,412|417|587|660|708,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,False,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 18.doc,,False,False 2106,"Pollution control - power to obtain information ",,P,"A local authority may, in certain circumstances, serve a notice requiring the provision of information.",Section 93 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,412|417|587|660|708,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2006,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 19.doc,,False,False 2107,Pollution control - default powers where authority failed to perform functions,,D,"A local authority must comply with the directions of the Secretary of State when utilising his default powers under the Act. ",Section 97 of the Control of Pollution Act 1974,,,True,412|417|587|660|708,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1976,,Local Government Powers - Template - Control of Pollution Act 74 - CPA74 - 20.doc,,False,False 2108,"Coroners - appointment of senior, area and assistant coroners",,D,A local authority must appoint a senior coroner for its area and area and assistant coroners as directed by the Lord Chancellor.,Section 23 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009,,See also Schedule 3 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 and SI 2013/1625,True,325|626,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coroners and Justice Act 2009 - CJA09 - 1.doc,,False,False 2109,Coroners - provision of staff and accommodation,,D,"A local authority must secure the provision of whatever officers and other staff are needed by the coroners for that area to carry out their functions; must provide, or secure the provision of, accommodation that is appropriate to the needs of those coroners in carrying out their functions and must maintain, or secure the maintenance of, that accommodation.",Section 24 of the Coroners and Justice Act 2009,,,True,325|626,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,25/07/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Coroners and Justice Act 2009 - CJA09 - 2.doc,,False,False 2110,"Hallmarking - enforcement ",,D,A local authority must enforce the Hallmarks Act 1973 and may utilise certain powers under schedule 5 of the Consumer Rights Act 2015 in order to do so.,Section 9 of the Hallmarking Act 1973,,,True,401|403|789,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2015,,Local Government Powers - Template - Hallmarks Act 1973-HMA73 -1.doc,,False,True 2111,Social services - appointment of director.,,D,A local authority must appoint a Director of Social Services or may jointly appoint with another authority and provide him with adequate staff for his function.,Section 6 of the Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970,,,True,1626|1632,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970 - LASSA70 - 1.doc,,False,False 2112,Social services - exercise of functions under guidance,,D,A local authority must have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when exercising its social services function.,Section 7 of the Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970,,,True,1632,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970 - LASSA70 - 2.doc,,False,False 2113,Social services - compliance with directions,,D,A local authority must comply with directions given by the Secretary of State when exercising its social services function.,Section 7A of the Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970,,See also section 7B of the Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970,True,1632,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970 - LASSA70 - 3.doc,,False,False 2114,Social services - default powers where authority failed to perform functions,,D,A local authority must comply with directions made by the Secretary of State when exercising his default powers.,Section 7D of the Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970,,,True,1632,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Authority (Social Services) Act 1970 - LASSA70 - 4.doc,,False,False 2115,Local government - supply of and use of goods and services,,P,"Subject to certain limitations a local authority may enter into an agreement for all or any of the following purposes (a) the supply by the authority to the body of any goods or materials; (b) the provision by the authority for the body of any administrative, professional or technical services; (c) the use by the body of any vehicle, plant or apparatus belonging to the authority, the placing at the disposal of the body of the services of any person employed in connection with the vehicle or other property in question; and (d) the carrying out by the authority of works of maintenance in connection with land or buildings for the maintenance of which the body is responsible",Sections 1 and 2 of the Local Government (Goods and Services) Act 1970,,"See also Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No. 2) Order 2001/691 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No. 2) Order 2003/1018 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No. 3) Order 2001/1823 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No. 3) Order 2002/2624 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No. 4) Order 2001/3347 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No. 4) Order 2003/2558 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No.2) Order 2002/2244 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No.2) Order 2004/2475 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) (No.3) Order 2003/2069 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) Order 2001/243 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) Order 2002/522 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) Order 2003/354 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (England) Order 2014/1197 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (English Heritage) Order 1997/1835 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Greater London Enterprise Limited) Order 1997/809 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Meat Hygiene) Order 1995/2626 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 1) Order 1999/421 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 2) Order 1994/1389 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 2) Order 1998/868 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 2) Order 1999/1754 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 2) Order 2000/1027 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 3) Order 1998/1123 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 4) Order 1998/1574 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No. 5) Order 1998/2956 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No.2) Order 1997/2095 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (No.6) Order 1998/3095 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Scotland) Order 1978/1761 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (The Julie Rose Stadium) Order 1996/2534 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Trunk Roads) (Amendment) Order 1997/849 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Trunk Roads) (No. 1) Order 1997/204 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Trunk Roads) (No. 2) Order 1996/1814 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Trunk Roads) (No. 2) Order 1997/850 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Trunk Roads) Order 1996/342 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Wales) Order 2002/1729 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) (Wales) Order 2004/2878 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1972/853 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1975/193 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1981/1049 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1990/433 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1992/2830 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1993/2097 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1994/37 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1997/101 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 1998/308 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies) Order 2000/63 Local Authorities (Goods and Services) (Public Bodies)(Sports Councils) Order 1996/3092 Local Authorities (Goods and Services)(Public Bodies)(England) Order 2004/485",True,,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government (Goods and Services) Act 1970 - LGGSA70 - 1.doc,,False,True 2116,Local government - constitution of councils in England,,D,A local authority shall consist of a chairman and councillors and will carry out the functions vested in them.,Section 2 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,997,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,False,,True,04/05/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 1.doc,,False,False 2117,Local government - election of chairman in England,,D,"A local authority shall elect a Chairman following a certain procedure and may pay an allowance. ",Section 3 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 4 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,997,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,26/10/1972,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 2.doc,,False,False 2118,Local government - appointment of vice-chairman in England,,P,"A local authority may appoint a vice chairman and may pay an allowance. ",Section 5 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,997,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,28/07/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 3.doc,,False,False 2120,Local government - terms of office and retirement of councillors in England,,D,"A local authority must comply with the requirements of section 6 and 7 of of the Local Government Act 1972 with regard to election of, terms of office and retirement of councillors.",Section 6 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 7 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 5.doc,,False,False 2121,Local government - constitution and membership of London borough councils,,D,The constitution and membership of the council of a London borough must comply with regulations.,Section 8 and schedule 2 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also London Councillors Order 1976/213,True,1626,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/12/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 6.doc,,False,True 2122,Local government - grouping or dissolving of parish councils,,P,A local authority may in certain circumstances group parish councils or dissolve a parish council into smaller parishes.,Sections 10 to 12B of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,723,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,14/03/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 7.doc,,False,True 2123,Local government - constitution of councils in Wales,,D,A local authority shall consist of a chairman and councillors and will carry out the functions vested in them.,Section 21 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1291,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 8.doc,,False,False 2124,Local government - election of chairman in Wales,,D,"A local authority shall elect a chairman following a certain procedure. ",Section 22 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 23 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,997,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 9.doc,,False,False 2125,Local government - appointment of vice-chairman in Wales,,P,"A local authority may appoint a vice chairman. ",Section 24 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,False,997,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 10.doc,,False,False 2126,Local government - appointment of presiding member,,P,"A local authority may appoint a presiding member. ",Section 24A of the Local Government Act 1972,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,997,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 11.doc,,False,False 2127,Local government - appointment of deputy presiding member,,D,A local authority must appoint a deputy presiding member in circumstances where they have appointed a presiding member,Section 24B of the Local Government Act 1972,, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,997,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 12.doc,,False,False 2128,Local government - terms of office and retirement of councillors in Wales,,D,"A local authority must comply with the requirements of section 25 of the Local Government Act 1972 with regard to election of, terms of office and retirement of councillors.",Section 25 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 26 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1675,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 13.doc,"Please note duplicate Label as file LGA72-5 ",False,False 2129,Local government - grouping or dissolution of community councils,,P,"A local authority may in certain circumstances establish, group, separate or dissolve community councils.",Sections 27A to 27L of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also Local Government (Wales) (Alternative Community Names) (Prescribed Steps) Regulations 1996/179,True,723,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,10/07/2011,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 14.doc,,False,True 2130,Local government - consideration of result of community poll,,D,A local authority must provide a response and explanation for its response to a community poll in certain circumstances.,Section 33B of the Local Government Act 1972,,"See also section 33C of the Local Government Act 1972. not yet updated - URL currently invalid",True,867,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a community council,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 15.doc,,False,False 2131,Local government - change of name by resolution,,P,A local authority may change the name of its area by resolution.,Section 74 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1626,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 16.doc,,False,False 2132,Local government - declaration of vacancy in office,,D,A local authority must declare a vacancy in office in certain circumstances.,Section 86 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1703,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/07/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 17.doc,,False,False 2133,Local government - casual vacancies,,D,An authority must follow designated procedures regarding filling casual vacancies for chairman or councillors and the term of office of persons filling casual vacancies.,Section 88 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 89 to 90 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1703,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 18.doc,,False,False 2134,Local government - meetings and proceedings,,D,The meetings and proceedings of a local authority must comply with Schedule 12 of the Local Government Act 1972.,Section 99 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,354|1030,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 19.doc,,False,False 2135,Local government - admission to meetings and access to associated documents,,D,"A local authority must allow the general public admission to its meetings, agenda, reports, records, minutes and background papers in certain circumstances.",Sections 100A to 100EA and 100H of the Local Government Act 1972.,,See also Exercise of Functions by Local Councillors (Written Records) Regulations 2009/352,True,354|719,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2002,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 20.doc,,False,True 2136,Local government - availability of documents to members,,D,A local authority must allow members access to its documents in certain circumstances.,Section 100F of the Local Government Act 1972,,"See also Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) (Wales) Order 2007/969 Local Government (Access to Information) (Variation) Order 2006/88",True,1030,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,21/04/2007,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 21.doc,,False,True 2137,Local government - arrangements for discharge of functions by committees or by another local authority,,P,A local authority may make arrangements for the discharge of its functions by committees or by another local authority.,Section 101of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 102 to 107 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1632,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 22.doc,,False,False 2138,Local authorities - incidental powers,,P,"A local authority may do anything (whether or not involving the expenditure, borrowing or lending of money or the acquisition or disposal of any property or rights) which is calculated to facilitate, or is conducive or incidental to, the discharge of any of their functions.",Section 111 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 23.doc,,False,False 2139,Local authorities - appointment of staff,,D,A local authority must appoint such officers as they think necessary for the proper discharge by the authority of their or another authority's functions as fall to be discharged by them pursuant to an agreement made under section 113. An officer appointed shall hold office on such reasonable terms and conditions as the authority think fit.,Section 112 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1645,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,31/01/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 24.doc,,False,False 2140,Local authorities - placing staff at the disposal of other authorities,,P,"A local authority may enter into an agreement with another local authority or other defined public bodies for the placing at the disposal of the latter for the purposes of their functions, on such terms as may be provided by the agreement, of the services of officers employed by the former, but shall not enter into any such agreement with respect to any officer without consulting him.",Section 113 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,978,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 25.doc,,False,False 2141,Local authorities - security to be taken in relation to officers,,D,A local authority must take securities in relation to certain officers to be entrusted with money and may takes securities in respect of other officers.,Section 114 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 26.doc,,False,False 2142,Local authorities - payments due to deceased officers,,P,A local authority may make certain payments to the family of deceased officers in certain circumstances without seeing a grant of probate or letters of administration.,Section 119 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,979,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 27.doc,,False,False 2143,Local authorities - acquisition of land by agreement,,P,"A local authority may acquire land by agreement whether within or outside their area, for the purposes of any of their functions under this or any other enactment, or for the benefit, improvement or development of their area.",Section 120 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,715,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 28.doc,,False,False 2144,Local authorities - acquisition of land by compulsory purchase,,P,A local authority may acquire land by compulsory purchase for certain purposes.,Section 121 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 29.doc,,False,False 2145,Local authorities - appropriation of land,,P,A local authority may appropriate land for certain purposes.,Section 122 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 30.doc,,False,False 2146,"Local authorities - disposal of land ",,P,A local authority may dispose of land in certain circumstances.,Section 123 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1662,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,15/12/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 31.doc,,False,False 2147,Land acquisition - payment of purchase or compensation money to another authority,,P,"A local authority may pay purchase or compensation money to another authority, in certain circumstances, with the consent of the Secretary of State.",Section 129 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 32.doc,,False,False 2148,Public meetings and assemblies - provision of room,,P,"A local authority may acquire or provide and furnish halls, offices and other buildings, whether within or without the area of the authority, for use for public meetings and assemblies.",Section 132 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,373|951,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 33.doc,,False,False 2149,Parish or community council - use of schoolroom etc.,,D,A local authority must allow a parish or community council to use a room in a maintained school or other premises free of charge in certain circumstances.,Section 134 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,723,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 34.doc,,False,False 2150,Contracts - standing orders for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works,,D,A local authority must make standing orders with respect to the making by them or on their behalf of contracts for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works.,Section 135 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,829|1629,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 35.doc,,False,False 2151,Contracts - standing orders with respect to the making of contracts,,P,A local authority may make standing orders with respect to the making by them or on their behalf of contracts other than for the supply of goods or materials or for the execution of works.,Section 135 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,829|1629,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 36.doc,Please note Type duplicate as file LGA72 - 35,False,False 2152,Expenditure - concurrent functions of two or more authorities,,P,Two or more local authorities may make arrangements for defraying any expenditure incurred by one of them in exercising any functions exercisable by both or all of them.,Section 136 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 37.doc,,False,False 2153,Expenditure - not otherwise authorised,,P,"A local authority may incur expenditure which in their opinion is in the interests of and will bring direct benefit to their area or any part of it or all or some of its inhabitants, but a local authority shall not, by virtue of this subsection, incur any expenditure for a purpose for which they are, either unconditionally or subject to any limitation or to the satisfaction of any condition, authorised or required to make any payment by or by virtue of any other enactment; nor unless the direct benefit accruing to their area or any part of it or to all or some of the inhabitants of their area will be commensurate with the expenditure to be incurred.",Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972,,"See also Local Authorities (Discretionary Expenditure Limits) Order 1993/41 Local Authorities (Discretionary Expenditure) (Relevant Population) Regulations 1993/40 Local Authorities (Expenditure Powers) Order 1995/3304 Local Authorities (Expenditure Powers) Order 1984/197",True,,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,04/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 38.doc,,False,True 2154,Voluntary organisations - provision of information regarding financial assistance,,D,A local authority must make the provision of certain financial assistance to voluntary organisations conditional upon provision of information regarding how that money has been spent.,Section 137A of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also Local Authorities (Discretionary Expenditure Limits) (Wales) Order 2000/990,True,615|871,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 39.doc,,False,True 2155,"Emergencies or disasters - expenditure ",,P,A local authority may incur expense or make grants or loans to certain bodies in certain circumstances in situations where there is an emergency or a disaster.,Section 138 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,792|793|794|798|1287|1307|1308,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 40.doc,,False,False 2156,Gifts of property - acceptance and improvement,,P,"A local authority may accept, hold and administer for the purpose of discharging any of their functions, gifts of property, whether real or personal, made for that purpose; or for the benefit of the inhabitants of their area and may execute any work incidental to or consequential on the exercise of that power.",Section 139 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,604|621,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,14/11/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 41.doc,,False,False 2157,Insurance - members/voluntary assistants,,P,"A local authority may enter into a contract of accident insurance against the risk of any member or voluntary assistant of the authority meeting with a personal accident, whether fatal or not, while engaged on the business of the authority.",Section 140 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section140A and C of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1657,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/12/2001,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 42.doc,,False,False 2158,Local information - research and collection,,P,"A local authority may conduct, or assist in the conducting of, investigations into, and the collection of information relating to, any matters concerning the county or any part of the county. ",Section 141 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1668,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 43.doc,,False,False 2159,Local information - submission to Minister on request,,D,A local authority must comply with a request from the Secretary of State to provide him with any information collected.,Section 141 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 44.doc,Please note that Type duplicate as file LGA72 - 43,False,False 2160,Services - information and publicity,,P,A local authority may provide information and publicity regarding their services and matters of interest to the community.,Section 142 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1640,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 45.doc,,False,False 2161,Local Government associations - subscriptions,,P,"A local authority may pay reasonable subscriptions, whether annually or otherwise, to the funds of any association of local authorities formed (whether inside or outside the United Kingdom) for the purpose of consultation as to the common interests of those authorities and the discussion of matters relating to local government, or of any association of officers or members of local authorities which was so formed.",Section 143 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1973,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 46.doc,,False,False 2162,Tourism - visitor and conference facilities,,P,A local authority may encourage visitors and provide conference facilities or make contributions to others providing the same.,Section 144 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,373|622|623|733|734,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 47.doc,,False,False 2163,Entertainment - provision of facilities,,P,A local authority may provide or contribute to the provision of certain entertainments for use by the public.,Section 145 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,838|884,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,24/11/2005,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 48.doc,,False,False 2164,Finance - council funds and accounts,,D,"A local authority must comply with the rules relating to funds, accounts and returns in the manner prescribed and must appoint an officer to have overall responsibility for the administration of those affairs.",Section 148 of the Local Government Act 1972,,"See also sections 151, 152 and 168 of the Local Government Act 1972",True,968,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/04/1995,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 49.doc,,False,False 2165,Members - allowances and expenses,,P,A local authority may pay certain allowances and expenses to Members.,Sections 173 to 178 of the Local Government Act 1972,,"See also Local Authorities (Members' Allowance) (Amendment) Regulations 1995/553 Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2001/2781",True,1028,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 50.doc,,False,True 2166,Disabled people - consultation on accommodation for infirm or disabled people,,D,"A local authority shall from time to time consult together with respect to the nature and extent of the accommodation needed for people who by reason of infirmity or disability (whether arising from age or otherwise) are in need of accommodation of a special character ",Section 195 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,292,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 51.doc,,False,False 2167,Cemeteries and crematoria - provision and maintenance,,P,A local authority may provide and maintain cemeteries and crematoria whether inside or outside their area in accordance with regulations.,"Section 214 of the Local Government Act 1972 ",,"See also Local Authorities' Cemeteries (Amendment) Order 1986/1782 Local Authorities' Cemeteries Order 1977/204",True,1538,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/04/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 52.doc,,False,True 2168,Legal proceedings - prosecution or defence and representations at inquiries,,P,"A local authority where it considers it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area may prosecute or defend or appear in any legal proceedings and, in the case of civil proceedings, may institute them in their own name, and may, in their own name, make representations in the interests of the inhabitants at any public inquiry held by or on behalf of any Minister or public body under any enactment.",Section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,994|995|1671,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,03/07/2000,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 53.doc,,False,False 2169,Legal proceedings - appearance of local authorities,,P,"Any member or officer of a local authority who is authorised by that authority to prosecute or defend on their behalf, or to appear on their behalf in, proceedings before a magistrates' court shall be entitled to prosecute or defend or to appear in any such proceedings, and to conduct any such proceedings.",Section 223 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,994|995|1671,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 54.doc,,False,False 2170,Local government - custody of documents,,D,A local authority shall make proper arrangements for the custody of documents in their possession and must comply with provisions relating to inspection and copying.,Section 224 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 225 to 229 and 234 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1305,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 55.doc,,False,False 2171,Local government - reports and returns,,D,A local authority must comply with requests from the Secretary of State for reports and returns.,Section 230 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1630,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,False,,True,17/12/2009,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 56.doc,,False,False 2172,Local government - service of public notices,,D,A local authority must serve public notices in the manner prescribed.,Section 232 of the Local Government Act 1972,"",See also section 233 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1640,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 57.doc,,False,False 2173,Local government - byelaws,,P,A local authority may make or may revoke byelaws for its area in certain circumstances which may include powers of seizure and fixed penalty notices.,Section 235 of the Local Government Act 1972,,See also section 236 to 238 of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1390,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,22/11/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 58.doc,,False,False 2174,Democracy - promotion or opposition of local or personal Bills,,P,"Where a local authority, other than a parish or community council, are satisfied that it is expedient to promote, or any local authority are satisfied that it is expedient to oppose, any local or personal Bill in Parliament, the local authority may, but only in accordance with regulations, promote or oppose the Bill accordingly, and may defray any expenses incurred in relation to this action.",Section 239 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,30/09/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 59.doc,,False,False 2175,Honorary titles - alderman/woman and freeman/woman,,P,A local authority may bestow honorary titles in certain circumstances.,Section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,1025|1045,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,30/04/2012,,Local Government Powers - Template - Local Government Act 1972 - LGA72 - 60.doc,,False,False 2176,Riding establishments - provisional licence,,P,A local authority may grant a provisional riding establishment licence in certain circumstances.,Section 1 of the Riding Establishments Act 1970,,,True,696,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/01/1971,,Local Government Powers - Template - Riding Establishments Act 1970-REA70 - 1.doc,,False,False 2177,"Scrap metal dealers - licensing ",,P,A local authority may issue a scrap metal licence in certain circumstances and charge a fee for the same.,Section 2 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013,"",See also section 3 and Schedule 1 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 and SI 2013/2258,True,378|866|1272,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - SMDA13 -1.doc,,False,False 2178,Scrap metal dealers - revocation of licence and imposition of conditions,,P,A local authority may revoke a scrap metal licence or impose conditions in certain circumstances as specified in regulations.,Section 4 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013,,See also Schedule 1 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013,True,378|866|1272,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - SMDA13 -2.doc,,False,False 2179,Scrap metal dealers - provision of information relating to licence,,D,The local authority must supply any information which has been supplied under this Act and relates to a scrap metal licence or to an application for or relating to a licence to any of the following persons who requests it for purposes relating to this Act: (a)any other local authority; (b)the Environment Agency; (c)the Natural Resources Body for Wales; (d)an officer of a police force.,Section 6 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013,,,True,378|866|1272,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - SMDA13 -3.doc,,False,False 2180,"Scrap metal dealers - notification and variation ",,D,"A local authority must notify the relevant environment body of certain notifications, variations or revocations for a scrap metal dealer licence.",Section 8 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013,,,True,378|866|1272|1276,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - SMDA13 -4.doc,,False,False 2181,"Scrap metal dealers - entry and inspection ",,P,An officer duly authorised by a local authority may enter and inspect licenced premises for the purposes of enforcing the Act.,Section 16 of the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013,,,True,378|866|1272|1276,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,Local Government Powers - Template - Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013 - SMDA13 -5.doc,,False,False 2182,Slaughterhouses - restriction of slaughterhouses by agreement,,P,A local authority may acquire a slaughterhouse by agreement and close the same or agree with the person responsible that it should be closed.,Section 14 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,,,True,714,,False,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,11/09/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughterhouses Act 74 - SHA74 - 1.doc,,False,False 2183,"Slaughterhouses - provision, management and charging",,P,"A local authority may provide, manage and charge for the use of a public slaughterhouse.",Section 15 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,,See also section 16 to 17 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,11/09/1996,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughterhouses Act 74 - SHA74 - 2.doc,,False,False 2184,Slaughterhouses - provision of cold stores and refrigerators,,P,A local authority may provide cold stores and refrigerators for the use of a public slaughterhouse.,Section 18 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughterhouses Act 74 - SHA74 - 3.doc,,False,False 2185,Slaughterhouses - compulsory purchase of land,,P,A local authority may be authorised by the Minister to compulsory purchase land for the purposes of the Act.,Section 30 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,01/04/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughterhouses Act 74 - SHA74 - 4.doc,,False,False 2186,Slaughterhouses - execution and enforcement,,D,A local authority must enforce the provision of the Act and any regulations made thereunder regarding the slaughter of animals,Section 41 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,"",See also section 41A of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,True,788,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughterhouses Act 74 - SHA74 - 5.doc,,False,False 2187,Slaughterhouses - power of entry,,P,An officer appointed by a local authority may enter a slaughterhouse or knacker's yard for the purpose of ensuring compliance with the Act.,Section 42 of the Slaughterhouses Act 1974,,,True,788,,False,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,,True,27/08/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Slaughterhouses Act 74 - SHA74 - 6.doc,,False,False 2188,Staff - superannuation of persons employed in local government service,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations made under the Act providing for pension schemes for its employees.,"Sections 7, 9, 11 and 12 of the Superannuation Act 1972 ",,"See also Local Government Pension Scheme Regulations 2013/2356 Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) Regulations 2009/3093 Local Government Pension Scheme (Management and Investment of Funds) (Amendment) Regulations 2013/410 Local Government Pension Scheme (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2014/44 Teachers' Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 2012/673 Teachers' Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 2013/275 Teachers' Pensions (Amendment) Regulations 2014/424 Teachers' Pensions (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/2651 Teachers' Pensions (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2011/614 Teachers' Pensions Regulations 2010/990 Teachers' Superannuation (Additional Voluntary Contributions) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/594",True,970|1529|1770,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,25/03/1972,,Local Government Powers - Template - Superannuation Act 1972 - SupA72 - 1.doc,,False,True 2189,Hackney carriage - licences,,P,A local authority may licence a hackney carriage in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 37 of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847,,"See also sections 38, 40, 41 and 43 of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847",True,632,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to Transport for London,True,31/03/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Police Clauses Act 1847 - TPCA47 - 1.doc,,False,True 2190,Hackney carriage - register of licences,,D,A local authority must maintain a register of hackney carriage licences.,Section 42 of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847,,,False,632,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to Transport for London,True,31/03/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Police Clauses Act 1847 - TPCA47 - 2.doc,,False,True 2191,Hackney carriage - suspension or revocation of licences,,P,A local authority may suspend or revoke a hackney carriage licence for misconduct of the proprietor or driver in certain circumstances.,Section 50 of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847,,,True,632,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to Transport for London,True,31/03/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Police Clauses Act 1847 - TPCA47 - 3.doc,,False,True 2192,Hackney carriage - driver's licences,,P,A local authority may licence a driver of a hackney carriage in accordance with the prescribed procedure.,Section 46 of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847,,,True,635,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to Transport for London,True,31/03/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Police Clauses Act 1847 - TPCA47 - 4.doc,,False,True 2193,Hackney carriage - bye laws for regulating hackney carriages,,P,A local authority may make bye laws governing hackney carriages.,Section 68 of the Town and Police Clauses Act 1847,,,True,632|635|1126|1390,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to Transport for London,True,31/03/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Police Clauses Act 1847 - TPCA47 - 5.doc,,False,True 2194,Housing - house numbering and street naming,,D,A local authority must number houses and name streets and cause the same to be displayed.,Section 64 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847,,,True,513|541,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Improvment Clauses Act 47 - TIC47 - 1.doc,,False,True 2195,Housing - renewal of house numbering,,P,A local authority may mark a house with its number where the occupier has failed to carry out the work and to charge the occupier for that work.,Section 65 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847,,,True,513,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Improvment Clauses Act 47 - TIC47 - 2.doc,,False,True 2196,Dangerous buildings - demolition and recovery of expenses,,P,A local authority may demolish or carry out other works upon a ruinous or dangerous building if the same is not carried out by the owner and may charge the owner for that work or recover cost by selling materials.,Section 75 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847,,See also section 76 to 78 of the Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847,True,125|126|127|684,,True,Primary power of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/02/1991,,Local Government Powers - Template - Town Improvment Clauses Act 47 - TIC47 - 3.doc,,False,True 2197,Highways - agreement for exercise by Minister of certain functions where impacted by trunk road,,P,The Minister or a strategic highway company may enter into an agreement in certain circumstances for the Minister to provide functions usually exercisable by the authority.,"Section 4 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|1632,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,12/02/2015,,4 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2198,"Highways - agreement for local highway authority to maintain certain highways constructed by Minister ",,P,"The local highway authority may by agreement with the Minister undertake the maintenance and improvement of a highway in their area, being a highway (other than a trunk road) which the Minister or a Strategic Highway Company propose to construct or has, whether before or after the commencement of this Act, constructed.","Section 5 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,12/02/2015,,5 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2199,Highways - agreements between local highway authorities for doing of certain works,,P,"Local highway authorities may enter into agreements with each other or with a Strategic Highway Company for or in relation to the construction, reconstruction, alteration, improvement or maintenance of a highway for which any party to the agreement are the highway authority.","Section 8 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,12/02/2015,,8 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2200,Highways - seconding of staff etc.,,P,"A council may enter into an agreement with the Minister or with a Strategic Highway Company for placing at his disposal, the services of persons employed by the council and any premises, equipment and other facilities under the control of the council.","Section 9 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|1632,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,9 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2201,Highways - compensation for works carried out,,P,"Where a local highway authority conduct works in certain circumstances, they shall pay compensation to a person who sustains damage by reason of the works ","Section 23 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,23 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2202,Rights of way - creation of footpath or bridleway by agreement,,P,"A local authority may enter into an agreement with any person, with the necessary authority, for the dedication by that person of a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway over land in their area. ","Section 25 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,25 Highways Act 1980.doc,"Please note that this is partially in force from: July 11, 2006",False,True 2203,Rights of way - compulsory powers for creation of footpaths and bridleways,,P,"Where it appears to a local authority that there is need for a footpath bridleway or restricted byway over land in their area and they are satisfied that it is expedient that the path or way should be created, the authority may by order made by them and submitted to and confirmed by the Secretary of State, or confirmed by them as an unopposed order, create a footpath bridleway or restricted byway over the land. ","Section 26 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Public Path Orders Regulations 1993/11, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders, the Public Path Orders and the Definitive Maps and Statements (Amendment) Regulations 1995/451, Local Authorities (Recovery of Costs for Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993/407, Local Authorities (Recovery of Costs for Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993/407 and Public Rights of Way (Combined Orders) (England) Regulations 2008/442",True,1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,26 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2204,Rights of way - making up of new footpaths and bridleways,,D,"On the dedication of a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway in pursuance of a public path creation agreement, or on the coming into operation of a public path creation order, the highway authority shall survey the path or way and shall certify what work (if any) appears to them to be necessary to bring it into a fit condition for use by the public as a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway. There are also expenses provisions.","Section 27 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,27 Highways Act 1980.doc,Please note file duplicate as file 26 Highways Act 1980,False,False 2205,"Rights of way - regard to agriculture, forestry and nature conservation",,D,"In the exercise of functions re making public path creation agreements and public path creation orders it shall be the duty of councils to have due regard to the needs of agriculture and forestry, and the desirability of conserving flora, fauna and geological and physiographical features.","Section 29 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/05/2005,,29 Highways Act 1980.doc,"Please note this is partially in force from: May 31, 2005",False,False 2206,"Highways - dedication of highway by agreement with parish or community council ",,P,"The council of a parish or community may enter into an agreement with any person having the necessary power in that behalf for the dedication by that person of a highway over land in the parish or community or an adjoining parish or community in any case where such a dedication would in the opinion of the council be beneficial to the inhabitants of the parish or community or any part thereof. Where the council of a parish or community have entered into an agreement under subsection (1) above for the dedication of a highway they may carry out any works (including works of maintenance or improvement) incidental to or consequential on the making of the agreement or contribute towards the expense of carrying out such works, and may agree or combine with the council of any other parish or community to carry out such works or to make such a contribution.","Section 30 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,701,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,30 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2207,"Highways - register of maps, statements and declarations.",,D,The appropriate council shall keep a register of maps and statements deposited and declarations lodged with that council concerning land dedicated as a highway.,"Section 31A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Commons (Registration of Town or Village Greens) and Dedicated Highways (Landowner Statements and Declarations) (England) Regulations 2013/1774, Dedicated Highways (Registers under Section 31A of the Highways Act 1980 (England) Regulations 2007/2334 and Public Rights of Way (Registers) (Wales) Regulations 2006/42",True,701,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2007,,31A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2208,Highways- provision whereby highway created by dedication may become maintainable at public expense,,P,"Where it is proposed to dedicate a way as a highway, if the council consider that the proposed highway will not be of sufficient utility to the public to justify its being maintained at the public expense, they may make a complaint to a magistrates' court for an order to that effect. If the council certify that the way has been dedicated in accordance with the terms of the notice and has been made up in a satisfactory manner, the highway shall become for the purposes of this Act a highway maintainable at the public expense.","Section 37 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,701,,False,"Secondary duty of secondary importance Secondary power of secondary importance",,True,,True,01/01/1981,,37 Highways Act 1980.doc,Please note that for Type we have both Duty and Power,False,False 2209,Highways - maintenance of highways by highway authority,,D,The authority who are for the time being the highway authority for a highway maintainable at the public expense are under a duty to maintain the highway.,"Section 41 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,31/10/2003,,41 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2210,Highways - maintenance by district councils,,P,"The council of a district may undertake the maintenance of any eligible footpath, bridleway or road in the non-metropolitan district which is a highway maintainable at the public expense.","Section 42 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557|1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,42 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2211,Rights of way - maintenance by parish and community councils,,P,"The council of a parish or community may undertake the maintenance of any footpath, bridleway or restricted byway within the parish or community which is a highway maintainable at the public expense;","Section 43 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,11/07/2006,,43 Highways Act 1980.doc,Please note duplicate Label as file 42 Highways Act 1980,False,False 2212,Highways - materials for repair of publicly maintainable highways,,P,"For the purpose of repairing highways maintainable at the public expense by them, a highway authority may exercise the powers set out with respect to the getting of materials as are mentioned in this section.","Section 45 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,See also Section 46 of the Highways Act 1980,True,557|1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,45 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2213,Highways - declaration of unnecessary highway to be not maintainable at public expense,,P,"Where a highway authority are of opinion that a highway maintainable at the public expense by them is unnecessary for public use and therefore ought not to be maintained at the public expense, they may, apply to a magistrates' court for an order declaring that the highway shall cease to be so maintained.","Section 47 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|701,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/05/2006,,47 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2214,Rights of way - maintenance of privately maintainable footpaths and bridleways,,P,"The council of a non-metropolitan district, parish or community may undertake by virtue of this subsection the maintenance of any footpath or bridleway within the district, parish or community whether or not any other person is under a duty to maintain the footpath or bridleway","Section 50 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,,,50 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2215,Rights of way - non-repair of privately maintainable highways,,P,"Where a person is liable to maintain a footpath or bridleway and the highway authority for the highway repair it in the performance of their duty to maintain it, they may recover the necessary expenses of doing so from that person in any court of competent jurisdiction.","Section 57 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,57 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2216,Highways - recovery of expenses due to extraordinary traffic,,P,"Where it appears to the highway authority for a highway maintainable at the public expense, that having regard to the average expense of maintaining the highway or other similar highways in the neighbourhood extraordinary expenses have been or will be incurred by the authority in maintaining the highway by reason of the damage caused by excessive weight passing along the highway, or other extraordinary traffic thereon, the highway authority may recover from any person by or in consequence of whose order the traffic has been conducted the excess expenses.","Section 59 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,557|1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,59 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2217,Highways - general power of improvement,,P,"Highway authorities may carry out, in relation to a highway maintainable at the public expense by them, any work (including the provision of equipment) for the improvement of the highway.","Section 62 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,16/05/1992,,62 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2218,Highways - construction and maintenance of dual carriageways and roundabouts,,P,"Where a highway maintainable at the public expense consists of or comprises a made-up carriageway, the highway authority liable to maintain it may construct and maintain works in that carriageway along any length of the highway, for separating a part of the carriageway which is to be used by traffic moving in one direction from a part of the carriageway which is to be used (whether at all times or at particular times only) by traffic moving in the other direction or at crossroads or other junctions, for regulating the movement of traffic.","Section 64 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1993,,64 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2219,Highways - construction and maintenance of cycle tracks,,P,"A highway authority may, in or by the side of a highway maintainable at the public expense by them which consists of or comprises a made-up carriageway, construct a cycle track as part of the highway; and they may light any cycle track constructed by them under this section.","Section 65 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1566,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,65 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2220,Highways - footways and guard-rails etc. for publicly maintainable highways,,D,"It is the duty of a highway authority to provide in or by the side of a highway maintainable at the public expense by them which consists of or comprises a made-up carriageway, a proper and sufficient footway as part of the highway in any case where they consider the provision of a footway as necessary or desirable for the safety or accommodation of pedestrians; and they may light any footway provided by them","Section 66 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|1354,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2004,,66 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2221,Highways - guard-rails etc. in private streets,,P,"In any street which is not a highway maintainable at the public expense and which consists of or comprises a carriageway a local authority may provide and maintain such pillars, rails or fences as they think necessary for the purpose of safeguarding persons using the street.","Section 67 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,537,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,67 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2222,Highways - pedestrian refuges,,P,"A highway authority may, in relation to a highway maintainable at the public expense by them which consists of or comprises a made-up carriageway, construct and maintain works in that carriageway for providing places of refuge for the protection of pedestrians crossing the carriageway.","Section 68 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,545,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,68 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2223,"Highways - construction, lighting and maintenance of subways",,P,"In certain circumstances the highway authority for the highway may construct, light and maintain subways under the highway for the use of pedestrians, and may alter, remove or close temporarily any such subway.","Section 69 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,545,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,69 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2224,"Highways - construction, lighting and maintenance of bridges",,P,"In certain circumstances the highway authority for any highway may, construct, light and maintain a bridge over the highway for the use of pedestrians, and may alter, remove or close temporarily any such bridge.","Section 70 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,553|554,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,70 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2225,Highways - margins for horses and livestock,,D,It is the duty of a highway authority to provide in or by the side of a highway maintainable at the public adequate grass or other margins as part of the highway in any case where they consider the provision of margins necessary or desirable for the safety or accommodation of ridden horses and driven livestock; and a highway authority may light a margin provided by them,"Section 71 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,71 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2226,Highways - widening of carriageway,,P,"A highway authority may widen any highway for which they are the highway authority ","Section 72 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,72 Highways Act 1980.doc,"Please note that this is partially in force from: July 11, 2006",False,False 2227,Highways - improvement line for widening street,,P,"Where in the opinion of a highway authority a street which is a highway maintainable at the public expense by them is narrow or inconvenient, or without any sufficiently regular boundary line, or it is necessary or desirable that such a street should be widened, the authority may prescribe in relation to either one side or both sides of the street, or at or within a distance of 15 yards from any corner of the street, a line to which the street is to be widened ","Section 73 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,73 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2228,Highways - building line,,P,"A highway authority may prescribe, in relation to either one side or both sides of a highway maintainable at the public expense for which they are the highway authority, a frontage line for building ","Section 74 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,494|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,74 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2229,Highways - variation of widths of carriageways and footways,,P,"Where a highway maintainable at the public expense comprises both a footway or footways and a carriageway, the highway authority may vary the relative widths of the carriageway and of any footway.","Section 75 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,75 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2230,Highways -levelling of highways,,P,"A highway authority may execute works for levelling a highway maintainable at the public expense by them. ","Section 76 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,76 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2231,Highways - alteration of levels,,P,"A highway authority may raise or lower or otherwise alter, as they think fit, the level of a highway maintainable at the public expense by them.","Section 77 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,77 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2232,Highways - cutting off of corners,,P,A highway authority may execute works for cutting off the corners of a highway maintainable at the public expense by them.,"Section 78 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,78 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2233,"Highways - prevention of obstruction to view at corners ",,P,"Where the highway authority for the highway deem it necessary for the prevention of danger arising from obstruction to the view of persons using the highway to impose restrictions with respect to any land at or near any corner or bend in the highway or any junction of the highway with a road to which the public has access, the authority may serve a notice directing the wall, fence, hoarding, paling, tree, shrub or other vegetation on the land be altered ","Section 79 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,79 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2234,Highways - fencing of highways,,P,A highway authority may erect and maintain fences or posts for the purpose of preventing access to a highway or other specified land,"Section 80 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|563,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,80 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2235,Highways - provision of highway boundary posts,,P,"A highway authority may erect and maintain, in a highway for which they are the highway authority, posts or stones to mark the boundary of the highway and may alter or remove any post or stone erected by them ","Section 81 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,81 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2236,Highways - provision of cattle-grids and by-passes,,D,"Where it appears to the highway authority for a highway which consists of or comprises a carriageway expedient so to do for controlling the passage of animals along the highway, the authority may provide for the highway, and maintain, a cattle-grid in the highway or partly in the highway and partly in adjoining land.","Section 82 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Sections 83 to 87 of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,549|551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,82 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2237,Highways - construction of road humps,,P,A highway authority may construct road humps in a highway maintainable at the public expense for which they are the highway authority if the highway is subject to a statutory speed limit for motor vehicles of 30 miles per hour or less and may remove any road humps so constructed by them.,"Section 90A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section 90B to 90F of the Highways Act 1980, Highways (Road Humps) Regulations 1999/1025 and Highways (Road Humps) (Local Inquiries) Regulations 1986/1858 ",True,543,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a Local Authority),True,03/07/2000,,90A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2238,Highways - traffic calming works,,P,"A highway authority may, in a highway maintainable at the public expense for which they are the highway authority, construct traffic calming works and may remove such works (whenever constructed).","Section 90G of the Highways Act 1980 ",,See also Sections 90H to 90I of the Highways Act 1980 and Highways (Traffic Calming) Regulations 1999/1026,True,548|551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,03/07/2000,,90G Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2239,Highways - construction of bridge to carry existing highway,,P,A highway authority may construct a bridge to carry a highway maintainable at the public expense but the Minister shall not construct such a bridge without the approval of the Treasury.,"Section 91 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,553|554,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,91 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2240,"Highways - reconstruction of a bridge ",,P,"Without prejudice to any other powers they have under this Part of this Act, a highway authority may reconstruct a bridge which is a highway maintainable at the public expense by them, either on the same site or on a new site within 200 yards of the old one.","Section 92 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,553|554,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,92 Highways Act 1980.doc,Please note duplicate Label as file 91 Highways Act 1980,False,False 2241,Highways - agreement with bridge owner,,P,"A highway authority may agree with the owners of a bridge for the payment by the highway authority of contributions towards the cost of the reconstruction, improvement or maintenance of the bridge, or of the highway carried by the bridge, or of the approaches to the bridge","Section 94 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section 95 of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,553|554,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,94 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2242,Highways - installation of equipment for detection of traffic offences,,P,A highway authority may install and maintain on or near a highway structures and equipment for the detection of traffic offences.,"Section 95A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,784,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/07/1992,,95A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2243,Highways - tree planting and laying of grass verges,,P,"A highway authority may, in a highway maintainable at the public expense by them, plant trees and shrubs and lay out grass verges, and may erect and maintain guards or fences and otherwise do anything expedient for the maintenance or protection of trees, shrubs and grass verges planted or laid out, whether or not by them, in such a highway.","Section 96 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,574,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,96 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2244,Highways - lighting of highways,,P,"Every local highway authority may provide lighting for the purposes of any highway or proposed highway. ","Section 97 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,564,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,97 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2245,Highways - delegation of lighting functions of highway authority,,P,A highway authority may agree with a lighting authority for the delegation to the lighting authority of any of the functions of the highway authority with respect to the lighting of any highway or part of a highway within the area of the lighting authority.,"Section 98 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,564,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,98 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2246,Highways - metalling of highways,,P,"A highway authority may, in relation to a highway maintainable at the public expense by them, execute works for the conversion of the highway into a metalled highway.","Section 99 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,99 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2247,Highways - drainage of highways,,P,"The highway authority for a highway may, for the purpose of draining it or of otherwise preventing surface water from flowing on to it, do all or any of the following construct or lay, in the highway or in land adjoining or lying near to the highway, such drains as they consider necessary; erect barriers in the highway or in such land as aforesaid to divert surface water into or through any existing drain; scour, cleanse and keep open all drains situated in the highway or in such land as aforesaid.","Section 100 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|555|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,100 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2248,Highways - filling in roadside ditches etc.,,P,"If it appears to the highway authority for any highway that a ditch on land adjoining or lying near to the highway constitutes a danger to users of the highway, the authority may if they consider the ditch unnecessary for drainage purposes and any occupier of the land known to the authority agrees in writing that it is unnecessary for those purposes, fill it in; or place in the ditch, or in land adjoining or lying near to it, such pipes as they consider necessary in substitution for the ditch, and thereafter fill it in.","Section 101 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,101 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2249,Highways - protection against hazards of nature,,P,"The highway authority for a highway maintainable at the public expense may provide and maintain such barriers or other works as they consider necessary for the purpose of affording to the highway protection against snow, flood, landslide or other hazards of nature; and those works may be provided on the highway or on land which, or rights over which, has or have been acquired by the highway authority in the exercise of highway land acquisition powers for that purpose.","Section 102 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,102 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2250,Highways - posts to indicate depth of flood water,,D,"It shall be the duty of a highway authority to provide, in connection with any highway for which they are the highway authority and which is subject to flooding to any considerable depth, graduated posts or stones in any case where they consider the provision thereof necessary or desirable for the purpose of indicating the depth of water covering the highway.","Section 103 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,103 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2251,Highways - mitigating nuisance of dust,,P,"A highway authority may, in relation to a highway maintainable at the public expense by them, treat the highway for mitigating the nuisance of dust.","Section 104 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,416|551,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,104 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2252,Highways - improvements to road-ferries,,P,A highway authority may improve any road-ferry provided by them under this Act.,"Section 105 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,105 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2253,Highways - diversion of non-navigable watercourses and works on any watercourse,,P,"A highway authority may divert any part of a watercourse, other than a navigable watercourse, or carry out any other works on any part of a watercourse, including a navigable watercourse, if, in the opinion of that authority, the carrying out of the works is necessary or desirable in connection with the construction, improvement or alteration of a highway; the provision of a new means of access to any premises from a highway; or the provision of a maintenance compound, a trunk road picnic area, a lorry area or a service area.","Section 110 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/03/2010,,110 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2254,Highways - provision of public conveniences,,P,"Where the highway authority for a highway or proposed highway are or, as the case may be, will be a county council or metropolitan district council they may provide public sanitary conveniences (including lavatories) in proper and convenient situations on or under land adjoining, or in the vicinity of, the highway or proposed highway, and may manage such conveniences.","Section 114 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|579,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,114 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2255,"Highways - provision of areas for parking heavy goods vehicles, etc.",,P,"A highway authority may provide on land adjoining, or in the vicinity of, a highway or proposed highway an area, for parking of heavy goods vehicles; transfer of goods to or from any such vehicle from or to any other vehicle; and for the temporary storage of goods ","Section 115 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,False,1725,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,115 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2256,Highways - provision of services and amenities,,P,"Subject to conditions detailed in the legislation, a council shall have power to carry out works on, in or over a highway to which this Part of this Act applies and to place objects or structures on, in or over such a highway, for the purpose of giving effect to a pedestrian planning order, of enhancing the amenity of the highway and its immediate surroundings or of providing a service for the benefit of the public or a section of the public. A council shall have the power to maintain any such works or structures and to impose conditions on others carrying out such works.","Section 115B of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Sections 115A, D, E, F and H to J of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,115B Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2257,Highways - provision of recreation and refreshment facilities,,P,"A council shall have power to provide, maintain and operate facilities for recreation or refreshment or both on a highway ","Section 115C of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section 115D and H to J of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,115C Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2258,"Highways - notice for services, amenties, refreshments or recreation facilities",,P,"A council shall publish a notice giving details of any proposal to construct or provide facilities under sections 115B, 115C and 115E of this Act and shall specify a period (being not less than 28 days after the publication of the notice) during which representations regarding the proposal may be made to the council.","Section 115G of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,115G Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2259,"Rights of way - stopping up of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways",,P,"Where it appears to a council as respects a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway in their area that it is expedient that the path or way should be stopped up on the ground that it is not needed for public use, the council may by order made by them and submitted to and confirmed by the Secretary of State, or confirmed as an unopposed order, extinguish the public right of way over the path or way. ","Section 118 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section Public Path Orders Regulations 1993/11, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9 and Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders, the Public Path Orders and the Definitive Maps and Statements (Amendment) Regulations 1995/451",True,1136,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,118 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2260,"Rights of way - stopping up of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways crossing railways",,P,"Where it appears to a council expedient in the interests of the safety of members of the public using it or likely to use it that a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway in their area which crosses a railway, otherwise than by tunnel or bridge, should be stopped up, the council may by order made by them and submitted to and confirmed by the Secretary of State, or confirmed as an unopposed order, extinguish the public right of way ","Section 118A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders, the Public Path Orders and the Definitive Maps and Statements (Amendment) Regulations 1995/451, Local Authorities (Recovery of Costs for Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993/407 and Public Rights of Way (Combined Orders) (England) Regulations 2008/442",True,1136,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,118A Highways Act 1980.doc,Please note duplicate Label as file 118 Highways Act 1980,False,True 2261,"Rights of way - stopping up of certain highways for purposes of crime prevention, etc.",,P,"Where it appears to a council that it is expedient for the purpose of preventing or reducing crime which would otherwise disrupt the life of the community, that the highway should be stopped up, the council may, subject to confirmation by the Secretary of State, extinguish the public right of way over the highway.","Section 118B of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Highways (Schools) (Special Extinguishment and Special Diversion Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1809, Highways, Crime Prevention etc.(Special Extinguishment and Special Diversion Orders) Regulations 2003/1479 and Pt VIII s. 118B(10) Highways (Schools) (Special Extinguishment and Special Diversion Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1809",True,1136,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,16/01/2012,,118B Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2262,Rights of way - diversion of footpaths and bridleways,,P,"Where it appears to a council as respects a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway in their area that, in the interests of the owner, lessee or occupier of land crossed by the path or way or of the public, it is expedient that the line of the path or way, or part of that line, should be diverted the council may create, any such new footpath, bridleway or restricted byway as appears to the council requisite for effecting the diversion","Section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders, the Public Path Orders and the Definitive Maps and Statements (Amendment) Regulations 1995/451, Local Authorities (Recovery of Costs for Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993/407 and Public Rights of Way (Combined Orders) (England) Regulations 2008/442.",True,1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,119 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2263,Rights of way - diversion of footpaths and bridleways crossing railways,,P,"Where it appears to a council expedient in the interests of the safety of members of the public using it or likely to use it that a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway in their area which crosses a railway, otherwise than by tunnel or bridge, should be diverted, the council may by order made by them and submitted to and confirmed by the Secretary of State, create any such new path or way as appears to the council requisite for effecting the diversion, and","Section 119A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders Regulations 1993/9, Rail Crossing Extinguishment and Diversion Orders, the Public Path Orders and the Definitive Maps and Statements (Amendment) Regulations 1995/451, Local Authorities (Recovery of Costs for Public Path Orders) Regulations 1993/407 and Public Rights of Way (Combined Orders) (England) Regulations 2008/442",True,1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,119A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2264,"Rights of way - diversion of certain highways for purposes of crime prevention, etc",,P,"Where it appears to a council that for the purpose of preventing or reducing crime, the line of the highway, or part of that line should be diverted (whether on to land of the same or another owner, lessee or occupier), the line of the highway, or part of that line, should be diverted (whether on to land of the same or another owner, lessee or occupier.","Section 119B of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Highways (Schools) (Special Extinguishment and Special Diversion Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2005/1809 and Highways, Crime Prevention etc.(Special Extinguishment and Special Diversion Orders) Regulations 2003/1479",True,1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority),True,16/01/2012,,119B Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2265,Rights of way - register of applications for stopping up or diversion,,D,Every council shall keep a register of applications for the stopping up or diversion of rights of way. The manner in which the register is kept and the information to be held should be as prescribed by regulations. Wales - every council shall keep a register containing such information as may be prescribed with respect to applications this Act. Every register kept under this section shall be available for inspection by the public free of charge at all reasonable hours.,"Section 121B of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120|1136,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,21/11/2005,,121B Highways Act 1980.doc,Not yet in force in England,False,True 2266,Rights of way - temporary diversion where highway about to be repaired or widened,,P,"A highway authority who are about to repair or widen a highway, and a person who is about to repair or widen a highway maintainable by him by reason of tenure, enclosure or prescription, may, subject to the provisions of this section, construct on adjoining land a temporary highway for use while the work is in progress.","Section 122 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,122 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2267,Highways - stopping up private access to premises by agreement,,P,The highway authority for a highway may agree with the occupier of any premises and any other person having an interest in them that any private means of access to the premises from the highway shall be stopped up by that authority in any way which seems to them appropriate but not so as to obstruct any highway,"Section 127 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1136,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,127 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2268,Highways - further provisions with respect to new means of access,,P,A highway authority may provide a new means of access to premises from any highway or proposed highway.,"Section 129 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,129 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2269,Highways - gating orders,,P,A highway authority may provide a new means of access to premises from any highway or proposed highway.,"Section 129A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2006,20/10/2014,129A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2270,Highways - protection of public rights.,,D,"It is the duty of the highway authority to assert and protect the rights of the public to the use and enjoyment of any highway for which they are the highway authority, including any roadside waste which forms part of it.","Section 130 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Sections 130A to 130D of the Highways Act 1980, Removal of Obstructions from Highways (Notices etc.) (England) Regulations 2004/370 and Removal of Obstructions from Highways (Wales) Regulations 2004/317",True,551,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,130 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2271,Highways - unauthorised marks on highways,,P,"The highway authority for a highway may remove any picture, letter, sign or other mark which has, without either the consent of the authority or an authorisation given by or under an enactment, been painted or otherwise inscribed or affixed upon the surface of the highway or upon any tree, structure or works on or in the highway.","Section 132 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|584,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,132 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2272,Highways - damage to footways of streets by excavations,,P,"If the footway of a street that is a highway maintainable at the public expense is damaged by or in consequence of any excavation or other work on land adjoining the street, the highway authority for the highway may make good the damage and recover the expenses reasonably incurred by them in so doing from the owner of the land in question or the person causing or responsible for the damage","Section 133 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,133 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2273,"Highways - licence to plant trees, shrubs, etc., in a highway",,P,"The highway authority for a highway may permit the occupier or the owner of any premises adjoining the highway to plant and maintain, or to retain and maintain, trees, shrubs, plants or grass in such part of the highway as may be specified in the licence.","Section 142 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1655,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/07/2003,,142 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2274,Highways - removal of structures from highways,,P,Where a structure has been erected or set up on a highway a competent authority may by notice require the person having control or possession of the structure to remove it within such time as may be specified in the notice.,"Section 143 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,550|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,143 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2275,Highways - erection of flagpoles etc. on highways,,P,"A local authority may erect flagpoles, pylons and other structures on any highway in their area for the purpose of displaying decorations; make slots in such a highway for the purpose of erecting the structures; and remove any structure erected or slot made by the authority ","Section 144 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,882,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/07/2003,,144 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2276,Highways - gates across highways,,P,"Where there is a gate of less than the minimum width across so much of a highway as consists of a carriageway, or across a highway that is a bridleway, the highway authority for the highway may by notice to the owner of the gate require him to enlarge the gate to that width or remove it.","Section 145 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,145 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2277,Rights of way - maintenance of stiles,,P,"Any stile, gate or other similar structure across a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway shall be maintained by the owner of the land in a safe condition. If it appears to the appropriate authority that the duty imposed is not being complied with, they may, after giving to the owner and occupier not less than 14 days' notice of their intention, take all necessary steps for repairing and making good the stile, gate or other works.","Section 146 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2007,,146 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2278,Rights of way - agreements relating to improvements for benefit of persons with mobility problems,,P,"With respect to any relevant structure, a competent authority may enter into an agreement with the owner, lessee or occupier of the land on which the structure is situated which provides for the carrying out by the owner, lessee or occupier of any qualifying works and the payment by the competent authority of the whole or any part of the costs incurred by him in carrying out those works, or for the carrying out by the competent authority of any qualifying works at their own expense or subject to the payment by the owner, lessee or occupier of the whole or any part of the costs incurred in carrying out those works.","Section 147ZA of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2007,,147ZA Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2279,Highways - removal of things so deposited on highways as to be a nuisance etc,,P,"If any thing is so deposited on a highway as to constitute a nuisance, the highway authority for the highway may by notice require the person who deposited it there to remove it forthwith and if he fails to comply with the notice the authority may make a complaint to a magistrates' court for a removal and disposal order under this section.","Section 149 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,550|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,149 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2280,"Highways - removal of snow, soil etc. from highway",,D,"If an obstruction arises in a highway from accumulation of snow or from the falling down of banks on the side of the highway, or from any other cause, the highway authority shall remove the obstruction.","Section 150 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,562,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,150 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2281,Highways - prevention of soil etc. being washed on to street,,P,"A competent authority may, by notice to the owner or occupier of any land adjoining a street which is a highway maintainable at the public expense, require him, within 28 days from the date of service of the notice, to execute such works as will prevent soil or refuse from that land from falling, or being washed or carried, on to the street or into any sewer or gully in it in such quantities as to obstruct the street or choke the sewer or gully.","Section 151 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,151 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2282,Highways - removal of projections from buildings,,P,"A competent authority may by notice to the occupier of any building require him to remove or alter any porch, shed, projecting window, step, cellar, cellar door, cellar window, sign, signpost, sign iron, showboard, window shutter, wall, gate, fence or other obstruction or projection which has been erected or placed against or in front of the building and is an obstruction to safe or convenient passage along a street.","Section 152 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,536|550|551|744,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,152 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2283,Highways - doors etc. in streets not to open outwards,,P,"Where a door, gate or bar contravenes the Act the local authority for the area in which the premises are situated or alternatively, if the street concerned is a highway, the highway authority may, by notice to the occupier, require him to alter, so as not to open outwards, the door, gate or bar.","Section 153 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,536|550|551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,153 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2284,Highways - cutting or felling trees that overhang or are a danger to roads or footpaths,,P,"Where a hedge, tree or shrub overhangs a highway or any other road or footpath to which the public has access so as to endanger or obstruct the passage of vehicles or pedestrians, or obstructs or interferes with the view of drivers of vehicles or the light from a public lamp, [ or overhangs a highway so as to endanger or obstruct the passage of horse-riders, a competent authority may, by notice either to the owner of the hedge, tree or shrub or to the occupier of the land on which it is growing, require him within 14 days from the date of service of the notice so to lop or cut it as to remove the cause of the danger, obstruction or interference. ","Section 154 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|574,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/01/2001,,154 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2285,Rights of way - surface repairs,,P,"Where the surface of a footpath, a bridleway, or any other highway which consists of or comprises a carriageway other than a made-up carriageway, has been so disturbed as to render it inconvenient for the exercise of the public right of way, a competent authority may make good the surface to an extent not less than the minimum width nor greater than the maximum width.","Section 160A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Schedule 12A of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,1120,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,160 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2286,Highways - prevention of water falling on or flowing on to highway,,P,"A competent authority may, by notice to the occupier of premises adjoining a highway, require him within 28 days from the date of service of the notice to construct or erect and thereafter to maintain such channels, gutters or downpipes as may be necessary to prevent water from the roof or any other part of the premises falling upon persons using the highway, or so far as is reasonably practicable, surface water from the premises flowing on to, or over, the footway of the highway.","Section 163 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,163 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2287,Highways - removal of barbed wire,,P,"Where on land adjoining a highway there is a fence made with barbed wire, or having barbed wire in or on it, and the wire is a nuisance to the highway, a competent authority may by notice served on the occupier of the land require him to abate the nuisance within such time, not being less than one month nor more than 6 months from the date of service of the notice, as may be specified in it.","Section 164 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,164 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2288,Highways - dangerous land adjoining street,,P,"If, in or on any land adjoining a street, there is an unfenced or inadequately fenced source of danger to persons using the street, the local authority in whose area the street is situated may, by notice to the owner or occupier of that land, require him within such time as may be specified in the notice to execute such works of repair, protection, removal or enclosure as will obviate the danger.","Section 165 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,165 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2289,Highways - forecourt abutting on streets,,P,"If it appears to a competent authority that the forecourt of premises abutting on a street, or any steps or projection or goods (whether for sale or not) placed in such a forecourt, is or are a source of danger, obstruction or inconvenience to the public, the authority may by notice require the owner or occupier of the forecourt to fence the forecourt from the street or, at his election, to take such other steps as may be specified in the notice to obviate the danger, obstruction or inconvenience to the public.","Section 166 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/07/2008,,166 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2290,Highways - regard to needs of disabled and blind in executing works,,D,"A local authority must control building works in the highway and in executing works in a street which may impede the mobility of disabled persons or blind persons highway authorities, local authorities and any other person exercising a statutory power to execute works on a highway shall have regard to the needs of such persons.","Section 175A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Sections 168 to 175B of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,551|557,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,,,175A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2291,Highways - licence for bridge construction,,P,"The highway authority for a highway may grant to the owner or occupier of any premises adjoining the highway a licence to construct a bridge over the highway on such terms and conditions, and to use it for such period and on such terms and conditions, as the authority think fit.","Section 176 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1354,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,176 Highways Act 1980.doc,Please note duplicate Label as file 175A Highway Act 1980,False,False 2292,Highways - vehicle crossings over footways and verges,,P,"Where the occupier of any premises adjoining or having access to a highway maintainable at the public expense habitually takes or permits to be taken a mechanically propelled vehicle across a kerbed footway or a verge in the highway to or from those premises, the highway authority for the highway may serve a notice on the owner and the occupier of the premises stating that they propose to execute such works for the construction of a vehicle crossing over the footway or verge as may be specified in the notice; or imposing such reasonable conditions on the use of the footway or verge as a crossing as may be so specified.","Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,477,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1993,,184 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2293,Highways - installation of refuse or storage bins in streets,,P,"A competent authority may provide and maintain in or under a street orderly bins or other receptacles, of such dimensions and in such positions as the authority may determine, for the collection and temporary deposit of street refuse and waste paper, or the storage of sand, grit or other materials.","Section 185 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,559|561|581,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,26/03/2001,,185 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2294,Highways - street works in private streets,,P,"Where a private street is not, to the satisfaction of the street works authority, sewered, levelled, paved, metalled, flagged, channelled, made good and lighted, the authority may from time to time resolve with respect to the street to execute street works and, subject to the private street works code, the expenses incurred by the authority in executing those works shall be apportioned between the premises fronting the street.","Section 205 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,205 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2295,Highways - recovery of expenses and charges for street works,,P,A street works authority may from time to time recover from the owner for the time being of any premises in respect of which any sum is due for expenses of street works the whole or any portion of that sum together with interest at such reasonable rates as the authority may determine from the date of the final apportionment.,"Section 212 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,212 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2296,Highways - financial provisions for private street works,,D,A street works authority shall keep separate accounts of all money expended and recovered by them in the execution of the private street works code.,"Section 214 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,214 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2297,Highways - urgent repairs to private streets,,P,"Where repairs are needed to obviate danger to traffic in a private street the street works authority may by notice require the owners of the premises fronting the street to execute, within such time as may be specified in the notice, such repairs as may be so specified.","Section 230 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,230 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2298,Highways - compensation for damage caused by execution of private street works,,D,A street works authority shall pay compensation to any person who sustains damage by reason of the execution of street works by the authority under the private street works code.,"Section 231 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,231 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2299,Highways - contribution by street works authority to expenses of private street works,,P,"A street works authority may at any time resolve to bear the whole or a portion of the expenses of any street works in their area under the private street works code and where an authority so resolve the liabilities of the owners of premises in respect of those expenses are to be treated as discharged or as proportionately reduced, accordingly.","Section 236 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,236 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2300,Highways - acquisition of land for construction or improvement of highway : general powers,,P,"Any highway authority may acquire land required for the construction of a highway which is to be a highway maintainable at the public expense, other than a trunk road.","Section 239 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,239 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2301,"Highways - acquisition of land for construction or improvement of highway: further general powers ",,P,"A highway authority may acquire land which is required for use by them in connection with the construction or improvement of a highway, or with the carrying out of works authorised by an order relating to a trunk road. The authority may also acquire land for the purposes of diverting a watercourse, providing public sanitary conveniences or for a lorry area.","Section 240 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,240 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2302,Highways - acquisition of land between improvement line and boundary of street,,P,"Where a highway authority have prescribed an improvement line they may acquire any land, not occupied by buildings, lying between the improvement line and the boundary of the street.","Section 241 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,241 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2303,Highways - acquisition of land for execution of works in connection with certain bridges,,P,A highway authority may acquire land which they require to enable them to comply with a requirement or direction contained in an order to construct as part of a trunk road a highway for the purpose of relieving a main carriageway of the trunk road from local traffic.,"Section 242 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,242 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2304,Highways - acquisition of land for cattle-grids etc.,,P,"A highway authority may acquire land which they require for the purpose of providing, altering or improving a cattle-grid or bypass","Section 243 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,243 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2305,Highways - acquisition of land for road-ferries,,P,A highway authority may acquire land which they require for the purpose of providing or improving a road-ferry in the exercise of powers conferred on them by this Act.,"Section 244 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,244 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2306,Highways - acquisition of land for buildings etc. needed for discharge of functions of highway authority,,P,"A local highway authority may acquire land, whether situated within or without their area, which in their opinion is required for the provision of any buildings or facilities needed for the purposes of their functions as a highway authority","Section 245 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,245 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2307,Highways - acquisition of land for mitigating adverse effects of constructing or improving highway,,P,"A highway authority may acquire land for the purpose of mitigating any adverse effect which the existence or use of a highway constructed or improved by them, or proposed to be constructed or improved by them, has or will have on the surroundings of the highway.","Section 246 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section 247 to 252 of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,714,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/09/1991,,246 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2308,Highways - agreements as to use of land near highways,,P,The highway authority may enter into an agreement with any person interested in land adjoining or in the vicinity of the highway for restricting or regulating the use of the land either permanently or during such period as may be specified in the agreement.,"Section 253 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,253 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2309,"Highway finance - contributions by county councils to expenses of district councils ",,P,"The council of a county may contribute towards the expenses incurred by the council of any district in the county in exercise of their powers to plant trees, lay out grass verges, etc","Section 273 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1632,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,273 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2310,Highway finance - contributions by councils towards expenses of highway authorities,,P,"A council may contribute towards any expenses incurred or to be incurred by a highway authority if, in the opinion of the council, the expenditure is or will be of benefit to the council's area.","Section 274 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1632,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,274 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2311,Highway finance - contributions by parish or community councils for traffic calming,,P,"A parish council or community council may contribute towards any expenses incurred or to be incurred by a highway authority in constructing, removing or maintaining traffic calming works, or other works (including signs or lighting) required in connection with traffic calming works, if, in the opinion of the council, the expenditure is or will be of benefit to their area.","Section 274A of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,543|1632,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,19/05/1997,,274A Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2312,"Rights of way - expenses incurred in connection with footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways",,P,"A council or a local planning authority may defray or contribute towards, or undertake to defray or contribute towards, the expenses incurred or to be incurred by any other council or local planning authority for the creation of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways by means of public path creation agreements or public path creation orders, to the making up of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways and to the payment of compensation for loss caused by a public path creation order; and relating to the making of public path extinguishment orders and public path diversion orders, to the making up of footpaths, bridleways and restricted byways and to the payment of compensation for loss caused by any such order. ","Section 275 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120|1632,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/07/2006,,275 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2313,Highways - agreements as to execution of works,,P,"A highway authority may, if they are satisfied it will be of benefit to the public, enter into an agreement with any person for the execution by the authority of any works which the authority are or may be authorised to execute, or for the execution by the authority of such works incorporating particular modifications, additions or features, or at a particular time or in a particular manner, on terms that that person pays the whole or such part of the cost of the works as may be specified in or determined in accordance with the agreement.","Section 278 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/11/1991,,278 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2314,Highways - borrowing power of councils,,P,A council may borrow for the purposes of this Act.,"Section 279 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,968,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/11/1991,,279 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2315,Highways - works for mitigating adverse effect of constructing or improving highway,,P,"A highway authority may carry out works for mitigating any adverse effect which the construction, improvement, existence or use of a highway has or will have on the surroundings of the highway.","Section 282 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,282 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2316,Highways - requiring angles of new buildings at corners of streets to be rounded off,,P,"A local authority or, if there is a local highway authority for either of the two streets in question, that highway authority, may require the corner of a building intended to be erected at the corner of two streets in the area of the local authority to be rounded or splayed off to the height of the first storey or to the full height of the building, and to such extent otherwise as they may determine.","Section 286 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,286 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2317,Highways - erection of barriers in streets in cases of emergency etc.,,P,"For the purpose of securing public order or public safety or preventing congestion of traffic a competent authority may, in any case of emergency or on any occasion on which it is likely by reason of some special attraction that any street will be thronged or obstructed, cause barriers to be erected in any street and kept in position for so long as may be necessary for that purpose.","Section 287 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|1354,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/07/2008,,287 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2318,Highways - entry of highway authority for the purpose of surveying,,P,"A person duly authorised in writing by a highway authority may at any reasonable time enter on any land for the purpose of surveying that or any other land in connection with the exercise by that authority, in their capacity as a highway authority, of any of their functions.","Section 289 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section 290 of the Highways Act 1980 ",True,549,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,289 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2319,"Highways - entry of highway authority for purpose of maintaining, etc. certain structures and works",,P,"Where a highway authority have power or a right to maintain, alter or remove any structure or work which is situated on, over or under any land, and that land neither belongs to the highway authority nor forms part of a highway for which they are the highway authority, then, if for the purpose of exercising that power or that right it is necessary for a person to enter on that land or any other land, a person duly authorised in writing by that authority may at any reasonable time enter on that land or any other land for that purpose. The local authority may have to pay compensation in certain circumstances.","Section 291 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,"See also Section 292 Highways Act 1980 ",True,551,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,291 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,True 2320,Highways - disposal of certain materials,,P,"The council of a county or a council who are a local authority may remove, appropriate, or use, sell or otherwise dispose of all old materials existing in any street other than a highway maintainable at the public expense at the time of the execution by the council of any works in the street, unless those materials are removed by the owners of premises in the street within 3 days from the date of service of a notice from the proper officer of the council requiring the owners of those premises to remove the materials.","Section 295 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,295 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2321,Highways - execution of certain works on behalf of other person,,P,"A highway authority or a council may by agreement with any person execute at his expense any work which they have under this required him to execute, or any work in connection with a highway which he is otherwise under an obligation or is entitled to execute, and for that purpose they have all such rights as he would have.","Section 296 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,296 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2322,Highways - request for information as to ownership of land,,P,"A highway authority or a council may, for the purpose of enabling them to discharge or exercise any of their functions under this Act, require the occupier of any premises and any person who, either directly or indirectly, receives rent in respect of any premises, to state in writing the nature of his own interest therein and the name and address of any other person known to him as having an interest therein, whether as freeholder, mortgagee, lessee or otherwise.","Section 297 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,297 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2323,Highways - provision of information by non-metropolitan district councils,,P,"Every non-metropolitan district council shall furnish, and shall instruct their officers to furnish, any information in their power which may reasonably be required by any county council for the purpose of enabling that council to discharge their functions under this Act.","Section 298 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,298 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2324,Highways - right to discharge water,,D,"Where there has been constructed or laid in land, or in the exercise of rights, acquired by a highway authority in the exercise of highway land acquisition powers, any drain or other work for the purpose of draining surface water from a highway, proposed highway, maintenance compound, trunk road picnic area, lorry area or service area, the water may be discharged into or through that drain or other work and into any inland waters, whether natural or artificial, or any tidal waters. A highway authority shall pay compensation to the owner or occupier of any land who suffers damage as a result.","Section 299 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|557,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,False,,True,01/01/1981,,299 Highways Act 1980.doc,,False,False 2325,Highways - recovery of expenses by councils and highway authorities,,P,"Where a council or a highway authority have incurred expenses for the repayment of which the owner of the premises in respect of which the expenses were incurred is liable (a) under any of the provisions of this Act to which this section applies, or (b) by agreement with the council or highway authority, those expenses, together with interest at such reasonable rate as the council may determine from the date of service of a demand for the expenses, may be recovered by the council or the highway authority from the owner for the time being of the premises; and as from the date of the completion of the works the expenses and interest accrued due thereon are, until recovered, a charge on the premises and on all estates and interests therein.","Section 305 of the Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,551|968,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,305 Highways Act 1980 c.doc,,False,False 2326,Planning and land - public access to register of land held by public bodies,,D,Registers sent to the local authority by the Secretary of State shall be available at the council's principal office for inspection by any member of the public at all reasonable hours.,"Section 96 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 ",,,True,592,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,31/12/1980,,96 Local Government.doc,,False,False 2327,Planning and land - assessment of development land,,D,"If the Secretary of State directs an authority to do so, it shall make an assessment of land which is in its area and which is in its opinion available and suitable for development for residential purposes.","Section 116 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 ",,,True,594,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,01/04/1996,,116 Local Government.doc,,False,False 2328,Land acquisition - compulsory purchase for road improvement,,P,"Where the appropriate Minister is satisfied that the construction or improvement of a road is needed, a local highway authority may, on being authorised to do so by the appropriate Minister acquire compulsorily any land as to which he is satisfied that its acquisition by the authority is requisite for the construction or improvement of the road, or for carrying out the improvement, or controlling the development, of frontages to the road or of land abutting on or adjacent to the road.","Section 143 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 ",,,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/10/2004,,143 Local Government.doc,,False,False 2329,Land acquisition - request for inofrmation,,P,This applies to information about land in relation to which an acquiring authority is entitled to exercise a power of compulsory purchase. The acquiring authority may serve a notice requiring information,"Section 5A of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 ",, not yet updated - URL currently invalid,True,714,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/10/2004,,5A Acquisition of Land Act 1981.doc,,False,False 2330,Land acquisition - compulsory purchase notices in newspapers,,D,The acquiring authority shall in two successive weeks publish a notice in the prescribed form in one or more local newspapers circulating in the locality in which the land comprised in the order is situated.,"Section 11 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 "," ","See also Opencast Coal (Compulsory Rights, Drainage and Rights of Way) (Forms) Regulations 1994/3097, Compulsory Purchase of Land (Prescribed Forms) (Ministers) Regulations 2004/2595 and Compulsory Purchase of Land (Prescribed Forms) (National Assembly for Wales) Regulations 2004/2732",True,714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/08/2004,,11 Acquisition of Land Act 1981.doc,,False,True 2331,"Land acquisition - compulsory purchase notices to owners, lessees and occupiers",,D,"The acquiring authority shall serve on every qualifying person a notice in the prescribed form stating the effect of the order, stating that it is about to be submitted for confirmation, and specifying the time (not being less than twenty-one days from service of the notice) within which, and the manner in which, objections to the order can be made.","Section 12 of the Acquisition of Land Act 1981 ",,"See also Opencast Coal (Compulsory Rights, Drainage and Rights of Way) (Forms) Regulations 1994/3097, Compulsory Purchase of Land (Prescribed Forms) (Ministers) Regulations 2004/2595 and Compulsory Purchase of Land (Prescribed Forms) (National Assembly for Wales) Regulations 2004/2732",True,714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2006,,12 Acquisition of Land Act 1981 c.doc,,False,True 2332,Animal health - general duties,,D,A local authority shall execute and enforce this Act and every order of the Minister so far as they are to be executed and enforced by local authorities and shall appoint inspectors to enable them to do so.,Section 50 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,See also sections 51 to 52 of the Animal Health Act 1981,True,434|788,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London which shall be the local authority? (i) for the City of London, and (ii) in and for the whole of Greater London for the purpose of the provisions of this Act relating to imported animals.",True,01/04/1996,,50 Animal Health Act 1981 c.doc,,False,True 2333,Land and property - compulsory purchase - preliminary notices,,D,Before making a declaration with respect to any land which is subject to a compulsory purchase order the acquiring authority shall produce a notice as required by the Act,Section 3 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981,,See also Sections 4 to 6 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981 and Compulsory Purchase of Land (Vesting Declarations) Regulations 1990/497,True,714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Acquiring authority may be a local authority as defined in section 336(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,30/01/1982,,3 Compulsory Purchase.doc,,False,True 2334,Land and property - compulsory purchase - recovery of overpaid compensation,,D,"Where after the execution of a general vesting declaration a person (the claimant) claims compensation in respect of the acquisition by the acquiring authority of an interest in land by virtue of the declaration, and the authority pay compensation in respect of that interest. in certain circumstances the acquiring authority may recover from the claimant the amount of the excess.",Section 10 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981,,See also Section 11 of the Compulsory Purchase (Vesting Declarations) Act 1981,True,714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Acquiring authority may be a local authority as defined in [section 336(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,01/06/2009,,11 Compulsory Purchase.doc,,False,True 2335,Licensing/registration - objections to application for PSV operator's licence,,P,"Where an application is made for the grant of a PSV operator's licence under this Act, any chief officer of police or local authority may object to the grant of the licence ",Section 14A of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981,,See also Public Service Vehicles (Operators' Licences) (Amendment) Regulation 1995/689 and Public Service Vehicles (Operators' Licences) Regulations 1995/2908,True,1513,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,03/07/2013,,14A Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981.doc,,False,True 2336,School buses - fare-paying passengers on school buses,,P,"A local authority may use a school bus, when it is being used to provide free school transport, to carry as fare-paying passengers persons other than those for whom the free school transport is provided; use a school bus belonging to the authority, when it is not being used to provide free school transport, to provide a local service",Section 46 of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981,,,True,891,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/05/2010,,46 Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981 c.doc,,False,True 2337,Licensing/registration - zoos,,D,"Before granting or refusing to grant a licence for a zoo, the local authority shall consider inspectors' reports made in pursuance of inspections of the zoo under this Act and shall also consult the applicant about the conditions they propose would be attached to the licence, if one were granted, and make arrangements for an inspection to be carried out.",Section 4 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,,True,699,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or a community council in Wales,True,06/04/2007,,4 Zoo Licensing Act 1981 c.doc,,False,False 2338,Civil aviation - provision of aerodromes and facilities at aerodromes,,P,"A local authority may do one or both of the following things, namely (a) with the consent of the Secretary of State and subject to such conditions as he may impose, establish and maintain aerodromes; (b) make arrangements with the person owning or managing an aerodrome in Great Britain whereby the local authority provide and maintain facilities for civil aviation at that aerodrome and may carry on ancillary business.",Section 30 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982,,See also Section 31 of the Civil Aviation Act 1982,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,30 Civil Aviation Act 1982 c.doc,,False,True 2339,Licensing/registration - sex establishments,,P,"A local authority may resolve to control sex establishments in their area. ",Section 2 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,,True,388,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,13/07/1982,,2 Local Government.doc,,False,False 2340,"Licensing/registration - acupuncture, tattooing, ear-piercing and electrolysis",,P,"A local authority may resolve to control acupuncture, tattooing, ear-piercing and electrolysis establishments in their area.",Section 13 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,See also Sections 14 to 17 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,True,680|681,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,13/07/1982,,13 Local Government.doc,,False,True 2341,Public health - protection of buildings,,P,"Where it appears to a local authority that any building in their area is unoccupied; or that the occupier of a building in their area is temporarily absent from it and it is not effectively secured against unauthorised entry; or is likely to become a danger to public health, the local authority may undertake works in connection with the building for the purpose of preventing unauthorised entry to it, or, as the case may be, for the purpose of preventing it becoming a danger to public health.",Section 29 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,See also sections 31 and 32 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,True,600|661,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,29 Local Governmen1.doc,,False,True 2342,Mental health - approved social workers,,D,A local social services authority shall appoint a sufficient number of approved social workers for the purpose of discharging the functions referred to in the Act.,Section 61 of the Mental Health (Amendment) Act 1982,,,True,1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,?local social services authority? means a council which is a local authority for the purpose of the Local Authority Social Services Act 1970;,True,28/10/1984,,61 Mental Health.doc,,False,True 2343,Health and social services - charges for local authority services,,P,"A local authority may recover such charge (if any) for it as they consider reasonable when providing a service under paragraph 1 of Part II of Schedule 9 to this Act. ",Section 17 of the Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983,,,True,209|1632,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,17 Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983 c.doc,,False,True 2344,Litter - consultations and proposals for abatement,,D,"In England and Wales, it shall be the duty of the council of each non-metropolitan county and the other litter authorities whose areas are included in the county to consult from time to time together, and with such voluntary bodies as they consider appropriate about the steps which the county council and each of the other litter authorities are to take for the purpose of abating litter in the county. ","Section 4 of the Litter Act 1983 ",,,True,580|1138,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,4 Litter Act 1983.doc,,False,False 2345,Litter bins - provision and maintenance,,P,A litter authority in England and Wales may provide and maintain in any street or public place receptacles for refuse or litter. It shall be the duty of a litter authority in England and Wales to make arrangements for the regular emptying and cleansing of any litter bins provided.,"Section 5 of the Litter Act 1983 ",,,True,581,,True,"Secondary power of secondary importance Secondary duty of secondary importance",,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,15/08/1983,,5 Litter Act 1983.doc,Please note that Type has both Power and Duty,False,True 2346,Litter bins - contribution to expenditure,,P,A county council and a metropolitan district council may if they think fit make a contribution to any expenditure incurred by a parish council or a community council in providing/emptying bins.,"Section 6 of the Litter Act 1983 ",,,True,581,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1997,,6 Litter Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2347,Mental health - application for guardianship,,P,"The person named as guardian in a guardianship application may be either a local social services authority or any other person but a guardianship application in which a person other than a local social services authority is named as guardian shall be of no effect unless it is accepted on behalf of that person by the local social services authority for the area in which he resides, and shall be accompanied by a statement in writing by that person that he is willing to act as guardian.",Section 7 of the Mental Health Act 1983,,,True,1284,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,03/11/2008,,7 Mental Health Act 1983.doc,,False,False 2348,Mental health - apllications for admission or guardianship by approved mental health professionals,,D,"If a local social services authority have reason to think that an application for admission to hospital or a guardianship application may need to be made in respect of a patient within their area, they shall make arrangements for an approved mental health professional to consider the patient's case on their behalf.",Section 13 of the Mental Health Act 1983,,,True,1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,03/11/2008,,13 Mental Health Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2349,Mental health - approval by local social services authority,,P,"A local social services authority may approve a person to act as an approved mental health professional ",Section 114 of the Mental Health Act 1983,,See also Mental Health (Approval of Persons to be Approved Mental Health Professionals) (Wales) Regulations 2008/2436 and Mental Health (Approved Mental Health Professionals) (Approval) (England) Regulations 2008/1206,True,1284,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/08/2012,,114 Mental Health Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2350,Mental health - after-care services,,D,"It shall be the duty of the local social services authority to provide, in co-operation with relevant voluntary agencies, after-care services for any person to whom this section applies until such time as they are satisfied that the person concerned is no longer in need of such services ",Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983,,See also National Health Service Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups (Responsibilities and Standing Rules) Regulations 2012/2996,True,833|1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/02/2013,,117 Mental Health Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2351,Mental health - prosecution by local authorities,,P,"A local social services authority may institute proceedings for any offence under this Part of this Act, but without prejudice to any provision of this Part of this Act requiring the consent of the Director of Public Prosecutions for the institution of such proceedings.",Section 130 of the Mental Health Act 1983,,,True,1284,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,30/09/1983,,130 Mental Health Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2352,Mental health - availibility of independent mental health advocates,,D,A local social services authority shall make such arrangements as it considers reasonable to enable persons (independent mental health advocates) to be available to help qualifying patients.,Section 130A of the Mental Health Act 1983,,"See also Section 130B to C of the Mental Health Act 1983, Mental Health Act 1983 (Independent Mental Health Advocates) (England) Regulations 2008/3166, National Health Service and Public Health (Functions and Miscellaneous Provisions) Regulations 2013/261 and Mental Health and Mental Capacity (Advocacy) Amendment (England) Regulations 2009/2376",True,1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,130A Mental Health Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2353,Mental health - information about independent mental health advocates,,D,The responsible person in relation to a qualifying patient shall take such steps as are practicable to ensure that the patient understands that help is available to him from an independent mental health advocate; and how he can obtain that help.,Section 130D of the Mental Health Act 1983,,,True,1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,130D Mental Health Act 1983 c.doc,,False,True 2354,Elections - appointment of registration officer,,D,"In England the council of every district and London borough shall appoint an officer of the council to be registration officer for any constituency or part of a constituency conterminous with or situated in the district or borough, in relation to any constituency part of which consists of some or all of the area of the City and the Inner and Middle Temples, the Common Council shall appoint an officer to be registration officer for that part of the constituency and in Wales, the council of every county or county borough shall appoint an officer of the council to be registration officer for any constituency or part of a constituency coterminous with or situated in the area of the council.",Section 8 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,,True,364,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/02/2011,,8 Representation of the People Act 1983.doc,,False,True 2355,Elections - discharge of registration duties,,D,"It shall be the duty in England, of a district council or London borough council and in Wales, of a county or county borough council to assign such officers to assist the registration officer as may be required for carrying out his functions under this Act.",Section 52 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,"See also Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2006/2910, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2001/1700, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2002/1871, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/752 and Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001/341",True,364,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,16/02/2001,,52 Representation of the People Act 1983 c.doc,,False,True 2356,Buildings and building regulations - execution of Act,,D,"It is the duty of local authorities to carry this Act into execution. It is the function of local authorities to enforce building regulations in their areas, ",Section 91 of the Building Act 1984,,,True,1157,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,,,91 Building Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2357,Markets - establishment or acquisition,,P,"A local authority may establish a market within their area or acquire by agreement (but not otherwise), either by purchase or on lease, the whole or any part of an existing market undertaking within their area, and any rights enjoyed by any person within their area in respect of a market and of tolls, and, in either case, may provide a market place with convenient approaches to it; a market house and other buildings convenient for the holding of a market.",Section 50 of the Food Act 1984,,,True,616|782,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or a community council in Wales,True,,,50 Food Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2358,Markets - market byelaws,,P,"A local authority who maintain a market, whether or not they are a market authority within the meaning of this Act, may make byelaws for regulating the use of the market place, and the buildings, stalls, pens and standings in that market place; for preventing nuisances or obstructions in the market place, or in the immediate approaches to it; for regulating porters and carriers resorting to the market, and fixing the charges to be made for carrying articles from the market within the district.",Section 60 of the Food Act 1984,,,True,616|679|782,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or a community council in Wales,True,01/10/2006,,60 Food Act 1984 c.doc,"Please note that this is partially in force from: October 1, 2006",False,False 2359,Public health - authorities administering act,,D,"It is the duty of the relevant local authority, as specified in the Act, to carry the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 into execution in their district. ",Section 1 of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984,,,True,661,,False,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,26/07/2010,,1 Public Health.doc,,False,False 2360,Roads - pedestrian crossings,,P,"A local traffic authority may establish crossings for pedestrians on roads for which they are the traffic authority, and may alter or remove any such crossings.",Section 23 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,568|573,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,10/10/2005,,23 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,"Please note that this is partially in force from: October 10, 2005",False,False 2361,Roads - prohibition of traffic on roads to be used as playgrounds,,P,"For the purpose of enabling a road for which they are the traffic authority to be used as a playground for children, a local traffic authority may make an order prohibiting or restricting the use of the road by vehicles, or by vehicles of any specified class, either generally or on particular days or during particular hours",Section 29 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,1586,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/11/1991,,29 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2362,Roads - provision of parking places by local authority,,P,"Where for the purpose of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic it appears to a local authority to be necessary to provide within their area suitable parking places for vehicles, the local authority may provide off-street parking places or may by order authorise the use as a parking place of any part of a road within their area, not being a road the whole or part of the width of which is within Greater London.",Section 32 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,114|473|474|475|478,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/1996,,32 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2363,Roads - provision of parking places by parish or community councils,,P,"Where for the purposes of relieving or preventing congestion of traffic or preserving local amenities it appears to the council of a parish or a community in Wales to be necessary to do so, the council may provide within their area and maintain suitable parking places for bicycles and motor cycles, or provide within their area and maintain suitable parking places, otherwise than on roads, for vehicles of other descriptions or for vehicles generally.",Section 57 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,475|478|479,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,26/09/1984,,57 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2364,Roads - placing of traffic signs,,P,"The traffic authority may cause or permit traffic signs to be placed on or near a road, subject to and in conformity with such general directions as may be given by the Ministers acting jointly or such other directions as may be given by the Secretary of State.",Section 65 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,540,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/07/1992,,65 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2365,Roads - entering land in connection with traffic signs,,P,"A local traffic authority may enter any land and exercise such other powers as may be necessary for the purpose of the exercise and performance of their powers and duties of placing, replacing, converting and removing traffic signs ",Section 71 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/11/1991,,71 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2366,Roads - signs erected by parish or community councils,,P,"The local highway authority may authorise a parish or community council, subject to any conditions imposed by that authority, to provide on or near any road, other than a footpath or bridleway, or to contribute, either wholly or in part, towards the cost of providing on or near any such road, traffic signs indicating signs indicating a stopping place for public service vehicles, a warning of the existence of any danger; or the name of the parish or community or of any place in it.",Section 72 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,540,,False,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also relevant to a parish council in England or community council in Wales,True,26/09/1984,,72 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,False 2367,Roads - traffic signs for indicating speed restrictions,,D,The local traffic authority is responsible for erecting and maintaining traffic signs in such positions as may be requisite indicating speed restrictions for all roads for which they are the traffic authority.,Section 85 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984,,,True,540|571,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,27/07/2000,,85 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.doc,,False,True 2368,Video recordings - enforcement,,D,The functions of a local weights and measures authority include the enforcement in their area of this Act.,Section 16A of the Video Recordings Act 1984,,,True,403|1125,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,21/01/2010,,16A Video Recordings Act 1984 c.doc,,False,True 2369,Schools - pupil records (England),,D,"The governing body of every school maintained by a local education authority (other than a nursery school), and of every special school not so maintained, shall keep a curricular record, updated at least once every school year, in respect of every registered pupil at the school.",Education (Pupil Information) (England) Regulations 2005,,,True,15,,True,,,False,,True,,,,,False,False 2370,Special educational needs or disability - co-operation with governing bodies,,D,"A local authority must co-operate with governing bodies of academic institutions and each governing body must co-operate with the authority, in the exercise of the authority's functions in relation to special educational needs.",Section 29 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applicable to a school governing body and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2371,Special educational needs or disability - publication of local information,,D,"A local authority must publish information about? (a) the provision it expects to be available in its area at the time of publication for children and young people who have special educational needs or a disability, and (b) the provision that it expects to be available outside its area.",Section 30 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2372,Special educational needs or disability - advice and information for families,,D,"A local authority must arrange for children and young people for whom it is responsible, and the parents of children for whom it is responsible, to be provided with advice and information about matters relating to the special educational needs or disabilities of the children or young people concerned.",Section 32 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2373,Special educational needs or disability - request for co-operation,,P,A local authority may require the co-operation of certain bodies in certain circumstances in connection with its functions in relation to Special Educational Needs.,Section 31 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2374,Special educational needs or disability - advice and information for others,,P,"A local authority may arrange for persons other than children and young people for whom it is responsible, and the parents of children for whom it is responsible, to be provided with advice and information about matters relating to the special educational needs or disabilities of the children or young people concerned.",Section 32 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2375,Special educational needs or disability - mainstream schooling with EHC plan,,D,"A local authority must secure that the EHC plan provides for the child or young person to be educated in a maintained nursery school, mainstream school or mainstream post-16 institution, unless that is incompatible with ? (a) the wishes of the child's parent or the young person, or (b) the provision of efficient education for others",Section 33 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2376,Special educational needs or disability - mainstream schooling without EHC plan,,D,"A local authority must secure that the child or young person to be educated in a maintained nursery school, mainstream school or mainstream post-16 institution, unless certain exceptions laid down in the section apply.",Section 34 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,False,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2377,Special educational needs or disability - nursery and mainstream schooling,,D,"Where a child with special educational needs is being educated in a maintained nursery school or a mainstream school those concerned with making special educational provision for the child must secure that the child engages in the activities of the school together with children who do not have special educational needs, subject to it being reasonably practicable and compatible with? (a) the child receiving the special educational provision called for by his or her special educational needs, (b) the provision of efficient education for the children with whom he or she will be educated, and (c) the efficient use of resources.",Section 35 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),False,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2378,Special educational needs or disability - EHC assessment,,D,"A local authority must make an EHC (Education, Health and Care) assessment for a qualifying child or young person. The authority must take into account the views of that child, young person or parent and must notify the child, young person and parents of the outcome with reasons.",Section 36 of the Children and Families Act 2014.,,See also SIs 2014/1530 and 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2379,Special educational needs or disability - EHC plan,,D,"Where, in the light of an EHC needs assessment, it is necessary for special educational provision to be made for a child or young person in accordance with an EHC plan? (a)the local authority must secure that an EHC plan is prepared for the child or young person, and (b)once an EHC plan has been prepared, it must maintain the plan.",Section 37 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SIs 2014/1530 and 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2380,Special educational needs or disability - draft EHC plan,,D,"A local authority must where it is required to secure that an EHC plan is prepared for a child or young person, consult the child's parent or the young person about the content of the plan during the preparation of a draft of the plan. The local authority must then? (a) send the draft plan to the child's parent or the young person, and (b) give the parent or young person notice of his or her right to? (i) make representations about the content of the draft plan, and (ii) request the authority to secure that a particular school or other institution is named in the plan",Section 38 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2381,Special educational needs or disability - requested institution,,D,"Where a local authority is requested to name a particular institution in the EHC it must after consultation with the governing body or proprietor of that institution name that institution in the EHC unless the school or other institution requested is unsuitable for the age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs of the child or young person concerned, or the attendance of the child or young person at the requested school or other institution would be incompatible with the provision of efficient education for others, or the efficient use of resources. In which case after consultation a further institution must be named. The local authority must then forward a copy of the final EHC plan to the child?s parents or young person and to the institution named.",Section 39 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2382,Special educational needs or disability - no institution requested,,D,"Where a local authority is not requested to name a particular institution in the EHC plan it must name an institution that is suitable for the age, ability, aptitude or special educational needs of the child or young person concerned. It must after consultation with the governing body or proprietor of that institution name that institution in the EHC. The local authority must then forward a copy of the final EHC plan to the child?s parents or young person and to the institution named.",Section 40 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2383,Special educational needs and disability - compliance with SEN provision,,D,Where a local authority maintains an EHC plan for a child the authority must secure the specified special educational provision for the child or young person.,Section 42 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2384,Special educational needs or disability - admittance to school,,D,"Where an EHC plan has been drawn up for a child with special educational needs or a disability and the plan names a school or other educational institution the governing body, proprietor or principal of the school or other institution must admit the child or young person for whom the plan is maintained.",Section 43 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,a governing body of a maintained school operated by any of the applicable organisation types.,False,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2385,Special educational needs or disability - review of EHC plan,,D,"A local authority must review an EHC plan that it maintains? in the period of 12 months starting with the date on which the plan was first made, and in each subsequent period of 12 months starting with the date on which the plan was last reviewed under this section. and must consult as required.",Section 44 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,see also SIs 2014/1530; 2014/2096 and 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2386,Special educational needs or disability - requested re-assessment of EHC plan,,D,"A local authority must secure a re-assessment of the educational, health care and social care needs of a child or young person for whom it maintains an EHC plan if a request is made to it by? (a) the child's parent or the young person, or (b) the governing body, proprietor or principal of the school, post-16 institution or other institution which the child or young person attends. and must consult as required.",Section 44 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,see also SIs 2014/1530; 2014/2096 and 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2387,Special educational needs or disability - discretionary re-assessment of EHC plan,,P,"A local authority may re-assess the educational, health care and social care needs of a child or young person for whom it maintains an EHC plan at any time and must consult as required.",Section 44 of the Children and Families Act 2014.,,See also SIs 2014/1530; 2014/2096 and 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2388,Special educational needs or disability - cessation of EHC plan,,P,"A local authority may cease to maintain an EHC plan for a child or young person only if? (a) the authority is no longer responsible for the child or young person, or (b) the authority determines that it is no longer necessary for the plan to be maintained. The circumstances in which it is no longer necessary for an EHC plan to be maintained for a child or young person include where the child or young person no longer requires the special educational provision specified in the plan.",Section 45 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2389,Special educational needs or disability - EHC plan after 25th birthday,,P,A local authority may continue to maintain an EHC plan for a young person until the end of the academic year during which the young person attains the age of 25.,Section 46 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2390,Special educational needs or disability - transfer of EHC plan,,D,A local authority must comply with Regulations regarding the transfer of an EHC plan.,Section 47 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2391,Special educational needs or disability - maintenance of EHC plan on release from detention,,D,"Where a child or young person who has been subject to a detention order is released, (b) on the release date, a local authority becomes responsible for him or her, and (c) an EHC plan was? (i) maintained for him or her immediately before the start of the detention, or (ii) kept for him or her under section 74 during the detention. (2) The local authority must? (a) maintain the plan, and (b) review the plan as soon as reasonably practicable after the release date.",Section 48 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2392,Special educational needs or disability - personal budgets,,D,"A local authority that maintains an EHC plan, or is securing the preparation of an EHC plan, for a child or young person must prepare a personal budget for him or her if asked to do so by the child's parent or the young person.",Section 49 of the Children and Families Act 2014,See also SIs 2014/1652 and 2014/2086,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2393,Special educational needs or disability - EHC plan appeals,,D,A local authority must comply with the appeals process regarding EHC plans,Section 51 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2394,Special educational needs or disability - appeal mediation,,D,A local authority must inform the parent or young person of the right to mediation and participate in the same and notify other relevant bodies where appropriate.,Sections 52 -56 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SIs 2014/1530 and 2015/62,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2395,Special educational needs or disability - arrangements for resolving disagreements,,D,A local authority must make arrangements for resolving disagreements between certain bodies in certain circumstances regarding and EHC plan.,Section 57 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2396,Special educational needs or disability - appeals pilot scheme,,D,A local authority must comply with a pilot scheme for its area enabling child to appeal.,Sections 58 to 59 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2397,Special educational needs or disability - provision at other institution,,P,"A local authority may arrange for any special educational provision that it has decided is necessary for a child or young person for whom it is responsible to be made otherwise than in a school or post-16 institution or a place at which relevant early years education is provided. An authority may do so only if satisfied that it would be inappropriate for the provision to be made in a school or post-16 institution or at such a place. Before doing so, the authority must consult the child's parent or the young person.",Section 61 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2398,Special educational needs or disability - arrangements outside England and Wales,,P,A local authority may arrange for the delivery of an EHC plan outside of England or Wales.,Section 62 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2399,Special educational needs or disability - payment of fees,,D,"A local authority must pay the fees (including board and lodging) of the institution concerned where it maintains an EHC plan for a child or young person under which special educational provision in respect of the child or young person is made at a school, post-16 institution or place at which relevant early years education is provided, and that school, institution or place is named in the EHC plan.",Section 63 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2400,Special educational needs or disability - supply of goods or services,,P,"A local authority may supply goods and services to? the governing body of a maintained school or maintained nursery school in England; or the proprietor of an Academy; or the governing body of an institution within the further education sector that the authority thinks is or is to be attended by a young person for whom the authority maintains an EHC plan, in connection with the provision of special educational needs on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit including payment.",Section 64 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2401,Special educational needs or disability - inspection of institution,,P,"Where a local authority maintains an EHC plan for a child or young person, a person authorised by the authority is entitled to have access at any reasonable time to the premises of a school, post-16 institution or other institution at which education or training is provided in pursuance of the plan, for the purpose of monitoring the education or training. This power does not apply to the premises of a mainstream post-16 institution in Wales.",Section 65 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2402,Special educational needs or disability - meeting special educational needs,,D,"If a registered pupil or a student at a school or other institution has special educational needs, the appropriate authority must, in exercising its functions in relation to the school or other institution, use its best endeavours to secure that the special educational provision called for by the pupil's or student's special educational needs is made.",Section 66 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"The Governing Body of a School; and the management committee of a pupil referral unit. ",True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2403,Special educational needs or disability - appointment of SEN co-ordinator,,D,The appropriate authority in mainstream schools and maintained nursery schools must designate a member of staff at the school (to be known as the ?SEN co-ordinator?) as having responsibility for co-ordinating the provision for pupils with special educational needs.,Section 67 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,The Governing Body of a maintained School or nursery school.,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2404,Special educational needs or disability - information regarding provision,,D,"If special educational provision is made for a child or young person at a maintained school, a maintained nursery school, or a pupil referral unit, and no EHC plan is maintained for the child or young person. The appropriate authority for the school must inform the child's parent or the young person that special educational provision is being made for the child or young person.",Section 68 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"The Governing Body of a maintained school or nursery school. The management committee of a pupil referral unit ",True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2405,Special educational needs or disability - report containing SEN information,,D,"If special educational provision is made for a child or young person at a maintained school, a maintained nursery school, or a pupil referral unit, and no EHC plan is maintained for the child or young person. The appropriate authority for the school must inform the child's parent or the young person that special educational provision is being made for the child or young person.",Section 69 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/1530,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,The Governing Body of a maintained School or nursery school,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2406,Special educational needs or disability - Code of Practice,,D,A local authority must have regard to the Secretary of State?s Code of Practice regarding special educational needs and disabilities.,Section 77 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"also the Governing Body of a Maintained School; the management committee of a pupil referral unit; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority)",True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2407,Tobacco purchasing - prohibition of purchase by adult for consumption by child,,D,A local authority must enforce this criminal offence in its role as weights and measures authority.,Section 91 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,1125,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2408,Children with medical conditions - support,,D,The appropriate authority for a school to which this section applies must make arrangements for supporting pupils at the school with medical conditions. In meeting this duty the appropriate authority must have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State.,Section 100 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,890,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"The Governing Body of a School; and The management committee of a pupil referral unit.",True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2409,Special educational needs or disability - general duties,,D,"When exercising function under Part 3 of the Act in the case of a child or young person, a local authority in England must have regard to certain general matters relating to inclusion and to sharing information with both parent(s) and the child/ young person",Section 19 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2410,Special educational needs or disability - identification of children and young people with needs,,D,"A local authority in England must exercise its functions with a view to securing that it identifies? (a) all the children and young people in its area who have or may have special educational needs, and (b) all the children and young people in its area who have a disability.",Section 22 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2411,Special educational needs or disability - integration of services,,D,"A local authority in England must exercise its functions with a view to ensuring the integration of educational provision and training provision with health care provision and social care provision, where it thinks that this would? (a) promote the well-being of children or young people in its area who have special educational needs or a disability, or (b) improve the quality of special educational provision.",Section 25 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2412,Special educational needs or disability - joint commissioning arrangements,,D,"A local authority and its partner commissioning bodies must make arrangements (?joint commissioning arrangements?) about the education, health and care provision to be secured for? (a) children and young people for whom the authority is responsible who have special educational needs, and (b) children and young people in the authority's area who have a disability.",Section 26 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2413,"Special educational needs or disability - review of educational, training and social care provision",,D,"A local authority must keep under review and consult where required regarding the educational, training provision and social care provision made in its area for children and young people who have special educational needs or a disability, and (b) the educational provision, training provision and social care provision made outside its area for? (i) children and young people for whom it is responsible who have special educational needs, and (ii) children and young people in its area who have a disability.",Section 27 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2414,Special educational needs or disability - co-operation with partners,,D,"A local authority must co-operate with each of its local partners, and each local partner must co-operate with the authority, in the exercise of the authority's functions under Part 3.",Section 28 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8|9|10|40,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2415,Animal health - appointment of inspectors,,D,"A local authority shall appoint as many inspectors and other officers as the local authority think necessary for the execution and enforcement of this Act. Every local authority shall assign to those inspectors and officers such duties, and salaries or allowances, and may delegate to any of them such authorities and discretion, as to the local authority seem fit, and may at any time revoke any appointment so made.",Section 52 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,,True,434|788,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a Local Authority),True,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2416,Access land - improvement or repair to means of access,,P,"A local authority where, in respect of any access land? (a) it appears to the authority that? (i) the opening-up, improvement or repair of any means of access to the land, (ii) the construction of any new means of access to the land, or (iii) the maintenance of any means of access to the land, is necessary for giving the public reasonable access to that land, or to other access land, in pursuance of the right conferred by section 2(1) and (b) the access authority are satisfied that they are unable to conclude on reasonable terms an agreement under section 35 with the owner or occupier of the land for the carrying out of the works, the authority may, give the owner or occupier a notice (in the prescribed form) stating that, after the end of a specified period of not less than twenty-one days, the authority intend to take all necessary steps for carrying out the works specified in the notice for the opening-up, improvement, repair, construction or maintenance of the means of access.",Section 37 of the Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000,,,True,1118,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2417,Criminal Behaviour Order - review,,D,A local authority must co-operate with the chief officer of police when reviewing a criminal behaviour order and have regard to guidance published by the Secretary of State when so doing.,Sections 29 and 32 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1751,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also The Isle of Wight; The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2418,Community protection notices - issuing,,P,"A person duly authorised by a local authority may (subject to the requirements of section 43) issue a community protection notice to an individual aged 16 or over, or a body, if satisfied on reasonable grounds that? the conduct of the individual or body is having a detrimental effect, of a persistent or continuing nature, on the quality of life of those in the locality, and the conduct is unreasonable",Sections 43 and 55 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1752,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) ",True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2419,Community protection notices - powers of entry,,P,"Where the identity of the owner or occupier of a premises is unobtainable a person duly authorised by a local authority may The authorised person may? post the community protection notice on the premises; and enter the premises, or other premises, to the extent reasonably necessary for that purpose.",Section 45 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1752,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2420,Community protection notices - powers on default,,P,"Where a person issued with a community protection notice (?the defaulter?) fails to comply with a requirement of the notice, the relevant local authority may have work carried out to ensure that the failure is remedied, but only on land that is open to the air and/or) as regards premises other than land open to the air, if the relevant local authority issues the defaulter with a notice? specifying work it intends to have carried out to ensure that the failure is remedied, specifying the estimated cost of the work (for which the defaulter becomes liable), and inviting the defaulter to consent to the work being carried out, the local authority may have the work carried out if the necessary consent is given.",Sections 47 and 49 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1752,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2421,Community protection notices - powers of seizure,,P,Where authorised to do so by a warrant from a JP the person authorised by the relevant local authority may enter the premises within 14 days from the date of issue of the warrant to seize the item in question.,Section 51 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1752,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2422,Community protection notices - fixed penalty notice,,P,A person authorised by a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice to anyone who that person has reason to believe has committed an offence under section 48 of the Act,Section 52 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1752,,True,,Secondary power of primary importance,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2423,Community protection notices - guidance,,D,A local authority must have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State with regard to the exercise of its functions under the Act.,Section 56 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1752,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2424,Public Spaces Protection Order - making and duration,,P,"A local authority may make a public spaces protection order if satisfied on reasonable grounds that activities carried on in a public place within the authority's area have had a detrimental effect on the quality of life of those in the locality, or it is likely that activities will be carried on in a public place within that area and that they will have such an effect; and that the effect, or likely effect, of the activities is, or is likely to be, of a persistent or continuing nature, is, or is likely to be, such as to make the activities unreasonable, and justifies the restrictions imposed by the notice.","Sections 59, 60 and 72 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014",,see also SI 2014/2591,True,1753,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2425,Public Spaces Protection Order - varying and discharge,,P,A local authority may vary and discharge a public spaces protection order in accordance with regulations. Where an order is varied or discharged details of the variation or discharge must be published in accordance with regulations made by the Secretary of State..,Sections 61 and 72 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2591,True,1753,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2426,Public Spaces Protection Order - breach of prohibition on consuming alcohol,,P,"A person authorised by a local authority may, where a person is or has been consuming alcohol in breach of a prohibition in a public spaces protection order, or intends to consume alcohol in circumstances in which doing so would be a breach of such a prohibition, (upon showing his identity) require that person not to consume, in breach of the order, alcohol or anything which the authorised person reasonably believes to be alcohol; or to surrender anything in that person?s possession which is, or which the authorised person reasonably believes to be, alcohol or a container for alcohol (and dispose of the same). If the person fails to co-operate he commits a criminal offence.",Section 63 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1753,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2427,Public Spaces Protection Order - restriction of right of way over highway,,D,A local authority must take certain matters into account and take certain steps before making a public spaces protection order which restricts public right of way over a highway.,Sections 64 and 65 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1753,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2428,Public Spaces Protection Order - fixed penalty notice,,P,A person authorised by a local authority may issue a fixed penalty notice to anyone he or she has reason to believe has committed an offence under sections 63 or 67 in relation to a public spaces protection order.,Section 68 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1753,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2429,Public Spaces Protection Order - guidance,,D,A person authorised must have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State when exercising its powers in relation to public spaces protection orders.,Section 73 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1753,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2430,Premises closure notice - issue and duration,,P,"A local authority may issue a closure notice if satisfied on reasonable grounds? that the use of particular premises has resulted, or (if the notice is not issued) is likely soon to result, in nuisance to members of the public, or that there has been, or (if the notice is not issued) is likely soon to be, disorder near those premises associated with the use of those premises, and that the notice is necessary to prevent the nuisance or disorder from continuing, recurring or occurring.","Sections 76, 77 and 79 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014",,,True,1754,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2431,Premises closure notice - variation and discharge,,P,A local authority may vary and cancel a premises closure notice,Sections 78 and 79 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2432,Premises closure notice - closure order,,P,A local authority may apply to a magistrate?s court for a closure order or an extension of a closure order where a closure notice has been made and served.,Sections 80 and 82 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2433,Premises closure notice - discharge of closure order,,P,A local authority may apply to a magistrate?s court for the discharge of a closure order.,Section 83 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2434,Premises closure notice - closure order appeal,,P,A local authority may appeal to the Crown Court against various types of decision by the magistrate?s court relating to a closure order.,Section 84 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2435,Premises closure notice - closure order enforcement,,P,"A person authorised by a local authority person may enter premises in respect of which a closure order is in force, do anything necessary to secure the premises against entry. A person acting under subsection (1) may use reasonable force. A person seeking to enter premises under subsection (1) must, if required to do so by or on behalf of the owner, occupier or other person in charge of the premises, produce evidence of his or her identity and authority before entering the premises. An authorised person may also enter premises in respect of which a closure order is in force to carry out essential maintenance or repairs to the premises.",Section 85 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2436,Premises closure notice - closure order reimbursement of costs,,P,"A local authority that incurs expenditure for the purpose of clearing, securing or maintaining premises in respect of which a closure order is in force may apply to the court that made the order for an order for those costs.",Section 88 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2437,Premises closure notice - closure order guidance,,D,A local authority must have regard to any guidance issued by the Secretary of State when considering taking action in relation to a closure notice or closure order.,Section 91 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,1754,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2438,Anti-social behaviour - case reviews,,P,"In a case where a person has made a complaint about anti-social behaviour in a particular local government area, the relevant bodies in that area must carry out a review of the response to that behaviour (an ?ASB case review)? if? (a)that person, or any other person, makes an application for such a review, and (b)the relevant bodies decide that the threshold for a review is met.",Section 104 of the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014,,,True,98|1480|1481|1482|1483|1484|1485|1486|1487,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also The Isles of Scilly; and the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2439,Social care - assistance to carers,,D,"A local authority must provide or arrange for the provision of services, facilities or resources, or take other steps, which it considers will? (a) contribute towards preventing or delaying the development by adults in its area of needs for care and support; (b) contribute towards preventing or delaying the development by carers in its area of needs for support; (c) reduce the needs for care and support of adults in its area; (d) reduce the needs for support of carers in its area. (2) In performing that duty, a local authority must have regard to? (a) the importance of identifying services, facilities and resources already available in the authority's area and the extent to which the authority could involve or make use of them in performing that duty; (b) the importance of identifying adults in the authority's area with needs for care and support which are not being met (by the authority or otherwise); (c) the importance of identifying carers in the authority's area with needs for support which are not being met (by the authority or otherwise). The local authority must also have regard to regulations when carrying out this duty.",Section 2 of the Care Act 2014,,See also SI 2014/2673,True,209|225|1743|1755,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2440,Social care - promoting individual wellbeing,,D,"The general duty of a local authority, in exercising a function under this Part in the case of an individual, is to promote that individual?s well-being. The local authority must also have regard to certain matters laid down by section 1 when carrying out this duty.",Section 1 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,204|209|239|242|287|731|1284|1743,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2441,Social care - integration of care and health services,,D,"A local authority must exercise its functions under this Part with a view to ensuring the integration of care and support provision with health provision and health-related provision where it considers that this would? (a) promote the well-being of adults in its area with needs for care and support and the well-being of carers in its area, (b) contribute to the prevention or delay of the development by adults in its area of needs for care and support or the development by carers in its area of needs for support, or (c) improve the quality of care and support for adults, and of support for carers, provided in its area (including the outcomes that are achieved from such provision.",Section 3 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,204|209|225|242|1743,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2442,Social care - provision of advice and information,,D,A local authority must establish and maintain a service for providing people in its area with information and advice relating to care and support for adults and support for carers in accordance with the requirements of that section.,Section 4 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,204|209|225|239|287|731|1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2443,Social care - promoting diversity and quality,,D,"A local authority must promote the efficient and effective operation of a market in services for meeting care and support needs with a view to ensuring that any person in its area wishing to access services in the market has a variety of services, service providers and has information in accordance with the requirements of that section.",Section 5 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,204|209|239|242|731|1284|1743,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2444,Social care - co-operating generally,,D,"A local authority must co-operate with each of its relevant partners, and each relevant partner must co-operate with the authority, in the exercise of? (a) their respective functions relating to adults with needs for care and support, (b) their respective functions relating to carers, and (c) functions of theirs the exercise of which is relevant to functions referred to in paragraph (a) or (b). A local authority must co-operate, in the exercise of its functions under this Part, with such other persons as it considers appropriate who exercise functions, or are engaged in activities, in the authority's area relating to adults with needs for care and support or relating to carers. Co-operation must accord with the requirements laid down by section 6.",Section 6 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,204|209|225|242|287|300|731|1284|1743,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2445,Social care - co-operating in specific cases,,D,"Where a local authority requests the co-operation of a relevant partner, or of a local authority which is not one of its relevant partners, in the exercise of a function under this Part in the case of an individual with needs for care and support or in the case of a carer, a carer of a child or a young carer, the partner or authority or where a relevant partner of a local authority, or a local authority which is not one of its relevant partners, requests the co-operation of the local authority in its exercise of a function in the case of an individual with needs for care and support or in the case of a carer, a carer of a child or a young carer, the local authority must comply with the request unless it considers that doing so? (a) would be incompatible with its own duties, or (b) would otherwise have an adverse effect on the exercise of its functions.",Section 7 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,204|208|209|225|242|287|300|731|1284|1743,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2446,Social care - deferred payments and loans,,D,A local authority must comply with Regulations which require or permit the authority to enter into a deferred payment agreement with an adult in respect of provided care and support.,Sections 34 and 35 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2671,True,1756,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2447,Social care - needs assessment,,D,"A local authority must where it appears to a local authority that an adult may have needs for care and support, assess? (a) whether the adult does have needs for care and support, and (b) if the adult does, what those needs are. The duty to carry out a needs assessment applies regardless of the authority's view of? (a) the level of the adult's needs for care and support, or (b) the level of the adult's financial resources. A needs assessment must include an assessment of? (a) the impact of the adult's needs for care and support on the matters (b) the outcomes that the adult wishes to achieve in day-to-day life, and (c) whether, and if so to what extent, the provision of care and support could contribute to the achievement of those outcomes. The assessment must also accord with the provisions of Section 9.",Section 9 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2827,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2448,Social care - carer's assessment,,D,"A local authority must where it appears that a carer may have needs for support (whether currently or in the future), the authority must assess? (a) whether the carer does have needs for support (or is likely to do so in the future), and (b) if the carer does, what those needs are (or are likely to be in the future). The duty to carry out a carer's assessment applies regardless of the authority's view of? (a) the level of the carer's needs for support, or (b) the level of the carer's financial resources or of those of the adult needing care. A carer's assessment must include an assessment of? (a) whether the carer is able, and is likely to continue to be able, to provide care for the adult needing care, (b) whether the carer is willing, and is likely to continue to be willing, to do so, (c) the impact of the carer's needs for support (d) the outcomes that the carer wishes to achieve in day-to-day life, and (e) whether, and if so to what extent, the provision of support could contribute to the achievement of those outcomes The assessment must also comply with the requirements of Section 10.",Section10 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2827,True,1755,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2449,Social care - compulsory needs assessment,,D,"A local authority must where a needs assessment is refused by an adult carry out that assessment in any event where if? (a) the adult lacks capacity to refuse the assessment and the authority is satisfied that carrying out the assessment would be in the adult's best interests, or (b) the adult is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect.",Section 11 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2450,Social care - eligibility criteria,,D,"A local authority must where it is satisfied on the basis of a needs or carer's assessment that an adult has needs for care and support or that a carer has needs for support, determine whether any of the needs meet the eligibility criteria (see subsection (7)). Having made a determination, the local authority must give the adult concerned a written record of the determination and the reasons for it. Where at least some of an adult's needs for care and support meet the eligibility criteria, the local authority must? (a) consider what could be done to meet those needs that do, (b) ascertain whether the adult wants to have those needs met by the local authority in accordance with this Part, and (c) establish whether the adult is ordinarily resident in the local authority's area. Where at least some of a carer's needs for support meet the eligibility criteria, the local authority must? (a) consider what could be done to meet those needs that do, and (b) establish whether the adult needing care is ordinarily resident in the local authority's area. Where none of the needs of the adult concerned meet the eligibility criteria, the local authority must give him or her written advice and information about? (a) what can be done to meet or reduce the needs; (b) what can be done to prevent or delay the development of needs for care and support, or the development of needs for support, in the future.",Section 13 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,209|1756,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2451,Social care - assessment of financial resources,,D,"A local authority where it has made a determination under section 13(1) thinks that, if it were to meet an adult's needs for care and support, it would charge the adult under section 14(1) for meeting at least some of the needs, it must assess? (a) the level of the adult's financial resources, and (b) the amount (if any) which the adult would be likely to be able to pay towards the cost of meeting the needs for care and support.",Section 17 of the Care Act 2014,,"see also SI 2014/2672 ",True,1756,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2452,Social care - meeting needs,,D,"Subject to the exception contained in sections 21 to 23 a local authority having made a determination under section 13(1) must meet the adult's needs for care and support which meet the eligibility criteria if the adult is ordinarily resident in the authority's area or is present in its area but of no settled residence and there is no charge under section 14 for meeting the needs or, in so far as there is, condition 1, 2 or 3 of section 18 is met.",Sections 18 and 30 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2672 and SI 2014/2670,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2453,Social care - required carer support,,D,"Subject to the exception contained in sections 21 to 23, a local authority having made a determination under section 13(1) must meet a carer's needs for support which meet the eligibility criteria if? (a) the adult needing care is ordinarily resident in the local authority's area or is present in its area but of no settled residence, (b) in so far as meeting the carer's needs involves the provision of support to the carer, there is no charge under section 14 for meeting the needs or, in so far as there is, condition 1 or 2 (of section 20) is met, and (c) in so far as meeting the carer's needs involves the provision of care and support to the adult needing care? (i) there is no charge under section 14 for meeting the needs and the adult needing care agrees to the needs being met in that way, or (ii) in so far as there is such a charge, condition 3 or 4 (of section 20) is met. Where a local authority is required by this section to meet some or all of a carer's needs for support but it does not prove feasible for it to do so by providing care and support to the adult needing care, it must, so far as it is feasible to do so, identify some other way in which to do so.",Sections 20 and 30 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2670,True,162|225|298|1755,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2454,Social care - provision of carer support,,P,"A local authority may meet a carer's needs for support if it is satisfied that it is not required to meet the carer's needs under this section; but, in so far as meeting the carer's needs involves the provision of care and support to the adult needing care, it may do so only if the adult needing care agrees to the needs being met in that way. A local authority may also meet some or all of a carer's needs for support in a way which involves the provision of care and support to the adult needing care, even if the authority would not be required to meet the adult's needs for care and support under section 18.",Sections 20 and 30 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2670,True,209|1755,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2455,Social care - care support plan required review,,D,"A local authority must keep under review generally care and support plans, and support plans, that it has prepared and on a reasonable request by or on behalf of the adult to whom a care and support plan relates or the carer to whom a support plan relates, review the plan and otherwise comply with section 27",Section 27 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,1757,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2456,Social care - care support plan,,D,"Where a local authority is required to meet needs under sections or 20(1) or decides to do so under sections 19(1) and (2) or 20(6), it must? (a) prepare a care and support plan or a support plan for the adult concerned (in accordance with sections 25 and 26 in so far as in force), (b) tell the adult which (if any) of the needs that it is going to meet may be met by direct payments, and (c) help the adult with deciding how to have the needs met. Where a local authority has carried out a needs or carer's assessment but is not required to meet needs and does not decide to do so it must give the adult concerned? (a) its written reasons for not meeting the needs, and (b) (unless it has already done so) advice and information about? (i) what can be done to meet or reduce the needs; (ii) what can be done to prevent or delay the development by the adult concerned of needs for care and support or of needs for support in the future.",Sections 24 to 26 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,1757,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/01/2015,,,,False,True 2457,Social care - meeting assessed needs,,P,"Subject to the exception contained in sections 21 to 23, a local authority having carried out a needs assessment and (if required to do so) a financial assessment, may meet an adult's needs for care and support if? (a) the adult is ordinarily resident in the authority's area or is present in its area but of no settled residence, and (b) the authority is satisfied that it is not required to meet the adult's needs under section18. A local authority, having made a determination under section 13(1), may meet an adult's needs for care and support which meet the eligibility criteria if? (a) the adult is ordinarily resident in the area of another local authority, (b) there is no charge under section for meeting the needs or, in so far as there is such a charge, condition 1, 2 or 3 in section is met, and (c) the authority has notified the other local authority of its intention to meet the needs. (3) A local authority may meet an adult's needs for care and support which appear to it to be urgent (regardless of whether the adult is ordinarily resident in its area) without having yet? (a) carried out a needs assessment or a financial assessment, or (b) made a determination under section 13(1). (4) A local authority may meet an adult's needs under (3) where, for example, the adult is terminally ill.",Sections19 and 30 of the Care Act 2014,,also SI 2014/2670,True,209|1757,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/01/2015,,,,False,True 2458,Social care - care support plan discretionary review,,P,"A local authority may revise a care and support plan; and in deciding whether or how to do so, it? must have regard in particular to the matters referred to in section 9(4) (and specified in the plan under section 25(1)(d)), and must involve? (i) the adult to whom the plan relates, (ii) any carer that the adult has, and (iii) any person whom the adult asks the authority to involve or, where the adult lacks capacity to ask the authority to do that, any person who appears to the authority to be interested in the adult's welfare. A local authority may revise a support plan; and in deciding whether or how to do so, it? must have regard in particular to the matters referred to in section 10(5) and (6) (and specified in the plan under section 25 (1)(d), and (b) must involve? (i) the carer to whom the plan relates, (ii) the adult needing care, if the carer asks the authority to do so, and (iii) any other person whom the carer asks the authority to involve. And otherwise comply with section 27",Section 27 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,1757,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,04/01/2015,,,,False,True 2459,Social care - direct payments for adults with capacity,,D,"This section applies where? (a) a personal budget for an adult specifies an amount which the local authority must pay towards the cost of meeting the needs to which the personal budget relates, and (b) the adult requests the local authority to meet some or all of those needs by making payments to the adult or a person nominated by the adult. If conditions 1 to 4 of section 31 are met, the local authority must, subject to regulations under section 33 make the payments to which the request relates to the adult or nominated person. A payment under this section is referred to as a direct payment",Section 31 and 33 of the Care Act 2014,,also SI 2014/2871,True,287,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2460,Social care - direct payments for adult without capacity,,D,"This section applies where? (a) a personal budget for an adult specifies an amount which the local authority must pay towards the cost of meeting the needs to which the personal budget relates, and (b) the adult lacks capacity to request the local authority to meet any of those needs by making payments to the adult, but (c) an authorised person requests the local authority to meet some or all of those needs by making payments to the authorised person. If conditions 1 to 5 of section 32 are met, the local authority must, subject to regulations under section 33, make the payments to which the request relates to the authorised person. A payment under this section is referred to as a direct payment",Sections 32 and 33 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2871,True,287,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2461,Social care - adults moving between authorities,,D,"Local authorities must co-operate, in accordance with section 37, where they receive notification that someone to whom sections 18 or 19 apply intends moving between local authority areas",Sections 37 and 38 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,209|1756|1757,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2462,social care - ordinary residence of adult,,P,Local authorities must comply with sections 39 to 42 of the Care Act 2014 and with Regulations when determining issues relating to ordinary residence,Sections 39 to 42 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2828 and 2014/2829,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2463,Social care - Safeguarding Adults Board,,D,Each local authority must establish a Safeguarding Adults Board (an ?SAB?) for its area,Sections 43 and Schedule 2 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,1758,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2464,Social care - safeguarding adults review,,D,A local authority must carry out a safeguarding adults review in certain circumstances,Sections 44 and 45 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,731|1758,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2465,Social care - protection of property,,D,"Where an adult is having needs for care and support met under sections 18 or 19 in a way that involves the provision of accommodation, or is admitted to hospital (or both), and (b) it appears to a local authority that there is a danger of loss or damage to movable property of the adult's in the authority's area because? (i) the adult is unable (whether permanently or temporarily) to protect or deal with the property, and (ii) no suitable arrangements have been or are being made. The local authority must take reasonable steps to prevent or mitigate the loss or damage. For the purpose of performing that duty, the local authority? (a) may at all reasonable times and on reasonable notice enter any premises which the adult was living in immediately before being provided with accommodation or admitted to hospital, and (b) may deal with any of the adult's movable property in any way which is reasonably necessary for preventing or mitigating loss or damage",Section 47 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,292|293,,True,Primary duty with supplementary powers of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2466,Social care - meetings needs following provider failure in England,,D,"Where a Registered Care Provider becomes unable to carry on a regulated activity because of business failure. A local authority must for so long as it considers necessary (and in so far as it is not already required to do so) meet those of an adult's needs for care and support and those of a carer's needs for support which were, immediately before the registered care provider became unable to carry on the regulated activity, being met by the carrying on of that activity in the authority's area by the provider. A local authority in accordance with the provisions of sections 48 or 49, must meets those needs regardless of? (a) whether the relevant adult is ordinarily resident in its area; (b) whether the authority has carried out a needs assessment, a carer's assessment or a financial assessment; (c) whether any of the needs meet the eligibility criteria. A local authority may make a charge for meeting needs (except in so far as doing so involves the provision of information or advice); and a charge under this subsection may cover only the cost that the local authority incurs in meeting the needs to which the charge applies","Sections 48, 49 and 52 of the Care Act 2014",,,True,107|292|293,,True,Primary duty with supplementary powers of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2467,Social care - meetings needs following provider failure in Wales,,D,Under certain circumstances involving provider failure a local authority in Wales must meet an adult's needs for care and support,Sections 50 and 52 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,107|292|293,,True,Primary duty with supplementary powers of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2468,Social care - needs assessment on reaching 18,,D,"Where it appears to a local authority that a child is likely to have needs for care and support after becoming 18, the authority must, if it is satisfied that it would be of significant benefit to the child to do so and if the consent condition is met, assess? (a) whether the child has needs for care and support and, if so, what those needs are, and (b) whether the child is likely to have needs for care and support after becoming 18 and, if so, what those needs are likely to be. This assessment is referred to as a child's needs assessment",Sections 58 and 59 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2469,Social care - carer support assessment when child becomes 18,,D,"Where it appears to a local authority that a carer of a child is likely to have needs for support after the child becomes 18, the authority must, if it is satisfied that it would be of significant benefit to the carer to do so, assess? (a) whether the carer has needs for support and, if so, what those needs are, and (b) whether the carer is likely to have needs for support after the child becomes 18 and, if so, what those needs are likely to be. An assessment is referred to in this Part as a child's carer's assessment","Sections 60, 61 and 65 of the Care Act 2014",,see also SI 2014/2827,True,1755,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2470,"Social care - providing child's carer and young carer support ",,P,"Where a local authority, having carried out a child's carer's assessment, is satisfied that the carer has needs for support, it may meet such of those needs as it considers appropriate. In deciding whether or how to exercise this power, a local authority must have regard to Regulations and any services being provided to the carer under section 17 of the Children Act 1989.",Sections 62 to 65 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SIs 2015/305 and 2014/2827,True,225|300|1755,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2471,Social care - independent advocacy,,D,A local authority must provide an independent advocacy service or independent advocate involvement in certain circumstances.,Sections 67 and 68 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SIs 2014/2824 and 2014/2889,True,728,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2472,Social care - support on discharge from hospital,,D,A local authority must comply with the provisions in Schedule 3 with regard to the discharge of hospital patients likely to need care and support.,Section 74 and Schedule 3 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,833,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2473,Social care - persons in prison,,D,A local authority must have regard to section 76 when determining the application of the Act to persons in prison or in approved premises.,Section 76 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,209|1757,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2474,Social care - required register of sight impaired and disabled adults,,D,"A local authority must establish and maintain a register of sight-impaired and severely sight-impaired adults who are ordinarily resident in its area. ",Section 77 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2854,True,1759,,True,,Primary duty of primary importance,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2475,Social care - optional registers of sight impaired and disabled adults,,P,"A local authority may establish and maintain one or more registers of adults with a disability or with a mental or physical impairment who are ordinarily resident in the local authority's area, for the purposes in particular of? planning the provision by the authority of services to meet needs for care and support, and monitoring changes over time in the number of adults in the authority's area with needs for care and support and the types of needs they have.",Section 77 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2854,True,1759,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2476,Social care - complying with guidance,,D,A local authority must comply with guidance issued by the Secretary of State when carrying out its functions under the Care Act.,Section 78 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,1757,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/01/2015,,,,False,True 2477,Social care - delegation of functions,,P,A local authority may delegate some of its functions under the Care Act in certain circumstances,Section 79 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,178|205|242|292|293|313,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2478,Social care - conditions where charging for provision of care,,P,"A charge under the regulations may cover only the cost that the local authority incurs in providing or arranging for the provision of the service, facility or resource or for taking the other step.",Section 2 of the Care Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2673,True,1756,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2479,Social care - joint working with other authorities,,P,A local authority may act jointly with another local authority when carrying out its duties under the Care Act 2014,Section 2 of the Care Act 2014,,also SI 2014/2673,True,178|204|242|292|293|313,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2480,Social care - charging for provision of care,,P,A local authority may charge for provision of care to meet needs under sections 19 and 20 of the Care Act 2104,,see also SI 2014/2673,,True,1756,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,10/01/2014,,,,False,True 2481,Social care - transition from child to adult support,,D,A local authority must takes certain steps in relation to existing care arrangements for the child where an assessment is taking place under the Care Act 2014,Sections 17ZH and 17ZLof the Children Act 1989,,,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2482,Social care - transition to adult support,,D,A local authority must takes certain steps in relation to existing care arrangements for a child where an assessment is taking place under the Care Act 2014,Section 2A of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970,,,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2483,Meetings - providing live or later access to meetings,,P,"A local authority must comply with Regulations made by the Secretary of State in making provision for and in connection with allowing persons? (a) to film, photograph or make sound recordings of proceedings at a meeting of a body to which this section applies, or of a committee or sub-committee of such a body; (b) to use other means for enabling persons not present at such a meeting to see or hear proceedings at the meeting, as it takes place or later; (c) to report or provide commentary on the proceedings at such a meeting, orally or in writing, so that the report or commentary is available, as the meeting takes place or later, to persons not present at the meeting.",Section 40 of the Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,,see also SI 2014/2095,True,354|1030,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,30/03/2014,,,,False,True 2484,Social care - provision of services,,D,"A local authority must have regard to section 8 of the Care Act 2014 when considering how to make needs under section 18 to 20 Section 8 says: (1)The following are examples of what may be provided to meet needs under sections 18 to 20? (a)accommodation in a care home or in premises of some other type; (b)care and support at home or in the community; (c)counselling and other types of social work; (d)goods and facilities; (e)information, advice and advocacy. (2)The following are examples of the ways in which a local authority may meet needs under sections 18 to 20? (a)by arranging for a person other than it to provide a service; (b)by itself providing a service; (c)by making direct payments. (3)?Care home? has the meaning given by section 3 of the Care Standards Act 2000.",Section 8 of the Care Act 2014,,,True,205|209|242|292|293|313|728|1743|1757,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,04/01/2015,,,,False,True 2485,Street trading - regulation,,P,"A local authority may adopt schedule 4 of the Act to enable it to Regulate street trading. ",Section 3 and Schedule 4 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,,True,400,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,,True,13/07/1982,,,,False,True 2486,Local authority - publicity,,D,A local authority must comply with a Direction form the Secretary of State to comply with Code of Practice on local authority publicity.,Section 4A of the Local Government Act 1986,,,True,359|659|1640,,False,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,30/03/2014,,,,False,True 2487,"Detained young persons ? post detention education, health and care needs",,D,"In certain circumstances a local authority must carry out an assessment of a detained persons post detention education, health and care needs.",Section 71 of the Children and Families Act 2014.,,See also SI 2015/62,True,8,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2488,Detained young persons ? securing EHC Plan,,P,In certain circumstances a local authority must secure an EHC plan for a detained young person.,Sections 72 and 73 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,See also SI 2015/62,True,8,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2489,Detained young persons ? Keeping an EHC plan,,D,Where an authority was maintaining an EHC plan immediately before the beginning of his or her detention or where the home authority has secured the preparation of an EHC plan the home authority must keep the EHC plan while a person is detained in relevant youth accommodation.,Section 74 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2490,Detained young persons ? supply and charge for goods and services,,P,A local authority may provide goods and services to a person or body providing a service to a detained young person under section 74 and may charge for the same.,Section 75 of the Children and Families Act 2014,,,True,8,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2491,Air quality - review,,D,A local authority shall from time to time conduct a review of air quality within its area.,Section 82 of the Environment Act 1995,,,True,413,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London,True,23/12/1997,,,,False,True 2492,Air quality - management areas,,D,A local authority shall designate an area identified as part of a review as failing to meet air quality standards as an air quality management area. This designation may be amended or revoked as a result of a further review.,Sections 83 and 84 of the Environment Act 1995," ",,True,413,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London,True,23/12/1997,,,,False,True 2493,Air quality - County Council recommendations,,P,A local authority being a County Council may make recommendations to a District Council in relation to air quality reviews n its area for that District Council to consider.,Section 86 of the Environment Act 1995,,,True,413,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,,True,22/04/2011,,,,False,True 2494,Finance - Public service pension scheme,,D,A local authority must comply with the pension scheme regulations made by the responsible authority.,Section 3 of the Public Service Pension Schemes Act 2013,,"See also SIs (as amended) 2013/2356, 2014/512; 2104/2848 and 2015/17",True,970,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,,True,28/02/2014,,,,False,True 2495,Highways - road safety and accident assessment,,D,A local authority must prepare and carry out a programme of measures designed to promote road safety and must take appropriate measures to reduce or prevent such accidents including the dissemination of information (which may include practical training).,Section 39 Road Traffic Act 1988,,,False,545|548,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London,True,03/07/2000,,,,False,True 2496,Transport ? Management of transport network,,P,A local authority must manage and make arrangements for the management of the transport network in its area and have regard to the guidance of the secretary of state when so doing.,Sections 16 to 19 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.,,,True,548|1587,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,12/02/2015,,,,False,True 2497,Transport - compliance in respect of transport management,,D,A local authority must comply with the intervention powers of the Secretary of State in relation to its management of the transport network in its area.,Sections 20 to 30 of the Traffic Management Act 2004.,,,True,548|1587,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,12/02/2015,,,,False,True 2498,Regulated activities - advice and guidance,,D,A local authority must if nominated as a ?Primary Authority? by the Secretary of State give advice and guidance to regulated persons and to other local authorities regarding that function.,Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 Section 27,,,True,402|403|404|407|434|775|1053,Applies to any regulated activities,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly; a port health authority in Wales ",True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2499,Regulated activities - notification to primary authority,,D,A local authority must notify the ?Primary Authority? as to its intention to take enforcement action against a regulated person and follow the Primary Authority?s directions.,Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 Sections 28 and 29,,"See also: Co-ordination of Regulatory Enforcement (Enforcement Action) Order 2009/665 Co-ordination of Regulatory Enforcement (Enforcement Action) (Amendment) Order 2013/2286 Co-ordination of Regulatory Enforcement (Enforcement Action) (Amendment) Order 2014/573 Co-ordination of Regulatory Enforcement (Enforcement Action) (Amendment) (No. 2) Order 2014/3070",True,402|403|404|407|434|775|1053,Applies to any regulated activities,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly; a port health authority in Wales ",True,02/02/2012,,,,False,True 2500,Regulated activities - inspection plans,,P,A local authority which is a ?Primary Authority? may draw up inspection plan in respect of a regulated activity.,Regulatory Enforcement and Sanctions Act 2008 Section 30,,,True,401|402|403|404|434|775|1053,Applies to any regulated activities,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; the Council of the Isles of Scilly; a port health authority in Wales",False,02/02/2012,,,,False,True 2501,Communities - proposal for sustainable communities,,P,A local authority may respond to an invitation from the Secretary of State to produce a proposal for sustainable local communities.,Section 5A and the Schedule to the Sustainable Communities Act 2007,,"see also SI 2012/1523 Sustainable Communities Regulations 2008/2694 Sustainable Communities Regulations 2012/1523",True,347|494|823,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,08/06/2010,,,,False,True 2502,Transport - Review of transport effectiveness in area with no ITA,,P,Any two or more local authorities for an area with no integrated transport authority may undertake review of transport effectiveness in area. With an incidental duty to prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 80 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493|548,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,False,Power is applicable to a local authority provided it's area is not covered by an Integrated Transport Authority,True,09/02/2009,,,,False,True 2503,Transport - Directed review of transport effectiveness in area with no ITA,,D,When directed by the Secretary of State any two or more local authorities for an area with no integrated transport authority must undertake review of transport effectiveness in area and prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 81 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493|548,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Applies to a local authority where the area is not covered by an Integrated Transport Authority,True,09/02/2009,,,,False,True 2504,Transport - Review of transport effectiveness in area with ITA,,P,Any one or more local authorities for an area with an integrated transport authority or where the area could be included in a proposed integrated transport authority may undertake review of transport effectiveness in area. With an incidental duty to prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 82 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493|548,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Applies to local authorities in an area which is (or is proposed as) an area covered by an integrated transport authority.,True,09/02/2009,,,,False,True 2505,Transport - directed review of transport effectiveness in area with an ITA,,D,The Secretary of State may direct any one or more local authorities for an area with an integrated transport authority may undertake review of transport effectiveness in area and to prepare and publish a scheme.,Section 83 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493|548,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Applies to councils in an area where there is (or is proposed to be) and integrated transport authority.,True,09/02/2009,,,,False,True 2506,Transport - delegation of functions by Secretary of State,,D,Duty to comply with the delegation of functions by the Secretary of State in respect of an Integrated Transport Area including the conferral of a power to direct.,Sections 86 - 89 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493|548,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Applicable to councils within an integrated transport area,True,17/12/2009,,,,False,True 2507,Transport - regard to the Secretary of State?s guidance in respect of Integrated Transport Area.,,D,A local authority must have regard to the Secretary of State?s guidance in respect of Integrated Transport Area.,Section 96 of the Local Transport Act 2008,,,True,493|548,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Applies to councils in an integrated transport area,True,17/12/2009,,,,False,True 2508,Child welfare - safeguarding and promotion,,D,A local authority must when exercising its functions have regard to the need to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and have regard to guidance from the Secretary of State when so doing.,Children Act 2004 section 11,,,True,266,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2509,Ward councillor - exercise of any function of a local authority,,P,"A local authority may authorise a councillor for a ward or division to discharge its functions (to the extent allowed) in respect of that ward or division. ",Section 236 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007,,,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,,,False,False 2510,Health and social care - joint strategic needs assessment,,D,"A local authority must prepare a health and social care joint strategic needs assessment and well-being strategy, co-operate with its partners and publish the same when required to do so by the Secretary of State and must have regard to those strategies when exercising its functions.",Sections 116 to 116B of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007.,,,True,1745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority.,True,27/03/2012,,,,False,True 2511,Planning and development Wales - direction from Assembly,,P,Two or more bodies must prepare a joint development plan when directed to do so by the Assembly,Section 72 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004.,,See also Town and Country Planning (Local Development Plan) (Wales) Regulations 2005/2839,True,1708,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/12/2015,,,,False,True 2512,Adoption - Information regarding premises inspection,,D,A local authority must provide the appropriate Minister with information or allow inspection of records relating to the exercise of its functions in relation to premises inspections etc. on request.,Section 15 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,,True,160,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,30/12/2005,,,,False,True 2513,Adoption - compliance with regulations regarding refusal of contact,,D,A local authority must comply with regulations when refusing to allow contact allowed under a Contact Order.,Section 27 of the Adoption and Children Act 2002,,"See also Adoption Agencies (Wales) Regulations 2005/1313 and Adoption Agencies Regulations 2005/389",True,160,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/02/2004,,,,False,True 2514,Highways - creation of roads,,P,A local authority may construct certain roads after taking the prescribed steps.,"Section 24 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,,,False,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London (in it's capacity as a local authority),True,12/02/2015,,,,False,False 2515,Highways - conversion of private street,,P,"A local authority may convert a private street into a highway. ","Section 34 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,701|1706,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority),True,25/07/2003,,,,False,True 2516,Highways - creation of walkway,,P,A local authority may create a walkway by agreement having followed the prescribed procedure.,"Section 35 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,537,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority),True,25/07/2003,,,,False,True 2517,Highways - list of maintainable highways,,D,A local authority must maintain a list of highways maintainable at the public expense for its area.,"Section 36 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1087,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority),True,11/07/2006,,,,False,True 2518,Highways - adoption by agreement,,P,A local authority may adopt a highway by agreement,"Section 38 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,701,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in its capacity as a local authority),True,12/02/2015,,,,False,True 2519,"Highways - entering premises ",,P,"The highway authority may enter premises for surveying, making plans and certain other purposes.","Section 294 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,549,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,,,False,True 2520,Highways - right to use vehicles on footways and bridleways,,P,"A local authority may use vehicles and appliances on footways and bridleways for cleansing, maintaining or improving footpaths, footways or bridleways or their verges, for preventing or removing obstructions to them or otherwise preventing or abating nuisances or other interferences with them, or for maintaining or altering structures or other works situated therein.","Section 300 Highways Act 1980 ",,,True,1120,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/1981,,,,False,True 2521,Planning and land - publication of information,,P,A local authority must publish information in accordance with the Secretary of State?s Code of Practice.,"Section 2 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980 ",,"See also sections 3 of the Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980, Local Government (Publication of Staffing Information) (Wales) Regulations 1996/1899, Local Government (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2014/2680, Local Government (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015/480 and Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015/494",True,494|599|856|1708,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to a parish council, a community council, a parish meeting of a parish which does not have a separate parish council, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,26/05/2015,,,,False,True 2522,Childcare - provision of information about young children,,D,The regulations identify when a local authority will have the responsibility of the duties of a prescribed person pursuant to the Childcare Act 2006.,"Regulations 5, 6 and 9 of the Childcare (Provision of Information About Young Children) (England) Regulations 2009/1554",,Enabling Act - Childcare Act 2006 - Section 99,True,12|1741,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/01/2015,,,,False,True 2523,Council tax - listing of valuation bands,,D,A local authority must comply with the content of the Regulations relating to the content of lists and appeals.,Council Tax (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2009/2270,,Enabling Acts: The Local Government Finance Act 1988 and the Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57|58,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Common Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2009,,,,False,True 2524,Council tax - rating appeals,,D,A local authority must comply with the appeals procedure set out in the Regulations,Valuation Tribunal for England (Council Tax and Rating Appeals) (Procedure) Regulations 2009/2269,,Enabling Act: Local Government Finance Act 1988 ? Part III and Part XI,True,,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2009,,,,False,False 2525,Direct payments - determination of eligibility,,D,The regulations identify the eligibility criteria for persons entitled to receive direct payments from local authorities in England,"Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009/1887",,Enabling Acts: Mental Health Act 1993; Children Act 1989; National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and the Health and Social Care Act 2001,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,09/11/2009,,,,False,True 2526,"Direct payments - review, repayment and termination",,D,"A responsible authority must review the making of direct payments: a) at least once within the first year of the direct payments being made, b) at appropriate intervals, not exceeding twelve months, thereafter c) where they receive information that the payment has not been used as intended As a result of any review they may require repayment or may terminate any provision of direct payments","Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009/1887 (Sections 15 to 20)",,Enabling Acts: Mental Health Act 1993; Children Act 1989; National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and the Health and Social Care Act 2001.,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,09/11/2009,,,,False,True 2527,Schools - changing of session times,,P,A local authority in Wales may change school session times (start and end times of the school day) in accordance with the procedure set out in the Regulations,Changing of School Session Times (Wales) Regulations 2009/572 (Regulation 3),,Enabling acts: Sections 32 and 210 of the Education Act 2002,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,,,False,False 2528,Looked after children - designated teacher,,P,A school governing body must ensure that the designated teacher for looked after pupils meets with the requirements of Regulation 3.,Designated Teacher (Looked After Pupils etc)(England) Regulations 2009/1538,,Enabling Act: Section 20(3) Children and Young Persons Act 2008,True,840|1282,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Applies to the governing body of a maintained school,True,01/09/2009,,,,False,True 2529,Looked after children - admission to school,,D,A school governing body as admissions authority and a local authority where it is the admissions authority must comply with the Regulations with regard to the admissions of looked after children to school.,Education (Admission of Looked After Children) (Wales) Regulations 2009/821,,"Enabling Acts: School Standards and Framework Act 1998 sections 89, 97D and 138.",True,840|1282,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Applies to the governing body of a maintained school,True,22/04/2009,,,,False,True 2530,Education - information about child in alternative provision,,P,A local authority may request such information regarding the education of children in alternative provision as is allowed for by the Regulations,Education (Information About Children in Alternative Provision) (Wales) Regulations 2009/3355 (Regulation 5 and Schedule 1 ),,"Enabling Acts: School Standards and Framework Act 1998 sections 537A, 537B and 569 of the Education Act 1996",True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,12/01/2010,,,,False,False 2531,Education - local curriculum for key stage 4,,D,A local authority must form for its area one or more local curricula in accordance with section 116A of the 2002 Act and these Regulations in sufficient time before the start of a school year to enable pupils to elect to follow a course of study in accordance with regulation 8.,Education (Local Curriculum for Pupils in Key Stage 4) (Wales) Regulations 2009/3256 (Regulations 3 and 4),,"Enabling Acts: School Standards and Framework Act 1998, sections 116 and 210 of the Education Act 2002",True,1699,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/01/2010,,,,False,True 2532,Education - notification of pupil not entitled to course of study,,P,A headteacher must comply with the Regulations when deciding not to award or to remove an entitlement of a pupil to a course of study.,Education (Local Curriculum for Pupils in Key Stage 4) (Wales) Regulations 2009/3256 (Regulations 9 and 10),,"Enabling Acts: School Standards and Framework Act 1998, sections 116 and 210 of the Education Act 2002",True,1699,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Applicable to the head teacher of a maintained school,True,01/01/2010,,,,False,True 2533,Building control - charges,,P,LAs may fix and recover charges for the performance of their building control functions relating to building regulations according to a charging scheme governed by principles laid down in the Regulations. Each LA is responsible for setting its own building control charges and for doing so within the accounting and administrative requirements laid down.,Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010/404,,Enabled by The Building Act 1984,True,499,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2010,,,,False,True 2534,Building control - general powers,,P,"LAs may relax some of the building regulations, issue completion certificates where building work complies with regulations and carry out various testing.",Building Regulations 2010/2214,,Enabled by The Building Act 1984,True,499|1157,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2535,Business rate supplement - expenses,,P,"LAs may deduct administrative expenses in relation to collection and recovery of the Business Rate Supplement. ","The Business Rate Supplements (Administrative Expenses) (England) Regulations 2010 ? SI 2010/134",,Enabled by Business Rate Supplements Act 2009,True,1672,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,02/03/2010,,,,False,True 2536,Business rate supplement - accounting,,D,"LAs may treat specified items as debits or credits to the revenue account, must make good any deficits in the BRS revenue accounts of a levying authority or a functional body out of general funds and must make refunds and credits where the imposition of a BRS has come to an end or has been cancelled by the Secretary of State under section 24 of the Act.",Business Rate Supplements (Accounting) (England) Regulations?SI no. 2010/403,,Enabled by Business Rate Supplements Act 2009,True,1672,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/03/2010,,,,False,True 2537,Children and young people - care leavers (England),,D,"LAs must assess needs, prepare and review pathway plans and provide prescribed support to certain children and young people who are no longer looked after by a local authority",Care Leavers (England) Regulations 2010/2571,,Enabled by The Children Act 1989,True,918,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2538,Children and young people - care planning,,D,"LAs must plan for the care of the looked after child, the content of plans are prescribed as are associated matters including the steps to be followed when an LA refuses contact with a child. Placements visits and advice, support and assistance between visits must be made and available and reviews and records kept","Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (England) Regulations 2010/959",,Enabled by The Children Act 1989,True,1723,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2539,Conservation - habitats and species,,D,"LAs must exercise their nature conservation functions so as to comply with the Habitats Directive and consider the effect on a European site before the granting consents or authorisations including the grant of planning permission and subject to specified exceptions (considerations of overriding public interest), may not authorise a plan or project that may adversely affect the integrity of a European site.",Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010/490,,These Regulations transpose Council Directive 92/43/EEC on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (?the Habitats Directive?).,True,495|596|702|745|1738,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, a parish council in England or a community council in wales",True,01/04/2010,,,,False,True 2540,Council tax - demand notices,,D,"Specified information must be included in council tax demand notices including the dwelling to which the notice relates, the valuation band applicable to the dwelling, the amount of council tax payable in respect of the dwelling and comparisons with the preceding year. Precepting authorities and levying bodies must also supply information to billing authorities",Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 2010/2990,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Applies to a metropolitan county fire and rescue authority or a fire and rescue authority in England constituted by a scheme under section 2 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act 2004 ",True,14/01/2011,,,,False,True 2541,Pollution control - detergents in water,,D,"LAs in England and Wales are enforcement authorities with powers to appoint authorised officers who must enforce contraventions of the Regulations in their area by serving notices, imposing requirements, using powers of entry and seizure and disposing of controlled product",Detergents Regulations 2010/740,,"Enabled by Regulation (EC) No 648/2004 of the European Parliament and of the Council on detergents (OJ No L104, 8.4.2004, p.1) (?Regulation 648/2004?) - directly applicable in the United Kingdom",True,660,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to Primary duty of primary importance,True,06/04/2010,,,,False,True 2542,Food safety - milk,,D,Each food authority must enforce the provisions of the Regulations within its area and give such assistance and information to any other food authority in Great Britain,Drinking Milk (Wales) Regulations 2010/1492,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1970,True,406|407,,True,,,True,,True,18/06/2010,,,,False,True 2543,Schools - off-site provision for behaviour improvement,,D,LAs/Governing bodies of maintained schools must give notice containing prescribed information to a person they have imposed a requirement under s29A(1) of the Education Act on to attend off site provision to improve behaviour. They are required to keep the provision under review and have regard to guidance in force,Education (Educational Provision for Improving Behaviour) Regulations 2010/1156,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,7|896,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Applies to Governing Bodies of maintained schools. Also applies to ) the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority)",True,01/09/2010,,,,False,True 2544,Schools - Pupil Referral Unit closure,,D,"In the event of a PRU closure direction a LA must prepare a statement of the education provision arrangements to be made under section 19 of the Education Act 1996 containing pupil numbers, ages, the nature of the provision and the means by which it is to be made and send it to the Secretary of State and the Chief Inspector within the permitted period. It must also secure education under the alternative direction until revoked and report on any bid process directed.",Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Closure) (England) Regulations 2010/1071,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, or the Council of the Isles of Scilly;",True,01/09/2010,,,There are amendments pending to this legislation,False,True 2545,Schools - maintaining a register,,D,LAs/Schools are required to include pupils? names in the admissions register and may only mark them as absent or remove names in certain specified circumstances. Computer stored records must be backed up not less than once a month.,Education (Pupil Registration) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1954,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2010,,,,False,False 2546,Schools - reintegration interview,,D,"LAs/head teachers of maintained school must request the parents of an excluded pupil of compulsory school age to attend a reintegration interview under section 102 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and follow the prescribed procedure. ",Education (Reintegration Interview) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2953,,Enabled by Education and Inspections Act 2006,True,34,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/01/2011,,,,False,True 2547,Food safety - eggs,,D,LAs acting as food authorities must enforce the Regulations in the local area (relating to marketing standards for eggs) and give assistance and information to other enforcement authorities,Eggs and Chicks (Wales) Regulations 2010/1671,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,16/07/2010,,,,False,True 2548,Pollution control - environment permits,,P,"Where a specified regulated facility is or will be operated in a LA?s area, a LA may carry out various functions in relation to that facility including granting, varying, transferring and requiring surrender of permits and take actions relating to the enforcement and prevention of pollution",Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010/675,,Enabled by Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999,True,707|1207|1230|1237|1248|1261|1270|1271|1272|1273|1274|1275|1276|1277|1278|1279|1280,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,10/03/2010,,,,False,True 2549,Food safety - gluten intolerance,,D,An LA (food authority) shall execute and enforce Regulations relating to foodstuffs for people intolerant to Gluten within its area,Foodstuffs Suitable for People Intolerant to Gluten (England) Regulations 2010/2281,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990 and Commission Regulation (EC) No. 41/2009,True,406|407|410|791,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/01/2012,,,,False,True 2550,Public health - infection and contamination control,,P,"LAs in Wales have discretionary powers to prevent, protect against, control or provide a public health response to the incidence or spread of infection or contamination which presents or could present significant harm to human health. LAs can require that a child is kept away from school; a head teacher provide it with the names and contact details of the pupils at the school; disinfect or decontaminate things or premises on request from the owner or tenant; request specified things for health protection purposes and offer compensation or expenses in relation to a request; restrict contact with, and access to, a dead body and take action to relocate a dead body.",Health Protection (Local Authority Powers) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1545,,Enabled by Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984,True,408|435,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,26/07/2010,,,,False,True 2551,Public health - Part 2a orders,,P,"LAs in Wales must make reasonable enquiries of and give notice to prescribed persons of an application for a Part 2A order under the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984 and may impose reasonable charges to recover the costs of actions taken where an order is in relation things and premises. An LA must provide information to the person subject to the order and have regard to the impact of the order on the welfare of that person or any, where an order is for detention, isolation or quarantine. It must also report details of applications, orders and variations or revocations of orders to the Welsh Ministers",Health Protection (Part 2A Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2010/1544,,Enabled by Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984,True,407|408|435,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/07/2010,,,,False,True 2552,Marine strategy,,D,"Each LA must, in exercising any functions so far as affecting the marine strategy area, have regard to any marine strategy developed under regulation 5.",Marine Strategy Regulations 2010/1627,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Directive 2008/56/EC,True,848,,True,"Primary duty of primary importance ",,True,"Also applies to a parish council, the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,15/07/2010,,,,False,True 2553,Child protection - international obligations,,D,An LA must make an application to the High Court to request a competent authority of the Contracting State of the habitual residence of a child for authorisation to exercise jurisdiction if an application in respect of a child under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 (care and supervision orders) is to be made and it must provide a report to the competent authority of the other Contracting State in accordance with Article 33(1) of the Convention if it is exercising jurisdiction under the Convention.,Parental Responsibility and Measures for the Protection of Children (International Obligations) (England and Wales and Northern Ireland) Regulations 2010/1898,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Council Regulation (EC) No. 2201/2003,True,,,False,"Secondary duty of secondary importance ",,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/11/2012,,,,False,False 2554,Renewable energy - sale of electricity,,P,"LAs can sell electricity which is produced from the following renewable sources: wind, solar, aero thermal, geothermal, hydrothermal and ocean energy, hydropower, biomass, landfill gas, sewage treatment plant gas, and biogases. ",Sale of Electricity by Local Authorities (England and Wales) Regulations 2010/1910,,Enabled by Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,True,,,True,Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,18/08/2010,,,,False,True 2555,Education - schools budget,,P,LAs must make an initial determination of the schools budget before 14 February preceding a funding period and notify schools' governing bodies of the amount of their budget shares and how the budget share was calculated together with estimates of the budget shares for the following two funding periods. It must determine a formula for budget shares and consult on any changes made. Various factors and criteria must be taken into account in determining budget shares and which must be dealt with in schemes,School Funding (Wales) Regulations 2010/824,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,969|1631,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2010,,,,False,True 2556,Schools - shadow governors,,D,"LAs must determine the size of a shadow governing body which may be appointed from various categories and may remove a shadow governor at any time for incapacity or misbehaviour. It may be established at least six months before the interim executive board is to become a normally constituted governing body. The Regulations prescribe the conduct of the governing body and procedure for the transition from an interim executive board to a normally constituted governing body. ",School Governance (Transition from an Interim Executive Board) (England) Regulations 2010/1918,,Enabled by Education and Inspections Act 2006,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/09/2010,,,,False,True 2557,Schools - teacher's pensions,,D,"Requirements on a LA/School employer regarding the payment of contributions and the administration of Teachers? pensions ",Teachers' Pensions Regulations 2010/990,,Enabled by Superannuation Act 1972,True,1661,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2010,,,,False,True 2558,Education - parenting contracts,,D,LAs/Governing Bodies applying or entering into must bear the costs associated with the requirements of parenting orders or contracts including in each case the costs of providing counselling or guidance programmes and may recover the costs from another LA or GB by agreement,The Education (Parenting Contracts and Parenting Orders) (Wales) Regulations 2010/2954,,Enabled by Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/01/2011,,,,False,False 2559,Consumer protection - timeshare regulations,,D,LAs must enforce the Regulations within its area,"Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange Contracts Regulations 2010/2960",,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,403|789,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.,True,23/02/2011,,,,False,True 2560,Public health - animals,,P,"LAs have the powers along with the Secretary of State and the Food Standards Agency to appoint inspectors, who have powers of entry and inspection",Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (England) Regulations 2010/801,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,406|788,,True,European Communities Act 1972,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,06/04/2010,,,,False,True 2561,Looked after children - visits in detention,,D,LAs must visit children who have ceased to be looked after by them as a result of prescribed circumstances (under section 23ZA of the 1989 Act) in the frequency and manner prescribed and provide a report on such visits.,Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (England) Regulations 2010/2797,,Enabled by Children Act 1989,True,840|1722,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2562,Pollution control - water quality,,D,"LAs must make such arrangements with the specified relevant supplier as will secure that the authority is notified as required by the regulations and may take and analyse, by a person designated by them in writing, such samples of the water supplied to premises in their area as they may reasonably require",Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2010/994,,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Water Industry Act 1991 ",True,660|776|1051,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,20/04/2010,,,,False,True 2563,Animal welfare - racing greyhounds,,D,"LAs must, on the receipt of an application in writing for a licence, grant or renew a licence to an operator, if satisfied that the licensing conditions are or will be met and any appropriate fee has been paid. An LA must carry out an inspection of a track to satisfy itself that the licensing conditions are or will be met before granting or renewing a licence; and may grant or renew a licence for any period of up to 3 years",Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010/543,,Enabled by Animal Welfare Act 2006,True,1357,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of london,True,06/04/2010,,,,False,True 2564,Staff pensions - discretionary payments,,P,A LA who is a Local Government Pension Scheme employer may make discretionary payments to employees who in the course of carrying out their work sustain an injury or contract a disease and must publish its policy regarding the exercise of its powers.,Local Government (Discretionary Payments) (Injury Allowances) Regulations 2011/2954,,Enabled by Superannuation Act 1972,True,1661,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London.,True,16/01/2012,,,,False,True 2565,Local government - referendum on governance,,D,"An LA must hold a referendum on whether a local authority should change to a different form of governance if a valid petition is received with the support of at least 5% of the local government electors in the authority's area. The LA must follow the prescribed procedure including giving public notice of notices received and any referendum to be held.",Local Authorities (Referendums)(Petitions)(England) Regulations 2011/2914,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,1291,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,23/01/2012,,,,False,True 2566,Mental health - care co-ordination,,D,"Where a Local Health Board is responsible for providing a secondary mental health service to a relevant patient and a LA is also responsible for providing such a service, then the Local Health Board is the relevant mental health service provider for a relevant patient unless the patient is the subject of? a guardianship application or order, or, is under the age of eighteen years and?is looked after by a LA or is a relevant child or qualifies for advice and assistance or is admitted to a school in accordance with a statement of SEN that names the school in which case the LA is to act as the mental health service provider",Mental Health (Care Co-ordination and Care and Treatment Planning) (Wales) Regulations 2011/2942,,Enabled by Mental Health (Wales) Measure 2010,True,1284,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/06/2012,,,,False,True 2567,Mental health - assessment of residency,,D,"A LA is responsible for determining within which local area an adult (who is a former user of secondary mental health services) resides, where there is a question about whether an adult's usual or most residence is situated within a particular LA area. However, where the local mental health partners for another LA area agree to act as the local mental health partners for an adult, then that adult is deemed to be usually resident within that other LA area",Mental Health (Assessment of Former Users of Secondary Mental Health Services) (Wales) Regulations 2011/2500,,Enabled by Mental Health Wales Measure 2010,True,1284,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/06/2012,,,,False,True 2568,Animal welfare - non-commercial movement of birds,,P,"An officer of the LA (a designated ?competent authority? for the purposes of Article 10 in relation to Commission Decision 2007/25/EC as regards certain protection measures in relation to highly pathogenic avian influenza and movements of pet birds accompanying their owners into the Community) may serve a written notice on the person accompanying the bird, requiring that person to? (a) return the bird to its country of origin, (b) place the bird in quarantine for such period, at such place and subject to such conditions as may be specified in the notice, or (c) where the return or quarantine of the bird is not possible, cause the bird to be destroyed by a date specified in the notice. Where a notice is not complied with, an officer of the LA may seize the bird, detain it and arrange for it to be treated as required by the notice at the expense of the person on whom notice is served.",Non-Commercial Movement of Pet Animals Order 2011/2883,,"Enabled by Animal Health Act 1981, European Communities Act 1972 and Decision 2007/25/EC",True,434|788,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/01/2012,,,,False,True 2569,Food safety - plastic kitchenware importation,,D,"Each LA (?food authority?) in its area or district must execute and enforce the Commission Regulation and the Regulations which lay down specific conditions and detailed procedures for the import of polyamide and melamine plastic kitchenware originating in or consigned from the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, China",Plastic Kitchenware (Conditions on Imports from China) (England) Regulations 2011/1517,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990 and Commission Regulation (EU) No. 284/2011,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/07/2011,,,,False,True 2570,Food safety - poultrymeat storage (England),,D,Each LA (?food authority?) must enforce the European poultry meat provisions in its area (other than at slaughterhouses and cutting plants); and that retail shop and premises adjacent to sales points where cutting and handling are performed solely for the purpose of supplying the consumer directly on the spot with fresh poultrymeat must keep it at a temperature not below ? 2?C and not higher than 8?C,Poultrymeat (England) Regulations 2011/452,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,21/03/2011,,,,False,True 2571,Looked after children - visits in detention (Wales),,P,"A LA must ensure that children who have ceased to be looked after by it and that are detained are visited by a representative of the LA in private within ten working days of the child first being detained and thereafter whenever reasonably requested to do so by specified persons, for example, the child and that they have access to advice, support and assistance. The representative must provide a report of each visit including prescribed details and provide a copy to the child",Visits to Former Looked After Children in Detention (Wales) Regulations 2011/699,,Enabled by The Children Act 1989,True,918|1722,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2572,Planning - environmental impact assessment,,D,"A planning authority shall not grant planning permission or subsequent consent unless they have first taken the environmental information into consideration and they shall state in their decision that they have done so. A LA must follow specified procedures concerning screening opinions, applications, environmental statements, notifications, unauthorised development and other miscellaneous developments.",Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2011/1824,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1738,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,24/08/2011,,,,False,True 2573,Consumer protection - toy safety,,D,"An enforcement authority may request a manufacturer or a distributor who has placed a toy on the market to cooperate with it in relation to any action taken or to be taken to eliminate any risk posed by the toy and may serve a compliance notice on an economic operator in cases of formal non-compliance and toys presenting a risk. The LA must carry out an evaluation in relation to the toy covering all the requirements of the Regulations and may require appropriate corrective action to bring the toy into compliance or may serve a withdrawal or recall notice If it does so it must give immediate notice to the Secretary of State ",Toys (Safety) Regulations 2011/1881,,Enabled by Consumer Protection Act 1987 and European Communities Act 1972,True,402|403,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applis to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,19/08/2011,,,,False,True 2574,Children - fostering service,,D,"A LA (acting as a Fostering Service Provider) must have, and keep under review, a statement of purpose setting out the aims, objectives, services and facilities provided by the fostering service, and a children's guide to the service. FSPs must safeguard and promote the welfare of children placed by them (in so far as these duties are not already imposed by the 1989 Act), implement policies for the safeguarding of children, promote contact between foster children and their families; promote the health and development and the educational achievement of foster children; provide support and information to foster parents; have a procedure for considering complaints made by or on behalf of foster children and foster parents. They must comply with requirements relating to the staffing of the fostering service, record keeping and the assessment of prospective foster parents.",Fostering Services (England) Regulations 2011/581,,Enabled by Children Act 1989 and Care Standards Act 2000,True,159,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2575,Schools - performance targets,,P,"The governing body of a maintained school must set performance targets for pupils in the second, third and fourth key stages. Governing bodies of a maintained school providing secondary education must set final, reviewed and provisional targets in respect of pupils' unauthorised absence from school for 1 and 2 years ahead. Information concerning these targets and the actual unauthorised absence rate must be published every year with the governing body's annual report.",School Performance and Absence Targets (Wales) Regulations 2011/1945,,Enabled by Education Act 1997 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,31|35,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2011,,,,False,True 2576,Animal trade - enforcement (Wales),,D,"A local authority must enforce the Regulations in relation to products (at a border inspection post) and in relation to animals and products (other than at a border inspection post or at any cutting plant, game-handling establishment or slaughterhouse, or premises at which the Food Standards Agency enforces the Food Hygiene (Wales) Regulations 2000).",Trade in Animals and Related Products (Wales) Regulations 2011/2379,,Enabled by European communities act 1972,True,772,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,19/10/2011,,,,False,True 2577,Animal trade - enforcement (England),,D,A local authority must enforce the Regulations in relation to animals and animal products imported into England,The Trade in Animals and Related Products Regulations 2011,,Enabled by European communities act 1972 and Finance Act 1971,True,772,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,25/05/2011,,,,False,True 2578,Animal health - tuberculosis enforcement (Wales),,P,A local authority must enforce regulations relating to tuberculosis in non-bovine animals,Tuberculosis (Wales) Order 2011/692,,Enabled by Animal Health Act 1981,True,788,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/03/2011,,,,False,True 2579,Looked after children - visits,,D,"The LA?s representative must visit an unassessed accommodated child (in private) within 7 days of a notification under S.85(1) of the 1989 Act and at 6 monthly intervals (maximum) thereafter. Where a child?s needs have been assessed within the 12 months up to the notification, the LA?s representative must visit the child within 3 months and at 6 monthly intervals (maximum) afterwards. A LA?s representative must visit whenever reasonably requested by the child or if necessary to safeguard the child? welfare and write a report of the visit containing prescribed information.",Visits to Children in Long-Term Residential Care Regulations 2011/1010,,Enabled by The Children Act 1989,True,1722,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/04/2011,,,,False,True 2580,Schools - pupil reports,,D,LAs/Head teachers are required to send a report to parents and adult pupils each school year on the educational achievements of pupils including levels of attainment and any other results in each attainment target. School Leavers reports must also contain the pupil's name; school; details of any approved relevant qualification details of the pupil's progress and achievements in other subjects and in any activities forming part of the school curriculum by 30 September of the following school year. The regulations restrict certain information and require that any document or information required must be translated into English or Welsh or another language or produced in Braille or audio tape if required.,Head Teacher's Report to Parents and Adult Pupils (Wales) Regulations 2011/1943,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,15,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2011,,,,False,True 2581,Housing - purchase of equitable interest (Wales),,P,A local authority (housing authority) which is a landlord of a flat under a long lease can purchase an equitable interest in the flat in order to assist the tenant to meet some or all of the costs of service charge payments payable by the tenant to the landlord in respect of repairs and improvement contributions providing specified conditions are met and (where agreed by the tenant deduct landlord's administrative expenses in connection with the purchase) from the purchase price.,Housing (Purchase of Equitable Interests) (Wales) Regulations 2011/1865,,Enabled by Housing Act 1985,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,19/08/2011,,,,False,True 2582,Food safety - labelling of beef and veal,,P,The LA are responsible for enforcing the regulations and may serve a notice requiring re-labelling of beef and veal and exercise powers of entry for inspection or sampling purposes.,Beef and Veal Labelling (Wales) Regulations 2011/991,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,791,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,21/04/2011,,,,False,True 2583,Carers - breaks for carers of disabled children,,D,"The LA must provide a range of short breaks services to assist parents and others who provide care for disabled children; have regard to the needs of those carers who would be able to provide care more effectively if they had breaks from caring, and the needs of those carers who would be unable to continue to provide care unless a break were offered to them. LAs in consultation with carers in their area, must prepare, publish, and keep under review, a ?short breaks services statement? setting out what services are available, the categories of carer who may be eligible to gain access to them, and how they are designed to meet the needs of carers in the area.",Breaks for Carers of Disabled Children Regulations 2011/707,,Enabled by Children Act 1989,True,260,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2584,Carers - publication of strategies,,D,Local Health Board in Wales and local authorities which fall within their area must work together in preparing and publishing a strategy setting out how they will work together to assist and include carers in the arrangements made for those they care for.,Carers Strategies (Wales) Regulations 2011/2939,,Enabled by Carers Strategies (Wales) Measure 2010,True,162|225|298|1755,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/2012,,,,False,True 2585,Higher education - bursary payment,,P,"A local authority may pay the bursary of ?2,000 payable to a former relevant child who begins a higher education course on or after 1 September 2010 in accordance with their pathway plan as a lump sum or by instalments, within prescribed time limits. The authority may withhold any unpaid element when the former child is not pursuing the higher education course in accordance with their pathway plan.",Children Act 1989 (Higher Education Bursary) (Wales) Regulations 2011/823,,Enabled by The Children Act 1989,True,1614,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,17/03/2011,,,,False,True 2586,Community care - direct payments,,D,"A local authority must, in prescribed circumstances, or may, make direct payments to persons who have, or lack, the capacity to consent to the making of a direct payment where their needs are met by such a payment and what amount (if any) it is reasonably practicable to pay towards securing the provision of the relevant service (either reimbursement or by contribution). A local authority must or may impose conditions in respect of direct payments to persons with the capacity to consent and to persons lacking capacity respectively. An authority may require a direct payment to be repaid if it has not been used to secure the provision of service to which it relates. A local authority must review and must or may stop the making of direct payments in certain prescribed circumstances.","Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (Wales) Regulations 2011/831",,Enabled by Children Act 1989 and Health and Social Care Act 2001,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,11/04/2011,,,,False,True 2587,Council tax - precepting authorities information,,D,"Regulations making provision about information in council tax demand notices including the dwelling to which the notice relates, the valuation band applicable to the dwelling, the amount of council tax payable in respect of the dwelling and comparisons with the preceding year and whether an authority's relevant basic amount of council tax for a year is excessive. Precepting authorities and levying bodies must also supply information to billing authorities.",Council Tax (Demand Notices) (England) Regulations 2011/3038,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/01/2012,,,,False,True 2588,Education - students age 16 to 18,,D,"Local authorities/schools must make the determination of the pupil's relevant school or institution under section 33D(1) of the 2000 Act within 5 working days following receipt of the pupil's request The school/local authority must follow a prescribed procedure when determining, reviewing or determining whether the student is entitled to follow or continue with a course of study. ",Education (Local Curriculum for Students Aged 16 to 18) (Wales) Regulations 2011/107,,Enabled by Learning and Skills Act 2000,True,1699,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,14/02/2011,,,,False,True 2589,Schools - performance information,,D,"Head teachers of maintained schools must make information available to governing bodies to enable them to comply. Governing bodies of maintained schools must provide local authorities with information about the foundation phase, the second key stage and the third key stage assessment results. The local authority must provide the Welsh Ministers with information about the foundation phase, the second key stage and the third key stage assessment results on all registered pupils in the foundation phase, the second key stage and the third key stage at the schools maintained by the local authority. Governing bodies of maintained schools with pupils aged 15, 16, 17 or 18 must provide the Welsh Ministers with such particulars as they request relating to approved relevant qualifications for which registered pupils at the school were entered and about authorised and unauthorised absences.",School Performance Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1963,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2011,,,,False,True 2590,Schools - teacher appraisal (Wales),,D,"The governing body and head teacher must appraise all teachers? performance regularly in accordance with these Regulations and (with the local authority) determine a performance management policy. The head teacher must make an annual written report on the effectiveness of appraisal procedures to the governing body. The governing body must appoint at least two governors as appraisers for a head teacher. (The local authority may appoint one or two appraisers). Appraisals must be carried out in accordance with the Regulations, including details of copies of the appraisal which must be given to prescribed people and kept for 3 years. A local authority are responsible for and must have a performance management policy setting out how they will appraise unattached teachers, and to implement that policy, although this may be delegated to a school. ",School Teacher Appraisal (Wales) Regulations 2011/2940,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,973,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/2012,,,,False,True 2591,Social care - charges,,P,"Local authorities in Wales have a discretionary power to impose a reasonable charge upon adult recipients of non-residential social care services, which are directly provided or secured by the local authorities. The Regulations prescribe how the charge is set setting out maximum amounts and steps to be taken in the process of calculating the amount of any payment.",Social Care Charges (Direct Payments) (Means Assessment and Determination of Reimbursement or Contribution) (Wales) Regulations 2011/963,,Enabled by Social Care Charges (Wales) Measure 2010,True,1756,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,24/03/2011,,,,False,True 2592,Children - emergency accommodation,,P,"Where there is a risk of immediate significant harm to the child, the local authority must remove the child immediately and notify the responsible authority (and others). Local authorities must also visit children in placements within specified timescales and notify the Chief Inspector of any concerns about the responsible authority.",Arrangements for Placement of Children by Voluntary Organisations and Others (England) Regulations 2011/582,,Enabled by Children Act 1989,True,266|310,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2011,,,,False,True 2593,Food safety - poultrymeat storage (Wales),,D,Each local authority (?food authority?) must enforce the European poultry meat provisions in its area (other than at slaughterhouses and cutting plants); at retail shop and premises adjacent to sales points where cutting and handling are performed solely for the purpose of supplying the consumer directly on the spot with fresh poultrymeat (which must be kept at a temperature not below ? 2?C and not higher than 8?C).,Poultrymeat (Wales) Regulations 2011/1719,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/08/2011,,,,False,True 2594,Schools - pupil records (Wales),,D,"A curricular record must be kept and updated at least once a year, in respect of every registered pupil at school. Educational records (as defined) must be disclosed to parents on receipt of a written request and to schools to which pupils are under consideration for transfer and information must be translated into English or Welsh or another language or Braille or audio tape where required",Pupil Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1942,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,15,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2011,,,,False,True 2595,Recycling - records and information,,D,"A local authority must collect information and maintain records about municipal waste and submit returns using the Waste Data Flow system. It is liable to a penalty under the Measure of ?200 per tonne by which it falls short of the target amount and ?1000 when it fails to maintain records, submit a return or fails to comply with the requirements of any notice served by the Welsh ministers or the monitoring authority in accordance with the Regulations and pay interest on late payment.","Recycling, Preparation for Re-use and Composting Targets (Monitoring and Penalties) (Wales) Regulations 2011/1014",,Enabled by Waste (Wales) Measure 2010,True,675|725|877,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/03/2011,,,,False,True 2596,Schools - governors reports,,D,"Governors' reports must contained prescribed information If a parents? meeting is held under s94 of the School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013?the date and place the meeting was held and reasons for the meeting, attendees? names, a brief description of matters discussed and any action to be taken in consequence of the matters discussed at the meeting; (and if not held under that section, a statement to that effect or confirming that no meeting was held). It must also contain particulars of the governing body, any information about: forthcoming elections of parent governors, a financial statement, school performance (as prescribed), absence, community links, targets, participation in sports, policy reviews, term dates, prospectus changes, an education statement (including on SEN arrangements), the language, Welsh, toilet and cleaning provision and a summary of the development plan. A governing body must determine the language(s) in which such reports must be produced and ensure parents are provided with copies of such reports",School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2011/1939,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,29|31,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2011,,,,False,True 2597,Schools - prospectus on local schools,,D,"Local authorities must publish a composite prospectus annually containing information relating to all maintained schools in the prospectus area no later than 1 October each year or not later than 6 weeks before parents may express a preference for a school and make it available on request, at the local authority?s libraries and on its website. It m must detail SEN provision and any exceptional provision of education in schools or elsewhere and miscellaneous information as prescribed. Governing bodies must make information available to local authorities and publish a school prospectus. Information must be provided in translation in English or Welsh without charge.",School Information (Wales) Regulations 2011/1944,,Enabled by Education Act 1996 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,17,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2011,,,,False,True 2598,Education - collaboration between education bodies,,P,Local authorities and governing bodies can develop joint working arrangements under The Education (Wales) Measure 2011 and these regulations make further provision in relation to the arrangements that may be made for their functions to be discharged by joint committees.,Collaboration Between Education Bodies (Wales) Regulations 2012/2655,,Enabled by Education (Wales) Measure 2010,True,1627,,True,"Secondary power of secondary importance ",,True,,True,16/11/2012,,,,False,True 2599,Local government - procurement,,P,Certain bodies may submit an expression of interest in providing services on behalf of specified authorities in the exercise of any of those relevant authorities? functions under powers contained in Chapter 2 of Part 5 of the Localism Act 2011. Fire authorities are added to the list of relevant authorities and may specify prescribed grounds on which an expression of interest may be rejected.,Community Right to Challenge (Fire and Rescue Authorities and Rejection of Expressions of Interest) (England) Regulations 2012/1647,,Enabled by Localism Act 2011,True,830,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,27/06/2012,,,,False,True 2600,Education - financial reporting,,D,"Governing bodies of maintained schools (other than maintained nursery schools and pupil referral units) must prepare annual statements, in the prescribed format, about the school's financial position at the end of year and send to the local authority who must then send the statements to the Secretary of State.",Consistent Financial Reporting (England) Regulations 2012/674,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,1630|1667,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,31/03/2012,,,,False,True 2601,Consumer rights - surcharges,,P,"Local authorities (weights and measures authorities) may consider complaints about surcharges, and may apply to a court for an injunction against a trader acting in breach of regulation 4.",Consumer Rights (Payment Surcharges) Regulations 2012/3110,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,404|789,,True,"Secondary power of secondary importance ",,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2013,,,,False,True 2602,Council tax - default reduction schemes,,P,The regulations contain the default scheme for reductions and appeals prescribed by the Secretary of State under the Local Government Finance Act 1992 (as amended by the Local Government Finance Act 2012) where a local authority has failed to make its own scheme by 31 January.,Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Default Scheme) (England) Regulations 2012/2886,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,59|61,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,18/12/2012,,,,False,True 2603,Education - charges for early years provision,,P,"Maintained schools may charge for Early Years provision where it is not provided in pursuance of the duty imposed by section 7 of the Childcare Act 2006 (duty to secure prescribed early years provision free of charge), the early years provision is for a pupil who is below compulsory school age, and must not otherwise be funded by the local authority in accordance with regulations made under section 47 of the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 (determination of school's budget share).",Education (Charges for Early Years Provision) Regulations 2012/962,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,12|1741,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2604,Schools - teacher induction (England),,D,"The head teacher of an institution in which a person is serving an induction period and the local authority (as the ?appropriate body?) are responsible for that person's supervision and training during that induction period. Where a person serving an induction period is employed in two or more institutions simultaneously, the head teachers of those institutions must agree which of them, and which appropriate body, is to be responsible for that person's supervision and training. On completion of an induction, the head teacher or principal of the institution where induction is completed must make a recommendation to the appropriate body as to whether standards have been met.",Education (Induction Arrangements for School Teachers) (England) Regulations 2012/1115,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,1128|1645|1650,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2605,Schools - teacher appraisal (England),,D,"Local authorities/governing bodies must have a written document setting out the appraisal process for teachers; set objectives for teachers and inform each teacher of the standards against which performances are to be assessed. Such standards must be as prescribed. A governing body must consult the external adviser in setting objectives for a head teacher. ",Education (School Teachers' Appraisal) (England) Regulations 2012/115,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,973,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2606,Fire and rescue - improvement plans,,D,A fire and rescue authority (Wales) must publish the required information as soon as is reasonably practicable after 31 December in the year prior to the financial year to which the improvement plan relates.,Fire and Rescue Authorities (Improvement Plans) (Wales) Order 2012/1143,,Enabled by Local Government (Wales) Measure 2009,True,1151|1622|1664,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,21/05/2012,,,,False,True 2607,Homelessness - suitability of accommodation (England),,D,"In determining whether accommodation is suitable for a person, the Housing LA must take into account the location of the accommodation and shall not regard it as suitable in the prescribed circumstances.",Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (England) Order 2012/2601,,Enabled by Housing Act 1996,True,112|1714,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,09/11/2012,,,,False,True 2608,Housing - management agreements,,D,"Where a tenant management organisation proposes to enter into a management agreement with a local housing authority under section 27 of that Act, the local authority must, in specified circumstances, enter into a management agreement as prescribed.",Housing (Right to Manage) (England) Regulations 2012/1821,,Enabled by Housing Act 1985,True,1012,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/08/2012,,,,False,True 2609,Children - integrated family support team structure,,D,"Where Integrated Family Support (IFS) teams have been established under s57 of the Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010 local authorities must ensure an IFS team contains a core of five professionals drawn from three professions as prescribed, with suitable skills and experience having regard to the types of cases that are to be referred to it and that it has regard to guidance that the Welsh Ministers may issue and ensure administrative support.",Integrated Family Support Teams (Composition of Teams and Board Functions) (Wales) Regulations 2012/202,,Enabled by Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/02/2012,,,,False,True 2610,Children - integrated family support functions,,P,"Where integrated family support (IFS) teams have been established under s57 of the Children and Families (Wales) Measure, the Measure identifies functions of such teams. An authority may refer the specific types of cases listed in the Schedule to an IFS team.",Integrated Family Support Teams (Family Support Functions) (Wales) Regulations 2012/204,,Enabled by Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010,True,,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/02/2012,,,,False,False 2611,Children - integrated family support case review,,D,"Except for a looked after child whose case is already subject to review under the Review of Children's Cases (Wales) Regulations 2007, where integrated family support (IFS) teams are set up, a local authority must review the cases of families whose cases are supported by an IFS team in the prescribed manner and at the prescribed times and intervals and set out in writing its arrangements for reviewing cases. ",Integrated Family Support Teams (Review of Cases) (Wales) Regulations 2012/205,,Enabled by Children Act 1989,True,266|837,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/02/2012,,,,False,True 2612,Planning - land compensation (England),,D,A local authority must follow the prescribed procedure for issuing certificates under section 17 of the Land Compensation Act 1961 and send copies to other prescribed planning authorities.,Land Compensation Development (England) Order 2012/634,,Enabled by Land Compensation Act 1961 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,,,False,True 2613,Planning - land compensation (Wales),,D,A local authority must follow the prescribed procedure when issuing certificates under section 17 of the Land Compensation Act 1961.,Land Compensation Development (Wales) Order 2012/843,,Enabled by Land Compensation Act 1961 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,,,False,True 2614,local authority - discharge of functions,,P,"An LA may make arrangements for the discharge of functions, by another LA or an executive of another LA. ",Local Authorities (Arrangements for the Discharge of Functions) (England) Regulations 2012/1019,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,1627,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,",True,04/05/2012,,,,False,True 2615,Council tax - calculation of base,,D,A local authority must follow the prescribed rules for the calculation of the council tax base,Local Authorities (Calculation of Council Tax Base) (England) Regulations 2012/2914,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/11/2012,,,,False,True 2616,Local government - committee system rules,,D,"Local authorities operating the committee system under Part 1A of the Local Government Act 2000 must follow prescribed rules which include the functions that cannot be delegated by a committee system local authority and therefore must be carried out by the full council of the local authority and which cannot be delegated to any officer, committee or sub-committee of the authority. The rules also deal with overview and scrutiny committees within committee system local authorities",Local Authorities (Committee System) (England) Regulations 2012/1020,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,997|1031|1291,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,04/05/2012,,,,False,True 2617,local government - council tax increase referendum,,D,"A local authority must follow rules prescribed regarding referendums relating to the question of whether a council tax increase set by an authority ? a billing authority, a major precepting authority, or a local precepting authority ? for a financial year is approved of.",Local Authorities (Conduct of Referendums) (Council Tax Increases) (England) Regulations 2012/444,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,18/02/2012,,,,False,True 2618,Local government - elected mayor,,D,A local authority must hold an election for a mayor according to the prescribed rules and for the term prescribed. It must also appoint casual vacancies according to prescribed rules.,"Local Authorities (Elected Mayors)(Elections, Terms of Office and Casual Vacancies)(England) Regulations 2012/336",,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,1701,,True,A secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,",True,09/12/2012,,,,False,True 2619,Highways - charging for street works,,P,"A local authority which is an ?Approved Authority? may deduct from charges received from undertakers pursuant to the Regulations, its reasonable costs of operating and evaluating the effectiveness of the scheme under which they are paid. It must apply the net proceeds for purposes intended to reduce the disruption and other adverse effects caused by street works and must keep and publish yearly accounts of sums received by way of charges.",Street Works (Charges for Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2012/425,,Enabled by New Roads and Street Works Act 1991,True,557|569|1295,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,14/03/2012,,,,False,True 2620,Planning - conservation areas and listed buildings,,D,"A local authority must follow prescribed procedures for conservation area consent, for the variation or discharge of conditions attached to listed building or conservation area consents and for appeals in respect of these matters and other procedural matters relating to listed building and conservation area consents",Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2012/793,,Enabled by Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas ) Act 1990,True,511|512|514,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/04/2012,,,,False,True 2621,Food safety - articles in contact with food (England),,D,"Local authorities acting as a food authority in its area must execute and enforce Regulation 1935/2004, Regulation 1895/2005, Regulation 450/2009; Regulation 10/2011 and Regulation 2023/2006 and the Regulations which forbid placing on the market ceramic articles that do not meet the specifications set out in the Directive and conditions relating to the substances that may be used for the manufacture of regenerated cellulose film.",Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (England) Regulations 2012/2619,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.,True,20/11/2012,,,,False,True 2622,Trading standards - textile labelling,,D,"Local authorities (weights and measures authorities) are included as market surveillance authorities for the purposes of carrying out market surveillance checks on fibre composition and labelling under the EU Regulation. Those market surveillance checks are to be carried out in accordance with Articles 19 and 20 and Annexes VII, VIII and IX to the EU Regulation. Local authorities are obliged to enforce the Regulations in their areas.",Textile Products (Labelling and Fibre Composition) Regulations 2012/1102,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,403|404|789,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,08/05/2012,,,,False,True 2623,Schools - admissions,,D,"Local authorities must adhere to prescribed matters in relation to the content of the admission arrangements determined each year; the proportion of selective admissions, the prescribed subjects for selection by aptitude; and the priority to be given to looked after children (who have to be looked after at the time of their application to the school). They must consult with prescribed bodies for at least 8 weeks up to 1 March, including with the school's governing body where they propose to increase or keep the same number, and publish their proposed admission arrangements on their website and send copies as prescribed. For admission arrangements for academic year 2014-2015 and subsequent years?, consultation must commence no earlier than 1st November 2012. Local authorities must publicise information about local schools? admission arrangements and explain the right to refer an objection to the adjudicator. Local authorities must also follow procedures regarding the variation, referral to the schools adjudicator, the co-ordination of admission arrangements, formulation and publication of substantially different schemes where it is 7 years since the last consultation.",School Admissions (Admission Arrangements and Co-ordination of Admission Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012/8,,Enabled by Education Act 1996 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,13|14|705,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/02/2012,,,,False,False 2624,Schools - admissions appeals,,D,A local authority must constitute an appeal panel as prescribed for appeals brought under the School Standards and Framework Act 1998,School Admissions (Appeals Arrangements) (England) Regulations 2012/9,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,705,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/02/2012,,,,False,True 2625,Planning - tree preservation order confirmation,,D,"A local authority may confirm a Tree Preservation Order in accordance with the prescribed provisions and must do so within 6 months and must adhere to the provisions regarding service, notice, publication and availability of copies, representations, variations, revocations and appeals of any Order and any compensation claims as prescribed. Local authorities must keep a public register of applications, appeals and conditions.",Town and Country Planning (Tree Preservation)(England) Regulations 2012/605,,Enabled by Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,508,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,,,False,True 2626,Council tax - increases by precepting authority,,D,"An authority which is a major or local precepting authority must notify its billing authorities if it has set an excessive relevant basic amount of council tax for a financial year by a specified date. Where a billing authority holds a referendum on behalf of a major or local precepting authority it can recover its costs from the precepting authority unless it has failed to do so or is in default.",Local Authority (Referendums Relating to Council Tax Increases) Regulations 2012/460,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,16/03/2012,,,,False,True 2627,Planning - neighbourhood area designation,,D,A local authority must follow the procedure regarding applications for designation of a neighbourhood area or forum; for making neighbourhood development plans and in relation to neighbourhood development orders and the EIA Directive,Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012/637,,Enabled by Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,True,1708,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,,,False,True 2628,Planning - neighbourhood area referendums,,D,"An LA must conduct a referendum in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning Referendums Rules and other electoral legislation and these regulations including using the form of words prescribed, publish further information not fewer than 28 days before the date it is held and comply with the various specified restrictions. ",Neighbourhood Planning (Referendums) Regulations 2012/2031,,Enabled by Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1708,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,03/08/2012,,,,False,False 2629,Local Government - overview and scrutiny,,D,"A local authority cannot refer to an overview and scrutiny committee the excluded matters specified in article 3, but can refer a matter which consists of an allegation of systemic failure of a LA to discharge a function for which the LA is responsible, notwithstanding the fact that the allegation specifies matters which would otherwise be excluded by virtue of article 3.",Overview and Scrutiny (Reference by Councillors) (Excluded Matters) (England) Order 2012/1022,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,1031|1621|1664,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,04/05/2012,,,,False,True 2630,Children - playground provision,,D,"A local authority must include prescribed factors in its assessment of the sufficiency of play opportunities in its area and consult with children, parents and individuals and groups with an interest in play as appropriate. It must prepare an action plan; carry out an assessment every 3 years and publish a summary of the results on its website.",Play Sufficiency Assessment (Wales) Regulations 2012/2555,,Enabled by Children and Families (Wales) Measure 2010,True,670|1081,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,02/11/2012,,,,False,True 2631,Members - declaration of office,,D,"Local authority members and elected mayors must complete the prescribed declaration of office within two months of election for county, district and London borough.",Local Elections (Declaration of Acceptance of Office) Order 2012/1465,,Enabled by Local Government Act 1972,True,721|1000|1701,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,09/07/2012,,,,False,True 2632,Local government - information for overview and scrutiny,,P,"LA overview and scrutiny committees may obtain information from their relevant partner authorities, and ensure that executives of LA exclude confidential information when publishing their responses to reports and recommendations of overview and scrutiny committees.",Local Authorities (Overview and Scrutiny Committees) (England) Regulations 2012,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,1031,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,04/05/2012,,,,False,True 2633,Local government - executive arrangements,,D,"Where LAs are operating executive arrangements under Part 1A of the Local Government Act 2000 their executive and committee meetings must be held in public and the public must be excluded from meetings in prescribed circumstances and in accordance with the prescribed formalities. LAs must follow the specific requirements and publicity requirements relating to executive decisions which are key decisions. ",Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012/2089,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2000,True,354|997|1291,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,10/09/2012,,,,False,True 2634,Local government - post election surveys,,D,"A local authority must conduct a survey after each ordinary election to the council of the county or county borough and to each community in the local authority's area by asking prescribed questions of councillors and unsuccessful candidates who have stood for election as councillors in the local authority's area. The questions relate to gender, sexual orientation, language, race, age, disability, religion or belief, health, education and qualifications, employment, work as a councillor, party affiliation, involvement with the third sector and length of political activity. Survey information must be collated in an electronic spreadsheet. Details relating to the spreadsheet will be included in guidance.",Local Election Survey (Wales) Regulations 2012/685,,Enabled by Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011,True,721|861|1623,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/03/2012,,,,False,True 2635,Food safety - articles in contact with food (Wales),,D,"A local authority acting as a food authority in its area must execute and enforce Regulation 1935/2004, Regulation 1895/2005, Regulation 450/2009; Regulation 10/2011 and Regulation 2023/2006 and the Regulations which forbid placing on the market ceramic articles that do not meet the specifications set out in the Directive and conditions relating to the substances that may be used for the manufacture of regenerated cellulose film.",Materials and Articles in Contact with Food (Wales) Regulations 2012/2705,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,20/11/2012,,,,False,True 2636,Public health - general functions,,P,"A local authority has the functions specified in relation to public health (including dental health) and must have regard to any document published by the Secretary of State in the exercise of prescribed functions and must make arrangements for the handling and recording of complaints. An LA must ensure arrangements made by Local Healthwatch organisations with other persons include certain provisions about procedures, decision-making and the use of a trade mark. An overview and scrutiny committee of a LA must acknowledge receipt of a referral of a social care matter by a Local Healthwatch organisation contractor within 20 working days","NHS Bodies and Local Authorities (Partnership Arrangements, Care Trusts, Public Health and Local Healthwatch) Regulations 2012/3094",,"Enabled by Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003, Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and National Health Service Act 2006",True,1745,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2013,,,Part 6 (Local Healthwatch) applies from 27 March 2012,False,True 2637,Schools - infant class sizes,,D,"A School/local authority may not exceed a maximum of 30 pupils in an infant class at any time while an ordinary teaching session is conducted by a single school teacher (or, where the session is conducted by more than one school teacher, a maximum of 30 pupils for every teacher. Certain types of children are excepted as prescribed for counting purposes.",School Admissions (Infant Class Sizes) (England) Regulations 2012/10,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,13,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/02/2012,,,,False,True 2638,Planning - development procedure,,D,"A local authority (planning authority) must follow prescribed procedures (including time limits) for planning applications (including planning permission), consultations in relation to planning applications, the determination of planning applications, appeals, local development orders, certificates of lawful use or development, the maintenance of registers of planning applications and other related matters. ",Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801,,Enabled by Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|855|1709|1732,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,20/04/2012,,,,False,True 2639,Planning - fees,,D,"A local authority must forward any fee received in respect of a planning application to the planning authority who are to determine the application and refund any fee where an application is rejected or an authority fails to determine relevant applications in time. A LA may decide that a fee does not apply when it is satisfied that various prescribed reasons are established. ","Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications, Deemed Applications, Requests and Site Visits) (England) Regulations 2012/2920",,Enabled by Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/11/2012,22/11/2019,,,False,True 2640,Planning - local plans,,D,"Local authorities must comply with the prescribed procedures in relation to local plans and supplementary planning documents and procedures regarding publication of the local plan or supplementary planning document, consultation on those documents and consideration of representations made and their subsequent adoption or withdrawal. Further with requirements and procedures regarding submission to or intervention by the Secretary of State, independent examination of the local plan and publication of the recommendations of the person appointed to examine the local plan. An LA must also have regard to procedures relating to joint development documents, availability of documents and the monitoring reports which they must prepare.",Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012/767,,Enabled by Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004,True,494|674|675,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2012,,,,False,True 2641,Pollution control - volatile organic compounds,,P,"A LA must enforce the regulations which implement Directive 2004/42/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain paints, varnishes and vehicle refinishing products (the VOCs in Paints Directive).","Volatile Organic Compounds in Paints, Varnishes and Vehicle Refinishing Products Regulations 2012/1715",,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,413|414,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/07/2012,,,,False,True 2642,School - premises,,D,"Maintained schools/local authorities must provide suitable toilet and washing facilities, medical accommodation and more generally, maintain the premises to a standard to maintain the health, safety and welfare of all pupils with specific reference to acoustics, lighting, drinking water and outside space.",School Premises (England) Regulations 2012/1943,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,17|956|1568,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common council of the City of London,True,31/10/2012,,,,False,True 2643,Schools - exclusion from school,,D,"A head teacher must inform the parent of the excluded pupil or the pupil (if over 18), the governing body of the details of an exclusion and the LA if the exclusion is permanent, if the exclusion will result in the pupil missing a public examination or a National Curriculum test, or if the exclusion takes the total exclusions for that pupil to more than 5 school days in any term. The Governing Boy must consider reinstatement in prescribed circumstances. An LA must make arrangements for a review by a review panel of decisions not to reinstate a pupil permanently excluded, if the relevant person applies for a review. Regard must be had to guidance given by the Secretary of State.",School Discipline (Pupil Exclusions and Reviews) (England) Regulations 2012/1033,,Enabled by Education Act 1996 and Education Act 2002,True,34,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2644,Schools - governing bodies,,D,"A maintained school/local authority must follow prescribed arrangements for the constitution of governing bodies of maintained schools, (which includes maintained nursery schools) including the appointment of parent, staff, LA, foundation and partnership governors, their term of office and removal and provide copies of the instrument of government to every member of the governing body, the head teacher and others as prescribed and applicable",School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012/1034,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2645,Schools - federations,,P,"A maintained school may federate and appoint governors in accordance with the procedure set out and may make, review and vary a federation's instrument of government and the contents of that instrument which must conform to the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012. The LA must establish a temporary governing body and issue and review an instrument of government in respect of a school which wishes to exit the federation or where a federation is to dissolve.",School Governance (Federations) (England) Regulations 2012/1035,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,also applies to The Common council of the City of London,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2646,Schools - transition of governance,,D,"A local authority must have regard to provisions relating to the transition of a school's governing body from being constituted as an interim executive board in accordance with Schedule 1A to the School Standards and Framework Act 1998 to being a governing body constituted in accordance with section 19(1) of the Education Act 2002, including establishing a shadow governing body.",School Governance (Transition from an Interim Executive Board) (Wales) Regulations 2012/1643,,Enabled by Education Act 2002 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2012,,,,False,True 2647,Schools - prohibited items,,P,"School staff can search pupils for prohibited items: tobacco and cigarette papers and other tobacco based products, fireworks, and pornography. Tobacco and fireworks may be kept or disposed of. Any pornography may be disposed of unless possession constitutes a specified offence. Where this is the case, it must be taken to the police as soon as possible.",Schools (Specification and Disposal of Articles) Regulations 2012/951,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,1459,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2012,,,,False,True 2648,Schools - school forums,,D,"Every local authority must ensure that the schools forum in their area is constituted as prescribed, including the election of schools members, the election or selection of Academies members and the appointment of non-schools members. The authority must consult their schools forum before entering into certain types of contract and annually in relation to a range of financial issues and the governing bodies of schools maintained by them to be informed of any such consultation. The local authority must pay the expenses of their schools forum out of the schools budget and the reasonable expenses of its members",Schools Forums (England) Regulations 2012/2261,,Enabled by School Standards and Frameworks Act 1998,True,49,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/10/2012,,,,False,False 2649,Schools - academy conversion surplus,,D,The LA must determine the surpluses in federated schools which are converting to Academies according to a prescribed calculation; notify the proprietor (as prescribed) within four months of conversion; follow the procedure set out in the event of a review by the Secretary of State and pay any surplus determined as a result of the review within one month.,Academy Conversions (Transfer of School Surpluses) Regulations 2013/3037,,"Enabled by Academies Act 2010 and Education Act 1996 ",True,1667,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/01/2014,,,,False,True 2650,Animal welfare - African horse sickness,,D,A local authority are required to enforce regulations regarding the suspicion of infection by African horse sickness.,African Horse Sickness (Wales) Regulations 2013/1662,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,434,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/07/2013,,,,False,True 2651,Livestock - animal by-products (England),,D,"A local authority is the enforcement authority (other than as prescribed) with regards to the staining of animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption ",Animal By-Products (Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013/2952,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972; Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009; Council Directive 97/78/EC,True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.,True,12/12/2013,,,,False,True 2652,Bathing waters - notification,,P,"Every local authority controlling a bathing water must disseminate specified information near it from 15 May to 30 September (the bathing season) including the bathing water's current classification as ?poor?, ?sufficient?, ?good? or ?excellent? and the source of more complete published information. It has additional obligations regarding advice relating to waters rated as ?poor?; and for publicising the advice and the reasons for any declassification of a former bathing water. In the event of pollution events occurring at a bathing water, a local authority must inform the public about any health risks and provide other specified information.",Bathing Water Regulations 2013/1675,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,31/07/2013,,,,False,False 2653,Health and safety - labelling of biocidal products,,D,"A local authority (weights and measures authority) is the enforcing authority regarding labelling of products in English and regarding the use of active substances without authorisation and other Articles of the Biocides Regulations prescribed where any biocidal product is placed on the market in a shop, mobile vehicle, market stall or other retail outlet; or otherwise to members of the public or as otherwise prescribed. ",Biocidal Products and Chemicals (Appointment of Authorities and Enforcement) Regulations 2013/1506,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,False,403|404,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/09/2013,,,,False,True 2654,Schools - careers guidance,,D,Schools must provide pupils with independent careers guidance from school year 8 to 13,Careers Guidance in Schools Regulations 2013/709,,Enabled by Education Act 1997,True,887,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/09/2013,,,,False,True 2655,Childcare - sufficiency assessment,,D,"Local authorities must carry out childcare sufficiency assessments in their areas; consider prescribed matters, consult with prescribed persons; allow them to comment upon a draft summary of the assessment before publication and publish the assessments by 30 April 2014 and every 3 years thereafter.",Childcare Act 2006 (Local Authority Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2274,,Enabled by Childcare Act 2006,True,1680,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2013,,,,False,True 2656,Construction products - enforcement,,D,Local authorities (local weights and measures authorities) must carry out market surveillance duties under the 2008 Regulation as it applies to construction products; enforce the 2011 Regulations and enforce using prescribed powers the provisions of Part 2 in their areas and may investigate and prosecute in relation to offences anywhere in England and Wales. They must give notice of any suspension notices and forfeiture applications to the Secretary of State.,Construction Products Regulations 2013/1387,,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972, (EU) No 305/2011 of the European Parliament and (EC) No 765/2008 of the European Parliament",True,403|404,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/07/2013,,,,False,True 2657,Food safety - contaminants (England),,D,"It is the duty of each local authority (food authority) within its area or district to execute and enforce the Regulations regarding levels of Eruric acid prescribed contaminants in food, Regulation 1881/2006 and Regulation 124/2009 and it is the competent authority for executing and enforcing prescribed Articles of those regulations in relation to concentration or dilution factors investigating the reasons for contamination.",Contaminants in Food (England) Regulations 2013/2196,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|408,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,31/10/2013,,,,False,True 2658,Food safety - contaminants (Wales),,D,"It is the duty of each local authority (food authority) within its area or district to execute and enforce the Regulations regarding levels of Eruric acid and prescribed contaminants in food, Regulation 1881/2006 and Regulation 124/2009 and it is the competent authority for executing and enforcing prescribed Articles of those regulations in relation to concentration or dilution factors and investigating the reasons for contamination.",Contaminants in Food (Wales) Regulations 2013/2493,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|408,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,31/10/2013,,,,False,True 2659,"Coroners - allowances, fees and expenses",,D,A local authority (coroner?s relevant authority) (if not paid by the coroner) must pay expenses to a person under the Regulations and return any receipts if requested. It must reimburse the coroner in respect of payments in submitted accounts (if correct) keep a record of all fees and expenses paid for 3 years; submit those records to the Chief Coroner if requested and indemnify the Coroner for costs reasonably incurred.,"Coroners Allowances, Fees and Expenses Regulations 2013/1615",,Enabled by Coroners and Justice Act 2009,True,626,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/07/2013,,,,False,True 2660,Council tax reduction - fraud (England),,P,"A local authority (billing authority) may require information from specified persons for the purpose of preventing, detecting and securing evidence of the commission of offences connected with a reduction under a council tax reduction scheme and impose penalties in connection with council tax reduction schemes. It may invite a person to agree to pay a penalty as an alternative to prosecution for an offence relating to the award of a reduction under a council tax reduction scheme or impose a penalty of ?70 on a person in prescribed circumstances.",Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Detection of Fraud and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2013/501,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,59|61,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,07/03/2013,,,,False,True 2661,Council tax reduction - fraud (Wales),,P,"A local authority (billing authority) may require information from specified persons for the purpose of preventing, detecting and securing evidence of the commission of offences connected with a reduction under a council tax reduction scheme and impose penalties in connection with council tax reduction schemes. It may invite a person to agree to pay a penalty as an alternative to prosecution for an offence relating to the award of a reduction under a council tax reduction scheme or impose a penalty of ?70 on a person in prescribed circumstances. ",Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Detection of Fraud and Enforcement) (Wales) Regulations 2013/588,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,59|61,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,13/03/2013,,,,False,True 2662,Council tax - reduction schemes (Wales),,D,"A local authority (a billing authority in Wales) must make a scheme specifying the reductions which are to apply to amounts of council tax payable by persons, or classes of person considered to be in financial need.",Council Tax Reduction Schemes and Prescribed Requirements (Wales) Regulations 2013/3029,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,59|63,,True,A secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/11/2013,,,,False,True 2663,Schools - pupil information,,D,"A Governing Body must provide prescribed information within to a local authority or the Secretary of State within 14 days. A local authority must provide prescribed information to the Secretary of State relating to each pupil referral unit maintained by the local authority and categories of pupils as requested within 14 days.",Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2013/2094,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,15,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2014,,,,False,True 2664,Schools - assessments,,D,Schools must follow prescribed assessment arrangements for reading and numeracy for pupils who attend schools maintained by the local authority.,Education (National Curriculum) (Assessment Arrangements for Reading and Numeracy) (Wales) Order 2013/433,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/05/2013,,,,False,True 2665,Schools - national curriculum attainment targets,,D,"Schools have a duty to follow the National Curriculum attainment targets for core and other foundation subjects at all four key stages (except that there are no attainment targets at key stage 4). The current programmes of study and attainment targets are revoked save for prescribed exceptions.",Education (National Curriculum)(Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study)(England) Order 2013/2232,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,31|32,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2666,Staff - family absence,,D,"Local authorities must maintain a record of all notifications made by members of periods of family absence; the periods of family absence taken and keep them for at least 10 years. LAs have duties to inform, regarding cancellation of family absence, complaints and standing orders relating to members whilst taking a period of family absence.",Family Absence for Members of Local Authorities (Wales) Regulations 2013/2901,,Enabled by Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011,True,1649,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,05/12/2013,,,,False,True 2667,Food safety - fish labelling (Wales),,D,Each food authority must enforce and execute these Regulations in its area and is the competent authority in its area for the purposes of Article 58(4) of Regulation 1224/2009 and Article 67(5) of Regulation 404/2011.,Fish Labelling (Wales) Regulations 2013/2139,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,791,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,26/09/2013,,,,False,True 2668,Food safety - fish labelling (England),,D,A local authority (food authorities) must enforce and execute these Regulations in its area and is the competent authority in its area for the purposes of Article 58(4) of Regulation 1224/2009 and Article 67(5) of Regulation 404/2011.,Fish Labelling Regulations 2013/1768,,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990 ",True,791,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,02/09/2013,,,,False,True 2669,Schools - healthy school meals,,D,"Local authorities and governing bodies of maintained schools and nurseries that provide food and drink to pupils, whether on school premises or not, and to other persons on school premises must comply with the prescribed types of food and drink that can, and cannot, be provided during the school day and define the nutrient content of school lunches.",Healthy Eating in Schools (Nutritional Standards and Requirements) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1984,,Enabled by Healthy Eating in Schools (Wales) Measure 2009,True,37,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,02/09/2013,,,,False,True 2670,Local government - joint overview and scrutiny,,P,Two or more local authorities may appoint a joint overview and scrutiny committee to make reports or recommendations to any of the authorities or their executives about matters affecting their areas and if so must comply with the administrative requirements contained in the Regulations.,Local Authorities (Joint Overview and Scrutiny Committees) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1050,,Enabled by Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011,True,1031,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,24/05/2013,,,,False,True 2671,Food safety and hygiene - enforcement,,D,A local authority must execute and enforce the Hygiene Regulations in its area which are not enforced by the Food Standards Agency and/or as prescribed.,Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013/2996,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,406|407,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly. ",True,31/12/2013,,,,False,True 2672,Non-domestic rating - rates retention,,P,"Local authorities (billing authorities) may deduct amounts as prescribed from the central share payable to the Secretary of State or to county councils, fire and rescue authorities in whose area the billing authority is and, for London authorities, the Greater London Authority as prescribed and as may be directed. Provisions may be made in relation to costs, bad debts, reconciliation and for surplus or deficit calculations and according to prescribed time limits.",Non-Domestic Rating (Rates Retention) Regulations 2013/452,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,54,,True,A secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/03/2013,,,,False,True 2673,Non-domestic rating - levy and safety net payments,,P,A local authority may request that the Secretary of State calculate whether a safety net payment is likely to be required to be made to the authority in respect of the relevant year. A local authority must make a levy payment to the Secretary of State in prescribed circumstances.,Non-Domestic Rating (Levy and Safety Net) Regulations 2013/737,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,54,,True,Secondary power/duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/03/2013,,,,False,True 2674,Food safety - food additives (England),,D,Local authorities (food authorities) must execute and enforce the Regulations and the EU Regulations in their area.,"Food Additives, Flavourings, Enzymes and Extraction Solvents (England) Regulations 2013/2210",,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,31/10/2013,,,,False,True 2675,Food safety - food additives (Wales),,D,Local authorities (food authorities) must execute and enforce the Regulations and the EU Regulations in their areas.,"Food Additives, Flavourings, Enzymes and Extraction Solvents (Wales) Regulations 2013/2591",,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,31/10/2013,,,,False,True 2676,Food safety - hygiene rating,,D,"A local authority (food authority) must send prescribed information to food business establishments when notifying the operator of the food hygiene rating given following an inspection (in addition to information required under the Act) and when notifying the operator of its decision to change the food hygiene rating as a result of an appeal; the operator?s request to be re-rated under section 12 or within 14 days of an establishment?s registration. A local authority must send to the FSA a breakdown of an establishment's rating into its component scores for each of the rating criteria published by the FSA under section 14(1)(c) of the Act. ",Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Regulations 2013/2903,,Enabled by Food Hygiene Rating (Wales) Act 2013,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/11/2013,,,Regulation 8 only applies from 28 November 2014,False,True 2677,Schools - clerk to governing body,,D,"A local authority must provide the governing body of a maintained school with a suitable clerk (a governor support officer or someone who has completed the clerk training) within 16 weeks of being requested by the governing body to do so and may charge a fee to cover the cost of providing the clerk. A Governing body must remove the clerk if the training has not been completed within 1 year.",Government of Maintained Schools (Clerk to a Governing Body) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2127,,"Enabled by Education Act 2002, Education (Wales) Measure 2011 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998",True,29|1667,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,20/09/2013,,,,False,True 2678,Schools - governor training,,D,"The chair of a governing body and newly appointed governors must complete chair and induction training respectively within prescribed time limits failing which they must cease to hold office or be suspended respectively until completed. Subject to prescribed exceptions, governors are also required to complete school performance data training within a prescribed time period failing which they must be suspended until completed. 6 months suspension will lead to disqualification from office.",Government of Maintained Schools (Training Requirements for Governors) (Wales) Regulations 2013/2124,,"Enabled by Education Act 2002, Education (Wales) Measure 2011 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998",True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,20/09/2013,,,,False,True 2679,Public health - water fluoridation schemes,,D,"Local authorities are required to follow procedural requirements in the exercise of their functions in relation to the consideration of proposals for new fluoridation schemes, variation or termination of existing fluoridation schemes, or the maintenance of existing fluoridation schemes.",Water Fluoridation (Proposals and Consultation) (England) Regulations 2013/301,,Enabled by Water Industry Act 1991,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,False 2680,Schools - procedures for governors,,D,"Governing bodies and Head teachers of all maintained schools are required to follow prescribed roles and procedures including the appointment and removal of officers; their functions, meetings and allowances.","School Governance (Roles, Procedures and Allowances) (England) Regulations 2013/1624",,Enabled by Education Act 1996 and Education Act 2002,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/09/2013,,,,False,True 2681,Local government - public health functions,,D,"Local authorities must exercise prescribed public health functions in their area including arranging the weighing and measuring of certain children, health checks for eligible persons, access to sexual health services, a public health advice service to any clinical commissioning groups in their area, health protection arrangements against any threat to the health of the local population, including infectious disease, environmental hazards and extreme weather events. A local authority may make and recover charges in respect of certain steps taken in the exercise of its duty as to health improvement, but not in respect of anything which the local authority is required to do in exercise of its prescribed public health functions.",Local Authorities (Public Health Functions and Entry to Premises by Local Healthwatch Representatives) Regulations 2013/351 ,,Enabled by Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 and National Health Service Act 2006,True,199|435|889|890|1395|1688|1745|1746|1747|1749,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2682,Food safety - fruit juices and fruit nectars (England),,D,"Each food authority must enforce the Regulations regarding content and labelling of fruit juice and other fruit drinks in its area ","Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars (England) Regulations 2013/2775 ",,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972, Food Safety Act 1990 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998",True,406|407|791,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,20/11/2013,,,,False,True 2683,Food safety - fruit juices and fruit nectars (Wales),,D,"Each food authority must enforce the Regulations regarding content and labelling of fruit juice and other fruit drinks in its area ",Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars (Wales) Regulations 2013/2750,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,False,406|407|791,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/10/2013,,,,False,True 2684,Housing - transfer to private registered provider,,D,"A local authority must comply with the regulations, made under section 34A of the Housing Act 1985, which set out the procedure to be followed where a tenant group wishes to serve a notice on an authority proposing that the authority should dispose of particular land used for housing purposes under Part 2 of the Housing Act 1985 to a private registered provider of social housing. A local authority must co-operate where a notice is served pursuant to these Regulations.",Housing (Right to Transfer from a Local Authority Landlord) (England) Regulations 2013/2898,,Enabled by Housing Act 1985,True,87|1012,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.,True,05/12/2013,,,,False,False 2685,Local government - recoupment of education costs,,D,A local authority must pay and claim recoupment of money as prescribed where a person belonging to the area of one authority (?the home authority?) in England is educated by another authority (?the providing authority?) in England or Wales.,Inter-authority Recoupment (England) Regulations 2013/492,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,1620|1667,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2686,Finance - budgets and council tax,,D,Local authorities (billing authorities and major precepting authorities) in Wales must calculate their budget requirements for a financial year and the basic amount of their council tax as prescribed.,Local Authorities (Alteration of Requisite Calculations) (Wales) Regulations 2013/216,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,969|1631,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/02/2013,,,,False,True 2687,Public health - weighing and measuring of children,,D,"Where a local authority carries out a weighing and measuring exercise it must comply with prescribed conditions and may process the resulting information, including personal information relating to the children concerned, and disclose it to prescribed persons. It may also process it for the purposes of research, monitoring, audit or the planning of services or for any purpose connected with public health as prescribed and must have regard to guidance issued by the Secretary of State. Local authorities have powers to discharge health scrutiny functions by: overview and scrutiny committees and must discharge prescribed duties in so doing; or a joint committee and must do so in prescribed circumstances. A local authority may make reports and recommendations to providers of health services on matters reviewed or scrutinised by it and must take steps to try to reach agreement in relation to any recommendations it has made. A local authority may report relevant proposals to the Secretary of State in prescribed circumstances. ","Local Authority (Public Health, Health and Wellbeing Boards and Health Scrutiny) Regulations 2013/218",,"Enabled by Health and Social Care Act 2012, Local Government Act 2000, Localism Act 2011 and National Health Service Act 2006",True,1748,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority.,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2688,Non-domestic rating - disregarded income 2013,,D,Local authorities (billing authorities) must disregard a prescribed proportion of the non-domestic rating income from certain prescribed calculations.,Non-Domestic Rating (Designated Areas) Regulations 2013/107,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,54|969,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/02/2013,01/04/2038,,,False,True 2689,Non-domestic rating - renewable energy projects,,P,A local authority (billing authority) may disregard an amount of non-domestic rating income in relation to designated classes of hereditaments for the purpose of certain calculations.,Non-Domestic Rating (Renewable Energy Projects) Regulations 2013/108,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,969,,True,A secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,18/02/2013,,,,False,True 2690,Non-domestic rating - transitional protection payments,,D,"Where transitional relief scheme is in place a local authority (billing authority) must, on 31st January in the preceding year, estimate the amount of its deemed and actual ratings income for the relevant year (as prescribed) and notify the Secretary of State of the estimated amounts. On or before 30th September in the year following a relevant year a billing authority must calculate the amount of its deemed and actual ratings income for the relevant year, arrange for the calculations and amounts to be certified and, if necessary, pay a reconciliation payment (calculated as prescribed).",Non-Domestic Rating (Transitional Protection Payments) Regulations 2013/106,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,969,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/02/2013,,,,False,True 2691,Protection of freedom - surveillance cameras,,D,Local authorities must have regard to the Code of Practice issued under section 29(1) of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 when exercising any functions to which the Code relates.,Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (Code of Practice for Surveillance Camera Systems and Specification of Relevant Authorities) Order 2013/1961,,Enabled by Protection of Freedoms Act 2012,True,368|497|498|586,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,12/08/2013,,,,False,True 2692,Elections - register of proxies,,D,A registration officer may require another registration officer to provide information as soon as reasonably practicable about whether a proxy has an entry in a relevant register.,Representation of the People (Provision of Information Regarding Proxies) Regulations 2013/3199,,Enabled by Representation of the People Act 1983,True,361|364,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,10/06/2014,,,,False,True 2693,School admissions - common offer date,,D,Decisions in relation to secondary school admissions for 2015/6 are to be communicated to parents on 1 March (or the next working day) and decisions in relation to primary school admissions for 2018/9 and subsequent academic years are to be communicated to parents on 16 April (or the next working day).,School Admissions (Common Offer Date) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1144,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,13|14|705,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,08/07/2013,,,,False,True 2694,School admissions - infant class sizes,,D,"Save for prescribed exceptions, the limit on infant class sizes in Wales is 30 pupils. ",School Admissions (Infant Class Sizes) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1141,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,13,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,08/07/2013,,,,False,True 2695,School admissions - variation of arrangements,,P,A local authority (admission authority) may vary the admission arrangements that they have determined for any relevant age group where such a variation is necessary to give effect to the School Admissions Code; the implementation of approved proposals; or a correction to any omission or misprint in the admission arrangements and the procedures for changing admission arrangements in section 89(5) to (7) of the SSFA 1998 do not apply.,School Admissions (Variation of Admission Arrangements)(Wales) Regulations 2013/1140,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,13|14,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,08/07/2013,,,,False,True 2696,Schools - establishment and discontinuance,,D,Local authorities must have regard to prescribed procedures and matters during the establishment and discontinuance of schools pursuant to the provisions contained in Part 2 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006.,School Organisation (Establishment and Discontinuance of Schools) Regulations 2013/3109,,Enabled by Education and Inspections Act 2006,True,17|31|33|1667,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/01/2014,,,,False,True 2697,Schools - alterations and changes of category,,P,"Local authorities/Governing bodies of maintained schools may publish and determine their own change of category and other prescribed alterations in the prescribed manner of publication, determination and implementation.",School Organisation (Prescribed Alterations to Maintained Schools) (England) Regulations 2013/3110,,Enabled by Education Act 1996 and Education and Inspections Act 2006,True,29|1667,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,28/01/2014,,,,False,True 2698,Schools - penalty notices for non-attendance,,D,A school must include prescribed information in a penalty notice (operated under section 444A of the Education Act 1996) and provide a copy to the local authority. A local authority may issue a notice in prescribed circumstances and may withdraw a penalty notice where it determines that it ought not to have been issued or contains material errors. It must draw up and consult on a code of conduct for the issuing of penalty notices and keep records as detailed. It must provide information to the Welsh Ministers if required and spend sums received as prescribed.,Education (Penalty Notices) (Wales) Regulations 2013/1983,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,35,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,02/09/2013,,,,False,True 2699,Finance - Audit and inspection,,D,"Local authorities and fire authorities in Wales are public bodies whose accounts are required to be audited in accordance with section 39 of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2004 and must ensure financial management of the body is adequate and effective and have a sound system of internal control which is regularly reviewed. They must keep records, prepare accounts, sign, give notice, publicise and allow inspection as prescribed.",Accounts and Audit (Wales) Regulations 2014/3362,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2003,True,967|968|969|971|1621,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,31/03/2015,,,,False,True 2700,Livestock - animal by-products (Wales),,P,"A LA is the enforcement authority (other than as prescribed) with regards to Regulations regarding the staining of animal by-products and derived products not intended for human consumption ",Animal By-Products (Enforcement) (Wales) Regulations 2014/517,,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972, Regulation (EC) No 1069/2009 and Council Directive 97/78/EC",True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,28/03/2014,,,,False,True 2701,Animal welfare - dog breeding licensing,,D,"A local authority must be satisfied with prescribed matters when considering the granting and renewing of a licence, must set out the compulsory conditions prescribed, must have regard to guidance issued by the Welsh Ministers and may charge fees to cover any reasonable expenses incurred in performing this function and for monitoring compliance with the Regulations. Local authorities have powers to suspend, vary or revoke licenses and to enforce the Regulations.",Animal Welfare (Breeding of Dogs) (Wales) Regulations 2014/3266,,Enabled by Animal Welfare Act 2006,True,377,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/04/2015,,,,False,True 2702,Anti-social behaviour - public spaces protection order,,P,"Where a local authority has made, extended or varied a public spaces protection order it must publish the details it on its website and erect a notice adjacent to the public space concerned. Likewise where it has discharged an order it must publish in the same manner the date and identify the order discharged.","Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (Publication of Public Spaces Protection Orders) Regulations 2014/2591",,"Enabled by Anti-Social, Crime and Policing Act 2014",True,1753,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,20/10/2014,,,,False,True 2703,Business improvement districts - ballot regulations,,P,"The returning officer for local elections in the billing authority area is to be the ballot holder for any ballot in respect of BRS-BIDs required under the Regulations and must follow prescribed arrangements for the conduct and determination of a ballot. A billing authority may recover the costs of a BRS-BID ballot or a renewal ballot from the BRS-BID proposer or BRSBID body in the prescribed circumstances; may veto BRS-BID proposals in the prescribed period and circumstances, but is subject to the appeals provision. It must have regard to prescribed rules regarding the imposition, administration, collection, recovery and application of the BRS-BID levy. ",Business Improvement Districts (Property Owners) (England) Regulations 2014/3204,,Enabled by Business Rates Supplements Act 2009 and Local Government and Housing Act 1989,True,1672|1693,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as a local authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,02/12/2014,,,,False,True 2704,Social care - needs assessments,,P,Local authorities must carry out assessments under Sections 9 and 10 of the Care Act in the manner prescribed in relation to the likely care and support needs of a child or young carer on becoming an adult and the support needs of an adult carer of a child. Local authorities must ensure persons carrying out assessments have the appropriate training and expertise and consult with experts as prescribed and specifically for individuals who are deafblind. Local authorities must make a referral to the health service where it appears that the individual whose needs are being assessed may have a need for NHS Continuing Healthcare.,Care and Support (Assessment) Regulations 2014/2827,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209|1755,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2705,Social care - charging for assessed needs,,P,"Local authorities may charge (under Section 14 of the Care Act) for meeting needs under sections 18 to 20 of the Act, but must provide community equipment (aids and minor adaptations) and, for the first 6 weeks only, intermediate care and reablement support services; services for adults suffering from variant Creutzfield-Jakob disease free of charge. LAs may charge for putting in place arrangements to meet needs, but no more than the costs incurred. LAs may charge and financially assess short-term residents for a period not exceeding 8 weeks ? as if they are in receipt of care and support in their own homes. LAs must carry out financial assessments as prescribed",Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014/2672,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,178|205|209|1756,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2706,Social care - continuity of care when moving authority,,D,A LA must meet a person's care and support needs from the date of a move into its area (under s38 of the Care Act) on the same basis as the first authority until it has carried out its own assessment and must have regard to the matters prescribed in Regulation 2.,Care and Support (Continuity of Care) Regulations 2014/2825,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,178|205|209|1756|1757,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2707,Social care - deferred payment (England),,P,A local authority must enter into a deferred payment agreement in the prescribed circumstances.,Care and Support (Deferred Payment) Regulations 2014/2671,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209|1756,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London.,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2708,Social care - direct payments regulation,,D,Local authorities must have regard to the regulations when deciding whether to meet a person's needs by the making of a direct payment in accordance with sections 31 to 33 of the Care Act 2014.,Care and Support (Direct Payments) Regulations 2014/2871,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2709,Social care - discharge from hospital,,D,A local authority to which an assessment notice (under Section 79/Schedule 3 of the Care Act) is given must accept that notice and undertake the duties in relation to the patient notwithstanding that it may dispute that patient's ordinary residence. A local authority which has wrongly been given an assessment notice may claim reimbursement for any delayed discharge payment it has paid in that case from the local authority in whose area the patient is later agreed or determined to be ordinarily resident.,Care and Support (Discharge of Hospital Patients) Regulations 2014/2823,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209|833,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2710,Social care - cross border placements and temporary care,,D,Local authorities must resolve disputes between authorities about the application of paragraphs 1 to 4 of Schedule 1 of the Care Act or of sections 48 to 51 of the Act (but not disputes between English local authorities about the application of section 48 which are not dealt with in these Regulations).,Care and Support (Cross-border Placements and Business Failure: Temporary Duty) (Dispute Resolution) Regulations 2014/2843,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209|242,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2711,Social care - disputes between local authorities,,D,"Local authorities must follow the prescribed procedures where there is a dispute between local authorities regarding a person's ordinary residence under Part 1 of the Care Act 2014, or about the application of sections 37 (continuity of care and support ? notification and assessment) or 48 (provider failure ? temporary duty on local authority) of that Act or disputes under section 117 of the Mental Health Act. A local authority has the duty of meeting an individual's needs until the dispute is resolved as prescribed.",Care and Support (Disputes Between Local Authorities) Regulations 2014/2829,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209|242,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2712,Social care - independent advocacy support,,D,"When making arrangements for a person to be an independent advocate under Section 67 of the Care Act 2014 local authorities must be satisfied that a person meets the prescribed requirements. Local authorities must have regard to the prescribed matters when deciding whether a person would experience substantial difficulty, whether there are prescribed circumstances which would disapply the duty and the provisions on working with an independent advocate.",Care and Support (Independent Advocacy Support) (No. 2) Regulations 2014/2889,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,728,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2713,Social care - provision of health services,,D,"Local authorities must obtain consent under 22 (4) of the Care Act 2014 from the CCG which has the responsibility for arranging for the provision of nursing care by a registered nurse in respect of the person concerned. Local authorities must work with NHS bodies in the processes for assessing a person's needs for health care and for deciding how those needs must be met including requirements regarding participation in review panels. LAs must make arrangements for determining any disputes between themselves and NHS bodies about whether or not something should be provided by the NHS as part of the health service. ",Care and Support (Provision of Health Services) Regulations 2014/2821,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2714,Social care - choice of accommodation,,D,"These regulations are made under section 30 of the Care Act and require local authorities to meet an adult?s preference for a particular accommodation type, provided that specified conditions are met. Where the cost of an adult's preferred accommodation is more than the amount specified for the accommodation in the adult's personal budget (under section 26 of the Act), the local authority is not required to provide that accommodation unless the additional cost condition is met. A local authority must give written reasons for a refusal to provide preferred accommodation.",Care and Support and After-care (Choice of Accommodation) Regulations 2014/2670,,Enabled by Care Act 2014 and Mental Health Act 1983,True,209|292,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2715,Social care - personal budget,,D,A local authority must exclude costs of meeting needs from a person's personal budget in certain circumstances if the costs are incurred in meeting needs by the provision to the person of intermediate care and reablement support services.,Care and Support (Personal Budget: Exclusion of Costs) Regulations 2014/2840,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,1756,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2716,"Childcare - information, advice and training",,D,"Local authorities must secure the provision of information, advice and training to early years providers registered by Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Education, Children's Services and Skills on the early years register established under the Childcare Act 2006, where an inspection report by the Chief Inspector has not yet been published for the provision, or when the most recent published report awards a grade weaker than ?good? to the overall effectiveness of the early years provision, and to employees of such providers. It must also be provided to later years providers on the compulsory part of the general childcare register, where the most recent published inspection report identifies that prescribed requirements are not met and to employees of such providers.","Childcare Providers (Information, Advice and Training) Regulations 2014/2319",,Enabled by Childcare Act 2006,True,21,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,24/09/2014,,,,False,True 2717,Children - performances and activities,,D,A local authority (licensing authority) must impose any conditions which it considers necessary in order to ensure the child is fit to take part in the performance or activity; proper provision is made to secure the child's health and kind treatment; and that the child's education will not suffer and may impose other specific conditions as prescribed.,Children (Performances and Activities) (England) Regulations 2014/3309,,Enabled by Children and Young Persons Act 1963,True,48|631,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,06/02/2015,,,,False,True 2718,Pollution control - emissions register,,D,Each local authority must maintain a register containing information concerning emissions from premises which has been obtained by the authority under section 35 of the Clean Air Act and information concerning certain appeals against section 36 notices.,Clean Air (Miscellaneous Provisions) (England) Regulations 2014/3318,,Enabled by Clean Air Act 1993,True,411|413|691,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,07/01/2015,,,,False,True 2719,Social services - contracting out,,P,"A local authority may authorise another person, or that person's employees, to exercise social services functions (assessment of needs for community care services, duties of responsible authority following notice under section 2 and in respect of prescribed direct payments) provided they are by, or under the supervision of, a registered social worker or by a person who has the requisite qualifications or competencies. Functions must also be exercised in accordance with relevant directions and guidance given to local authorities by the Secretary of State.",Contracting Out (Local Authorities Social Services Functions) (England) Order 2014/829,,Enabled by Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994,True,209|287,Applies to all social care services,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,,This power is ongoing although parts of Schedule 1 have been revoked.,False,True 2720,Animal health - swine diseases,,D,"A local authority must enforce the regulations (relating to disease notification, investigation and measures to be taken in prescribed circumstances) unless it is directed that the Secretary of State or Welsh ministers should do so in England and Wales respectively.",Diseases of Swine Regulations 2014/1894,,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972, (Council Directive 92/119/EEC - swine vesicular disease; Council Directive 2001/89/EC - classical swine fever and Council Directive 2002/60/EC -African swine)",True,788,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,14/08/2014,,,,False,True 2721,Schools - notification of term dates,,D,A local authority must notify the Welsh Ministers of all term dates which have been determined for the maintained schools in its area no later than the final working day in August in the year two years immediately preceding the beginning of the first school year for which the term dates have been determined,Education (Notification of School Term Dates) (Wales) Regulations 2014/1249,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,36,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/07/2014,,,,False,True 2722,Education - pupil referral units (PRU),,D,"Local authorities must establish management committees to run pupil referral units (PRUs) in their area, and make provision for the constitution and procedures of such committees.",Education (Pupil Referral Units) (Management Committees etc.) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2709,,Enabled by Education Act 1996,True,,,False,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,31/10/2014,,,"Applicable from 23 February 2015 (regarding delegation by the LA of the function of conducting the unit to the committee and the written policy) ",False,True 2723,Education - school development plans,,D,"Governing bodies must draw up a school development plan in order to assist it to exercise its responsibility for conducting a maintained school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement with the prescribed contents and revise it annually and following an inspection by HMI for Education and Training in Wales. ",Education (School Development Plans) (Wales) Regulations 2014/2677,,"Enabled by Education Acts 1996, 1997 and 2002",True,33,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,27/10/2014,,,,False,True 2724,Schools - federation of maintained schools,,P,"Schools may federate in the prescribed circumstances (at least two schools, but no more than six) according to the prescribed procedure",Federation of Maintained Schools (Wales) Regulations 2014/1132,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,29|1667,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/05/2014,,,,False,True 2725,Fire and rescue - firefighters pension schemes,,D,Fire and rescue authorities are appointed as the ?scheme managers? and ?scheme employer? and pay contributions and otherwise act in accordance with the regulations as prescribed.,Firefighters' Pension Scheme (England) Regulations 2014/2848,,Enabled by Public Service Pensions Act 2013,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2726,Food safety - information for customers,,D,Local authorities (food authorities) must enforce the Regulations on the provision of food information to consumers,Food Information (Wales) Regulations 2014/2303,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,403|791,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,13/12/2014,,,,False,True 2727,Food safety - food information regulations,,D,"Local authorities (food authorities) must enforce the Regulations and other non-metropolitan district councils (which are not defined as food authorities for this purpose) are also empowered to enforce certain allergen-related provisions. ",Food Information Regulations 2014/1855,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,403|791,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,False,13/12/2014,,,,False,True 2728,Local audit - auditor resignation and removal,,D,A local authority must take prescribed steps upon an auditor?s resignation from office or when removing a local auditor from office and when appointing a new local auditor (within three months).,Local Audit (Auditor Resignation and Removal) Regulations 2014/1710,,Enabled by Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,True,1621,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2729,Local audit - auditor panel,,D,The local authority which appoints the panel member must determine the term of that office. It must take steps on the disqualification of a member or chair as prescribed and may pay the members of its auditor panel such allowances as the authority may determine.,Local Audit (Auditor Panel) Regulations 2014/3224,,Enabled by Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,True,1621,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2730,Education - early years provision,,D,A local authority must secure the early years provision (570 hours over at least 38 weeks) free of charge to the children and in the manner prescribed.,Local Authority (Duty to Secure Early Years Provision Free of Charge) Regulations 2014/2147,,Enabled by Childcare Act 2006,True,12|1741,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,08/09/2014,,,,False,True 2731,Marriage - conversion of civil partnership,,P,Local authorities may provide secular services or ceremonies following conversions.,Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Conversion of Civil Partnership) Regulations 2014/3181,,Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013,True,1716,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,10/12/2014,,,,False,True 2732,Marriage - registration and appointment for same sex marriage,,D,"Local authorities (the Registrar General and superintendent registrar) must follow the prescribed procedures on registration and cancellation of a building ",Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Registration of Buildings and Appointment of Authorised Persons) Regulations 2014/106,,Enabled by Marriage Act 1949,True,1296|1716,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,13/03/2014,,,,False,True 2733,Marriage - cancellation of registration of shared buildings,,D,Local authorities (the Registrar General) must follow prescribed procedures for the cancellation of the registration of buildings which are shared by more than one religious organisation for the solemnization of marriages of same sex couples.,Marriage of Same Sex Couples (Registration of Shared Buildings) Regulations 2014/544 ,,Enabled by Marriage Act 1949,True,318|1296,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,13/03/2014,,,,False,True 2734,Licensing - mobile home sites,,P,Local authorities must have regard to prescribed matters when issuing or giving consent to transfer of a site licence; may require transfer applications to be accompanied by specified information and must provide prescribed information on refusal,Mobile Homes (Site Licensing) Regulations 2014/442,,Enabled by Caravan Sites and Control of Development Sites 1960,True,743,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2014,,,,False,True 2735,Licensing - mobile home site rules (England),,D,"Local authorities must establish and keep up a register of site rules for protected sites in its area, publish it online and open it for inspection during office hours at the LA?s offices.",Mobile Homes (Site Rules) Regulations 2014/5,,Enabled by Mobile Homes Act 1983,True,743,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,04/02/2014,,,,False,True 2736,Licensing - mobile home site rules (Wales),,D,"local authorities must establish and keep up a register of site rules for protected sites in its area, publish it online and open it for inspection during office hours at the LA?s offices ",Mobile Homes (Site Rules) (Wales) Regulations 2014/1764,,Enabled by Mobile Homes (Wales) Act 2013,True,743,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2014,,,,False,True 2737,Schools - National Curriculum assessment,,D,"Local authorities/Headteachers of maintained schools must make arrangements for all pupils in the foundation, second and third stage to be assessed throughout the year by a teacher for the purpose of monitoring and supporting the pupils educational progress ",National Curriculum (Assessment Arrangements for the Foundation Stage and the Second and Third Key Stages (Wales) Order 2014/1999,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,31,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2738,Non-domestic rating - disregarded income 2014,,D,Local authorities (billing authorities) must disregard a prescribed proportion of the non-domestic rating income from certain prescribed calculations.,Non-Domestic Rating (Designated Areas) Regulations 2014/98,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,969,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,17/02/2014,01/04/2039,,,False,True 2739,Local government - records,,D,A local authoriy decision-making officer must produce a written record of any category of prescribed decision as soon as reasonably practicable after the decision making officer has made the decision and must contain prescribed information. The local authority must publicise the decision (unless it contains confidential or exempt information) as prescribed.,Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014/2095,,Enabled by Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,True,354|1630,,True,A secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/08/2014,,,,False,True 2740,Planning - heritage partnership agreements procedures,,D,"The local authority (local planning authority) must follow the prescribed procedures for heritage partnership agreements. In particular, the local authority must publicise its intention to make a heritage partnership agreement granting listed building consent and consult English Heritage in prescribed circumstances.",Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) (Heritage Partnership Agreements) Regulations 2014/550,,Enabled by Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,511|514,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2014,,,,False,True 2741,Planning - certificates of lawfulness procedures,,D,"The local authority (planning authority) on receipt of an application for a certificate of lawfulness of proposed works must follow the prescribed procedure, including the period within which an application is to be determined; the procedures for appeals against refusal or failure to give a decision and for revoking a certificate.",Planning (Listed Buildings) (Certificates of Lawfulness of Proposed Works) Regulations 2014/552,,Enabled by Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,1712|1732,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2014,,,,False,True 2742,Planning - listed building consent orders,,D,"Local authorities must follow prescribed procedures for local listed building consent orders regarding their preparation and revocation and for notice, publicity, public inspection and consultation. LAs must also have regard to prescribed matters in relation to compensation for withdrawal.",Planning (Local Listed Building Consent Orders) (Procedure) Regulations 2014/551,,Enabled by Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990,True,514,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2014,,,,False,True 2743,Housing - fraud investigation (Wales),,P,"A local authority may authorise an individual to exercise the powers conferred on an authorised officer to require information from specified persons for housing fraud investigation purposes, namely the prevention, detection or securing evidence for the conviction of one of the offences listed in section 7(7) of the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Detection of Fraud) Act 2013.",Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Detection of Fraud) (Wales) Regulations 2014/826,,Enabled by Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013,True,89|92|101|151|711,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,28/03/2014,,,,False,True 2744,Housing - fraud investigation (England),,P,"A local authority may authorise an individual to exercise the powers conferred on an authorised officer to require information from specified persons for housing fraud investigation purposes, namely the prevention, detection or securing evidence for the conviction of one of the offences listed in section 7(7) of the Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Detection of Fraud) Act 2013.",Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014/899,,Enabled by Prevention of Social Housing Fraud Act 2013,True,89|92|101|151|711,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2014,,,,False,True 2745,Food safety - meat products (England),,D,A local authority (food authority) must enforce the Regulations within its area which prohibit the use of specified names in the sale and advertising of regulated products if the products do not satisfy specific compositional requirements; and the sale of uncooked regulated products which include among their ingredients specified parts of the carcass of any mammalian species of animal.,Products Containing Meat etc. (England) Regulations 2014/3001,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,13/12/2014,13/12/2021,,"Applicable to 13 December 2021, but amendments pending",False,True 2746,Food safety - meat products (Wales),,P,A LA (food authority) must enforce the Regulations within its area which prohibit the use of specified names in the sale and advertising of regulated products if the products do not satisfy specific compositional requirements; and the sale of uncooked regulated products which include among their ingredients specified parts of the carcass of any mammalian species of animal.,Products Containing Meat etc. (Wales) Regulations 2014/3087,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,13/12/2014,,,,False,True 2747,Electoral register - supply of information,,D,"Local authorities (electoral registration officers) must supply national and local political parties, for a limited period, with information as to whether entries on an electoral register were either made following an application under the system of individual electoral registration or were included as a result of the entry having been confirmed in accordance with the transitional arrangements for the new system. The information may only be used for the purposes of electoral registration (or of civil or criminal proceedings) and may not be used after 7th May 2015.",Representation of the People (Supply of Information) Regulations 2014/2764,,Enabled by Representation of the People Act 1983,True,364,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2015,,,,False,True 2748,Children - representations procedure,,D,"Local authorities must designate a senior officer to be responsible for ensuring compliance with arrangements made by the authority; appoint a complaints officer to manage the procedure for handling and consideration of representations made to them about the discharge of specific functions under the Children Act 1989 and under the Adoption and Children Act 2002. An LA must ensure that its staff are appropriately trained and follow the prescribed procedure for the handling and investigation of representations, monitor their own arrangements and produce an annual report. ",Representations Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014/1795,,Enabled by Children Act 1989,True,159|160|266|310,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/08/2014,,,,False,True 2749,Schools - nutritional requirements,,D,"Local authorities or Governing Bodies of maintained schools, nurseries and PRUs must comply with prescribed nutritional requirements whenever they provide food or drink on, or in certain circumstances outside of, school premises. ",Requirements for School Food Regulations 2014/1603,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,37,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2015,,,,False,True 2750,Schools - early years funding,,D,"Local authorities must determine budget shares for schools maintained by them and the amounts to be allocated in respect of early years provision in their areas, in accordance with the prescribed formulae. Local authorities must ensure they meet the minimum funding guarantee and requirements in relation to their own schemes under the Act.",School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2014/3352,,Enabled by School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,12|1667|1741,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,12/01/2015,,,,False,True 2751,Social care - complaints procedure (Wales),,D,Local authorities must have a published complaints procedure (as prescribed) for their social services functions (with the exception of certain functions capable of being considered as representations under the Children Act 1989 and under the Adoption and Children Act 2002); designate a senior officer to be responsible for ensuring compliance; a complaints officer to manage the procedures for handling and considering complaints and provide adequate training. LAs must monitor compliance with the Regulations prepare an annual report.,Social Services Complaints Procedure (Wales) Regulations 2014/1794,,"Enabled by Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003 ",True,353|645,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/08/2014,,,,False,True 2752,Education - SEN regulations,,D,"Local authorities must have regard to prescribed procedures and Regulations which supplement the procedural framework for assessing a child or young person with special educational needs, and the procedure for making, reviewing, amending and ceasing to maintain an EHC plan, set out in Part 3 of the Children and Families Act 2014.",Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014/1530,,Enabled by Children and Families Act 2014,True,8|9,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2753,Education - SEN personal budgets,,D,"Local authorities must make arrangements to ensure information, advice and support is available in relation to personal budgets for children and young people with SEN for whom there is an EHC plan. They must consider prescribed criteria and procedures when considering whether to make; reduce; stop or request repayment of a direct payment; provide the written reasons for its decision with a right to a review.","Special Educational Needs (Personal Budgets) Regulations 2014/1652 ",,Enabled by Children and Families Act 2014,True,8|9,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2754,Animal health - tuberculosis in deer,,D,Local authorities are required to enforce regulations relating to disease controls in deer and camelids.,Tuberculosis (Deer and Camelid) (England) Order 2014/2337,,Enabled by Animal Health Act 1981,True,434|788,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2014,01/10/2021,,Amendments pending,False,True 2755,Animal health - tuberculosis enforcement (England),,D,"Local authorities are required to enforce regulations relating to TB disease controls ",Tuberculosis (England) Order 2014/2383,,Enabled by Animal Health Act 1981,True,434|788,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2014,01/10/2021,,Amendments pending,False,True 2756,Animal welfare - welfare at time of killing,,P,"The local authority (as well as the competent authority) may appoint inspectors with powers to ensure compliance with these Regulations and the EU Regulation, including powers of entry and seizure and powers to issue enforcement notices.",Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (Wales) Regulations 2014/951,,"Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Council Regulation (EC) No 1099/2009 of 24 September 2009 ",True,434|788,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,20/05/2014,,,,False,True 2757,Local government finance - accounts,,D,"Local authorities must follow detailed rules for the preparation, approval and publication of their statement of accounts.",Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015/234,,Enabled by Local Audit and Accountability Act 2015,True,967|971|1584|1621,,True,A secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2758,Social care - protection of adults,,D,"A local authority must only authorise a person who has relevant experience, has completed appropriate training and is an officer of that local authority to apply for an adult protection and support order under section 127 of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014. Where that is not practicable, a LA may authorise a person with relevant experience, who has completed appropriate training and who is an officer of a LA within a certain safeguarding board area, or failing that, of a LA in Wales. Where that is not practical, an officer of that LA who has relevant experience.",Adult Protection and Support Orders (Authorised Officer) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1465,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,731|1121|1758,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2759,Housing -use of local connection,,D,"Local authorities must not use local connection (within the meaning of section 199 of the Housing Act 1996) as a criterion in deciding whether relevant persons are not qualifying persons, if the allocation involves a transfer of housing accommodation from the district of another local housing authority in England.",Allocation of Housing (Qualification Criteria for Right to Move) (England) Regulations 2015/967,,Enabled by Housing Act 1996,True,86|711|911,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,20/04/2015,,,,False,True 2760,Animal feeds - enforcement,,D,"Local authorities must enforce the Regulations within their respective areas on feed safety, genetically modified feed, feed additives, the marketing and use of feed, undesirable substances (contaminants) in feed and feed for particular nutritional purposes.","Animal Feed (Composition, Marketing and Use) (England) Regulations 2015/255",,Enabled by Agriculture Act 1970,True,406|407|1053,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",True,06/04/2015,,,,False,True 2761,"Animal feed - hygiene, sampling and enforcement",,D,"It is the duty of each feed authority within its area to execute and enforce (as prescribed) the provisions of these Regulations and Regulation (EC) No 183/2005 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down requirements for feed hygiene; 152/2009 laying down the methods of sampling and analysis for the official control of feed and also make provision as to administration generally in relation to feed law, in particular so as to give effect to Regulation (EC) No 882/2004.","Animal Feed (Hygiene, Sampling etc. and Enforcement) (England) Regulations 2015/454",,Enabled by Agriculture Act 1970,True,406|407|1053,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",True,06/04/2015,,,,False,True 2762,Food safety - animal products,,D,The local authority must enforce the Regulations regarding residue limits of pharmacologically active substances in foodstuffs of animal origin in its area (as prescribed).,Animals and Animal Products (Examination for Residues and Maximum Residue Limits)(England and Scotland) Regulations 2015/787,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/07/2015,,,,False,True 2763,Housing - community protection and fixed penalty notices,,P,"A local authority may authorise a housing provider, as defined by section 20 of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing 2014 Act to issue community protection notices and fixed penalty notices (section 52).",Anti-social Behaviour (Authorised Persons) Order 2015/749,,"Enabled by Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 ",True,1752,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,18/03/2015,,,,False,True 2764,Food safety - brucellosis testing,,D,Local authorities must enforce the Order regarding regular testing of milk for Brucellosis,Brucellosis (England) Order 2015/364,,Enabled by Animal Health Act 1981,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance," ",False,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2765,Schools - formation of company for governing body,,P,A governing body of a school maintained by a local authority may form a governing body company to deliver certain prescribed functions and services.,Sections 11 and 12 of the Education Act 2002.,,"See also Education (Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986: Amendments to Disqualification Provisions) (England) Regulations 2004/3264, Education (Disqualification Provisions: Bankruptcy and Mental Health) (England) Regulations 2006/2198, School Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2003/2049, School Companies (Amendment) Regulations 2014/2923, School Companies (Private Finance Initiative Companies) Regulations 2002/3177, School Companies Regulations 2002/2978 and Education (Miscellaneous Amendments relating to Safeguarding Children) (England) Regulations 2009/1924",True,29,,True,Primary power of secondary importance.,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,,,False,True 2766,Schools - control and use of premises,,D,"A local authority or the Governing body, depending on the type of maintained school, must comply with Regulations regarding the use of school premises.",Section 31 of the Education Act 2002.,,See also Control of School Premises (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/555 and Control of School Premises (Wales) Regulations 2008/136,True,29|956,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2010,,,,False,True 2767,Local government - credit arrangements and capital receipts,,D,A local authority must comply with Regulations relating to credit arrangements and capital receipts.,Section 7 of the Local Government Act 2003.,,"See also sections 8 to 11 of the Local Government Act 2003, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2012/265, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) Regulations 2003/3146, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/1010, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) Regulations 2003/3239, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) (No. 2) Regulations 2004/3055, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2006/521 Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2010/454, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2012/711, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) (No. 4) Regulations 2012/2269, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) (No.2) Regulations 2009/2272, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) (No.3) Regulations 2012/1324, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2008/414, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (England) Regulations 2003/3146, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2004/1010, Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/944 and Local Authorities (Capital Finance and Accounting) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2010/685",True,967|968|971,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, in its capacity as a local authority, police authority or port health authority and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,18/11/2003,,,,False,True 2768,Social care - individual responsible for assessments,,D,Local authorities carrying out an assessment must ensure that there is a named individual whose function is to co-ordinate the carrying out of the assessment; ensure the adequate training and expertise of persons carrying out an assessment; have regard to prescribed matters when carrying out an assessment; make a written record of the outcome copied to persons prescribed and review assessments as prescribed.,Care and Support (Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1305,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,209|1115,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2769,Social care - individual responsible for care plan,,D,"A local authority must ensure that any person responsible for preparing, reviewing or revising a care and support plan or support plan has appropriate training and the skills, knowledge and competence to do so; ensure the content of plans contains prescribed information; that plans are reviewed and action taken as prescribed with copies given to prescribed persons.",Care and Support (Care Planning) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1335,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,1757,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2770,Social care - care and support charges,,D,"Local authorities must follow prescribed requirements when making a determination of the amount of the charges which apply in relation to care and support which they are providing or arranging or propose to provide or arrange in the course of carrying out their functions under Part 4 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. ",Care and Support (Charging) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1843,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,209|242|1757,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2771,Social care - needs assessment for carers of children,,D,A LA may exercise its power under section 62(1)of the Care Act 2014 to meet the care needs of the carer of a child where the LA has carried out an assessment of the carer?s needs as prescribed.,Care and Support (Children's Carers) Regulations 2015/305,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,1755,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2772,Social care - choice of care accommodation,,D,These regulations are made under Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act and require local authorities to provide or arrange for the provision of the person's preferred care home accommodation as prescribed and must give written reasons for a refusal to provide or arrange for the provision of a person's preferred accommodation.,Care and Support (Choice of Accommodation) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1840,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being Act (Wales) 2014,True,292,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2773,Social care - deferred payment (Wales),,D,Local authorities must enter into a deferred payment agreement with an adult subject to specified conditions being met and as prescribed.,Care and Support (Deferred Payment) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1841,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,292,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2774,Social care - direct payments (Wales),,D,"A local authority must take prescribed steps to enable people to make informed choices about direct payments. An LA may make a direct payment to prescribed classes of people; may make prescribed payments subject to conditions; may take a person's financial circumstances into account in making a decision. A LA may terminate and review, make a payment without condition where prescribed benefits are being received.",Care and Support (Direct Payments) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1815,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2775,Social care - disputes about ordinary residence,,D,"Section 195 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 provides for the determination of disputes local authorities about where a person is ordinarily resident in Wales for the purposes of the 2014 Act and for the determination of disputes between a sending and receiving authority under section 56 of the 2014 Act (portability of care and support) about the application of that section in relation to a person. Where local authorities in Wales have a dispute about where a person was ordinarily resident for the purposes of section 117(3) of the Mental Health Act 1983 (after care or section195 of the 2014 Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act the LA responsible for meeting an individual's needs until the dispute is resolved will be as prescribed. Local authorities in those circumstances must try to resolve the dispute prior to referring it for determination by the Welsh Ministers.","Care and Support (Disputes about Ordinary Residence, etc.) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1494",,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,1284|1757,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2776,Social care - eligibility criteria (England),,D,"Local authorities must have regard to the prescribed eligibility criteria for adults who need care and support, and for carers who need support.",Care and Support (Eligibility Criteria) Regulations 2015/313,,Enabled by Care Act 2014,True,209|1755,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2777,Social care - eligibility criteria (Wales),,D,"Local authorities must apply prescribed tests (in relation to adults, to children and to carers) to determine whether or not an individual with needs identified in an assessment under section 19, 21 or 24 of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 is entitled to have those needs met by a local authority",Care and Support (Eligibility) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1578,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,209|1755,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2778,Social care - financial assessment,,D,A local authority must carry out a financial assessment of a person's financial resources in the prescribed cases and manner.,Care and Support (Financial Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1844,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,1756,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2779,Social care - partnership arrangements,,D,"Local authorities are required (with Local Health Boards) to enter into partnership arrangements for the purpose of carrying out their functions under section 14 of the Social Services and Well Being Act 2014 in the form of the partnership arrangement and the operation prescribed, including the appointment of a lead co-ordinating body.",Care and Support (Partnership Arrangements for Population Assessments) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1495,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,1627,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2780,Social care - population assessments,,D,Local authorities and Local Health Boards (referred to in the Regulations as ?responsible bodies?) must jointly assess the matters specified in section 14(1)(a) to (f) of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act. These matters include the extent to which there are people in the LA's area who need care and support and the extent to which there are carers in the area who need support. They must have regard to the statement of well-being outcomes when carrying out population assessments; engage with prescribed persons and bodies; jointly produce a report of the outcome of an assessment; publicise and submit to the Welsh ministers and review as prescribed.,Care and Support (Population Assessments) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1367,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,209|1627|1755,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2781,Social care - provision of health care,,D,"A local authority must obtain consent from the prescribed health body when making arrangements for the provision of accommodation together with nursing care in reliance on section 47(6) of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) 2014 Act; must resolve any disputes with a health body, Local Health Board or clinical commissioning group as prescribed.",Care and Support (Provision of Health Services) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1919,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,292|293,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,False,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2782,Social care - review of charging decisions,,D,"Local authorities must appoint a person, who is a member of staff, to deal with a review request under section 73 of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014; must accept or reject the request and follow the procedure prescribed. LAs may recover any accrued amounts after the review period. If the requester notifies the LA that they will not pay the contribution during the review period, the LA must make gross payments during the review period and return any over payment to the requester or recover any underpayment as prescribed.",Care and Support (Review of Charging Decisions and Determinations) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1842,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,1756,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2783,Children and young people - care leavers (Wales),,D,"Local authorities must carry out an assessment of the needs of category 2, category 3 and category 4 young persons and have regard to the prescribed matters relating to the preparation and review of pathway plans; make provision about other support and the suitability of accommodation and establish and keep records. ",Care Leavers (Wales) Regulations 2015/1820,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,918,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2784,Children and young people - care plan,,D,Local authorities must produce a plan for the care and support of the child and revise and provide copies of it; have regard to provisions regarding placements; visits; advice and support; the timing and conduct of reviews; arrangements to be made by the local authority for ceasing to look after a child and other related miscellaneous provisions as prescribed including the keeping of records.,"Care Planning, Placement and Case Review (Wales) Regulations 2015/1818",,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,1723,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2785,Licences - child performances,,D,"Local authorities may grant and must follow the prescribed procedure and requirements in respect of licences granted under section 25 of the Children and Young Persons Act 1933 for children performing or taking part in activities abroad for profit. LAs must impose any conditions which they consider necessary in order to ensure that the child is fit to take part in the performance or activity; proper provision is made to secure the child's health and wellbeing; and proper provision is made to ensure that the child's education will not suffer. ",Children (Performances and Activities) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1757,,Enabled by Children and Young Persons Act 1963,True,48,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,30/10/2015,,,,False,True 2786,Food safety - condensed and dried milk,,D,"Local authorities (food authorities) must enforce these regulations in their areas (implementing Council Directive 2001/114/EC relating to certain partly or wholly dehydrated preserved milk products intended for human consumption and Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the provision of food information to consumers). The regulations define condensed milk and dried milk products and the reserved descriptions that apply to them; prohibit labelling with reserved descriptions of food other than the designated condensed and dried milk products to which they relate, enabling improvement notices to be served to require compliance with regulations, 3, 4 and 5 and make failure to comply an offence. ",Condensed Milk and Dried Milk (England) Regulations 2015/675,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2015,,,,False,True 2787,Food safety - origin of meat products (England),,D,"Local authorities that are food authorities must enforce these Regulations within their areas (applying Regulation (EU) No 1337/2013 ; (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards the indication of the country of origin or place of provenance for fresh, chilled and frozen meat of swine, sheep, goats and poultry and records to be kept by food business operators for 12 months from the end of the calendar year to which each record relates.",Country of Origin of Certain Meats (England) Regulations 2015/518,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2788,Food safety - origin of meat products (Wales),,D,"A local authority must enforce in its area Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 1337/2013 laying down rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 as regards the indication of the country of origin for fresh, chilled and frozen meat of swine, sheep, goats and poultry and these Regulations, which require food business operators to keep records for 12 months from the end of the calendar year to which each record relates.",Country of Origin of Certain Meats (Wales) Regulations 2015/1519,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,10/08/2015,,,,False,True 2789,Schools - teacher induction (Wales),,D,The head teacher where a person serves an induction period is responsible for the daily supervision and training of that person. LAs must secure the termination of employment of a person who has failed to satisfactorily complete a period of induction if that person does not appeal to the Council against the decision of the appropriate body or that person's appeal is dismissed within the prescribed timescale.,Education (Induction Arrangements for School Teachers) (Wales) Regulations 2015/484,,Enabled by Education (Wales) Act 2014,True,1128|1645|1650,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2790,Environment - damage under environmental permitting,,D,"If damage as prescribed is caused by an activity that requires a permit or registration under the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 and the LA is responsible for granting the permit, the LA must enforce the provisions of Part 2 and, if the damage is to land, Part 3.",Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (England) Regulations 2015/810,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and Interpretation Act 1978,True,708,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,19/07/2015,,,,False,True 2791,Public health -FGM protection order,,P,A local authority is specified as a Third Party for the purposes of applying for an FGM protection order under paragraph 2 of Part 1 of Schedule 2 to the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003 and as such can apply to the court for an FGM protection order without the leave of the court.,Female Genital Mutilation Protection Order (Relevant Third Party) Regulations 2015/1422,,Enabled by Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003,True,266,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,17/07/2015,,,,False,True 2792,Registration - marriage/civil partnership gender recognition register,,P,"Local authorities (the Registrar General) must maintain a Gender Recognition Marriage Register, and a Gender Recognition Civil Partnership Register, which must not be open for public inspection or search. The Registrar General must register the marriage and create a link (which is not to be open to public inspection) between the original marriage register entry and the new entry in the Gender Recognition Marriage Register and maintain the details in the registers as prescribed.",Gender Recognition Register (Marriage and Civil Partnership) Regulations 2015/50,,Enabled by Gender Recognition Act 2004,True,1716,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/02/2015,,,,False,True 2793,Schools - change of category,,D,"The governing body and the local authority must secure by the end of the implementation period that a new instrument of government is made for the school in accordance with the 2005 Regulations or the 2014 Regulations and must secure that, as soon as reasonably practicable after the commencement of the implementation period (and in any event within a period of 3 months beginning on the implementation date), the governing body is reconstituted in accordance with the new instrument of government and the 2005 Regulations or the 2014 Regulations. They must also adhere to the provisions regarding Governor surplus. ",Government of Maintained Schools (Change of Category) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1521,,Enabled by School Standards and Organisation (Wales) Act 2013,True,29,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/09/2015,,,,False,True 2794,Housing - homelessness (intentionality),,P,"A local authority must give written notice of its decision to have regard to intentionality to the Welsh Ministers, at least 14 days before it takes effect. The notice must specify the category of applicants in relation to which the LA will consider intentionality; reasons and be published as prescribed. The local authority must have regard to the requirements in relation to revisions and existing applicants.",Homelessness (Intentionality) (Specified Categories) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1265,,Enabled by Housing (Wales) Act 2014,True,112,,True,Housing (Wales) Act 2014,,True,,True,27/04/2015,,,,False,True 2795,Housing - homelessness review,,D,Local authorities must follow the prescribed procedure when dealing with a review under section 85 of the Housing (Wales) Act 2014 of specific decisions relating to homelessness,Homelessness (Review Procedure) (Wales) Regulations 2015/1266,,Enabled by Housing (Wales) Act 2014,True,112,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,27/04/2015,,,,False,True 2796,Housing - accommodation suitability for homeless,,D,"The local authority must take into account prescribed matters when determining the suitability of accommodation; including circumstances when B&B and shared accommodation are not suitable to be used for temporary accommodation and when private rented sector accommodation is not suitable for discharging the duties under section 75 of the Housing (Wales) 2014 Act. ",Homelessness (Suitability of Accommodation) (Wales) Order 2015/1268,,Enabled by Housing (Wales) Act 2014,True,112|1714,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,27/04/2015,,,,False,True 2797,Food safety - labelling of honey (England),,D,Local authorities (food authorities) are required to enforce the Regulations (by serving improvement notices) which regulate the use of various prescribed names including ?honey? and the compositional criteria with which such products must comply when placed on the market as honey and when used in a product intended for human consumption and other labelling conditions.,Honey (England) Regulations 2015/1348,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the council of the Isles of Scilly,True,24/06/2015,,,,False,True 2798,Food safety - labelling of honey (Wales),,D,Local authorities (food authorities) are required to enforce the Regulations (by serving improvement notices) which regulate the use of various prescribed names including ?honey? and the compositional criteria with which such products must comply when placed on the market as honey and when used in a product intended for human consumption and other labelling conditions.,Honey (Wales) Regulations 2015/1507,,Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,03/08/2015,,,,False,True 2799,Household waste - penalty charge,,P,"A local authority (waste collection authority) may issue a penalty under section 20B(1) of the London Local Authorities Act 2007 Act within the range of ?60 to ?80 and, under section 20B(3) of the 2007 Act, may make provision for treating a penalty as having been paid if a lesser amount (not less than ?40) is paid before the end of a specified period. ",Household Waste (Fixed Penalty and Penalty Charge) Regulations 2015/969,,Enabled by Environmental Protection Act 1990,True,524|526,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/06/2015,,,,False,True 2800,Licensing - late night refreshment,,P,"The local authority (Licensing Authority) may designate the premises described in these Regulations under paragraph 2A of Schedule 2 to the Licensing Act 2003 as exempt from the licensing requirements that apply to the provision of late night refreshment, that is to say the supply to the public of hot food or hot drinks between 11pm and 5am.",Licensing Act 2003 (Late Night Refreshment) Regulations 2015/1781,,Enabled by Licensing Act 2003,True,860,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,05/11/2015,,,,False,True 2801,Local government - audit of smaller authorities,,P,"Smaller local authorities may opt in to arrangements made by the Secretary of State to audit their accounts. They may also certify themselves as ?exempt authorities? if they meet the prescribed provisions. ",Local Audit (Smaller Authorities) Regulations 2015/184,,Enabled by Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014,True,1621,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The council for the Isles of Scilly,True,10/02/2015,,,,False,True 2802,Recycling - charging for use of recycling sites,,D,"Best value authorities must not (by the disapplication of section 93(1) of the Local Government Act 2003) use the discretionary power to charge residents to deposit household waste at a household waste recycling centre. ",Local Government (Prohibition of Charges at Household Waste Recycling Centres) (England) Order 2015/619,,Enabled by Local Government Act 2003,True,534,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The common council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,06/04/2015,,,See Article 5 for prescribed exemption until 1 April 2020 for specified authorities,False,True 2803,Local government - transparency,,D,Local authorities in England must comply with Part 2 of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 .,Local Government (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015/480,,"Enabled by Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980",True,1573|1577|1584,,True,Secondary Duty of Secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2804,Animal welfare - microchipping of dogs (Wales),,P,A local authority in whose area a dog is kept may authorise in writing any person to act for the purpose of enforcing these Regulations in its area.,Microchipping of Dogs (Wales) Regulations 2015/1990,,Enabled by Animal Welfare Act 2006,True,434|612|1471,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/12/2015,,,,False,True 2805,Animal welfare - microchipping of dogs (England),,P,A local authority in whose area a dog is kept may authorise in writing any person to act for the purpose of enforcing these Regulations in its area.,Microchipping of Dogs Regulations 2015/108,,Enabled by Animal Welfare Act 2006,True,432|612|1471,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,24/02/2015,,,,False,True 2806,Food safety - bottled drinking water,,D,"Local authorities (food authorities) must execute and enforce the Regulations and take the remedial action prescribed in relation to water bottled and labelled as ?spring water? or ?dwr ffynnon? and bottled drinking water in the event of non-compliance with the parametric values for the parameters set out. (applying Council Directive 98/83/EC relating to the quality of water intended for human consumption ; Directive 2009/54/EC on the exploitation and marketing of natural mineral waters; Commission Directive 2003/40/EC establishing the list, concentration limits and labelling requirements for the constituents of natural mineral waters and the conditions for using ozone-enriched air for the treatment of natural mineral waters and spring waters; Commission Regulation (EU) No 115/2010 laying down the conditions for use of activated alumina for the removal of fluoride from natural mineral waters and spring waters and Council Directive 2013/51/Euratom laying down the requirements for the protection of the health of the general public with regard to radioactive substances in water intended for human consumption).","Natural Mineral Water, Spring Water and Bottled Drinking Water (Wales) Regulations 2015/1867",,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 and The Food Safety Act 1990,True,406|407|791,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,28/11/2015,,,,False,True 2807,Non-domestic rating - small business relief,,D,"Billing authorities must have regard to the provisions relating to which hereditaments are excepted from the small business rate relief scheme including: a maximum rateable value of ?12,000 for hereditaments which might be eligible for relief from non-domestic rates; prescribed conditions of eligibility for relief from non-domestic rates; a temporary rate relief scheme which commences on 1 April 2015 and ceases on 31 March 2016 and information to be included in the notice, the time within which such a notice is to be served and the method of service.",Non-Domestic Rating (Small Business Relief) (Wales) Order 2015/229,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,55,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2808,Trading standards - packaging of goods,,D,"Local authorities (weights and measures authorities) in Great Britain must enforce the regulations on packaging to ensure that it satisfies essential requirements: that lead, cadmium, mercury and hexavalent chromium do not exceed prescribed levels and that technical documentation on compliance are made available to them on request. ",Packaging (Essential Requirements) Regulations 2015/1640,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,402|404,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2015,,,,False,True 2809,Local government - public contracts,,D,"Local authorities (as contracting authorities) must have regard to the regulations in relation to how they award public contracts for the execution of works, the supply of products or the provision of services.",Public Contracts Regulations 2015/102,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,829|830,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London,True,26/02/2015,,,,False,True 2810,Registration - marriage and civil partnership referrals,,D,A superintendent registrar or a registration authority must make a referral as prescribed to the Secretary of State and give the information prescribed in regulations 17 and 18 to the parties for the purposes of section 28H(5)(c)(i) and (ii) of the 1949 Marriage Act and section 12A(5)(c)(i) and (ii) of the 2004 Civil Partnership Act.,Referral of Proposed Marriages and Civil Partnerships Regulations 2015/123,,Enabled by Civil Partnership Act 2004,True,876,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London or the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,02/03/2015,,,,False,True 2811,Registration -marriages,,D,Superintendent Registrars are required to follow the procedures prescribed relating to the registration of marriages.,Registration of Marriages Regulations 2015/207,,Enabled by Marriage Act 1949,True,1716,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London or the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,02/03/2015,,,,False,True 2812,Open data - re-use of public sector information,,D,"Local authorities (as public sector bodies) are under a general duty to permit re-use within prescribed timescales and if doing so, must act in accordance with regulations 11 to 16 and establish an internal complaints procedure to determine complaints arising under the Regulations. (Implementing Directive 2013/37/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 (O.J. No. L175/1, 27.6.2013), which amends Directive 2003/98/EC on the re-use of public sector information).",Re-use of Public Sector Information Regulations 2015/1415,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972,True,722|826|1088|1305|1577,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly and the Common Council of the City of London in its capacity as local authority,True,18/07/2015,,,,False,True 2813,Schools - teachers pay and conditions,,D,"Local authorities and Schools must have regard to the provisions set out in section 2 of the Document ?School Teachers? Pay and Conditions Document 2015 and Guidance on School Teachers? Pay and Conditions? published on the website for the purposes of determining the remuneration of school teachers, and other conditions of employment of school teachers which relate to their professional duties and working time.",School Teachers' Pay and Conditions Order 2015/1582,,Enabled by Education Act 2002,True,975|976|1661,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London,True,01/09/2015,,,,False,True 2814,Schools - schools and early years finance,,D,"Local authorities must determine budget shares for schools maintained by them and amounts to be allocated in respect of early years provision in their areas, in accordance with the appropriate formulae. They must ensure there is a minimum funding guarantee and ensure their schemes contain the prescribed requirements.",School and Early Years Finance (England) Regulations 2015/2033,,Enabled by Education Act 2002 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998,True,969|1667,,True,"Secondary duty of secondary importance ",,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,07/01/2016,,,For the financial year beginning on 1 April 2016,False,True 2815,Housing - selective licensing,,P,"A local housing authority may make a selective licensing designation in relation to an area if a set of conditions (in addition to those set out in section 80 of the Housing Act 2004) is satisfied in relation to an area. It must contain a high proportion of properties in the private rented sector, in relation to the total housing accommodation in that area. These privately rented properties must be occupied under assured tenancies or licenses to occupy.",Selective Licensing of Houses (Additional Conditions) (England) Order 2015/977,,Enabled by Housing Act 2004,True,1691,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London and The council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/03/2015,,,,False,True 2816,Transparency - smaller authorities,,D,"Local authorities in England to which the Transparency code for smaller authorities issued on 17th December 2014 applies, must comply with that Code.",Smaller Authorities (Transparency Requirements) (England) Regulations 2015/494,,"Enabled by Local Government, Planning and Land Act 1980",True,1573|1577|1584,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2817,Housing - carbon monoxide and smoke alarms,,D,"Local authorities (housing authorities) must serve a remedial notice where there are reasonable grounds to believe a landlord is in breach of a duty under the regulations and, if no action is taken, arrange for remedial action to be taken and impose a penalty notice following the prescribed procedure. LAs must also publish a statement of principles regarding penalty notices.",Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015/1693,,Enabled by Energy Act 2013,True,150|652|661,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2015,,,,False,True 2818,Youth justice - EHC plan for detained persons,,D,Local authorities (home authorities) must follow the procedures for carrying out a detained person's EHC needs assessment and making an EHC plan including: adhering to prescribed time-scales in which decisions need to be made; the factors which the home authority need to consider when carrying out an assessment and the information and advice which should be made available to the detained person or a detained child's parent.,Special Educational Needs and Disability (Detained Persons) Regulations 2015/62,,Enabled by Children and Families Act 2014,True,8|9,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2819,Schools - redundancy or premature retirement of teachers,,P,Local authorities/Schools may pay a teacher of discretionary compensation for redundancy in addition to the teacher's redundancy payment or in the interests of the efficient discharge of the employer's functions; may pay mandatory annual and lump sum compensation and other benefits to or in respect of a teacher for premature retirement by reason of redundancy or in the interests of the efficient discharge of the employer's functions. LAs deciding authority have a discretion to credit a teacher with an additional period of service. Provision is also made for abatement of annual compensation during further employment and for abatement of discretionary annual compensation following termination or redundancy.,Teachers (Compensation for Redundancy and Premature Retirement) Regulations 2015/601,,Enabled by Public Service Pensions Act 2013,True,1667,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2820,Planning - compensation on withdrawal of planning permission,,P,"When local authorities withdraw the development rights prescribed, compensation is only payable in respect of planning applications made within 12 months beginning on the date the directions took effect. They may use the mechanism prescribed for the permitted development rights to be withdrawn without compensation being payable, provided the prescribed procedures are followed as to the manner of withdrawal, the manner of publishing the withdrawal and the maximum period of notice that may be given in respect of withdrawal. Likewise regarding permitted development rights granted by a local development order, and in respect of neighbourhood development orders",Town and Country Planning (Compensation) (England) Regulations 2015/598,,Enabled by Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,494,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/04/2015,,,,False,True 2821,Planning - development management procedures,,D,"Local authorities (planning authorities) are required to follow procedures connected with planning applications, consultations in relation to planning applications, the determination of planning applications, appeals, local development orders, certificates of lawful use or development and the maintenance of registers of planning applications and related matters.",Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595,,Enabled by Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,485|487|608|855|1707|1709|1712|1730|1731|1732|1733|1734|1735|1737|1738|1739|1740,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/04/2015,,,,False,True 2822,Planning - general permitted development,,P,Local authorities (Planning authorities) may grant planning permission for certain prescribed classes of development without the requirement for a planning application to be made under Part 3 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.,Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015/596,,Enabled by Coal Industry Act 1994 and Town and Country Planning Act 1990,True,1707|1709,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,15/04/2015,,,,False,True 2823,Planning - override of easements,,P,"Local authorities may override easements and other rights which would otherwise restrict their use of land that has been acquired or appropriated for planning purposes. They can do this only if the use is in accordance with planning permission. ",Town and Country Planning (Power to Override Easements and Applications by Statutory Undertakers) (Wales) Order 2015/1794,,Enabled by Planning Act 2008,True,485|487|1707|1709,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,14/10/2015,,,,False,True 2824,Social care - visiting detained children,,D,"Local authorities as prescribed must arrange for a representative to visit a child within 10 working days of the child first being detained or required to reside in approve premises and thereafter whenever reasonably requested to do so by specified persons, for example, the child, the child's parents, or in line with the recommendations made by the representative. During each visit, the representative must speak to the child in private unless it is not appropriate to do so or the child refuses and provide a report of each visit providing content and copies as prescribed. LAs must also have regard to the further provision in relation to the duty under section 97(3)(b) of the Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014 to arrange for advice and support to be available to the child.",Visits to Children in Detention (Wales) Regulations 2015/1823,,Enabled by Social Services and Well Being (Wales) Act 2014,True,840|1722,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2016,,,,False,True 2825,Social care - young carers needs assessment,,D,"Local authorities must carry out the assessment of a young carer?s needs appropriately and proportionately and must provide information about the manner and form of the assessment so far as reasonably practicable before it takes place. LAs must ensure that a person carrying out the assessment on their behalf is appropriately trained and has sufficient knowledge and skill to carry out that assessment; consult others with expertise and knowledge in relation to the young carer and must have regard to any other assessment which may have been carried out. LAs must consider the prescribed matters when carrying out the assessment.",Section 17ZA to ZC of the Children Act 1989,,See also Young Carers (Needs Assessments) Regulations 2015/527,True,1755,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to The Common Council of the City of London and The Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2826,Early years provision - information about young children,,D,The regulations identify when a local authority will have the responsibility of the duties of a prescribed person pursuant to the Childcare Act 2006.,"Regulations 5, 6 and 9 of the Childcare (Provision of Information About Young Children) (England) Regulations 2009/1554.",Childcare Act 2006 - Section 99.,Enabled by Childcare Act 2006 - Section 99,True,12|20|1741,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/01/2015,,,,False,True 2827,Council tax - listing and appeals,,D,A local authority must comply with the content of the Regulations relating to the content of lists and appeals.,Council Tax (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2009/2270,,Enabled by The Local Government Finance Act 1988 and the Local Government Finance Act 1992.,True,57,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority) and the Common Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/10/2009,,,,False,True 2828,Council tax - valuation tribunal,,D,A local authority must comply with the procedure set out in the Valuation Tribunal for England (Council Tax and Rating Appeals) (Procedure) Regulations 2009/2269.,Valuation Tribunal for England (Council Tax and Rating Appeals) (Procedure) Regulations 2009/2269,,Enabled by Local Government Finance Act 1988 ? Part III and Part XI,True,57,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2009,,,,False,True 2829,Social care - direct payment eligibility,,D,Regulations 2 to 14 identify the eligibility criteria for persons entitled to receive direct payments from local authorities in England.,"Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009/1887",,Enabled by Mental Health Act 1993; Children Act 1989; National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and the Health and Social Care Act 2001,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,09/11/2009,,,,False,True 2830,Social care - review and termination of direct payments,,D,Regulations 15 to 20 identify the eligibility criteria for persons entitled to receive direct payments from local authorities in England.,"Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009/1887",,Enabled by Mental Health Act 1993; Children Act 1989; National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 and the Health and Social Care Act 2001,True,287,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,09/11/2009,,,,False,True 2831,Environment - flood risk assessment,,D,"A local authority must, (subject to Part V) prepare a preliminary assessment report in relation to flooding in its area and a Welsh local authority must do so by a prescribed date. The local authority must have regard to relevant guidance when so doing.",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applicable to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2832,Environment - significant flood risk,,D,"A local authority must (subject to Part V)? determine whether, in its opinion, there is a significant flood risk in its area, and identify the part of the area affected by the risk (the ?flood risk area). In so doing it must also have regard to appropriate guidance and the dispute resolution mechanism in relation to the final determination",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 14,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2).,True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2833,Environment - flood risk assessment review,,D,"A local authority must (subject to Part V) review? (a) the preliminary assessment report prepared by it under regulation 10, and (b) its determination and identification of flood risk areas under regulation 14. Following a review, a lead local authority may prepare a revised preliminary assessment report. The first review must be completed before 22nd June 2017. Subsequent reviews must be carried out at intervals of no more than 6 years.",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 17,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2).,True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,10/12/2009,,,,False,True 2834,Environment - flood risk and flood hazard maps,,D,"A local authority must prepare (within any time limits prescribed) in relation to each relevant flood risk area? (a) a flood hazard map, and (b) a flood risk map. Following a review by the lead agency, a local authority may revise its flood hazard map or flood risk map.",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulations 19 to 21,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2835,Environment - review of flood hazard and flood risk maps,,D,"A local authority must review each flood hazard map and each flood risk map prepared by it under regulation 19. Following a review, a lead local flood authority may prepare? (a) a revised flood hazard map; (b) a revised flood risk map. The first review must be completed before 22nd June 2019. Subsequent reviews must be carried out at intervals of no more than 6 years.",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 24,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,10/02/2009,,,,False,True 2836,Environment - flood risk management plan,,D,"A local authority must prepare (within any time limits prescribed) a flood risk management plan in relation to each relevant flood risk area. Following a review by the lead agency, a local authority may revise its flood risk management plan.",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulations 26 and 27,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2837,Environment - review of flood risk management plan,,D,"A local authority must review its Flood Risk Management Plan Following a review, a lead local flood authority may prepare? (a) a revised flood hazard map; (b) a revised flood risk map. The first review must be completed before 22nd June 2021. Subsequent reviews must be carried out at intervals of no more than 6 years. Following a review, the lead local flood authority must prepare a revised flood risk management plan.",Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 30,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/12/2009,,,,False,True 2838,Environment - co-operation regarding flood risk,,D,A local authority must co-operate with other named bodies when exercising its functions under these Regulations.,Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 35,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2839,Environment - information requests regarding flood risk,,P,A local authority may require information in relation to the exercise of its functions under the Regulations from certain other bodies.,Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 36,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2840,Environment - provision of information regarding flood risk,,P,A local authority must provide information to certain bodies in relation to the exercise of the functions of those bodies under the Regulations.,Flood Risk Regulations 2009/3042 - Regulation 36,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? s2(2),True,1611|1612|1613,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2841,Social care - complaints procedure (England),,D,"Each responsible body must make arrangements (?arrangements for dealing with complaints?) in accordance with these Regulations for the handling, consideration and resolution of complaints.",Local Authority Social Services and National Health Service Complaints (England) Regulations 2009/309 - Regulations 3 to 19,,Enabled by Part 2 and Part 6 Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards Act) 2009,True,353|645,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2009,,,,False,True 2842,Planning - Environmental Impact Assessment consideration,,D,"A local authority must not make an order granting subsequent consent unless it has first taken the environmental information into consideration, and it must state in its decision that it has done so and in doing so must follow the prescribed procedure.",Infrastructure Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) Regulations 2009/2263 - Regulations 3 to 25,,Enabled by Section 2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,1738,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,13/04/2012,,,,False,True 2843,Roadworks - charges for prolonged occupation (England),,D,"A local authority must, where acting as a highway authority, collect the prescribed charges for undertaking works set out by the Regulations.",Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2009/303 - regulation 9,,Enabled by New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ? Part III,True,569,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/10/2012,,,,False,True 2844,Food safety - eggs and chicks,,D,"Each local authority acting as food authority must? (a) enforce the provisions mentioned in Schedule 2, as read with regulation 9, and the provisions mentioned in Schedule 3, as read with regulation 16, insofar as they apply to? the retail sale of eggs within their area; the sale of eggs to a mass caterer in their area; and the use of eggs within their area. (b) enforce the provisions of regulation 20(3) and (4) in the case of a direction given by an authorised officer who is authorised by the food authority (?a food authority officer?); (c) enforce the provisions of regulation 20(6) in the case of a pack or container secured by a food authority officer; (d) enforce the provisions of regulation 20(11) and (12) in the case of the disturbance or removal of any item or computer equipment in contravention of the terms of a notice given by a food authority officer; (e) enforce the provisions of regulation 22(3) in the case of a compliance notice given by a food authority officer; (f) enforce the provisions of regulation 22(7) in the case of a compliance notice given by a food authority officer; and (g) enforce the provisions of regulation 26 in the case of an obstruction of a food authority officer.",Regulations 17 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009.,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,24/12/2012,,,,False,True 2845,Food safety - eggs and chicks enforcement,,D,Each local authority must assist the secretary of state or another food authority in the enforcement of the Regulations.,Regulations 18 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/09/2009,,,,False,True 2846,Food safety - eggs and chicks entry to premises,,P,An authorised officer may enter premises and seize samples after following certain procedures for the purpose of the enforcement of these Regulations.,Regulations 19 to 21 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/09/2009,,,,False,True 2847,Food safety - eggs and chicks compliance notice,,P,An authorised officer may serve a compliance notice in certain circumstances having followed a prescribed procedure.,Regulations 22 and 23 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009.,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/09/2009,,,,False,True 2848,Food safety - eggs and chicks publishing information,,D,A local authority must publicise certain information regarding enforcement action in certain circumstances.,Regulation 25 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/09/2009,,,,False,True 2849,Food safety - eggs and chicks prosecution,,P,A local authority may bring a prosecution for offences within 1 year of having sufficient information in which to do so.,Regulation 28 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/09/2009,,,,False,True 2850,Food safety - eggs and chicks penalty notice,,P,A local authority may serve (and withdraw) a penalty notice to deal with certain contraventions of the Regulations in certain circumstances. The penalty notice must be in the prescribed form and served in the prescribed manner.,Regulations 30 to 37 and Schedules 3 and 4 of the Eggs and Chicks (England) Regulations 2009,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts I, II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,14/09/2009,,,,False,True 2851,Food safety - food for particular nutritional purposes (England),,D,A local authority must enforce these Regulations in its area.,Regulation 3 of the Food for Particular Nutritional Uses (Addition of Substances for Specific Nutritional Purposes) (England) Regulations 2009/3051,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/01/2010,,,,False,True 2852,Food safety - food for particular nutritional purposes (Wales),,D,A local authority must enforce these Regulations in its area.,Regulation 3 of the Food for Particular Nutritional Uses (Addition of Substances for Specific Nutritional Purposes) (Wales) Regulations 2009/3254,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/01/2010,,,,False,True 2853,Food safety - food irradiation (England),,D,A local authority must enforce these Regulations in its area and give assistance to other authorities.,Regulation 9 of the Food Irradiation (England) Regulations 2009/1584,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/01/2010,,,,False,True 2854,Food safety - food irradiation (Wales),,D,A local authority must enforce these Regulations in its area and give assistance to other authorities.,Regulation 9 of the Food Irradiation (Wales) Regulations 2009/1795,,"Enabled by Food Safety Act 1990, Parts II and IV",True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/07/2009,,,,False,True 2855,Food safety - information regarding feed and food controls,,P,"A local authority may, where appropriate obtain, provide and exchange information with another competent authority.","Regulations 4, 5 and 8 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255",,Can also be a duty in some circumstances. Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary power/duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,22/04/2011,,,,False,True 2856,Food safety official feed and food controls enforcement (England),,D,A local authority must have regard to Guidance Issues by the Secretary of State when exercising its functions under the Regulations.,Regulation 6 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/01/2015,,,,False,True 2857,"Food safety - official feed and food controls execution (England) ",,D,"A local authority must, where appropriate execute and enforce the Regulations.",Regulations17 and 18 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2858,Food safety - imported animal feed enforcement (England),,P,"A local authority must, where appropriate enforce the Regulations with regard to imported animal feed.","Regulations 23, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33 and 36 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255",,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2859,Food safety - imformation regarding imported animal feed (England),,P,A local authority may exchange information with regard to imported animal feed.,Regulation 26 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2860,Food safety - imported animal feed samples (England),,P,"A local authority may, in order to enforce the Regulations with regard to imported animal feed procure, analyse and where necessary enter premises to obtain samples.",Regulations 37 to 39 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2861,Food safety - animal feed - recovery of expenses,,P,"A local authority may, recover its expenses from the Operator in certain cases.",Regulations 43 and 44 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (England) Regulations 2009/3255,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2862,Food safety - feed and food controls information exchange (Wales),,P,"A local authority may, where appropriate obtain, provide and exchange information with another competent authority.","Regulations 4, 5 and 8 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (Wales) Regulations 2009/3376",,Also a duty in some circumstances. Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,False,406|407,,True,Secondary power/duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2011,,,,False,True 2863,Food safety - feed and food controls regard to guidance (Wales),,D,A local authority must have regard to Guidance Issues by the Assembly when exercising its functions under the Regulations.,Regulation 6 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (Wales) Regulations 2009/3376,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,25/01/2015,,,,False,True 2864,Food safety - feed and food controls enforcement (Wales),,D,"A local authority must, where appropriate execute and enforce the Regulations.",Regulations17 and 18 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (Wales) Regulations 2009/3376,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2865,Food safety - imported animal feed enforcement (Wales),,P,"A local authority must, where appropriate enforce the Regulations with regard to imported animal feed.","Regulations 23, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33 and 36 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (Wales) Regulations 2009/3376",,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2866,Food safety - imported animal feed analysis (Wales),,P,"A local authority may, in order to enforce the Regulations with regard to imported animal feed procure, analyse and where necessary enter premises to obtain samples.",Regulations 37 to 39 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (Wales) Regulations 2009/3255,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2867,Food safety - animal feed recovery of expenses (Wales),,P,"A local authority may, recover its expenses from the Operator in certain cases.",Regulations 43 and 44 of the Official Feed and Food Controls (Wales) Regulations 2009/3376,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,True,406|407,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,25/01/2010,,,,False,True 2868,Food safety - organic products,,D,"A local authority must, where relevant enforce the Regulations and where appropriate exercise the powers therein.",The Organic Products Regulations 2009/842,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,False,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,27/04/2009,,,,False,True 2869,Food safety - scotch whisky regulations,,D,"A local authority must, where relevant enforce the Regulations and where appropriate exercise the powers therein.",Scotch Whisky Regulations 2009/2890,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2).,True,406|407,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,23/11/2009,,,,False,True 2870,Roadworks - use of fees (England),,D,"A local authority must, after deducting its expenses utilise the fess raised form undertakers, undertaking work in a highway for the purpose of developing or implementing policies for the promotion and encouragement of safe, integrated, efficient and economic transport facilities and services to, from and within its area. It must also keep accounts of how these fees are used.",Regulation 12 of the Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (England) Regulations 2009/303,,Enabled by New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ? Part III,True,569,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2871,Roadworks - collection of charges for prolonged works (Wales),,D,"A local authority must, where acting as a highway authority, collect the prescribed charges for undertaking works set out by the Regulations.",Regulation 8 of the Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (Wales) Regulations 2009/1268,,Enabled by New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ? Part III,True,569,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2012,,,,False,True 2872,Roadworks - use of fees (Wales),,D,"A local authority must, after deducting its expenses utilise the fess raised form undertakers, undertaking work in a highway for the purpose of developing or implementing policies for the promotion and encouragement of safe, integrated, efficient and economic transport facilities and services to, from and within their area and It must also keep accounts of how these fees are used.",lation 11 of the Street Works (Charges for Unreasonably Prolonged Occupation of the Highway) (Wales) Regulations 2009/1268.,,Enabled by New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 ? Part III,True,569,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance.,,True,,True,01/06/2009,,,,False,True 2873,Animal welfare - horse passports enforcement,,D,A local authority must enforce the Horse Passport Regulations 2009/1611.,"Regulation 19, Horse Passports Regulations 2009/1611.",,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,434|788,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/08/2009,,,,False,True 2874,Animal welfare - horse passport inspection,,P,A local authority may appoint inspectors who may enter premises and take prescribed steps to enforce the Regulations,Regulation 20 - Horse Passports Regulations 2009/1611,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,434|788,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/08/2009,,,,False,True 2875,Planning - appeals in Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSIs),,D,"A local authority must, where acting as a planning authority utilise this Appeals procedure for SSIs as are laid down in these Regulations.",Sites of Special Scientific Interest (Appeals) Regulations 2009/197,,"Enabled by Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, Part II and Countryside and Rights of Way Act 2000 ? Schedule 11",True,495|608|745,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/03/2009,,,,False,True 2876,Planning - written representations for appeals,,D,"A local authority must, where acting as planning authority, comply with the procedure for dealing with written representations.",Town and Country Planning (Appeals) (Written Representations Procedure) (England) Regulations 2009/452,,Enabled by Town Country Planning Act 1990 ? Part XV,True,485|487|608,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2877,Planning - time period for appeals,,D,"A local authority must, where acting as planning authority, comply with the time period set out in the Town and Country Planning (Determination of Appeal Procedure) (Prescribed Period) (England) Regulations 2009/454.",Town and Country Planning (Determination of Appeal Procedure) (Prescribed Period) (England) Regulations 2009/454,,Enabled by Town Country Planning Act 1990 ? section 319A(3),True,485|487|608,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2878,Planning - reviews of old minerals permissions,,D,"A local authority must, where acting as planning authority, comply with the requirements therein.",Town and Country Planning (Environmental Impact Assessment) (Undetermined Reviews of Old Mineral Permissions) (Wales) Regulations 2009/3342,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 s(2),True,608|1738,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,08/01/2010,,,,False,True 2879,Local authority - commercial trading,,P,"A local authority as a best value authority is authorised to do for a commercial purpose anything which it is authorised to do for the purpose of carrying on any of its ordinary functions. (2) Before exercising the power conferred by paragraph (1), the authority shall? (a) prepare a business case in support of the proposed exercise of that power; and (b) approve that business case. (3) A best value authority shall recover the costs of any accommodation, goods, services, staff or any other thing that it supplies to a company in pursuance of any agreement or arrangement to facilitate the exercise of the power conferred by paragraph (1).",Regulation 2 of the Local Government (Best Value Authorities) (Power to Trade) (England) Order 2009/2393,,Enabled by Part 8 of the Local Government Act 2003,True,373|821|827|869|883|1046|1289,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/10/2009,,,,False,True 2880,Public transport - quality contract schemes,,D,A local authority which is also a transport authority and is proposing a quality contract scheme for bus services in its area must comply with and where relevant enforce the following Regulations.,Quality Contracts Schemes (Application of TUPE) Regulations 2009/3246,,"See also Quality Contracts Schemes (Pension Protection) Regulations 2009/3247, Quality Contracts Schemes (QCS Boards) (England) Regulations 2009/3243, Quality Contracts Schemes (Tendering Requirements) (England) Regulations 2009/3244, Quality Partnership Schemes (England) Regulations 2009/445 and Quality Partnership Schemes (Wales) Regulations 2009/3293. Enabled by Transport Act 2000 ?Part II",True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,09/04/2009,,,,False,True 2881,Schools - school staffing,,D,A local authority and the Governing Body of a School must comply with the School Staffing England Regulations 2009.,School Staffing (England) Regulations 2009/2680,,Enabled by Education Act 2002 and School Standards and Framework Act 1998.,True,1667,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,02/09/2009,,,,False,True 2882,Housing - purchase of equitable interest (England),,P,"A local authority as housing authority may with the agreement of the tenant purchase an equitable interest in a flat where the conditions in paragraph (2) are satisfied. (2) The conditions mentioned in paragraph (1) are that? (a) a long lease of the flat was granted or assigned by the landlord or another housing authority; (b) the tenant is liable under the terms of the lease to pay service charges to the landlord in respect of repairs or improvement contributions (whether to the flat, the building in which it is situated or any other building or land); and (c) the purpose of the purchase is to assist the tenant to meet some or all of the service charge payments.",Housing (Purchase of Equitable Interests) (England) Regulations 2009/601 - regulation 2,,Enabled by Section 450D - Housing Act 1985,True,665,,False,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2009,,,,False,True 2883,Members - written record of decisions and actions,,D,"Where a member of a local authority discharges any function of the authority by virtue of arrangements made under section 236 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act 2007 (exercise of functions by local councillors in England), that member must? (a) ensure that a record is made in writing of any decision made or action taken in connection with the discharge of that function; and (b) within one month of the date on which the decision is made, or action taken, provide the record to the authority. The authority may also withdraw that exemption by notice.",Regulation 2 of the Local Councillors (Written Records) Regulations 2009/352,,Enabled by Section 100EA of the Local Government Act 1972,True,1030,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,,,False,True 2884,Environment - damage prevention and remediation,,D,Where a local authority has granted a permit pursuant to Part II or in some circumstances Part III of the Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 it must enforce that permit.,Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995. Regulations 10 to 12.,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,19/07/2015,,,,False,True 2885,Environment - damage enforcement notice,,D,"Where the regulations apply to the local authority and environment damage seems likely the local authority must take all practicable steps, may serve an enforcement notice and may carry out certain operations itself.",Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulations 13 to 15,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/05/2009,,,,False,True 2886,Environment - compensation for damage under instruction,,P,"Where local has instructed the operator to takes steps that have themselves resulted in environmental damage the authority may have to pay certain costs to the operator. ",Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulation 16,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/05/2009,,,,False,True 2887,Environment - assessment of damage and remediation,,D,"Where the Regulations apply to the local authority and damage has been caused the local authority must assess that damage notify the operator of any remedial action and in certain circumstances served a remediation notice in the prescribed form. ",Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulations 17 to 22,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/05/2009,,,,False,True 2888,Environmental damage - carrying out remedial work,,P,Where the Regulations apply to the local authority and damage has been caused the local authority may carry out remedial works itself in certain circumstances,Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulation 23,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2889,Environmental damage - recovery of costs for remedial work,,P,"Where the Regulations apply the local authority may, in certain circumstances, take action to recover its costs",Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulations 24 to 28,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2890,Environmental damage - requests from interested parties,,D,Where the Regulations apply the local authority must consider requests for action from interested parties,Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulation 29,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2891,Environmental damage - appointment of authorised persons,,P,Where the Regulations apply the local authority may appoint authorised persons to exercise its powers and carry out its duties in accordance with the Regulations,Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulation 31,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2892,Environmental damage - provision of information by operator,,P,Where the Regulations apply the local authority may require the operator to provide it with certain information,Environmental Damage (Prevention and Remediation) (Wales) Regulations 2009/995 - regulation 32,,Enabled by S2(2) European Communities Act 1972,True,660|745,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,,True,06/04/2009,,,,False,True 2893,Council tax - alteration of requisite calculations (England),,D,A local authority must comply with the Regulations when making the calculations which fall within those Regulations.,Local Authorities (Alteration of Requisite Calculations) (England) Regulations 2009/206,,Enabled by Greater London Authority Act 1999 and the Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57|969,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Applies to all authorities responsible for settling or billing council tax,True,10/02/2009,,,,False,True 2894,Council tax - alteration of requisite calculations (Wales),,D,A local authority must comply with the Regulations when making the calculations which fall within those Regulations.,Local Authorities (Alteration of Requisite Calculations) (Wales) Regulations 2009/267,,Enabled by The Local Government Finance Act 1992,True,57|969,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,28/02/2009,,,,False,True 2895,Non-domestic rates - chargeable amounts,,D,A local authority must comply with the Regulations when making the calculations which fall within those Regulations,Non-Domestic Rating (Chargeable Amounts) (England) Regulations 2009/3343,,Enabled by The Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,54|969,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,applies to any billing authority,True,17/12/2009,,,,False,True 2896,Non-domestic rates - lists and appeals,,D,A local authority must comply with the Regulations when making the calculations which fall within those Regulations,Non-Domestic Rating (Alteration of Lists and Appeals) (England) Regulations 2009/2268,,Enabled by The Local Government Finance Act 1988,True,54|969,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,Applies to any billing authority,True,28/03/2015,,,,False,True 2897,Recycling - register of battery producers,,P,"A local authority must prepare, maintain and make available a register of producers and publish applications for inclusion in the register the prescribed form.",Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009/890 - regulation 77,,Enabled by Europeans Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2009,,,,False,True 2898,Recycling - monitoring of compliance with battery recycling scheme,,D,A local authority must monitor compliance with the scheme and accuracy of producer information,Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009/890 - regulation 78,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2009,,,,False,True 2899,Recycling - waste batteries and accumulators,,D,A local authority must comply with its general duties,Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009/890 - regulations 79 and 80,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2009,,,,False,False 2900,Recycling - publishing of information regarding waste batteries,,D,A local authority must share and publish the prescribed information in the prescribed format in accordance with the Regulations.,Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009/890 - regulation 81,,Enabled by Europeans Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,,,False,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority).,True,05/05/2009,,,,False,False 2901,Recycling - sharing of information regarding battery recycling schemes,,P,A local authority may share certain information with certain bodies for certain purposes in accordance with the Regulations.,Waste Batteries and Accumulators Regulations 2009/890 - regulation 82,,Enabled by European Communities Act 1972 ? section 2(2),True,,,False,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,05/05/2009,,,,False,False 2902,Families - forced marriage protection order,,P,A local authority is a relevant third party for the purposes of applying for a forced marriage protection order under section 63C(2) of the Family Law Act 1996,Family Law Act 1996 (Forced Marriage)(Relevant Third Party) Order 2009/2023 - article 3,,Enabled by Family Law Act 1996 ? sections 63 and 65,True,731,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority),True,01/11/2009,,,,False,True 2903,Fire compliance - sub-surface railway stations,,P,"Where a fire and rescue authority is satisfied in respect of any particular station premises that compliance with a requirement of any of the provisions of regulations 5(2), 6(2), 9(8) and 10(2) is inappropriate, unnecessary or not reasonably practicable, the fire and rescue authority may by notice in writing to the occupier of the premises grant exemption from compliance with the requirement to such extent as is reasonable having regard to all the circumstances of the case and in particular to the risk in case of fire to persons in the premises.",Fire Precautions (Sub-surface Railway Stations) (England) Regulations 2009/782 - regulation 11,,"Enabled by Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005/1541, Pt 2 art. 24",True,814,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,,,False,True 2904,Emergency plan - extraction sites,,D,"A local authority must draw up an emergency plan, ensure compliance with and enforce the Regulations",Major Accident Off-Site Emergency Plan (Management of Waste from Extractive Industries) (England and Wales) Regulations 2009/1927 - regulations 1 to 10,,Enabled by Part 1 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974,True,419|703|792|1673,,True,Secondary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2013,,,,False,True 2905,Education - publication of learner travel information,,P,A local authority must publish the information specified in Part 1 of the Schedule to these Regulations in the manner prescribed and at the times prescribed.,Learner Travel Information (Wales) Regulations 2009/569 - regulation 4, - regulation 4,Enabled by Sections 2 and 26 - Leaner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008,True,891|1135,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,,,False,True 2906,Education - provision of information on learner travel,,D,A local authority must provide such of the information specified in Part 2 of the Schedule to these Regulations as is in its possession on request and free of charge to the persons prescribed in the regulations,Learner Travel Information (Wales) Regulations 2009/569 - regulation 5,,Enabled by Sections 2 and 26 - Leaner Travel (Wales) Measure 2008,True,891|1135,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,,,False,True 2907,Housing - slum clearance areas,,P,A local housing authority may declare a slum clearance area and purchase land in slum clearance area.,"Section 289 of the Housing Act 1985 ",,"See also Section 290 of the Housing Act 1985 ",True,144,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,,,,Date of applicability unknown,False,True 2908,Transport - competitive tender for services,,D,It shall be the duty of an authority to enter into competitive tenders for transport services in certain circumstances.,Section 89 of the Transport Act 1985,,"See also Sections 90 to 91 of the Transport Act 1985, Service Subsidy Agreements (Tendering) (England) Regulations 2002/2090 and Service Subsidy Agreements (Tendering) Regulations 1985/1921",True,493|830|1629,,True,Secondary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2009,,,Partially in force from 01/04/2009,False,True 2909,Weights and measures - local standards,,P,There shall be maintained by each local weights and measures authority such standards (in this Act referred to as ?local standards?) of such of the measures and weights set out in Schedule 3 to this Act as the Secretary of State may from time to time approve or require in the case of that authority as being proper and sufficient for the purposes of this Act.,"Section 4 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1990/2626, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Linear Measures) Regulations 1986/1684, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1986/1685 and Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 1994/1851",True,404,,True,Primary duty of primary importance.,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly.",True,30/01/1986,,,,False,True 2910,Weights and measures ? Working standards testing and stamping equipment,,P,"Each local weights and measures authority shall provide for use by the inspectors appointed for the authority's area, and maintain or from time to time replace? (a) such standards (in this Act referred to as ?working standards?) of such of the measures and weights set out in Schedule 3 to this Act. (b) such testing equipment, and (c) such stamping equipment, as are proper and sufficient for the efficient discharge by those inspectors of their functions in the authority's area.","Section 5 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1995/735, Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/1259, Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 2001/599, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1990/2626, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Linear Measures) Regulations 1986/1684, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 1991/1775, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1986/1685 and Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 1994/1851",True,404,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,30/01/1986,,,,False,True 2911,Weights and measures - exchange of standards or equipment,,P,"A local authority may? provide a particular working standard or item of equipment by making arrangements with another person for the standard or item to be made available by him, and make arrangements with another person for standards or equipment provided by the authority, except stamping equipment, to be made available to the other person","Section 5 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1995/735, Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/1259, Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 2001/599, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1990/2626, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Linear Measures) Regulations 1986/1684, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 1991/1775, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1986/1685 and Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 1994/1851",True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,30/01/1986,,,,False,True 2912,Weights and measures - hiring of equipment,,P,"A local authority may If they are of the opinion that any particular description of testing equipment is proper and sufficient for the efficient discharge of the functions of the inspectors appointed for the authority's area, but that, having regard to the expenditure involved and the frequency with which such equipment is likely to be used by those inspectors, it would not be reasonable for the authority to provide and maintain such equipment, request the Secretary of State to provide and maintain such equipment and to make it available for hire to the authority","Section 5 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1995/735, Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 1994/1259, Measuring Equipment (Capacity Measures) (Amendment) Regulations 2001/599, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Capacity Measures and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1990/2626, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Linear Measures) Regulations 1986/1684, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) (Amendment) Regulations 1991/1775, Weights and Measures (Local and Working Standard Weights and Testing Equipment) Regulations 1986/1685 and Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations 1994/1851",True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,30/01/1986,,,,False,True 2913,Weights and measures - employment of officers,,P,"A local authority who are for the time being, or have at any time been, a local weights and measures authority under this Act or the Weights and Measures Act 1963 may provide and maintain within their area for use by the public such weighing or measuring equipment as may appear to the authority to be expedient. Without prejudice to the provisions of any other Act, and subject to section 18 above, a local authority may employ persons to attend to any weighing or measuring by means of equipment provided by that authority for use by the public. Except in the case of a weighing or measuring for which, under any other Act, the charge falls to be regulated from time to time by some other person, a local authority by whom any weighing or measuring equipment is provided for use by the public may make such charges for any weighing or measuring by means of that equipment as they may from time to time think fit.","Section 19 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,,True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,30/01/1986,,,,False,True 2914,Weights and measures - weighing by inspectors,,P,"Local authority inspectors may weigh and measure goods, require the production of documents and weigh vehicles in certain circumstances.","Section 38 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also sections 39 to 40 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,01/10/2015,,,,False,True 2915,Weights and measures - annual report,,D,A local authority acting as a local weights and measures authority must provide an annual report to the Secretary of State for every financial year.,"Section 70 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,,True,404,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,30/01/1986,,,,False,True 2916,Weights and measures - appointment of chief inspectors and inspectors,,D,A local authority must appoint a Chief Inspector and Inspectors.,"Section 72 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also sections 73 to 74 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",True,404,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,06/04/2006,,,,False,True 2917,Weights and measures - fees for work resulting from EU obligation,,P,"A local weights and measures authority may charge such reasonable fees as they may determine? for services or facilities provided by them, or by the inspectors appointed for their area, in pursuance of a EU obligation, and for authorisations, certificates or other documents issued by the authority or any such inspector in pursuance of a EU 1 obligation. ","Section 76 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,"See also sections 77 to 78 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,22/04/2011,,,,False,True 2918,Weights and measures - investigatory powers,,P,"The investigatory powers available to a local weights and measures authority for the purposes of the enforcement of this Act, are set out in Schedule 5 to the Consumer Rights Act 2015.","Section 79A of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,,True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,01/10/2015,,,,False,True 2919,Weights and measures - prosecutions,,P,A local weights and measures authority may prosecute offences under the Act.,"Section 83 of the Weights and Measures Act 1985 ",,,True,404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, and the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,06/04/2006,,,,False,True 2920,Airports - direction to form a company,,D,"The Secretary of State may give to any principal council who control (whether alone or jointly with one or more other principal councils) an airport to which this section applies in accordance with section 14, a direction requiring the council to form a company for the purpose of carrying on? (a) the business of operating the airport as a commercial undertaking; and (b) any activities which appear to the council to be incidental to or connected with carrying on that business.",Section 13 of the Airports Act 1986,,See also section 14 of the Airports Act 1986,True,,,False,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/10/2009,,,,False,True 2921,Disabled persons - taking into account ability of carer,,D,"Where a disabled person is living at home and receiving a substantial amount of care on a regular basis from another person (who is not a person employed to provide such care by any body in the exercise of its functions under any enactment), and it falls to a local authority in Wales or Scotland to decide whether the disabled person's needs call for the provision by them of any services for him under any of the welfare enactments, the local authority shall, in deciding that question, have regard to the ability of that other person to continue to provide such care on a regular basis.","Section 8 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,209|1755,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2922,Disabled persons - consultation before co-opting representative to committee,,D,"Where any enactment provides for the appointment or co-option to any council, committee or body of one or more persons with special knowledge of the needs of disabled persons, such appointment or co-option shall only be made after consultation with such organisation or organisations of disabled people as may be appropriate in each case.","Section 10 Disabled Persons (Services, Consultation and Representation) Act 1986",,,True,204,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/1987,,,,False,True 2923,Local authority - prohibition of political publicity,,D,"A local authority shall not publish or arrange for the publication of any material which, in whole or in part, appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party. ",Section 2 Local Government Act 1986,,,True,359|659|822,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, a joint authority established by the Local Government Act 1985, the Council of the Isles of Scilly, or a parish or community council",True,29/12/2003,,,,False,True 2924,Local authority - code of practice for publicity,,D,A local authority must take account of Codes of Practice regarding publicity published by the Secretary of State and comply with any compliance orders made,Sections 4 to 4B Local Government Act 1986,,,True,359|659|822,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, a joint authority established by the Local Government Act 1985, the Council of the Isles of Scilly, or a parish or community council",True,01/07/1999,,,,False,True 2925,"Local authority - mortgagors consent to dispose of interest as mortgagee ",,D,"A local authority shall not dispose of their interest as mortgagee of land without the prior written consent of the mortgagor (or, if there is more than one mortgagor, of all of them) specifying the name of the person to whom the interest is to be transferred.",Section 7 Local Government Act 1986,,See also Local Authorities (Disposal of Mortgages) Regulations 1986/1028,True,1719,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, a joint authority established by the Local Government Act 1985, the Council of the Isles of Scilly and any other prescribed authority",True,26/03/1986,,,,False,True 2926,"Consumer protection - search, seizure and detention",,P,"A duly authorised officer of an enforcement authority may at any reasonable hour and on production, if required, of his credentials - If the officer has reasonable grounds for suspecting that any goods are manufactured or imported goods which have not been supplied in the United Kingdom since they were manufactured or imported he may? (a) for the purpose of ascertaining whether there has been any contravention of any safety provision in relation to the goods, require any person carrying on a business, or employed in connection with a business, to produce any records relating to the business; (b) for the purpose of ascertaining (by testing or otherwise) whether there has been any such contravention, seize and detain the goods; (c) take copies of, or of any entry in, any records produced by virtue of paragraph (a) above.",Section 29 Consumer Protection Act 1987,,,True,402|404,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,01/10/2015,,,,False,True 2927,Consumer protection - compensation for seizure and detention,,D,A local authority must pay compensation where it has exercised its powers of seizure and detention in certain circumstances.,Section 34 Consumer Protection Act 1987,,,True,402|404,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Council of the Isles of Scilly ",True,01/10/2015,,,,False,True 2928,Disabled persons - transition for children to adult care and support,,D,A local authority must carry out a needs assessment under the care act for children reaching the age of 18 to whom this act applies and for whom they are responsible under the this Act.,Section 2A of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970.,,,True,209,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London (in their capacity as a local authority); and the council of the Isles of Scilly,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2929,Children and families - direct payments,,D,A local authority must comply with Regulations regarding direct payments for provision of services for children and their families.,Section 17A of the Children Act 1989,,"See also Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (England) Regulations 2009/1887, Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2011/1667 and Community Care, Services for Carers and Children's Services (Direct Payments) (Wales) Regulations 2011/831",True,287,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2930,Social care - parent carers assessment,,D,"A local authority in England must, if the conditions below are met, assess whether a parent carer within their area has needs for support and, if so, what those needs are. ?Parent carer? means a person aged 18 or over who provides or intends to provide care for a disabled child for whom the person has parental responsibility. The first condition is that? (a) it appears to the authority that the parent carer may have needs for support, or (b) the authority receive a request from the parent carer to assess the parent carer's needs for support. The second condition is that the local authority are satisfied that the disabled child cared for and the disabled child's family are persons for whom they may provide or arrange for the provision of services under section 17.",Section 17ZD to ZF of the Children Act 1989,,,True,1755,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/04/2015,,,,False,True 2931,Special educational needs - continued provision where EHC plan maintained,,P,"This section applies where, immediately before a child in need reaches the age of 18? a local authority in England is providing services for the child in the exercise of functions conferred by section 17, and an EHC plan is maintained for the child. The local authority may continue to provide services for the child in the exercise of those functions after the child reaches the age of 18, but may not continue to do so after the EHC plan has ceased to be maintained. In this section ?EHC plan? means a plan within section 37(2) of the Children and Families Act 2014.",Section 17ZG and ZI of the Children Act 1989,,,True,8,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/09/2014,,,,False,True 2932,Fostering - staying put arrangements,,D,"A ?staying put arrangement? is an arrangement under which? a person who is a former relevant child by virtue of section 23C(1)(b), and a person (a ?former foster parent?) who was the former relevant child's local authority foster parent immediately before the former relevant child ceased to be looked after by the local authority, continue to live together after the former relevant child has ceased to be looked after. It is the duty of the local authority (in discharging the duties in section 23C(3) and by other means)? to monitor the staying put arrangement, and to provide advice, assistance and support to the former relevant child and the former foster parent with a view to maintaining the staying put arrangement. Support provided to the former foster parent under subsection (3)(b) must include financial support.",Section 23CZA Children Act 1989,,,True,1781,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,13/05/2014,,,,False,True 2933,Child protection - child assessment order,,P,A local authority may apply for a child assessment order,Section 43 Children Act 1989,,,True,1780,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to or the Common Council of the City of London,True,22/04/2014,,,,False,True 2934,Local authority meetings - religious/belief observance,,P,A local authority meeting may make time for religion or belief observance and may support or facilitate a religion or belief event,Sections 138A and B of the Local Government Act 1972,,,True,719|997,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,26/05/2015,,,,False,True 2935,Statutory nuisances - proceedings,,D,A local authority must commence proceedings for statutory nuisance in certain circumstances.,Section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990,,"See also Statutory Nuisances (Artificial Lighting) (Designation of Relevant Sports) (England) Order 2006/781 Statutory Nuisances (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Wales) Order 2007/120",True,416,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London, the Sub-Treasurer of the Inner Temple; the Under Treasurer of the Middle Temple; and the Council of the Isles of Scilly",True,12/03/2015,,,,False,True 2936,Planning - decision notices,,D,A local authority must have regard to prescribed decision notices,Section 71ZA and B of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990,,"See also Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015/595 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2015/1330 Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (Wales) Order 2012/801",True,485|487|608,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to a joint planning board; a national park authority; an Enterprise Zone authority; an urban development corporation; a Mayoral development corporation; a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency",True,06/09/2015,,,,False,True 2937,Planning - consultation on development order,,D,A local authority must have regard to the duty to consult in certain cases.,Section 100A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.,,,True,1707|1709,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,"Also applies to a joint planning board; a national park authority; an Enterprise Zone authority; an urban development corporation; a Mayoral development corporation; a housing action trust; and the homes and communities agency.",True,06/09/2015,,,,False,True 2938,"Public health - prevention, care and aftercare",,P,"A local authority may to the extent directed by the Secretary of State and with his approval make arrangements for provide prevention, care and aftercare in relation to its health function.",Section 192 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006.,,See also Schedule 15 of the National Health Service (Wales) Act 2006.,True,1688|1745,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,01/03/2007,,,,False,True 2939,Animal health - borrowing by Local Authority,,P,A local authority may borrow for the purposes of the Act,Section 53 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,,True,434|788,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2940,Animal health - provision of wharves etc.,,P,"A local authority may provide, erect and fit up wharves, stations, lairs, sheds and other places for the landing, reception, keeping, sale, slaughter or disposal of imported or other animals, carcases, fodder, litter, dung and other things.",Section 54 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,,True,434|772|788,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2941,Animal health - acquisition of land,,P,A local authority may acquire land for certain purposes in connection with the Act.,Section 55 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,,True,434|788,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",True,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2942,Animal health - public facilities for sheep dipping,,P,A local authority may provide public facilities for sheep dipping.,Section 56 of the Animal Health Act 1981," ",,True,434,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",True,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2943,Animal health - burial of carcasses washed ashore,,D,A local authority must pay the cost of the burial of carcasses washed ashore and may recover the cost from the ship owner.,Section 57 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,,True,434|772|788,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",False,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2944,Animal health - payment of Secretary of State's expenses,,D,A local authority must pay the Secretary of State?s expenses where he acts in default of the Authority,Section 59 of the Animal Health Act 1981,,,True,434|772|788,,True,Primary duty of secondary importance,,True,"Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London ",True,11/07/1981,,,,False,True 2945,Licences - granting of zoo licence,,P,"A local authority may grant a licence for a zoo, after consider inspectors' reports. Such a licence may be granted subject to conditions, may be transferred, renewed or altered.",Section 2 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,"See also Sections 3 to 7, 9A and 16 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981",True,699,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,False,06/04/2007,,,,False,True 2946,Licensing - inspection of zoos,,D,"A local authority must inspect zoos and closed zoos in its area in certain circumstances. ",Section 10 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,See also Sections 11 and 12 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,True,699,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2947,Lcensing - zoo licence - local authority zoos,,D,"A local authority must send certain information to the Secretary of State regarding the licencing of local authority zoos and must comply with the Secretary of State?s directions. ",Section 13 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,,True,699,,True,Secondary duty of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2948,Licensing - zoo licence - exemptions,,P,"A local authority may apply to the Secretary of State for a dispensation that certain zoos are to be exempt from the provisions of the Act. ",Section 14 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,,True,699,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2949,Licensing - zoo licencing - fees,,P,A local authority may charge reasonable fees in relation to dealing with licences and inspections,Section 15 of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,,True,699,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2950,Licensing - zoo licensing - enforcement and closure,,P,A local authority may give directions to enforce licencing conditions or the requirement to be licenced after following the prescribed procedure and may direct the closure of a zoo in certain circumstances.,Section 16A of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,See also sections 16B to 16C and 19A of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,True,699,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2951,Licensing - zoo licensing - welfare of animals,,P,A local authority may give directions or make arrangements for the welfare or disposal of animals in certain circumstances.,Section 16D of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,See also sections 16E to 16F of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,True,699,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2952,licensing - zoo licensing - powers of entry,,P,A person duly authorised by a local authority may enter a zoo in certain circumstances.,Section 16G of the Zoo Licensing Act 1981,,,True,699,,True,Secondary power of secondary importance,,True,,True,22/04/2003,,,,False,True 2953,Local Government - Enforcement of covenant relating to land,,P,A local Authority may enforce certain covenants relating to land in certain circumstances.,Section 33 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,,True,418|649|661|709,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London.,True,26/05/2015,,,,False,True 2954,Regulation - temporary markets,,P,A local Authority may resolve to control temporary markets in certain circumstances.,Section 37 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,,True,617|679|782,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London.,True,26/05/2015,,,,False,True 2955,Personal property - Lost and uncollected property,,P,A local Authority may take possession of lost and uncollected property in certain circumstances.,Section 41 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,,True,580|582,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London.,True,26/05/2015,,,,False,True 2956,Employment and training - arrangements,,P,A local Authority may enter into arrangements with the Secretary of State pursuant to the Employment and Training Act 1973,Section 45 of the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1982,,,True,1128|1298|1650,,True,Primary power of secondary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London.,True,03/07/2000,,,,False,True 2957,Mental health - arrangement of interview,,D,A local social services authority must arrange for a person to be interviewed by a mental health professional in certain circumstances,Section 14 Mental Health Act 1983,,,True,1284,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,,True,03/11/2008,,,,False,True 2958,Elections - register of electors - compilation and maintenance,,D,"A Registration Officer shall compile, canvass for and maintain a register of electors for both national and local elections.",Sections 9 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,"See also sections 9A to 9E and 10ZC to ZE of the Representation of the People Act 1983, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/752, Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001/341, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2015/1971, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2015/467 and Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Description of Electoral Registers and Amendment) Regulations 2013/3198",True,364,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,25/07/2015,,,,False,True 2959,Elections - register of electors - publication,,D,A Registration Officer shall publish a revised version of the Register of Electors in certain circumstances and make certain alterations.,Section 13 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,"See also sections 13A to 13BC of the Representation of the People Act 1983, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/752, Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001/341, Representation of the People (England and Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2006/752 and Representation of the People (England and Wales) Regulations 2001/341",True,364,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,25/07/2015,,,,False,True 2960,Elections - assistance to returning officer,,P,A local authority may appoint officers to assist the returning officer.,Section 28 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,See also Returning Officers (Parliamentary Constituencies) (England) Order 2007/2878 and Returning Officers (Parliamentary Constituencies) (Wales) Order 2007/171,True,721,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,06/05/2002,,,,False,True 2961,Elections - polling districts and stations,,P,"For elections of county councillors in England, the county council may divide an electoral division into polling districts, and may alter any polling district, and for elections of London borough or district councillors the London borough or district council may divide the London borough or district or any ward thereof into polling districts, and may alter any polling district. For elections of county or county borough councillors in Wales, the county or county borough council may divide an electoral division into polling districts and may alter any polling district.",Section 31 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,,True,362|1679,,True,Primary power of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,01/01/2007,,,,False,True 2962,Elections - appointment of returning officer,,P,"In England every non-metropolitan county council shall appoint an officer of the council to be the returning officer for elections of councillors of the county and every district council shall appoint an officer of the council to be the returning officer for the elections of councillors of the district and an officer of the council to be the returning officer for elections of councillors of parishes within the district. In Wales the council of every county or county borough shall appoint? an officer of the council to be the returning officer for elections of councillors of the county or county borough; and an officer of the council to be the returning officer for elections of councillors of communities within the county or county borough.",Section 35 of the Representation of the People Act 1983,,,True,721,,True,Primary duty of primary importance,,True,Also applies to the Common Council of the City of London,True,14/12/1999,,,,False,True 2963,Test,,P,Test,,,,False,1152,,False,,,False,,False,31/05/2016,,,,False,True